25 TIM.MINs Canadl .if TAXI mid Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th St. . MATT VIDECK, Prop. V ij XV NO, 103, ui the bead of the. ' ' f the possibility that ONTARIO MINES BREAK RECORDS Roallied Monthly by Gold and Silver Properties Out.. Aug. 20. AR- " pnitils of 1,250,000 " n!i.rd every inoulh " and oilver mines of; 'i iiiiio. Tills Is Ibo ' "d thus far in linn ' mining in (his pro EXPLORATION SHIP ANCHORED AT ETAH an Vestal 14 n ,i iut n n,i "oard From For Thirty Days AIII.IMilMV in. ..... III' ( lllwlill.... ..t. . ...... , .. , cApiorauon 'In ii mi L'0. ship, hot been l.i.i.e,! nf fur l,l- mid the whereabouts III'' I Wat ....I i . ..'f.i .1 . ibiiiiii, lfl euiv '; 1 ''Of "i :i, Harbor. (Ireen- io a wireless ' ''eiveii f,0iv tl(. Mac b'ii lb wdoin. ft.; ma 11 accused kI ill did not neem lilt lOMC'l mm in naluc the seriousness of tbo So Far This Year Total for Discharge tHit them and the H- Is 48,863,909 Board ally thy may have to pay if llw Fccl arc found guilty. Their slay of, ! The total measurement of logs nearly n )ir at Okalla Prison .eems to bae iad little effect sealed mice tin- beginning of the main thriu. although there has car 8.H03.l0t board feet in bifH some change in their gu- 'addition lo a large quantity of eral appe.iramje, perhaps through' lH'-' P0 and railway lies. , now being better clolhed. since: For the month of July the total they were in Prim lluperl Inst I8.SJI0.201 board feet which fall on their way south. After, ' "lade- p as follows: , ii.. ...rv thai .iM-i.lc whether Douglas Fir l03,G6J ir not I hey are guilly of murder ; Hed Cedar . u-a empanelled. Ihe Inking or Spnife evidence wa ronimenel and the Homlfrefc - .. cae in till pmeewling Ihlx af-. Halln 'icrnoon. mol of Ihe oilencJacpiH through Ibe mouth of a wpmanl'OPces O.I... .refer who. loBthr Willi IlllerUlf .pniC the wilneMii, bad lo he brought out thin summer from the remole may be defeated In. rt((rn Tll4. pro,Wu- iiiilesl, if opposed tiy "i . I here is ii Kisibll-S'. wmm Inter being se-"t-1 leadership. The it is hat Conerva-" he -alisfted to con-ti lei pooley leader- lion I hem conducted hy .. w . Patnmre and F- F. Jones, oily olicitor. U ictii on hehall ot the aeciiseil. Ilesid the native wilnesso. evidence is being given in oun- ineclion with Ihe case h) in- rlor T. V. Sandys-Wunsch. lit i 41 Ik I..k mllillil ll I ! I lltii lit- t he murdered man win. sUMpreled id bewitching another native, I.ool. an old tribesman and parent of the accused woman anil her liroiners. . Ihe p:tiie six NEARLY FIFTY MILLION FEET Ml... ...I. I-., wuu v lL-i.n i,a dllriil lasl I nil auer iiiohmi headed a dctaeluneul eonsisung ,,r l on-'ables Neville and Martin '!lii--h investigated the alleged ini'itder. traced the supposed pur-l Tof.t. of $1,250,000 B..n. pHr..-- " J Itlr'HiHio ii.'-m " journey Hiking ...nv lha it llll S.dl'U 1UHU IH'HIK course. - l.v the officers in In tlie nalie evidence Is un- r..i.ii a s or.v'oi wncneruii. j still practised by Hie Indians in the remote northern eecuon the province Odtonwood Hallway ties arc measured in dividual!) ami pulpwood fence pols and shingle bolts by Ihe cord, and piles are lineal feel. Detail follows: Poles 69.550 lleinloek Piles ... ... .. 12.120 Ceilap Piles 80,280 Oordwood 2J8 Shinale Polls 30 Pine Ties 9.375 GOLD PAN IS 2,523.310 1,127,712 3.012.0K7 1,210,31)5 5.8S3 391 572,188 31,500 , ... ... 105 M0 PAYING CREEK jll Whiting Rlvor Reports Exagger or ated But Prospectors In Other Parts of Casslar Cot Results SKA1TLK. Aug. 20. A special despatch to the Post Intelligencer from lelegraph creek says re ports of gold strikes in the vlcin ily of ijliesley at the head of the Whiting lliver district have been t i held and, so the story greally exaggerated. 1'he pros . ... .. . ..... ... ... ... ii.. ... 1 1 u I i. i ec ileil inai aim iitiura who vmi in mere un' ii.. eeordiiigly be was i found not h in k worth mentioning ."vih. ... . ...r. I I.M A 1 i.i.v r.isewiiere, iivn . now iiiint'H'i, ever, prospec jnospec- tied tin by blind and reel ami leu, to iierlsh on Ibe b'c or Ihe I.lanl! tors are meeting with better re I t i i. ..I lit,. I ml Iti lit TMllI tilts I at lllinr II l SHI" .... iiiua Ulld. of lb r'h ii' Nvilrhcraft in peeled or practising hU manner until Ihr M'lrilj. de-.,. , ,,, case, it l.emR win er. man died a ter ,. ui.rorlun.ile l o was . ea ,rt)V exposure, cut down iind i'i'- ;. ' ing discovered bv I he despatch says Unit great excijeinent retells throughout VICTOItlA. Aug .'O The my trriiius disappcaialn e of a b;. irn-plane rcportiil trif have capsized' at dusk l'ueiday fiear liiecovry' I Inland leHulled fiiuhe jtuggciion that the inland 'Wh being u cl a a l;ic for hiuggling Ikjuo, ami nar,-otie lulu the I nilcd i Slates, arroliliiif In informal 10: In Uh Iiaml- or ihe provinc at police. ' ; Incident in the virinity have, not cist twm large airplane mak itiz if Tular trips to ami from the islands for . niorr than twoj months post. ( The lluyal Canadian Mouiitcil Polio- are inrvstlaiing Hie case. liKCoery Islaihl is close to victoria. jul across a narrow ilrait from Oak 'lUy ami aliou' three milifs from lliat place. Many 'if the houses lit Oak llay over 'ok the islands utd people from their window can sec planes or ship- approach Or leave any ol I APO pri 1 1 Pr isiam w uie i'roup. i.nai-II II AM ill rll llHI" I ''"''. tJieecond largest serve while at Ihe north end of Discovery is a lighthouse with a re-idenl lightkeeper. BIRTH. A daughter was born lo Mr and Mrs. Robert Nelson of Mel-lakatla. at the Prince Iluper' ieneral Hospital 'his morning NO UNIVERSITY CLASS IN CITY PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PHINCK IUPKHT. H.C., TJII HSDAY, '.UNJUST 20, 1025. VMttrdtf'i Clrtw!lion, 1511 1: 3flW 1 Lieut. D. Hurke. Ottawa boy, is shown on the ranges at Itisley, where he nam competed against the empire's best shots. Three-Year-Old Son, of Liar d River Indian Mother Charged with Murder, Loves Policemen Tlie Ihrce year ofd son of Kdie, principal m the Lianl llivei murder rase now being Ined at Ihe Assize Court here, has become quite a pel wilh provincial jMilice officers during his stav of tlie lasl year in Okalla Prison with hi- inulher. "Hilly." as he is nick-named, has, in fact, formed such a strong affection for Sergeant "Hob Owen that he cries when Ihe custodian or the natives leaves him and he seems lo even prefer 'the company of Ihe officer to Dial his mother. 1 He is a bright child and speaks I F.nglish as well as any while child of his age. Little does he i realize, however, the serious change lo which his mother is being called to answer, and the ronsequence that may follow if . . she cannot ocnooi ooara an meeung vesier- fc(orjT uaj wociaos wgainsv ne-openlng Grade at High Sohool l'bere is to be no class at the High university climil board at a meeting answer to it satis- Little "Hilly," however, has one railing and that unusual In a child ol his years. He ts n cigarelle smoker having appar- ....... ....-.......! I.. II. ..l.....l ri.u' euuy iiceu vuiuui o)ini ui ti.c VlivVf. . ...... I 1 i,ni,ii liliini nv ins iiioiuer since uu "tlUi .. , .....:.!......... . l.l ........ yesterday decided not to reopenl " ap" " '''. (he inl" ,ll"M,,,r u 111 Ul' senior matriculation class , s.r Ibis city, giving the same reasons! "l,1,rcv' "V" vh'wU f!,r U,e that were given personally, the wewi '"a l" . " smallness of Ihe class unit the need of money. At a recent meeting of the board, a delegation was present asking thai the class be continued and slating that the con ditions had changed since thoj board came ly its previous de- eislon. (Now I here were eight! persons who are around him. CHARGED WITH HAYING BROUGHT STOLEN BOAT TO CANADA FROM NORTH Charged with bringing tratt Mlt . McGEER LIKELY TO OPPOSE STEVENS VANCOUVER CENTRE YANCOl VFIt. Aug. 20. The un slates this morning that li. i. Mc-tleer. K.C., who is acting for Ihe provincial tiov-enimenl in fighting I lie freight rates casefor this province, is likely lo be Ihe unanimous choice of the Liberals of Vancouver Centre Id- oppose Hon. II. H. Sle"ns in, the forthcoming Doniuiun general election. Mr. Mctieer is not new lo politics, he hating been in the prnvincial House for one term. 4. CHINESE BOLSHEVIST LEADER IS MURDERED Liu Chung Hoi, Finance Minister In Canton Government, HONli KUN'ti. Aug. 20. Liu Chung Hoi, finance minister in the .Canton government, has been assassinated. -He was. one of the leaders of Ihe Bolshevist element in the government and was closely associated with Moscow. TtOCK MARKET Hid Dumvell l.fio Hazelton stolen L. and L pupils who would attend. Thet goods inlo Canada from Alaska.' premier board decided to give Ihe mailer consideration. Chairman Orme announced this morning-thai the board felt the need of economy in .-eliool mailers and decided that I lie re was no material change In Ihe Casslar mining district us the local situation sufficient ! war result of recent development nnjrant a change in policy. It bad ioiii ran ureeK. ii is now ail-jheen announced lasl Christmas milled that (loin pan will prove a that the clas would he dUron pay creek mid that It may rival tinned and final action mi II uns Mounted, Dense Creek as a producer of , taken al a meetlnir . cm. in nf gold. Jni"tiMis ago. Alex Oallagher was arrested in Porter Idaho Ihe cily yesterday afternoon by.KLlvcreresl Dorey of llyder to Prince lluperl and then to Alice Arm. The hp-rused claims that the boat belonged to him. A preliminary trial is being arranged. dverlte In Ihe Dally News Marmot Metals lUifits Oranby Helltlrk Howe Sound filadslonc lliiiyview .01 U .20 2.tti) .18 .17 t'lly Coifslnhle Alex Mae.lonabl aL.Surf Inlet 05 U tho request of the provlncliillTerminus 18 police. It Is alleged thai Oalln- H.tL Silver I. SO her brought a gasboal belonglng.Daly Alaska lo the estate of Ihe lale Fred. Indian .01 13.00 20.00 21 ft .05 14 A iked 1.80 .03 V4 2.15 .00 2 .00 ' .15 .18 .01 Vi .09 H Boston Grill Ice I're.itn goes with dinner Large Ipslair Dining Hall, with newly laiii dancing floor for lure. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for Ihe least. Phone 457. PRICE FIVK CENTS. WITCHCRAFT CASE BEFORE COURT TODAY INDIAN WOMAN ADMITS SHE CAUSED DEATH OF LAD: THREE ACQUITTED Hard River Indian Witchcraft Case Is Heard Today in Assize Court by Judge and Local Jury Four men and woman charged with murdering I tribesman in far north by leaving him bound and exposed THREE ARE ACQUITTED BY COURT Woman named Edie admits tying lad up and later trying to revive him uh no lrnnger ami perhap- never a mure sensational i been ptc-eoted in m Canadian riMirl than I lid I wliirli Mk .Supreme lioiirt Asizc here (his morning at 111 n l:g Alex. I inn ool, Jiui ImL Weill l,oot and u wi-rf arraigned on charger of murder in connection .th ul Thirly Mile liar. I.ianl lliver, in March 1C':I. i ia i known ,i- Mocca-in. The (iraiid Jury yes ' brought in a true hill against all die arcu-ed' man alleged Ui have been murdered, are J of a nuiHHilie Iriln of Ctr In- 1 I L 1 Li I I I 111 . IUJIA 11111 U 1U POOLEY LEADER Propotit to Brlna Back Bowser to Victoria or Possibly M. H. Stevens 4i l Daily New f V. Aug. SO The questional leadership of .iiivi- party is one that "- being discussed. II. imi been 11 surres ever cnthiic the V. J. Il.v-cr in'ur ' y in victory but he leader ami many of - U'lllllll like l see iIUm. Of a very stolid apear-Uinie ami unable to Mk a single 'wnl of Mnalinh, the mm and VOYAGEUn COMING FOR OVERHAUL IN LOCAL DRY DOCK Tlu Canadian Oovern-nient Merctianl Marine steamer Canadian Voy-agcur i expected to arrive Monday bringing some rango f ( r this port and a coon a this is discharge. she will go into drydock for cleaning and paiii'iiig. VICTORIA HAS NEWMYSTERY ' H drop Ian o Missing Draws At- lenllon to Probable Smug gling Operations Natal Road Foreman Shot Dead by Rancher of District who also Wounded 2 or 3 Men Tuesday FKHMK, Aug. 20. (ieurge WhiLng. the government road foreman, vvlio va -hot and slightly wounded in Ihe shoulder in Tuesday's shooting uffray at Klk Prairie when Jesse Mansfield, a rancher, shot up the road gang, was shot and killed by Mansfield yesterday afternoon from an ambush. Whiting was travelling by car with his son from Nalal to ins home ami was j list Half a mile from home when, passing through a wild bush district, Mansfield emerged from hiding and shot him dead. i .viansiieiu s inuing place was nATTfl) passed several times during Tuesday night and Wednesday by police, but he made no attempt! to molest them. apparently awaiting the opportunity to at-j tack members of the road gangi against which he bad a grudge. Mansfield s hiding place was surrounded and last night lie was I 'aken into custody by Constable 'inith of the Provincial Police, ho. although covered by Mans- 'ield's rifle, talked him into sur rendering. He was taken tol Fernie under escort and is now in jail awaiting a preliminary tiearine. FKHMK. Aur. 20. Jessie MansfieSI, alleged slayer. f (5eo. .i -i. : r .. I ... I .limit;. iuruiaii leiiiaiiiiru ; ? : .. . . , , for eltiit days when he amun-i ; lHJJ .&,n.5A eU1 , ln ii . : .Mitt ' the lifiannifkm basemeftt Tkf tif iboi flirti .7tmft'Iir churchesr ll luil (in- iiiriiiiiK inurCM Whiting. IS STARTED Bandmaster Has Been Engaged For Six Months and Practices Under Way At the luncheon of the Halary Club this afternoon Colonel L. V. NicIiolU, wiio has been instrumental in organizing a boys' band, announced that a bandmaster had been appointed for a period of six months, the salary being fcuarauleed by Jho, Rotary l Club. Practice's "had already com- with having shot Frank Norstrom "n''1 J-ermanent quarters were with inlenl In kill ami tiiiirilerinir 'eaoj. Letters had been sent to fra ternal and other organizations in the city asking for co-operalion and two had already promised to purchase one instrument each, while the F.Iks were giving a dance, the proceeds lo go'to the fund. Several other organizations were considering the matter. Mr. Nielmlls then produced some dance tickets and promptly sold attoul twenty to members of the organization. ISLIGHT DROP FISH PRICES No Canadian Boats In Port and One Holds Over Catch Until Tomorrow No Canadian fisliiir; boats were in today and Americans that 'sold got lower prices than have been paid for some little time. The Lansing with 11,000 pounds found no bidder ami .decided to hold over until tomorrow's sale. I he Allen, with C2J)O0; pounds. will deliver her cateh at Ketchi kan. Following were the sales: Tahonra. 10,000. at KUOe and 3c to Hoolli Fisheries. Prosperity. 23.O0O. at 9.80c and 5e ty Atlin Fisheries. Alien, OS.Otio, at 0.50c and 5c to lloyal Fish Co. Hi OUT. 11,000, at 0.00c and 5c to llooth Fisheries. (Hailstone. 20.00(1. nt t.50c and 5c to Cold Storage. Hazel II 18.0IHI. at iOc and 5o lo Cold Storage. Lansing. 1 1.000. bidding over. TUG IMBRECARIA IS ASHOREAniCTORIA VICTORIA. Aug. 20. Tug Im-brecaria I ashore nl Ten Mllo Point near here In a serious eon- tlitlon. The tug's wirijless failed before particulars of ll.iu accident could tie received. ' ",rr MANY FATALITIES ftTTAWA. Aug. 50. - Fhe drownings, two deaths from automobile accident svere tlie budget of fatalities in Kas'em ( araila T--ie:(iiiv.