"AGE SIX THE DAILY rTEWS We save you MONEY QUALITY IS WHAT COUNTS Our l'ricps are no higher than any other store in Canada. Goods marked in plain figures according to grade. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, Eto. Save Your Eyes Our Optician has bad over 25 years' experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North FRESH BULKLEY VALLEY BEEF, VEAL, PORK AND FOWL. Compare our prices. Roiling Ileef, per lb. .. 6c I'ol lloast, per lb 10c Oven lloast, per lb. 12'4c Hamburger Steak, lb. 12Vc fiainer's Ham, per lb. 40c fiainer' Itacon, per lb. 45c Saturday Special Oainer'a I'ure Lard, per lb. in liricks 25c Your money hark if this is not Hie best lard ever used. Bulkley Market Formerly P.U. Fish Market Phone 178 'Deniers' Have All Wool BATHING SUITS from $4.00 to $8.00 P.O. Box 327. Phono 27. At tho Auditorium TUESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS, 8 to 11 p.m. SATURDAY EVENINGS from 8 to 12 midnight. 5 Pieee Orchestra. 1 Dance Kir 3 for 25c Free Admission. L. J. WARREN, Prop. Phone Black 449. Phrenology MAY LEE, Uip great lady phrenologist from Jerusalem, will read your head like an open bonk. She will tcl) you all about your past and present. Don I miss this real opportunity. 820 Third Avenue West. Dr. E S. Tait DENTIST Holgcrson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours- 0 lo C. X-Ray Service Phone 686. fipen Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Kvcnfngs LIARD RIVER INDIAN WITCHCRAFT CASE IS HEARD TODAY IN ASSIZE COURT BY JUDGE AND LOCAL JURY. (continued from tage jue) Police last summer in an advanced state of decomposition but still bearing the marks of the freezing even though a year or more had elapsed since the time of the incident the charges of 'wilchcrafl murder against Five l.lard Hirer dn-' dians, L. V. I'almore, counsel for the crojvn, announced thai, after carefully considering the: case, he iad decided that there' was not suflicient evidence luj warrant the charge being pro- j reeded with against Jiinmie Danj ami worn looi ami uiereforc lie; would have no evidence lo ten-1 der against them. He asked that these three men be arraigned first and then that the charges be proceeded with separately against Big Alec and Edie, the woman. His Lordship ordered thai a jury be empanelled for (he a-e of Jimmie, Dan and Clem. After this had been done and at ver- lict of nol guilty had been duly returned, after Mr. Pal more talemeiit, these three men were lisrharsed. The charge against llig Alec was then proceeded with and at noon, when court adjourned, the taking of evidence from Edie. himself. Edies story lo the court, which was delivered inrougli .Mary Al len, Indian wife of a while trapper, was that Hig Alec had urged her to tic up Moccasin, the man who was killed, in order lo drive the witch from him, it having been suspected that he practised, witchcraft against Edie's father and others. Edie admitted tyinz more or leas. LAND ACT. Nolle of InUntlon t Apply lo Purchaa una. In I'rinre Rutrt Laml lllrict. tieconlitu Distrlrt of I'nnce liuperl. and iih e ai snannon eay, u.u , .vasrii inin. v.' . ifiana. This Is your last chance for Preserving Peachesl Alberta Peaches The Uesl for Preserving Sporial jirii-C per crate $2.00 l'car. per doz .. .. 40c (iriipc.x, pT Ih 20c irape. per hakcl ... 75c Applen. 3 lh. Tor . . . . 25o Appleii. per hox .... $2.65 Watermelon, per Ih. . . 7c Canada melon, per Ih. . . 8c lltiy while they last. Mussallem's Phone 18 or 24. Fifth Ave. C. i t Three Acquitted I On court assembling af 111 o'clock this .morning to deal with who is also cuargeu wiin murder, 1 .Mon-a It's Moving Day for Moths and Dust No place for destructive moths or dust in a Congolcum Cold-Seal Rug. The smooth surface is as sanitary as a porcelain ton table and as easily cleaned. The Gold Seal guarantees satisfaction or your money back. Look for it. 'ii tin- i had been completed. It is alleg- Mile liar by his hands anil feel. ed that llig Alec incited Edie to It was her sto commit the murder and thus he is being charged with the act Akt otk.e thai Janiea Flddinr 4 -p i.,-tin Stranr. ot SiinnyMdr. B.C. occuDalKm "Jer, -. 1. 1 anwin -anm-oman, iMrnd to apply for pennH and J. Harris. About uiids. ; crown had against these Hire r.inniw-ln; al t pl planted II rhalm ... ii.-i 11.- iin.i .,i4nj ...a assists ,lltn was ,Hnl ",e uml omlU Jidrr. wen. iiwrr or lesi fron MHitbet rtirner of Lot 15: theiier;iii burying MoCCflSln afleT he "WHS "Him ju rnain.4; inenre esi 30 rnainj. , , nmre ur le, lo water edfe; jhenreit'Cau. followlnr meandertnr of bearh lo iKrfnl .-i,hn f Ii-lrflnr. ,.kl Ihoi JAS. IIEI.DI.NG STIU-SG. Appllranl. Per Wm. G. Milcnell. Atrnt. Dated Inly 7th. LAND ACT. Nolle of InUntlon te Apply to Litt Land In' Prlnrt Rupert l.ant neronlior (- Irlrl or prtnre Huprrt, and fltuate at, Hartlrtt Point, Wales Island, lirlllfti C'lluiribla. TAKE SOTICE thai Anrlo-BrllUh Col-. cmbla parkin Cunpany Ltnillrd. of anriiTrr, B.C.. ortupaliun rariem. Mi. rriy-eirnt muvired reel, more or lew.i to a post marked So. I.E.: thenre ruuth ertjr to rlialna, more nr less, to lm- water mara: tneure in a eterlv ill reel Pon alonr low water mirk forty elrht linndrrd reel, more or ie; tnenee norllierly I rhaln to point of rommeneemenl. and coutalnlnr 1t arre. or leu. ASOLO-BRITIsll COI.I MSI pAC.kl0 CO, LTD. Aptillran'. Per Waller E. Walker. Ayenl. Dated July IK. IVfl. LAND ACT. Nolle of InUntlon t Apply to Liar, Land In Skeena lunre I Land lilttrlrt. rrlnre BmerL B.C.. and altuate luo sardt north or wimer innir, reare hum. h.c. TAKE OTir.E that Ihe Canadian Co. Ltd, of Vanrouver. B.C- oecupa- llon, Salmon ramier. Intend to apply inr penniwon 10 lease ine roiiowini oe wrlbed landi: Commenrinr al a lmt planted at hlrh water mark 40 feet from rock on uttore line; thenre eat one rhaln: llienre north one hundred and twenty ehalns: IlK-nee went to hore line one rhatn: tnenee tn a oulherly Jlrertlon follow In i the fhore line to ix.lnt of eommeneenieiit, and con-lalnlnr twelrn arren. more nr lend. THE CAXADIAN flSIII.XO CO. LTD Dated, nih Hay. tttt, was qm'e wtl had olTertil n that he did Moccasin had f Tinrty ry that MoccaSin, . ng :n- lied aiid res: st iiei say:na tin! rare. I.aier. hern untii-d. when il was Jielieved (lie spirit hail left him, anil an attempt was mn.1e lo thaw him out beside a fire. He died the next morning, however, and was subsequently buried. Juries Empanelled The jury which was called to automatically bring in a verdict of not guilty in the cane rf Jimmie, Han and Clern Loot eon sisted of Steve King (foreman:, 5. A. Kelsey, II. Sclierk, Fred liilhuly, J. Xaylor. K. Haviilson, ill. E. Ifc-nsnn, V. II. Derry, J. P.. V. Oration all the Ihe case of Hig Alec be next proceeded willi, E. F'. Jones, connfcl for the defence, made objection on the grounds that Edie, also LAND ACT. ! Nolle of Intention to Apply lo Ltat Land In Prtnnt Hupert Land Heconitnr IHttnri or Brltlh Columbia, aifl ullotle 11 the nitti ot Maitetl Inlet. tr. rhatiw north fnnn the nnrttieast (r iter of Indian BeM-rte o. One. Graham Klaixl ,V. ..J.i. .1. . . ... Vt .kT i I, "V. TAfc OTli.fc inn 1. i.utrnr 11. SHf- inr drnlrd Und imueiirlnr al a It planted no tbe Muin Mre or itariieii poini. wale - OTfUffM- Itna putter, intend in apply ror a l4e i.f tlx- folkiwinir rteM-nlied Hi, ! iiikq ikt nxri; nirnra in in -hlu iwirlh tr.ti IK.. m.rIL...l .-,ar easterly dtrertlon alonr hirh aler mark r Indian Hesene one. riranani lumi. Ihenre IHrfllierlr 1 rhallK In Kw lT inenre followlnr low water mark IM itum In a wefirrlr dlrcrtlou: oNtnerly S rlialnn; I tie ore easterly -Iuiii. ti pohit "f riHimiewemenL conttlnlnr i acre, more or " ELCLAE II. SIMPSON iiaien jtinanin "t LAND ACT. I0 awl A(ihrant. Nolle of InUntlon to Apply to Purehat Land. In the IjBd VeeoMmr Dwtrtrt i.r Prtnee! iMflwrt. ami Mmale a) Awiim Ittver. wain nay. Matsett Intel. V-C. iiaMd. TAKE NOTICE that Mr. June I'tcH mar strut, of tMinnyMile II orrupatlool nwrneii miuii, inieiHi to apply ror ir mlMi to parrhaw the folluwlng de r-rl!ed' land: - :i4inoetirinr at a tHt Dlanted at hlrh water mark. Awnta litter: ttienre i rhaln north; thenre IS rtiaiM weal, more or to northwert corner I-t 1(17: llienee 10 rlialKj cmtli: Itienee It rhalm eait: thi-nre 40 rlialna irirlh; thenre rhaln we. i; tiHwe it, num. whiiIi to tMnt o: romioenmiietit. and runtatntnr t arre, HHre or ln. i NIlS. JAMES nELMNO 8TTtJ 1 App4tr.anl. Per Wm. G. Jluehcll. .rrnL led lute -ih 10 LAND ACT. Nolle of InUntlon to Apply to Laai Land In Catar Land Doirirl. Iierurdinr IH trtrt Prln-e Tlupert. n.r... itd allude north ; or iiTin my. Portland fanal. TMiK MiTICK thai the Canadian Plan i Inr r.o. Ltd., of Vaarouver. D.f: orruua i lion. lnxn fjiunera, lutendt to apply "r i nni-iii to tease tne rounwmir lie M-rllnsl land: oiimiH-nrinr ai a t"'t planted at Mrh wP r uiark, Ifto yard nonth of Indian iiK.ti- Ikiiimw: theme nortlieait on chain; tliem-e Mutlieat iie ImiKlred and twenty rluinv tnenee HMithwet pi lwre line one rhalii' thenre fiorthwent follow-Inr I lie liore tine to pntnt of roinnieiKe-ment. one pundrrd and iwemy rhitni. and eofilalnliiv twelve iTe. more or leta. TUP TA'TAWA USHMO Cfl. LTP. filled llh V, LAND ACT. Nottea of Intantlon lo Apply to Laaia Land In ?ki-ena Itanrr t MikI tiutrirl, lie-rnrdUif filatilrt Prlnre lliix-rt. B.C., and situate- V, inlle north of Walet lland Cannery, on Wale Itland, B.C. TAkE SOTir.K I ha I l lie Canadian rili-ln Cm. Md., of Vanrouver, R.C. oernpa-tlon, SalriH.ti Cannera, Intend In apoly Tor pennlMlrw to leaae Die follow Iny de. wriUwl land.- ounnienrinr (I a fext planted al lilrh water niark. near txilnt mile north from Cannery on Wale laloirt- ttienre north one rha'n: ttu-nre h u-n rlialna; ihertre mmiIIi lo liire line on rhaln; Ihenee eat fntlowlnr the tlmre tine tn l"lnl of roinmenrement. and eonlalntnyj . one trre, more nr leaf. only THE ' A!HADIAX ftKIIIJlO CO Dlted SVtb alty, till, LTD i.acman, m. .Mc.vruiur, t. vw Wesch, I). Scherk. Fred (lillilily, II. F. (ilassey, Frank Salter, J, H. Dyer. V. Oration. P. J. Hyan ami 11. McEachcrn, The crown stoinl aside V. II. Montgomery, 1. W. Huddcrhatn, James Hunter, .1. I.indtiuist, J. T. llallinger, .1. Naylor and Sieve King. The defence challenged Mrs. Emily Morris. E. Davidson and V. II. Sherman. Summary of Case In giving the summary of-1 In crown's case against lliir Alec In " in- .Moccasin up and -leave him ui in the cold because he had iit-witchtHl Kile's falher. This she finally rviiseuled to do and Moc-rasin froze to death as a result Subsequently the Innly wa buried and . later dug up and identified by a while trapper, Fred Allen. Mary Allen was sworn in as interpreter ami Filie was caltetl t the stand. ViUf, on beltijr directed to the wilnes box, first ftuil her place by sitting down on the flour out of sight of the .ourl. After he had been instructed to stand up In tbe eori-venttonat manner, th admints-lering'of the alh through the inPtrret(r prwvnl to be a lengthy proceeding. F'inally, ihe .witness was sworn to the talis, faction of the court with the assistance of Inspector SamJys-Wunsch. Edie's Story From Iiie. wti grtlually hroughl itjt the sJory of how mhe Jiail been counselled by llig Alee lo lie Mocoasin up as a relief from the witchcraft which il wa alleged he was practicing. She ailniilted thai she had lied Moc-i easin by the hands and feet and, ielt him outside on the iee for Ihree days wheti an allempl wan made tp thaw him out hut He died. The defence was that Edie had nol intended to kill M ocean in hut lo drive out the ghost. The incident of his being lied up ami subsequent burial was described in Detail hut not without maty dillieultifls in the interpret.il ion. 'Viurt adjourned for the noon recess at 12.13 and resumed al 1:30 this afternoon when Fred Allen was put on the aland. Thin witness did not ee the tying but, fuhseipjently, assisted t It e Mounted Police in finding Mie body which he identified as that of Moccasin. The case Is still proceeding Ibis afternoon. With lliw decis ion to separate this and the ease of Edie. tin- latter will not be opened until tomorrow. STRUCK NEGRO WITH JACK KNIFE (continued from page five; Hueli a place a thiia il might he presumed that (he intent wa to commit murder. (Jlherwie, lii action wan o eareleiot that it consliltited murder. Ihe evidence of I lie i-rowii wa Ihat ar- eued, whili- he might have heeti drinking, wa- soher enough realize what he -wan doing. The defence thai he did not remeni- her anything that had tranxpin-d wa. an old one. He had a moliw for wiving Biieh evidener - namely thai of having hi km There was no ntblive for the crown witiir4e3 to' lelify tt they had doin Against the evidence oT tin- nccused, there wan the evidence if Ihe ilininteieHled white vllnr(jji In he weiglieil. U Ihe jury wm nail)! fled that accused was in control of hirf Kefoei, it would he their duty lo return a venlict of guilty on Ihe fir.t count: if he wan nol in control of IiIh -eiise, Ihen he wax guilty u i p 1 1 r tht; o-coiiil i unt. Judge's Address In charging Die jury, Mr. Justice II. A. Macdonald aid the eidenep wn not dinleull. The problem was thai preaenled by the del of druutienuetta . for for it it .v charged with the murder, would eecnnl clear Mint Bremen lm mm nf n, m:ii vviinpssfs had atlarked with a knife. The against llig Alee and this wtuld law now provided certain excuse handicap him in defending her for a man under the influence of To meet this situation. Mr. Jus- liquor. On both eounfs under lice Macdonald ordered all Jury- the indictment II was necessary. men not engaged in the llig Alee lo establish intent. IT the jury. case to leave Hie courtroom un iciiceu mum an-ui-u w.is mi til tomorrow morning ami keep drunk lo have formed intent, themselves clear of hearing of Ihen jl would be their duly to the caso until that lime. The acpnt. Against Ihe accused dilllcully was pointed out thai. If. defence of drunkenness, there Edie should be tried first and was I lie erinencc io lie enusi.ie- convicted, she would be legally ed (hat he had been crouching in dead and unable lo give evidence. the shed when arreted. lie in a case following. might not have done (hat if lu ll being decided lo proceed hart tieen very drunk. II was tin- with the Hig Alee case, the fol-.business of Ihe law and the court lowing jury was empanelled: J.,lo preisrvt? peaee and order tn A. Smith (foreman . M. .M. Mac-: Ihe couulry ami the filet that lie jury, L. V. I'atmore explain-J" Having laeen involve,! in urug ed that one who incited lo mur der was a principal to the act t"iHiaily to the person who cotn-Im l ed the murder. It was pro-'pi'Seil to show in Ihe crown rvi-lenie that llig Alec believed in .wivtirrafl and counselled Kdie Aganle wns not pressing the Charge vvtis not lo be taken set ionsly. The jury should reiuem Iter thai a Peruvian, in Mn-counlry should be given as fan a trial as n Qinadian would ev peel in Peru. The jury then retired and relumed with ten minute, with lis verdict. The Iwn negro woman, who were taken from the steamer Prince Charles yeslertkiy uiorn- ing by the indiee on suspicion charges, wen inter released. Ihere. having lieen no ca-e against them. In the city police court this morning Ihe driver of a delivery car was taken before Ihe magistrate ami cautioned. No eli.irae was laid against him but lie is known lo be a fast driver and was told he must alow down. In the city police court I'd-morning M. Angener was fnxil $35 fur being Intoxicated. i LAND ACT. Nolle of UUnllon t Apply U Land. Ommrf . rhaMW nnrtbrrt; lieiiy II tlieajre to ruln Purehaitl hi IB M Hrrorfti llrtrl of I i nuprtl. aaat eitiaalr at HI a I'alU o-rk Mrh fViW. Ullo fstall Hort !-' 1 I imh rruan n muulh. TAkt VHi;t. iImI i.Ufk P. Htri r tare Kuperl. i) . orHti4i lomle anua. UileooV tn apply fur iienuli n i-patretMM- Uar fniiu'tat detrrltxd Una. tiinri)a ai a imki piani ai tne atMMfewwl ronarr of ial 1. llteiirf- t Hiakaa Mniherty: thenre t rttam. w i ert: Ifeeare raiain. wortliTI) ; im-iire in ratao rj.irrr) ui p4ni w meat, and roMaiuinc 4 itn tMlAa Utart 1 4th.JJi. nwaienr mrr ur :. P. U t . Apvli-ani LAND ACT. Nolle of IfiUnlUn to Apply U Purchat Land. lai Mm Land ttaronlinp Ittrtrtei nf Prinre RtajMH. and oual- at Um mount Htf fall rrek wMrk rtinto ini- it Leatatl Hlwer alaoul II mOr. frn lie nulk Tlkt OTICC Uwt Joh) A. smllli if Rupert. Hf... 'iipall' liimb-i lalrnd l api.ly fur ienmHiii U MrrfMte I ha l-dauwiiit dearrttM-d taml- in al a xt wanted al tm MWIttwral Ihweal n.rner -t Ij til, lnrnr i"! rrty. More or lew. lo Ihr .. UII Roer twaiee M rfMlll wMilberlr-. UMwe l rtm.- eaalerly. and ftUtnlnr t " nmre or lea. JOIIX A. SMITH ppM-n Per :. P. niel. A ami III ml Awfwal 4tk. IPtS. LAND ACT. Netlea of Intention I Apply U Purthaa Land. In tl LaM iMrnfdinf ftlalrtcl f Pnnre HM-rl, and ilwale urn Pit ran reek wfeVrfi (low. tMm Ihe Leatall Mo-' ate nl I ihiI- from ita neiath TAkF. Xillrn iimi Pnne Mmt nprur. Mlfla. l.tMlted. r prlner Kiir. rtii tn IWMirr nuiuirartarer, letei io : fiie i-raiion to Hireiia tne r-t lowfnr djerrilwt landa: rMHeneuK at a ril naaaled ale.nl lo rhaln northerly frxn Ihe mm I bra a! r"t nee of lit lt: thenre o enain noroe-- lv: Ihenre n rhaio -aMerta: llten.e i liMNM Mnilierly: Me-n e 10 etMiii. ' l erly lo point of "amx-nrement. and arm na im aer-.. ni"re or ie pihii i: ni pi rt srni cr. in i Per -. p liateil t nal !. I ' IN PROBATE. AppllrtM hie I. Ayriit IN THl SUPRCMC COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA. In Ihe Matter nf the AdiiilMitrallon Art and In tlie Matter or Ihe l.alate of Jark ' hn. loff. Iierravd Intetlale. Ttkr MiTK I Ihat br order of lll HmwT. Mr ii vnr. made tt liili da or July. A i lft. I wa awanled Ait nrlnlflriWr or the eUle i.f Jark hrl..rr rtVeeaeil. and all parlle havlnr lalni aralnl the aawl elle are tiereli rpilred lo fiirnuh aine nnioerli verlfinl trt Ine on or before Ih" Huh rtav 'if torn-t. A O ty:.. and all turtle, indetitrd lo th elae ar renmrr-.l II pa Ihe aue iint of tneir imiriieine. to pm- rorniwiin S.itnilt WTT orfirlal tiioliii-irarr Prlnee ftnierl. B.c tnloH lh. roth iv ,,f , ,1,. I', ASK FOR Blue Ribbon a Tea "After all It's tho Dost." John L. Christie Sales Agent Prince Rupert, 0.0. Thursday Auyjii At iU end o? a perfect meal always SQWe 5 Comes only in tins, vacuum packed. Your grocer has it, or can easily get it. ilcAftADIAflf VACinc aaiiaX WESTHOLME THEATRE TiiurtioAy, rmoAT and atupct 7 9.10 - MTL'RDAT WATINtC, 3 PM. CtCIL B. DtMILLC'S CINtMAITtNPICCC "The Ten Commandments" A HUtM) drMWUr spvrUile of all llr ar raturtnr ( and nre of lit l-lMranr an Ihe kaMonr and lrrdy n. pltulK Uy Willi .. lluif anient M !. .-. e s. vir, Hit,n. a-teil a lift ., hi lidhf ulnr-. of drlalt. l-irtiei r whp' , if the rhiMn ii ..f l-r-l fri TM Ihr" I rm i-ntru, aha II ir r-.ini lie lift ami ihe . nfiiirii t I'lMra". Tb- H-icMl' , ;-' r mtsttmt la Um gifaoii. animal mrloov U.rr. lwrn, rrnth, !." and mt. i- fowl add dnk end tlttrt. I apitr. er J .on ratr- ami urn- uf iKHnf aaadi up yio ot" MriHrr lhal will w-fr lade frM tkv annry I bn kr all hof rue, vrortto. Ilinrr al of principal Billiard Oil, Mod La ", Tlwodott Kvi, Charlr d Bxh. Jam Nill, Chafa Oat. Timid Mr, Rck?- L4mc Llrl Jy, ((till Taylor. Jal raya, Am Air, Nita t! li, Chapman .! n t iiwi- TOPICS Or TMt DAT. Admlaaloa) 7t ad Ki Ki:hh tOt r tU T-WnTa. 'd1affjftTa'iar7BaaW:aJfedn 111 l.llllal 1 II I IH IH infTlTTlTlTl i)iM'Jf;l1i'MHiK7if;iVif:VKj COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Princes Rupert Prince George Prince Chorlet Sill. Off- i nil u li Jin J't rf For Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle und ,ni. m Mini l i. il I. on p in., ami Vi din--ta i k al r. tio p. m. For Anyox and Stewart .Monday and Friday, i , For Skngway ti tttt Alaska I'orU. Wtwlnetdav. t S.S. Prince John fur Queen Charlotte Itlandt Vancouver, Fortnightly. PAIItftatR TRAINS LCAVC PRINtf RUPfRT DAILT aictpl Snaday It in tin. t' ITiB" . t wtNNiPlo, al pi-Hl la.i-rn ch.U. I mud stale AOtNCV ALL OCCAN STCAMIMie LINK. City Tlikal Ollk, 17 Third Am. Pel RopeeL ID0f. nioH tm Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Cottst Services Sailings from Prince Rupert r nnnuv wuiuu. rm. mini tarx u. i i r ttmciu, nctoiu mi sunu s, i . 3 si rttiictu AIT Poe Batadala, Saa Bay, tatl Bflta II. Oeaaa Pall. Nam, Alert Campktll Rltar, and Vanetr try Satarday 11 a m. Afaaey fe all Staamthlp Llaaa. rail lalefenl'J In W. a ORCHARD 0afl AaaL Ccrnae of 4 Hi Street aad Srd Atta, Print nprt. I t UNION STEAMbHIl' COMPANY OF B.C., l-I'U. Saitiot loan Prior Rupert, ee VANCOUViR. VICTORIA, Bat. ad A I.r I Bay, T4ar, If ae VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Alan Bay, and Saaaa Bay. tatartai, t" for ANVOX, AllCf ARaa. STLWAHT, Suaday, S P.M. e PORT tlMPION aad Naaa Rlaae CaaaelM. yrlday A.ta. US tad Ata. , Baraalav, Aeal flan RoaW LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to hutldiiig next door lo I rizxell lliil her Hli',. R' 5 fiom If ie KinpiT Hotel Wo carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES . SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Znrelll proprleW Art Silk Floss Suitable for knitting Silk Kwenler- a- tn m Mnii.iri-li Kuilling llonkf. We have llietii in (,i nig l olur: Purplo, Nlggor, Scarlet, IVInliogany, Sky, Olive Cre" Golden Brown, Malic, Tucksia and Nllo Orocn. ,l Hit' ruafoildlile price of , Phono 045 50c. A skoiii JABOUR BROS., LTD. a Corner Third and Seven-