s "fnv. mbpr 18, 1025, ii'iiim mru IIIIIIIVj UllllJll 9 I . . V prirn, everynTt i H:i :i good i-tock. I.' i;iys arid sirikes i is niul hull hour. 'uiibnguny finish, 1$ - ami 0 Inches 4 ii-m have one with. about (he (Kim 9 . lo.oo. John Bulger Jeweller Three ig Specials This Week Only t -u l.al-up and . received a ,r,nl lime lfn ! i v. Ilig. 35c f tit Sali lhi 4 Bottles 90c. v- or Cider, Special, 2 for 75c -i received a PalmoU) Ill lf l .1 C. Butchers and Grocers Ltd. Phone 45 OAL COAL I . Vdiir coal I winli-r. Have u ;onl? A ...i . ...ii at $11 1 'll1. StOVC J12.E0. I.unii coal 360. i i, W( not 1 iir with oot. mode you low ! ; mlT, alia at--in. ill deliveries r TAXI n. w i i,.n Sedan n -r, 50o for one Call 112 he Prince Ruoert ransfer & Taxi Co. oarsrain Sale DHESS HATS WINTER COATS All this Week "Demers" Urillf. of Ounlitv "no ti P.O. Box 327 ur Coats & Jacquettes ti l ' . T I I III ITi 1 II f at .A , nil Bar a i un u t Q.W.V.A. Third Ave. TUT! rrxTTTT jrerm ' GAZETTE TELLS SURVEY COMPLETED AT DUNWELL MINE ABOUT RUPERT FOR IMPROVEMENTS Continuation of Article on Visit to-CoM Storage Plant Here Is In London Magazine 'I'lii' Canadian tiazetie, published .In IsnuUm, continue in iu latest Milliliter the article on , visit lo Ihe cold storage plant Prince ItupiTl at follows: i The h.vm1im in the cold tnrnup plant i si. .rug.- ..I i lie fUii Hl j cording t weight. In one rouiii.! with a rupaniv ..f .lOo.oon I,, i lialilml fioin to to K0 Ih. n r-lured. In another with a ran ! ncily of :irn.ooo Hi., bullion r,-,, ! 81 lo HI Hi. are preserve : I "Whales," Dial it lo May, bah i l.ul-froiii HO to 250 IU. art' slu i ed in another room, "Chickens I lialilml under 10 lb. In aimMie room, ami "iuhte. snlni-.n un ! lfr 5 lb., in yi-t antrllier room Hooms arc iil-i. un-d for iiulili.- colli Nliiraxf. The length of lima Dial Un fish will keep m coi storage. I was lohl, in iMrfcci condition wan one jrwr, bnt II ran iat!y tic stored for Iwo, if neceui. wil hoiil harm. Ice Storage lie Tore leaving I he roll storage we mw I lie ice storage room, in which at time there were 300 ion of (re In great oblong lab. The full rapacity of the ire tni--.ixi' amount lo some I .111 Id on. l.ciiMiiu I he roi storage, we vi-oted the ice making plant, where (here are three lank fo-making ire in a huge room with a capacity turn out of inn loin in eery twenty-four hour. Above the paw-king room are I he ire-cruher, the lurire nne capable of eruhins one ton of ire in about wo iniliulew. The Kieat ulnh of ice come rfliiliqic low n the loiiit inclilieil utelul- lined wooilen iliule from the ire making plant lo the rrunlier-. where they are npeedily ilemol-i nhed, the eruhed ten fallin llirough funnels In l he floor and down the nule to the uarker below, or out of the liuiiillnt along' long liHte lo Ike metal funnel from I be wharf down lo Hie liol.l of (be fihinx boat" the larKe ImimU being erveil with ice rrulied hy the large rruh- er. and the wiuall boat by the mailer erunlier. Ire aUo pa en out on lo the pUlform crush ed for the refrigerator ram, or in lal sliding down a nhute into lite rr for tranoporlalion I'. local ronKiuner. The Smoke House The next place of inlerenl i the inoke limine, with a rapacity when in full -wuik. fnr xmoking :i. iiiio lb. of flan. Spruce i the only fuel uel for unioking in the four onii'ke houne. The fih unokeil are lmon. black cod and herring", which In Ml are made into kiyper and bloater. HerriiiKA for iuoking are upli. LAND ACT. Nolle t Utcnttofl to Apply to Lt la rnnre hnprri und nrnnJliir DM irlrl. nl llmle it Nfwrmtijx! lUrtKW fill l1in.l. about on liUI ixirthal frun ihr nlriiin ! I'rirrl i.luroi!, aiwl tuxii urn- mile oiitiiriy innt m wirinraii ..iuir ..r l.r.t tnjlr Tikl m.llri" that Wlllare FMheTl I inio.il ..f V.nniMtrr H I' ncrvixllnn raniwrvnien. Inlrixla l ippljr for t ! of Ik IH ihii'iwiii f.ill'iwmr pr-Mll 'n- i ufi liixl:- Ihr nurlheatl n.rner nf l.l 1JP; ltm X'Ulli II rhainn; Ihrni nl rh.im itwnrr n.irlli u Tfl rhaln: llmire tOrrlv nieanilorinr amni inr man nn mark t P""' "r fUnntenTmrnl, iml r.inninlnt .on art. imir r jjj. WALLACE FIWMES I.IMITFD. Applirini. nalwl .pirnh tttt t LAND ACT. Nolle of InUnllon to Applf lo Loom Land I In I rlnre nurer Una" nirnnlliir pl-irlrl, ami llnte ll I'-nvo, fflrer IhiiiI no.oo rliatm aoiithMnlerly from IM etlri'nie northwrrt end f Splrer lilanJ and almiit 14.00 clulnn l Irini sclwun- ,TTili iwllre. Ilial W.IUro nlMTlr l.lmlliMl, or Vanrnuver. II.C. neipyllin rannervmrn. Intend In ipjdy fr of ih fnlliwlnir trerrlbl '' ., Coinnieniin at " r'"n,,,J, lJu' (10,00 i-haiiia in aoiilhra'terly dlwiinn fnnii Hie etlreme iMirlliwr.! Sntrer Inland, and ft.oo rhain rroi" srltfflwrr l'; Irienre nulti rltainj; Ihenre rl 4. HI rhln; Ihenre norin-wealrrW tneanderlnr al'inr the line or lilalt tide in fowl of rwiinienrrinenl, and rnniaininr l.no acre, nuin- w '".n WALLACE riSHEniFS UIJUTED. h.i.a .pimh flh !' LAND ACT. Nolle of Inunllon lo Applf to Purth" In Prlnm lluperi Ut nrrnrilltlf DM- rant stmre f lUrnard Covf. rrliirrM llnyal hland. lUnre four. inaO I '"f'M: fAKK MoTICK thai Si'incrrlllo .'"'" C(.ni.nj l.lmllnl if v!,ruM.vfr,Jnii" milium iwrkrrn. InlnuM I" M'P V r..r D'f lieriulaslnii l porrliaso the rollovuii a" crt'lr,;,,,n,,,:-?.v .t . p1Pi.'r,r!PriS !V'flr'.".A,,.or'"f "a,nri,c;Mr' miiNa ,u,j.i i.i.m .-- ::,. S r ii-ii. to huh r"k :'!';"';; fo l ow nn iltli water mar and imitlierly dlrri-llmi 1" pnlnj '.'',! on lumdre ini-nrrnionl. and nmialiilnt rrea, more or lea. ,.,.... rn itd uuMKHVini- A!.MAprn.(i.Tn rer W J. Thoiim, Aienl Diitd Ociobtr ttta, Itt YES- you can easily make the most delicious Cakes, Biscuits, Doughnuts, CooKies,etc. with MAGIC BAKING POWDER MADE IN CANADA CONTAINS NO ALUM t.W. GUXfTT CO. IT0. TOfiOMTO, CAn. open, cleaned and placed in ftlnuiK brine for 15 miuiilea. then I hey are Mimkeil for ll' to 16 bourn on "lenler" Mick. 18 herring lo a Mirk, in 4iie ftinoke botie. In ibis inannor are prepared I be ftiicrulent kipper which so many thousand penple in lite great rilieft of lh. Kyri enjoy wilh their breakfaN without a Ihouztil of whence they cHine or how they are pr?- Iared. The famoux bloater, t.l kipper' rival, i Ireateil in the iame way, exeejd thai II U kept in brine for SI hour- and .i hung on a nd paed through it i fMe, inleHl of being huiic on a "tenter" utiek. to be imok- el. rXery condition of herring ' cannot be o Itealeil, for it i found thai the richer Ibe fi.h I lie longer il ha In be akeil in hrine. In lhee milk row herring Hie male fi.h ha a oft row, ait Uv-loed by Ibe epicure, while the female fifth ha a hard row, in winch the eggs are formed for -pawning. In the early eaon herring have no row, and have little fat at thai time, the "melt ing row" nol forming until after Iwo or three month, cone- quenlly Ibe fle.b of the herring n much richer than when the row ha formel. In Ihe early eaon, therefore, herring re quire lo be niokeil longer and lower, and cannot lie made into Idoaler. for lo make bloaters Ibe herring nuil have a row. Smoked black cod is treated in Ihe name way, phl, cleaned, ftoaked in brine for six hours, ami oinoked for Si to 2H hours I'he process is Hie same for ui"kci salmon, only the smok- inc has to be slower Hum In Ibe cae of Ihe blnek cod, ns Ihe salmon flesh cannot stnml 1lio .IIICHI heal like llr cod, .."till, ill Hiore.forv unii i i salmon iiiiii.fii also lo be oakd in brine for a longer lime. Matter of Power s one approaches Ihe plant beside I lie C.N. II. trucks, on Hie left are the boiler boue and Ibe engine room. In Ihe boiler bouse are -two 250-horse-power llab-eock A Wilcox boilers wilh mechanical slokers, which supply Ibe coal burning furnaces. In Ibe engine room the Iwo large slalionary steam engines provide Ihe power for two "a-lon Amiiioiiiale compressors, and ono 1 50-ton Carhondale machine, and two elceiric generators. In the machine and carpenter shop the principal machinery consists of one Macgregor simper, one Curlls pipe threader, one 2il-in swing engine lallie, one 11 in. lalhn, drills and band-saws, The general Impression afler visiting the plant. Is one of efficiency combined Villi speed in bundling Ihe fish. For example, on my last vlsil lo Ibe plant I arrived early In the afternoon, lo ihenre eaoerlf rlllll: ihi-niB n,"" fllUl that a Clirgll 01 UII.UlMi III. oi K?.TOli UvmiKUl lii llinl morning bv one of Ibe company's bonis had already been disposed of and distributed In I ho various de-parlnintls for shipping, Ireal-tncuf or cold sloragi. Power Plant and Tram Line to Work In Connection With Mill Which Is to be Installed STKWAUT, Xov. it. Dalby JI. Morkill, who wjrnf smith ji few days uuu completed the survey of a mill site ami tram line at the Djinwi'll mine before leaving. The power for operating the mill' will be generated by Iwo 2nd I horsepower internal combustion crude oil engines. The mill will be connected with the mine by tin aerial (ram 1,200 feet look operated by grav-jily ami capable, f handling 100 tons of ore every'- eight hours. The ore will coma pot of .Number t tunnel pass lliroogli a fifty Ion ft. linker into a priisher and then ; into a five hundred ton bunker 1 from which it will feed evenly in-I to Hie (ram. At Ibe lower (criminal il will pass through a small bunker, through another crusher inlo Ibe 500 ton bunker. Work during Ihe winter will consist chiefly in blocking out ore so Dial by the time Hie mill ! is ready there will be plenly of I on- lo keep it riinninj;. STEAMER BURNED IN ALASKA KNOWN HERE Qunner was Enoaged In Coast Trading Before Entering Northern Whaling Business Word lias been received here Ilia! Ibe steamer inn tier, formerly well known as a caller at this port has been burned to the water's edge, and what was left of the boat was ashore in I'rinre William Sound. Alaska. Two of Ihe crew of the boat were badly injured during Ibe fire: Itichard llolbrook of Seat He and Frank llan-on of Pan Francisco. Captain I.. 'Lane, owner of IJie boat, on bis wa soul b lo report tbe accident at San Francisco. The (iunner wa brought 'o Ibis coast from Hn?".orlh Sea bv Captain C. I'uHnnghorne, ami for a lime she was operated in lb cal service. Then a company wa fornie to seACgb for the treasures of Captain Kidd o- ome other famous Spanish gold deposits on Coros Island. The lreaure was nol located and Hi-ship was sold. Since I hut time which was about eighteen month ago. nothing was heard of Ihe ship until this refort, when i was learned she bad been burn. I while whaling olT the coasl of Alaska; CULLING STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY Many Freshmen Will be Asked to Withdraw at Christmas to Avoid Waste of Time Vancomer Starl At Hie prcsen time ctery uni- versily in 4 '.a pad a. including tbe University of H.C.. is greatly perturbed nlillie number of ludents ;"n, !n,.,U. fWnVJls smoked slowly .'ff,iv.lUaufln K to .. lasl '. the . course. ' and spring salmon being a richer fish than any oilier salmon has IJie prolileui is ny no means new". In facl. il eaij -lie classed ns n hardy annual. ;. Today," at Point Urey, the faculljes are busy looking, into Ibe records of Ibo Freslunen. wilh n view lo calling upon tboe I hey consider unfit for a university education lo withdraw nt Cbrismnsln order lo avoid any further waste of time or money. With Hie growth of our educa Tongue Was Coated Bad Taste In Mouth Every Morning Mrs. J. II. Adams, Anniniboia, Satk., writMi 'Tor months I ws troubled with a coated tongue, and had a bad taate in ray mouth every morning. One day I aw where your Milburn's were advertised for juit lueh a condition a mine, o I went at onto and bought three vial of them, but after using one-and-a-half, all my troubles dlsappeAred.'' t For S3 year Laxa Liver Fill have been put up only by Tho T. Milbaia C, Luuitid, Toronto, Oat, The Man Who Talked at Random sat in the window-corner of the Pullman's smoking HE compartment, and breathed fatly and uttered large opinions in a suety voice. It grew late, as so often it does; and he put the quietus on a discussion with the ponderous statement: "I don't read advertisements. They have no effect on me at all. I'd never miss them if they stopped printing 'em." Then he glanced at his advertised watch and sought his lower birth. In the morning the ad-skeptic contorted himself out of his advertised pyjamas into his advertised underwear, drew on his advertised socks, adjusted them with his advertised garters, got into his advertised clothes, laced his advertised shoes and added himself to the congestion in the wash-room. There he shaved with an advertised razor, using advertised shaving cream; brushed his teeth with an advertised toothbrush and advertised dental cream, washed with advertised soap, and brushed his hair with an advertised brush. Buttoning his advertised collar he knotted his advertised on an advertised button, neatly tie,gave his advertised suspenders a tug or two, and finished dressing. Let us leave him there, this man who never reads advertisements! Everything worth using is advertised. Everything that isn't, rarely is. Read the advertisements for value's sake tional system it has become ibe ambition of almost all parents lo put their children through Hie university. They fail to grasp the far! that, in Hie lange ma jority of cases, their sons and daughters are unfilled for the' higher education, and that, even if they si niggle through to a degree, they ace no further advanced along Hie hue path of life. CONSERVATIVE GAINS IN ! QUEBEC. CONSTITUENCIES 1 ""tclorfaolonist j Tho Conservative campaign in Quebec in the lale election wasj not a complete failure. The ma-, jorilies given lo the Liberal! candidates in 1025, were, with j Hi eexceplion of two counlies.j much less than in 1H21. Tolalj figures show difference be-j Iween Hie majorities of 1021 and' 1025 of 105.511. and there nre, other figure front eighl coun- ties to be returned'. The Liberals have lost (j round very suhslan-' lially in Hie French-Canadian; province. j COURSE OF LECTURES ! ON POPULAR SUBJECTS! VANCOFVFIl, Nov. 18 The! Y.M.C.A. here has set about ar-j raniginig a course of lectures on subjects of outstanding interest. The education secretary has picked Ibe theme which are lo be: The Canadian Tariff. The Canadian Hallway Pro- Mem. Oiunmllnn Immigration and I'mmigrntinn. Canadinn Agricultural Pro blem. Canadian Taxation. Canadian Labor Conditions. The led ure will commence after the New Year holidays. ' Are the Pennies Blocking Your Way Sump women, even though they realize what a wasto of time and what u tiring job warning i, still they struggle with washday because they think laundry service is beyond their names. Hut if they'd only try 6nr Thrift-T Servicp Ihey'd know how economical laundry service, eau be. Everything; waJied clean, your flat work ironed, wearing apparel just to iron -and the "ost is only 5c per lb. and le per piece. (let rid of washday and you'll have many new hours a week to use (hem as yon wish. You'd like lo have them of course, so don't let the pennies stand in Ihe way. Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineer!, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plant is equipped to handle alt kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONE8 43 and 38P c 1