paos ywo TAXATION WAS BEFORE BOARD Owing to Lack of Quorum Reso This advertisement is not published or displayed by Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British fJnlnrohi. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA DAILY EDITION Oil ANOTHER SUCCESS FOR BOYSOF CHURCH Jones Went Over Well and Small Acts Proved Interesting to Large Audience The concert given by the boys' of Ihe United Llmivh. which xvu.. repealed last niytil.-xva nti evert greater success Mum die prevl- ESQ Published Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Dailv News. Limited. Third Avenue. II. P. PULLEX, Managing Editor. the SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $l.on By mail to all parts of Hie British Empire ami the United " Slates, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year .'. $7.50 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. OC Saturday. Nov. , 1925. Milk Supply For Prince Rupert. Tin' farmers of Ihc interior have been considering carefully the matter of providing a milk, supply for Prince. Rupert. They are seekin&llic aid of the Provincial oxernnient in this and with a view to making the present condition clear to the minister of agriculture, have been securing data in regard to it. A, committee appointed for the purpose of securing information, report that so far only half the needs of Prince Rupert aw supplied by the Bulkley Valley farmers and that even though the people of this city consume only about a third of I lie amount of milk they should. It it to remedy this defect they are moving at present. Prince Rupert needs milk and plenty of it, but there is the difficulty of transportation. During the winter there are three trains a week which means that once a week Ihere Illll are. two days intervening between milk deliveries from Ihe farms to the city. I Ins question or milk supply i or .vital interest here as well as iu (lie Bulkier Valley and, it is to be hoped the farmer if the interior will work iu closocotijuncJiou with the , locjJ Board of Trade as union is slrcngthjif this mailer as in all others By their united efforts Mimelhiiig may be acruniplishcd. Spectacular Play Of Mayor Taylor. k I Mayor Taylor seems lo Have discovered, a mare's nest. He thought he found ome discrimination against his home city, Ho exposure or which would give linn, some -needed puiuicny, in view of the mayoralty election jiit' coming on. .Until further particular are available il is difficult to comment on his Action at length, but it seems to be, jifsl oije of those lillle election dodges for which demagogues'! are noted. . Perry's Scheme For Railway Building. II. Xi. Perry according lo the telegraphed report of his ad-dress in the Legislature, would have the Provincial (iuvemnieiil take Ihe initiative in building n railway from Prince (ieorge into the Peace River country. He would set aside for Ihs present the propoHl to complete the line from Sqiinmih to Pnnce fleorge, all of Which is already graded, Void Uarl on the new work. . We are all anxious lo ee the Peace River tapped but Ihc province is hardly in a position to enter into any great expenditures at the present time. Railways are necessary IhiI they are scarcely a Provincial (iovernnient work. The constitution j. Vides that they may be undertaken hut Hiey are no! usually successful. The province would just now be glad to hand over to the Dominion at half the eifst, the only railway she already owns. Good For Us That We Have A Prince. Some of the Brilis newspaper. were all hrl up recenllv because the Prince of Vajes4 when taking pari iu a comedy aboard lloi war xessel (in rynfcl('!ie returned from his recent tour. hTsel up as a girL ;T-fieV'fi!suisled H.wtts hoi dignified. linpjiil; the Prince has ficiise of humor and reiiips, ven though li L-e a prince, to itM-ard his hnnianjlyjif .order to as sume the airs of a ruler. We thank him for it and especially! for having ruffled lhejlignily of some of Ihe Englishmen who lake ihenisclu's, the country (iiinl their iulilulions o H?riouly. We have always admired British institutions but some of them may become so encrusled wilh pomp ami dignity and Ihe ru-t of age (hid they will have lo be cast off. Members of Ihc Royal Family rertise to become o eurriisfcd and as a resiill Ihey are holdtog their posilions. It is largely because of the good senc ion! hoioauily of the Rrilish Royal Family thai the Brilish form of government ha- been maintained. lowufd 'inaiicin the summer 'imp for he boy next year. OSLAND RESIDENTS CAME IN FOR SHOW A narly of aboill twenty tieoide ous exciting. There was a hirgjfroui (Maml, Smith Island, wan niidience and the joXe and sin injr went fixer xv.ell. There were xome new feature, the animal Jicl jrixeji liy Thoiiiison, B. l'atmoie anl Har old Macdonald look wfll and; lliej was a pulent luedieine skelcli iu which It. McKihhiu took Hie pari nf doctor ami B. Slexens, K. Sinllli, B. Irvine and U. Lllues xvere palienls. After the show a flashlight picture was taken. The proceeds of the a how go Twenty People from Smith Island Were Here on Short Vls't. hi'U)rhl lo town last uihl by Canon Itiishbrook. on the Mission boat ".Northern Crass," In takf In the first niplil's performance oj -,ui iiuneiitiacK of .olri' liaimv 'After a very enjoyalde tune the party returned al il o'clock lo Ihe Island, II is purl nf Hie routine xvnrk of IIkj "Northern Cross" lo take out parlies ami pimics and Ihlx event xxil) dotililless he leineni-berrd for a long lime by the people of Oslund. lution Endorsing Memorial For Change Laid Over A proposal to endorse a nif-iiinrial of the associated property nf Vuin-onxer lo have Ihe basis of taxation changed, particularly that regarding the income tux, property lax and succession duties, was not carried ..,. l.v ih lloiml of Trade lasU utehl because it developed into a (intentions measure and as such could not he passed without a Mil quorum. The attendance at Hie nteelins was very small xxnu n. W. Nickerson presiding. The recommendation of the finance Coniniittee consisting of (Jeorsre Hurie. tleorpe Woodland mid J. L. Christie was presented lv Mr. Hnrie and a motion to adopt il nioxed'hy lnf Hanson. Woiflled by W. IL Toby. IL F. Pollen took stroiu exception to 1he memorial. He paid he considered the income tax the mol (jii that could be lex led. X" one liked payinp taxesl but the money had to be raised somewhere and if il dkl no come from those sources it would havej ii he raised from some oumt. The siicvesinn duly he als,eon- sidered aloiw; the lim of modern! lexelopmeuls. As to the .property) 'ax lie ajrrecd with 'the others: that il xxas not equitable audi should be abolished. The present roxeriimenl had cH Hie rale iu half, but he wnubt like lo see il si nick off allncetber ami xvoohl support a resolution to that effect. President Nlekerson said tie agreed thai Hie iiiconie tax va the mo-t eqaHahle xxny of raising money. On attention heins drawn to! the fact that there xva not a! ipiorum proent, the matter wa laid on the table until next meel-j inr. PUBUCITY THROUGH B.C. AGENT GENERAL F. A. Pauline Writes of Work They Are Doing for This Port In London The Board of Trade last inch! beard read a letter from tin? agent peiieral for British Columbia. F. A. Pauline, addressed per-j Htnally to 11. F. I'ullen. chairman of Ihe publicity committee of the Board who had written him a protest against there beihK no picture psrard of Prince Unpen" amiinp those distributed from B.C. House. Mr. Pauline said that if suitable photograph were sent In? would have cards made from theui. lie also drew attention to a recent article on the fishing industry with a double pave spread of Prince Hupert pictures apMariuK iu (tie Canadian az-elte. the publication of which they hail secured. There was also imielr newspaper and other pub- licity arranged for "this part of the country and they were ever alive lo the "need of trivinir this part of B.C. a fair share of their lime and effnrl. THE MAN IN THE MOON ays: There xvas a young poet, a rhymer, Who thought he'd wrile something sublimer. Willi his finder he scratched HI head and then hatched A story about an old timer. lie wrote of a innssbaek who tried To work without hurllnc his pride; So glibly he told Of that knight errant bold But 'txvas easy lo ee that he lied xx e never hear of any green grocers in Hilt country. I hey may be jtreen but they don't like to admit it. A flapper may not be as black as she is painted hut ihe is about as red as she Is rouged. Friend are people you can say insulliiijr tiling" to nnd HJey don't resenl Iheni any more than lo throw a boot hack. If Ihere xvere no uch tlilntr as rellBion xve'd still find sotnelhlng to illvble on. A good Liberal Is one that yns daily- trews - th' ." ' ""'"'".JJl ha HhUn ttXK-anJ ipon. Ttifl ly tA hat lAi' Mai iu ana whtl Cunfvitum Riif A.. 403 on iht JioM. This CoU Stalls oliolule auutamt of floor-ovtrint wtUfadun Every Day is Thanksgiving Day in this Kitchen VVHEN 8ne counts up her blessings on vv Thanksgiving Day, Grandma is sure to include her Congoleum Gold Seal Rug, for its easily cleaned, w;Herpioof sutface saves so much of her time and energy. That's one of the reasons for the widespread popularity of Ccngoleum Rugs. They lighten housework; and bring at the same time a cheerful touch of color into the home. Thousands and thousands of Canadian housewives are today enjoying the charm of these artistic, labor-saving rugs. They know why it pays to look for the, famous Gold Seal label on the face of the pattern. For only then can they be sure of getting Congoleum's quality, beauty and service at money-saving prices. A wonderful variety of patterns has ever been an outstanding feature of Congoleurn Gold Seal Rugs. In the present line, consisting of eleven motifs, you are sure to find appropriate designs for any room. Step into your home-town dealer's foNGOLEUM A GOLD SEAL RT-RUGS Made in Canada by Canadians for Canadians store and see for yourself how beautiful and practical these rugs really are. Note the low prices. For very little money you can replace n worn floor-covering with long wearing, easily cleaned Congoleurn Art. Rugs. They are to be had in seventeen sizes; ranging from the handy 18 x 36 inch mats to the 9x15 foot room-size rugs. Look for the Gold Seal Always remember to look for the Gold Seal. Only when you buy rugs or roll goods which bear the Gold Seal guarantee do you get the luted and proved satisfaction of genuine Gold Seal Congoleutn. Congoleurn By-theYard The same durable material as Congoleurn t7oJ Seal Rugs, for use over the entire floor. It is made two yards wide, without border, in a variety of beautiful patterns. Congoleum Canada Limited 1270 St. Patrick Street, Montieal Qycboc St thru fa tatttmt I fmt ifirt't ri lj - Y&J V"-f 7 ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE GOLD SEAL ON THE GOODS YOU BUY prays the Lord to remove more Fund. Conservatnes than Liberal by The foHoxving were in ehargn death durm Ihe time the House of the several department: is in session. Home Cooking Mr. H. Smith I loxe to. sit iaiididrjcaui ' For HlQhg 5n.t(d reaming, loving 'isilhe' Kabie lis I applied to (ho Holdicrs' Memorial and Mrs. rivxanson. Fancy flail and raffle.i.-.Mr.. Walter Sliaw and Mr. Whatman. UmiHy. Mrs. Iloper. c 'tflU'jo;aybove. Mitii'J'PO aiiove.t ."Xovejuo. . .Mr. ,juck ami just about lime. Hie editor, Plain KexviiiK. Mr. (JoodsaP xvas arain warning the people tojand Mrs. Hrexverlon allend Mrs. lioblliloonrfl ale ori Fortune TellinK'- snmewhere and make their t'.hrisl mas. purchases. Christmas coming What a lark, Snow on ground, Fyenirijrs dark. Money spending. What a spree! Will anybody, Think of nie? Monday Is TliansBlving Day and xve all are going In have a real holiday if there happens to be uo work to do. DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND HOLD ANNUAL BAZAAR Affair Was Opened this noon In Boston H'l Mayor Newton ftr- The annual bazaar of Ihe lauhlers and Mablsnf ;liiphiiul xvas opened at : o'-Iok llil! afternoon in the JbjsLiii Hall by Mayor S. M. Xewloif. An allr'ac-II ve cnlleclion o ,4isefiil and fancy articles Is fiejmf olfcred for sale and lea In also bcinir served. All Hie prpreedu will U Mrs. Brem- ner. Tea Tables Miss Jrce Howe Ml lloritf Leek and the Misses Brewerlnn. Cashier. Mrs. f)akley. IManisl. Mrs. Willon. (Seneral Convener.- Mrs. lloxxe. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert Noembor 7, 1915. The Allin and National linle-pendent Fishurles handled 1 35.-000 pounds of halibut today from Hie schooners Allen, Sun Jose. Polaris and Mainiolia. Capl. J. W. Warden, who hat lalely returned froir. Hie front and is shortly to be travelled h lieulenaiilseoloitel, will airive here tomorrow on recruiting duly. The halibut schooner Chief ZihasMi, for which fears were, entertained returned In ninl yesterday Hricrnooii with only 8,000 pounds of halibut after S7 dayi (Mil. Advertise Iti the Dully N0Ws Sportsmen! NVe are llfad(uarlcrs for Sporting Oood of - " ; We rnrr' Hie fninons WESTERN SUPER "X" LONG RANGE SHOT SHELLS See us for Hand Logger's Supplies (lilrhi ' J ' and Parts Gable- -Axes Haws, ete. STORK'S HARDWARE. LTD. 714 Second Avenue COAL COAL Let us put in your coal supply for the winter. Ilaxe yon tried our lleco A nice clean hot coal al $11 per ton, nut size. Slovp coal $12.50. Lump coal $13.50. This coal will mil fill your ples wilh soot. We can nnote ynu loxv prices on lumber, also attend to small dclfxericft promptly. TAXI Nexv clean Sedans al your service day or iiIrIiI. C.linrpcs, EOo for one or txvo pasenners. Call 112 The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. 3rd Avenue. Phones 189-112 Phone i" SHOE PROBLEM VANISH When You Wtar ONYX Shoes Canada's Best Kww for Women Women. Carried In slit and V,Bn' nil f" Familv Shoe Store Tki.j h ... phone I fill U "