relay, November 7, 1925. j j 1 3k' IU uil&eif Supplies V 1 (fDham K9L9RED 3HINOLE3. r " B 1 Lumber Brick Cement Lime Plaster Stock your winter's supply or Nanaimo-Welling-ton Coal now Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 an ! 117 Greeting Cards That you have been looking for. They arc limply beautiful expressions of the engravers' art, with the right sort of design and sentiment that appeals. Discriminating buyers are assured that they can save one third the price by placing their orders with us. Printing done right here In our own shop. No delay. Orders completed In 24 hours. Telephone No. 0 and our representative will call. eMcuMvs.Mi CHRISTMAS CARDS Are now on Display in our Store. Y will fun a rani to ml vnur every requirement nl r.mguifr from jr to ? 1.00. We are aUo hooking or- " I'm ate t:iirttnia C.rfnU with a fpillon from K i t i nig mill your own name ami aildri" printeil t w ith cuvi'lun? to niatrh from $2.50 per tluzon. N f liavr t:lui'tl Tine I'hm-i THg. Seals ami ru - lo for vvraiiiig ami pin king yujr fJlirislnnis i I'rutn Tu- up. li 'our Cliritina Sluippiiig early. Ormes Limited Tlic I'iouei'i llnggili 3rd Ave. and Gth St. The H" Slore Phone 82 and 200 TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 530 Or. 238 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Night Phones 687 539 Or. 238 Black 735 E. H. Shocklev Planing Mills j ne-located at 230 Central Stroet, Vancouver, with additional niiicliines for the ma tin f aelmo uf SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, 8HINQLES, VENEER l 1...I ... -I....1, , u iiuiiiiiiiiir iMiniirit 1 1 1 1 v i ii it mrpii inim mil Miurrt: 111 siipjuy. Local and Personal H.G. Undertakers. Phone 41. Try 057. Valentin Dairy. Phone tf Watkina Products. lleprc-H'nlative P. G. Miller, Ulue 2V5, it We dancer 02" honour. Mnli-O' I'olr. Hun lonisht. Lindeelhs OITllCulia. 1 llolrooui, Dining Jluoiu and l.hiiiK llooni iuriiiiurc 20 per cent oir a! Tile's. 200 P. H. Ilunncy, district forester, will Hail tniiiorrow evening on the Prince Charles for Vancoil- er. tlurrie's Taxi and Mescenpor Service. Plume 507. Service lv and night. Stand. Carlton C&fe. tf Lity Police (fcmslahle Ucorne Crale Iihk tuturnml to duly after penlinx I wo weeks' vacation on a hun fin;; trip along the coast. "Heco!" This in the coal you waul. .No dirty black slnoke to till Hie pip-. 1 1 .00 jx.r ton. Prince llupcrt Transfer and Tai Phone 112. 2C0 C.fiinc and have many a good Iuiijih al llial screamingly funny farci "J hiii'" at the Westliohae, Monday, NuvetiuW tC. Henervc al at Orine. Have you lrjl our Heco roal? Nui ue 9 1 1 -Oft pr Ion delh ered Heco ..,ve cfMl ? 1 2.50. Itw lump I3.50. Prinee Huperl TiaiifiT and Taii. Phone 112. 200 Aii.iIIht jtooil audience was prffiil at the Liiilrtl Ghurcli lal niglil to wilne-5 the second performuiice of th Tuxis I toy' mid l iail Hangers' Miutlrel Ser- uade. F. . Ituvsrll. chief rnneer of the fisheries protection steamer Mai-Msb, will e-ail tomorrow night on the Prince Charles for Van couver wln-re he will spend th w infer. The secrelary of the Board of Trade announced al the meet ma of i lie bono! Just night that be was in receipt of literature deaf iuu wilb'a pulp embargo which wa nvailaiile for members. Hex. Dr. Charles .1. Cameron who will act as pastor of the First I'li-bylermn Church hen until a uernianenl successor U llev. Dr. II. Itiirnnt i apioiiil- i. is expected la arrive from Vaiicoiixer on the Prince Clinrle i his afternoon. A Idler wa read al the Hoard or Trade merlin? last ninhl in leanl lo the recently announced reduction in marine insurance rales Inland from this port. It was i.ouiieii oul I liar nixon l.u- lianee was specified tie the route and the ijuestioii of using other routes was mentioned us possi ble The mailer vytll be inquired nil" further. ANNOUNCEMENTS Oddfellows' whist drivo and dance. November to. Presbylerian November 12. Church llaiaar lloyal Pufplo Haiaar Noveni- ber 13. Screainlngly funny farce. 'Jane,' Weslliolnie. November tOi Moose and 18. llaiaar November 17 Haptist Church Ladies' Ilazaar, November 20. SI. Andrew's Ladies' llaruar. December 2. AM Auxiliary i Lutheran Church Ladies' Aid lH'.'- IWornhf ' i Saws Fast-EasyCuttin SIMOND: SAWS SWORDS MNAMSAV CMTO. MONTerau V'ANcouvr It. JON. N.a. OAILT HEVtt TOT AG. THRK Kcr Face Wcs Covered With Urge, Red F'mples Kin- Greta Curlirie, 21 L,nrJ Sf, UiautfoiJ, Ont-, writ "A hort vrhilo ago, my fare wax comj.Ictrly romed with large red pimplw, and it CHmed that it wm almort iaiiKMBible for me to get rid of th'ni, u nothing I took, xi'ciufd to '!o rue tar good. One day I noticed an advertisement of and I will never regret the day I taught it, as, now, my fare is entirely cleared op of blotches and pimples of every kind." 1 ' For the pant 47 yean B.D.R. has been put up only by The T. ililbura Co, Limited, Toronto, Ont Two cars al your service Bhcddon Taxi. Phone 134. tt Hi Clearance Hah- of Furni ture al Tito's. 20 per cent ri- luction. 2CU H. O'Hanley of Anyox sailed this morning on tlx- Priudess Ileal rice for Vancouver. Don't forget' Itrp oinderelli Dance in the Ho-in Hall tonight.. Admisip8 60c. Dont forget to miiect our ituck. Store now open on Sixth .Street. i?taly anil Doodson. The frelqhter Mogul arrived In port at 1:45 this afternoon w!th a cargo of Vancouver fsland coal for the Prince Rupert Coal Co. -'. . Dawson i Icavm? on tli train this evening l meet some officials of the railway anil expects to be away a week or mon-. The Presbjierian I.adie' Aid will hold a shower tor the haxaar on Tuesday nWenKS9n. November to. from 3 lo 0 m the Church Hall. Tea will be served. All ex-ervlce men are invited lo meet al OAV.V-V. Booms-on Punday at lO.tS'aifu. to attend pei-ial Ariuitrei Service at St. Andrew's Calbedrak; Call II .' for cood coal. ? jer Ion delivered. Why pay wore. f'r coal when J"ii can buy To' this price. Prflu-e IlUperl Trans fer and Taxi.' PhorTe 112. 260 D(Utli(er of Knrf upland llataar in Uoslnn Hull t'Iftayiift 3 o'clock in aid of Church Mrti'iorial Fund. Cinderella dance ffm U tu 12. Arthur's orchestra. Admission 60c. The Hoard nt Trade was last uiyhl notified of proposed hanxes In express rales 4!r cer tain articles. The mailer was referred lo 'the cojuiniltec in charge. C.I'.ll. sleanier Prtm'ess Beat rice, Capl. T. Chile, arrivetl from Vancouver and wayjioris al 10:13 Inst nighl and sailed on her return south al II o'clock lhi morning. Passengers sailing this inorii- iii? on die t.alala Tor the soiilh included .lame- LewHs and Mi. ind Mrs. II. II. liaiuhlo for Holla Bella and Mis llanibara Mimt- Somery for Vancouver. William Ware, fur manaisci for the Hudson Bay Co.. readied the city on last iiikIiI's Irani a'-i ter u lour of tin comiiany's in I torior branches and is registered at the Prince llupert Hotel. ' V fin, new iiiilnit. flm irirt nl1 (ho Daughlers and Maids of Fug 1.1 lid in memory of the Englishmen of Prince llupert who died In the great war. will be dedi cated In SI. Andrew's Cathedral tomorrow al the evening service. Molorsliip Prosperity arrived in port al midnight from Sal Chuck Mine with 20 tons of pal ladium concent rale for iruns- shlpinont Knst over tho OaMlu'llan National llnilways tu Irvinglon Sinellor, New Jersey. J The pros perity relumed north at 10 o'clock this morning. Moiulay being Thanksgiving Day Iho post office registration and general delivery wickets will le open from U u.m. to It a.m. only, llcccnt inslrucllons istsueil by ihe post offices' 'department advise that on all staluloiy lioll-days the public lobby of the pus', offleo Is to be open from H a.m. Id o p.m. , 260 Church Notices Baptist Church Armistice and ThanksKiyiir semces at the Jiaptisl Church tomorrow. Al II a.m. the sub- ;je i will be "Ily Jstill .Waters." Al Locarno on Lake Mavgiore, evenls of ssTcal iniportaiice liave I iccuned. And al 7I0 the sub-Je will be "Thanksgiving" pec. a I music al both services. iTlie place for every person on 'In day is in Church. Therefore w exieiid lo 'young and old, H "uinblei's ami all olhes kinds o' ipc jplc a most coi dial" invitation, jllible School meets as usual at !l.':10. Lutheran Church Si. Pauls Knglish Lutheran Ciiurch. .Melronole Hall, Third Avenue, llev. P. 15. Haisler, II.D.. pastor. Sunday services: Morn in;: at 1 1 o'clock. Sermon topic. The Fruits of Hiffhleoiisui'ss." Sunday School at 12:15. Kven i ii tr service at 7.30. Sermon topic: "Christian Stewardship. United Church The Church of Service, llev. t!eor?e fi. Hacker, pastor. Mi el Haddock,, deacones. Sun- ilav services at II a.m. and 7.30 p.m. The pastor will preach al both services, which will commemorate Thanksgiving, and n rort of the recent United conference will be (riven. Presbyterian Church Mornin? worship al 1 1 o'clock F veil inn service at 7.30. The llev. Chas. J. Cameron of Van couveu will preach at both ser vices. Sunday school al 12.30. Sanation Army I he hand oi fellowship is extended lo all. We will be glad lo serve you. Services will be held on Saturday, louiglit, at 8.15 p.m. Praise. Sunday al 1 1 a. in Holiness. Lieut. Kenny will speak. Sunday school al 2.30. Newcomers are invited. Al 7.30 p.m. Subject "If not to Christ then lo whom? litis will ui- teri'sl you. Fifteen minute sonv service. Itecruits are needed for Hie Hoy Seoul s and the (iir tiuards. Apply Tuesday and Fri day. Miss A-'nes Donaldson is goiu onl oil tlie train lo spend the Thaukspivins holiday al Por lvssiogtou. . t. Miss Barbara Montgomery who arrived from the south last week, returned Ibis mommx to her home in Vancouver. A large number oT huntiuc parlies have gone oul for tin holiday and others will be leaving louighl or tomorrow- Andrew Sniail of the Canadian Fish A Hold Storage Co. staff will sail on the Prince Charles luinorrow iHghl for Vancouver enroutc to the Old Country where ho will spend Ihe winter. He will sail on November 20 from Montreal for Clasgow on I tic steamei Ltd ilia- Mike Kosoll was arrested las! nighl by Sergeanl Mcfilinchy ir. a resort on Third Avenue and was lo have been charged in Hie city police courl wilh assaulting M. Kuranrhi. The informant. however, did not appear and u charge of vagrancy will instead be preferred against hoolT. HERE'S A BARGAIN IN SPECTACLES Styles are changing and we have a number of the older style reading glasses with gold filled frames which we well sell for $2.50, including u good case. These arc all ritght for reading and the only thinai is they arc rather small sue compared lo t lie present style. We have nearly nil strong I lis. John Bulger Jeweller I ; -1 m oorxijkaasfiL. Vaiitier unwM j 'Gasty Qocoa and Delicious Qhocolate Qae 1 Cocoa and Chocolate DcLghtful foods and beverages of high quality, pure and healthfuL Walter Baker 8c Co. Limited ESTABLISHED 1780 DORCHESTER, MA6S. CANADIAN MILLS AT MONTREAL Booklet of Choice Recipes sent free. WICKER Chairs and Rockers -and- Wicker Library Tables We must make room for Fall Goods anil arc selling off this Hue of furniture at Reduced Prices BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. Phone 123. NEW -:- SEASON'S Fancy Frozen Bait $25.00 Per Ton The Finest Obtainable on the Coast Canadian psh & Cold Storage Co., Ltd- PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Steamship and Train Service 8.S. PRINCE RUPERT iml PRINCE CHARLES uill Irivv PRINCE RUPERT rui VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE ami luteniivtlUte poluls each FRIDAY tt 9 .m, mil SUNDAY, 11 p.m. 8.S. PRINCE RUPERT tut STEWART anU ANYOX, WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCE CHARLES for STEWART, SATURDAY, 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN rorUllgDlly for VANCOUVER Via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ' ISLANDS. PASSENQIR TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY icpl Sunday 1 1:311 a.m. for PRINCE GEORGE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG., all imliils Ktern canaiU, I'nitPtl Slate. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlckit Offlca, S2S Third Am, Prlnc Ruptrt. Prion 260 (CANADIAN? 'A.aaiiwtrX Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert F ILTCHiUX. WKANCIU. JUNEAU, SUCWAT Nmalcr It, 30 DWr 14 F TANCOUYEK. VICTORIA ui SEATTLE NtrtmUr 3. 20, DraaWr 4. 18 S. PR1MCESS BEATRICE . Far Butadal, Swanton Bay, Eat Balla Balla, Ocaan Falla, Namu, Atari Bay, Campball Rlar, and Vancauttr aary Saturday 11 a.m. Ajtncy for all Staamahlp Lima. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD Otnaral Ajnt. Carntr of 4th Straat and 3rd Annua, Prlnca Rupart, B.C.