m ii PAGE F0U3 WU.rtsiIt,v T n BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM.inus i COIKT TO JML M DlHT'f bEC 1 HOPE OOGAM' tiOVH THE H ILL HW( Try a filling and be convinced Kaien Hardware SUNOCO i V COT To do TOl-O ID i VDME. 'bHOPoiNC, would ee HIM TODW AkM'' COTTA. , t OPEN - KCEPT- WORD c I OOmHT TO A.NO I'LL Chatter jEE. TO IT TMM TO ME CsE NOW AT DiMTX0 VOO DON'T CET . . I 1 1 i OUT WHILE. 'I If i Free i I'M CONE- SIM ii i oTl ill "I for - p ear Fords Company Important BargainNews Our Entire Stock of WOMEN'S and MISSES' I DRESSES, SUITS, COATS and MILLINERY at 20 per cent discount Ten Days Only Mrs.S.Frizzell Third Avenue J. L Blain Contractor Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. Hardwoods Store ami Office Fixtures. Hand-sawing ami Planing. Jobbing and Repairing. Glass and Glazing. Sash, Doors and Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 268 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. Gregory Tires Are Good Tires Made in ll.C. SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRY .We Have Them In Stock. S.E. Parker Ltd. HAIG LEAVES FOR JASPER Famous British Soldier Has Full Day at Vancouver Itinerary East VANCOUVER, July 15. Fol lowing a full day bore lodavi Field Marshall Kail Haig and Hie parly of distinguished o!lU cers who are accompanying him, will commence the return journey across Canada by special train over the Canadian National Hailways leaving Vancouver at 11:15 o'clock tonight. The first slop of importance will be at Jasper, Alberta, where the party will be guests at Jas-per Park from 9:30. Thursday night until 10:15 Saturday morning. Allhough Mm Field Marshall will meet the two hun dred returned men who are al Jasper and will ollicially open the new golf course which the Canadian National Railways hate eons'trucled at Jasper Park Lodge, the visit there will be largely in the nature of a rest for the visitors who arc somewhat fatigued after. their arduous trip across the Dominion. They will spend most of the lime I rail riding and in motor-; ing to Mount Kdith Cavell, the Maligne Canyon and other spol-of interest in the park in the vicinity of the lodge. KdmonUm' will be reached at 7:i0 Sunday morning, there Karl Haig will meel ihe. returned men anrl attend Divine service with I hem. He will spend tho rest of the day quietly and will leave at 9:50 in tho evening for Sas-kaloon. From 1:50 a.m. until 7.30 Monday the paiity will remain in Saskatoon where an. in leresting program has been arranged. From ISaskaloon tin party will continue direct io Port Arthur which will be reached early Wednesday morning. There will be no stops enroute other than are necessary for tin changing of engines and the watering of cars. The party will remain in Port Arthur until shortly after noon when they will embark on a Northern Navi gation Company steamer fo Sarnia which will be reached at 5:30 on -Friday morning. There they will take, train for Toronto i short stop being-made at Lon don and the train will arrive in Toronto at 2:15' on Friday af ternoon. The parly will remain in that cily unljl midnight Sat urday when they will continue to Montreal which will be reached at, J:30 Sunday, July 20. During their journey form Vancouver to Montreal the party will be accompanied by C. K Howard, general tourist agenl of the Canadian National Rail ways who is representing Ihe president, Sir Henry Thornton GIRLS SUCCESSFUL IN MUSIC EXAMS List Is Announced by Toronto Conservatory of Music The following pupils from St, Joseph's Academy, Prince Ru pert ,have been successful in passing the l'heory exaiuina lions set by the Toronto Con servalory of Music. Elementary Theory First class honors. Muriel Stephens and Aletla McKinley Honors Christine and Helen Nucich. Primary Theory Virginia Riel. Ncls Johnson, .charged with being drunk and disorderly, was fined $25 in the police court this morning. GOOD SEASON IN PROSPECT Major Motherwell Speaks of Salmon Fishing Following . an Inspection of District Major Motherwell, chief in spector of fisheries for the province, accompanied by Mrs. Motherwell,' reached the city yesterday on the Malaspina. He has been making an ipspeclion trip with A. M'ackie, inspector for this district. Sitonkitifr ttt Mm fialiovv eihm. - - n -- ..-..v.,. lion in general, Major Mother well said al this lime the pros-i pects were- encouraging, and comparing the Situation with four years ago, it seemed rnlhor more promising. The various fishing grounds so far have been doing very well. The Naas is somewhat, in advance of four years ago when the fish ing there was very poor and the Skeena also is doing very well. Of course, he said, there are so many factors to be taken into consideration 'that it is difficull always to draw conclusions br make predictions. The weather undoubtedly had a igreat deal to do with fishing. While there are many four year old fish being caught iwJiich wojild show that many were able to get through to the spawning grounds four years ago, also there were five year old fish as well and Ihe general average was considered good so far. Rivers Inlet Fishing at Rivers Inlet is very good and at Smiths Inlet the run of sockeyo has been rather too heavy for ihe canneries to take care of. I he amount, of fisli caught this year should be above avera&e, for the department of fisheries has issued a etreat number more seining licenses. Also the number of fishing bonis with engines has increased quite considerably on the Skeena river last year, and has shown a steady in crease since permission was granted to use motor boats. Work of Planes In speaking of patrol work, Major Motherwell said thai three planes would be stationed here now for the ret-t of the fishing season and t'lis would permit a very good patrol. tOne machine, could bo overhauled, While the others were busy pat rolling. To dale, he said, there have been a number of convictions for violation of the regula tions, and' today there are sev eral cases before , Magistrate Sagar at Port Kssington. Major Motherwell will spend a day or so in the city in connection with work o( his department. and will Mien proceed south ac companied by Mrs. Motherwell. fix R Yet, twice as 1 h rich as ordi. M r... 1 Pure Milk "From Contented Cows" FAIR BOARD HAS MEETING Move Now on Foot to Bring Capt. George Ash Here for Exhibition The Fair Hoard lmrt ils regular monthly meeting last evening. Mailers of considerable importance came up for discussion. Owing tactile small number of High, School students offering in Ihe Scholarship contest, to gether with (lie fact lhal younger candidates are inquiring-, the Hoard has widened the scope, of Ihe contest so that students of either the -Seventh or Kighth grade, public school, may enter. A foaturetof the meeting was the decision. 4o immediately open further negotiations with the management of the Dominion Art Gallery' and Museum at 01. tawa with a view to obtaining an exhibit of some of its world famous pictures.. , The 1 mailer has been under consideration of Ihe executive for some tyne. Another important announcement has Jo do with the sports and attractions. For weeks letters have "been passing. Now it is thought that Ihe Hoard will be able to introduce as a special feature of I lie Inhibition Captain George Ash -(in person). Cap-lain Ash is a world famous cow-hoyV soldier of fortune and au thor. In presenting his pastimes of the, Far West the public will be treated to an exhibition of genuine shooting al small tar- els and spinning the contest lasso. This enlertliiner is unique as a character in the open air entertainment world and his references 'include outstanding figures in veryi many countries. Quile a number of voluntary lenders were in covering usual carnival concessions. This phase of Din 'Fair is being absorbed by people belonging to the cily. With the purpose of getting' mailers pertaining to revenue settled, pending- anx necessary adjustment of contracts, the olfers Were in the main accepted. Correspondence from Terrace and the Lakes district indicate a wholesome interest in Agr! cultural Kxhibits. The mibli will understand that while agrir cultural -anil ihjhef iiidulslriai vocations are i lie real occasion of the long campaign of work throughout the year, entertainment features are provided 'with tho distinct purpose of arranging pastime and recreation for all. ' Sport Chat j The sudden passing of Pancho Villa, world's flyweight chain pion, as reported in yesterday's despatches, following an opera lion on his jaw, comes as shock lo Ihp sporting public. II seems thai on Ihe niorning ol his recent 'figbj with Jimmy Mc- i.arnin or vancopver, he was sulTering- from a bad tooth an. I was compelled to have it ex traded just previous lo enlerina the ring lo fight. Complications developed which ended in sud den flout Ii. l'lius passes another diampion, the Grim Reaper be ing his conqueror in the heyda) of his career. Tho scheduled game of baseball between the Sons of Canada and the Gyros-did not material ize last night owing to uncertain ly of the weather. A number of the players artd a fair number of fans were present, hut as Ihe full learns did not turn up it was Impossible to stage even a prac- 01925 av Int'l Futum Sixvici. Inc. Crest Britain rights rervd- Wanted For Sale For Rent QraH tr gi DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c WANTED WANTKD. Are yoti holidayin, in Vancouver? Two capah e men wanted lo take the "Sea. .Cove" through to Vancouver. Will pay small remuneration. P.R. Transfer & Taxi. Phones 189-112. (t(5 MAID WANTKD for general housework. $50,00 a month. Mrs. Onno. Phone S3 1. If WANTED. Plain dressmaking Reasonable rates. 718. Fraser Strei-L tf FOR SALE FOR SALE. Stove troubles solved. Why worry about your old stoves when you can exchange them as first paytnenl on a new PREMIER RANGE and have complete, satisfaction. Halance on easy payments. Prince Rupert Exchange. Phone 052. tf FOR QUICK SALE. Household furniture comprising dining room suite, Viclrola, Monarch range, beds anil bedroom furniture, crocekry. rugs, up-bolstered chairs, heater, etc. Mrs. D..1I. Yelf. 13 Firili Ave. East, Phone lilue 150. 102 FOR SALE. Central Prince George properly. 100 fool frontage by HO feel ijeep on Motley Street suitable for hotel site. Near railway. A snap al $3,500 cash. Clear title. Write P.O. IJox 037 Prince Rupert. H.C. 102 FURNITURE and Ranges bought, sold and exchanged; household effects packed and shipped: auction sales conducled; fur-iture ami ranges for every htniie. A. MacKctuio Furni ture House, Phone 775. if FOUR Roomed House for Sale on Allin Avenue and Fourteenth slreel. 75 foot corner. Price $1,500,00. Phone Red 510. 105 FOR SALE. Hcuscber, E. flat, Alto Saxaphone. New in January. Complele with case Phone Red 511. ' IG'l FOR SALE Level lot, on sewer, close, in, $400,00. Phtfne lied T'n . I m V u TO RENT TO RENT. Furnished rooms Hot and; cold water. Centrally located. Reasonable rents Norfold Rooms, Fulton Streo! Phone Hlack 329. tf FOUR Roomed Flat for rent. Apply Seavlew Grocery. Phono ' 777. FOR RENT. Clapp apartment Westonld' Hros. tf FOUND FOUND. Molor Iruck crank Apply Seaview, Grocery. tise. The next, game is scheduled lo lako place on Thursday evening between Ihe Mill and the Gyros. BASEBALLMHEDULE " 17. Mill vs. Gyro. " 20. Gyro vs. S.O.C. " 23. Mill vs. S.O.C. " 2d. Gyro vs. Mill. " 31. Gyro vs. S.O.C. Aug. 3. S.O.C. vs. Mill. 0. Mill vs. Gyro. 1 " 11. Gyro vs. S.O.C. " 11. Mill vs. S.O.C. " 17. Gyro vs. Mill. " 20. S.O.C. vs. Mill. Advertise in the Daily News. H' 7 Q FOX FARMINQ ALASKA HLUI- and SILVER HLACK FOXES for uninediaie or later delivery. High-grade stock, at lowest prices. Pups and breeders al lower prices now than later. Cash and terms, no interest. Free Hook-lets, references over period of 25 years by six hanks. Mrs. H. Welch, Smithers, ll.C. is our local Hieeder-Representa-tive; of "One of the World's largest fox farms," (1,200 acres) Cleary Hros., Fnx Farms, 1153 Empire Building, Seattle. U.S.A. BOARD HOARD and Room, or board only. 443 Fifth Avenue East. Phone Red 707. HOARD - - The Inlander, 8.11) Second Avenue. Phone 137. LOGGING EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Five Donkey Log ging Engines. All in good condition with full line of up-to-date equipment. Apply J. R. Morgan Co., Surf Inlet. 102 BOATS AND LAUNCHES PHIGES OF EAST1IOPE 4-GYCLE Marine Engines 4-II.P. -without clutch $185.00 4-H.P. 1 cylinder MI) 200.00 C-H.P. 1 cylinder HI) 450.00 8-11. P. I cylinder 11D 750.00 8-II.P. 2 2 cylinder MD 450.00 Kl-II.P. i cylinder LD 475.00 All the above except the first include the Famous Joes Re-verso Gear, And full electrical and propeller equipment. The best that money can buy. Easlhope Hros., 1747 Georgia SI. W. Vancouver. JLC. Always at your service. Prince Rupert Boathouse, Agents Phone 381. TAXI Taxi 07 Phone (Call George, Paul or Gust) Special 0 and 7 passenger Stude- bakers at ynir service day and ltlglit. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from Euipress Hotel. PHOTO FINISHING P. J. RYAN P.O. Ilox 1544 Prince Rupert, ll.C. Service and Satisfaction Guananlecd. CAMERON TRANSFER Phono 177 Baggage, Furniture Moving. If you want anything sent for. or delivered, phone us. P.O. Hox 099. BEAUTY PARLOR Vogue Beauty Parlor Public Rest Room for Ladles. '. "Mrs. Love Stephens' Hloj:k, Third Ave. Over McCalTery & Gibbons Ltd PHONE 30. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl uro Store. We Huy, Sell and Ex change New and Secondhand Goods. . GEO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Pbone 4(V KEITH'S CAFE. When In Stewart visit Keith's Laro In King Edward Hotel now ro-inodellod. Up-lo-dalo Dining Room and Lunch Counter BOB KEITH - Manager. .Articlei Lost and Found, &c FURNITURE HOSPITAL And General Repair s r. pairs of all kinds p;- . tended to. We rej; writers, gramophou picture framing, la; ,; Furniture crating TOM BALLANGER Phono Hlue 025. lit COLUMBIA RECORDS NEW Process Columbia I no scratching. I. product ions of la ? Trots, Songs and Is music by world fame I Call in and hear the::: PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STOW Third Avenue BEDDING OUT PLANTS. Plants that grow and iv for your labor M bedding out plants a ally acclimatised an I relied upon lo pro.: goods. Store Phone - R Greenhouse Phone HI MCCARTHY'S. FIREWOOD. Ho Comfortable and ( Dry block wood, per Ion I Fresh split wood, per aa Phone Hlack 401 A. ISAACSON - Sou NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEl TION ACT R.S.C. Chapter 115. Till: CANADIAN H:' COMPANY LIMITED here notice that it has umle 7 of the said Act, depo-the Minister of Public Ottawa and in Hie of fir District llegislrar of Hi llegistry District of Pr perl at Prince - Rupert. description of the &jte plans of certain work- ing of floats, wharf on structures on pile foum:: proposed tn bo coiisli- Fraser Reach al Huted.i Province of Ht ilish Col i n.: Water Lot number 2?M ' 4, Coast District. , AND TAKE NOTICE ' ' I Jl o expiration of one I i from the dato of tho ft'-cnllon of this Notice Th i I iliaii Fishing Company I will, under Hectlon 7 of Ac!, apply lo tho Mi Public Works nt his offn City of Ottawa for api the said site and plan- n leave to construct the saM wharf on piles and strut pile foundations. DATED at Vanooirve this 2 1 tli il:iv of .lime I THE CANADIAN Fl",v COMPANY LIMIT' l GOVERNMENT .LIQUOR flCT Notice of Application for B''fl Licence ! 1 .. .i 1 I. ll l u tire is nereny given the 28th day of July undersigned' Intends to :mlh the Liquor Control Hoai i 1,1 licence in rcsneet of lvl" ' lieinsr nart of the huihl ' rl ..,.,!.. 1 trill....- !... I p-l'l IIICI t:ijr mum 11 IIS IMIIilS Parlor, nilnnlii mi Third V''1 'I Prince Ruueit. -ll.C. ui"n . .. '. . . IS l minis uescrineii as l.oi '"" 15, Hlock Number 22. s- ' "' Map Number 923, Princ H1'1 Land lii?liii'ilim liiuli'n ' 111 Province of llrillsh Columbia. j i.. ... . . ; . .. . . ... i'I i on saie o peer iiy me i- ly open bottle for consinl,! (111 IliA riromluna iATr;D this 27lh day " " 1925. tnci.Min etnm NI). ADPliCBll