AQB BIX We save you MONEY QUALITY IS WHAT COUNTS Our Prices urc no higher I hun any oilier store in Canada. Goods marked in plain figures according to grade. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE CUT GLASS, Etc. Save Your Eyes Our Optician has had over 25 years' experience testing eyes and filling glasses. Satisfaction Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North WEEK END Specials Water Melon, per lb. ... 7c Cunl'cloupes, each . .. 20c Strawberries (South Hays , 3 boxes ... ... . . . 40c Terrace Strawberries, 2 boxes . . . 35c Ilaspberrit s, 3 boxes . . 50c Plums, per basket ... $1.00 Oranges, 3 doz $1.00 Orainges, p(.r ,0Z- 50o & 60c Tomatoes, nuthouse, per lb. 25c New Potatoes, 8 lbs. . . 25o New Potatoes, sack $2.75 Carrots, Turnips, Heels, Cabbage at Iteduced Prices. Mussallem's 18 and 84 You can't afford to walk Time is too important. We take you uny (dace, Day or Night, for 50c. Nice cjeiin Sedans, driven by polite drivers. Special rales for party gatherings. Kindling We are once again in a position to supply this well known fire starter. If you need a hurry up fire brder Ibis Kiln Dried Wood. "The only wood worth, bothering with." Wc also deliver ice and roal and will quote on moving your furniture. The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Phones 189-112 DANCE At tho Auditorium THURSDAY EVE..JULY 16, under direction of Mrs. II. O. Crewe. During the evening 11 skipping ropo dance by Miss ltd n& Ireland accompanied by Piper Sturgeon, and llussian Dance by Miss Winnie Thompson. Hefreshinenls served. Doors open al I). Gonts $1.00. Ladlos 50c. Dancing Class as usunl. Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 7.30 lo 8.30, followed by dancinig from 8.30 lo 11, and Saturday Evening until 12. P.O. Box 235. Phone 209 Richard Garreti representing W. H. M. ROLSTON A CO. Specialising in Portland Cnnnl Mining Stocks, Porter Idaho-Marmot Metals ROSE HARBOR HIGH STATION Seventy Whales Handled There I so Far This Season with 20 at Naden Harbor VICTORIA, July 15. One hundred and thirty whales H Ihe catch of the Victoria Whaling Corporation's fleet so far this season, it is announced by (fciplain Le Alarquand. They dijjilly---comprise sperms, -fttrj hacks and humps. The finback i variety is the most valuable 'Captain Le Marquand slates, al j though the sperm whale pro-1 duces the most oil. The latter variety, however, does not demand such a big V''ce on I lie market as the other two varieties. The sperm whale, Captain Le Maniuand said, is the mos' plentiful this year. So far this season the Hose Harbor station is leading in the number of whales caught. Its! record is seventy whales, follow-. eded next, by Kyuquot whaling station with forty whales, ami' the Naden Harbor station with twenty whales. "The whales are plentiful r enough," slated Capt. Le Mar quand, "but the rough weather catch. Up to the present we are Sen led TrIKk-IK urtilil'SSed la the under- ulinied mid ewloraed Tor the "Construc-4 Ion and 11 ipiiK-iit or one I forty Tool motor launch" will lie received up to noon, July 30. 195. nam. sneciricutluns and lorm or tender limy be obtained at the offices of the Chief Forester .Victoria; the District Forester, Court House. Nancouver, and the' uistrict Hircsier, enure ltuerl, on nr Plans. Siwlflcations. Contract, and forms or Tender mav be seen on nod arter the 13111 day or July, " lUil. and rurther Information obtained at the Department of Public Works, Parliament luiiKiiiiKs, and al the follow in office:, Oovcrninent Afrenis at Vancouver, prince! unpen, smmiers, and Dr. Vv. sarireiit.i CASSIAR LAND DI8TRICT District of Cnsslar, silklne Illvlalon. TAKE NOTICE I. Walter Julian (IlelurilPd SolrilerK nf Teleirrmih I-piIt H.C.. occnnatliin Miner. InlenrU in nniilv for permlfilon to purcliaae tho followinif ildsi-rilH'd lanclsn LiinmiencinR tt a posl d anted about nun mile ent nf lfl UiiHa al.uiirh nn. Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Holgorson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 lo C. X-Ray Service Phone 686. Opeii Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings BJf JVi'dsummer 1ft d I KWtUJi W'J rl-I.I-IJ.. J mm I. In the Land Ilecnrdinir District of I'rmee Import, and situate on the northwest coast of I'earse Island. U.C.. anni-ot- lioslt of 110.011, whlrh will be refunded on nuitely six miles north from the mouth tin' ri-turii ui iMitua aou spuciiiruiiuiia. i "i voiier itaruor. The lowest or any tender no.t neceSsar- Take iVntlre that Gosse-Mlllerd Limited lly accepted. .of Vancouver, U.C., occupation parkc.j, u. it. .vDK., intenus to apply ror a lease or the fol- Deputy Minister or Land. I lowinif described lands: " ; CoiniiieminK al a post planted approv DEPARTMENT OF WORKS. Imately sit miles north rrrom the mould or Winter Harbor, I'earse Island; thence Notic to Contractora. northwest two (2i chain, more or le-s. , lo low water mark; thence northea" TK.MiF.ltS. endorsed "Tender nloni low water mark one hundred nnd ror .New HazcUoti si l I." will lie i'..i-i.iv..i sixty (1611) chains: thence sniitheasi by tlie llonoiirable the Minister or Public, . ' chains; thence niitiwest on- wonts up to tsi ociock :oon or Friday, l ureu ana wnj iibiii mains, more 01 Ilie a 1st day nr July, IViS, ror the erec- 'cm, to point or commencement and con lion and completion of a One linom School , alnlng thirty-two (3S; acres, more o and Out Durldliiir at New llazelkm. In ,oss- ... Hie SKeena Electoral District, U.C. usan-niu.i.tiui i.iainr.ii, Dated Mav Hih. im LAND ACT. Round Trip Excursion Tickets To all principal Eastern Citiea on sale daily to Sept. 15 Final-return limit Oct. 31 Liberal stopover privile get aoinf or returning Visit the folks "back East" now while the fares are low Low fares alio to Zion National Park and Yellowiton National Park Ask for free booklet, descriptive of these fsmoua resorts W. H. OLIN A.G.F. & l'.A. Union Station Seattle, Wn. i little behind last year's calch. Allno-i'l hoi ufiimi I Twin flt.m.i.. has Leen against the whaling f wlmIe oj, have ,t:en Ileet. With better weather dur iug the next few weeks we should calch up lo last year's to Victoria from Ihe three sta-lions, two of which are located in the fjueen Charlotte lslajid. Practically half (his amount has already been exported from here, the bulk of i( being consigned to Eastern Unilcd States soap manufacturers. lSnd act. Notlcs of Intention to Apply to Lass i Land. Name (if Annllranl Notic of Intention to Apply to Least Land In Skeena nanre 6 Land District. lie- Secretary to School Hoard, New llazellon, , rnrdiriff District Prince llupert, and sit B.C. Con es of Plans. SriecirirHtti.tis ete run be obtained rrom tlie Deiartuieut on pay ment oi a oepiisir or icn Dollars (liii. which will be i-erimded on reliirn or Ihe plans, etc.. In pond ngidilion. The lowest or any i tender not necessarily accepted. ' r. Pinup, Deputy M lower and Public Works Engineer. Public Works Department, Victoria. ll.C. July 7 III. I95. LAND ACT. uale aoiitliwest Point of Wale Island. TAKE MiTICE that the Canadian Fish Inr Co. Ltd., of Vancouver, H.C., occupa lion, Salmon Cnnners, Intends to apply ror permission to lease the follow-In described Iand9: Couuneniinr at a post planted at hltli water mark on Routhwest point on Wale.-Island, B.C.; thence norlh one chain: thence east ten chains; thence south on chain t hre line; thence west alona shore line to point of commencement, and eoiitaliiliiir one acre, mure or less-. THE CANADIAN FISIIINO CO. LTD Dated iSnd May. 1BS8. LAND ACT. Notic of Intention to Apply to Purcha Lno III Skcriia Kan it e 5 Land lloconllnir ni Irlct of prince Import, ll.C... and ultuali Haystack Island, smith of Wales Island, ll.C. TAKE NOTICE that tlif Canadian Fish liifr Co. Ltd., of Vancouver, ll.C occirri iii sin-inn nii,nr 0,.rt .i,'.., i.v .ii.. lion. Suliiion Canners. Intends to apply Houtliweiit of Teleirrajih Creek: thenre I ror Permission to purchase the followlnit nortli 80 rlialn; them-e east 0 chain'; : epr",n lannn: thenre (oulli 80 chains! Ihenre weal 0, Cunmenclng: at a pout planted ni lilgh cnams to point or commeiiernient and :T"ur. "H"r J"1" "s."'".1" " nmtaininir son apre n.r.r-. nr ia.. Island: thenre north seven chain: WALTER JCIJAll riiai prvril timilisi liicmo nuuiii ADDllr'ant 'pv,'i rlmins; thence west seven chains, Nnrll nth 109& ana coniaininir nve arres, more or ie. THE CANADIAN l-TSIIINO CO. LTD " Dated nrt Mav 0S LAND CT. . Nolle of InUntlon to Apply to Laa Land In Skeena nature t Land District, prince - HiiTierl, it.i:.. nnd situate Inn yards north or writer llarhor, I'earse Island. H.c. ' TAKE NOTICE that the Canadian Fish ; Inst Co. Ltd.. of Viineouver. ll.C. "ccupa 1 lion, Salmon Canners, Intends to apply ror permission .to lease the rouowing- ae scrlhed lands:- - Cntnuiencinr at a nost planted at liirh waler mark 40 feet from rock on shore line; thence east one chain; thenre north one hundred and twenty chains; thenro west to shore line one chain; thence In a southerly direction fnlk.wlnn' the shore linn 10 point of commencement, and con latnlmr twelve acres, more or less. THE CANMIIAN riSIUNn CO, LTD naien anin May lgjs. OUR JULY Clearance SALE Continues Until Further Notice Kvery article in tlie lore is reduced, no exception. The lowest discount is 15 per cent. Girls' Lisle Stockings, rep. 7rie. Hale, 2 pairs for . . . $1.00 Pace Cloths, reg. 20c. Sale, ;i for S1 .00 Cliildrens' Hruwn and Sand Socks, reg. ;irc. Side, pairs tor Towels, -'ioc a pair. Sale, .1 pairs for Pillow Cases, reg. 40c. Sale, l pairs for Children's Sandals, reg, 2.2r. Sale Men's Illuming Shoes, nil colors, reg. .$2.00. Sale Men's Underwear, reg, $2.00. Sale, per suit . . . . JABOUR BROS., LTD. Phone 645. $1 .00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 Cor. 3rd and 7th THE DAILY HEWS Wednesday, July 13, fl5 ANTI-JAPANESE MOVE IN CHINA Editor of Chinese Newspaper Blames This For Troubles There VICTOHIA, July 15. "The real cause of the recent disturbances- in .tSliangUia is an anti-Japanese altitude, which there is reason to suppose has been exploited by tlie Soviet,'" said H. O. V. Woodhead. editor of The Pekin and Tientsin Times, and of tlie China Year Hook, who passed through Victoria, en route lo Chicago aboard the President Madison. Mr. Woodhead is going lo Chicago to lecture in tlie university there Under Ihe auspices of the .Norman Wnile Harris Memorial Foundation. His lectures will be' a series dealing with events leaJing Hip to the present crisis in China. Trouble In Cotton Mills There had been serious trouble in Hie Japanese cotton mills earlier in the year, which was re vived in May when a party of agitators endeavored to break and destroy the plant of one of the Japanese. mills," Mi'- Wood-head said, in relating the inci dents leading up to the present uprising. "The Japanese employees fired a) and, it is alleged, killed one of the attacking party, wilh the result that serious disturbances were feared, ami il was -necessary to call out some of the local volunteers as a precautionary measure. "Tlie recent trouble was caused by student demonstrators, who, in defiance of the local municipal regulations which prohibit political; or other demonstrations of any kind within the international settlement, paraded tlie streets, making anti-Japanese speeches. The arrest of some of the ringleaders of this lawless denionstralinn was Hollowed by an altaek upon the Lnuzu police station, which had been attacked during the 1005 Mixed Courts riots. The pfiflce liad no option but lo fire, if the police station was lo be preserved and a serious riot prevented," he continued. Necessary Measure The firing upon the rioters was, as testified n.v a mission ary who witnessed the riot, a LAND ACT. Nolle of InUntlon to Apply to La , tana. In the land llpi'ul illnir lllstrlrt of mice Ituuert. aiirt situate un tlie liorlli- nest coast of I'eamc Ulaud, ll.C., approx-Itnately three inlles- north froiii the mouth if winter narunr. Take Aotlce thai J. Kleidinj 'jtranir or Siimiyside, ll.C. orcupalloii catiiieryiiiiin, liileiKl to apply for a lease uf the fol-iowinK desnilied lands: Coiiiiiieiielnir al a pom tiianien apurox- linately three inlle imrtU from the imilitli Winter llarhur, rearse Island; tlen-e northwest two (2' chains, more or less, in low water mark: thence northeast along1 low water mark one hundred and sixty il60' chains-; thence souiheasi two 1x1 cians: mriice nuiiiuwrsi um- hundred and sixty (I6O1 chains, more or less, to point of coiiiuieiu'eiiienl and con lainiiiK tuiriy-iwo tax) acres, mure ur less. JAMES KIEI.nCNG aTHANU. Il-(1 tlxr 1 fill. t?l Name of Anpllcaiit. ? -v . TIMBER SALE X7077. There will be offered fur sale ut ulilic Auction, at noon on tlie 23rd (lay of July, l His, in Ihe office of the lorest nanucr. minis i.aae. it.i.. ilie l.i vii t- X7077. to cut ID, HUH Jackpiue Ties on an area i-iiveilmr portions ot l.ols 1148 and Xidl, aiioui t miles soiiiu 01 iiuins i.unt: Itanife 3, (.oust IHstrlct. Two (i years will lie allowed ror rc iimviil uf Ilie llmliee Provided I ha I any one tiuahle to attend tlie auction In person limy sulimit a scaled lender to tie opened at ine uour ot aur tion ami treated as one hid. I urtlier part leu ars of Ihe l.hler lores ter, Victoria, ll.c, or Dlslflct l-'oresler, Prince HiiiktI, ll.C. . TIMBER SALE X7C05. There will he offered for sale at Public Auction, at iuhiii on the laid day of July, 1B5, In the office of tlie Koresl uanirer, minis i.ime, n.i... ine i.iceuco X5U05. to cut is. imo Jackplne Tliw ihi an area situated : miles 'north of Savory Station, liange :., Coast District. Two it) years allowed for removal of tlie timber. Provided that snv one uuiihle to attend Ihe auction In person .may submit a. sealed lender to lie opened at ine uour ot auction and treati'u as one bid. Further particulars of Ihe Chief forester, Victoria, ll.c, or lils-trlcl Forester, Prince llupert, ll.C. TIMBER 8 ALE X6919. Sealed Tender will lie received by the .Minister of Lands, at Victoria, not later Ihau ik.iiii on tlie aulli day of July, IU5, Dir the purchase of Licence XfiUIU. to cut t.ia.l.iuio reel or Spruce, Hemlock. Ha'saiu and ( on an area situated at the north end of Moore Lake, Pitt Island, lliinre t, ;nasi District. Three ' :t - years will be allowed for re moval or tlinlier. Further particular or the Chief Forester. Victoria, t.i, or District Forester, Prince Hnperl, ll.C. TIMBER SALE X7172. Sealed Tender will be received by Ihe .Minister of Lands, at Victoria, not later than noon :u tint aoth day or July, limit, for the purrliasH of Licence X7I7S, to rut II, lion Jackpiue Ties on Ilie south I S or Lot IWWI ami Ihe southeast I I of Lot A0S, I mile south of I lose Lake Station, llanire II. Coast Dlsirlcl. Two i. J i vear will lie allowed ror re iiiovat of timber WESTHOLME : THEATRE Tonight at 7.45; One Show The Man Who Has All Prince Rupert Thinking necessary measure for the pro-lection of the police station. It is true that the inspector In charge was llrilisli. So also are the captain-superintendent ol polite and mosl of the" foreign members of the force; but il was by no means a national affair. I he Shanghai Settlement is iu- lernational. The chairman of Ihe council al the moment is an American. There , is' also a Jap-' anese councillor, '('he single aim of lhecouncil is li preserve or-; tier in a vast city which owes its growth to foretell enterprise and, efficient foreign ifov eminent. i "The Chinese police at Ising- tau had to fire ml the agitators! there to dric them out of the mills they had occupied, and a' recent telegram sjales that the Chinese merchant volunteers in' Shanghai, outside settlement limits, fired on workers who ro fused to go on strike." TOO MANY PEOPLE JAPAiYS TROUBLE Government to Revise Regulations for Opening up and Cultivating Land TOKYO, .I uly 1 5.--The food! and population problem stilt! continues the mosl serious one coufroul ing .lapau. At a' recent meeting of high olllcials of Ihe Department of Agriculture anil Forestry it was decided .thai Uk government should revise Hit regulations for opening up and! bringing laud under cultivation. i The olliclals were of the opiii-l ion thai there are considerable areas it) Kokkaiilo and ' Korc: which might he opened up and tilled if proper encourageineiil were olfered settlers. Il wai slated that, while Ihe area of land in Japan and the volume of foodstuffs have been materially Increased, the rale uf increase has begun to fall off lately itud Is not .keeping pace wilh the in crease of population. ' 'Uinsi'iiui'iitly, additional .inducements are lo be olTered settlers in the districts which arc slill open lo cultivation. ,W. W. Mcdill, formerly of Orine's drug store slalT here and now with the leorgia PharAiacy in Vancouver, left Vancouver last week on a ipptor trip to Peachland where he will Join i.urs. Mrs. McOill .ueuiu who Who has lias been In visit- Furllier parilciilarn of th c.hler lore tor, Victoria, ll.c. ur District FurmlcrL. , ,..,.. ii,,, ,.n Prince Uupcrt, B.C. '" B Wl " -MU e- Uieio rMXTKTav7?W SEE- The Heaiilifut Temple Scene of India with Hie Orient s l'rrtml Ituneer-. d gecnisly staged, beautifully costumed! Unsolved mysteries of Ihe Orient that turned India upside down, and brol;. shackles of heathen superstition. Ask MURDOCH Ihe question nearest your heart. Spirit Pictures of uny person, living or dead! Challenge dale writing. Also Regular Picture Program RICHARD D1X in "A MAN MUST LIVE" Hased on the "(iood Housekeeping" serial "Jungle Law" l 1. A. II. Wylie. Th drama of a man who had-lo decide between slarviug lo dealh or ruining Ihe lanui the girl he loves. iKies the law or Hie jungle eat or be eaten ul-n apply to i-m! tion? See how Dix faces this problem. The story of a young fellow who" had p . around with chorus girls yet preferred In be down and out ph mciiIIj If being d" and out morally. The most powerful picture in which iix has ever appeared. P' mineut supporting cast. Jacqueline Logan, George Nash, Charles Beyer, Arthur Housman, Edna Murphy and others. COMEDY "A RA8PBERRY ROMANCE." Admission 75c and 25c TOPICS OF THE DAY. "LADIES ONLY" MATINEE, THURSDAY, 2.30 p.m. WARNING! (iirls under the age of 10 POSITIVELY NOT ADMITTED In ti Matinee. Ask Murdoek your Private or Per-onal Oui-tiin. til tin lime. lumt. number or Murdock's Orienlnl Crystal Hazing Halls, lion-. , .pi -. Honk-, etc. given av FREE during tins -pei i,d m.ilince. CLEARANCE SALE 60 DAYS TO RAISE $10,000 CASH. l uder the terms or the recent di-solulion ol purine ship in this store it becomes nece-sai-y to pay all bill- " ing. Iheivfurc a general reduction to stock- and iv-jirBa' Station or dt'iiarlment- becomes necrsaiary. alch bur in Shoe Department to be discontinued 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT Will be allowed on everv pair of shoes, includiiif Ladies', Girls', Children's, Men's and Hoys' All lines : rootwear with exception of rubber. Furllier discounts will be made us various lines Income broken in sizes. EVERY PAIR MUST BE SOLD CASH TERMS ONLY NO CHARGES Extra Special, Lot 1 9 Pairs Only, Christie's Loggers' Shoes. 1 1 eg. value i?IS. Special $8.95 This price should clear this line first day Extra Special, Lot 2 10 Pairs Only, Hightops, indiirlr heckle, (iibrallar anil .Stevenson make. Jleg ijsP.M) i IplU.oO. Special to Hear, per pair $5.35 HOSIERY DEPT. 100 Pairs Ladles' Black Mercerized Hose, sizes 0 4ind ! only. Hog. 7oc value.' Special 30c; V pairs for 51.00 o uoz. uniy, imams' wrote cotton Stockings, sizes 0. Heir, value .'15c nair. Soecinl. ' nair fur 45c WEEK-END vvctrv-teiu oitViiMi5 SPECIALS UHY DRY GOODS CiOODS DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT Ml) yards Cotton Canlon. reg. Kc jard. Special, 3 yds. $1.0 .00 ri'i yard; Lingerie Crepe, reg. r0r yard. Special, H yds. 75 75c J 15 yards Figured Crepe, reg. re yd. Special, a yds. $1.2 .25 'i.' ards Checked Voile, reg. lM.i: yd. Special per yd. 05c 000 yards Brighton Cloth, reg. 55c yd. Special, 3 yds. $1.00 DRY GOODS CLEARANCE SPECIALS N'o linie limit on the following special. The price-iidverlised herein are good until' these lines are cleared, 1' any price adjustment necessary it will be downward. 25 Only, White Voile Waists Jleg. l(r0 to fc'rt.OO. T dear ut . B5c ttt t 42 Only, Ladles' House Dresses Meg. $1.(10 .Ui jM.oO. T dear at 05c 2G Only, All Over Aprons Heg. 1.6(l at'nt Vi".Sb!" To cl' r id , 65e 12 Only, Ladies' NlghtgownsTo clour t . 05c Watch readers ror Clock (irocery Special's whilst tlu sale is on. For instance, here is a Clock (Irocery Hpc'inl Tor Thursday .morning from 10 lo 12 noon; 100 Palls Klrig-Beach Strawberry Jam. Spoclal .... 60c Cash and Carry UNIVERSAL TRADING CO.