Hnesday. July 15, 1925. 45c Don't Miss wins "after every meal " m ......... . 1 children to cert for their teeth f 6Give them Wrldlev's. It removes food particles f from tr teeth. Strengthens I the lum. Combats acid mouth. I' Hrfrethin& and beneficial ! wFEALTD YTIQHT KEPT miam English pponge Cloth it Ine cannot burn the candle it both ends V ii wouldn't light a aunt n lii'i It ends and ex- fprct it 'oTasl very long. you nan t attend your tul any duties as wife- and miolber. then pile on washday lalior, and expect to keep yourself fresh and vigor u. W hy not leL us take i are? of washday foil Band troublo? One of our imany e vices will rit ex-nclly hoi It your needs and your purse And you can keep the home fires burn ing wiMmul burning tho candle al both ends. Canadian steam Laundry Phone 6. BIG BENTS Summer Clearing Sale ' QENERAL FURRIERS K.C. FUR Co. Third Ave. fjtepairiiig, Remodelling on f the premises. pOlnzing and Cleaning $9.50 IPhones Day: Green 120 Night: Black 709 TfTR DATlT rTrTWB PAOR FTVH 9 MURDOCK SHOW SEEMS CLEVER J- r i Pii'inr. Ilntise or Ifclrce' V - Vers fiuil atd'' fti II "i s i iir, :t(i Efor im 'In - I oni". in Sand. llais . Jade, linn-, Cocon, ( open. Mauve, ete. tl.iiiiif Very special, per yard iWest of England Store Thlrd Ave. Phone 753 REDUCTION SALE ) Runs all This Week at n " uemers House of Quality , I Oriental Show Attracting Large' Audiences at Westhotme Theatre Munloeki "Famous While .Ma-' hatma," with his own company and "Show of Wonders" is drawing capacity bonnes at Ihe West-boline Theatre. His production is iluite uniiiue, find it is evident that, during his engagement, liere j which continues for two miore days, be will have many people in Prince Rupert fniessing and thinking. The offering is divided intof two parts. The first part rtis- cloxe an Oriental stage srtljng, The Temple Scene of India" with burning incense, banging tapestries and beautifully cos-turned dancing girls who present a prologue to the act itself. Then follows a demonstration of telepathy and concentration. Several effects thai are truely ' brain twisters" are presented in lightning rapidity. One that, "deserves special mention is his version of "Spirit I'ainliags." During the course of this experiment, Mur-dock produces before the eyes of his audience, the exact ''Spirit Picture" of any person living or dead; this Is seen to materialize upon ordinary blank canvasses which have been marked and ex- arnined by members of the audi-j ence. j Where Murdock excels is dur-, ing his "Crystal France" in the' course of which he answers any ipieslion asked by his hearers. His answers are rapid, startling and convincing, often they contain an element of humor and pathos. That he delights in this particular field of endeavor is evidenced with the spontaniety and philosophy expressed in his answers. yuesiions vovering practically every subject were answered last night. Those .per taining to love, business, changes, vocations, lost articles, missing relatives, Journeys, etc.. were all coered quickly. Here are more of- Murdocks O.iiol ions and answers: s.I.T. Will my mother's LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land in Queen Charlotte Land Ro-eorditig District of Prince Ru-pert, and situate about one and a half miles east of Massclt Lighthouse al the mouth of Mas-sett Inlet, Graham Island, British Columbia. TAKK NOTION that Langara Fishing & Packing Company Limited, of Victoria, B.C., occupation, Parkers, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing al a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot Seven, Graham Island, British Columbia, about one and a hulT miles east of Massolt Lighthouse al the mouth of Masselt Inlet, (Iraham Island, British Colum-hia; thence northerly five chains, more or less lo low water mark; thence westerly, along low water mark one hundred and sixty chains; thence southerly five chain; thence easterly one, . hundred ami ''Sixty -''chains) 'more or less, to point of commencement, and containing eighty acres, more or less. LANOARA FISHINO & PACKING CO. LTD, Applicant. Per Ii, II. Simpson, Aent. Dated June iOlh, 1925. ' LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land ' In Queen Charlotte Land Ho cording District of Prince Hu nert. and situate at Ilooney Point, Oraliam Island, British Columbia. Take Notice that Langara Fishing A Packing Company Limited, of Mas-sett, B.C., occu pation Packers, intends to apply for a lease of the following do scribed lands: Commencing at a post planted al Ilooney Point, Oraliam Island, ' British Columbia: thence nor- tlierly five chains, more or less, to low water mark; thenco west I health improve Ans.: She will, provided you 4-0 home at once. You have failed lo keep your promise by not writing lo her and now she is ill, simply worried over you. H.T. Why is "A" peeved at iiw. Answer: Because sopie-time last week.'Jiiorder to avoid a rather embarrassing -situation, you told, her thai you were going oul to your .sister's house. She saw you that same evening a! the theatre with "II." CS. What became of th boat mat I lost . last season. Answer: The boa I struck an ice berg near Taku. All of I lie crew were drowned. Do you think I could marry that girl that I have been keeping company with the last two years? Answer: Yes, if you can set up enough courage lo "Pop the question to her." All she is wailing for is a chance. U. T. A. Should I. make toe change I am contemplating? Answer: I would not advise you to. If you slay where you are, condition's will soon greatly im prove. S.H. Do you think thai I will get the ring he promised me? Answer: You will gel it provide! you don't make a mess of it by letting him think you are greatly concerned over it. I.M. .Where is the ring I lost yesterday? Answer: II. is still in your home, look in the small wicker basket on your dresser and you will find it. P.J.B. Have 1 any Iiving.rn- lalives? Answer: No. 'Leaving Rupert Q.A. When will I leave Ru- pert and will Igo alone? Answer. wit. You iuu will will leave,'. next, jir.H ,wrc .week M.O. Will my heallh improve? Answer: Your trouble is all mental. There is nothing wrong with you. You pay too much attention to what others tell you. K.K. Do you advise an oper ation? Answer: An operation in your case is not necessary. If you would be careful of your eating for n few weeks this con dition would improve. F.S. Do s you believe in pro destination? Answer: No, not in the senses that you do. I be lieve thai ,youscan make of your life what you' will it lo be. You aro masler of your own fate. Captain of your own destiny. Private Matter D.Ii. Did "" tell me th truth the olher evening? Ans wer: Better see mo privnieiy about this matter. A.I.O. Who did my husband go oul with Sunday night about eight o'clock? Answer: I do not. erly along low water mark to give tho name or initial hundred and sixty chains; thenccjof Ibis woman through this southerly five chains; thence paper as she Is very well known . . . . , I .. !..!.' I ... i..'"ll..l . 11. ..I 1 .......l.ll easterly one nunurou ami siMj-iit?ii in j-iuhmi uupm. i wumu pimiim mnro nr lens, to nolnt of isugirst that vou ask this mies- I commencement, and containing lion during the "ladies iniilinee" MURDOCH Magician,billeil as "'Hie While MaVatma," whne unusual show al the Wesl-holine Tliealre presents effects that have not been seen previously in Prince Kuperl. Murdock opened his engagement here on Monday and '.will give, hi last show Thursday with a ladies malinee in the afternoon. TO HANDLE HARVESTERS Railway Companies Large Move- merit to Prairies this Fall MONTREAL, July 15. Early preparations are being 'made this year lo cope with the situation in the west as far as the har vesting of the wheal crop is concerned. From early spring it haslieen realized that the 11)25 crop would be considerably in excess of thai harvested las. year and now, while no definile estimates can yel be made, it is expecled that the crop will approach 375,000,000 bushels.. If anything approaching this fig ure is reached it is apparent1 that it will be necessary lo im port a large number of harvest. workers into the west to help handle it. Much of course still depends upon continued favorable conditions, but regardless of what transpires in the mean time the Canadian Railways are proceeding with their arrangements for the Operation of har vesters excursions on the as sumption that there is to be a bumper crop. lready several preliminary meetings have been held between railway 'officials and government representatives with the result that II is now estimated thai be tween 15,000 and 50,000 har vesters will be needed in the prairies provinces in. addition to those available localliv In fact, flie IqtaieVtlm'ate: f 6fs help re- l u I ( (-11 '.111 : me wrii uiyimi. uui . . . ; Y t ' . :.: , i , - ,! -. ik a with your la-ollier.'8'' HAtlv'''al Provinces figure vthAV they can meet a part of these requirements by ineii availabio in Hie west. A meeting will be held at Winnipeg July 21, attended by othcials of, the various governments of the weslern provinces and representatives of the Canadian National and Can adian Pacific at which more de finile figures will be arrived al and Ibis meeting will be followed by the formulation of Hie plan for obtaining and Iransporlins the harvesters. The arrangements for handl ing harvesters will bo prae tically the same as Jti forhier years except on a larger scale, every available car of the colonist type will be pressed into use by both roads and the Usual arrangements will be made to look after the comforts of the ex cursionists. DOUGLAS LODGE NOW OPEN FOR TOURISTS Stuart Lake District Offers Great Attraction to Hunters and Anglers eighty acres, more or less. Thlirsday. Douglas Lodge on Stuart Lake LANOARA FISHINO & PACKINOJ u.w .--would you advise me is now open for the convenience PACKING 0. LTD. to Ukc the Journey I am now of tourists and hunters. tSit-Applicatit. phuniingi Answer: You will unleil about forty miles north of Per K, II. Simpson, Agent, take the trip abroad, so go ahead Yaiulerhonf, it Is easily reached Dated June 12tb, 1025. and complete your plans. by motor and is near to the his- Don't Judge from Appearances ! THE earth looks flat enough! That's why so many thousand years came and wenc before our ancestors even suspected the terrestrial globe of being round. Their eyes deceived them! Don't depend on appearances to guide you right. Don't buy goods on the strength of looks alone. Merchandise with a well-known name has the call. Only the maker of a good product can afford to advertise his name. Attempts to popularize unworthy goods cannot succeed. Wise merchants and manufacturers seek the good papers to tell the stories of their wares. The publishers seek the reputable advertising for their readers guidance. Well-informed buyers seek news of good merchandise through the columns of the best papers. This proves the value of advertising. Neither advertiser nor publisher can prosper without your patronage. Therefore, it is to their advantage to cater to you. They do it, too. It is distinctly to your advantage to be guided by the messages they lay before you the advertisements. ' toric. Fori St. James which established by the Hudson Co. In 1806. Launches canoes are available at lodge for the traveller who may Wish to penetrate into the vas? areas, or by pack horse one may travel good trails, and push off info the very fringes of civiliza-lion where at present there ur. no white men living. The country is known as the hunter's paradise, while I ho lakes and -rivers ahounu in an kinds of fish, which as yet have scarcely been fished by tho white man. sTh?'eountr'ylc4vls itself as an ideal place lo retire from aciive business for a delightful holiday and recreation. FRUIT INSPECTOR VISITING TERRACE v Rninn Instructed in Growing, Packing and -Shipping Strawberries, Etc. Robert Murray, of Victoria, Do minion iroveniment fruit ; and egetable inspector is spending some time at Terrace, Renuuund Vanai;silol giving the fanners information upon the growing, shipping and packing or strawberries and small fruits. Mr. Murray says it is wonderful land for tho growing or small fruits and vegetables and all that Is needed is n Utile help and ad-Vice to farmers along tho right lines. The strawberry crop' is looking very good at the present lime in the Terrace district especially so at Vanarsdol and Renin. A meeting wn held on Saturday night by the growers al which Mr. Murray Kavc tho far- Read them regularly! was Bay and the HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert J. V. Norman Williams and W. Laing, Victoria; B. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Motherwell, Vancouver; Mrs. R. I. McHiinnis, Chicago; J. Cordon Ironside. Vremier; J. M. Milligan, Sinilh-ers; Annie Mat bison and Orm.n Malhisutt, Petersburg. Notic or LAND ACT. Inttnllon to Apply to Ltu Ltndt. In the l.aml llerordlng District or I'llnce Ilupert, and sltuaik on the mirth ...... I ...... a . ... tlnaa... V Ill.nJ W . ' ar.nv.1 w u. . iv... i vi ruira .r-iuiiu. li ... .. a)iu.. liniiely three inllvi north rruiu the mouth ii r Winter Harbor. take -iNotu-ft Unit FrliieD'a Llmltrd bt I'rlm-e llupvrt ll.C, occupation packer Intend tu apply for a tease or the follow Inn described lundi: Coiiinieiiciiir at a tn'. blamed aAnrox- Imatelr three miles north from the mouth nf Winter Harbor, t'earse Island: tlieure norihwest two () rhalna. more or lea. to low water mark: thenre .muthweM along low .water mark one hundred and suiy (1A0) chains; thenre aoutheast two rhalns; thence norttieast one luindreu and silly (160) chains, more or leK. to point of commencentent and con lamina; ihlrly-two (3i acres, inure or less. FIUZZEIX'S LIMITEn. nateii vav mn. toss. Mane of ppltrant. LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Laraa Land In Casslar Land District, Recordm District itiimtj liniwi, li.C. and situate north nr notTisn nay, rortiann i:anai. TAKK NOTICE I hM the Canadian Fish-In Co. l.ld., or Vancouver, ll.C. occupation, Salmon canners, Intendt to apply rnr permission to lease the fnllowlnr described lands: ooirmienrtnr at a nnst planted at hlRh water mark, too yards south or Indian smoke houses: thence norlheasl onf chain: tlience southeast one hundred and: twenty chains; thence southwest to shore lino one chain: thence northwest following the shore line to point nr commence ment. one hundred and twenty rhalns, and contalnlnr twelve acres, more or less. T1IK CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD. Dated SOIh Mav. 1a LAND ACT. Nolle or Intantlon to Apply to Laata Land in Skeena Hanre S Land Dlslrl:t, ne-conllnir Dlsirlrt Prince Huperl, B.C and situate M mile north or Wales Island Cannery, on Wales Island, B.C. TAKE NOTICE that the Canadian Fish- - .. ...i water mark, mark, near near Ilier.s OI UIO uisuui suniu uwiui from Cannery on Vale Island! thence infnt'mnllnii lniormauou. fn in nililllinn nuuuum lo in the' i u "rth pne cha'n: thence wth ten rhalnsj ,npnre ,milh , ,nore llnfl 01W rnulI1! holilincr nf n seneral ineetinaL.the thence east rollowlnr the ahore line to iii m. huninn. point or commencement, and conuintnri iiif.pri:iui tu iiniv i-tiwi iuiiiiiiiiiii acre, more or less, nerannnllv nnd Oivn lllm advice. . TK CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD. " w ' " , i Ilia- Co. Ltd., nr Vancouver, ll.C, occupation. Salmon Canners, Intends to apply rnr permission to lease the following- described lands:-- Cominenchit- al a post planted at hi Hi point v, nine norm Ottad JO lb. May, 1SS5. Wood! Wood! Now is your chance DRY CEDAR Full Joad $6.00 Half load ... ... .. $3.00 Large sacks 50o DRY BIRCH Per load $6.60 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS EASTERN CANADA, UNITED STATES, And to JASPER NATIONAL PARK. Ono way via Vancouver or direct rail both directions. For full information apply: R. F. McNAUQHTON, District Passenger Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone (I. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Oravel. VAV Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving.