PAGE FOUU for Breads, Cakes, Puddings, Pastries Thriving children prefer (he bread you make wilh Five Hoses Flour. It is stored with Ihe flavor, vitality and pasily-ilipox1o nourishment of prime Manitoba wheat. Nutritious, Wholesome and Keeps Well Agent John L. Christie i I wish I knew "I wish I knew what to put on these floors I" So often you hear thai remark. It is only because those pec-pie who make it, have had. their fill of waxes, oils and cheap varnishes. The man or woman who has used the right floor varnish has no floor troubles. Try Ct Floor Varnish next time, we guarantee it to Rive satisfaction. Sold only by Kaien Hardware Co. FOR SALE GUARANTEED USED CARS Ford Coupe . . . . $400,00 FonJ Sedan . . . . 5500.00 Fonl Truck. . . . S200..00 Chevrolet Delvy.. 5300.00 Terms if desired. See the Ford .Marine .Motor at our shop. S. E. Parker Ltd. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST J. L. BLAIN CONTRACTOR Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. HARDWOODS Store and Office Fixtures. Hand-sawing and Planing. Jobbing and Repairing. Olass and Glazing. Sash, Door and Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 268 P.O. Box 235. Phone 209 Richard Garreli representing W. H. M. ROLSTON & CO. Specialising in Portland Canal Mining blocks. Porter Idaho-Marmot Metals T LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone IS. Cartage, Warehousing, nd Distributing. Team or Motor Borvlce. Coal, Sand and dravel W 8peoalli n Piano and Furniture Hovlnfl. Prince Rupert Beqt at Baseball Yesterday when They Met at The locals played better b.i. - Hiipeil won the first of lhe Fair Week baseball games from Ketchikan ye-terday afternoon by a score of (5 to 2. Though the home player had Ihe edge on the Kelchikaniles -nil the way and excelled them in every departuvnt, it was an iuleresliug match until the seventh inning, wl(eii the local baiter!' touched "Hlockie" Stewart, Ihe visiting piUlier, for six hits and four runs, it was in this frame that difficult for the outfield lo handle flys. This was undoubtedly responsible for some of the runs made in that inning, hut the ad vantage or handicap was even, between the two (earns and lha locals got I lie best of it because the batters were able to find the hall and send a series of long clouts into the outfield ami past. Lid stone Pitched Dannie Lidslone pitched for the home, team throughout and kept the visitors guessing In such a way that he had fifteen, strikeouts to his credit ai against Stewart's eight. Val-lanco was the star batter for the locals and his hitting was responsible for several of the run? -ciu-i-d by Prince Ilupert. Wilh, tin- bases, full in I lie second inning he poledAitil a safe two-bajr- gcr which brought in two runs. Again in t!ie seventh inning, I Ya I lance started the local bat ting frenzy with a threc-hagger ilia! resulted in four runs being i.i. red after several safe liiti hud (wen made, including two baggers, by Lidsfone and W. Mitchell. In the sixth inning, Sidney Hazel I -Jones made a peg from right field to the home plate that will go down In local baseball history. It was one of the most accurate, long-distance Hi rows ever pulled off on the local diamond am, directed fight into Hal four s mitt as he stood on Ihe home plate, refullcd in the base-runner Ix'ing lagged out as he approached there. In the fifth inning, with no men town, the visitors ran into a double play when Jimmie Far- iuhar fielded an infield fl.v and, inverting the ball to Moran a second, nut a runner out there. Die pitching of I.idxtnnc being ' all that could be desired, and the atching of Italfour J no being of first-rate order, the local bat tery throughout the game wan given great siionort hv the field and the only error chalked iff) against the locals was in the seventh inoinif. wltW YMflIc. Mit chell Might liavtr' beh--excused for dropping a high fly that, on account of the thick fog, was pretty hard to judge, especially in the difficult left-field position. Visitors Stars F'nr Ihe visitors Walls and Downs were perhaps llio star players. The former playnj hi position at second bate In effective manner and ajp made two safe hits. Downs, besides making throe good Calcbes -In left field got on the bases three of the four times he went to bat and, on hac, proved llio most dangerous man of the visiting team. Ireland played an effect ive same as catcher for the vis itors. There was till In changing ol :thc line-ups ifurliiv the game, the only chnnze being in the third failing, when Ac.kervik. the I Ketchikan right fielder, nfter land act; Wotlc. of InUntico to Apply to Lttit Lnd In I'rinre liupirt l.aiHt lli-rordlnr lilorlK ir Vrtiu'n IiiiimtI, nd iltuite it Vr Mlbin Hay. Melt lull I. TAKK MiTll.K llial Klimic II., of Nmlt. Il.c, fwniialliii r.iiirjin.iii, niPiKlt in iiipiy for i Iran- or thn f. CuiiiiiiriinnK it a pout plinlid about 00 rliini wMi-rty rf,,r,i t x.K. ronief ur l.i., lianire t, ;ut ilmrlrt: llwiire wi'"l U rliiinn; iunpp imrlli tlirn chain, inorr ur If.s. M wtu vttrr mark: lliinrn Hhlr,-h alimv hiirii u.i.r .....l. iHilnt ut iiiiiiiiirciiiciii, aim rwitalnliit uu;Se ii, simpson. iih Applicinl. Ketchikan Acropolis Grounds U eball thai) Ihe visitors so prince a thick fog came mi making it failing to negotiate an easv flv. If was taken out ami replaced by If Edwards, who had plnyed rateh - l3" er for New Metlakalla in the1 series with I'rinre Ilupert lal week. in A large crtfwd attended Ihe game, which was umpired by P. l.aMirl( bals and striken, apd Cordon 1 Ivans, liases. The Box Score Ketehiksfit: AH. 11. lj. J0. A. K. Downs, If i 1 3 3 0 Hopkins, si.... I (1 0 2 3 C.ilreeWBjU5 u i a (t S. Mewsirt, i .... I 0 0 o I Ireland, e .... 3 0 0 y I Ackexvik, rf... I II u I) llerun, cf I i 0 0 Wall, 2b 1 3 1 2 Krepper, lb... 3 1 I (I Edwards, rf .. 3 0 0 II (J Totals 35 8 21 7 G S. Prince Ilupert: Moran, 2h .... 5 2 0 0 A. Farquhar, 3b. 5 0 W. Mitchell, If i I I. Jones, rf t? 0 "IE. Hairour, c .... 3' 1 0 15 0 y. Menzios, lb. t I 1 i 0 (l 3 o 1 I (l 0 Yallanco, ss... I I. 2 0 Iddslone, p.... i i i II Tolnl? 30 f 9 27 0. I Score by Innings: I ! 3 5 f, 7 a 9 ' Ketchikan. ...(I 0 II 10 0 1 0 02 p. Hupri....ii 2nooo to xr, .Strikeouts: Hy liidslone I.', by Stewart 8. liases tin balls'. Off I.idslone i, off Stewnrl I. Hit by pitcher: Hy'lone I by Slownrl 1. Double play: Paruhar lo, Moran. Three-base hit: Vnllancc. Two-base hits: Vnllance, I'rit-relf (2 1, Stewart, Downs, Milch oil, and I.idlonc. OCEAN FALLS SOCCER TEAM ARRIVED TODAY Footballers Here From Paper Towp t Meet Locas In Fair Week Serjes Ihe Ocean Falls football learn which will play with the locals here op Jljiirsday !nd Saturday afternoon in connection with die Fair Week sporl program, nr- rjyed in lown on llie Prince (ioorge, (his morning. The team, which is under tin management of J. Mr.Swan, con sists of: Waller Marshall; O. K Lord and l. Main (vice-captain illiam Chapman, U. 0. Hesl caplair and Jim fJiinn; J. Paul J. Monro, Williflm Keith, W ypiitli mid William Miltlirll; re rYf, T- rnifllflt, T, Main and r. v nrnm. Accompanying the tcatn o (own nro 8, MrHymnnt. Pad'ly llurke, Llllcy Vu Saiiy Alien. BOXING BOUT TO W HELD SIX O'CLOCK fmie Chonoed to Allow Ketchj Kan people to witness the Main Event '- -9- The fact Ihat Ihe Canadian National boat lo Ketchikan this evening, which will take back "p ?SJ the parly of Kelcliiknnilea visit ing (he fair,, ami the principals in Ihe main buut, lit not being held over, and in scheducl to sail earlier than was original! v expected, (be boxing tournament to bt held in the Km pre Thea tre, and originally scheduled for o'clock, will commence al 5 o'clock sharp. As a number of fight fans runic down from Ket chikan and Alaska to ee the main bout, the management have therefore changed the lime lo avoid any dapioinnienl. The boat will leave immedi ately after the main bout. Sport Chat n. fHowin.- figure dealing with (lie leu lie foul lml I sean:i which all Hie troubles wen- won by the. tallies bave ftWn iHd hy Ihe Association, and will donbtle- Je interesting to Ihe many raus: Games. and Goals (ioals. I. W. I.. I. For Art. Callus l 13 0 3 47 it of It ....11 7 3 2t 35 Storage II 0 ft 3 H 31 i. W. V II 3 5 3 IV 2H The goal scorers of the season were: D. Scott vt lallies. K It. Macdougall (tlallie it W. Mitchell tallies 10 I. .lohnsnn ,Soni of Knpland 8 Currie jCnllies 7 II. XorwoiMi iii.W.V.A. i 7 .Mitchell (Callie; II. Hanson (Sons) ... Hamilton. (Allies' . Hye (ikild Storage,. l.rskine (li. X. A ami Sloraae) 3 II. M. I.nmbe (Sons anil .Stor age) 3 Hussll (O.W.V.A. and Sons .. .. 3 I), (litrvich ((S. W.V. A. and Sons) . .. 3 C. Xorrington (Storage; 3 Farquhar (Sonsj Howe ons) f (I. Kelsey (Soils) It. It. Skinner (fS.W.V.A..... Wiper li Storage) 2 P. Tinker (Sonsi I . E. Diekena (Sons) I. Corbel t (Gold Slorain') .... I Darlon (Cold Storage) II. WikmN ('.allies , W. Murray ((.W.V-.) W. Harti.n (O.W.V.A.) W. E. Williserofl (Callleai . I Tomey Otb Storage 1). Jaek Cold Storage) ...j A. Hnrvev (Cold islOrnfre) S. Elder CId ' tdoragi') 1. tm tUibl storage Two goal were accidentally -cored by defenders against (heir own side. Ilorden st ree won the Junior football .rime from the High Heboid li a score of 2 lo I in connection wilh the Trade and Labor 1'.. Hindi's celebration on Labor lii SMOKER AND FROLIC WERE APPRECIATED Enjoyable Time Last Night Un der Auspices of E!ks and Moose There was a smoker nl Ihe Elks' Home and n midnight frolic at iho Westholfiie Thealrc last night, luil li under the joint auspices of Ihe Elks anil Moose lodge, wliitfh entertained a great many people and was kepi up until a tale hour. The smoker Marled as soon as Ihe falrclos cd, and it lasted until the frolic eomiiieticed, so thai I here wa A continuous round of entertain iiieut Tuih was particularly iy honor of the Kelcliikun visitors Wanted For Sale For Rent DAILY 1 i BRINGING UP FATHER m By George McManus FiveRoses ELL -I NObT CO fi'cT ME bxtmW AtN30T The VsPAVIHC A Flour LlTTUE CHT- 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lett than 50c WANTaB W A X T I'. D Two waitresses wanted immediately. Apply Iloslon drill. Third Ave. tf 01(11. WAXTEH ror general housework. Apply to Mrs Fruiell, at stonj. FOR SALE FOU SALE Dining room suiie. iedrooiu auites. CbentarfiHd suites, range, slovaa. IkhI linen, towels, window blinds, inlaid linoleum and printed linoleumn. loungen, chain. OhifTioniere, Dresser. Iletl-stead. utaltresa ami sprinaa. Dining table, kilcben table, table oilcloth. A. Mackonxia, Furniture Ilousa. Phone 776. Fflll SAI.F. Fpholstering ami rurniture repairing don on the premises bjc. rtert workmen. I.t us Uote fou on repairing your olii furniture. Itaoiiabli prices. Call and inspect our workshop. Furniture bought, sold and exchanged. Agents for tho IIA.(1K. Prince Ilupert Fxchange. Phone Hit. it FOIt SAI.F, li o o d cooklo, range, healer and lb re -burner oil-stove. Phone iireen 001. SI0 FOU SALE llouna 15x25 and firat-rlan fluat 20 x 35. Make no offer. Kaien Hardware. FOIt SAI.H A tnrw - roomml bouse anil Hire lots. Apply !3ft Eighth Avenue Eaol. 211 FOIl SALE xmlnsler rug, (V 0" x U'. Phone Hlaek 285. evening. 21 1 LOST .OST .Nugget lie-pin, valued a keepsake. Finder please re-tarn lo Daily News Office. BOARD HOAHD The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. HOAHD and Itoom or Hoard only. Phone lied 707. Following werp Iff 0 programs: Smoker Selection: Piper' Hand, lioxing: Itrick Skin tier v ICIit Kflililhg; fieorge llowe vs. Ted 1 1 owe. Moil 1 1, Organ Solo: J Cook. Xotellv Itoxliig: Mek (Inrvicli vs. Mike (lurvich; Pelr Uhon- tsliie vs. I rank Underbill. Sbliidion: Xew Metlnkatla Hand. (loxing: Alex Hoy vs. Dido Ourvich. Selecllon: Pine Hand. Chinese , Sword Flglitinc !iv meiiiiier 01 ryiie .Mtn ASocia lion. Selection: Xew Mellakalla Hand. Mldnlnht Frolln Selection: Xew MetlakaLlu Hand. Song: Hen Hiding. Sketch: Joe Italebford and V Hardy. Selection: Honolulu Trio. Song: Herbert Mutchlimn. Wrestling: Hob Warrior v F. Hardy. Selection: Moose Monlli Op. gnn Hand. Hlep Dancing: Van Hucklrl. Seleclion: pipe Hand, lleellallon: Mr. F. Headifen. Hong: J. Slaggard. Helecllon: Xew Metlnknlln Hand, Announcement Is made n Ihe It. C. (lazelte thai Hie Prince u perl nssizes . for - linii. ...w.i . 111111 1 erltiiltial cases are to be held 011 uecemDcr z, NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. TO RENT Foil IIF.XI. 1'ianus. player 1'ianos, plionograpli and eA-inst machine. Walker Mitsic .Hlore. if FOIl HKXT Two room furnish ed apartment by tiny, week or month. Phone lied (107. tl Foil ItE.vr After JeM. IS. bui galow. 7 0(4 I iflb Aviiin Wf.l. Phone Hei 512 kit FOU ItEXT MiNirru up to date flat, Hand Hlmk. p l Mai Uetlbroner. If FOU ItRXT. MimIiti. houe,flve room and bath. Munro Pros Foil HKXT HtKim in nrivale hoBK. (Miotic fireen (.10. WOMEN'S HOSPITAL Surgical ami Obstetrical n35 3flh Avenue m Kern-dale , ancuuer II. Dr. Ernett Kali, unTini nden(. CARS FOR SALE I 1020 Nb, 5-pii-eiigir lonrinv - $150 I 1921 Overland I. He4an 700 I 1922 Ford Sedan 425 I ItflH McLaughlin Liahl . 3-paseiiaer 2S0 I Ford lignt ilellvery turtle. rebuilt 175 KAIEN GARAGE Ford and Chevrolet Service ilatlD OOOliYEAIl TIRIW Wrecking Sendee lajr ami Klghl Phone 52 KINDLING WOOD All dry innle wood, kindling ant) block oiixi .l, d imi per load delivered. Oulidc wnJ, .Ud jter load ilelivered. Xorwe- - gian style Sail Alaska Her-ring in 30-lb. and K0-lb. kegs, 1 0c iwr lb. ISAACSON Seal Cove. Phone llla'k H COLUMBIA. RECORDS NEW Process Columbia llaeord no scratching. Finest reproductions of lata! F01 Trot, Snng and Instrutnenlal music by world famed artist Call in and hear litem. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIO STORE, Third Avenue TAXI Taxi 67 Phono (Call (leorge, Paul or Oill) Special fl and 7 passenger Stuthv baker nl your service day and night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from Krnprc-M llatel. BENSON BROTHERS HAZELTON, Bl O. Taxi Servlcx CMIM Mi l l AM. THAINS. Tunis arranged. CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baggage, Furniture Moving. If yuu want anything sent for, or delivered, phone us. P.O. Pox GUI). FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl-lire Store. We Huy, Sell and Ex change New and Secondhand floods. GEO, PAHADOPULIS, 830 Third Ave. Phone 4rt KEITH'S CAFE. When In Hlewarl visit Keith' Cafe In Mug Edward Hold now ro-modelled. Hp lo-datn Dining llonm and Lunch Counter BOB KEITH - Managar. Article, Lotl anI Found,4c WTR H0TKL OlH't l i Um jiiami i.i.i m , I t1 S' tk-,. 1 ! I 'i 1. 1. u . 1. , I ,k 1 ir. K u tl I III! I Ik 1 UK 11.. v it 1 ll. r It t t i' ,iu f I u flu. trt . I I!.. tl . t - . I v. fc...- 1, ! . 1 t tl" i d .-1 I'M Oh r"-. ) lfi i IM 4ll'4l I If. W alrr - i , I . . ffr ..f II r l: tii it- na ti i ' with Hi. ii, I ', lt 1 men 4l-i H. nl 1 iy h.f. 1, ,1 III' It ' 11 . ttl I fi' - ill. :n ti, II' Ii l H0 ACT tk 1 Ulnlti it Ir.'l OUa4 im I'T'ii'r nii- 111. ! Jl Da'0n I- Ml I -liih. Tl "Tl' I umi I irl ll Van--- . H ' a ml 1 "I4 ' Itir 1 1-KI . 'un.. ar nth a lani ,.i. lrr " 1 M . -.tit a ( .. .-t . rl I' n. n ark It. 1. 1 ff 1 , ,u - frl 11, . ' Ha"i 1 '' ' 1 taiwi httf i last) ct, httu r itiiiii n hfi a 1 In. Ihr I f hui'-i i. itin B v a 1 mi nn 1 I Sriir ..( - mi.i 11 1. f 1 f i..t i.-.l. ' ' -in ma 1 al' f 1 jTOi 'I- r- 1-. ii ii' : liain- if 11 1 ilwli -. i t rh 1 Un ii r 1 -linii-in i. rnl Mil-. JM lAhO ACT, Nolle at lotanlleij ta "? i?l tsa am wt" af Hnti-H tp' tiiai" tv '.' tm 1 iii'i (' Tali N'ltl' 1 m, t '!' 1 ti t. k, f mi' tf Ok r ' " laii'i Int t rhaina ' ' or lao' in !- t " Ittrerr n Hi-; ' llvneh .iK'i-.- rftilna in a " herti s .iMi . t" i""'i PaiH Imr i' LAND ACT. w Natlc of IMaillon la ' una. ho I UHl H IV" I. -' 4W.ii ri"i. ta?T 'v'i" 1' ' Milt. I n "Kii. linn lniiii.T " 1 le 1 '' lnmin ! :nMi i"' 1 iMlIt ll'illlillt M, lf I'll 1. I I flialo n.nherK It: Harm.' 4" raalm "ili-iii ' iiHHU, ami ftiiiai" !, . . ' r I'llll IIH'1 1 ' fialwl iifii-' ' '"' LAND CT. Nallca of Intantia" t P''' " Vt In I'rtiw imi" " lilativJrt "I' , al shunii 'it 1. 0.0. TAkE Noli-r lMin. Af n" eaiWMiitan. inn urn 16 10 rmn iii"e ' llNUS Cftnimfirlna rlt ' 1 V Mm hi m.i- f 1 ' aMltllIt rllMII 1 iiiiii in rhain- ' 1 nmrs or ! , . av-' ai Miiiwin iiitanili 1tn uf i .iiiiini'iii-i'ni'ii' ltn nmrn ur rr. .hW V p. viii. - Dalad luly tin, '"'