;ed,i $day September 9. 1925 THE DAILY MEWS PAGR THRBf ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY! All Models VICTOR VICTROLAS On Sale at Approximately One Third Off Ileg. price, llcilurcd pne No. ?H) I. '13.00 $ 07.50 N Ml 1 30.00 $107.50 Y l;3.00 $ 07.50 "l, ijsZuo.oo $137.50 N lUO . , $323.00 5225.00 j(i portable $ 7.50 $.47.50 All other model reduced propnrtiunatclv TCnWS IF DESIRED. NDTK Thee ri'Un. lion- iir,. ,,, ,,.,.,, ny nn,, .(().k t: ml 'li' .trtJ out. Ih-ik-v - urgency of immediate (Iri'i-iuii m tin part ,,f , livers. Some Specials in our big Clean-up Sale Rlflo Nurses' Fccto Disinfectant, Ileg. . n . -.'.v. 1' 10c SANITARY NAPKINS I ' 'MP-, -in. ill. !.. prii i- H'u; Sale Pine 40c I - 'km-. iii' Jiui'i. Siili- -M n priri- '.Mir. price 45c I V'pkm'x. I.irg . ig. pun- Sl.no. S.ilt- pure 50c ' , - I N.ipkm-, n il. .'(fi, Sale price 50c Porter' Food. M-r. pne ;,i,-. Sale price 15c Herbert's Barley, i -l-. .n..- Mn . s.ilc pmc . 15c PRIVIES LIMITED Pioneer Druggists FOR SALE alibiit G Third Avenue. r- - as ear $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hoolc3 Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 'anadian National Railways Prince Rupert RYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock fnglnters, Machinists, Dollermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattorn makers, Founders, Woodworkers, tic. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLCNE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle al kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3SF AGGERS' CIGAR STORE 1 budding jioxl ilutir lu Frizxetl Mnli-luT Sliop, across from lite Empress Hole! Wit ..liiw n full line of IGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES bUUIAL ROOM IN CUNNbUllwn Zarelll Proprietor a. Local and Personal ! U.C. Undertakers. Phone U. Anywhere. Anytime. Arthur's taxi, 50c. 1'liono (578. tf two cars at your service. Sneddon Taxi. Phono 134. If For the busy man jr woman, a Urown car saves money, Phone 80. tf The Canadian National sleam-er will nail for Ketchikan and oilier Alaska points this evening at seven o'clock-. Ketchikan boat leaves Imme dlately after boxing tournament tonight. Time of boxing changed rrom 3 p.m. to 6 D.m. How about Christinas-? While in town, gel your photo taken al Heiixon s. Produce this advl. al studio and get 10 off. 210 Dominion Constable K. (i .ewiihaiii arrived in . the clly from the Naas Illver yesterday morning and is registered at Central Hotel. the Air. ii. c. j-raer ami son, who have been spending Itio Minimcr in Uie south, relumed to (he city on the Prince lieorge i Ins morning. I lie annual bylaw providing for the exemption of crown lands irom lax Male, wliicli was lo have been given its final read ing al last night's council meet mg, wa laid oer for a week al Hie reijuesl of the city solicitor Tuv Can Sroll of the Hecale si rails low ins Co. arrived in port yesterday with a scowload of ujial for Albert A Mc&iffery ainl sailed today for Surf Inlet where flu- will nick up a tow of logs for delivery to Ocean Kalis. 1. YV. Kxley. City Hall Janitor reported to the cily council Inst iiikIK that there hail been 235 gallon ill oil consumed in the City Hi Seating sywlem during the month of August and that ili- average daily cost had been -1 x I cent. - Dances are being held nightly this week in I lie Huston Hall by Stewart s tiahve orchestra, and cive promise of being popular with many visitors in town There was a good attendance IhI night and melodious music was dispensed. Hev. Peter Kelly of Cvanaimo niVHeil from the south on tin Prince lieorge Ihis morning to "penil a few- days attending Hit 'air and mcelintr many friends from the Queen Charlotte I lands who are spending the week here. Mr. Kelly i registered al the 1'rmce Ihiperl Hotel. Capl. A. K. Dickson, well- known Union Steamship Co. skipper in northern waters, and for the past couple of VQnrs in roiiimaud of Hie Cardena, has become ina(er in the -Vuncoii-ver-powell lliver run of the w w steamer I.ady Cynthia, which he reienily brought out front the Did Country. Capt. C. Ii. Smith is in command f the Cardena. A telegram from the Union of II. C. .Municipalities urging that any resolutions from Prince llu- Ucrt he forwarded al once for the convention of the tiood lloads League on September -1 and (he convention of the Union of Municipalities on September and 23 al Victoria was read al last nighl s council meeting and referred to the finance coin lllltlee. ANNOUNCEMENTS (iyro Carnival nnd Dance Oo-tober 12 and 13. Anglican vemher 5. Presbyterian November 12. Iloyal Purple her 18. Cliurch llazaur .No- Church llazaar Ihuaar Xovem- llaplist Clmrch Ladies lliunar, November 20. St. Andrew's Ladles' llimiar, December 2. Ail Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE The Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. Ilrcakfasl, Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Dinners and after Theatre Refreshments Our Specialty is Home Made Jce Cream and Confectionery. Wholesale or lletall. You will bo pleased with our service. Let us please you. KILLAS&CHRISTOPHER Phone 17 Shcddon's Taxi the original 50c. taxi.- Phone 13 V. tf When back from the holidays. try Valentin Dairy., Phone 057 1 nomas fcproiU returned to the city on the Wince George this morning after a brief trip south. uur low rales nave been an outstanding successand we shall continue on this basis. Drown laxl. Phone 80. If Misses F.velyn and Dorothy1 Manlonalil left for the south on Monday on a two weeks' visit fo elnlive in Vancouver and Victoria. Time changed for tho Boxing Tournament tonight. Commences 6 p.m. Instead or 9 p.m. Ketchikan boat leaves Immediately after bouts. Accounts totalling S I 10.030.35. including $I25,U00 to Hie Itoyal Itank for bond repayment, were passe! for payment at the city council meeting last night. J. (I. Scott, who lias been spending several moulh" in Van couver, Victoria and other points in the south, returned home on iu rrince deorge this inuriiin Dance in Elk?' Home Wednes day. Friday and Saturday during hair Week. Music by Mellakatla Y.I'.P.A.C. Orche'lrt Director, C. Auckland. Admission: (Jen lleuien l.0O, ladies 25c. 210 T J Miss 1-annie rreshmaler of Vancouver arrived in the city on the Prime lieorge this moruinsr lo visit here with her brother- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. It. E. llenson. First Street. Mrs. Allan M. Davies, 008 Sixth Avenue Hast, who has beer spending the summer vaoation in Victoria with Capl. and Mrs. A. M. Davies, .returned home on the Prince Ceorgo this morning. " - i .Neil .Mcnouoiii, iiidluu, was fined ?I0 and cols la the city police court this morning for drunkenness, ami William Irv ing, failing to appear. on a similar charge, had $10 kill es treated. Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Ahleson ar rived from Victoria on lho Prince tieorge this morning to locate. Mr. Ableson, in conjunction with Mil. J. Arthur Smith, will open a drur store in the nittlt Mloek. Ho was only recently married. The work of umUr-ruuning the submarine cable between the quarantine wharf and Fail-view will be 'in progress ' tomorrow and Friday, and vessels passing in or out of the harbor will bo careful when passing those points. Owing to inelemeit weather Hie proposed aeroplaue.flight to Ketchikan, which was to have been undertaken by Mr( and Mrs. Horace Du Hauiel, has been cancelled. Mr. and Mrs. Du Hauiel will sail tonight on tho C.X.ll. boat for Kelehikan, reluruing to the city' on the CP.ll. boat on I Saluiilay. Delayed slightly by the thick weather, CN.ll, slcnmer Pi-inco (ieorge, Capt. Harry Xeddon, ar rived rronr the south attl:l5 .litis morning with lt0 passen-: Auxiliary gers, 30 of whom are making the! nuiiui nip to .iasKa ami go- ' ling through Hast on the train Lutheran Church Ladies' Aid This wiirbo the last trip of tho tllaunr. December t. jhlg C.X.ll. steamers lo Alaska1 Ihis summer, I he Prince Charles1 t uileil Church Haiiiur Decern- taking up the run from hei-ol br 10 230 next week SINKING FUNDS ARE SHORT IN CITIES OF PROVINCE OF'ALBERTA K D M O X T O X, Sept. A rather disappointing feature of! the report of the Department of Municipal Affairs is the shortage which exists in the case of the sinking funds of virtually of all the cities. In iio case is there a surplus. Four cities have a material deficit in their sinking funds, while two have no sinking fund account, which is the equivalent lo a deficit. The total deficit from sinking fund requirements is in excess of C,800,000. Calgary with a specified sinking fund of 18.072,1 61, has a deficit of $3,101,288. -Kdmonton with a sinking fund specified of 8,-273.81.J shows a shortage of 42,-500.020. Lelhbridge and Medicine Hal respectively show shortages of 555,80J and 562,157. while Hed Deer and Wetaskiwiu have no sinking fund accounts. WATER SUPPLY FOR7 ELEVENTH AVENUE Following up a suggest ion a) lasl week's meeting as to 'he need of Eleventh Avenue f.ir a better water service, the coun. il last night adopted a recommendation from the utilities 'com mittee that the sum of 1.150 tie taken from this year's Fourth Avenue water appropriation lo construct a three-inch main from .Ninth Avenue and MeHride Street via Sherbrooke and Albert Avenues lo and along Eleventh Avenue, and that Fourth Avenue be reimbursed in next year estimates. Ah!. Perry referred to the necessity of the new line bein? il in, particularly from tiie luuilpoint of fire protection. BIRTHDAY PARTY Little Viola Arthur Hostess Reaching Three Years Old on Little Miss Viola (Toolsie) Arthur of 121 Ninth Avenue KaM, was the little hostess yesterday afternoon to a number ol tier little mends, Hie occasion being her third birthday. The afternoon was happily spent by all present playing games. Lit tle Tonlsie was the recipient of many gifts from her friends. A Mirec-lier cake with three candles w.1s the main fealure of the prettily decorated table. Among those present were Tootsie Arlhuc Helen McDonald. loan Arthur,- Jean McCriinmon. Kalhrine Watson, Xita Arthur Isobella McCriinmon, Deity Arthur, Walter Graham, Alex McDonald, Kenneth McCrinimou am! limmie Arthur. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert A. Parke and H. F. Davis. Kct i hikan; H. X. Smith, K. U. M-Cullagh, John F. Price. E. C. Teuuant and Al llensou, Vancouver Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Mellish Premier; John Kyle and A. L. (iray, victoria; C. J. Ituwso'i. Anyox; F. llorrington, Urand Forks, N.D.; Ii. Hiebe, Sifu'- He; lieorge McAfee, lieorgctown Central E. (I. Xewnham, (iitwinshilt : Joe lpash, lieorge Watson and Tom Thompson. Any ox. NOT UP-TO-DATE "Did the speaker electrify his audience?" ".No, he merely gassed il." SALT LAKESERVICE Launch "23" will leave the Prince llupcrt Hoatliouso on I'hursday. Saturday and Sunday afternoons every half hour from l p.m. and on other week days every hour from 2 p.m. Launches, rowbouls and canoes for sale or hire. 1MUXCE lU PEHT UOATHOUSE Phone 38t. USE STMONDS SAWS Their teeth are of a loughnoi which make them hold their keen cutting edge under ' every utage. StNONDS CANADA SAV CO. UNITED EWorld Over Discriminating Men prefer it Hills & The Gin you will ask for again the standard of purity for over 160 years. 1 III Underwoo $3.50 'bottle dl London Dry Gin 111 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the tiuveriimeut of British Columbia. Our New Coats Are beyond reproach for style, colors and prices. "DEIY1ERS" Ladies' Ileady-to-Wear Store is a member of the Retail Merchants' Association nnd extends a hearty welcome to out-of-town buyers. Fair Prices Fair Dealings "Demers" Phono 27. P.O. Box 327 Third Avcnuo in mat COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert Prince George Prince Charles Sailings frutn Prince llupcrt For Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle and intermediate ports, Monday, at LOO p.m., and Wednesday aud Saturday, at 0.00 p.m. For Anyox and Stewart Monday and Friday, 4 p.m. For Skagway and Alaska Ports, Wednesday, -i.00 p.m. S.S. Prince John for Queen Charlotte Islands and Vancouver, Fortnightly. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCS RUPERT DAILY aiccpt Sunday 11.30 tJn. Tor mure George, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all point Lasl.nn Canada, L'nltid Slates. AOENCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Clly Tlcktl Otflc, 621 Third A Prlnca Rup.rt. UcanadianT Phon 20- Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert F inCHIUI. WRANCELL, JUNUO, SUCWAY &F!W 7, 18. 28. fc YMCOUUR. VICTORIA ui SEATTLE SffHnkw S, 12. 22. iS. PRINCESS MART For Buladal. Swanaon Bay, Eait Balla Ball. Ocaan Falli, Namu, Atari Bay, Campball Rlr, and Vancoutar aary Saturday It a.m. Aatncy for all ttaamahlp Llnai. Full Intormatton from W. C. ORCHARD Qanaral Aaanl. Ctrntr of 4th Straat and 3rd Atanut, Pnnca Rupart, B.C. SALMON TROLLERS lleforc outfiltnig il will pay you to inspect our lino uf Trolling dear, We Jiave n new line of Salmon Hooks, Swlvells, Cuttyhunk and Gear of all kinds. In our stuck you will rind everything you require Anchors, Rope,- Chain, Marine Hardware of all kinds, Hull and Copper Paints, Galley Stoves aud Utensils. If it's for tho boat wo have il. , Hoals are lost every year by fire Iitive you got your Pyrene Fire Extinguisher yet? Wo sell llicm. Call nml sco us. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Ave. (Near Post Office) .31 I