ExlraSpecials for Fair Week In Every Line Watches from $1.50 up. Chains from 25o up. l'oekel Knives from 25c up. Noii-Destructildc . 1 e a r I Heads from $2.00 up. Bracelets from 25c. up. Special Discount oa Odd Cups and Saucers Real Money Savers Watch the Windows Save Your Eyes Our Optician lias bad over 25 years' experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Max Heilbfoner The Diamond Merchant of the North Big - Specials For One Week Only for benefit of visitors, the public of lrince Hupcrt and outlying districts. Everybody is cordially invited to inspect our slock. We guarantee satisfaction. FLOUR "8 lh. sack $0.00 i'J lb. sack S3.10 21 lb. sack $1.65 SUGAR 100 lb. sack $7.40 50 lb. sack $3.75 20 lb. sack $1.60 10 lb. sark 85o Icintf, 2 lb. packet.. 25c Lump. 2 lb.. packet ... 25c ROGER'S SYRUP 20 lb. cans $1.65 10 lb. cans 85c 5 lb. cans 45c MILK St. Charles, l'acific. Carnation $5.50 TEA Hlue Itibbon, 5 lb. pkg. $3.50 filue Ilibbon. 1 lb. pkg. 75c Maklin's Hest Coffee, 2 lb. pkg . $1.35 Malkin s Host Tea, 1 lb. 70c Supreme Coffee, 1 lb. pksr. 65c Economy Tea. 1 lb. pkg. 65c Economy Coffee, fresh ground, per lb. . . . 50c This brand guaranteed Al. Try 11. POTATOES. Per sack $2.25 All our slock offered al reduced prices. 10 per cent, discount in our Dry Goods Department. Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Telephone 1S and 84. DANCING At the Auditorium Changed this weok to Wed- ncsday, Thursday and Saturday, beginning at 8.30 p.m. 1 Dance 10c 3 for 23c Free Admission. L. J. MARREN, Prop. Phono Black 440. Wood! Wood! Now is your chanco DRY CEDAR Full load $6.00 Half load $3.00 Large sacks ... ... . , 50o DRY DIRCH I'er loud $6.50 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue' Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. FINE EXHIBIT WOODWORKING Big Bay Lumber Co. Has Display That Should be Seen by Everyone ! MODEL BUNGALOW The exhibit of the Dig Day Lumber Company in the cxlubi inn i i.f ct'iiiir is an iiiiercuauge of cedar and V Joint also. The walls of (he booth are adorned OUR NEW NUMBER We have four main line telephones connecting witli out- Hasemenl (irocery and ltuteher shop. 210 - 211 - 212 - 298 Our motto is "tfKRVMK," and finding our three main lines unable to handle llii.a business at peak limns, we have installed a fourth main line. I'hoiie your order lo us tin waiMng for conneclion. Rupert Table Supply Co. iiiiliia l-arkm rAOE SIX TH1 DAILY rTEWB Vedrsav snw. j t ion hall (his year is a very fine one ami is attracting a great deal of attention. In this display is liovn to what an art the manufacture of lumber has been brought and one" marvels at the beautifully finished surfaces of I lie various pieces on display The exhibit occupies the same position in (he exhibition hall as it did last year, just near the en trance to the dog and poultry show. The Interior The interior of the booth ha? been enlirely remodejled and do a not contain n single piece or wood or sample displayed last year for the reason that last year s display is now on exhibit m l;ng- land, having been handled through the Canadian iN at ion a I itailway's publicity department throughout Canada and ultimate ly sent to England. The entire booth, including (lie samples and models, has been manufactured by the Hist Day Lumber Co. at their (Jeorgclown mills. Miniature lumber piles .,, . , , , . ,, on the counter show how lumber is piled in the lumber yard and uUlll .,ailm M,,lt . . . : i a i purposes. The walls are built of different sized spruce and cedar V joint ill I uit-iuiie a immature sumpie oi a .. M illL. .,.g,.!ov, m, , one inch lumber pile showing how ,,, JlH ,.,,,., the pieces t re laid Toe drying ,.v,.iy t,,.Ull T, ,,,.. maiiufu 'l mi- of liiailit'i ...... .. St 1 .. l""""1' vv: in , 1 1 Hi- I luitiiiaii his l!! i is shown ironr the log haul t tin- finished Taioh take and will be ued fur hydro- OI ,,f ll.n l,,e m-il In"1'" f-juli.timw lSllllllUs. lei lrlr tiui r nurniM lit-n the ijiiliwr Mine. nlHie liuldint are drritrd a. Itallili I.e Pine Inenl rnam-tpr elvpi Cniwn Granted Ntiwral UalnM.I . . ..... ... t urvevpd at ImU Su. i. jo, io. J07. ir, ll ihk nay i.iiin.ier i.ninpanv. i. i7, cs. v: and itci, Urwupj j4 jr. 111 r",tr liar ire of lh "'e tioolh imioiii. I. Casslar MUlrl.t. Thu iH.Ure wa.. ,l-d n lbe Kmund on the sift day ol July. f9ti. A ropy or llil iHillce a in I ar.riliia lliitt luiHii.n. 4tirlr. im. I. tttm LAND ACT. Nolle of Intantlon to Apply to Purchatt Land. In th- Land IliMnrilniir lililiirt of I'rlne (iism!, and lMuiir a i.rtln of Lul twenty r.mr H , lunge five (Si. OrtM llltrirt. TAKE NhTH.K that KrlfzeU Llliiltel if rrlnrv HuiNTt, ll.C, merrhanu. Intend 1" apply f'.r pennlnaloii lo purrtuse. tls-rollnwiiiir d''MTltrt-d landt: riiiiiiiicm inir at a pout plantel at the n'irll.eai mriier of lot twrnly-four (Hi ran.- five Uail Ulatrlrt; them-e smith thirty. two rhalns; thenre wet r.irty rhalns; tlwnrr norlli el til rli.itim iimri- or le-, t lilrli water mark; lhen-e It-irlhratt al.ni? high water mirk lo point r 'oiiiiiienci'iiirnt. and rotitaltilnr elrlilv . acre, more or -. HUZZtl.I.S LIMITI.il naiea Aiirui. loin. A.l.. mz:. Applicant PHONE-298 Nland e.itm TAKE SOTICE LAND ACT. W'ati-r Art. 1914. will Is? filed In thi? ofrirn! Notlea of Intention to Apply to Laata Lanl f the Watr lierordr at Allln. B.C. Ob-i'i I'rlnce liutjorl Lam tm.tfihn' n- ertlons may tie ril-d with ihn laid W'alir lrlr "f I'rlnre riiHrt, and alOialr lli-'-'.rder or with Hie 0niptriller of Water Hiatlils, I'arllaiuenl Bulkllng. Victoria, u.i... williiu llilrly days after the .w.r anre f tlil nolire In a I'xal nettapaMr. The dale or Hie flrnt laitillf-alKHi or llri-notice tlw th day of Aurut, l4. t.AOI.AtMl UULU .M1AKS LTD., IC. Apltllrant. Mnnly II. Mnore. Arni. oil tbe Milhwet sfcyire of W'ate Unt. ll.C. Iteinr nortli hiaroetle frme llayUrk lliet. awl true ettt from vanrmiier. u.i,., ftrriipaiimi earner. In iii'i Iflul I,, mtii.lv tnr m L...u ..r i K. r..tl. m I ' ntr dearrttieil lantH. ronseiw-lnr at a tiot trianleil at hi water mark m the .,iithwei shore MINERAL ACT. Cerllflcata of Imnrotamenta. -jiokane Mineral l imn, . ltnale In the Mlln Misinr liiv!lifii or Oalir lo-inrl. on the tei iltte of lilt Horn Itiver m iIm- ia! of and adjoining; Itnr rowiii .inirai . laun. TKK Mi IK E that I. (red l-awmi iireni for Aatw s Ijiuvhi, Free Miner'' ' . rnnraie ,vi. 7H7IM.. Inlruitll . altlt da.n rr,ni Hie dale Iwreof, l. sTTdy to Ihe uimuK iw i oro, r .or a i.ertirmte or no ni,. iiH-nt.. r.,r i. loinxj-w of 4iaininr a ..r.iwn urant hi iiw iire elan... A ml fiirtlMT lake noUre thai aellnn, miller M" tlHi 37, iuiim lm iomne'ed le-U " of nri lU'illfli'ale or im-urovcineual. yafeil llii aoih day r Aurual, A.U ' LAND ACT. I tlin Allln Land llIMrl of r.alar. TAKK MTli:f: that t, CTphlet Potter, of Vol. '.T t.S.A.. mlln lo tuiri-liaw aeribea landa: to a Mi tlie M iMow'liur Utmiueii, inr at a pout planted al " lulna south or IMelm-'a Point un tl otl oe-ii- de Klfle or Ta'rii.h Ukc. about eleiwi miles Hdiiii or i in- Tukon lexiadary line; tlienee wrt u rhaliu; tlieni-n north iu chalnai I.W.-I- eat r .lialnv Itieiiee oullierly rollowlnir alonr lh' uore line or TaUli Lake lo imiIiiI of coiiiineiirriiit'iit, aald pan-el roiiiiininic su ai-rea, more or tea. KLII'III.KT KOTT I'OTTK.II. ApplldiiU , . . rren i.awaoii, Aeni lial-d Aiini.t imli, im, LAND ACT. Notlca of Intantlon to Apply to Purchaaa Land. In tlie land IWs-ordinir plitrlel of I'rlnre1 i.iitM-ri. anu Kiuiaie at iiiir rails Crt-k whli h flow lliln KeMall tiller about ta iuiim rroin u niiuiiii. TKK mii:e that :nrion P. Illet of Prliu-e llii-rl, U,i'.. oeeupatliin luinlier-tnan, I nl end. to apply for perinlMloii to rurriae the followliiir ilerrllieit lali.l- OiiiiiiieiM-ln at a pot plmnd at the aoiilhwesl corner or l.ol ftilf., Ilaiire foiiri llieme vii rhalim aoiillii'rly; llii-nrn fo lialn- wi-ii-rlv: tlii-nic o c-lwtti north-ei-ly. Ilien.e ml ,ii,nn- ealil P point of 'iinin. iii-iiiu-iii . and I'onlaliilnir in acre. I more or i j. I' lllKI.. Appli'-am U4I.:U AugUH i Hi, I9i. GOVERNMENT ASKED TO MARKET BLOCK' .11. .J 5. I.UI. II... ...... I JEW TEACHER FOR HIGIISCHOOL HERE Miss Beatrice Burke, B.A., Is a Graduate of University of B.C. and the Provincial Normal School Miss Itealritr llurke, M.A.. of Vmii niiver, graduate of the University of lh UMi Columbia and lie Provincial Normal School. iitivimI in (he nty on (he Prince t.ieorge Unlay in lake a posit iun ,.ii t If -t f f ,.( the King Ldward High Sriiool. While the Hl-pfiin: iihmiI -if Miss Iturke was made iieeessary by the board's w n.it decision lo continue the senior matriculation class here. her work wilt not tie confined lo! that grade but she will teach certain suliieH- neauly 'I to. hi all urades. uoioniai uungaiow , PRINCE GEORGF. Will 'J . m t . vail VI , BO MIC UlUUV I II O IIIIUI - w v w WH I m mi with sam des of every description , , . ... . , .. . . . nga ow, built wale The AT 7 0 CLOCK from s.andard moublings to ,x nungalow is laid oirl in its own umu ii i u ituwii port lumber , lbe floor is buill of flat Praln ereeV over Will Not Walt Until Midnight spruce and edge grain hemlock, . Qr Until im.r rio.ino B..t ii ...i . : i. j. i.i.. ...: .i. i wc v i4 auu vcu u iiatiimir, ----- ...... v wwv Model of Mill in tne cenire .r i lie booth is a wonderful working model, built! WATER NOTICE. IllVIUUni. 1 I J I r HH. . "pool 113 built by lien Dalgamo. I States Also on display are different sizes of fish boxes manufacUired . t. Mi-Naughton, I..N.II. .lis I by (he Vjeorgetown TIF MiTllf- thai Viu.lv II Vf -.r. ' lOU III I' llll'Seil 1 It lllttl ASK BEAUTIFICATION spot al i!:e SPLENDID EXHIBITS AT ANNUAL FAIR OPENED LAST NIOHT BY MAYOR. (continued from page Jtie) again ably re pre en ted wilh n very compioheiisive exhiliit displaying the many kinds of finished lumber made at (leurge- lown mill. Iho features of (he exhibit are working moilel-of Ihe (ieorgetown iiiilLiiud a min iature modi'l of a liolonial bun galow, boili inodeli beinir bul'.t to exact si-iile. Ihe Dominion nrt gallei-y Is creating a .treat deal of Interest In which are hung many plctmes fiy world-famed artists loaned by the Ottawa art gallery. Swift Canadian (u. have a nice exhibit of their products, Including the famous .Swift "I'reiiiliun" hams ami bacons. The Imliiiit exhibit Is in the samo locution as. last year, mid Is very Mined In its specimens or Ihe various, art prat-Used by the Indians of notllierii llrltish Columbia, pattleularly (he Queen Uliiirlulte Ntantls. Samples uf smoked and cured fish are alsii on display by Ihe Macon rihriea, while. Ihe Val-enlln dairy Itj again rcptesented in the samo location as last year. The school exhibit was not staged iiniil last last evening ( owing tu -Ihe fart that lliej auliooi- n; , .petted only yesterday. 1 CLEVER SHOOTING OF CAPTAIN ASH City Council Wants to Get Taxes Canada's Champion Cowboy Out of Square Formerly Occupied by Government Buildings The city" council. on recommendation of the finance oum-inuiie, decided last night to re- ijuest the. pro ni' ial government) to sell the Mock :.clren Second a:ai Third Avenue:, and Third and Shows Skill with Quns and Ropes Captain Ash, world famous sharpshooter and roper, gave a fine exhibition of shouting and roping in the exhibition building last nulit before a large and ap preciative uudience. Captain Ash demonstrated what wonderful control and accuracy he hail with . .....mi on .... .,,,. ... mm- rin,. an, revolver. The stunts a.ment buildings were formerly, ,,,.,, ,! in various pus-1 i.caled. I ho reason advanced by j,,, landing. laMnK down cominiltee for the lie ,iarU,ir,ls, ami shooting while w (ha (he nty was entitle,! o , nM uf n ((oU ceccne (axes from (his property (,;isK lUn jo1 r wl... . it could u..t do as long a Urw Wll Xl.ry p,.,r A was J,..d by the Kover.ii.ient. 1 he niteeiniiinf.nl was mayor further expressed the, ,..,.,,.. ..,,w ,.. ,.., iptniou that it was not desirable j have such a lilank in the busi x-s section. . . .. v .... ........... shooting up in tin reiling at tar- gets which, when Allied flags. hit, released COW BAY TO HAYE FIRE ALARM BOX City Council Decides to Move One at First Avenue and McBrlde Street to that Location A long fell want al Cow Hay is lo l filled by (he city council. A recommendation from the utilities committee lb ai the fire alarm box at present loeateii at the corner of First Avenue utid Mrllride Street be transferred to Cow Hay al a eos of sr,r, was adopted by Hie council lat uferht. Mkyor Newton staled that this would gixe the many boats moorel at liw May .i ehaiire lo notify (he fire department during (he night when need ml. t p (o the present, when offiefs and business places at Cow- lUy during the night had been rlosHl, their hut Iwri dan-' er of fire starling having serious consequence liefore the de-j fVarlniciit ronbl be ealted. i WELSHFUNERAL Pritchard who Died Here on Monday. mill and'' passenger agent, announced! ' ,,. f ,.eiy'lnnUely (hat the steamer I'rincn Ulimii gathered at ' anai for it Enguiefr boi.i siiwi' ud, ,i,.Pi,,i i,ieiu.iii. nFr.ni.... ' IWiriie w ill .... leave ... Ibis evenii.u nt .1... (he parlors of II the ll.C. I-...I t n.ler B.c.Twiii arj"i rr 'iimiw 'to"uke au,i spruce with a finish like veltel ' o'clock for Kelehikau. Inlim-! 'akers (his aflern.M.n to my their "if "wm ww l7icir;,'ieiJrT,r; Two ladies' workbask is made alions made that (he boat is J,c- re,peets lo the memory of .'S3 rSliSJa;' y-"w .lar lumber o,.,,,,.,- a injr held until midmght or until """"Z. Owm Pril- Mine Tlw waler will Ix Vifcrml imu, iirnrninent ..ilii.n on ll.n Hm.r after toe boxina limit this cvrii- Cliartl. Wllo tlieii in me linapllal intnnrtwTiM VRer'ulS'an.l are fil t irace Uie boudoi. 'g are incorrect. Mr. McNaugh-' " H' morning Ion says. The service was conducted by Me. Professor SJiorl. Melh liivies sang in WvUh and V. Vaiighan Havies prespK-d at (he organ with COURT-HOUSE GROUNDS IIZ. .IIiiKhe. Melh Hivles. W. -l- On recomuiendaliMii of the fi- ker. I rank Morris and Merl Mor-nancc committee, the city entin- 2dn. Interment was in I 'airview cil decided last night lo ask MieifV,.i.rv Those sen.linn flow- .w.. r.Jil ..Z..-.. IProvinriai eove-nmeni to pro- inelude.l Mr. ami Mr. II V r.Hmy iimjteii. . f ceed wrilh the plan proposed in ' (inffonl hoi I familv. Welsh hovs mr i lie? - peaiinrieaiton or Mr un.i ifr. ii iinn.i. u...i w I - I el I f"l . I r-, I III.- a . .1 I oe grounus nciweei, i up in t ! Hm Mrs. II. Worsfold and family. .Ill 1 .. n l. .!-:. I. I a il " w w. ..mi .in.: i.i iii jjirrn, Wale Islaml In a niltlon lieaiinr tmrih; t v....i.... -i...;.... .i.. .... HameUe frrm llayl'k lland ami true, " .-. . s.bhiih tu.ii u.rj an in.ie isiami eoint, Sllklau lulaiul. government iliwe soiilheasterlv alonv hlrti water marK ioriy eitni mmirei reel, more r less to a nosi markci o. .E.; Ilienee I lu. ! In rK.ln. iuiim . lu. . I u sater mark: llinirr .c rthweslerhp alnnr w wa'er .lark fortv elcM hniirfrMl trt nrr or i; men." n'lrineriy to rnaln nhre or iea. to point of conuiX'neeuM'nt. I forriol ANOLO-IIHlTISII f'.OI rvniA fi4'L'li fi i 1 m I'oinl refen Per '.Valler K. WaHee. m. luff irh. I of i had said thai such a scheme was under connidei t.-lion when the reipiest htvl Iwrn made that the ground be al o . eu ior use hi junior ilMlletP., e- making a to the possibilities of LAND ACT. Nftllta of Ifitastlon lo Applf to Laaaa Las III I'rlnee llai-erl jnd llarorihajr Ida irtrt of 'rMr lluirt, al -iluil' on Ihe norikwetl o.l of ItrtlKh jM i Ma. Porlkwl i:anal. ami ls-m at Spi I'.snl. Portland canal, and twarmi uorlh uiaiielir fr.su Tree I'o.ui. I'ejra laland. TAKE Mf Ii t I hit Anaki llrlllth IX'.1 unibia l-a.klna cianpaiiy Umilr.i. Vanrouver. Il.i , nrrupali.Mi rarkers. in ll'll.l Uk MliliU tur a la. ,.r Om. rt.ll..Mr iuw ilkrelfrf IaimI.. ': - ' Cotmiietirini a I a a water iiurk al spit l Ibenro xsilhea.lerl mark fur forly rit VUd iUlfUII ; pot planted at huh, I'ynl, PorlLaiKl . anal, ly lumt lilrh wate 1 lit Mji wired reel to i I Veil laMrked So. LSI:.; Ihenre WMithrrUl lo rnam. iMire or im, lo low water tnrk; ihnwre iHirthwrieiiy aiooa l . waler mark fnrty-etrhl hundred feet, tifire ar lesat tbenre iHirtlierly lo rlnm.. ne,r nr leaa, to imSiiI of rismnenreniriil. lift Milalnlnir 7 arree, tnnre or ea. AM1I.O IllllflSII CO.l'MHI I'ACklVl LO. Mil. Appllraol . I'er Walter r.. Walker. Afriu lialisl IhIv trd, lt LAND ACT. Nolle ol Intantlon to Apply to Purthaia una. 111 iiw i.and iieeordinr liutn- t or Prline iiuiieri, anu situate, al Shannon Hav Il.i:. Maell Intel, o r. Ilnd, II i TAKK NOTICK lint (loase JUIIIerd, l.lm llnl, or VanriMi vrr B.i:., ortnpallon aal-HHin rainier. Intend lo apply ror tier illation to purrhate the loltowln de rMIil laiMls : osnmnriiit at a puti planted approti tnaieiy t i-hin wen. iiM.re or le. rrom Ihe norlhisiat eorner Lot BU 'T I. Still'): Ilienee v.iilh rhalns; thenrii w.-pi iu rimii.; iiH-nie aouin i rhalti' jiienre we.i iu rnalnt. more or lea, to tieaih; Ihenre rillowltit ineatiderlnir of bearh to .int or ron,i.n nieiiirnl, and rooiaiiiiiii k arrea more or leaa, 0OSKr; Mi..r ,t, I iMITKtl. ppllranl ITf Win. 0. Mllrhell. Aknnl, riort Int. o. "itn LAND ACT. none or intantlon to Appl to Purthaia Land, In Ihe Land lleror.lina itrl t of prlnre .' r"?li !"""" li'oiilh ol II .'."'."L hi'SJlh. ,,.Uv''r ,,,uu' W'IIm from TAKE MiTi:K ilml jm A. smllh of frlme JlW"Tt. ll.C rupallon lumber' mail. liiteii.U u. ai.t.ly r.,r iiermlMloii u. ..i. mrr .1." I U I'm OI Ol'Urn IM- U i.oiiuiiriieiiiir ai a hm iilanled at the soilthweal rori,,.r or Lot ine four; llieiii-e no rlialm tiortlierly , llienen Ji . ' "n,r "r to Hie f r i.i. tall lllvi'f; - Ihiiiie in rli.ln. ...,,nu.,i.. !.',!ri!;,..3Uin"r..,'f"",r,v' '"uminir Jf!1.t A I'er t Ktb, t9t. SMITH. Atmllranl I'. Rl.:f. Ap ill. WESTHOLME THEATRE iuniyii uhu iwufwiiwvT tiWni.t ana 9 p, JACK PICKFORD "The Hill Billy" A stirring melodrama Hint tell ihe ini,i. , . liOy ami a simple girl who wove ,i -mipi. i f will never Tade from the ineiiiur. , liygouevday nniongsl (he simple. Inuiu i, h" lucky liill region. A pholo-ln o in..k a few henrlaelies, a few kmmI lantli, g. ttuiiic (hrills. strong rsl. Ja:k Plckford, Lucille Rlckscn, Frank Leigh, Ralph Yemley, Maine Ojary " jJB! Keckley n.l ..l - COMEDY. "HOT STUFF." (THE SPAT FAMILY, TOPICS OF THE DAY. 35c. and 10c Sept. Discount Number A. 1281 rWery article ut 'hi- t"re tu ,r through which iieii(ihr,iliuii we m .1. t. . of tune any goods lime ln-eo in ! k Invoice No. A.I2SI w- ulloll.d i II,-of giHkls received .March, ll2."i. All g.Kid- (rearing all earlier miltilier Ii prior to tin- ddle. mid llniTlmi 411 -ili ' cent discounl. proxnled on lu lor r.i-l, l.ook lor Hie uitmlier and dem.ind H ro npi r.iluih will help 11- in lnrmtiK 001 UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Special Values for Fnir Week Ker departiiient It. - . tilriloited mul m- thiiig aiherttseil e. Ily as repr. -Knilliiig Yni, grey, hlck hmI healherv ,- 1 (iolf Yam. nil color, 7 I "ills Child's (iolf Hit;, all wool, tiirtietJ lop. pi 1 lllnek Worsteil llne. sites 7 to 10, per mh Indies' Art Silk Ilie, 8 Mirs Indies' Heece Lined lllooinfm, all nites. .-Indies' JAH(il!ll Mir wieol vsl-. e.trh. tiirl's Oiniliinalioiis, winter weight, per mi- Indies' House lireAses, cucli (I dirt's lloineMii lree. 1.: iue 1 J Ijidies" HhiiiicI llressem H,Mi vulue flirl's Sergf tikirl. plealed on wai(. li t; Indies .Sergi .Sktrt. valiii'o lo K7.IW. IV Indies' llniitrouls, Alne to ?I1.:.I f-r. Jap (Jrews, nil colors, t yunls Priitls. dark ami light, 1 ynnl for . . . (iiiighnin's :ifi itirli, imHirled. t r. (. HO Yard- lllftek Mliif Silk. -10 in . ei Ssleen's, Mack aihI colored, .' .ird- for Circular Tricidelle, wr yanl Viela I'lntiiiel. s(ritei. etc. tier Mird.. While riaiineleUc. :0 inch, .'I .("N ... Irfidies' Cotton llrawers. a fiaiim for . . . l adies' Soils, onlyv lo cnr. Ui (Jonrd (rse(-, clenring lines, lo 7.."i" 1 Manv other lines will ir 011 side for Ibis . are arriving evrrv ike. and will he 011 di , Ihe sli.re. H. S. WALLACE CO., Fulton SU and 3rd Ave. ll.M - tlM $U3 SICC ii;i $tJ? $1 S1 IV SIN LTD. Phon I UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OFB.C,LTl'. nailtnii rmio Crtnra fiupert or VANCOUVtat, VIOTOMIA. aaaan Bat, as Alarl T 'or VANCOUVCII. VIOTOeia, AlM t, a Iwanaoo aa, lalorlM. For ANVOX, ALICI ARM, STtWAKT. wnaar, I P.M. foe POflT tlMPION an Naat Uliae Cansa'lti, rlai " , " a.Mrt." U tt4 Anv. 4. HfMliI, Afant. ","e WELCOME, VISITORS , Von are rnnli ilh uiviled lo mtike yoijr visil, leave your jian els here whc'l' slore or not. SHOE SALE We hnvo plniineil Tor a lug shoe sale tlurnig "'if We are offering Ircineuiloiis luirgiiins e-" lilies which wo are ilisroiilinutng and ( Fares Refunded v Please reineiiilM'r Unit we art' tm-tnlicrs n ,u ' chiinls' Associiilion ami we refund fare- 1 htiyor-s. LOOK FOR THE SIQN. , "Faros nofunded." Mombor's of RoUll Mcrcnam JABOUR BROS. LTJ Phono 045. Cor. Third vo. "