di.v September 9. 1025 i VERY 5?S DISTRICT NOTES AND NEWS Probably one reason for tho popularity of WlUCLErS I that It Uiti to long nJ rcturni mch crcat dividend for o small f an outlay. It keep teeth I elfin, breath tweet, appetite teen, digeilloQ good. Freah and full. flavored abvay In it wax.wrappeJ Rim package. 'o Your Eyes Bother You? ; . . 1 1 1 1 iiifiniii !H ru optical Tin. iiltl In I ,-vpericnce of r.. :iiu with . .lark llul- graduated V.i l.tli;l Ch. !Vr. places M . Hioiiall) ft(Hni i iiko rare of . !... i -ii we ran "jiiii'ji! service I--UK' HU l lf.tr t inn. Lene Ground on the Premises hn Bulger Jeweller. nulling! Kiln Ui'P lltl.Mllg of gci s. .mutt f 'nil Hie lire W handle, only n is "Bone Dried Wood." ) f: a I' did of ' value Full load ' 0 or nicely tied bundles, i r 51.00. I ur Tax umber in easy I ii'!'. 1 1 2". ami tun nmllo. If ! our rnr today ynti j c hrni agnin. BOo Is ' iin day or night line."' j "k of nil kinds ; i promptly, i ltand345 Third Ave. Also Seal Cove ie Prince Runert ansfer & Taxi Co. Phones: 189, 112. ggs rivingDaily very ,BR fiuarnnlnod Iner's Ham, none, belter, or wln.le. per lb. 40o E"f f, Pork. Mutton. Vaal. Fish and Fowl. A' I'Riial I.ovv Price, ilkley Market 'o. W Kerr Manmnr Phono 178. ANYOX, STEWART, QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS & INTERIOR POIHTS -CO-OPERATION . WITHSMITHERS I Prince Rupert Visitors at Fair In Interior Meet Board of Trade There s.MlTHKIIS, Sept. y. Taking advantage or tin- large number t I'rillCC ItUIMTl lUilltSltllM'n soiling in bmilhcr, President I.. i. Me'iill of the local Hoard f Trade, arranged for special meeting of I he I loan I on Saturday nijilit lo which the visitors wore invited and many mailer of joint1 T. .1. Ilicks. Victoria, auditor for he I.iijiior Gpijlrol Ilo.jrd, was a visitor In lown lljls week. Mrs. .1. M. Hoar, who has spent the summer jiipaUis v1Ui her husband al their mineral claims al Kalum Lake, left for Seattle on Saturday. She was ai'mmpnnied as far as Terrace by her husband. - I.. Jlosso or Dome fireek Is re. ncwiug acquaintance aniuipl lown. He spent some time here a lew years ago and acquired sonic properly north of Urn park al IhaJ I inn1. John lown. Hums of Pacific U Jn II. N. Smith or Kdmonlon, represent iug I rcdcrick Slearns S: t;o. Ltd. of Windsor, Oil!., called on llic Jooal druggist oi Sal-unlay. A II. Shnrpii i; Prinpc llppcrl is rcncvylng aciuainlnnces'here. Mr. and Mrs. Weller and children or .Seal He, w'l" l,!lv0 "" spending noum ''""! w1"1 i,r-Wellcr's father, F. Weller, al Knluiii l.iilic. In fr homo on SalunJ'U'. H J. France ami I. Mi'l'l of Prince Unpen, who have b-en vislling hoih l.akelso and Ml-.umkalum I ako rdurned home on Saturday Mlu Marion Hannah, school t-a. ier ai Smilhers. and. who at one time taught in local Hi:hool here, arrived in tiiwn nn Friday lo spend n few days with' sir. I . II. Itos an.l Mrs. .1. !. Jrosf. Miss Hannah ha been spending her vacation at her homo in Victoria. A special school meeting was called for Friday night lo rer-lify an irregularity in the business done at the annual meeting, owing' to Ihe meeting having been held on the wroriK dale The fairhoard rominitlee held a nieetinir on Friday nichl In make further arrangements in connection with the Terrace Fair interest were brought up for dU-l'0 ' ,,e,, S?H eipl.fr 15 and 16. The iiue.tin.. ,ff red.,rl mil J.. f"- """ ani ciiii.iren or way rale, .,ip,neU of nk-! , 'T, V 'n Saturday. y Valley farm product,, ,f,;" I'rmce llupert hat been rereivinirl , ... """ , L. "'""l-e combed of Ivan e.....i,i..-.i in ,.n r-... 1...11. the I'rince li.-,rt n.l it,. Smii...! ',mty l'pver, lloj.l. Cr- ' " inn .lorr iiot.iiii eri Hoardx of Tmde and ie.. V lell. Jeff Hamlin and Kd. Mich- f. ra.l I. ... .. I,A a I . ker.n pr-tlden of I'nnce,,,,.,,,,,,. ' ; variU , f toper. I. .ard outlined lo (he!,,,,. lti,rM ,, , "T. ,b ,,,!,,,,,fp,':to the l'rice (luperl Talr. in their fight for cheaper rate.! ' A .liRhi reduetion . trnntrt Mr. ail( M. T c: of by the llnilway .oine l.me prjr h hot there .His room for im- k enA in ,own inrmriii and me tnaiier wan. taken tip with Sir Henry Thornton on hi recent vlil, n a re- It or which it i !joprd that a further reduction will he made in the near future. Assistance to Farmers I". H. Weller returned lo Kal- uin Iike on Saturday. A proud crowtl palliered al the fi.W.WA. Hall porch on Hatur day aflernoon for the auction of The local Hiettiberft splainrl:Mr. F. II. Ho' hpuehol( the vivitor lite raaoB for frt. Itliidipp wa iiiite brisk their requenU for imire asii-!and everything hroufrht fair uce i the farmers m the way, prices, practically everything be of llluiilration Station and the;msr fold. Atiplioncw Wip. Van lueeliuit freely dico-fd thfjdrlip wil'd hn liqnitiirr In his aiie4ini, same being in favor of'11""1 fnrfeful iiianper. while J. a i-nnlral espenmenlal lann amlt". Agar ael qs ftjerk. oilier of a ntimlMr of stations, simDnr li the one on the Million farm, ocmis ilacird in iin- differ Mr. Chenetle, foriperly of this place, now in usk, was in Ter ent sections of the district, r.eo.'we durin? tlic wffk end Uullon save a hlsliirv of th La lion ol which he is in charue. and Got CW ff Kalum whirh now comil or 26 acres, an,l Pnt fint' ' laV The work at three, stations is dune under the supervision qf A F. Ilirkard from the Siimnwr-land experimental station. ' Mr imllon considered this Hue of education of great benefit to th runner throughout the district. I'red stork, federal member fur the di!riel. was present anil he was aksl ror hi? c4-onra-(iiin in the eTlension of this work The Prince RhmH members Xpressed tieieve a willinc 'n enlore ami assist any project 'lint in If M be adxanecl by (Ik b"-al iMidy for the development and advancement of Hie areil lislricl for which Prince Ituperl i Hip natural millet, ami Ihr-ame co-operallon was assnreo i lie visitors by Mr. McOill, on be hair if the Smilhero Hoard. TERRACE NOTES The Highl Hrv. Ilishop K. V Hqnox of Prince !uperl uis he'n In town at Hip TourUI llolrl. fi. Goulijre and Sabouriq of Prince Hliperl yerc in town to assist wjlh the nnislp at (lie spe cial srrvirc lild n the nlo!ic Church on Sunday fur the bless ing of Hie bell. TliPJ' ar r?'-lewsl at th Tourist Iprl. .Mis J'eggy n speijl the lasi frw ilays of lpr visit in Ter ra" as lie guol of Misses F.d- n.'i am) Joan Dover. Mrs. Millar nml Jicr grandson, Alex Millar of Winnipeg, who have spent the last two mouths in Terrace with Mr-. Millar's daughter, Mrs. J. McLaren, left on Friday for F.dmonlon, where she will, visit with another daughter before reluming lo Winnipeg. Mr. George Dover entertained about Iwenty-five lillle girls on Saturday aflernoon al n rom-binrd hirlhiay parly for her ilaiiRhler Kdna and "a-f.irrveli pnrly for 1,'eggy Iloss. Tlie girls enjoyed Iheniselves al various gaipes, refreshpienls being serv-ed during Hie nriernoon by Mrs. Dover, assisted by Mrs. Aldons ami Mf"' eorge I.illo. Mr. Orirrin, public, school principal, and Mrs, Oriffit) nr-riyed hack in lown on Friday. T'iey were accoinpanicd by Mrs. nriffin'! slsler, Miss lays. Mr. and Mrs. F.linll ami '' n of Prince Juperl were week-end visitors in (own, j Mrs. Sessions and Mrs, Hei?e of Pacific worn In (own nn Sal-urday. jliVonl was received by her fa-Ihor; Felix Do Korgipiipinux, on Sunday of lio very ser ona con dition or Mrs. Paul Waiit, who was token to the laiclnu Hos pital earlier in Ihe week. Her brotlier Ilobert loft immeMalel)' for Ilacllon. AnoHier brolher. John, has been a palleul. in Hie hospital Ihnre ,for a o y o r II 1 monlhs, having hern .sepiously Injured at Ihe Terrace, mill. W'nller Warner of ilosswoo.l was in lown over Ihe week end, a guest nl llin 'oi;risl )i)lr). Advertise .u the IHIIy News MRS. Ft R. ROSS OF I TERRACE LEAYES LIVE IN FLORIDA Ti:itllAt:i:, Sept. . About 50 guesls enjoyed tho delighlful hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. (jilbert on Frirlay evening when they were enlerlaineil al a farewell dance for Mrs F. H. Hoss, in progress Hall. Tho hall presented a very homelike appearance with its dainty curtails, prettily arranged tables and profusion of flowers. t The music was provided by Mrs. Atlwood's orchestra while IheVo were cardal for Ihosp not wiping I" dance. Deljcioits rejrshpjenl were served during the evening and as Ihe guests were Jjjavfng all joined hands and sang Au,ld Lan Syne" and then "For She's a Jolly (iood Fclov." A. splendid lime was enjoyed by all. Mrs. F. It. loss and family left on Monday, to join hfir husband in Miami, Florida. She went via Vancouver apd will visp with her mother and sisters In Toronto anil Ottawa enroule. Mrs. Hoss has lived jn I'prrace for a number of years and will be . ry much missed by a very large i-in-lc of friends here. BELL CONSECRATED IN TERRACE CHURCH Bishop Bunoz Officiates and Two Singers Present from Prince Rupert TKItltACi:, Sept. J. At a very impressive service held in the Sacred Heart Church, Terrace, on Sunday", September 6. HUhop Itunoz of Prince IlUpert consecrated the new bell vhih is being erected in the tower of the Church. Ihe bell which eanie from France, is a very fine one, and is beautifully engraved and suitably inscribed. The local choir ably assisted by .' Couture and H. Sabourin or Prince Flu perl with Mrs. Von llees at Ihe organ, rendered .very appropriate music. ilixh mass was conducted by the Ilishop, assisted by the !le.! Fgth.er CJiaflier al the Sunday innriiini? service nml Ibis was fol lowed by the confirmation ser-1 vice. Soloists at this service were 0. Couture and F.. Sabourin. Prince llupert and Fred Dubord. I'errace. FIFTY PEOPLE FROM I MASSETT VISIT CITY Alfred Adams and Good Part of Natives from Queen Charlotte Here for Fair Alfred Adams, general factotum of Ihe native village of Massett, and some fifty people from that district on the Queen Charlotte Islands arc here ror the Fair, Ihe party Including seyernVApwm who .ore givipg oxbihitfons uT native. nrV during the wcofc in the Agllcultural Hall. The most of tho visitors fiom the islands came over on their own boats but several Will return there on Ihe Prince John next Monday. TERRACE MAN SHOWS EXCELLENT PICTURES Sort Finish photographs at the Fair Excite Good Deal of Comment Visitors lo Ihe photographic department or the Exhibition Ibis year will he interested in a number of entries made by W. hoss lhomson, a Inrrace rancher, and Mrs. Thomson, Tho former entered in leii classes and the latter in nine, and many or Ihe entries won prizes. Iho feature of the plclures is Ihu noft finish in direct contrast lo the sharp1 outlines usually seen here. Those soft pictures are. particularly suited to certain classes of pictures. Some, of Ihe effects seen In California scenes al Iho fair are narlicularlv pleasing. II Is noticeable that the Judge gave Ihe prim In al most every case lo that class of picture. Tho work or this photographer is almost untroriuly good and deserves high commen dalkm. Mr Thomson, who U a mem PA OK FIV Removal Sale! Tremendous Price Reductions SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTIONS Serge and Silk Dresses Regular price $10.00 for Regular price $12.00 for Regular price $17.00 for Regular price $20.00 for Regular price $28.00 for $7,50 9.00 12.75 15,00 22,00 Coats and Suits Regular price $18.50 j g gQ Regular price $25.00 for Regular price $32.00 for Regular price $45.00 for; Regular price $Q5.00 for Sweaters .19.25 24.50 ...33,75 48.75 Al odd lines of sweaters, a large assortment, were $5.00 tq $12.00; now $2.95 to $3.50 Cotton Crepe Kimonas in assorted colors, were $3.50, now. . . Kimonas Silk and Wool Kimonas, $1.50 '..!?1.';.$6.00' These are only a few of the many bargains. Everything in the store is being offered at like reductions Mrs. S. FRIZZELL Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. her or Ihe Tirtn or Hamlin A Thomson, has also very nearly sixty entries in vegetables and fruit al I lie fair, showing that he expels at horticulture as well as at pirlure-makinjr. INEQUALITY IN CITY WATER BYLAW CLAIMED Pioneer Laundry Says It Would Be Cheaper to Keep Taps Open Continuously Than Part of Time A letter from the Pioneer Laundry suggesting that Ihe present scale of water rales charged by the city did not protect the small consumers, was read at las! night'.s council merling and referred to Ihe utilities committee. The letter staled that the laundry used 58.- 500 cubic feel of water during Angus ami had paid $7D.50, whereas, if ICrt.OOO cubic reel, or three times ns much, had been used tho cost would hnvn been less ?72. It would llms have been of benefit to the laundry to keep tho water running continuously, though it would work a hardship on householders in the vicinity in the matter of pressure. If this course were Tol-lowed, the city would hayo lo replace Ihe present Iwo-invl) main willi a lliree-inch al con siderable cost. Consideration or the matter was asked in the letter. BIG LOG BARGE ON MAIDEN TRIP Hecate Straits Towing Co.'s Hulk Drumroch Wif I Bring First Load from Islands to Rupert In low of the company's lug Lome, Ihe llecalr Straits Towing Co,' large steel log carrying barge Drumroch will sail to-day trom Vancouver on her maiiienj voyage. The big hulk will go toi Locan Inlet on the Queen Char-1 lolle Islands and there load, something in excess or one million feel of logs for delivery tp thePrinco llupert Spruce Mills. The vessel should arrive here in the course of ten days or a TIMBER SALE, X7051. There will le nrrt-mj ror ali al eulillr .turllnii, at immiu uii the ivih rta it SrptetiilMT, IVii. In Ur i.rriif of thv frfl liaiitpft I; urns Lake (lie LI r euro X?u5l. I. .'in It.uoo Jarkpine tics on an rri tllutliMl tU.UI i onlfi urth ut liHkjr Lak Matlun, lunp' 3, Omi District. Three yeara will lx allowed for removal of timber. "I'rovl.leil any trie unable to attend Hi aurtlun III Persia may iiibnUt a aealeU tender to tie n.ened the hour or auction and treated as one bid." further particular of th chief Former. Victoria, u.t: or OlMHct rorenler, Krlnce lluiert. TIMBER SALE X7201. SKALEo TENDERS will be received by the Minister ut Land, al Victoria, iml later than noon on tlu loth tl.iy or Sen tltM.lM.. IU9K fttr Ihd (k..r..h:iM ,.r I li.,,t..a XJfll. to cut l,7C.uuu rect of spruce. i llriidix'k, IUImiii and Cedar on an area I Hoiaieti aj.proiiiniaiei)- one mile noiilh of Ooal Cove, Kinlaysoii Channel, luuico .1, Cn.i Olstrlrl. Three 13 veara will lm allowed for re lit. iv I or llllllier. Iqrllier paillriiUrt tif the Chirr Fores ter, Victoria, it.c, or Imlrlct Forester, rinre nuiyrt, n.C. TIMBER SALE X7343. Sealed Tender will be recelvnl hy the. than iimiii on Die 1 7th day of September, IV, ror the Purchase or Licence X71I3, lo rut J.ouo.iuq reet or tMar, Pprnee. balsam anil Hemlock, oil an area altuateil on t)ie Kat Ann nt Oraney Inlet, liana . Uiat HIMrlrt. Three (3 year will bo allowed tor reiiMvai or umber. Further ii.irilrnl.ira nt lh Chief For eler. Victoria. It.C, or tilslrlct Foreler. I'rlnce nuperl. n.C. TIMBErt SALE X2393. SEM.Et) TE.xriEns wilt be received by the MlnKter or Laud, at Victoria, iml later than noon ui Iti Jilh day or Sep teiiiher, lilts, for Ihe purrhae of Licence xmx. In nil 454,030 feel of Spruce, lleiriock and Cedar nit an area aliuated nil Ihe W' -I end of Tanoo lland near Moresby Inland, Oueen ' Charlotte Hand lil-lrlrl Three 'S year will bo alluwrd foi. re moval r limner uaiiicuiara 01 toe t,iuri r ure Irunorr irr. Victoria. B i . or Diitrlct rortiier trmct nuptti, ,u fANAniAW STEAM LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS The Laundry of Personal Service, Phone No. 8. Fjnlshed Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrift-T-Serylce, Soft Finish, And Dry Cloanlng. Wo arc ready al any lime lo receive your phone call, lo take your instructions, to lako personal charge, of jour Lijundry and Dry Cleaning. Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Orfico Hours 9 Iq C. X-Ray Service Phone 686. Open Tuesday, Thursijay ami Saturday livpnings Fall Millinery COATS and DRESSES Bent's Third Ave. Phone 051