I t The Daily News PRINGB RUPERT . BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, "the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY KDITIOft Friday, .July 10, 1925. All 'Dressed Up And Nowhere To Go. 'Prince Rupert is a city that is all dressed up ami nowhere to go, iiccordiiig to some visitors. Rev. H. V. Mnckny told t lie Rotary Club yesterday that he had heard this of the city. The phrase is a bright one and there is some truth iu il, as , in most Jiright sayings. There is nowhere to go for a drive at.:present but Ibis' is rapidly being cured. The road lo the other side of llie island is rapidly taking shape ami as soon as the city lias completed its end, it will be possible lo drive several miles, even if the road is not yet of the very best. Priiice 'Rupert's highway is (he waler. That is where people usually go for recreation. They cross the harbor to the Salt Lakes or they .go off to the hundred and one beautiful resorts "in the neighborhood. What can be finer than a cruise on the harbor in the evening or a day at the beach or at one of (he lakes .or streams that abound iif the district? Objectionable Person Is To Be Pitied. It was (lie same person, Mr. Mackay, who yesterday gave another insight into life. He saidVfhat while mo might object to some people -ye did not have to live w ith them, whereas they were, bound lo live with themselves. If there were one or two points iu a person we did not like, doubtless there were many the person ihiinself 4;nev about. The person who is weak or vicious is lo be oilier! liee.mso A boys' band is an excellent thing. There is lo be one or- ganjzeil in. (his city ami doubtless it will receive the support and encouragement of everyone. Colonel Nieholls of jhe .First R.C. Regiment, backed by the Rotary Club, is fostering the movement.. The Colonel stales clearly that it is not lo be a regimen-tabband although the Regiment will loan some of. its instruments and if necessary will loait the use'of Hie rooms for practices. Music is a great thing and learning to play or sing in harmony js. always beneficial and enjoyable. A band is an excellent means of enjoyment in the whole community as well as to the menibers. It would be a great thing to have a band or thirtv pieces .with the lads all in band uniform, well trained and able tp play together. Alaskan Newspaper Averse To Spread-eagleism. ' '. London newspapers have been criticizing a recent speech of President Coolidge. Mentioning Ibis, the Juneau .Umpire says; "Tjuwe London newspapers ought not to be too harsh with the President on account of what they discover as a note of American cxclustfeness in 'that Cambridge spepch. The occasion .was just in advance nf the Fourth of July, and (he Ameri can people just as a matter or habit mul hear the eagle scream on the'Kourlh of July. That means, of course, that Hie gallant old bud must havo some preliminary training and when one is called upon lo make a speech on a patriotic or historic subject just before the Fourth or, July he ought. tn be- excospil if tin .Jpenksparliularl.v in theiiNjirin i?orl(. jnvFou'rlli ' rtf ;Jilly! lrtnguuge rallier than Iliose'oT the rest of 11 worlil in world wide worus. , However, American .statesmen an nflnn ilkxn .nni.n HERETICS IN avowpd communism and so-called atheism. In (he 'UOs, Professor Charles A. Hiiggs, a Presbyterian seminarian of New York City, was charged with having expressed himself at variance with the ' Westminster Confession. The New York Presbytery cleared him.but the (leneral Assembly of the church reversed Hie decision and pronounced a verdict of sus- he. has lo be encumbered with those -weaknesses or vices all ther l,V,IO,,V. time. He nicy annoy his neighbors, as doubtless he does, but he is more, oT an annoyance to himself. A -.... Boys' BancPIs -Excellent Thina. Theologians Who Were Tried or Threatened; Witches Hanged; One Smiled in Church XRW YOltK, July in. (Asso- ) l Or.. Tim ace-old effort nr. iiicnani neoer Aewton. a New York Episcopalian, of the same period, cut short changes against his "broad cliurcliman-ship" by demanding a formal trial. His demand was met hut Hie plaintiffs failed to appear. Alleged Heresy David Swing of Chicago left the Presbyterian faith to prpach independently in the '70s when Riosp citing him for alleged heresy refused to abide by his acipiittal at (lie bauds of the Chicago Presbytery and threatened In anneal to the Svnoil. affairs, i,n lei'nis that are intended exclusively for American coii-1'''"1 vi,lHW0 wa" 1,10 lrasic climax suniplipu, and Hie lresident is an occasional offender in thit'r l',),llroV('l',allsn colonial line.. If ibis country is to do the best that she is capable of ilo-!',ays w,,en "i,lppPM WPI' banged ing for' humanity ht'r statesmen must lalk iu terms that are un- a'"1 01,0 "l,rc,we'1 ,n ,,,,alh" dersliindable iu other countries as well as at home. Our people "'ll2, must not assume (hat democracy. humanllnri.mUm f Hcnry Dunster was forced to freeibini and peace, honor iirhusiness and politics etc exist !,in as ,lie tivAi Prosi'lonl of solely, in -the United Slates, because they also exist in other' l,arvanl after he couiiiries. "If the Unilcd .Stales is to be a spiritual and material leader nniong nalions she must understand oilier peoples, and boasl-f illness and spread-eagleism do not always promote understanding however pleasanl lheir appeal might be. Yet, as said, some allowances ought to be made in Kngland of all countries on account of Fourth of July week." They offered him a partnenhlp If he could inrert a little maacy. Bat he hadn't the money, and the opportunity wai (one. Don't let lack or money trotl the opportunity that may come to you. "v. One dollar will open a Union Bank Savinc Atoo. MI UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch H. H. Little, Manager I h n - )iAii ttilnniriii mlllwkitiliAj in THE DAILT PTEWB Chancellor. Simon Magus The first heri?lie of Christian times was Simon Magus, the Magician, nf Samaria, iWord-iiiK to llie writings of SI. AI- jplinnsiis M. T.ipunri. - Simon vas Iscopes Case Starting Today Re- Mted in Acts of the Asposllps ns vlves Memories of Long yTrn in atrnnitetr-to-lHiy -lli--- I Gone Similar Events jcret off ) laying on nf liamls - j from MoT AM)sllcs 1'eler ami I MODERNIST MOVEMENT I Paul. The sale of holy i hi lifts jpver afterward lieraine known as "simony. j The Man in the Moon P YS.- to define truth will he revived THE department of agriculture when Professor John T. Scopes,) js continually sending Jo tin: Tennessee evolutionist, has his' press of Prinpp ituport malpriai day in court. Jdealing with Hip -feeding of lines. Jlis indictment for teaching-1 hope there is no imputation in the Darwinian theory in public this. schools contrary to the statute; has precedents which reach, back! A HKRKLKSS man is the raw for centuries. In America they material formn accident, date virtually from 1'lymouth Mock; iu Hip world at large, from Pepsin comes from a hog's the dawn of the Christian era. stomach buUHiere's lilllp pep in The now nationally known a man that.niakes a hog of hiin-"Scopes case" . is recognizably self, akin to prevailing differences be-; tween Modernisls and Kunda- Oil lo bo a hobo mentalists which have increasedi That's the thing, with Hie rijie of Dr. Harry Kiner-:To lounge about a place, son Fosdick. I Then take wing. Other Cases Ill's oh, to lie a hobo The last actual trial occurrul I'd like lo live just so, Ho, in Cleveland, ()., in May, 192 i, With no duties to chain when William .Montgomery Any. my only work lo ramble Hrown, former Protestant Knis- As l sing a refrain conal llishon of Arkansas, -was And with fate to daily gamble. reau anout a man who wns "clothed with brief authority." , ADVKlrn-ijIXtS is the llfp of business jusl as the spark is the life of a gas engiiie. IT . THIS is said lo he Hie temperate zone, hut iu Hie mailer mois'-i-ure it is a liltlp intemperate. THIS country is no great shakes compared with California, I double you, double you, Said gambler playing cards, Rut no mailer how Ihey bid, He never a cliance discards. Mrs. Sarah H. Cooper, Sunday nu' Ia,l' explained that she school worker, was halefl before wa lm,cl1 lken wilh a gown s::n wore last, season. Mie was mar Sjiii KrniinUp.n nlirnil I 7n Tied ill it twice. Theologians lo survivo heresy! proceedings and gain what was reported as a firmer position! were Horace Rushnell, Congre-galionalist of Hartford, Conn., in mil); Prof. Philip Scliaar, whose acipiitlal in the (lerman lleformeil Church in 1815 was echoed for thirty-five years in I the "Mercershurg controversy"; Lyman Reeeher, falhpr of Henry Ward Reeeher, and Presbyterian pastor in Cincinnati, in 1835; and Hpv. Albert Rarnes, Presbyterian ,of l'liiladelphbi, 1837. ' Hanged For Witchcraft . The witchcraft delusion in Sa- publicly doubted validity of in fant baptism. 'He was alo indicted by a grand jury as a herelic and sentenced to "a public admonition" and placed under bond for good behavior. Smiled In Church Samuel fiorlon, religionist about 1(510 was virtually deported lo Kngland because of the unpopularity of bis temperament and views. lie returned to I The speaker also urged the development of the hinterland as' far hack as lo and including A I j chaps .niii i.i ! vininc -uii neria ami we peace nivcr conn-. poker as to which shall become''1' a,ul "ial businessmen take an! the national game of Canada. JAKE says he thinks there's enough of a. gamble in going in!o business, in gptling married or in crossing the street without shooting craps. Friday,. July 10, io, BRITISH fOLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1924. lias produced Minerals as follows: Plncer Hold, $77,n82,ft.":t; llodc Oobl. HR 47,lt)0; Silver, n8,H2-i,57; 'Lend,. $70,548,578: Copper. $I8780,.T78: Zinc 171,107; Miscellaneous Minerals, 1 , 'i :i 1 ,34 0 ; Coal find Coke, $if)0,NN(),0'i8; llmniing Stone, Hriek, Cement, etc., $12,22"), 811; making its Minertl production to the emj ti 11)24 show an ' Aggregate Value of $859,427,386 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1924, $48,704,604 The Mining Laws nf this Province are more liberal and the .feci? lower limn thine of any other Province in the Dominion, or any colony in the HritiMi Empire Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees, - Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security nf which guaranteed by Crown Grants. Full information together with Mining Reports ant Maps, may be oblnineil grain; hv addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. ' '-R. Practically all Hritisli Columbia Mineral Properties upon which develotuin work has been done are described in some one of the Annual Reporlt oT the Mitu ( of Mines. Those considering mining inveslmenls should refer to such reports. Tin are available without charge on application lo the Department of Mines. Victoria. hi Reports nf the Geological Survey of Canada, Pacific Hiiihliijg. Vancouver, are re mended as valuable sources of iuformalioii. worse where they would be nil: dried out anil scorched up. II I was easy o let weather comli-j lions dampen the ar.dor and chill the enthusiasm. h told the cluh' the story of Hie two frogs in the; milk pall,, one nf which gave up anil was ilrnftued and the othpr nrnnnim I anlliv hv :i clinrelil I constant kicking made a pal court or holding beliefs at nddsj THE girls are jealous. Theyl(,f 1,,lltnr which he was able with the accepted doctrine ofihave been wearing as Utile ,0 sil- hu iipiiimiin:iiinii in. niiiitinivlclothes as iirtssiblo and now ilievi Secret of Success LIGHTER SIDE ROTARY LIFE Speaker at Luncheon Emphasized value of Stunts and Community Singing J "C lighter .side, of Rolarv Club life was PuiphaSjizpd by Hpv. E. WjinMackjiy )n iiti address at the Rotary luncheon yesterday. Refore coming to Prince Rupert .Mr. .Mackay was a member of the Cranbrnok Club and was dele gated last year to 'I he big inler-nalional convention at Toronto. lie told of the valuo of some stunts that were put on by Hie club at that, convention which succeeded in bringing Iho members together and breaking the ice. He urged strongly that when members went, lo a luncheon they should leave their businesses outside and forget it. Ho said bo bad found that in any club where Hie light side of Rotary was featured that club flourished. If they did not learn lo ho free and easy they would not accomplish their purpose. value of Singing Together Mr. Mackay einiihasized I lie America under letter of safe.value of learning to sing'jogelher conduct issued by the Earl of as a first step toward co-opera Warwick lo the Massachusetts Hon in which all would work lo-magislrales. florlou's trouble gelher. In dealing with individ-starled in Plymouth Colony wlienuals it had to be remembered that he came lo the defense of bis while thorn were certain things wire's servant who bad smilpd iiabout ,a person, perhaps, that church. He sufrcred suceesive they did not like, that, person had banishments from J'lymouth jlo live with himself all Hie time Newport, Rhode Island -and Ros-vbereas they had lo live with Ion. A sect which adopted hls.hini but an hour a week. While anlinomianism survived him. one, his fellows knew oiio weakness hundred years, records show, 'doubtless the person himself was England was stirred In 1 107conscious of inany. ' when Master William Thorpe, Sneaking of Prince Runert. Mr. priest, was "examined of heresy before Thomas Arundel, Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Mackay suggested that while they thought tlipy had bad. wealbo, lie could lake them to. places mueh inleresl in and help lo solve the problems of. the farmers. There was everything here, mines, forests, ocean and river wealth, and agriculture ami he knew nf no place Hip future of which was as well assured as was Prince Ru pert. I Ten Years Ago 8- in frlnce Kupert -It' i !! The city is asking for applications for Hip position of Market (llerk. The Anglican mission boat Northern Cross, carried a num ber of people from Prince Rupert yesterday al noon In attend the funeral of Hie late Miss (iurd whose hody was conveyed to the Indian village for interment. There reached the city last evening !'. W. Wallace, of Montreal, edilor of the Canadian Fisherman, a monthly publication re presenting the interests or that industry In all its aspects. Ho has come lo the Pacitlc to study the Industry as il is on this coast. He will visit Hip Rsliing banks before relurnng. There is a rapidly increasing amount of travel over llie 1.T.P. line. The train rrom the east last evening came in with Ihreo standard slpppprs mado iipcps sary by the -amount of travel. Mnrlcy Donaldson, vice-president and general manager of the O.T.P., arrived in the city last evening, bis private car "Transcontinental" being attached In the reguar train from the east. He left again a rcw hours laler, having his car attached lo the special fish train of express cars which loft at 9.20. LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Ltait Lnd. In the Land Kecordlna; DIMrlct tT ITinrs iiupm, and Minute on the north-wmi coni or I'eirne IMand, U.C., appiiu-inatHy six miles north rrom the mouth n: Winter Harbor. Take .Nntire that QoiiKr-Mlllrrd Mini led of Vancouver, U.i... oreupallon packer-, "" iu i'pi.v ir a ivaee or tne lor lowlnir dcririllied land: r.oiiirneiirlni at a rut nlaninH mnmr. Imaiely tlx mile north frrom the mouth .ir Wlnler Harbor, I'earae Island; then nortliwett two (9) rlialn. more or less, to low water mark: tlienee northeast iun inw waier mark one Hundred and jUty (10) , rhalm; thenee aoutheaat two (9) rhalm: I hence noulhweitt on-hundred and lly (idoi rhnln.,morc or low. to point or commencement and ron Mining thirty-two (39) acres, more or less. OOSSE-MILLErtD LIMITED. ' ns.erf MM n.?""' or "Pnt. LAND ACT. CASSIAR LAND DISTRICT PlMr ct or Cassiar, Slikme. Division. TAKE NOTICE that I. Walter Ju an nieturned Soldier) or Telegraph Creek, II.C, orrunat on Minor, ntemlc m i,! ror periiilfslnn to purchase the following dei-erllied lands: Comiiienrlnir at a pott planted about iMie mile east of MrUod slouHi ' .near the Sllklne lllver and l.nnt i ..ViiSl aoulhwest or Tftleirraph Creeki thenee north go ehalnsj ihenee east 40 chalnsi thenee south 80 chains: thenee west 40 chains to tvilnt or commencement and contalnlnir 390 arres. more or less. WAl,II'.ll tIJLI.SN, A,,pllcln, April loth. lso. FOR SALE Halibut Gear $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP 8ERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert Prince George Prince Charles Sailings from Prince Rupert. For Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle and intermediate por' Monday. nl-'i.OO p.m., nnd Wednesday and Haturd; al 0.00 p.m. For Anyox and Stewart Monday and Friday, V p.m. For Skagway and Alaska Ports, Wednesday. 1.00 p.m. S.S. Prince John for Queen Charlotte Islands and Vancouver, -Fortnightly. . '"NQf R TRAINS LEAVC PRINCE RUPERT DAILY aietpt Sunday 11.30 jn. ror I'rlnre Oeorre. WINNIPEG, all points Kuslfrn (.tnla, llnlttd Slates. . ... 0NOV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlekat Offlc, 628 Third Aa4 Prlnoa Rup.rt. Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. EDMONTON, Phone 280 TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 Night Phones G87 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building 'next door to Krizzell Rulcher Hlinp, ncross from the Empress Hotel We carry u fiill lino of CIGARS TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES James Zarelli uwuims. nuuiti in UUNNECTIUN Proprietor CORBYS ' SPECIAL SELECTED CANADIAN RYE WHISKY Botacm Bond ur,LrDo,ninion Government supe Tlio Quulily Wilis' of Canado- sincc!859 'wiiiiiiiiii . -.1 ""k " H'llWH in 1 If nut ri iflinn n,,. r.. emson ..i. , All .111 rillliwf tnf....n .A..l...