AOK SIX Silverware A large slock to choose frum. Our prices nre sland-nrd according to quality as wold all over Canada. Rogers' Community Plate all at SPECIAL DISCOUNTS this week. Save Your Eyes Our Optician has had over 25 years' experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North WEEK END Specials Water Melon, per Hi. ... 7c Cantaloupes, each . . .. 20c Strawberries (South Hays', 3 boxes 40c Terrace Strawberries, 2 boxes . . , 35c Raspberries, 3 boxes .. . 50c Mums, per basket ... $1,00 Oranges, 3 doz. ... . . $1.00 Oranges, per doz. 50c & 60c Tomatoes, holhousc, per lb. i.. .. ... 25c New Potatoes, 3 lbs. .. . 25c New Potatoes, sack $2.75 Carrols, Turnips, lleets, Cabbage at Iteduced Prices. Mussallem's 18 and 84 Now You Boat Builders Head this snap, At such prices I be lot will soon bo cleared. About 4,000 !2-lnch Cedar Boat Lumber. About 4,000 5-8 Inch Codar Boat Lumber. About 10,000 7-8 Inch Cedar Boat Lumber. About 8,000 1 Inch Cedar Boat Lumber. To be cleared at $35 por thousand and about 50,000 IxC and 1x8 sized Spruce Hoards at $15, per thousand. Oct II while the gelling is good. The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Phone ,189 or 112 GENERAL FURRIERS B.C. FUR Co. Third Ave. Repairing, Hemodelling on the premises. (Hazing mid Cleaning $0.50 Phonos Day: Green 120 Night: Black 709 Auditorium Dances Cbatigetl from every even-iiiK lo Tue.Mlay.s, Thursilays antl Salunlays, rrum .8 to 11 p.m. 1 Dance 10c 3 for 25c Dancing clusse every Tuesilay and Thursday cvciiiiiif frour 7.30 to 8.30, eonducleil by Mrs, II. U. Crewe. P.O. Box 235. Phone 209 Richard Garreti representing W. H. M. ROLSTON & CO. SjiecialislnR in rontland Canaj Mining Slocks. Porter Idaho-Marmot Metals CRITICIZE WORK OF DETECTIVES Commissioner Montgomery Says Easy Matter to Secure Evidence Comox Avenue Commissioner Montgom o r y bad a few question to ask at the meeting of the police board yes- i i . .i leruay as to me recent operation of liquor board operatives. He was informed by Cliief Vickers I hat lie had no knowledge of their presence in the city until about a couple of days before the casis, in which they were informants, came before the local court. Chief Vickers said ulso that be' HtndHIO miwimuiriiilinn inllinr '' their presence and the co-operation of the local police was not asked. The discussion then look the form of severe criticism, of the work of these operatives in which all the commissioners were' agreed. It was pointed out that! only eight cases were brought I o' court and that Ibey all were from Comox Avenue, which did not re-1 quire any great police strategy lo secure evidence. I Commissioner Montgo m e r y said there were cases in town . which it might have been possible to secure a conviction against, if the operative had se cured the co-operation of hundred and sixty (too) chains, mo or ics, to point ot roimnenccuieni and ron laining- thirty-two (3i acres, more or less. FltlZZELl.'S LIMITED. Name or tpplicant. Paled Mav Hih. li. LAND ACT. Notloe or Intention to Apply to Leaee Land In Skeena Land District, llerordinir District or Prince Itupert and situate at Port Edward, Il.C. TAKE NOTICE that the Skeena Illver I'acklnir Company, Limited, or Port Edward, Il.C, occupation Fish Packers, In tends to apply ror permission to lease the rollowlmr described lands: Coinmeiirloif at n post planted at the southwest comer or Lot 4478 It.V. coast oisiri!i; tnence southerly along- low water mark, Stio ft.; .tlienro southwesterly, parallel to the southerly boundary or lot 4 470, 160 rt.; thenre northerly parallel lo water mark, ioo reet; thence northeasterly alonir the southerly boundary or Lot I47A rtrodllf-eil. rent In tlin Tuilnt or commencement, containli'j hair in ere, more or less. SKEENA IIIVKII PACKING COMPANY, LTD. Applicant Kst-d Mav t, 05 Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgeraon Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. orfico Hours 9 lo G. X-Ray Service Phone 686. Open Tuesilay, Thursday and Saturday Evenings KtRaffl .tw. wiJinii nu WHEREVER you buy it and whenever you buy it, Magic linking Powder is always entirely dependable, because it contains no alum or adulterants of any kind. MADE IN CANADA E.WCILLETTC0.LTD TORONTO WINNIPEG MONTREAL missioner Coombs and seconded more than offset this. Commissioner Montgomery! lhal the Allorney Oeneral be ad- ised as lo the work of the opera- lives, and the number of con ictions secured, and the place the evidence was secured. It was suggested by ('.ononis m NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE MOTICE IS IIEHKUV CIVEK that 111-rewrvf i-uvcrinp certain lauds near tin Junction or Oca la II and Ski'cna ltlve UcMgnuted Lul , ltanire G, toast Lii-trlcl, Is cancelled. CEO. It. NAllE.N, Deputy Minister ur Lands. Ueparluieiil r Lands, Victoria. B.C., May 4tli. t25. LAND ACT. Nolle of InUntlon to Apply to La Landa. In the l-and Ilecimliiljr Iilstrlct of t'l'lnce llupcrt, and situate on the north' UMl fl.ll.f nf Hut... laiutirl II f ...... n. . b linately three miles north frum the muuth ii inier uaruur. Take Notice that J. KMillinr ttrnnir ur Sunnyalde, U.C.. occupation canneryman, menu lo niiniv ror a leaan nr t in fui. lowlnir (Ipsi-iilied lands: uiniineiicinir at a Doat n amed anuroi- linately Ihrrc miles" north from the inoiuii or Winter Harbor, I'earso Island; thence norlliwi-st two (2) chains, more or less, lo low water -mark; lliotirc northeast a Ion if low water mark one hundred and sl.vly il00) chains: thence southeast I wo (X) cnaniK; thence southwest one hundred and sixty (lOui chains, more or !fM, to point or commencement and containing- thirty-two (32 1 acres, more or less. JAMES FIELDING 8TIUNO, Name of Aopltcaitl. Dated Mav 19th. IfliS. LAND ACT. Notlea of Intantlon to Apply to Le Landa. In ttie Land Iteroidlng; District or I'rlncp. Ituiiert. and situate on the north west coast or I'earsC Island, U.C., approximately three nillen north from t li5 mouth or Winter Harbor Take Notice that Frlzzell's Limited or Prince Itupert ll.C, occupation packers. InlPhds to apply Tor a lease or the following described lunds: Comiuenclnir at a pos' planted annrox- linately three inlie north from the mouth nr winter Harbor, I'earfe Island; tlienr IlllPlllVVMAt llt'.t tQ linln. ii.i.n nn I... to low water mark; thence southwest along- low water mark one hundred and sixty (160) chains; thence southeast two (2) chains: thence northeast one WIRELESS REPORT LAND ACT. F 8 a.m. 1HGHY ISLAM). Calm; bar SV.W, letup. 5L'; sea smooth. HULL HAIIHOH. Overcast; calm; bar. i'J.8S; lemp. 0 5; e; hlllOOlllj IU:a1) THEK l'OI.NT. Clear calm: bar. 29.'J2: tenin. 53: sen smooth. Noon IHfiHY KUVXt). Clear, calm; bar. 2'J.Vt: letup. 5i; sea smooth. HULL HAKKOIl. Overcasl, calm; bar. X'U.8i; lemp. 57,; sea siuooti. DEAD THEE I'OINT. Calm: bar. 2.JI; temp. 53: sea smooth. Notlct of Intantlon to Apply to Purchast Lana In Skeena Iintre 5 Land llerordinir D:a-trlct or Prince Itupert, H.c, and sllunic Haystack Island, south or Wales Island, H.C. , TAKE NOTICE that the Canadian Fish-iuir Co. Ltd.. or Vancouver, li.r... occurs-tlon, Salmon Cannersi intends to apply ror permission ti purchase the roIlowhiK described lands: Coinmcnclnfr at a post planted at nlirh water mark on west shore or Haystack Island; thence north seven chains-; thence east seven chains; tlienro south seven chains; thence west seven chains, and contamimr rive .acres, innrc or less. TIIF. CANADIAN FISHING CO. LTD. Dated 2hd May. J LAND ACT. 'otlc or Intantlon to Apply to Lease Land In Skeena ltanire S Laud District, lie rnrdlnir District Prince Itupert, B.C., and situate U mile north or Wales Island Cannery, on Wales Island, Il.C. TAKE NOTICE 'that the Canadian Fish-Inir Co. Ltd., or Vancouver, H.c, occupation, Saninui Canners, Intends to apply ror permission to lease the rollowlng- described lands: Cnmmeiti'lnir at a post planted at hiirh water mark, near point M mlle north rrom Cannery on Wales Island: thence north ono rha'n; thence west ten rhalns; thence , south to shore line one chain: thenre east following the shore line to point or commencement, and containing TilE CANADIAN "fISHINO CO. LTD. naten anin Mav. im, LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Leaee Land In Casslar Land District, Ilecordlnir District Prince llupertt Il.C, and situate north or-nuirrisn nay, Portland canal. TAKE NfiTICK that the Canadian Fish In Co. Ltd., or Vancouver, D.C.. occupa lion, Salmon Canners, intends to apply ror permission to lease mo pillowing uc crlhed lands: Commencltur at a post planted at htRh water mark, too yards,- .south or Indian smoke houses; thence northeast one chain: thence southeast one hundred and twenty chains; thenre southwest to shore line nti,e chain; thence northwest rollowlmr tho shore line to point of commencement, one hundred and twenty chains, and containing twelve acres, more or less. TltE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD. Dated loth Mav I09S LAND ACT. Notice or Intention to Apply to Leaee Land In Skeena ltanire 8 Land District, He-cmdlhit District prlnco Itupert, and sit-" uate southwest point or Wales Island. TAKE NOTICE that the Canadian Fish-hut Cot 1. Id., or Vancouver, H.C. occupa tion, salmon Canners, Intends to apply mi permission to lease tne roiiowiiiK described lands: ComiiM-ttrinir at a post planted at hltrii water mark on southwest point on Wales Island. H.C: thence north one chain: thence et leu chains: thence 'south one chain to, shore line: thenre west alonir shore lino to point or commencement, and couiauiiuv "ne acre, more or less, THE CANADIAN FISHING CO, LTD Dated Snd May. lSlt. LAND AOT. Notloe or Intention lo Apply to Lease Land In ski-Ana ltanire iv Laud District, Prlnco Itupert, Ji.C . and situate ton yards north ,or winter Harbor, Pearse Island, n.C TAKE NOTICE that the Canadian FUh hilt Co. Ltd., or Vancouver. B.C. occuna tlon, Salmon Canners, Intends to apply I iur permission to lease ine roiiowing ae scribed lands:- I Coinmenrinir at a post nlanled at hi nil water mark 4n reet rrom rock on shore line: lh?nre east one clnlm llience north one hundred and twenty chains; thenre west to shot.- line one chain; thence In a soumeriv otrertion rollowlmr the shore line to point or commencement, and containing twelve acres, more or less, THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD. Dated 301b May, 1933, TEK DAILY rTFvVS Friday. July 10, 1025, LITTLE TALKING IS ALLOWED IN ARCTIC by McMillan Mty Men Soon Tire of Each Other If Allowed to Converse Too Freely CHICAGO, July III. -It is no! the cold, a lack of food or the loss of modern conveniences which make u trial of an Arctic expedition. It is solitude. The men get talked out. Commander Donald H. MacMillan on the ex pedition now en route expects radjo to be a great relief, but will not appreciably lessen his system of discipline in inter-personal communication. On previous trips MacMillan has forbidden members of the parly to talk lo each other dur-ing the day or at dinner time, and lo keep away from each other as much as possible. "The isolation of that vast region soon exhausts all timely resources," MacMillan explained. "It is not long beforo the men know the life history of each other, that of their families and NEW YOHK, July 10 Removal of "obey" from the marriage service; a shortened form of the Ten Commandments; elimination of Hie rubric, which forbids the use of the burial service over suicides, null omission from the (iood Friday prayer ' invoking mercy, all reference to .lews, fourth report of'the commission on prayer book ' revision of the Episcopal Church. Approval of Hie recommendations will be asked by the Triennial (icucral Convention to be held at New Orleans next Ocl'ober. One of- the inspiring causes for Hie revision "Of the Hook of Common Prayer," said HI. Hev. Charles Lewis Slallery, coadjutor bishop of Massachusetts and chairman of the revision com mission, is a purpose to pul .lbei Episcopal Church in touch with present day life. ' IRISH HORSE BREEDERS breeders are elaletl over a possible boom in Irislf blood stock as a result of lite, recent Derby. Manna, Hie winner, and Zionist, who ran second, were Irish 'bred. IAI the Doncaster yearling sales Hi) of Hie 203 .youngster soltlj were from Irish stud fapins. The average price paid was nearly $5,000. j DEBT DECLINES .OTTAWA, July 10. Within lite past year the lolal net debt of Canada declined twelve mil lion dollars and is now standing at $2,378,000,00(1. ' LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Land llecording District oT Prince Hupert, unit situate at Fcrgusyn Hay, MasSett Inlet, O.C. Islands. H.C. Take Notice 'tlinl Oosse-Mil-lertl, Limited, ofVaneouver, H.C, occupation Salmon banners, in-leiids to apply for a lease tif the following described lands: Commiciicing tit a post planted approximately UO chains east from northwest corner Lot 1571; thence .south chains; lliejice west 10 chainsrtbence south 2 chains; thence west io chains to west boundary of Lol 1571: thence soulh K chains; tlience west 0 f:haiiis;-llience north 20 chains; thence; east 2' chains, more or less, to beach; thence following meandering of shore line lo point of commencement, and ciutniniii "22 acres, more or less. (lOSSE-MILLEIll), LTD. Applicant NEW YORK WORLD WAXES FUNNY AT CANADA'S EXPENSE i Ridicules Idea of Possession of North Pole by This Country (New York World) Now", not so long after Secre tary DenHy wished to pliuU, the American flag up there, Canada claims the North Pole, together with all territory and inland waterways lying between it and the Hudson Hay country. No Cun- udian, so far as the records show, has ever been to the Northj Pole; nevertheless, Canada claims it, and is preparing to is-j sue visas to all tourists who propose to visit it. I fler all, why shouldn t Can ada have the Pole? She is' nearer 16" it Hum .thc-rest of us. She should be given it by special protocol. And under the leriiis of the awurd she should be re quired to occupy and maintain it.' This, of course, means a naval base. How can you have Icrri-lory without a naval base? Can ada will have -to build concrete relatives and virtually everything! pits, and install 1 (Winch guns,! else in connection with the or-j and, provide a flotilla of submar-l dinary man's life. When Ihosoines for defensive purposes only.i subjects have ceased (o be lopics and when all these arc in place of conversation ami the few! she must hold manoeuvres. The oilier sources have played out, scheme is quite unthinkable Hie men become a bore to each. without manouevres. 11 is true, oilier. That leads into an iin-l there may be some difficulties favorable morale. So we talk as aboul it. especially with getting , ifX-,0? Wl";1'UaS litlIc us I'IWe'aml keep our battleships up there, sinc those U uu- 'iiv Vli J nil 1411,11 IT.. I III IlllCt oiiiiiiiiI I., 1 . .... ii r;,.it in., ii... i..,.i r i . , , . y winy ' seus W. u "L wwr an. vicl as the officers were all welli tlieless (he city would have large nrmor DDAVCD DAHV known locally. After further, deductions made from their sharel ALVIjJ iKAltK DUUlY discussion it was moved by Com-! of the liquor profits, which would is Canada's affair. She started this thing, now let her finish it. EPISCOPAL CHURCH, SALACIOUS PERIODICALS Proposal to Come Before Con ference at New Orleans In October. SCORED BY JOURNAL No Canadian Publication of Typo But Country Flooded With Foreign A writer in the Xew York Independent declares that the United Stales hits now taken the leadership away from France in (he matter of salacious literature, says the Edmonton Journal. i-iirfc- ....,1 i..ri,lui. , , "o "u Ditiy io fiance over me inendalions cohla'ined in tliu ! Mrio,,'c",f",islla'etj " uup ,1CWS slands to realize how well found ed is the claim. To what an extent Ibey are circulating in the country of their production is shown by some figures which the article supplies. In one small town is was found that one dealer sold 2,L'00 copies of every issue or a monthly devoted lo the "nude in arl" ami lo sex experiences. Everywhere that invesli-tfittion was made it was discovered thai the majority of sales were of publications either of an out and out prurient type ol bordering on the libidinous line. There has. been lilllp iillcmpl in Camilla to itnilalc our neighbors in this field hut some protection DUHI.IN, July 10. Irish horse should surely be given ap;alnsl Hie incursion into this country of so much of the steadily grow-iug mass of such filth. SCOPES CASE OPENS TODAY AT DAYTON Many Visitors Will jo to Tent nessee Town to Watoh Trial on Evolution DAYTON, Tenn., July 10. 1 While Hie trial or John T. Scopes,: charged with violating the Ten-j nessee law proliibltitg the leach-l ing nf evolulioii in the jmhlic' schools, has attracietl atleiltiou lo litis city from, all parts of Hie country, its citizens insist that it was perinaneiilly placed on the map long before on ils own account. The trial scheduled lo bcigin I riday is expected (o bring lo the oily a large numbei of visitors who never have been here before ;some, perhaps, who never have heard of the placr.. i.mzcns or Dayloh lake pride in the city's claim lit be the largest strawberry shipping ecu i .... i .. .I. . , . . in; in me worm, ami tncy arc optimistic unit within a few years it will 'rival Fort Valley", tut., as a peach renin-. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert H. O. Thompson, PHiladelphia; 0. S. Still, Chicago; H, Myers, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. J. Cook, Winnipeg; II. i. Johnslou, Inverness; J. V. McMillan, Victorju; Mr. and Mrs. D, Dallelio, iliyox. Central W.. Lindsay, oily; O. Sketilorn. Anyox; W. Little, Woodcock; II, Per Win. 0. Milchell, Ilulier, Winnipeg-; J. Moe, Van Agenl. 'comer: A. Sii1herlaid, Sunny Dated Juno i, 1025. 1-iJe, ' "' WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday and Saturday, at 7 and 8 p.m. Saturday nflVlnoo, 3 p.m. "North of 36" Atlajdetl from thu celeliraletl slury by Emerson .lloiipji which ran llirough llie pages of the Halnrilay I'.Vl'lllllg pic A picture thai lias everything roiunin e, mlvc-i lure, thrills, heart interest ami drama. Many noi.itiie scenes form tiie highlights. There, is nut a single lggliJK moment. None should miss the hig slanipetle, the am ;l! on the wngnus, the fording uT the lied lliver on llie Texu: Oklahoma border,, the treaty of pence willi the Cnmnm-hr the fierce buttle between Hull' mill Heery anil ihe piciur estpie wedding of Holt and Miss Wilson. Through lt great panornmu may he seen sinewy men with tt gloritc girl-rancher at llieir head, llie ox-earls and the sen or Ion-horned cattle accomplishing one of the greatest deed m liioneer hruvery and daring. Strong cast. Jack Holt, Lois Wilson, Ernest Torrence,, Noah Bccry, Guy Oliver, Ella Miller and muiiiv others. TOPICS OF THE DAY. 50c and 25c. DONT Throw Money Away! When contemplating house or hoat building gel om mill prices on your lumber retpiiremciils. IT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY We are ugents for the Prince I In perl Spruce Mill- and cun quoit- you altractive prices on their products: Cedar Timbers and Shlplap. Cedar Boat Lumber. Spruce and Hemlock Finish. Spruce and Hemlock Flooring. Spruce Shlplap. Spruce Dimension. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phonos 116 and 564. SALMON TROLLERS Hefore outfitting it will pay you to inspect otir line of Trolling (iear. We have a new line or Salmon Hooks, Swivells, Cuttyhunk and Gear of all kinds. In our stock you will find everything you rerpin-e Anchors, Rope, Chain, Marine Hardware or all kinds. Hull and Copper Paints, Galley Stoves and Ulensils. If it's for llie boat we hove it. Houls are lost every year by Hie have you got your Pyrene Fire Extinguisher yet7 We sell them. Call and see us. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Ave. (Near Post Office) JULY Clearance SALE OUR JULY CLEARANCE SALE STARTS THURSDAY, JULY THE 9TH, AND CONTINUES TILL FURTHER NOTICE The goods listed ht'low are only examples or everv department. To have the" right idea or the bargainsVome and look them over, If you do not come across an article you require In this Ad. it does not mean that It is not on sale. Everything In the store is reduced and we guarantee you discount not less than 15 per cent and as high as 50 per cent.. ibiys1 Cotton Sweaters, reg. Toe. Sale, 2 ror $1.00 Men's Cotton Halhing Suits, reg. !jil.a.". Hale- $1.00 Ladies' Woollen Huthing Suits, Penman's, reg. SCI.75. Sale $3.00 ' Ladies' While Piipie Outing Skirls, reg. :U'5.' Sale $150 i.duics wiiiie, underskirts, beaulihilly embroidereed, reg 1.3. Sale . $1.0C 00 .Ladies' Corset Cover, reir. it."n- :t fin Ladies' Humility Vests, pairs for Ladies' (Siiightuu House Dresses, reg. $2.50. Sale Ladies' Hlack Hnleeu Aprons, reg. Jjtli.OO; Halo Children's (iiugham Dresses, all sizes, l.7fc. Sale Mens Penman's Union Soils, reg. $2.00. 'Sale Men's Halhrigan Underwear, separate garments piece suit, per suit , Hoys' Halhrigan Combinations, reg: $1.00. Sale '. Children's Socks, brown and sand, reg. :toc Sale 1 ror Ladies' Collou Hose, reg. tOc. Sale,':! 'fur Monarch Arl Silk Slhckinirs. tier mi.- $1.00 . $1.00 . $1.95 . $1.50 . $1.25 . $1.50 or one . $1.00 . . 75c ri jtatr . $1.00 . $1.00 $1.00 -0 pieces of (tingliam, light and dark patterns, S yards foi " Hnglisli Washable (liiighaiii,' reg." Il'o'c! Hale il'vl for IliSo baleen, all colors, A yards for $1 00 JO Pieces or Hep, reg. l)0c. Sale . . '. . '.." o0c Iliickaback Towelli.iK, peg. ar.c. Sale, .', yards for' ..$1.00 . ...h.ivhu, wiiiie, puiK ami nine, reg. line. Sale vanl nil Ladies' Crepe jNighl downs, reg. Vl.'nY.' ' Sale SHOE nFPT RADr n imo WI,il!o,0.'V"s(,lel,l'l,,'S, lrimme,, wilh black paleul, reg 1,ai,lSaiel,il "U Hln,P Hlip',n' 'u ' '''i'el, ' 'reg.' '''''cleur ,d ,,""'n',,'ti VulenVleaihcK all s'izrs'to An assorl,,,e..t;f LnliVs'' Oxhuds i,H P,', ,',;, VlmiX Men 1 Shoes, while, hl,u-k and ',;., Vo clear $1.50 JABOUR BROS., LTD. n at? ' Phone 645. $1.00 $1.10 Cor. 3rd and 7th.