Friday. July 10, 1925. Take REAL Mustard to Your Summer Home Be sure to include one or two tins of COLMAN'S MUSTARD in the supplies you take to your Summer Cottage or Camp. Only real Mustard freihly mixed can give you thst savoury zest and tang in your food that you appreciate so much. And only real mustard freshly mixed with cold water furnishes real aid to digestion. Make a note now to "remember Colman's Mustard" when you leave. (olmaris SMC OIU3 UIUCSCIUII f Silk Striped Voiles In lovely offe. 's for Afternoon or Dresses. Res: -1.75. Special $L35 West of England Store Phone 753 SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS EASTERN CANADA, UNITED STATES, And to JASPER NATIONAL PARK. One way via Vancouver or direct rail holh direction. V hi Tull in formation apply: R. P. McNAUQHTON, District Passenger Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY BIRCHWOOD and Cedar $6.50 Per Load Cut to any length. Hydelransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Don't Miss BENTS Summer Clearing Sale LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 61. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Barvke, Coal, Band and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Kovlnn. 'JANET SMITH I ! CASE ANALYZED Vancouver Star Defends Colonel McMullin and his Department UNHEALTHY ATMOSPHERE v (Vancouver Star) Correspondents of Tlie filar ask why it has changed if posi-Mon on the Janet Smith case. It has not. It preyed f,,r investigation from the beginning, and, if necessary, it would still continue to press for the same thing. But investigation is proceeding. One of (he most efficient police hodies to he found anywhere is handling the case. The Star has complete confidence in Chief McMullin, in In-1 speetnrs Owen and Cruikshanks.i and in their subordinates. Extreme Difficulties These men are working under extreme ditlicullies. Municipal bungling at the lieginning, followed hy well-meaning hut inexperienced attempts lo assist, have destroyed clues and have cast a fog of uncertainly over every available item of evidence. And, on top of all, busy tongues have added to the din and confusion. What is wanted today is a calm and judicial atmosphere. This is necessary for the sake of the memory of Janej Smith herself and in order thai Won? Foon Sing may have (he fair and impartial trial to which he is entitled under the Ilrilsh system of justce. Every suggestion t hat I he officers of the law are not honet- ly performing their duties lo (he tiesi or their alilllty .uhls tn the ditlicullies of the position. When The Sun lakes advantage of (he situation lo turn it into a political attack on the altorney-gen-eral, il is but following its own worst tradition.. It thereby undoes with one hand the goot. it sometimes tries to do with the1 oilier in building up confidence1 in Itrilish Columbia. Machine Working Whatever mistakes have been madp hy individuals, the law machine of t lio-province is working steadily and consistently towards a solution of the case. , The Star believes loday that ..I... l. .. .!'., ; . 1- I 1 i Ml IIIUI IUII UC UUIIC 41 ibeing done, and that the integ rity, courage and ability of the provincial police arc beyond tjuesliou. Other countries and other limes have seen unsolved, mysteries. Scotland Yard has failed LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte Land Recording District of Prince. Rupert, and situate ahout two miles In a northerly direction from Hooney Poirjt, Massed Inlet, Graham Island, llritish Columbia. Take Notice that Langara Fishing & Packing Company Limited, of lasselt, B.C., occit pation Packers, intends to apply for n lease of the following de scribed lands: Commencing at a post planted two miles In a northerly direction from llnoney Point, Massed In let, flraham Island, Hrltish Col umhia; thence easterly five chains, more or less, to low water mnrk; thenco northerly along low water mark one hundred and sixty chains; thence westerly five chains; thence southerly one hundred and sixty chains, more or less, lo point of commencement, ami containing eighty arres, more or less. LANGARA FISHING PACKING PACKING CO. LTI. Applicant. Per E. H. Simpson, Agent. Dated June 13th. 1025. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. Notice of Application for Beer License ' Notice is hereby given that on the I Itli day of Juno next, the undersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Hoard for i licence In nspect to premises being part of the building known as Hudson Hay Hotel, Telegraph Creek, H.G. upon the lands described as Lois 3 and i, block 2, map 075, Prince Iliiperl Land Heglstrallon District, in the Province of Drills!) Columbln, for Ilin sale of beer by Iho glass or by open hntllo for consumption on the premises Dated this 25lh day of May, lo: KIIIC McO-EEIl, Lessee, Applicant. 1 Yes, twice as 1 rich a ordi. m wen Pure Milk "From Contented Cows' lime and again. The famous North-West Mounted Police- frequently drew (blank. Hut no one ever suggested (hat they did anything hut their best. The plain matter of fact, is that, in the Janet Smith case, very little evidence is available. Some, and possibly the most valuable, was destroyed on the very 'lay f the tragedy by bungling ollicials and by the undertaker. What is left is for the most part locked tip in a few a very few-hearts. A popular -belief lhat the Chinese hoy could tell a slory led to his abduction and to the present fiasco arising (herefrom.1 Hut, as far as is known at present, he did not speak. Circumstantial Evidence Of circumstantial evidence there is little. The girl was found dead. Her position, her attire, aud some of' Ihe surroundings indicate that il could not have been the result of ac cident or suicide. The unseemly haste with which Ihe preliminary investigation was pushed through gave fresh fuel to a suspicion that all was not right. Anil later elTorts to put obstacles in the way of full and free investigation added to life restlessness ' of the public mind. Hut suspicion does not give sufllcient ground on which to convict an individual. "Even if il were granted that the girl did not die from a bullet from a revolver held in her own hand, it then becomes necessary to fix guilt upon some one person. The ditlicullies lo be overcome are great. If responsibility were laid on the most severe critic of the attorney general's depart merit, he would soon find himself in jnuch the same position as is Mr. Jackson Restraint Needed Public restraint for the mo ment, a full and searching trial when Woug Fiion Sing faces the charge of murder, and an equally full and searching trial of those accused of abduction, are nil requisites tn a solution of Ihtt mystery. Il will he well when the atmosphere in Vancouver i cleared. Today it is unhealthy and is doing much harm. The Slar has not changed its position. It wants investigation, and it believes that investigation is proceeding under very com-pelent police direction Advertise In the Daily Nowa LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate about one and a half miles east of Massctt Lighthouse at the mouth of Mas-sett Duel, Oralium Island, llritish Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that Langara Fishing & Packing Company Limited, of Victoria, B.C., occupation, packers, intends to apply for a least? of the, following described lands; Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot Seven, Crab am Island, British Columbia, about one' and a half miles east, of Massed Lighthouse at the mouth of Massed Inlet, (Iraham Island, British Columbia; tlrcneo,nnrlhcrly five chains, more or loss to low water mark; thence westerly, nlong low water mark one hundred and sixty chains; thence southerly five chains; thence easterly one, hundred and sixty chains, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing eighty acres, more or less. LANC.AHA FISHING & PACKING CO. LTD., Applicant. Per E. II. Simpson, Aent. Dated June 10th, 1025. THE DAILT rTEWB PAOK F1VB FRUIT CROP IS NOT VERY GOOD Scarcity of Strawberries and Apricots Owing to Failure' PRICES OF PRODUCE Housewives who contemplate preserving Terrace strawberries should not deiay making ar-l rangemenis in .secure tnein, as .the quantity reaching llns city in about 50 per'cent or t hat which canie1n last-year. Tlws-eroLLil very poor this year, and the juices will not be cheaper or the quality better- than now. Last evening only four crates arrived by express for tius city, whereas tOfl crates could easily be used on the local market. A 24 basket rrale, extra fancy, is now selling at. $3.75, and choice grade at K3.25, Cheaper berries for jam will possibly be on the market. New arrivals this week end in Hie vegetables line will include green corn on Ihe cob, and the retail price, will be two heads for 25c. The price will be easier within the next, two weeks when local B.C. crop comes in. Wax and green beans will also be on Hie local market this week end and the opening price will be 35c per lb. The price should decline before another week. New green peas are now plentiful and are selling at 3 lbs. for 25c. Hyng cherries, for canning, in prime condition, are plentiful and preserving of these should be general at the present time. Australian grapes are due this week and the retail price, will be 10c per lb. Apricot Crop Failure The B.C. apricot crop is practically a failure this year. There will be no carload lots arrive in Vancouver this year and the loqal market will depend primarily on Washington aud the price will not be muclr lower than $2.50 per crate. The time for preserving these will he within the next two weeks. New season's-' apples are due this week end, wild the retail price has not been set as yet. Kasaba melons lire arriving this week end and will retail at 10c per lb. Horieydew melons and Persian melons arc also due before the week end. The first shipment of Bartlelt pears arrives this week and the opening price will be 75e per dozen. lied currants are now arriving and black currants will be plentiful next week. Raspberries will! also irrive in good quantities. The butler market is a little higher and the first of the week! will see an advance from the pre sent price of 1 5c to 50c per lb., or two lbs. for 05c. Flour has taken a drop, due to the good reports of the crop conditions fin the prairies, and is now selling at $2.85 for No. 1 hard wheat flour Retail prirns prevailing here today are as follows: Butter Rrookfield, Shamrock and Woodland, lb. 43c E. C. D 45o Vanderhoof Lard Eggs Alberta fresh seconds B.C. fresh firsts . . B.C. fresh extras k. . . Local Pullets . . . . .'. Local New Laid ... Vegetablt i Parsley, hunch ... .. Mint, bunch ... ... . Watercress, bunch Green Onions, 3 hunches Local Radishes, bunch New potatoes, 0 lbs. ... New potatoes, sack .. .. Potatoes, Smilhers, 100's California Onions, 2 lls. .. . New heels, I lbs , . New Carrots, 1 lbs. Yakima Rulebagas, I lhs. .. 45c Pure . . ... 28c Compound 25c Cheese Alberta solids ... ... ..... 30c Ontario "solids 35c Stilton, lb . . 35c and 10c Kraft ........ 45c Norwegian Goat ... COc Napoleon Llmbcrger ... ... 70b Roquefort '. 75c Edam, H 50c. Swifts' Buttercup, lb. .. .. 45o fiorgonzola, lb 75c McLaren's Cream, jnrs 45c' & 85clApple Jack C0o. Peaches, reeled 10c 50c Cucumbers, each Don't Judge from Appearances! 1 1 "HE earth looks flat enough ! That's why so many thousand years came and went before our ancestors eyen suspected the terrestrial globe of being round. Their eyes deceived them! Don't depend on appearances to guide you right. Don't buy goods on the strength of looks alone. Merchandise with a well-known name has the call. Only the maker of a good product can afford to advertise his name. Attempts to popularize unworthy goods cannot succeed. Wise merchants and manufacturers seek the good papers to tell the stories of their wares. The publishers seek the reputable advertising for their readers guidance. Well-informed buyers seek news of good merchandise through the columns of the best papers. This proves the value of advertising. Neither advertiser nor publisher can prosper without your patronage. Therefore, it is to their advantage to cater to you. They do it, too. It is distinctly to your advantage to be guided by the messages they lay before you the advertisements. Oreen peas, 3 lb. ... Leeks, bunch . i - Fruit Cherries, lb. 30c, 10 lbs 55c Brazils and filberts ... 50o' Walnuts, broken shelled 05c 5o 10c 10c . 10c '.. 5c . .25o $3.10 $3.00 J ."io 25c 25o ?.r.n 20c and 25c Walnuts, shelled halves . Sugar White, per 100 Yellow, per 100 ... ... , Flour Flour, 40's, No. 1 hard . . y Read them regularly! 25c 10c $4.00 Apples, winesaps .f i.-'o Oramges, Sunkist, dez. 356 to 51 Lemons, Sunkist, dnz. .. .. 40c Bananasj lb. , 15c Grapefruit, Florida 20c California grapefruit, 3 for 35c Comb Honey 40c Extracted Honey, lb. 25c '& 35c Strawberries, basket, 15c and 20c Cantaloupes .. 15c and 20c Peaches, duz , 50c & COc 'Hums, lb. ... . 25o Water melon, lb 8e Dried Fruits Dates, hulk, 3 lbs. 40c Dates, Dromedary ... 25c Raisins, bulk, 2 lbs 25c Raisins, package, lb 20c Lemon and Orange Peel .... 350j Citron Peel 50c! Black Cooking -Figs 25o and 30c While Figs, 2 lb. for 35ci Currants 2 2 Mm Prunes 20c-25c ... ... 25o ... ... 25c Apricots, lb. ... ... .... 30c Nuts Almonds, shelled Jordans.. $1.00 ... 25c . 50c . C5o S7.C5 $7.15 wheal frf- Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers,. Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and SSP Meats Fowl, No. 1, lb 35c Roasting Chicken, lb. 40o and 45c Ham, sliced, first grade ... 55c Ham, whole, first grade ... 45c Bacon, hack, sliced COc Bacon, side 45c to COc Ayrshire bacon, 11 35c Veal,. shoulder 20o Veal, loin 38o Veal, leg , 28c Pork, shoulder 28c Pork, loin , 460 ?2.85;Pork, leg ... , 38o Pastry Hour, 10's ...... ... C5c Reef, pot roast 15o to 20c Pastry Flour, 40s .., ... $3.10 Hoof, boiling 12 lo 15c Fish R,.(.f, stoak 30c to 45o White spring salmon .... 12 Me Roof, roast prime rih 30c Jien sprin salmon Z0c;Lamb. chops ,. , 50c Halibut, lb. .. .. .. 15c to 25c Lamb, shoulder ... ... ,.'32o Smoked hippers. Ib 15o Mutton iir . Ann I - ------- . ---'-, VW I t 1 lilt , ,auiiiiowcr, iUi(, nenit zoc, aac Kippered Salmon. Ib 25c Lamb, leg 45o and iOcjSmoked Black Cod,-lb ,.20o Mutton, chops . 40c Cabbage, local B.C., lb 8c Finnan Baddies, Ib 25o, Mutton, shoulder 28o B.C. head lettuce, 10c, 3 for 25c Salt Mackerel, lb 25c Feed fiarllc, Imported, per lb. fiOcjEastern Salt Herring, 2 for .. 25cj 10Q lbs. B.C. hothouse tomatoes, lb, 30o Salt Codfish Fillets, Ib 30c Wheat, No. 5 ., $3.15 Fresh local rhubarb, 4 lb. ,. 25c,Donele88 Salt Cod bricks, lb. 25o Oats 2 05 One cannot burn the candle at Wends You wouldn't light a candle at both ends and; expect il to last very long. And you can't attend your many duties as wife and mother, then pile oir washday labor, and expect to keep yourself fresh and Vigorous. Why not let us take care of washday toil and trouble? One of our many services will fit exactly both your needs and your purse. And you can "keep the homo fires burning" without burning the candle nf .oth ends. Canadian steam Laundry Phone I.