at 8 11 ii IB inn 1 175 h.p. Has! Standard lipgine; Pipe, from Vs" lo 1": .2 Aerial Tramways; 100 Tons Hails, 1? lb. and 20 Hi.; Electric. Air and Steam Hoists; Machine Shop Machinery; 1 No. . 2 Portable Sawmill, complete; 30 Alining Drills (phiffgrrs, 'drifters,, topers' . .r j or run nop inrnrmation. applv B.C. EQUIPMENT CO. LTD. Skeena Crossing, B.C. NOTICE We have just been appointed selling agents for Lacq HOUSEHOLD LACQUEROID Easy to apply. Watch It Drjr Dries ready lor u-e in half ajrj hour. The new Laetjuer tinih for Floor. Furniture, and Woodwork. Kaien Hardware Co. C08 Third Ave. Wood! Wood! Now is your chance DRY CEDAR Full load $6.00 Half load $3.00 Large sacks 50c DRY BIRCH Per load $6.50 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone SS0 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend our Table f'.ream at ITic for Half Pint. Quality and Semce Valentin Dairy Phone C57 Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Stock of Fur Trimmings at low prices. B. C. FUR Co. ! Next Q.W.V.A. Third Ave IMPROVED Ford Models Will be on exhibition about November 10. Fnchuiugcd S. E. Parker Ltd. Phone 93 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone Ct. 'fc,rlH(rA. Warehousing, nd Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and flravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Covlnfl. FURTHER GRANT TO GRAIN BOARD City Council Added $150 to Former Amount Voted for Securing Business A recommendation from th finance committee that an additional t'l-anl of $150 be made ti. Ike pram board was adopted by the city council last night. ' Speaking to Hie recommendation. Aid. McMordie staled Ilia: the drain Hoard had now over-expended by "i8 the original Kraut of i00 thai had b&en madi lo it by the council. In; view olify me work the hoard wa:g4ojng m investigating the poSHf$ty ol having grain shipments made through the local elevator, In. roiiiHiiHee fell that il would lie well to keep the account: open and for that reason the recom mendation had been submitted. Aid. Stephens referred to the Tart Ilia! the grain board, with 'inaneial barking from the city, had cent a man to the prairies to no into the situation and his re- port had been given neilhiw lo !lie city council nor to the pen-pie. He was not in favor o; voting any more money until the city knew whore it "was. goinTr. In unv cae. he understood that the raiii jtojjrd s, Uiltav tuai3J dollar f'tr doihar with the Tity irranf and, as far as he knew. Ibis had not been done. When the council was calhd upon to vote money to the hoard for its work, p! iniRliI a-t least be taken into the confidence of the boant pparenlly. the couwil eouhl not be trusted wilh the informa tion that had bean obtained b the hoard. Replying to Aid. Stephens' criticism. Mayor Xewton said Hint Mr. Iliel's report had not leen made public because it had not been known what the outcome of jiis recommendations would be. There was the greateftt necessity to keep information and the Kilicy being worked upon in the background unlil negotiations were completed. The situation was deemed critical and he wntild rather make no statement until further word was received from Ottawa. In the meantime, there would Jie another meeting of thr grain board at an early date arid he would then ask thai Mr. Kiel report be stimit1ed 1o Hie cohh-cil. The reeommen4atin for tlte making of the additional grant was adopted by the council, Aid. Stephens voting against its passage. COUNCIL DECIDES TO PROJECT NURSES Troublesome Patient W'JI be Re-, moved to Jail Until Admlt-i ted to Home for Incurables James Dancy, a chronic epilep-. tic, leiiig deemed a menace io Ihe hospital and the safety of the nurses there, ihe city council last night, on recoinmeuatiuu of , the finance commit lee, decided to have him removed lo the city .jail and there kept until his admission to Ihe home for incur aides can Im' obtained. 1 A letter from Dr. .1. P. ladc. medical health ollicer, dealing with Dancy's ease, staled that In-was a chronic epileptic and had come here originally from NV on. He was a menar-e Irr tin-I hospital and having been aim-ive to the nurses, had already been removed from the hospilal once liul it had been necessarv to toke him back. He was no n subject for Ihe Old Men's Home or for the mental hospital. The J only place for him was the in- curable hospHal. In speaking of lite report. Aid McMordie s to led thai Dafccy hat become mnat abusive a4. Inm idsome nl IJie hospital and tin nurses ver afraid of him." Ek pecially jn view of the reeenl un-rtirtunate occurrewe in tho Van wiuwr hospital, it was foil hut fair to the nurses to have him removed. Apparently there waV no solution for his cae other than to send him to the Jail f"i lodging until he rould be admil-'ed to the hiMiie for incurables. Mayor Newton pointed mil that Uancy would mt he deprived of tiiis rreedom in the jal ami would he allowed Ui imive in and out al ' will as limn as he was not con sidered a menace to public safe- as RUSHING REPAIRS ON L. DAMAGED BRIDGES ON C C.N. RAILWAY LINE - Khyex Repairs Should Allow Trains to Cross Thursday K. But Other Washouts C. VVorse It is exported at the office fL ine i....u. superiiiieniieiu irui the Khyex Hiver bridge win in- V repaired by Thursday and thai equipment may U(u he ent acro-s Ui start -work on slide x ana waiieuw oeyona. u win take longer to repair the two bridges near I'sk that were waslu-U oul and it will he next twecn week, at the earliest, before eer-jand vice can te resumert. ! Jiie l.imlup brhJge between .viciirme ami rrince i.eorge it i expected; will be ready to bear traffic tonitrht. No. 3 from I he Fast, to have arrived here to- uioiro iiiornniK. reucura i.uni- up tins mornine and passengers for points as far west as Pacific were Iransferred. No passcngcr;vr Velerans' Um, which ha are being booked at this time forij, going alroiig of late, in in- points wesl of Pacific. As on Uet al fall sljvnaiJi. as Mssible, however, they will be Teams in lha firsl division tul- handled and, if it is found prac- tirade lo lransfq- to a stub train into l'nnee Rupert, this will be done. Superintendent V. H. Tobey, Itoadmasler It. A. Harlow and It. F. Perry, It, and It. foreman, are at the Ktiyex bridge while A. R. Holthy, master f bridges, is at the Lmdup 1 rouble. A iv'twrt frin the fmanr cwinniltlee recommemliug inal the city asnme resrpwiblWly for tlin payhtg of 6,1 a titonfJi wmt for Mike Jionnetly who is already beina supplied with food by the city was adopted at last night's council meeting. Aid. McMordie stated that Donnelly hail been receiving rent free ! the properly had changed hand" ;md i a mouth was now ile- 111.) Mill''!. i .w. firthflt Jwonc(erfid BOY ait The Maple Leaf $2 00 Other Models up to l3-!0 CR1BBAGE LEAGUE Sons of Canada, War Veterans Oranoerr.en, Dry Dock, C.N. ' Operating and K. of C. WVnners Last Night Reeults of games in the Prince Rupert C.rihhage League last night were as follows: C.X. Marhanira4, ; Sons of Canada, 21. lreat War Veterans, it, Moo 13. Loyal Orange Iodtre, 19; GnW Storaire 8. l)rDjck. : St. Andrews, II G-V Operating, 15; Elk. 12. Ptirn RuiMrl Hotel. I? UMghtis or Cohmtbii. IS. The league standing to date i follows: . L. Pis. 0. 1 8 1 8 S. )jerating ... . 7 2 7 m ... 6 C t. . V. A.. n Udd Plirairc S jMoiMHJai.. t of C. 4 X. .Mech 3 3 R. Hotel ... 3 .Andrew's I Son nt Canada I 1 SPORT CHAT 1 Hie final tournament of the fir( tacal f of the schedule in the jjrf tiVision billiard league be- the lireat War Veeran the Prince Rupert Billiard Parlor takes place this evening. The Y4.-jh now ahead by IS7 ,M,inti in the stamlmg and the rbances of the lUUiard Parlor loJ overcome that had hnik prUy in especially since two of llw teaui ihuoI e Hoc live players jieore MiTlinoyi and Dn Brown are oul of Ihe city. The ird league Uwmamenl tonigbl jbetween the Prfnee Rupert Mil i.j parior am be Urwjt War Veterans will line up as follows: C. Haiagno (Itillianl Parlor) vs. Col. P. McMirdi (War Veterans,) (i. Wuugii vs. Sergl. Jehsofi. A . Long vs. Fred Pyle. W. Mitrhrll vs. J. Andrews. M. Andrewi vs. ('.. P. Tinker. Things are tightening up In Uie men elia f the J'faler Ml Wliiet l.ogjoieiihd n- Mops. and Kurrfhts ort'yiltlas are eloe' on the lieels of Ihe St. Andrew'? Society for Ihe lop place in Ihe lajiding-There will be two more set s of games before the close of the firl half of the season. On Thursday nigbl of this week the teams will meet as follows Knights of Pythias vs. St. Andrew's; Kike vs. OddMlows; Mouse vs. Sons iif Canada. The game bet ween the (ileal War Vnleran awl the Uiyal Orange Lodge will ! played on Friday evening al llie ii.v.v... rcwims instead of on Thurwlay evening. The Mapln Leafs, ehampion girl basketball players of Ihf cily, do not meet very well wilh Ihe suggestion that their agar gallon sliHimi Pe nrokcn up on Ihe groumts that il is unbeatable In far! the Leafs suy Ihat Ihelr team of last year is nut intact a' full strength and they feel Ilia an aggregation win Id be mus tered in the cily thai could give them good competition. In any case, the Maple Leafs have made up their minds Ihat Ihelr learn is nol to be (Unhanded u'il lose its name and, to keep in trim for any competition I hut may chine along, they are now practicing regularly at. the Exhibition 1 1 nil by filling out the regular Halur day prirtffilTii wilh the High school league teams. Wanted For Sale For Rent r- Tog By George McM BRINGING UP FATHER rnrr I r 'T-i -H Machinery J THN . IV E- A. M, v . ll.'aMi V.IIUBUaft- I ME. COOO TO tTAf MM J -'" MM. - 1 J I ho ' For Sale : MOWE- 1 J) 4 1 V' From RocKer de Boule Mine Including . 200 H.p. Peltdn-Doide Impulse Wuler Wheel, Willi penerntors, transformer nml;,l& miles transmission wire; 2 12-1 on Steam Dinkeys, 2t" gnuge; Klectiic Motors frtnn 1 lo H2J ir Ikt'L FttTuMt Srwvwi l-c t l if it tTi-.iirn it i nnininn inn m a IflUII I ui n u u -m m m n ii m 2c per word in advance. No Advertitement taken for less than 50c WANTED Wl'I.L known lea and coffee house requires specialty sate.-tnan working Prince Hupot and Mints east to Jasper on commission basis. Wei! established connection avail able that rsn ears gmid moncv for right man. Reply, statu.;-oUier line oarried. number f trips made annually aint fu'l details. Rgfterienee not nere--sary hut desiratde; references reiiaired. Reply lo Hnx Daily News off ire. JBH WAXTKIi. - Two High !VI.iij ' girls desirous of obiauiiiik domestic duties in return fori hoard. Willing to live in. II. Parsons, W8, Ambrose Ave 2r OLD Artificial Teeth 1 tough t, any condition. Highest prices sent by return mail. it., P.O. Itox 316, Vancouver. B.t:. Kstahllehed thirtv'three. years. : WAXTKD. If you n car- tienler write Hox 2n5. Daily News nWce. ?gr. FOR SALE FOR SALF..- - Walnut dreer and chiffonier, :n.on ca.-i,: Mr-Clary healer t!.oo; F.dison Cabinet tdloiiogra;.ii with Drunswii all icluncul tln. INI rec4rds i:ir.oo: elwtnc vacuum Uo.oii Phone Oreen 2tl. if FtHt SALF.. Two trev house. seven rMms and lui'li romple'e on Uraham Avenue, pa-.t elevi-tor, facing harbor. Low price for immediate a!e: lurmi easy. Apply T. McClyio mt. CHINCHILLA rabbits for sale from registered stock, at the price of good pells. Apply Ho 83, Dailly News Office. . 2H.1 FORD 8F.DAX for sale. Only used seven months. $5,'.O.eo. Apply 1. E. Parker. Ltd TO RENT FOR HUNT. Small -lore or o'-fiee. Third Street. Two ron- fekiw, two living rooms ahov. Weslernhaver llro. FOR llKNT. Modem f.ur rwun-ed flat wilh Monarch range. Clapp Illock. Westenhaver llros. if FflR RFNT. Large two lorcy bouse. Third Avenue, near Mr-Meekin's Orfwery. f.iri.oo. Weslenhaver Hns. tf FOR RKNT. Pianos, player pianos, phonographs and sewing machines. Walker's Music Store. tf HOliSF. for rent, three rooms and hath; also furn l,e suite Apply Palmer House. FOUR Room Suite for Renl. Hot waler heat. Apply Smith A MaUett. Lid. if MODERN FLAT for Rent. Apply Max lleilbroner. i BOARD HOARD The Inlander, 810 Second Avenue. Phone t.TJ ec f PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Wednesday, December 9 '"Kh H::t:- .,. 17ii ft 20:ri p.m. 15.7 I:ti a.m. 7.4 M:lii p.m. v.t Thursday, December 10 '"B" aj. IK.I ft 21;48 p.m. ''fw Ak a.m. 7.7 U -22 p.m. 8.Q 3 III 51. B.I U . 1. Il I I I U I I l 1. CARS FOR SALE, I I l!J i ildsmohile t, 5 passe ii ! ger louring ttHiii.nnJ t ID-'ii ;ih & passenger lour nig I I9?i oxertand Sedan.. 7uoo I MMU Reo seven pei!c- touring I ll& Ford Coupe, naHoon lire rar like new A&) I tH.'S I ..ed Tudor sedm, . . ... tiSfi.QA t 1922 Ford Coupe . , tttti.Oi I lt? I Ford one Ion IrtkCk, pi e' body . $37a.iNI t lord light dehxery chassis. rebuilt tlllM tt r guaranteed in good me i. .im, eondithHt, llasv erei- can he nrrMfMl. KAIEN QARAQE Ford and Chevrolet Service Station Vaents fr McLaughlin Oaisl ttid. oid-inohiie and Chev n.lei cars. Heo. O.M.C. and Federal Trucks. !Wlll i:kim; KKHVICK HAY AND NUillT. AUCTION SALE U .- v- -i to mII nl PuMlfhtod lie Im iim, Thursday. It. I. al Si:.i Ave.. Kst, nnMite iifl . ! hi iHtu look tor red flag coii,oii-iieiii al ?.:n g.oi. the foiloAiiig,.. (iiriiilur.-'""- Ug of Kroliier lUxeti-"l l, b lither ro.T d; Kffllli r arnifhair. Krfib!-r n-ar. Mor n- li itr. fumed oak tftnina r.uirn title ciiiiitiiig ef buffi- . t chsif1, round tabic, book case. 2 mg. uramnphonc. wall cl.H-k, be.ixy brass hed- teiid with roll spring and niHt!r-, n bolr Vrannmr range, center tables, fuMHsJ oa chm i cabinet, 2 ttuhrtffau' rocker-, sowing machine, begvy eiiameWed bed with Way le j.ring iiillrc', ic.. cfr . Prusre Mupi rt F.xchangc, Auc tioneer.. f j AUCTIONEER. City Auction Rooms rr)9 Ket iMid riref open lor uusmes i receive oii-igiimeuU and Jobbing qf ail dei riptn.iis. Household furniture and farm .sales anyw here in the cily or grosHnce a speelally. I will buy for cash, or ell on i "inmission. PrHnpl retunis. Satisfaction guaranteed. Twet Vr experience at youf service I solicit your patronage. Q. F. BRINE , Expert Auctioneer. Phone 771. p.o. juu ttu Prince Ruperl. H.C. FURNITURE AND RANQE8. FIJRNITI RF. AND RA.MlMK. new and se-ond hand for sale. A greal many customers have I a ken advantage of early Christinas buying ami have reduced my Christmas stock. Fresh slock will arrive by the neil few boats, so lhat'no one will be ilisanpointed. I'rlees are rcaxonable. A. MACKKN.IK. Fiirnilure. Phone 77!. PRINCE RUPERT MUSI0 8T0RE. 303 Third Avenue Role agents for Columbia Records We repair Phonographs, llieycles, Hiiggles, Racquets and Musical Instruments of nil kinds. CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baoooge, Furniture Moving.; If you want anything lent for, or delivered, phone ui, P.O. Uoi 690. FURNITURE Inn - - - - "'W- Home I i suiliii . Cbn. , 4il n i v ! i in. "It w FnehPir TAXI Tail 67 Phwi fall lie K.c. : A .,. bak.-- ROSS EROS, POOL Aernss ROTHWELLS TWtTU Coal - Woct Furnllurs Bov', Ha. Stand I i Ftrtr"tt: New Ian Ml. 4hane . . GEO, HFAOOMJLOt g.19 I h soticc or seniors rs itr i- k ' I Ihr e1WI- tO'ian ft i ti'. si mpum nw u . Srk lie ! ibf i - rev mw b' ImiIII, li)U. Ihi- LASD ACT. Ntlt sf lirttB'. In r-ivr I ri. i r ntt Hntai iii. rkl ' i:.,in.h I ii rvixii ii im 1 rnit imi rnwO Isii-I- t snraeti- mr "'ii!3t IMui rl-xltrrl)r ' forn i-Siiii- rShiinr s ' nwnriiHrai ri. tson ' SOMI I VVSTCS NOTtCl Dlln t-1 1UI V"ll 1 Mrinir hi Vli iitr, H Iti. inki ' VI wmirw x .n ii Mill ilill- el : rlmii- SI I l" ' ftHli uir n. iii ettallt Hi"" r.t rr-ioi ii- r i-miii-Urai iIh iI i I Thl. .. 1,11 Oh I ol Ii il "I Oil- " inir.iiiil iiw" ' will I fui " Ki n.rilW '. ' ' IIimi- In Me- nei-UK .aid V" Ciinililrollni lliillilliil". llir IVilirr in 1 of tb- rir.l I SenMiilier i" Xtll- IAH0 CT. AgplI Nolle f "" In I'rtnri- " IHel f erni.- AWMII IH1, oil." fliraiis. I,f nmrries 'Si'"': Imss ..f il ' I Awitn K'O B.C.; CtuiswiM iii xxmt nirtii ' ' ' 1tl; llieiii'- ' Ifteser win"' ' SBiler. xl. ttt, mrv 1 ' ittirk (if V','" murk t"-t " ill..llHM'lll'111 ' 'i more sr Mil" .1 - 1 w tf iiiv Pitd hotsinb