25 TAXI I nni) Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th 8t. MATT VIDECK, Prop. ViI XV NO, 2HI. i Library YYhual Producer l.Ul, Calgary, fur Hie lraing of Hie!1'? ,iiur lo llic latter concern, ami whirh lo dlc had been hdiMilml iinlurt. hail finally fallen Ihrough when a wire el feel was read from Fred tHork. M.P., at Ollawn, who! i 'iiidiu Iuik hi negotiation un behalf of the Silmtui Traoi Prah b Ud In Some ... . . ' iu- 4 Water and Restricted In Others i REGULATIONS ' ARE CHANGED ALASKA 1926 SO PER CENT MUST PASS. . li.T. Ih'f. 8. .Ncfj ymerniOK sallOOIl it I he riMl f Alaktj were 0ued I" rel.iry llwiver. Tlirf.Ji 'he H se of traps and lieu in cerium ale-s . I.ynn Canal. Icy Hrail Sound di-lricU. ill - m is r4rniHti'. with cer- i iclwns. actniK undec - whlrh reqiiire fcliinrf ..iletl to a dmree allow it fifty per cent nf the ii'lurniltK from Hie ocean i irrV iawnum jmuind iv Hooker reqiies HimI ii llllle tie lefl helween Aliiskiin W filers souMl ol i - ivrl la' i ' mlc. SASKATOON WINS HOCKEY MATCH Plays Kor Last G ante on Coast Before Returning to Prairies to Meet Edmonton i":ol'VKIt. Dec H. Saska- "ii her final nialch of the - "id coast si'i ie when h . Niiiimuvcr In ii cloo hockey last iils-lit hy three puulu She ilaM her no.xl 'ii. iMiilut lldinonlim on her 1 s "ik on Ijalurday, the first ' -' i iim of Inline gat'i n'"' ioi he at die coast ugaln ' 'i .liniiiary 1M. I iii-urow VaneiniM'r plays al a and Calary plays Hie in. 'mm .iilnrilay. SEIZE PROPERTY OF COWPER IN ORDER TO RECOVER $2,000 VANCOUVKH, lee. H.-Klici iir ollleers were yes-'enluy ittslrucli'd lo selie Hie property of .1. S. Cow-I'er in order to recover 'tie 2,(1011 v jtiilumeul awarded .Mr. and Mrs. I'. I-. linker fur llhel. Hoard Cf.ii. mi The chairman minted oul thai (lie Vancouver elevator had been leased to I he Harbor Hoard which had heeii apiwinled hy Ihe government mid thai I lie board only Ihii1 re ii I to the government if sttrrcssful in iretliiiB urniu slifpineiits Ihroiiuh the local dant and that if It mil not make an immediate profit it would, in all oriilutohlv pay il way. J. H. PilUliucy Ihoinylil Hie solution whs In either el the erices of a eonilent (train: man or to pel Hie government lo appoint n Harbor Hoard with au-thority lo operate Ihe elevator. Mayor .Newton siuxeted thai a ntKtil w ire he forwardeil to I ho Premier askina his mix ice as to what tie would tijrirel lo the local Uwird as heinjt the he si I :! steps lo lake to vet Ihe elevator oiAralinp. S. 1 1. Mncdonald thotishl Hie iuie lelejvsrain to Krl Slork. M.P.. askuw him lo use his in fluence would he the heller course to pursue. Aid. Casey toinled out Ilia! the li.ru! Untiii Hoard had no final aulliority or control over the elevator, and HioiibIiI Ihe local hoard should try and pel some aulhoiily or someone in authority lo handle the elevator and put il into use. Asking Suggestions After discussion it was decided to forward a wire lo I' red Stork, M.P.. oointiliK out thai the local i.....r.i ui.heil li i in to take the mailer up wilh Hie io eminent ,.ii.l advise fully what reconiinoii- Kiiuuesliotis could bo .h. ii, .ii .! offered so thai "me ue could he made or l lie investment, and ilml the local tiiain Hoard de sired lo cu-opeiale fully with the povenimenl m any possihle way lo oritur the elevator inlo use. Present nl the meeting were M. P. McCnffery. chairman: S. 1). M n c iloiuild. vice - chaii nian; Mavor Newlon. Aid. teo. Casey, .1. il. Pillshnry and Sidney Welih. ecrelary. RUNAWAY LOCOMOTIVE CRASHED INTO TRAIN KILLING ONE PERSON SLATTLi:, !. 8. Fell Harder, a car inspector, was in-stnnllv Hilled last night when a runaway frr-luM looonio Ive speeding at Ihe rale of 33 llillo an ii. I diti.l l t- llnf lii.ritlvliili l. ii ..Mariinnani. viee-ci air- .. . . . ... . .... !""" "" "i""'"" ! Van I lull'', uru n iui.i- Hild!i uluarv wh en ii niinrtuieli I lie trade and yon may lie interested ROCKY KANSAS OF iy 11 ii. iieinenupion oi iri vv ii liam, general manager uf gov-' rntiM'til elevators. .Mr. HellierililiHi was dr. iron correct in g an linpicssio . winch he had been lohl existc-i hrre that the nvxnihilily l the government ended wild llir building of the elevator. He no i riled oul that the, government lend Federal thousand ' dot lar annually in adv-rti-'ijf it-elevator and is at all linn-- it lo know thai I urn Iravmj; here (continued on pae 0 U.S. INVITED TO JOIN IN PEACE PARTY League of Nations Initiating Movement Toward Big Conference of Powers GENEVA, Dec. S The council of the Leaguo of Nations today decided to Invite the United States, Russia and Germany to participate with the "League of Nations In the work of a special commission which Is to prepare for an International disarmament conference. LUMBER KING DIES THIS AFTERNOON AT i OTTAWA AGED 98 OTTAW A. Lee. H. John 11 lloolh. luiuhci kniK of this city. died this afternoon iiucd 118. He had heen unconscious since yes lerdny afternoon. Mr. lloolh was a close of Harry llocliester of this clly yearn imo and a friend of the family. BUFFALO WON FIGHT Itt'FFALO. Iec. 8. - llo?key Kansas of Huffalo won Ihe lightweight lmxiiip championship of Ihe world from Jimmy (Joodrich also or Huffalo in a slirrin fifteen round hout last niiplit. LEGISLATURE HELD ALL NIGHT SESSION Y1CTOIIIA. heo. 8- The I.epis- hour crushed Into the rear of,lalure sat until 1.30 this morn-.Northern Pacific pasoenper, Ing considering: estimates. The ... - ,i , ,. Iniln slnndlnir In hlnff Mreei sessma was su.iiuy m nines o-naMeiiper stnlion. several poo. Ing ; In viporous npposlllnn of iile were Injured. 1 'WT '' Uouervatle. MISSING MAN IN LAUNCH IS FOUND LASQUET1 ISLAND VAM'lllVKU. I lee. 8. -Missing since last Thursday, .lolin Clil-iiinii1. a eannerv employee, who left West Vancouver in a gasoline launch for Steveslon, whs found today al l.amicti Nlnnd.' Wheal the arrival of the steamer West llolhrook, hound lo Portland from Japan. The llolhrook will iilleinpl lo low the West Orowa wilh the Admiral lievvey scoured In Ihe stern of the latter to serve a a rudderl PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper I'lMNCK III PHUT, H.C., TL KSDAY, DKCKMHKH 8. 11)23. VivtTdJ.v t f.lrniltlin. 1163 l SSCTSffLEHSftttwSaEl Leaders in 'lie I inU'd Slates radio coo'ereo e nf inglon. Left to light: YV. K. Ila kue-. Alwaler Kem. Secretary Herbert Hoover and Arlh r pre. . Hoover oppo-es lowei'ity Hie liroarii-asf m? wave-. Liberals Win in Bagot but with Majority Less than Former Member ACTUXYALL. Iter. S. A supporter of llif Ma kenzie Km? through Ike elevator. iouch wiui ine iraoe. i lioveriimenl lias heen elecled in Hagol. (!. I). Morin, Lilterul, w I r. - i tl.: i i ... .1.. . ... . ..... ... ... Preferred Leasing I 1,,r nr" "' u" was the i Hone uf Ihe elivior- etenla m 1 lie li -elei lion in the letierw nuing iitt a inujoriiy oi -i;t over lion. Ainire raiitens. lui!',vHHr.-- t- i . -J I'Ik' majority of Ihe Lilieral rumtiilale was nfif a large a al Ihe general election when Ihe lale J. K. Marejle was elerled hy A mujorily of 77 1. Alarcile was personally very popular uml lie was ill in lied at Ihe lime he was elected. It is s(J?Jested here thai iiovv ; - Premier Maekeiiiie King is as-i s ii red of a working majority in I be House of Comnions. he may not wait for the asscmhliiiK of. Parliament lwfore securing a; seal in the House. Had I he ?ov-ernnienl heen healen in Hapot it would have Indicated (hat carrying on would he ininossihle for any leiijMh of time hut now Hie expeclalinn is that the povern-menl may remain in power indefinitely unless il rel a sethiirk in ihe re-pleclion of Hie new HANGED 500 IN A CELLAR Executioners and Priest Charged With Crime by Moscow Authorities MOSCOW, Dec. 8. Fifteen eicoutloners of the Czarest regime, who received from ten to fifty dollars for each execution and the priest who charged a dollar a head for prayers said at the gallows, have bean arrested. The executioners are charged with hanging at least. 500 revolutionaries In a cellar. VAIOUVER EXCHANGE 23 miles north of West Yanrou- H.C. Silver ver, where he had heen driven hyjlHinweU wind and tides after Itie engineillaielton hroke down. .1.. A I Launch llaluna. which was en- Marmot ... (.'aped in Hie cannery husiness Premier last summer helween Prince llu-'Porter Idaho perl and Vancouver Island is re- Silvcrcresl .... porled to lie lying a total loss on Surf Inlet .... I iismielj .Island. Howe s;,n.i, BIRTH iiid. I. GO i.u 1.38 ;.so .09 .07 .(I'J Wi Steamer West Orawa in Critical Asked 2.00 . 1.15 .02 .I2lfc .0i 2.2.1 .in .011 .11 f.nfi ;tn.no Situation Washed by Mountainous Seas Driven by Eighty Mile Gale HHF.MKHTOX, I lee. S. lliidilerles.s and helpless in an eighty mile gale which i driving il westward haltered hy mini n - I ni nous seas, the steamship West Orowa is once again in a critical condition, an official radio message from Ciirdovu lal night slated. As waves sweep over the deck, Ihe ship lists hadly lo Ice- ward wilh her nine-foot high deck cargo .straining at the leashes. hteamcr Admiral Dewey is standing Icy Willi all her haw sers carried away in n vain uHempI'lii low Ihe criimled ship. Hoth vessels are now awaiting! - - The birth took place in the Prince llnporl iieneral Hos'pllnl mi December 7, of a son? In Mr. and Mrs. Oeorsu (irllllllis. (if Ter- race. so?.. . V SfrrH Sle. 436 be-1 he city's reply to Mr. I'atlul-lo's suggestion of last week thai the provincial government turn over lo I lie federal gov ernment 100 feet of walerfrcnilage for the purpose of providing arcommo- la! ion 'or the fishing boa Is and mostpiiilo fleet. Policy of Government In addressing the council, Mr. Forde pointed out Dial all wharf work came within the purview of the federal department of puhlie works. So far, the provincial government had been maintain ing the floats at Cow Hay and il had been decided to hl the fed eral government handle them. II was proposed to convey waler- froulagc to the federal sovern- meiil fur Hie purpose. Mr. horde aid the question was entirely in the hands of the city hut he pointed out that it was a hard ami fasl rule of the ifovernnienl thai no money should he ex pended on land, or watcrfront-ipe in this case, that il did not con trol. He also explained that Hit walerfroutage in question would not come inlo the control of the federal government If it was not used for Ihe purpose slated. Ili6 federal government asked that the city consent to Hie property being placed under the control of the federal govcrumenl so it might put in and maintain the desired facilities. This would not cost Ihe city a cent. Submits Plans Showing the members of the council a set of plans. Mr. Korde explained thai it wa oontem plated to put In heavy and well inchored Hoats whteh would jive 2,000 feet of moorage as compared with 8.0 feet al .the present provincial government floats. The floats would be built in such a way that Hie boats could double up without confusion and the aceonimoda lion would thus be Increased to 1.000 feet. Three hundred feel of waterfront would handle tin work. proposed and Ihe remaining 150 (eel could be turned over for the purposes of the Yacht Club which apparently preferred Id handle its own work, having the building of a club house ultim ately in view, Ihe provincial govcrumenl had stipulated, how ever, that Ihe Yacht Club should he taken rare of. Mr. Forde further pointed out (continued ou page two; Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for the least. Phone 457. PRICK FIVK CENTS. IG STEAMER AT MERCY OF FIERCE GALE LIBERAL WINS QUEBEC SEAT IN ELECTION YESTERDAY BY GOOD MAJORITY Negotiations to Lease Elevator to Wheat Pool Ended Without Success local Grain Board will turn attention to other ways of securing shipments of grain this way ELEVATOR TO ; BE KEPT BUSY Superintendent Heathcrlngtan Says Government Will be Active In Getting Gra n Cargoes LOCAL MEN EMPLOYED That (lie federal govci miiicm. will lake ho aelivp an interest iui the securing or business for Hi-new terminal grain elevator lirr- V . iiierlinff uf Ihe (iruiti Hoard held last iiiehf in the-Citi ' - ,uk'" having Hie MP M'CartVry. rhuiniiHii. presiding, il was ascertained1 fa,'m, ''r',,,f"i a the stale-' ... gutialinns. winch huil heen pending for the utl lliii'i i,n,',,t male ib afternoon to l tielwecn lite federal government ami Ihe Canadian i;i.i"l,r,"ml""f 01 "al.' Dominion Government to Spend Considerable Sum Cow Bay Floats City gives up its riparian rights provided im provements are made within year by federal authorities 1 4 After a loiifereiire with J. P. l'orde. district jMiginecr for the federal department oi pnhlic work-, who outlined the plans fie proposed Milimittiug to parliament with a view to having accommodation provided at Cow Hay for filnng boat-and the mos-qui o fleet using Ihe hariior of Prim'e llupert, the city council wist night, after some discussion, on motion of Aid. McMonlie, seeoudert hy Aid. Larsen. passed a resolution requesting the piovineial government to turn over to the etty i.M) feet of waterfront in return for which the city will relinquish its riparian rijrnl in Cow Hay, and providin'. - -- - - il-al assurance he jfiven to Hie: TlfAT'IIPn iTI",n minister of lands that the city VII I H T K IllrS will deed over 3U0 feel of the waterfront to the federal government o that it may proceed with its develotiliienl with tin proviso thai, unless Hie fedennj auvcrnuiejit has not started Ihalj development within a year, the: properly will atfain revert to Him FROM SHOCK AT SON'S ILLNESS eityv- This resolution. aijciJlFormer Mayor of Fernle III Fol- unaiumousiy hv the cuuimmT. will lowing Loss of Wife and Son FF.nWIF.. Her. 8. Mm. O. Henderson, wife of ex-mayor Henderson, died suddenly today sliorlh after receipt of word that her son Jack a seriously ill at Xew Westniinsle-. When the message came she went out to find her hushau'd rimi collapsed, dying soon after. When Mr. Henderson heard of his wife's death anil his son's illness he also' collafrsed and is in a serious coiujuiou. Later word cJnie lhal Ihe son was dead, having fallen out of the window of a sanitarium at Xew Westminster and broken his neck. Wlord of the death Is being withheld from the father. Mr. Henderson was mayor of ernie for five years and he re tired a year ago. BUSINESS OF CANADA BETTER Pres'dent of Bank of Montreal Says Trend Slowly but Surely Upward MOXTHKAL. Dec. 1 8.-- At llio annual meeting oT the shareholders of the Hank of Montreal yesterday Sir Vincent Meredith, president, said there was no Question hut the trend of busi- iness was slowly but surely up - ward. The marketing pf Ihii year's crop would-bring at leas'. $5iM,ofl0.000 new money into the Domt A. Sir I redenek Williams laylor, general manager, reported th hank with clean business and sn' is factory nrvranizatipn. RUPERT TO GET ITS SIDEWALK PLAN PASSED AT VICTORIA VICTOIHA. Dec, 8. The municipal eommiltee of the l.egislalure yesterday reeonitnendcd thc passage of a meaUlje originating in it request from Prince llupert, . fu reference to financing fide-walks on opo side!'' of llio road only, j