aot! an ATTENTION! Christmas Shoppers In a few days we will be moved to ("!' new store wilh (ho largest and fincsl stock of JEWELLERY, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, CHINA UMBRELLAS, TOILET SETS, HANDBAGS, - . . NOVELIES, Etc., in the North Our Motto as in I lie past: QUALITY, PRICE, SERVICE Max Heilbroner Jeweller and Optician We Save You Money Christmas Goods l-'nney Cups and Saucers in Yc Olde J'.nglili and I.i-niofies. A large selection to elionse from, from 75c up l-aiiil Painted China Something particularly attractive. You will appreciate ilf lieauty. Very tuiilahle for Qhrislmas (iifls. At most reason- ahli! prices. Irish Linen Handkerchief direct from Uelfast. The finest in the world. In pretty boxes. From BOo up llxceptfonally pood value in Ladies' Silk Hose. Always acceptable. Papelries in beautiful fancy boxes. From .... 30o up Christmas Business Is good. There's a reason Gordons Grocery Sventh Avenue East Phone 447 MAMMOTH Special Sale Shoes 41 Palr3 Only Ladles' Black Kid High Boots,' at per pair $2.85 Men's Black and Brown Dress Shoes, (Soodyeat well, solid JeaUicr, rubber heelM. This is a winner. Sale price . . $5.45 See our windows for specials Specials in Misses' and Children's Shoes. Spi-cials in Hoys' and Youths' Shoes. Family Shoe Store Third Ave. Phone 357. Xmas Suggestions Table Lmrn Si-Ih. Towel Sei in ciifi lloxes. lnitiul Handkerchiefs for Men. Suspender and (Inrter'Sel. Silk Dress I.ongliU In lloxes. Fancy Handkerchiefs in lloxes. Silk Hosiery. Fancy Srarve. Ties, elc. H.S Wallace Co. Ltd Phono 9. 3rd Ave. & Fulton BEAVERBROOK HAS ENOUGH Sp NEWSPAPERS Says he Will Never Buy or Start Another Except Possibly as Defensive Measure LONDON. Dec. 8. (Canadia r I'ress despatch . "I shall never; buy or start anolher newspaper,' except for defensive purposes or as a reprisal." declared Lord Heaxertnook in an advertisement concerning the Sunday L.xpress, one of his trinity of jourals. The; exception which his. Lordship indicates is capable, of course, of a very wide interpretation. In an article discussing how I lie big financier has come to. dominate London newspaper ownership "Truth" remarks: "The dark horse in the newspaper world today Is Lord llca-verbrook. He is the ablest man in Hie business. He lias money, brains, youth, ambition. Ho has also personality. He is a man who takes long views, any observer can see that in his newspaper policy he is not concern-, irwr himself so much with the dividends for Hie day as with buildirfg for tho future. Lord lleaverbrook is gaining in experience and ripeninnr in judgment. Init be still handicaps himself by impetuous and amateurish exhibitions which shows that WATER NOTICE. DIrlon and Uii, I ImllnJ M 1....... ...1.1 ........ I IIiiUiT sirwt. VuiiiMiver. H.C.. will apply fnr llrnirr to take ami use lOO.ocui killmv tier (lav ir water out of Unknown. also known a I tikrwwn. which flow northerly id (train into Shannon Bay, O.C.I., B.'V ahotit l ft chain, mors or le. wwlnrijr rnmi nurtheasl rumir I., laid (T.U fttSSP). The water will I diverted rroni the stream at a txilnt almm elrfit chain' uth from shinnn lav ana t eha!-wealerly miu northnaft I, ISI. anI win th' used for cannery piirptnu-a Un the 'mill descrllied as I. IS9 iM-lnir part of I.. ISIS (T.I.. 8311' . This notice wc feisted on the KrouiHt Hi the 1 0 til day or November, I9JS. A repy of thl ni.tlCe and an application pursuant thereto anil to tlie "Water '!" will lie riled In the orrire or the Water Recorder at prince HihmI. B.C. Objections to tlie apnllcatloiv may lie riled with the said Water llecoider or with the Comptroller or Water lllirht. Parllamrii' Ittilldlnr. Victoria. B.C., within thirty day after the first aifearanre of tlit notice In I local newspaper. The da'i of the fl'at publication of this notice Is vivriulier 311. 105, OOSSE MILI.KIIII t.l.MITKO. Applicant Wm. O. Mitchell, Airent Fruit ecials For the Christmas Season We have just received a large shipment of all varieties. Fresh Hallowi Dates, per lb. 10c; II lbs. for .. S1.03 Dromedary Dales, 2 pkgs. for 45c Dainty Dales, 2 pkgs... 45c Sultana Itaisins, per lb. 15c 7 for S1.03 Currants, per lb 15c 7 for $1.00 Studied Walnuts, halves, per lit 60c Shelled Almonds, per lb. 65c Maiichuriau Witlniits, per lb 25c California SoH Shell Walnuts, per lb 45c Chestnuts, per lb 35c 3 lbs ... $1.00 Mixed Nuts, per lb 25o 5 lbs $1.00 Layer Figs, per lb. . . 25c T. Tor ... ... ... $1.00 Table Itaisins, per pkg. 30c 5 fin- $1.25 Candy. Toys, Drygood. French Clocks, also Fresh 'Turkeys and Heese, all al reduced prices. I'lace your order nnd lie sure of having your re-iiuiremetiln filled. Satisfaction Guaranteed Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. P.O. Box 575. Phones 18 and 84 417-423 6th Ave. East Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgorson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. orfice Hours 9 lo (5. X-May Servlos Phone 686. Open TuesMay, Thursday and Saturday hveniugs uu-i-Uimxi- Mi- ii "T? I and Economical 1 Is mVt dom si i !) msrs I attract!' and reaior lbs bttk, 1 of 4uilsUll-i Hyo 1 uuOXOCutw. I TH nw FREE Ois Cssk Book I tellahov. Writ lor cop j to OXO I LIMITED, 356 St. Aatoin Sir!. I MONTREAL, J CUBES he does not yet take himself seriously enough as a" newspaper man. He will go far if lie is capable, of concentration on newspapers and manages to impress, upon himself that responsibility goes wilh power." JOHNNY'S DIAGNOSIS. "Molher," cried little Mary as he rushed into the farmhouse they were visiting. "Johnny J0"" wants the lislerine. caught the cutest Utile black ami while animal, ami he thinks it's got halitosis." The city's $(i(l,000 temporary borrowing bylaw was put through its Tina! readings last night. Mayor Xewton slated that lit" manager of the bank had bee:i interviewed with a view to hav Therr will lie orrered for Sale it Pub-, ELEVATOR lie Auction. 11 4 p.m. on the mil day "f t'l-ri-iuher. tssa. In the office of ttie, l.l-lrlrt lore-lrr. Prince lluiert, H.C .1 I'm Licence X7I7S, lo rut .6.000 feet, f Spcnee. Urmlork and CeUr on in irei: -lliulfd 011 the aoiitli side or Tame, h-'jiiiI. UK hard sen Inlet, Oileen Charlotte Maud. Two ' year will 1 allowed for re-tnoril of timber. Provided that any one unable to attend 1.. ..... m Mi.t.f.ilfl ...liwl :udrr In be osned al the hour of iuc- elevator. 1 ".11 and treated is one bid J l-ii.'ltM.r- fiarllrfilnrs ttt the Chief Fores-1 of Canada guarantees 8 YEARS OLD llladc in Canada 93 years Tins advertisement is not published or displayed by (he Liquiir Control Hoard or by the (lovernmeut of Mrllisli - "Uolumbla, TH1 OAIL! nrxrs With a largo assemblage of mourners present including members of the Masonic craft and the Oddfellows' lotlwe to which organizations deceased be longed, the funeral sen ice for the late James Lawrence took place al 2 o'clock Ibis afternoon in St. Andrew's Anglican Church. Archdeacon . A. It ix officiated and Hex. Waller Allen was organist, l'allbearers were F. F.. W'er-m ig, T. l'riesl and K. Maxwell. 1 representing the Canadian vNu-itional Hallway, and A. Haines, Joe Oreer and 0. 1'. Tinker of tin' Masonic organizations. After the sen ice, the col lege inoxcil to Fairview Cemetery wtiere in-tcrinnl look pine. The Undertakers were in charge of arrangements. There were many beautiful floral contributions, among (he I senders being Sergeant and Mrs. He's Jist'A- ,, UaiWy ,! ranljiy, .r. and Mrs. II. 1. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Valenline, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. A. Iverson, Kaien Chapter No. 13. Hoyal Arch Masons, Tsimpsean Lodge No. 58 A.F. A.M.. Mrs. J. LawiVnce and family) Mr. 'am I Mrs, Frank Clapp, Mr. and Mrs. A. Finnie, Mr. and Mrs. It. lal- carno. Mr. and Mrs. D.inu ami ing ine mierest rale reduced f,imiiv. iP. nii .. A roni o 10 fi v.- ner eeni ami me Mr. and Mrs. (5 manager had agreed lo reconi-mend this lo head office although he did not expect It could be obtained. It was pointed out that, even at ( per cent. the city was paying less to lb" 'auk for the temporary use of iiMiity than til'1 interest on debentures amounted In. TIMBER SALE, X 6491. Sealed Tenders will lie received by tlie Minister r mu at Victoria not later TO Haines, i:. iulick, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. K. Wermig, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tobey. Mr. and Mrs. J. 11: Morgan (New Westminster . Mr, and Mrs. I'.. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Atiuesley. Itelisl Chapter No. 18. Order of Hie Kaslern Sluf. Mayor S. M. HS Ncwliin. Aid. ntiii Mrs It. V. I'erry. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wakefield Stewart', Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Campbell, Tyec Loilge No. rtii A.F. A.M.. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas l'riesl, Hugh lloswell Smith-ers', Mr. ami Mis. (ieorge Hill. Mrs. Slraclian nlid family, Kin-colith I'receptory No. Knights f it.-... ........ ... iiu. iit. H. ..r l,jMtlM.p I lois. Mr tin .nr-iias of Licence xn i,! Templar, Mr. and Mrs. II. V. ( to cut t.ssi.'ito reel or spruce, tietiiioci, 1 ,, nilum am! inlir on losle Island. Imur- -l'i"- las t:hanrH. luntre I. Ctiat lilstrlrt. family. Mr. Two (i yean will be allowed ror removal of timber. InillMT partlriilars of the chief Korrs- ler, Victoria. B.C.. or PiMrlel Koretter. mice ttiinert. 11 c TIMBER SALE X7343. ihan no-n on the rd day of Iwrember, l(ir. fcir tlie punnase or Licence will, well .., nikfi iut,i r.iKi .r f Mrt.r s,rtrnre. Mr. and Mrs. Howe and and 'Mrs. T. F.llioN Mr. and Mrs. Mtditgomery, Mr and Mrs. Alex Ouynn, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Moxley. Mr, and Mrs I J. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Fasola Mr. and Mrs. T. Houlter, Mr. and scaled Tenders win in- re cited by ti Mrs. W. II. WabMrf. Mr. and Mrs. MiiiI-Iit of utids at victoria tiot taier ,, . t ... ..v i.'Ulll I, . flll'l .. t'lllA Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Ilasl Balsam ami Hemlock 011 an area situated mail, .Mr and .Mrs. Jarvls .Mcl.eoil, 11 Caroline Lake. Last Ann or lirajney ,. ,. ,., ... H. Iiilet. Itanre . Cjiasl lilslrlrt. ..mi. ,. ... Tlire- ct years win isj mowed tor re- Mrfl - 11 (ioin se I. .Mr nmval of tlmiier. further particulars of ster Vlcbirla. B.C.. or ler, Prince lluperl, B.C. the thief for-I'l'trlct rorea- TIMBER SALE, X 7475. ami Mrs. W. II. Shorlridge. Can- 1 in I i;i 11 Nalijnial Mechanical Stores Department. BE KEPT BUSY (continued from page I) ler. victoiu, n.c. or puirict Koieaier.' was also his intention to keep in incp iiuiiei. n.i. -riu. "h. . p I fnl 1"1 e government today for Calgary ami Winnipeg where I will endeavor to secure business for the Prince Huperl Mr. Hethcriiiglou said thaJ it close touch with the local grain board which would be in a posi lion lo furnish him with in for malicm on local conditions at all limes "If nothing iiioncs through the I'rince lluperl elevator," he said it will be through no fault of the elevator management." Mr. Helherington leaves here with the expectation that Hi plant will be ready lo recelvp grain in force tin December I and ready lo ship it on Jiiuuarv 1. Ilegardiug the stalf of the plant. Mr. Helherington slated thai, apart from the superin leiident, accountant ami electric inn, a)l the employees would be local men. Tlie Inspection ami weighing stalf was not appoint ed by the grain commission tmt by the Civil Service Commission of Canada At firut thei-i) will be a skeleton crew al the elevator but, as the movement of grain demands. i this will be increased. The stall 'with Hie elevator operating at. capacity will number about -3 men. Mr. Ilellicringtoii sails tonight for Vancouver enroiile to Fort William. Ho expects lo be back here in the spring. EXCHANGE RATES. Slerling 1.H5. United Stales, I -01 disci. Francs, 3.83. ', , .Norwegian, '.'O.aH, llony Koii(r.5' LU1L 1 J.LJU-IM. MANY ATTEND HUNDRED MILES Lat FUNERAL TODAY; TIMBER BOUGHT James Lawrence Laid Rest Under Fraternal Auspices to De Boys Pulp Concern of Penn sylvania and Oreqon Interested at Islands According lo word which j reached the rily, the le Hoys, l'ulp Mill Co., the principals of, which are the De Hoys millionaire interests of Pennsylvania, ami Oieifon, hae aciuired one, hundred square miles of pulpj lease at ijkidegalc, Uueen t:iiar . lolle Islands, and also have, bi'iight all the holdings of Die Slate Chuck Coal k. Ihei-. There being considerable coal 111 sight of a lower quality winch might be Used for .steam pur poses and almost illimitable re sources of limber suitable roi l Hie maiiufai'ture of pulp and; paper, it is helieted that the l I Hoys people might go ahead wiMii development atony these lines. as originally-contemplated icy Hie Slate Chuck Co. In any ease. Hit-new owners of the tesoiine-have been carrying out exlensiv surveys recently vsilh Harold I". Whyte, H.C.L.S. of Mnssrave .V Whit e, Victoria. In charg e. FILIAL LOYALTY. u.iiig -So the teacher caught a bad word and pun- ished you! 'Toiiuny Yes, ami she me where I learned it. Father What did you STICK-TO-IT-IVENESS. LAND ACT. asked foil her? Tommy I didn't want lo give you away, I'a, so I blamed it on to the parrot. t'liiise who luck eouraue eiilt learn a lot from postage stamps. j 1'nslage stamps never know I hen they're licked. It's different with bill-posler, however. When they're pasted nil ovei the b'l I hey tell Hie world. I udge. Nolle of Inlantlon to Apply for Lt of Land. In the Prince Itnts-rl Land Itccordtut Idstrtri ami uttttale on au unnamed Islet furtnlua- one of (lie am (mop of l-lei-In Hudson lta Paoaia Miiite (.ore Ijiulni Politl. Blue Print It V. II. Tkl. XiiiCL iihI Harris krrr of Prince limwrl. B.C.. Master Mariner, luninl. in api'ly fr i Ica.e of tlie following d M-noeo lanus: - MKiunetirluv a I I IshI wi tlie iImmt on tlie Last side of Use above described l.lcl. llietire J.ono reel uorlhel; llienre feel tiortlielst; OiriHe 3, 000 feet south ea.l; llienre I.UOh feel iaie lo tlie Imtiit of cull inr urrtiirul, runlaiutuc 'M acres, more or less lUltllls klllll. By his Areul, J'eph . Iloiera Hated iHreviMber nil, ttli. . rlotlco of LAND ACT. Inlantlon to Und Apply to Laaaa In the Prince lluisstl I awl Iteninlma blattirl and situate on WttlleaaiMl Mawl near lunula Island. Blue Print II. M. 1 1, T.kl. MITICK thai jMrch stlnsoti lloler of PriIKe lllilierl. B.C.. secretary. lulrlHls to aMily for I lease of ig tiA low liiv deM-iibcil laiel.:- !muienrliiir al a tsjsl imi tlu. lHre ,.n I lie Last stile or WhllesaiMl Island; ItviRe 1.000 feel northwest; uMitre 3.0'Mi feel east; thence J.ooti feel south, tlienn .(MI trel wrl In lite In4nl of com IlielH'ellielll. iOSLPII STIVsii iKHiLBS. I'alxl I'eremtier Ith f!i II i LAND ACT. Nolle of InUnllen to Land. Apply to L In the Prtti'-e liunert IjihI II nlina IH.trl.t and Mtuale on an umiaiiM-d Islet In I lie Laslem entrance to HiuImmi Bav Tonight- Tomorrow Alright HR Tiblol Hop tlok hadha, rohavo bilious attack, ten and rtulto tho ollmlnillv) oraana. make you fool fin. BitUrTkan Pills Fir Uvir Ilia" onmcs LIMITED l Passare near lunulas l.laiul. nine Print TAkt MITICI that lieorre I'.onhHi IIimIi by of prince ltiisrt, B.t;.. Mainifarturri . intends to appl for I leae of lie f lowlur dencrlbed lands: - oiiwiieniinr at 1 il situate on 1 Partly submerired reef in ris-ks radialliiic from same 111 praciically circle. Iiatini a radius of alnnit I. .Mm fret and 1011 talulur u acres, umre or lev 'Lilltiii: iiolilni.v in siiiiv. 1'ated I'erenilwr tlh, :. CAISIAR LAND DISTRICT. Recording Dlatrlet of Tlgraph Craak. TAkK MITICL that John Jacob fowler, if Oreat Olaeler. Stlklne, ranrher, tn tenda to ipply for permlsilini in pur rhaaa I lie follow inr dearrlbed landi: Coniinenrinir at a post planted on the west hank of (he Stlklne luver. near the Oreat Olaeler, II soulrwail corner; thence runnlnr nor'h to chain; thence in 1 weaterly directum ?0 chains; I hence In 1 oulherly direction to rhalna; thenre in an easterly direction to chain, to eom nienretnent pnit. Oaled A 11 ruat tlaL tttl. r.M trm n r ,a-l.J-"-Mi After Tuesday, December- 8 j9?5 iscnooi nours $ Children love CROWN .VZ h- BRAND Syrup on bread- Trr- ft R " alve It to them everv dav. u lll' i -Ms lt' dtllclous and wholetome. "Z-fjhsiL Writ lor our Vne EJwarJtburg Rtctp Book ere, THE CANADA STARCH CO, LIMITED. MONTREAL EDWARDSBURG WM CORN SYMJP AFriciut qftlxa FDmilf WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIQHT ONLY al 7 and 8 "His Supreme Moment" S, linnet (iuiilwn's ghniiuriois. nihil.. how ii fiilii.iin and lui'Mii's. An alail.itio i ffinton l oleliruted slir. Tlie Khller tif Itc MiiHiiiiiiiisiiess of elegant xM-iely. the danger .,, ; ill vvildel .Stnilli Aiiifrien -llie-se form fh- t mi k. a mighty love ftml- l lini i n 'ill S nient.' Tvvti liemilie-s i- In wit, un.1 . Ii i, loe. The story of a MM-ietv girl vvIhi hravetl ni"i. and a man', mad love. Ntnii nliould mi Tlf I Nations, a Mittl in natural eolorn show , h lies ttf every rttee ami rlime. mill tlitr latt P i worn lay two of Mi creen' jtrellifsl jrirl. Il i , gave yon a kis, wnild that le your ,,iiirrm' Nolalile i a-1. Ronald Colman, Blanche Swocl, Cyril Chadylck, UH Sparks, Nick de Ruiz, Jane Wlnton, Bello Dennett and others. COMEDY INTERNATIONAL NEWS 35c and 10c. i -.: CHRISTMAS GIFT Suggestions W e ' .Hi ii'l Mir' l 1 1 . 1 1 1-- iii Mann-ore Mull- mii -'n in n l"i Tmlel he I I'erftiiii' s. friun I'erftime Alomixer. frum . . f I (imparls, (roni y. (lliri-tuias Slalniin'ry. I rum (Ilinfiilatcs, frtnn . . Safely llazois .Straight llaior, llnaair SlnJt. I' Military llrnie. Ktuny Soiir, Italh Si t-Agents for Rochon's Famous Candles See our window. Rupert Pharmacy Phone 04. ird e and Mli SI We delhtf XMAS SUGGESTIONS To make a lil Ol fill that ih siiil ililc I": X is rather long and lrd"n- We will giv 1 iillil Ihen In li('li vmi fn I your (till wiei Please Observe the Prices For Ladies (ilow.s. are always aree(alile from Silk Hosiery i nlway- nrternile friiill . . .' . ' Lingerie i most ilesirahle frum ....... 1.'" llniiilliagx are very siulnlile frnui" jt.oo llinie Sliiipers are very 'imifnrlalilo Irmn $1'" 1 SearfH are very finsliiiiuiihle frtnn Ttiweln that are vvtuhnhlo frtim .' For Children ( III! ! I. Toys ami IhilU thai are iiuleMriirtilile froiii . . ' A 1 1 1 in i ii 1 1 ii i Seth that are tinlireaktihle from . ":" 1 For Men 1'orsylln! mill Lang Kliirl - willi Collar and (Jufr- thal me delarhahle rmrii -" " Reasonable Tho Vales aro Unbeatable Tho Prlco Is very Jabour Bros. Ltd. Phono 045 3rd Ave 7th si.