Business, Pleasure and Cooking M m Jvapute II. lived on a iiioti all Hturi'. She and her . if I combined his. business CHRISTMAS Temptation Sale WATCH THESE COLUMNS . SI a i t ! i nn vv a .wis in ' ami Jl" Wfiirinv I .ippearinjj in large 1 ' ieioetll. cine Importers Third Ave. Fish Dept. S.i i lI' Miir.-. J..'- M.-rrniK. I atern i. H I l.i lltl II'" 1 iiii. Salt Oh Flh suit lUni I or t Muddies. HI u k xtd. K iir. . - Srtinkoft lllaok l. S.l T.ill. et r . elr . Order Your Christmas Tu key and Goods Early Sealy 8 Th V.w. Phone 455. Doodson We Dell ver DRESSES for Evening, Party or Afternoon I' gr. -ai vaiirt 'ii 1 ;i I (' pi h ps. ni must "Demers" We mm Phone 27. u please. P.O. Box 327. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST WATCH! Our Big Space For 8peclal CHRISTMAS OFFERS B.C. BUTCHERS AND Q ROGERS Phone 45 and 574. United States War Secretary Would t"i iiih 1 Urges Increased Expenditure on Defences of the Nation increase army garrison Panama Canal, establish station at Hawaian Islands, and improve air service w ill a tour ut the wlmle coast.1 VAHII(jTf) Dec X lu -... .. n. , i. i s, n,,,, fre-h mil, t r,r.,iF. Ih.v,. Serretar.f War'of . S "t tffi ' 'V' w,k",;rr''orl ,'-iJ'l made "ml .olidge. p,i,. here Jor " ' , I. Pacific MJIk the third sjliliitio,, in Hie reirnlar .,r.v I,, i.- .... .. ..i . . . . . . . A . ,, tiMiiR out, she discovered i' canned milk made Mirth r. I'mni ilii'n on "it was . Hung after nnolher until I ip eoiup I,, believe I lilt in Milk in ii necessity fir it funking and I use it at fur every ihinp now." I PACIFIC MILK Head Office, Vancouver Factories Ladner and AbboUford, B.C. 'lOliirilfJHlalloil Of Ills predecessor for ineeen nf Mi.. eilllsleil strength to IJMUMIO. Hp nrtre.t II.,.) II. ..:i.. .., .1... : r ! -'-Hill III in- ii... ., , . . . Panama t.anl should Je nured will.ot.l delay nml I he western 'ilpust of the U.S., Die Island of Oahu j iwaiia gnMI1 111 lllueeil lltl O l.ftl.i I.. N.fl u n n..l. . ... ' i i , " himo k 01 any proiiniiie mnpni- iu-i.- ninrii iihh uir im iurii'i Hie M-iimrp of llo. Hawaiian. , Inland with HiPir utlitrililf rrtlH-tar. navul and commernial lia. Safety of Nation Thr Sfi-rriary of War fully dr-y l ilted the iirojet he omtflhlep iii'i i .-m-j- f,,r the foil jeution if i In- N'aHiMial iK'fence Act of !':'( the firnf real tnilitarj- m K'jr fver ftiurlcl for Hie L'nllmt Stale. The rarriP f Hie in " i-uiiin of Dial art, he con-lideiitly helieted, would In Ml re i in' -uffly of I he nation anainul in;;i e.niiin, na immense reported to Hie prehfet atr wr ice i. of inufririftl 1 In earn- out it miion the National pefene Art. and Hrt nil llwt. Iut Takr ri4lrw Out t t.biiwl Vmniifff. Tk.ic mitii:i; ot niiiri I Virxvuivr r' .. nrrupaltnn emmnn. Intrn to aiH'tv ri.r a lea of the tol-i ... ...... 1 1. I.nn . ' iiiniiM-nrlm ai a i r'" nnnani1 laland lytt. " drr. l.lin.l l. imlnt nr riiimnsnrrii..-in. mntallilnr m artf. "r r Xfl on an W. (tl . .... nnaer AftpiirBiii. I rt4 nMnhf I Shannxn hv LAND ACT. Nottc. of Inltntlon U App Jf.VVJlticJ V In 'tis mikI lisrtirnnif "Tili "iiTirr thai 1. VT ..I'hl.Tnn riirnii iinallim ,r ii'n riol. of M.ill. B.c i iint. liiu-nd In aiU i',i' IriK if Iht' iltuatMl U thr would he aide to move out Inlo the fie.i ui a iiiomenl'n noliee. irpurei fur arlive campaign, could only be accomplished hy an increase in pepMjniHd. Panama Canal "I ned not dwell 011 the tre- meiujouM strategical value ofi the I'anama (nal. The lox of the filial durinir the fir I Mape of a war would lie practically ir-reparahle. i vital that the garrmuo otalioued there he at all limeit rtiiffieient to repel any pi-niiatiie mva.lint' force and to WllllHlMnil UtW .ifVM unlit unnl. n .1... .,...! ..f I I,-., in ..l...l ' " .... ... ....... .Um0 HH leinforcemeiiti. in larpe and. noire vital ,an ni.chj ,f m)Illl,r. nfrixp f tin.nnal MTin rrull In the,, ,,,, stalen. The verv , .par,.. r UUu and the )n ..v..w ..f irre ,.hrM.W war,(f ' ... jriH, (, a loom the l nld Hal.-.. uiNrti Haff,,y (f th(, W(na TlP fj Adoption f the major army pro- UnMy arrj,, vm ;o3 offj. ierm vuM provide at the end of p an 73, mn T)(. e veam Hie "balanrl fi.r.e. KHrrt,H iurw ,26 Mun. ft.ien.ely W,..W which wa. iU Mffjc.r, ri(t HfJ8K pn. lared hy lrehlent nMilhbre in ,.( mPI, hi. maimiral adder.. Iki year, Th. Unnaum CMnRl Bol onv ill iw nrinwiliirii iiy me '"-,,,( (n tereoi of Hie nation. Mr. navt lled. "Tlie iw-enl ulrfngtb of the . i .. : . . . . . i I A military irnportunre to the l ulled Stale, hut i aUn of great political and commercial importance, plan for the em- irK.iir army i n.n ......e..i MoymBt of ow lrmii ine arrompnHinen-i oi it Hiion a a trainta and in- trnelinir cadre for the civilian . . i ... i . r.iiiiMHieni ann wmni, munii, vje 4 tn allow the perieruon OI it eenlial trainiitir." Mr. Davl fleet in either ocesan are had uion Hie iinln-li'rruplefl ii e of the oanal. It t, therefore, of Hie (irealeM thi exMinlry a a lral- iirir waterway. It i cfinlrm- . 1.. I m.A l. I L. -n , ..n ' " - " ImiH lw expiHlet rnpidly upon illie aniirnaeli inr nittirenV nt nnv uwiifr, ... .v, -.-i.nn re quired for the defene of thH the ame i te of many "therj,,,,, Hnt, increase. uranenc. ot thc ervicr. in 'n-,BVOivtp the IraRMWtation of. I pure the iratnms Of ie reenuar . . rjf. nUmr of 1,,, wju, mt- t.. ma i pomi wnere h (ht)r perMoal arm and einip LAND ACT. j .' .....t Must Be SuoDlled I It I enniderett inadvisable to ib rnnrr nwmri UMf Hwirtui t impend upon shipping at'surh a SS. "!2r J.'SZ.i'' f .ufficient supplies and u the pro- Znt u 1.4 Mir. . . ! posed war garrison durin.' its i, r JZZaZZ, Helens.- of tJie canal. Therefore rniH-rvmen. iiueiid i r tor t lew supplies and equipment must be if tlw fnlloml prwrnied lino: ! . . . .. t ...mnH-nnnf it tmt bmmmi ibni im hand prior to the outbreak of I,? a,"SSU5 iraltiiwar to fully feed, clothe, and -win t if -hmn: ihfx i etiuip in all repel. Hie wari fliain thix ivwlh .o rn.rn ; lnlre " ..... , .... M.inv nwiiHVrmr iiwii tt hirti itr urrisoi of the (.anal zone. Ilm .LTl. '."jrT;.1- ,B,, reniirf.ment in psonnel, or-VM i.r.E rmiKmrs limited. Mnualitin. suptdy. cximmunira- ppfmm i - : ..iw lion, and all other essential., .i for LAND ACT !'rir:--e liwl UK rts.i rllwn iiwk: . r.nfiivnrtnr it a pnt rlnl1 on ..,,ii. ..r ul1 llirhacl w. .,iinii hith mirf mark ta thr r nrfniiirorrliirnl. ami eontalniiit '" trf"- B",r ALfliED SWAO. APlitlrant k. E. Wrlrtil. Ap-uU Dll rlobs tth. LAND ACT. ..... . i. 1....L i Lun Land an a)eualc defense have rc- p.D 1 1 1- nn.lAPir.tie n mmn rehen- hi'tir ami revision lookinR '' 'L"." Ll",.r,'.....IM, nutr m to a more effective orKaniiation .'ntn li.fimM iiiimi. ..... tve M'Tici; out Airwl mmon, ef f the irarHiin f the l'anantu W'SSS I'.istHT!. tor orrtiniiiun TC'S. JnSr&?--l wnwi .. - and an economical reao- thr julmeiil to it needs, j-.xciusive Hintd;, ,,f ihe ouestkin of increased nersonnel for Hie tioace lime Karri sou, the more important items remaining uncompleted are the ereolion of liarrack. Huarlpr-. ami storag.9;Jijjesl the completion of fortificallous rcoiiired for Ihe projicr defenss In Oueen imriiuir winji oi ilie canal, ami uio niii'iini ' ".r&rT 7 c. 2 oof I!'"" r f roads and trail which eonslitule a military necessity. It is desirable that Ihe prnpram for the defense of the Vannma r-.. .. I i.a ..m.i.liilAfl in nn nr.1..rlw ria ni nni m : leV.i fiwii .mlhrM iw- ' "" " nS Tf u.t iii. on.. Hanae ; ihmrijt,ut systematic mtinnpr over .1 toiN.winr niMnrtrriiif r rT nesi,l nf in vears heeinnlni! I with (lie fiscal year of JSf?7. Hawaiian Island 'The KMTison of our western mm 1 111 nu,-ri. Inlt-t. onwn "s.v:! Char- nren s oias Mait rulliiutnr rtrnrrltird ln1. I .llllllliriiriii a. m - trt niillmel rorniT iF I -i ' HUM; Ih.'!"-" "'r,h."!i : hlTn r".lr .'""'.":."r i.ii. ihr lilrti wali-r ".mnienreiiirnt. an.l liiark in p.n ninia III nt ai'tT". in""- ' MaMMt. n.C. lulM Hrl'ilK LAND ACT, II, II. iota inOST. ! Nolle, af Intantlon to Appl .J;"'..!!,",, of Cnal Hana , and aouai in -.?5T-. !W h " ' l dirinaan. of iHirt to apply fr a lae of tlm rnm. '"V.Srm.'K a a pn. plant-d on ths aomi H?tnt .." r.l. na. l.ajl latam ; ........ ,.r niiiiiiii'iii'i'iiialit. and rnniainina SU arrea, more or '"jj.,, luted Orloliar lata. ! lnac BuparL e.u BWANSON, Aplli-anL A. E. wrlthl. sin. a Are quickly, pleasantly relieved by Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine If children's colds sre cot rid of promptly there will be leas tendency to pneumonia and consumption in later life. It is the neglected, hanginc-on cold that catena the lungs snd dereTo into serious trouble, a So treatment for coughs snd cohls was ever so popular with the children ss Dr. ChaM's Syrup of Lhweed snd Turpentine. It is so pleamnt to the tsste, ao delightfully soothing snd hr&ling snd affords relief no quickly that chndreii soon torn to it instinctively when choked up with a cold or annoyed by coughing. It is mother's fsvorite treatment for croup snd bronrhitla, for she knowi it will bring relief when the midnight coughing epasms net in. It is wise to always hsve a bottl at baud for prumpt use in emergency; "MILLBAk THE QUALITY CIGARETTE f-i"- Sl 15 PER PKG. S " V' LARGE PKG. OF 25 for 35$ ouftol on Hie Island of Oaliu in a position to reach a nun u n i-shoulii be sufficient tp withstand lion production of safe volume an attack of any probable manl-fin from IS to 14 months and if lure which lias for its purpose: is hoped that a 10-year prirain Ihe seizure of Ihe Hawaiian I- for Hie completion and mainten-j land wth their valuable military,! ance of the ammunition reserve1 naval and coinnvercial bases. On required for Iwo field armies of! Oaliu is located the naval base Ut; l.OOOJHH) !nijvi miiy he started! Pearl Harbor, from which Hie, with the mining year, trade routes from Asia and (lie Most of the country's harbor L'niled Stales may be controlled defenses constructed prior to, and iur Pacific coast protected. j Oaliu eonslitule. an outpost of tremendous strategic importance for defensive purposes. The strength of Ihe Oahu military garrison on June 30, 1125, was 7CU officers and I3.70S enlisted men. To protect the islands, this number should be 1)80 officers nnd lt.3i7 enlisted men. The peace parrion must be, provided naval, aerial, and military weap ons of any potential enemy. A military road system is vital in order to provide for. rapid movement, of troops and supplies so that the parrison may be kept at the minimum consistent with afey. Storage requisite for the wnr reserve supplies and material which must he provided in peace time is necessary. To supply Oahu in time o( wnr mipht be Impracticable. "The executive of the project for the defense of our western outpost has progressed in an orderly manner, according lo nn- mul nimrimrlnf inns nllnweil hv Congress. The appropriations '1 ' ally Ihe fiscal year It2(i i practically nothing. If such a policy i conliuueii, il will seriously impair Ihe-execulloti of the project. II Is Ihe hope of the War De partment thai Ihe program for beginning wilh Ihe fiscal' 1027. The project would llm be compleled by Ihe end of fiscal year of 10.1(1." Ammunition The Secretary reported the country is now believed to be the World War are now obsolete! or of secondary importance. De velopments have made necessaryj the installation of Innp-rariRtt puns of hip caliber in order loi miKlemize harbor fortifications. J . Long Range Guns 'The installation of modern1 lonp-ranpe puns for the protection of our coastal cities ami nnr mi.! vilsil linrluir ' Ihe! with armament, roads, storape Seprf.t re?ovM, olM ho ai and shelter m order lo maintain MnWe mPa,Urt. in , ,ruesl !"" iiVlr'i'""? " '"", sense of the word. It Is proble-njQTapidexpansiohlrf Jinle, t ,woud war. r urther construction " XlZtw of war. So required to keep the shore bal- far lw , as Mn now ,opn teries abreast or ahead of the .,.,. . ,r jbatlleship will never bo able to loulranpe the heavy-caliber puns which we hope to emplace for the defense of our slratepie ports and harbors. The very fact that such puns were mount- ied. nnd that Iheir location in peneral were known, would serve to prevent the approach of any hostile fleet to within effective range of such harbor defense." Air Service Speaking of the air service project, the Secretary declared any failure to keep progress wilh the developments which the air forces of the world are underpo- detrimentnl nol only lo the . t ! la 1 1... s . II. l.nt Lee., m..M n.,.1 km. ,r "crvire lisni, nut mi me en- .11.. decreased .i ..i until amount i for f.Mlre army. zation in Pending Ihe report I In ll. n...l.lnnl f II. A, o... ..'..! ill III. . irniriii ... .lie il..l hoard of inquiry lo consider Ihe whole question nf Ihe state of Hie air defense of the nalion, the Secretary of War said it seemed desirable I hat Wnr Department I I!. ? t !.., . I. A 1 .1 I the defense of Oahu mav be com- ,"HU"U"' ' ",r '' pleled within the 10-year period ln "1",Jlnn,c'' 'year of ,,,r Industrial niobill- war lime have Jieen jl,p worked out by the War Depart ment unoer i ne national iieiensc Art and olher law which pro vide Hint Ihe Secretary of War can fix prices of articles needed by the army, control transporta nr. rvrn Steamship and Train Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT will Irave PRINCE RUPERT fur VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, SEATTLE and Intrniwdlan poUits part) FRIOAV at a.m. S.8. PRINCE RUPERT for STEWART and ANYOX, WEDNESDAT. 10 JN. 8.8. PRINCE JOHN rortulftltly for VANCOUVER Via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENQEH TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT EVERY WONDAV, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at S p.m. for PRINCE CEOROE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEQ, all pouiti Laum tanada, J'nlted siatra. WHEN REMITTINQ aand Canadian National Eipraaa Monty Ortfara and Foralgn cnauta. WHEN TRAVELLING carry Tra.atUra Choavaa. Fur ls h ijinadlan Hatmnat Rva. Tlrkrl AmiK-v and Kpre Office. YOUR NEXT EXPRESS SHIPMENT CANADIAN NATIONAL AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlcktt OfNct, 62 S Third Aia Prlnct Ropon tion and give priority lo. wari needs. I I am convinced," reported-Mr. Davis, 'thai we are making an approach toward that ideal where, in case we can not avoid war. we can aocepl the wholehearted aupport of Ihe great majority of our people and prevent the small remainder from makinjr inordinate profits." LAND ACT Notlca ot Intantlon to Apply to Laaaa Land In the Qnm-n CharluUr 1land platrlrt. Land Mwtirdin DlMrlrt nf I'rlnre Huport, and alluale on the lorenhor nt Vernation Har, Ml"ftt Inlet. TAKE NOTICE that KurriM II. Slnipaon. of Maaaett, (irruiiatlon raniury malinger, Intmrta in apHT tor a Iran ot the follow-Inr ilrrll'il landf C.niiiiiieiirliit at a pout Planted on thr Mt-li water mark alum I til rtialna went fnini Uh nortlwaM mrtipr of l.ot 1S&0- ttifiir.' timiti aim fert lo kiw watrr mark; I iiwnre iKiriiiwrMrriy snu im niom nr leaa; tlieni-e e n feel tn the north weKt nirni-r ur K. II. Hlmpiwin'a atS'pra-thill to lea; tlieiiiit anotlicantrrly fol-luwlnr the hlfti water mark lo the pultt or oimnirnri'iiirnt, and runtatMna; two arrra, mom or Iras. EI'flr.ME H. PIVIPflOJ. Appllrant. , rr Fred. Nain, Ajqi. Cited Aovember ttb, llll. . PHona Z0 Use Blue Ribbon Baking Powder Your Grocer has it CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANER! The Laundry of Personal Service, Phone No. S. Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrirt-T-ServlM, SoH Finish, And Dry Cleaning. We are ready at any time to receive your phone call, to take your Instructions, to take personal charge of your Laundry and Dry Cleaning.