r... si i'i I The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Atternodn, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. R. P. PULLEN. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, Iy mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all pans or the- British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year Srt.OO To all other countries, in advance, per year ........... $7.0 Transient Display Advertising. .. .1.10 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.S0 per inch Local Readers, per insertion 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion lnc per ngate line Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - ' - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Prospects Are For Busy Season. Thursday, July 30, 1 925. rnuce unpen people, imperially the luismess men, are finding that it lakes Mime lime for a resiimplion of industrial acliyily In make itself fell in a resultant improvement in gen eral business conditions. I here are t-eu'ral hundred men employed here on elvalur eniitrurJioii this summer and the saw mill is employing another hundred, Prinre Rupert had neither or these sources of employment last spring. The haliliut fisheries are running admit normal aiid there is a greatly increased tourist traffic. Some people thinly thai the population of fhe city is aliout vou. et "merchants say llial only unw 'is bust ness beginning to pick up. They have been having gather quiet spring of it. ' - However, conditions sire looking better now and it is rea sonable to expect that present activities will result in a bustling falLjuuLprtt-pe ions winter.- .Thcreis reason to .believe, ,.lhat money will lie circulating much more freely in local hiisiue? at the end of IU2? (hall it fwa5 at' the beginning. Physchology And , Newspapers. ' There is a good deal of physrhology in the newspaper busi ness. The lask of the editor is- to piit into his columns mailer that the people will read not necessarily what will please them. He may tread on somebody's lues and may run so-called "pif-fleV' Hardly anything nppears in a newspaper that everybody reads 'but. some matter. is read more Ihan other. It is Ihe &y of the successful editor In run material that the most possible people will, read. The editor js not to be discouraged to hear his "stuff called trash.." It is more pleasant In his ears to hear tluit a large number of people read that "Irasjf than to learn that nobodv read some more weighty mailer. If Ihe public reads trash thatr it says it iloes not like, then it is up to Ihe editor to give them more of the same medicine. Women Athletes Or Suffragettes. The London "Daily Graphic" says editorially: If there is one sport win eh epijnmjzes the modern girl, it is tennis. None of Ihe Pankhursts either. Hie learned ChrMahel or the pugnacious Silvia sn stands for women's freedom as does Suzanne Lenglen or Kilty MacKane. A quarter oLa century ago ten ill was the quinlesseuce of ladylikcness. It was for most girls just a polite form of shutllerock and battledore after after-nnnn lea. . Jtvvas a jasline" rather -Ihttn .a .sport. . The tennis girl's skirts'ycre Uwf$ hcrjplay was languid., .SJi was . much Uu' proper fand. roiiceivaTdv.'mueh loo iiii'dcrilci'elooeil ika'Ih indulge in the high jumps or the tennis girl nr Indav. Carrviup i. i it. . . .... . . - i ncr r.icM-i io me ruling sue mignt nave Keen tlie nearer or ai bishop's ernzier. sn stuii ami self-cnnseiniis was she. .nt m im mm outo Man.. As As il it isl ul played today, tennis symbnlizes the, revolt nr woman's soul! pgain'sl all Ihe restrictions and ruustric lions to which it was slave even sn recently as loon. The racket has sundered ninre Chains ilia n all Ihe hammers nr all the siirrragelles. The danger is that pur girls may overdu YVimhlcdouism ami Ihe free, slren-iions manners which it commands. "TRY A NIP TONIGHT." BEST PROCURABLE g! OTTUO 6URAMTtt0jr 0 The Original Label look for it at the Vendors and insist on GRANTS "BEST PROCURABLE." This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia x-If !i A Pleasant Evening FOURTH ARTICLE DEVASTATION CHANNEL The sea. is being churned up Jiy a .-tiff breeze and the white caps are loo much in evidence for us to risk facing them with the (twen. Hence, we are au-j .bored in a little bay just ofr the sweep of Ihe wind. A big swell is beating on the shore and we. are silling on a rock oyer-) looking it all and wishing fur fairer weather. j We should have been cruising jiehveeu (Jrjbble Island and' he mainland now but the powers have said . " - obeying. ; We left unrulier s canal tliisiaud he morning aim are now on our cijp.j. way In Bufedale where we expect lo spend a liltle lime -with Joe MePhee before leavinp r our respective homes. Yesterday we explored Peril Hiver ami dined at a lofrjrinp camp wherp we reeeixed hearty welcome and enjoyed a pleasant eveninjr. Gihlersleve's camp is jus across ors. wiielner he discusses re uginn or pontics or science or tj ,IWs' must expect Youth Will Rule The y'ouifjf man, my son, is learning In use m camera and has just been dahblin? wilh it. He has turneil the instrument on his father sitting at the type-wriler. He needs correction lint is too bijr to paddle and Quite impervious lo scolding. He now from Channel Island wauls lo po for a ramble so I where Ihe logging out fit is loca- must go, too. The younper pen-! led. We landed (here Tuesday oration seems In i Ihe ruling evening- lo impure about the peiiPralinn. That fact settles river ami were invited to spend the length of this article. the evening, which we did. Re-! H. F. PfLLEN fore leaving we were piven an iu-j r vital ion lb dinner the following. - 1 ... "x-,;ninir-. j The Man in the Meon . -You may , hae , heard 11M about log-' pers and so had we. These were 8YS- lifreient. Mr. and Mrs. Gilder- " "--u, slee have a family of six, one a WE'LL doubtless he in for aj baby and Ihe oldest about fif- breezy lime now lliat the sailorsi teen. They are all workers and Jre among us again. they liave tjuite an extensive home on a rail, Ihe raft being H HUE'S to the sailormm sailing beached on the sand at the mouth the sea, of the river. Hule'dale, forty Willi heart stout as oak o miles away, is" their post office we're told; ami supply station, so il is clear Be ,!.v have a sweclheart that they cannot always have 'v,'ry lorl. fresh vegetables and fruit. They ,,ul'i,V seldom on marriage die's hunt doer and wild jroat in sea-j sold. . son and what they cannot eat' ' they can. They also dry some 0r'GV ladies, dear, please list lo the meat and smokf'salmon and 'nie'.; Ihe result is that the butchers do '".ced wilh you a lot: not pel very rich from their!1'1" 0", jh Ihrnuphout the trade. Evening at Glldersleve's x..ev.V..uers.eves aim u.eir re-; (nV a,,ou, c lalivcs 4ind employees are musi- Kowles, D.S.O. lo blow down cal. Last mght there was a big some of um ar(Uli ledger, Uarl Johnson, vho played lat ,lPy (Jo,rt anIp wit ,.e t.e accordeon fuc an houcac-;ran C,0U('N ' n of,ell? coinpaui.ed liy -Miss ltibierslee.! : The father of the family played; IK )ou IlPar ,ie or(J)r ...v a lnni. The molher played the ,JalllJs 0iLdeck- walch where v. u piano Hs well as Ihe daughleripu, ().,,. 1PV ,rp,(. and (he; gramlinollier played the ,en 0n. piano ami sang. Amdher logger played the violin the previous; WHAT I like about this "show- liiphl and others pUyed the sanie'j? the flap"' idea is Ihe. class of insiriimeiH. uu llie whole-they worthy representatives who U seemed to have a merry time yet : the showbiz there was no drinking, smoking or .swearing. Leniona.le wnis the I WDXiiKR if n. sniin-a .Irc.npest drink we tasted or copying the new fashion in men's lean! of. On Ihe wall was a.bearjpanls or wbelher the new fash hide taken from an animal kill- j0ns are cooyjnp ihe sailors? I oil by our host, and numerous -L antlers ilecoraled Ihe walls. THE beauty of coinir In sea i.i The camp schoid teacher lived Mial il gives Ihe married man at Ibis home. He was engaged U-hance to say somelhing. by the families concerned to; leach the children for the year. This is the second camp we foil ml wilh a school. Ihe other being Owen's ealup of which I wrole previously. Owen's hail a radio outfit but this one depend- on on ine inmates inemscives. for Ibeir amusement and First Weather Delay the wjnd is subsiding and we year, are planning to leave. We have; been delayed here about half an Hev. Hut Ihe-sailors, well they're not, YOU are welcome ILM.S. Cape--lown, A welcome as can be; If Huoerl doesn't suit your Lisle. Hut il does that's plain tn see. Ten YeaW; Ago in if tnt Kuprf July 30, 1915. W. E. .Cnllison is in r 8 re- hour, the only time since the be-'ceipt of a leller from his brother ginning of the holiday that lhej Arlhur, who is at the front, iu- woalher tias held us up. Yesler-i forming him that the Canadians lay we were sweltering in IhCjduly celebrated Iheir natal day heat in the afternoon and werej" -'uly I. glad In pet back lo our camp. Yet we enjoyed the trip up Peril Hiver-for a connle of mites. W'c "The ollicers of No. 5 H.fJ. Hos pnal have now received (heir were totd we might lake ourl"11' which they are tn hold in launch un the' river but were plad:510"- The staff of 72 nurses we decided In row in the dinghy.!1"1 been aprovod praelically as There are a good many perils in;rp'"",mlel. Dr. J. T. Wall, the stream, too many to please formerly of this oily, has a us. The waterfalls were so fine, however, it hat I hey were worth the (rip to see. We have been discussing human nature, Dick and I. 'We have decided that in order to carry out any great work it is necessary lo have, strong convictions and yet those rnnvictinnslmay not he right. Truth is larpely a point of i view and those holding adverse place on Ihe staff with Ihe rank of Captain. The Hoard of Trade Is meeting this aflernnnn In discuss the possibility or securing a copper refinery for this point. IL L. (Jibbs, who has rhnrge nf Ihe llaliine Hatchery (Jpornlrd ilimler Ihe Dominion (lovernmen' view- .mhWf-i.iu ioi. I.i. """ " I'""""'" J'-jMeruay i.i.. ... Aw-i"'0''"'"' News Iraln for the inlerioi. r b ui j nvui y paper work tends to make a person look on liolh side's. The. edi tor realises that every lime he takes a decided sland or cx-j Among Ihe tourists returning frnm n round trip lo Alaska en board the Clly.of geatlle, lal presse an npinion he 5s slopping " , , '" "f ""Wl. He on on M,e Ihe Ine, loes nf of many'pf n,n,.'nf I.I. his V,Sa. read enjoje.l a motor I rip around Hie oily and expressed himself being! ..1 I.. : 1 i . J ' ' " ,u ",e " sociology or any other subject,) "T '""V""" I be opposite opinion will rLu V HnpmenMir ly be held by many of his readers Col. C. W. Peck, V.C., .M.L.A., rorinerly of Prince Huperl. ha' LAND ACT been elected an honorary patron! of Ihe North and South Saanirh, Notice of Intention to Apply Agricultural Society. Lease Land LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Land Hecording District nf Prince Rupert, and situate at Ferguson Hay, Massell Inlet, Q.C. Islands, B.C. Take Notice that fiosse-Mil-lerd, Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Salmon Canners, intends to apply for a leae of the following described lands: Commencing nl a post planted approximately 20 chains east from northwest corner Lot 1571; thence south 3 chains; thente west to chains; thence south 2 chains; thence west to chains lo west boundary of Lot 157t; thence -south 8 chains; thence west 10 chains; thence north 20 chains; thence east 2 chains, more or less, to beach; thence following meandering nf shore line to point of commencement, and containing 22 acres, more ' ' ' nr. less; -: OOSSF-MlLLKftD, LTD. ApplicanL Per Wm, G.. Mitchell, 'Agenl Dated June 26th. 1925. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Charlollc Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situale about Iwo miles in a northerly direction from Rooney Point, Massett Inlet Oraham Island, British Columbia'! lane .olice that Langara Fishing & Packing Company Limiled, of Massett, n.fi., occu. palinn Packers, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a nost nlnnie,! two miles in a northerly direction from Rooney Point, Massett Inlet, Oraham Island. British Columbia; thence easterly five chains, more or less, lo low water mark; thence northerly along low water mark one " hun- null- APPHcanl. ti- r- t, r., 1 "' SimPon, Agent. r . . Dated June 13th, (925. In Queen Charlotte Land cording" District of Prince perl, aiur sjl Point, uraham Columbin. scribed lands: Isbuifl lira wxTmam Thursday, J,.y ,P.Atl TWO I Youll trce thai " Sssop) than aiy other j (mrr7rmxJuJ 1 H Afff filflS Editor of Daily News Goes Holidaying a ume higher m price . bat- mm to; llnlUh Take Notice that Langara Fishing & Packing Company Limited, of Massett, B.C., occu palinn Packers, Intends tn apply for a lease pf the following de Commencing at a post planted at Rooney Poinl, Craham Island, British Columbia; thence nor Iherly five chains, more or less, to low water mark; thence west eny aion -iow water mark one hundred and sixty chains; thence southerly five chains; thence easterly one hundred and sixty chains, more or Jess, to poinl of commencement, and containing eighty acres, more or less LAM.AHA FISHING & PACKING PACKINO CO. LTD. Applicant. Per E. II. Simpson, Agent. D.tled June 12th. 1925. LAND ACT Notice of Intention .to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte Land He-cording District or Prince Rupert, and situale about one nnd a hair miles east or Massett Lighthouse at the mouth of Mas-sell Inlel, Graham Island, British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that Langara Fishing & Packing Company Limited, of Victoria, B.C., occupation. Packers, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot Seven, Graham Island. Uritish Columbia, about one and a half miles east of Massett Lighthouse at the mouth of Massell Inlet, Graham Island, British Colum- uia; thence northerly five chains, more, or less to low water mark; mr rr nt.lin IV. IIIIIT1V nu Ifri im iiren ami nitiv oi.oin.. i . . : - -o m westerly five chains; vi 11 I . I iiannai niifl- one hundred nnd .uiu ll.n. L.I.l-. 1 1 . . soulherlv nn i,.,nrfM..' .""-" "ouuieny me chains more nr Vr.. , S'"y c"alnH; l,,ence easterly one hun- """" nc,0!: PACKINn P.n f Tn t. . " i I.A.MiAlt.V KISIIIvn .. nif'L'iVM - w , CO. LTD., Applicant. Per K. II. Pimpson, Agent Dated June 10th, 1925. . il .: f eeP.ts II I llLam m f lmy Ln a i ,' NAVY CUT If- CIGARETTES Have You 1 o( b New Taxi Tickets! If you hav ! you haven I g Each fare of w you lo a'iice may brinji On Sal unlay gust 8. belwer p.m.. a friend be walking a making Third chief centre, a ticket pinnr Ihe same as ' our cars give Taxi." U you friend of oufs 'Have yon lh Ti hekerV If rigL.TjTjti. Jiryi s ntfice and ge Your tickel in on your ooa, can turn you y " The Prince Rupert! Transfer & Taxi C&I Phones 189-112 Service Unexcelled Wood! Woo Now ts yui-DRY CEDAR Full load . ,j . Halt load ..... Large sacks . . DRY BIRCH Per load ... i I HydeTransfei 139 Second Avenue Phone S80 Night ofP" WE BUY BOTTLE'- P.O. Box 235. PhM V Richard Garreli reorcscntmg W. H. M, ROLSTON Snecinlislnir in Canal Mining' tXi- Porter Idaho-Marmot