,(lav July 30. 1925, Ttl.ir THIS DAILY NEWS ' ; XkPPM You need a new soak themselves snowy white in R i n s o One of the hardest tasks on washday used to' be the washing cf big, heavy sheets. You had to rub and rub away at the sheets and afterwards you were so tired that the rest of the day was spoilt for you. Today, no more of that back-breaking labour b necessary. Jus: let the Rinso soap-suds do this work for you! It soaks dirt right cut. Rinso dissolves instantly and completely in boiling water. Alwayt ue auiTicirnt Rinw to gtt f"2&!5&- a Iiitine suds after the clothes are put to soak. Lever Brothers Limited Toronto Kinso Bill 10 iH DdUlIUg h&M season i Imvc u wide a--oi tiHpiil l t-olui uikI styles Skull Lap. Ilelniel, A lation,' Ui ing .-oriie prettily decor-uled, oilier qtiile llain. Sumo have cliiu straps like the Siilimaruie style which lias the sirup liiiill into ear poi kets. Keeps the water out and takes the pressure off the ear?. Prices range from, each 25c to $2.00 Rubber Bags to tarry Uu'Jiing Suit. -ami Towels from . . .' , . ... $1.75 to $3.75 Ear Stopples, to proterl the ears while in the water, per irjTF-rrrrr.vrrrr? r.: . . . 25c Water Wings, fo ive eonJideiire while learning: Ui swim, per pair '. 50c Ik n't wait ulilil yon want to n-e these things, (he : e ina be rlo-eij hen on nerd them, liny now. ORMES LIMITED Wholesale and Retail Druggists 3rdAve. and 6th St. Phones 82 and 200 FOR SALE Halibut Gear $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian Fish & CM Storage Co, DA PRINCE RUPERT.-B.C. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Enjjlnoers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING- Our plant is equipped to limine all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F Local and Personal li.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. You'll like our joall Consum ers Coal Co. Phone 7. tf Anywhere. Anytime. Arlhur'a Taxi, 50c. Phone 078. tf La Parisicnne lieaulv KIiop. Fourth St., Phone 301. tf Two cars at voup Rat-vim. Sneddon Taxi. Phone 134. If Watch for our Sale List in Thursday's paper. Wallace's. 175 Tor the busy man or woman. a Urown car saves money. Phone 80. if M. !' McCalTei-y returned from up river points on last evening's train. Prince Rupert 0 per cent bonds for sale, due ItfiG to 1935. Thos Meoiyinont. if Hev. Dr. 11. H. (Irani was the speaker, at the' llqtary Club lun- clieon this afternoon. Head our ad. It may mean I0 to you. Prince lluperl Transfer and Taxi Phone 1 BUHL', tf Our low. rates have been an Outstanding success and we shall continue on this basis. Drown Taxi. Phone 80. tf Mr. and Mrs. T. Annesley and son, who have been enjoying a holiday at Jasper and Vancouver, relurned to Hie city on last evening's train. Harry Martin, who was formerly on the local provincial force al Ihiu iwiinl w mm- caled at Port Hardy, Vancouver Island, where he is conducting a Hotel. O. 11. Naden, deputy . miulsler of land; was a passenger for tinsmith on the Prince Charles last i vening. Miss Kiier Naden will sail on ihe'WtfivVperl on Sat- nrriay. vs- Art .Noble, who has been Iransferred in the customs ser vice from . Premier (Silver Llleihts) to Och J-alls, was a passemrer for lhe-Vouth by the I'rince Charles last evening. F. C. Wasson, of Victoria, go- ernmenl inspector of creameries. is regifleml at the Prince Ru pert Hotel. He arrived on last nichl's train from the interior where he has been inspecting rrcaiin'Ncs. R. R. Hrierly of Seattle, sales manager of the Smith Canneries Machine l,o., manufacturers of the "iron chink" is a visitor in th cily on business. He expects to visit the local cannery points before leaving. Dr. II. C. Williamson of Xa-naimo of the federal biological department is registered al the Central Hotel. His mission to the district is to make, obscrva lions in connection with salmon marking experiments that are being carried out. Dr. W. T. Kergin, who has been away for the liast few months on a trip to the .Old Country, will return to the cily on litis afternoon's train. He slopped off for a day enroute west at Hazelton wliere he was met by Mrs. Kergin. F. M. Crosby, of the SI. Klino rooms, received a surprise visit yesterday from his nephew Virgil Cro.by. manager of the National Hank at (ilencoe. Minn. Mr Crosby had not seen his nephew since boyhood. Mr. V hn 1 Crosbv is here on a holiday visit. Commencing Saturday, August I, the ll.C. Hulchers and (Jrocers, Lid. will discontinue doing busi ness at the store known as Prince Rupert Fish Market, hut will carry on as usual at Iheir oilier store. Phones 15 and 571. Host possible seiViee and ipjulity guaranteed. 170 The shin's eoninanv of 11. M.S. Capetown, by kind nermisslon nf Capl. !, S. lCnowles, D.S.O., will give a variety concert under tho auspices of the (l.W.V.A. in I lie West holme Theatre, Monday, August 3, al 8 p.m. Tickets on sale al Onnes Ltd., reserved seals $1.00. Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE Tho Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Ureakfast, Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Dinners and after Theatre Refreshments Our Specially is Home Made Ice Cream and Confectionery. Wholesale or Retail. You will be pleased with our service. Let us please you. KILLAS&CHRISTOPHER Phone 17 Sheddon's Taxi the original 50c. taxi. Phone 134. tf Month End Clean-up Sale.- Thursday, Friday and Saturday: See our windows. Wallace's. home. 1 lO Chas. Durham of Usk arrived in the cily by yesterday's train and left aath this morning for Have a-nice outing. Trades and Labor Council Picnic, Digby Is land, Sunday,.- lloat leave Cow Kay 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Adults 50c. The first Presbytery meet in of the Prince Rupert district of the United Church of Canada will lie held on Wednesday and Thursday of next week in the United Church here. ALASKA WILL HAVE SIX AIRPLANE FIELDS Construction is Approved by Territorial Road Commission; Total Cost $5,900 JUNKAU,. July 30. of six airlane landing fields in Alaska Ijas been approved by the territorial road commission. These fields will be Livengood. Wiseman, Fort Yukon, Chande- lar, Lake Mounaliu and Tacotna The total cost will bo 15,900. FRENCH TRAIN WRECK. TOURS. France, July 30. Twelve were killed and a number injured when an express train from Lemans to Tours jumped I lie track near the station at St. Anloinc. WIRELESS REPORT S a.m. Digby Clear; calm; liar 30. 20; temp. C2; sea smooth. Hull Harbor Overcast; fresh northwest wind; bar. 30.10; temp. 57; sea smooth; H p.m. spoke Admiral Kvaus bound from Seat-tie to Ketchikan 237 miles from Ketchikan: 8 p.m. spoke Prince John in Hecate Strails bound for Rose Harbor. Dead Tree Clear, calm; bar. 30.21; temp. 51; sea smooth. Noon Digby Wear; calm; bar. 30.-20; temp. 02; seii-.munijlli. Hull Harbor Overcast; light northwest wind; bar. 30.10; temp. 59; sea smooth; 9 a.m. spoke ss. Catala in Millbank Sound northbound; 1.15 a.m. spoke Prince Charles at Pointers Island sotitlibouud; 5.30 a.m. spoke Princess Charlotte at Ivory Island southbound. Dead Tree Clear: rulin; bar. 30.27; teniji. 01: sea smooth. SALT LAKES SERVICE Launch "23" will leave the I'rince Rupert Hoalhouse on Thursday. Saturday and Sunday afternoons every half hour from 1 p.m. und on other week days every hour from 2 it.m. Launches, rowboats and canoes for sale or hire. 1'IUXCK HUPF.RT HOATHOUSH l'hono 381. NOTICE. Wong Hoy and W'mur Yuen hereby notify the public tbov have this day taken over Hie bus iness ,of Ibe WashiriBton Cafe. 753, Ninlli Ave. West, formerly known n Deo Wong's. 'We will not be responsible for any monies owing by said Deo Wong after this dalo. WONO HOY. WO.Nfl YUK.V I'lince Rupert. II.C, July 29, 1925. 173 H ere an ere Conditions In the fruit areas of British Columbia are reported ai satisfactory. Weather conditions have been good and the trees are healthy. According to recent reports general conditions in the Maritime Provinces are normal. Potato seed-ing is about complete. Trees In the Annapolis fruit districts are in good shape and estimates point to a nor mal crop. A consignment of lumber from South Westminster, B.C., arrived recently at Dorval, Quebec, on the Canadian Pacific lines, consisting of twenty-nine logs of Douglas Fir, some t which were so long that three flat-cars were required to carry them. Field Marshal Earl Haig and Countess Haig travelled through western Canada to the Pacific coast over the Canadian Pacific Railway recently, after attending the conference of the British Empire Service League at Ottawa. "Western Canada has never had better crop prospects than which exist now," stated Ernest G. Cook, of E. Cook, Ltd., Crop Insurance Co., of Moose Jaw, Sask., who recently spent two weeks at Banff, after touring the West and studying crop conditions. According to "Agricultural and Industrial Progress in Canada" the Department of Trade and Commerce has issued the following comparative statement for 1924 and 1925 trade in the Dominion: Total 1924 1925 trade .$1,902,130,164 $1,878,294,180 Impts. . 893,366,807 796,932,537 Expts. . 1,058,765,297 1,081,361,643 Fav. Bal. 165,395,430 284,429,106 According to the Dominion Bureau of Statistics the annual consumption of standing timber for use, amounts to about 2,600,000,000 cubic feet. The loss by fire, insects and fungi about doubles this depletion, and it is estimated that Canadian forests are depleted at the rate of upwards of five and a half billion cubic feet per annum. For the first time In the history of Canada upwards of three thousand redskins from the four western provinces and Montana journeyed to I McLeod, Alberta, early in July, and held an all-Indian celebration and formed a league of plains Indians. Five thousand white people attended the ceremony and watched the Indians stage their spectacular mounted vrar-dance. Deep gratification is felt in Canadian Pacific Railway circles over the receipt of the following cablegram sent to President E. W. Beatty by His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales: "Umvuma, South Africa, July 2nd. Have just heard of Mr. Howard's death. Please convey to relatives my deepest sympathy. (Signed) Edward P." The late Mr. W. B. Howard was twice in charge of the Prince of Wales train when His Royal Highness travelled ever Canadian Pacific lines. For the second time In the history of the newsprint Industry, Canadian output has run ahead of that ef the United States. During the month of May Canada produced 130,013 tons of newsprint, as compared with 129,026 tons in the United SUtes. The cumulative production of Canadian mills for the first five months of the current year totals 622,235, which favorably compares with a production of 632,034 in the United SUtes during ths sam period. 1 ONLY ONE ARRIVAL. The only halibut arrival loday was the American selrooner Western, which sold to the Hoolli l isheries at 15.30 ami 7.5c. Karl Harrie and- Cecil Hacker are spending t lie day al Sliawat-lans on a trout fishing When Attacked By Dysentery YOU SHOULD TAKE AND YOU WILL GIT PROMPT RELIEF When you ask for "Dr. Fowler's"' be sure you get what you ak for, as mmo oi those cheap, no-name, no-reputation preparations may prove dan. gerous to your health. For 80 years, put up only by The T. Milburn Co LjmitL Toronto, Qa m Truhf'lhe cup that cheer I TEA. AS IT SHOULD BE I Just arrived--a large assortment of framed pictures l'rices range from $1.35 to $12.40 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings Phone 123. Boat braid 3rd Avenue ers! We have 20,CC0 feet of 1-2 Inch, 5-8 inch, 7-8 inch and 1 inch Cedar Boat Lumber which we must sell as we require the yard space for oilier stock. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 117. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert Prince George Prince Charles Sailings from Prince Ilupcrt For Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle and intermediate ports, Monday, at i.UO p.m., and Wednesday and Saturday, at 0.00 p.m. For Anyox and Stewart Holiday and Friday, 4 p.m. For Skagway and Alaska Ports, Wednesday, 4.00 p.m. S.S. Prlnco John for Queen Charlotte Islands and Vancouver, Fortnightly. PASSENQtn TRAIN8 LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY (ictpt Sunday 11.30 am. for I'rlnre Goorgc, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, ill potuls Lasl'ru i.iiaua, L'nitirt Slates. AOENCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Clt Tlcaat Offlct, 62 S Third A, Prlnc. Rup.rt. (CANADIAN PACiriCjf Phon. 260. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert far lETCEIKAN, WRA'ICOi, JUNEAU. SUCWAT Far VANCOUVER. YICTOXIA and SEATTLE S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. July 6. 10, 13. 17. 20. 24. 27, 31 . July 4,8, 11, IS, 18. 22. 25. 29 For Butadala, SwanMn Bay, Eatt Bella Bella, Ocean Falla, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbtll Rlttr, and Vancouver every Saturday 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamahlp Llnee. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD Qeneral Agent. Ccrner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.O. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Night Phones 687 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED lo building next door to Frizzdl Hiilrher Shop, across from lite Empress Hotel We carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION, James Zarelll Proprietor