l Uir raltinct unlil after . I..- i :i: ' a llrunswick provincial ... . I,. ii.t.. '.";!,... ..iil w- Mcparry Says that M Negot- 1 11 In thai case it is Im-iia' any ailnounceineiUj iadi- for at least a couple j iegaiilint the holding; . ion this autumn. It in jtrnttled lh.it (lie gov ts nwaitin? Hie New ii ni" io ins year. For I he pre-is- npnarenl thai tU' of liotdin an eleetion iir snow f Iicm remains :im) DDFMnED AU m m. m. k k m mw mm m m m m. JOSEPH HEARST Hunted on Two Continents, Gives Himself Up. WINNIPLTi. July 30.- Hunted ' ac police of two conlinenli 1 more than ncven 111011111, j ' cpli Hearst, former head of 'l llrl ilili'l 1 1 0:1 p j I MikIk I'llli- v f'.o. of Canada, surren-"'''d o the police on Tuesday. Hearst disapiieared from Win- H"1 Ul Derpinlipr lO-'l fiillow- aveiHgation into the af- I i 01 ins company. An audll- II of Mie firm's book revealed 'l' Jllllllplii riti!iiii.li,l niillnnall I " . I.. II V I II I K l.l l l" " 'ar 'orpontlion involving a 0 investors llirouahoill anitUa and l,o fulled Slates of Vin jx mutely 75O,000. 1 1 VI1VIH I A I IIIIM iU Mk A M W A 1 W DEATH SENTENCE amamoto Will Not Hann for murder fit Fellow Country-wan at Port Alice V 1 .m;iLYMI. .Inlv :tn . The i..,i " . . . : -.h-i; 01 iicii 1 unon I. Yama- Jllllaillsi. fin- imii-ilni-imr nil ' l- counliyiiian al Port Alice '1 May, lias been coniinuled Io lf" iinpiisoniniMit aecorillng Io i'.iiing Here yesterday '' utu lepiir!,., or Juslice ' 'Hlawa. Yumamolo was to ' ioen hanged on Auaust 7 1 w Uoclured Ln havt. been mtane at iin. - -.. iiiuv inn cniiie win nd represenlallons -u,wa on Ju, behalf resulted lul ... .. . imuii 01 sentence. latlons In New York are Making Favorable Progress (.Special to I tally New , TORONTO, July 30, T 'MeOarry. representative of LIQUOR SEIZED BY lU.- I'll' I (lif'V iwi it Itllllliwil ID Jill IIIVJ III! tllllll CtCI Ul - . T Ul I I1K B M I' C f t .... I- ..r ii. m:.... i'...i..ii.... 1L ill 1 1J V JUL IIL;i,Jlft li' i. uuift avviviuij ui mi; .lunula rtuuidliuil, ' X.MWKOltl), Wales, July 30. Armed with bludgeons,! . - ..l.l I...m,Ij i.T ulHinifT III i i k A n1 nl 1 f. IIM ..l - -L. li I nlil.i at Mirarue area early today, intimidating officials and oitlerzl--' io Get' a Reduction In inn nie s.wciy men io wuuuraw warsnips nrr1!!! A-TlTiM imm lln- Despite the advice PHI III Alllllu :nr llu Minnie' l-'n.liit-ii I inn Hint l.l. ill. l-l - - " - - in ii v I'Otil'il.i rnnm . i 1 -j f li i MIVJ . I t. I I Ul llll 11 "J.-Jli-, HIV (W 171 CPTfAM ,'n'e," uwn wcnl oul- Twenty MM I4.! .r.l . I !( Ill """isam! are on strike in vxi uuuviivn hu (lis(rjcl am, tU 1(0ljce have i - Iippii powerless Io prevent dis- iwva KiiiAv tnat "-mural iiii'iinnrpu Cabinet Is Now Awaiting Result In New Brunswick i A, July JO.- II is now uri-p ou ood authorilv . rr will t)e no nioie inei'l- WHALEN CO. TO , BE REORGANIZED Hie LliiliAiilllKit fill.l j I ! In klillt tj 111 lllit result before decidmsr,...,. , .. - . so t.fore ihei: " " ::;...,"..v: mill it iiiiiTiiir luiiiimiui iiif ncujialin? with New York fi-luiuciers wilh a view to making a financial reorganization I hat will pill the ' business on a stable basis, is making favorable pro gress due to improved operating: conditions. Mr. MeOarry says that the WhaV" Co. has been making jttood operating profits for sev eral mom us aim -uiiii uiHiiiiiiuiia in Hie pulp industry are more stable I ban ever before. The first mortgage bondholders will meet in Montreal on August 20 to vole on reorganization plan The debenture stockholders have until August 31 to complete re organization so prospects are cheerful. CUSTOMS OFFICERS Haul of Five Hundred Cases Is Mado on West Coast of Vancouver Island YCTOIIIA, July 30. More than 1 five huiidreil cases 01 iiquui wrn. seized Ilv customs oflleers on Saturday nighl at Ucliieiei, on Mm west coast of Nancouver I .11 I'l... (....ii ii 14 potior m nrru. mu lIIUf , lug Dreadful lias ten 10 uiiii Ihe conlraband l 'Id pm-t. STOCK MARKET II.C. Silver L. it i Marmot Metals. Purler Idaho Riifus Terminus Daly Alaska ... Premier Surf Inlel llazellon Howe Sound ... Selkirk. Silvercresl O ran by Olnilstone. Hay view Indian Hid Asked 1. 10 3.3.r) 3.50 .30 .31 .11 .15 .21 .12 .'-'0 .18 .2." 1.21 2-'ft .0 1 .05 .01 .02 2 1 ,00 ,0t .05 .17 11.00 10.00 2 1 .2A .05 .01) .00 .07 LONDON, July 30. The House of Commons last niahl put its si stamp of approval on the gov efjimeiil's cruiser building pro gram. This was done after the Liberals ami l.aliorites hail sought to have the appropriation for the new warships reduced on the ground that there was nn naval war in sight aH. fhore- ifiiri'. i! was iiei'iIU'ss In bimien inn already heavijylaxed country ULSTER WINS SOCCER CUP Defeated Nanalmo Two to In Dominion Champion ship Final Vancouver Man Arrested as Went to Pick up "Hush Money" from Japanese wilh an addithjiial expenditure of 5.8,O0p.Q&0ifc;f ltamsuy MiMlonatd, former premier, moved for a reduction in the shipbuilding vole but Die House rejected the proposal by a vote of 270 to I iO. Nil WINNIPEG, July 30 The Ulster United football team of Toronto last nhht won tho Dominion soccer championship and tho Connaught Cup by defeating Nanalmo western champions, two coals to nil In tho third came of tho series. The first two games were draws one being scoreless and tho other, one all. ACCUSED OF BLACKMAIL he YANCOUYKIl, July 30. Nor man Hradley, aged 43, is being held by the police In connection wilh an alleged blackmail plot againct a "Japanese Lodging House Association and Japanese Hank,'' He was taken in cus tody yesterday .morning when he went Io the steps of a church to pick up a ' suitcase placed there following a demand for 82,000 "hush money made in a letter sent Hie Association. NO ANNOUNCEMENT- ABOUELECTION Premier King Leaves for his Summer Home Following Lengthy Cabinet Meeting Tuesday OTTAWA, July 30 Following a prolonged cabinet meeting 011 Tuesday, Premier King left for his summer home after an nouncing that there was nothing In 'make public. 11 is generally lieHeve.o that no dale was eon - siduierl for the general federal election. ing port. BOSTON GRILL ai.d Large Lpstair Dining Hall, Ambulance wilh newly laid dancing a f floor for hire. Suitable for oervics dances, banquets and wed at Anytime. Anywhere ding parties. 3rd Ave. Royal Hotel, Stind Ferrates, apply to Boston and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT drill, Third Ave. VIDECK, Prop. MATT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. .... x'i jr: T)I A ,u' PIUXCE Hl'PKItT, H.C., THIUSDAY, JULY 30, ll'So. Vt-UrtUy'i ClrcuUtlon 1647 Strut ttlM SSI PRICE FIVE CENTS. am s i r i OUTLOOK GLOOMY TODAY ALIFORM DOCTOR CLAIMS INVENTION OF NEW INSTRUMENT OF WARFARE euouaiions Between uwners and Workers Continue; Twenty Thousand Miners Quit Working LONDON July 30. Chances for averting the threatened t tm 1 rtn h coal strike uppeared to he decreased today. Negotiations IV A y V rrjnr KKl ifiK A JVI ,vren the owners and the worker, meeting separately wilh llvlillflljl f : li i - itmiiwiii, i. i- i v.tiihiiii uii iiiiiiiiiiig iii (i giiiuiiij ill- ill IjY jil fl a J i rv I I ' I...M.I... I R. a. .Stun and . K. Morgan, two fleet footed nieinbers of the Oxlord-Canyhndge track and athletic team, which is now in the L njled .Slates, visiluig various Anieriean H. M. S. Capetown will Spend Seven Days in Prince Rupert; in The cruiser left her bast, in Hermuda June 0 and proceeded from I here to the Panama canal .one arriving there on June II ami leaving on June 13. From there she proceeded lo San Diego which was reached on June 23 and cleared again on June 20 for Christinas Island olT Honolulu where she arrived on July 0. Leaving there on July 8 she sleained for Fanning Island which she reached on July 'J. On July II she cleared for Honolulu, arriving (here on July 15. Remaining in Honolulu until July 0, she cleared for this pork and arrived outside the entrance o the harbor on Tuesday. Kxcellent weather prevailed throughout the trip apart from a lillle fog olT the H.C. coast which delayed slightly her arrival at Prince Rupert. The cruiser will remain in port until next Wednesday when she will sail for Esquimau, Nanaiilio and Van couver. Public Inspection During her stay in port several opportunities will bo given lo Ihe public lo make an inspection of the ship. Saturday and Sundax afternoons will be reserved for this purpose and should that no prove sulllcient lime for all who care lo go over the vessel then further time will be given on other days. The O.W.V.A. entertained as many or the men as possuue last evening al a concert and 'smoker in their club rooms. Tonight there will be a football match 011 Acropolis Hill between a learn from Ihe ship and local players and on Tuesday lliere will be a return game. The ships band will be in atlendance at Ihe match. A public dance has also been arranged for one of the evenings while the cruiser is in port and one evening will be given over lo a concert given by Ihe ship's band. In addition there will doubtless be private entertainment offered by citizens lo various members of the ships complement. Capt. O. 11. Laird, commander is planning a four-day bear ' nut tits - exyediiion while here t DOES NOT WANT LEAVE CANADA Sir Henry Thornton, However, Makes no Definite Announce ment on Future Plans OTTAWA, July 30. "I have made no., plans, but I cannot imagine anyone want(ng lo leave Canada after having resided here three years," .declared Sir Henry Thornton on Tuesday night when inquiries were made regarding rumors of his departure. He said that he did not feel that he should make any announcement as (his should come from the government. The matter of the Peace River railway sljuation, Sir Henry said, was in the hands of Hie Alberta government. ROSSWATSON GETS LIBERTY Ball of $10,000 was Granted Yes terday by Mr. Justice Morrison VANCOUVER, July 30. Ross Watson was granted 10.000 bail yesterday by Mr. Juslice Morri son on'applicalion of R. L. ..Malt-land, iii counsel. Watson will be liberated as soon as bonds are arranged pending his second Irial a I ip .Nana 1110 Assizes in -UCl. ober. He was charged with rob. bery of the Royal Hank til .Na nalmo lasi spring and Ihe Jury disagreed when dealiiii: witli his case a Couple of months ago. LEGISLATURE TO OPEN OCTOBER 26 VICTORIA, July 30.- Following a meeting of Hie cabinet, OetoheV 20, is announced as the lenlatlve dale for the opening of Hn lesislatui" Claims Invention of Death Stroke in Form j of Canned Lightning SAN FHANC1SCO, July 30. Dr. Kdwin Scott, self-styled inventor of what he terms a death stroke in the form of "canned lightning" which he claims will revolutionize existing war tactics, will formally ask the Navy Department's assistance in testing the ic vitioit off the California coast in September on an old Iiallien1p or a pilolle.. airplane. Scott says thai his invention i capable of destroying all life on sea land or air within a radius of twenty miles nnd can disable all radios in a similar radius, lie claims that the inveii-itioii iiui'iieil holes in two-inch stepl plates al a distance of tlireej ! to seven miles and thai dummy,' I airplanes were destroyed in ait! i tests. INDIANS FAIL TO SEE KING Disappointed With. Their Reception. In London LONDON, July 30 "dunr cbteTs, who .arrived here from Hrilisli'tkdumbia to seek an audience wilh Ihe King- to submit their grievances cb'ncerning tenure of lands and trapping of game, are ifisappoiiitcd mid disi couraged. Interviewed by- the Morning Post, they said they had spent a fruilless day calling upon the Duke of Connaught's private secretary, the Colonial oilico and P C. Larkin's oilico in an endeavor lo arrange for an audience with Hie King. Everyone. Ihey saw professed inability to procure their admission to His Majesty. The chiefs are from Ihe Douglas Lake. Honaparte und Shuswap reserves. PRINCE LEFT SOUTH AFRICA YESTERDAY FOR SOUTH AMERICA CAPETOWN. July 30. Com pleling his lour of South Africa, Hie Prince or Wales left yesterday morning aboard IL.M.S. Re pulse for Sotilh America. Ho is due in Monlivideo on August 11. BASEBALL American League St. Louis 7, New York 8. Chicago 0, Washington 8. Detroit 2, Philadelphia 10. Cleveland 10, Hostou 5. National League lloslon 0. PillshurgjH. Philadelphia 5,' Cincinnati 9. New York 2, Chicago i. Hrooklyn 3, SI. Louis 10. CHARGED WITH BOSTONMURDER Gabrlelle Punolello, Late of Prince Rupert, Is Arrested In Vancouver VANCOUVER. July 30. Gab rlelle Ptinelello alias Raffaelo De Pasquale was arrested here Ibis .morning on warrant charging him with the murder of a farmer near Huston two 1 years ago. Piuieiello is said to have arrived recently Troiii Prince Rupert where he worked for soma tunc. TO REBUILD AT MINAKI I Resort, Like Jasper Will Replace That Which was Destroyed by Fire Receive Visitors at Week-end chiefs from British coiumbu', w,XM1,fi:;'' ,J,uly l30--5i1nak! . 1 ,uuw,u "v11 -. 1 Inn, one of lite Canadian Natlona'. 1I.M.S. Capetown reached port yesterday afternoon shortly nfter 2 o'clock and lied tip at the ocean dock. Lpou her arrival, she wms met Lv Mavor Newton and a committee front the (i. W. V. A., ciMitling-fjr"J. Campbell, J. Hutchinson. ''IfSth-VrSWes, und .M. .McArlhur. (ieo. Hill, as president of the football usso. ciaiion. was present and arranged for a game between local players and a team from the cruiser. The delegation was greeled very cordially uiidtfntertnihed on hoard after arranging for several items of entertainment dui - llieir slay of seven day Railways summer hotels which .was destroyed by fire last month on the eve of oneiiinsr. will bo Three In-, rebuilt 011 -Hie-- bniiL-alow stvlu s nulla r to JaspeT'l'ark Lodge. Announcement lo this effect was made today following a conference of system ofllcials with Sir Henry Thornton who slates that plans will be developed, immedi- ilely for the erection of the new- inn the banks of tile Winnipeg rtvetv BRITISH PEER PASSES AWAY Son and Heir of Lato Lord Cheylsmore Has Been Resl-dsnt of' Alberta for Four Years LONDON, July "3b. Major General Lord Cheylsmore died here yesterday following injuries sustained in a recent accident. The sou and heir of Lord t'.heylsmoro has been a resident of Alberta, Canada, since 1021. He has been farming on two sections of land known as the Happy Valley ranch near Alix. HAIG AGAIN URGES UNITY Gives Final Message at Montreal Following His Tour of Canada , . . MONTREAL, July 30i-In a farewell message here Closing his Canadian tour. Field Marshal Earl Ilaig urged ex-ser'jc- men "to link hands again as.;pu did on the field in dial magnificent splrH Of good-'ft'llowshlp, and trust which, 'above all things, carried tt through lo ultlmalo triumph. EXHIBITION FOOTBALL ' GAME. H.M.S. "Capetown" vs. t Prince Rupert. Tonight (Thursday): at 6.45 Hand in Atlendance Admission 25c Ladles free.