WEEK END DEMONSTRATION Heinz Pure Food Products By Mr. Ft. Bramley FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY SPECIAL $1.00 COMBINATIONS The following assortments will lc on .sale for two days only at this specitjiricii YCtTSAVE AT LEAST 20 'PER CENT Special Stop Sale Heinz Pure Food Products Lot 1 8 tins Heinz liaked Heans, plain or in Tomato Sauce, tjthall size. Lot 2 0-tins llcinz linked lleans, plain or in Tomato Saiire, medium size. Lot 3 2 largj? tins JJeinz liaked Hearts, 1 medium tin Heinz liaked . Heans, 2 small tins Heinz liaked Heans. Lot 4 1 tins Small Red Kidney Heans, 3 tins Small liaked lieaus in Tomaloe Sauce. Lot 5 7 tins Small Cooked Spa-glielli. Lot 6 5 tins Heinz Mi-dhim Cream Tnmuloc Soup. Lot 7 7 tins Heinz Small Cream Tomaloe Soup. Lot 8 2 liotlles Heinz Large Tomaloe Ketchup, 1 bolllc Heinz Vinegar, White, Malt or Cider. Lot 9 3 tins Heinz Medium Cooked Spaghetti, 1 .tin, medium, liaked lleans, 1 tin, medium, Cream Tomaloe Soup. Lot 10 l tin Heinz Small liaked Heans, 1 tin Heinz Small Cream Tomaloe Soup , 1 tin Heinz Small Cooked Spaphelti, 1 hnllle lieiiiz 5 oz. Worcester Sauce, 1 bottle Mfeinz Vine?ar, While, Malt or Cfikr. Lot 11 1 liotlle Heinz Sweet Mixed Pickles,' 2 small I ins Heinz lied Kidney Heans, 2 small tins Heinz Cream Tomaloe Soup. Lot 12 1 larse liotlle .Heinz Tomaloe Ketchup, , 1 large bottle llcinz Salad Cream', 1 in nz. liotlle Malt, White or Cider Vine-par. Rupert Table Supply Phones 210-211-212 Dancing At the Auditorium TUESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS, 8 to 11 p.m. SATURDAY EVENINGS from 8 to 12 midnight. i Dance 10c, 3 for 23o Tree Admission. L. J. MARREN,- Prop. Phono Black 443. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone (I. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel VvY Bpeolallza In Piano and Furniture Moving. TEN THOUSAND DOLLAR WAGER E. McCoy Making Hike From Frisco to Halifax and Re turn LAND ACT. Notlct of Intention to Apply to Ltase Land In Skeena Kanire & Land District. li- iiiir i.o. Ltd., or Vancouver, u.c, occupa iur periiMniiiii icasu 1110 loiiowinir de scribed lands: 1 1 Hon, Salmon Canners, Intends to appl) Coinmenelnir at a nnst nlanled at hi eh water mark on southwest point on Wnle.-Island, ll.C.j thenco north one chain; thence cask te.ip chains; thenco south ore chain to Mifrc line; thence west oIoiik shore linn to point of rnmuienrcmont, and comaininir one acre, more or ess. THE CANADIAN F1SHIN0 CO; LTD. FRUIT Specials for FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY CASH and CARRY Note These fruit specials will Itc sold only in the Dry Ooods Store and will not be Clock Specials. However, there is a real possibility of this special being sold out the first 'day, as fruit being a perishable article we cannot order an unlimited supply. 100 BASKETS BARTLETT PEARS F.very piece of fruit Guaranteed sound. Extra Special, BOo Baskot 100 BASKETS FREESTONE PEACHES Willi a money hack guarantee as lo quality. Extra Special, 60o Basket On Display in Sixth Street large window. UniversalTradinq Company i WLN'NIPF.G, Man., July 30. J I'en thousand dollars is the wager which J. E. McCoy expects to win from the executive of the San Francisco Athletic Cluh for J his hike from San Francisco to Halifax, N.S., and return, touch:-!ing at Winnipeg, Calgary and Vancouver. When he reached j Winnipeg on his return trip he was seven (iaysjjnjiaiiiu-!netf-T rnte"T and harnng uccidents, Mr. McCoy expects to complete the long hike within the prescribed tim limit. McCoy started from San Francisco on October 25, 1921, and arrived at Halifax, April 17, 1025. He has Ihree months to reach his starting point. According jo the stipulation of the wager, McCoy must travel only on highways and is forbid den to take to the tracks. As he could not find a highway along the north shores of Lake Superior, he left Canada at the Son, and went through United States ler- Scaled Triult-m addressed tu llio under-sinned and endorsed Tor the " Cm is line and Kqulpiut-nt or one ( t 1 forty too, motor lituiirli" will bo received up to noon, July 31). 1025. l'lans, M'cciricalloiH and rorin of tender nuiy bu obtained at I lie offices of the Liner rores-ier .Mciorla; tlie District Forester, Court House, Vancouver, and Hi. District Forester, t'rlnec Import, on deposit or lo.uo, wlilcli will bo refunded on llio return or plans and spcciricatlwi. Tho lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. n. n. nade.v, Deputy Minister of Land-. Best Summer Tonic the active principle of fresh ripe fruits. You'll enjoy life if you keep your system normal and healthy with "FRUIT-A-TIVES" Tho Fruit tonlo laxativo Uuperl General Hospital on Julyjed blindly at the oncoming loco- 10 lo Mr. and Mrs. Donald (Fire Haiti. eordinir District Prince llupert, and sit-1 was withdrawn ill UlKtl !Mllllli!-l IIOIIIV Ol WHIC.1 ISIilllll. TlVf TAKE MITICK 'IITIf-l (h'tt that tha the Canadian 'B..,li L-l. ritory until he was able to enter near Fort William. He is entirely dependent upon the charity of people in the districts through which lie passes for his sustenance. In passing through Montana, McCoy was held up by bandits, but as he had nothing to give (hem, he was released, lie lived without food for eight days and ..ltbough he came across a number of Indian villages lie was unable to make them understand his plight. The hiker must nol accept a "lift" but nyist retell bis legs 'ay after day alomg the dusty roads until he reaches his goal in San Francisco. BIRTH LAND ACT. Alex. Mc- A charge of assault against fames Crocker and Mike (ireggs Fish- Court this morning. the police S. llrelhwaite, charged with forcibly entering a house willi nlenl, was again remanded for eight days by Magistrate Me-'llymont lhj,s morning. Notlca of Intention to Apply to Laate Land In t'rlnec llnpcrt Land Iterordlnir District of lirllish Columbia, anil sltualc al the mouth or .vassett inlet, Ii..m. 4 chains north from the northeast ur nrr of Indian Ilcserve .No. due, Graham island. TAKK NOTICK that I, Kuirene. II. Simp son, or MassetL. ilrlllsti Columbia, orrnp.i lion p3iker, Intends to apply for a lease if the following described lands: Coininenrlnir at a post planted about I chains north rroin the northeast corner of Indian Deserve .No. One, (irali.wn Mind, thence northerly 3 chains to low wau'r; thence rollowtuir low water mark 1 Co halns In a westerly direction; theiwe Koulherly 3 chains; thence easterly 1 Co chains, to point of coniineneeiuent, and containing; 48 acres, more'or less. Eir.ESK II. Sl.MI'SON, Applicant. Dated June 30th, 19-25. LAND ACT. . . Notlca of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Skeena llanifo 5 Land District, He-i-ordlng District Prince llupert. U.C, and situate Vi mile north of Wales Island cannery, on Wales Island, D.C. TAKE NOTICE that the Canadian Fish-In sr Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver. B.C.. occupa tion, Salmon Canners, Intends to apply for pcruilsskrti to lease tho following- de scribed lands; Comuiciirlnir at a post planted at hlirli water mark, near Point mile north from Cannery on Wales Island! Ihenre north one rlia'n; thence west ten chains; thence sou in to snore line one rnain Ihenre east follow Inn the shore line to point of roiumencement, and containing me acre, more or less. THE CANADIAN FISHING CO. LTD Dated 30lh May. I0J6. LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Leaee Land In skeena llanitc & Land District, I'rince import. II. C, and situate ion yards north of Winter llarlior, I'narse Island, II. c. TAKE NOTICE that the Canadian Fish-Inif Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver. H.C.. occupa tion, Salmon Canners, Intends to apply for permission to lease the following u scribed lands: Commenrlnir at a post planted at hlirh wilier mark to fret from rnrk on shore line: ihenre east one chain: thence norlh one hundred and twenty rhalns: thence west to shore line one rhaln: thence In a southerly direction following the shore Unit to point of commencement, and con laming iweive acres, more or less. I THE CANADIAN FISHING CO. LTD Dated 30th May, 1SSV WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 9 "If I Marry Again" An adaptation of (iilbert Fraukuu's ccleliraled slory-Come! List lo the wisdom of it worldly wise widow. An unusual, startling pholo-plny dedicated to all married folk. Learn u slory from llio lips of a beautiful woman. The tale of a romantic wooing, u dynamite marriage and the climax (u a wonderful adventure Dial will hold you enthralled .with its stirring revelation. Here are a lovely girl's impressions of married life. The , secrets of her heart arc unfolded lo make (his one of the most absorbing pictures you liavc ever seen, Six big stars and strong supporting cast. Lloyd Hughes, Doris Kenyon, Frank Mayo, Hobart Bosworth, Anna Q. Nilsson, Myrtle Stedman, and others, COMEDY "FIGHTING. FLUID." TOPICS OF THE DAY Admission 35c and 10c. INDIANS TRY SKIN GAME ON PRAIRIES Manufactured Wolf Ears In Order to Collect Bounty HIIANDON, Man. July 30. In-dians like many others practice get rich quick" schemes. A caso in point was brought lo light J here at the Indian reserve at (Iriswnld, Manitoba. Collecting bounty reluriis on wolf ears, manufactured from skins of young cubs, was the in genious method employed. The ears were turned in lo secure the wolf bounty .from the municipality. The Hedskins fig ured it was much easier lo make ears lhan to calch wolves. So well did they make the artificial ears, that municipal officers were fooled for some time. Finally the authorities discovered Ihe ruse and provincial police started an inyesligalion. Three men and a squaw were apprehended. They pleaded guilty to the charge and were warned with a year's sus pended sentence. COW MOOSE ATTACKED ONCOMING LOCOMOTIVE Infuriated at Approach of Iron Monster on Calf Instantly Killed SASKATOON, Sask., July 30. Infuriated al the "iron monster" which she saw hearing down on her calf, a moose cow, wliile crossing a railroad track between Hudson's Hay Junction and Prince Albert, recently, bunted A son was born al the Prince I'"-' calf oil the track and charg- motive. The moose was killed instantly. So fierce was the force of the cow's charge thai a bar of the cow-calcher was splintered. POLITE EVASION. One afternoon two visitors rang the bell and telling them to be sealed, "'Maggie went into another part of Ihe house lo seo if her mistress was in. "I am very sorry," site said, returning a minute later, nit Mrs. Ilrown went out and won't be back till ijiitner time." "That's too bad!" exc!i.iired one of the visitors. "And lo think. loo, that I have forgotten my cards. I must" ".Never mi tut the cards, ma ;tm" "I told t lie mistress your names when I went upslair.4." BEST WISHES. An old lauy approached a taxi willi a view to hiring Ihe car. "Sorry, madam," said Ihe driv er, hut I in engaged. "Oh, 1 hope you'll he happy'" said the old lady with a beaming smile. i i-l-t 4i in 'lie Dhiiv New WATER NOTICE. Diversion and Use TAKE NOTICE that William Morgan, wiiosh aunrcss is i.ocspori, M.i.., win np-ply for a licence lo take and use i.ooo iraiions per nay or water out or spnnir on west side of l.ockporl, Moresby Island, u.i:.i., also Known as sprinir rmm Ml. .Vorvau elevation 60U w Urn flows southerly and drains Into west arm Lomrfellow ' Mineral claim, rrnwn grant ed No. J3S3 O.CJ. The waler will lie di verted, rroiu tne stream rnrni at source, about 15(10 feet or so due west from l.ockporl Harbor and from southwest corner post of Lot 441 "LonaTellnw" Mineral Claim. Crown granted No. 2353. and will be used for domestic and cannery pui-posn upon me lanns described as i.oi sis, iiioik A. or Lot 4 41, and Fnrcshoce lease adjoln-Imr Lot 1004 at Lockport Q.C.L This nr-tlce was Misted upon the ground on the second day of June, 10?5. A copy of this notice anil an application pursuant there-to and to Uie "Wrier Act" will tie filed In tho office or the Water llecorder at prince llupert. D.C. (injections to the applica tion may l,e filed with Ihe said Water Itnrnrder or with the Comptroller of Water Itltrhts. parliament Dulidlnirs. Vic lona, u.c, wunin mirty uays arter tne first appearnnee of this, nol Ice In a local newspaper. The date of the first pub Mention or this notice is July IK toil. WII.I.MM MonOW. sppllmnt. LAND ACT. Notlca of Intention to Apply to Laaia Land In Casslar Land Dlslrlt-t. herni-dln Ills trlrt I'rince linpprl, n.C, antl situate north or iV'tnsn nav, I'nrtiaim canal. TAKE NOTICE that the Canadian Fish ln Co. Ltd.. or Vancouver. n.C. ocruna- lion, Sainton Canners, Intend" to apply fnr permission to lease the following- described lands: Cnmmenrinir at a post planted al til arh water mark, tOO yards south nf Indian smoke houses: thenro norlheast one rlialn: thenrp snulheast one hundred and twenty rhalns: thenee, southwest to shore linn one rhaln; Jhenre northwest follow-Inar llif shore line to rmlnl of rnininenre-menl, nnn hundred and twenty rhulns, and ronlalnlnir twelve arros, mnir or less. THE CANADIAN FISIIINO CO. I.TP. ritf.r imh Mm Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Ruport, B.C. " urficc Hours 9 to C. X-Ray Service Phono 686. Opon Tuesdny, Tliursday ami Saturday Kvenlngs We save you MONEY QUALITY IS WHAT COUNTS Our Prices are no higher than any other store in Canada. Goods marked in plain figures according lo grade. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, Etc Save Your Eyes Our Optician has had over !LI5 years' experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction Max Heilbroner Tho Diamond Merchant of tho North COULD NOT PAWN THEM. Two chorus girls were bragging about their admirers and the gifts they had received from them. "Why," said one, "I once had a lovely brooch set with gems. There were twelve of I hem and it was a beauty." "Oh well, that's nothing," said another girl. 1 had more than a hundred gems given me once, and given uie by the same man." There was a chorus of incred ulous "Ohs!" from Ihe other girls, but the speaker held her ground, protecting' that she was lelling the I ruth. Finally it oc curred to some one to ask what sort of gens they were? "Well," was the ralher reluct ant answer. "1 hey were 'gems from a horrid poet." DEEPLY AFFRONTED There was no doubt he was an expert at "telling the tale.' Anil moreover, in this , case, it sue eeeded very well.. "It is a very sid story, my man," said Ihe lady in furs as she handed over a florin' "ar.-l I feel very sorry for you. Are you married by the way?" As lie pockeled the money, lie replied: "Married, lady! Married! Do yer fink for one inoinen' I'd be depending on outside support if I was married? Not like ly." " Conventional Announcement. TIim damier young man los? his fouling on Hie long and slippery hill and was tobogganing toward Hie boKom when he collided with a stent lady, tripped her, and proceeded on his way,: with the lady seated on his hack. As they came to n hall al the fool of Hie hill, the lady seemed slightly dazed by evcnls, and he remarked gently: "You'll have lo gel olT here. madam. This is as far as I go." STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS For Vancouver Monday ss. I'rince George, I p.m. Tuesday ss. Cardena, 5 p.m. Wednesday ss. l'rinco Charles,1 0 p.m.' Saturday ss. Venture, 10 a. in, ss. Princess Ilcalrice, 11 a.m. ss. Prince llupert, 0 p.m. From Vancouver Hiinday s's. Cardcna. Monday ss. Prince Charles, 10.H0 a.m. Wednesday ss. Prince George, 10.3(i a.m. Friday ss. l'rinco llupert, 10.30 a.m. ss. Venture, a.m. Saturday ss. Princess Iteatricc, a.m. For Port Simpson and Naas River Friday ss. Venture, p.m. From Port Simpson and Naas River Saturday ss. Venture, a.in, For Alaska July ,'M - Princess Louise, a.m. For Stewart, Anyox and Alice Arm Sunday ss. Cardcna, 8 p.m. Monday ss. Prince Charles, 4 p.m. Ffiday---ss. l'rinco Hupert, I p.m. From Stewart, Anyox and Alice Arm Tuesday ss. Canlena, n.m. Wednesday ss. Prince Charles, p.m. Saturday ss. Prince llupert, 5 p.m. Ladies' All Wool Hallung Suits Lisle Hose, II pairs for Cotton Hose, pair All Spring Hats Hair Price. House Ureases, each (iingliain Collar and Cuff Sels, per set Jap Sunshades, rcg. Ssl.LTi, for each .; CHILDREN'S Coveralls, lllun and Khaki, pair :i iloz. Children's Summer llals at half price. Hoys' Cotton llalliing Soils, each Children's Summer Comijinulioii-, suit Children's Winter Weight Combinations, suit . . Children's Hompers, each Children's Collou Hose, While and Ilrown, 2 pair Children's Sunshades, rcg. $1.25, for each . . Ciiigliam Dresses, each Cirls' Khaki Hloomers, rcg. I. II.", for pair Children's Lisle Socks, :t pairs Children's Collou Vests. :i for PIECE GOODS Hillons a variely of widths and shades, yard Table Oilcloth, 2 yards for .'WO Yards Print, Light and Dark shades, yard 200 Yards Cretonne and Chiiilz, i yanls for-f. 50 Yards Percale, rcg. iric, for . . . . Jt'. .... Torchon Lace, Mercerised finish, 8 yards . . . Kmbroidcry Kdgings and llaiulinps,.fl yards . . D..M.C. Kmhroidery (lotions, I (5 t4eins ,. .. Assfirled Fancy lkaids and Kdgings, piece . . . Valencicnns Laces, l-2in. 8 ynrd-i . Hair Nets, cap shape. for Conies' Crochet Collou, per Imll (iolf Yarn, all color. 7- Jls Kgyplian CotUlri Voile, reg. to l.:ir, Unbleached Collou, (I y,rd I7 imZt ....... "ir v.nmri.i, rrio7 n.m i. Barntla), AnL One Cent Sa Si END OF MONTH CLEAN-UP SALE THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Do Rupert Folks Apprcclato a noal Bargain? Wc have nine only Summer Coals winch ui b, cleared, prices run from !$U..r0 lo .$;!. 50. We me..: ,, sell (hem If prices AuH-uV-it: Wt-nrc-rrrrtTasRing even price on these garments. Ask lo sec them. LADIES Silk Nit Vests, each (Jollon Vcsls, :i for . . ninomers, Pink and Wliile, 2 for , (Jrenin Hroadclolli Hlooiners, pair Silk Camisoles, to $2.75, each... Ladies' Art Silk Hose. 2 pairs for $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.0!) 05c (i only, Pleated PlaiiLSkirls on Waists, reg. $7. iK. (w $4.93 $2,75 $1.00 25c $1.09 65c 75s $1.25 G5? 75c $1.00 $1.00 45c 75c 50c an I $1.00 . . . . 95c $1.00 $1.00 10' 05c 18c 95c 25c $1.00 25c $1.00 10c 25c 25c 10c $1.00 95c $1.00 H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Phono 9. 3rt! Ave. A Fulton Street UNION STEAMbHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailings frmu ITlnre lluporl, or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Iw.ns.n Bai, and Alert Tu..dr. 6 f m 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Al.rt Bar. and (wanton P, laturda), tO rot ANTOX, ALICE ARM, tTEWART, tundar, r.M. Fnr PORT imrtnN . . m... n . . frlnea Ruosrt, 10 le Winding up our July Clearance Sale wjlh no ex dinnry offer. One Cent Sale is a common event in slore but is it possible in ti dry goods store? We - ing to give it a trial. Sale continues till Saturday. Ao ; TWO ARTICLES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE PLUS ONE CENT. We have 10 pairs or Ladies' llias Corse K W discontinuing this line hence we offer one pair al Uv lar price and another for one cent, Hcgular price vi ' Sale two pairs foj $4.7G. Ladies' While Canvas Shoes trimmed with hint- lent leather. Hcgular ;.. Sale two pairs for $3.01. Ladies' While 1'iipie Skirts, llegulnr jt:U". s" 2 skjrts for $3.26. Ladies' While Middies. Ileguhtr price .$;i.2:.. 2 middies for $3.26. Ladies' White Humiing Shoes, rubber sole. H-li.OO. Sale 2 pairs for $2.01. .Men's Illuming Shoes. While, Ilrown and llla.K Hr nlar .$2.25. Sale 2 pairs for $2.26. Cirls' While Canvas Slippers. Smart Slep, with ) soles. Hcgular 2.r0. Sale. 2 pairs for $2.51. YOU CAN JOIN WITH YOUR FRIEND OR NEIGHBOR TO MAKE A PURCHASE OF TWO ARTICLES. THERE IS NO RESTRICTIONS ALONG THAT LINE. TWO ARTICLES AT REGULAR PRICE AND THE THinO FOR ONE CENT Cirls' Lisle Hose. Hegulur 75c, two for $1.30. 3 pairs for $1.51. Voiles, any pallern in our stock, U yanls at rr 1 1 price and the third for one ccul. If the regular price !i yards for $1.1,0, ami 3 yards for $1.51. English Washwcll (liughnin, 30 inches wide. He-: i ,! Ci iJ1,!!"' lrP- 'Hh1u- 3 yrd8 r $1.21. , While Hanneletle, ;i(l inches wide. Hcgular H" ytirds for SOc. Sale, 3 yards for 81c. , ,enI;h VAU- lk'Ka1' Uc, 2 yards for $1.80. f javuo iur .o i . Hoys' Collou Sweaters. 3 for $1.31. Hcgular floe, 4k r.. JABOUR BROS., LTD. pi