(l1, v Juy 30. toss. YTTR TiATT.t' WTCWB p.. err. rvm BIG EXHIBIT ISAILORS ARE COMING HERE ENTERTAINED : . . 1 lo kour, KILLS mosquitoes JtQLBUaSJUtTS rrelorml uWorld'i at Scientific jumtrUl Research rltute. Will not in. Pleaaantodor. rmleM to hwwna J animal. Four for Your Orocpr or Druggist EG ET ABLE SPECIALS li u Pci-. ;j lb. 25o ll HI i J r i; li H - 25o lbs. . . 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c k .. $2.75 It !i . . . ... 25c i-nnim ' ' .... 25c kllinusc Ton nines, Hi. 25c ussallem's 117-423 Fifth Ave. East. Phonos 1S and 84 iveKoses reads, Cakes, Puddings, Pastries i urivltiR children prefer " inf. id you make with Ilss Flour. II is i Mi Hip flavor, viand ousily-ilifr'lil M liu. -nf it! nrinic .Mnn- futrlllous, Wholcsomo and Keeps Well lohnl. Christie Figured .repedeChine hi Patterns ami "'i in fi liresses ami )l SO inches whip. (li uhlv -dtk. Values ' 'u.oo, u,r ppr yard $4.00 rest of England Store Phono 753. COME TO Demers" IMANCE for GENUINE BARGAINS. Miono 27. P.O. Box 327 Kltsumkalum and Lakelse District Is Preparing PpIzo Wlnnjnn Display for 1025 Fair. The Kilstimkalum nml Laqelsc' dislrict Is In bo represented lierp al the Exhibition this fall wjii, a large district exhibit whj,.!, is ., iTady bPing organized bv-.Ianie j l.pypr aiinoiiupes F. w. Holder.1 Kiisnnikalutu rancher ami pioneer pxhihilnr at . Iln local lair, who is visiting die city. I.asl ypar tin, Kilsiiniknluin ami l.akpp district exhibit tok second prize, having fallpn in grains ami grasses. This deficiency is In k made up ror this fall ami Mr. Ilohler is confident that his district will carry iifT Hip honors that were won in IV2i hy l'rince (ienrgc dhUrirl. Mr. Ilohler is here fur meiluni allpniion. Hp has mil been wll for several moulds ami f..; i limp was a palipnl in the Hazel ion Ilo-pilal. FINE YACHT WAS IN PORT YESTERDAY ON WAY TO SKAGWAY TIip American motor vai lif F.kwood reached port yesterday afternoon and left ag'im ilu morning for Skagway. TIip vm-hi in owned hy Hip I'.. K. Wood.: Lumber Co. ami F. .I. Woods. making Hip trip to Alaska waters.! The Kkwood is 110 feel long who on Vancouver Island, visited Xn-naimo. Alert Hay, Henver Cove. Namii and olher points irn the way up Hie coast. WATER NOTICC. Water Won't Hurt a Congoleum Rug Water doesn't do a thing to Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs except clean them. The smooth surface is kept spotless hy just a few strokes of a damp mop or cloth. That's another reason why women are always so de- EMPRESS OF JAPAN TO SAIL ONCE MORE who Is prcsidenl of IhP company Vancouvep R K t , that Fo,, v .i n Ilia fiiriiilv rmn nn l.nnc. r C.P.O.S. Liner will go Into South American Service ier onl'r 'rh'" VA.aL'VKIl. July 30. It is r f m'T V? "k r-porled here lhal the Kmpress n the n fnipst yachts that has been , , .. . . . . . . .. ,., , of Japan, 1 which has been ' ymr lini'A lln a inn ni lm Tnn.la ' . is interested : ) , ',- in timber , '-al anchor for several years in jtturi-ard Inlet, may he hnughl by South American mlen'slt for jpassppfter au.d freight ,work in those waters. The Kmiiress of Japan 'vas operetPil for two de cades In Ihe,. transpacific service l.ai f a ulm iiinl'iroil lav flm TAkr Kotice nut wiMim c. fia, larger ,Knpres.ses. ulxnf Mrr Is lirkcHirl r.imnry,! 1 1 ' i y.:j., ll.l".., W ippl tr a llii-nrr U "' " like n1 uw i miwr nirlir lall mil pnrrill I Allf n 1TPP i:'"::.:'"1?! ' artUAL LUW KAIto and drain? into vel ami r wvt inrini i.t ljirkfH,rt llarbur, V.i.l.. II I.. The u.rar iuiii will Ih Km-iimI at Uif ur. if the itrcalu. 7ltf aparlty ..r ilw n-wrvulr lu ! rrt-aml la alrnut s.unn ral-; FOR HARVESTERS ARE ANNOUNCED THIS YEAR lllll. aiHI II Will II.NAJ .IIWIII V, "ii laiiU. Tin- walfr Mill li dlvfriNl flOl! llif Mrrain at a p"nl l- II iirri. aml will ! ut rr lmiellr and raiuifry It Will cost harvesler.s $10 10 iirit Um llw laud ikarrllml a l.m r,..,, i, llunerl In Cal- J" 1 1 in' i,i,.fi r UUpiri m u.n h I h anil IM 411 Work A, Oilmen UiarkiUr uianii. ii.c. nit imurc wis r"i n'-ary or I'.dmonlon Ibis year wilh lli iruiiml on v IHIIi ilay of July. ll.i ..... . . . ... t nn r i.iu noun- am an aniiiiraihur an addiltonal charge of half a purmianl llirlo ami to tho- "Wal" A". ..mil hop miln fur imiiils fnrlliPP lurillir 0,11 I" r ",r l""'"s iuii " will Li- fllrd In ihe ntllre of the Waior HmmliT at I'rinre Kiiiwrl. ILCJan iicf iinlinir In wo ill received objrrtl..n Ui UM.api,ll.all.m may lo rilwl, ., aMi Willi ll' aani wmr nrnru?F or wiin.iim-. im- mn-.- " Ihi i:oinplrnlli'r or Walor niirhts. rarlla-1 . . ,r,m Vlisnsl I 1 - lo 10 31 .11. The 1 m m ile-mrnt liiiiwmir. Vlrt.irli. Itx.. within, thirty iiay arn-r tin rirsi appi-araniv of .parlineiil of labor al Victoria lias nollrp 111 1 local n,ri'l",r. The dale,; int. i....i imn i,.,.. thai 00.000 hai- of tim rirn pnhiipaiion or ihl rmiln' isjheen Informed Juh fi. iveslers will he reuuirPtl on Ihe jy. 1;. si'i.A, .tppiiram,. iprairies this year. CAnAootn nnunL nitio. .TENDER FOR SOFTWOOD TIES SE.U.F.H TK.NPEII. a.ldn'wl lo tln wn-rtfrKlinii'il mil wiilurai'il "TKMiF.ll Foil TIKS" will In' rM-elviil at tin- offler or llio ncnrral Tl Arrnl. Iiooui mi. fan-aitian Kipreaf llldif., Mrdlll Slirrl, Mftll-lrcL until U.un noun Vwitlnv. Auini'l inl. 1 u i : . fur Hallway Tte. to Dr nunu IMni inimt l' pi-floil. Twlrr torm Mn Advertise in the Dnlly News LAND. ACT. CASSIA) LAND DI8TRICT Pltrlrt or ra.islar, Sllklnn Division. TAKK INiniCh mat I, waiter juiinn r.rtnml rnn iMHirUr Fir .Heml-iri . (Hiliiwl sl.i?r) of '0 Cm. Cliw. Tamarai k or ' i-wlu '"'J. ; ui'i upatlwi Nlncr. Intrmis to apply twnn ortolx-r itt. "'. ,r iM-niilcilon to purchase tlm rollowiuir lUiil. inn tienvenwi uciwrrii oury , .i.rrilHtl lands: IVTII. IIIU vim HlMfi tiuin, IL10 Villi jial liallwnvs. In or innlanrr with Tl Sririrallon o. SSW dati-il July lOlh. tll3. tn'iiM with lite mitpiIihi of Jark ('iniiK'iiclnk it one uiHc eat ef MrLnoils Sluugh near Um btiklno lllvrr ami alioiil 3 mile miut'hwrsl or Telearapli Creek;, tlienre norlli SO rlialns; thciire cl 4111 cnains; south S chains; thrnc west 10 lie olilaliird ll thi offlrr or the Tie Amiilj ,jialll, tlH'itrc ,rt IM1, or to'iniitfiicriiient' Hid ami Winnipeg. r at Mnnrton. Tonnilo. frow iiik j'Xftro ;fr tim UMtrrai Tie Areni, 'Trmlfrsi will not Im ronnlilfreil iinlM mailt! out on roini mippllfil by the Hallway TlVinfwet. or any, trinlflr not nwes-.arlly amrtod. w f mm nnipral Tio Arcnt, Canaillan Natliiini Hallway. Mnntidl. yi"'. Jnlv ?ml. IW. - LAND ACT. Nolle of Intintlen to Apply to Purehata Land. ... ii,..,am t anil imirlrt. nrrnrdln I itrlrt or rrlni'fi Hiiprrl. and Utiiato It Shantton Hay. B.n., Massrlt Inlet. a post planted about cuiim....... . --ilUA vUV nrll '"ill. LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Purchai L.ana. In Ihn Land Herorilinir District or Trlnro Hupert, and ulttialp al Awtini lllver. AWillil uay, ina'srii unci. y.i,. imshms. h.i:. TAkK M1TICF. tli.lt Mr. James Field- Inr'Stranr. of sunnyldr, ,U.C., omipaitott iitarrteil woman, intend to aprny ror per inlr.iiin lu iiurrliafie the follmvliiK de urrtliiMl laniH:- - coiomenrlnir at a pout planted it hiirli water murk. Awunl lover; llienre S chains (inrilir llienre 111 elia ns west, more or OX. Island. . , . ...,.. ' less to imiiliweH rorner Lot 1517: thence kK Mirn.r. ijai .",,,r" SO rlialns south; thenre IS rltalns raft; Slranr, Of suunyslili', IU... f "'""'"'''"itlieiirii in iJiiiltti norlli; lliwtre t rlinlns ranmiyman. lnli'it.1. to .Jirrii,..,!1 H''" 1" "'" " l"1'1" of 'Ion to inirdiitse the follovvlnir ui Hriiiiui r,,,,,,,,,.,,,.,.,,,,.. am ccnitiiliihiir 80 acre.s ''"''wiuneiiclnir at P'' J,lin'w,lJ' r,r!!',?nl "mIISJAMFS FIF.!.niN0 STn.S'Q soiilh uiiithwest armeir rorner of l.ol Vsm ISIS; tt iiinei e ice ... h ao ,,u chains; ..I....... thenci- wesi au r a,,,,. ,ia. thpnee of roninieiicemfiil, and contalnlnif acres, more or less, mimn STItANO. f- Applicant. Per Win. n. Mllcltell. Aire.nt. r.,...! mi. tih. II9. LAND ACT. Hilled J illy Tin, 105 DEPARTMENT OF W0RK8. . Nolle to Contractori. Applicant, Ter Wm. 0. Mitchell. Agent. SKALEU TK.XPKIlS, enUorsetl "Tender for .New llarellon Si'ltnol " will lie, received liy lite llnnotiiMhle the Minister of public Works up 40 lli 11 clock .iKin of I'liduy, Ihe Slut day of July. IIIJ5. for the erec tion and completion jut a One Hooin School ami out lluildlnic at New lluieltou, Jji ., of ii.iinn InUnllon to 10 Apply ppiy to r Purcham Nolle )p k,(,nil ,.,rll riuict. lu:. In Ihe 1 ' D 1111 Adiaii'lflxu I liilkij I'j.nlxanf an. I I .7TI 1111 lIVll.1i VV"l I) (tVI BM .... tieenrilliiir nrnr t nilrlct 10 or Prince Forms, of Temler limy lie seen on and Una Itecor ',.,.. n,,v afler arier 'the the lain llili Uav day or or Julv. July, mill, 10211, and ami TtKvSiF tr" thaV Vln'sic Mlllerd. 1.1m- vvr v.'1'oiU ...c -rr,: : scribed lands: , pMnlP( approsl- IV'" ii chains more or less, to t'l'. etc, In Komi condlllon. ' .-11 kf romnriM"'"" - ..,.,., ronialnlnK tf&fiS&j '.W, ,.pr win. 0. Mll,,j$n,. Utlai July 71b, ! rurllter. ItgniJiiillliui obtilned at the lie narttnent or Huliiir Winks, Parliament ItulldliiKS, and at Ihe rullnwJnir orricei; lloverument A rents at Vancouver, Prince unpen. Sin l her, and ir. W. sarKent Serielmy to Srliuol Hoard, .New llaieltnu, " Unfiles) or Plans, Specifications, etc., can lie obtained from he liepartmeut on pay- iiifui or n neiHisit or ren immirs latin, vvhlcli will be reronded on return of Ihe P. Villi IP. ncce Iieputy Minister and . ... . Public Winks EiiRlneer rnblle Work lieparlment, Victoria, B.C.. July 7tu, iJ5. Great War Veterans were Hosts , to Personnel or H.M.S. J Capetown 1 The smoker and concert given Ihy t li e .Oreat War Velerans last levelling at Iheir club rocis in honor of Hie oflleers and men of H.M.S. Capetown was a complete siicpi'ss f ru nip Very point of view. Alioui two hundred of the ship's company were present in addition to "a large number of Ihe members of Ihe Asspciation. There was not n dull moment in thT ioU' lirograiii wlneli was rather an impromptu one. Mayor Npwlon extended Hi? jweleoiijp of the oily lo Ihe men of the Capetown' and Comiiiander iKnowles, I).S.( responded on (behalf of Ihe personnel of Hip jeruiser. Several numbers we're given by men from the ship which were very much appreciated hy (be company. The local persons who contributed to the,! program included S. K. Campbell, whose number was encored, It. i.laine.s. W. Murray, the Ilegj-imeiiial Hand, J. Judge, Iland-jmasler Wilson find Consul Wakefield. The Consul, in his usual I humorous manner, introducPd a few gooil stories among them a few dealing with Hie dusky Klliiopian. W. Vaughan Davies atnl S. Thompson were accompanists for the evpuing, and Iheir services were very much ipprecialed. Promptly at midnight Ihe very enjoyahlp pvpning was brought to a close by Hip singing of the National Anthem. FISH JOURNAL EDITORS HERE E. Ktun&on of Canadian Fisherman and Stedman H. Gray of Pacific Fisherman are here. The editors of two well known fisliinir journals arrived in l'rince lltipert yesterday afternoon Jrom dilTerenl direclioils They are J. K. .Munson of Slonl- real, editor of the Canadian Fisherman, anil Sledman II. (8 ray of Sua tile, cdilor of the Pacific Fisherman, both. 'of whom are today registered at Ihe Prince Huperl llolel. Mr. lray arrived from lite north on tho I'rincess Cliarlolle and Mr. Mun-son came hy train from the F.ast.' Iloth are on lours of the coast and will spend a day or so in Prince Hupert. Mr. dray, who left Seattle on June 10 for the '.north, visited Sitkn, Petersburg, Kelebikan and other Alaska fishing centres and spent some linio in the Chatham Straits herring: districts where he noted a marked increase in Ihe reduction industry. The oper ntors there are having a sue cess ful year. The salmon pack appears to be n failure in Alaska this year. Cun tiers in southeastern Alaska have been worrying' oyer he fact Ih.'it'.pinks jiaVe 'not yet showniiAi lint lliera Is. ' still .a ciinnce of a good pack if Ihe Tlsh appear Ibis week in quantity. It is Hie firsl visit here of both Jlr. Cray and "Mr. .M.unson. Their nippting here yesterday was a surprise In both and was a pleasant pne, Mr. Munson having lieen formerly on Mr. Cray's stuff on (he Pacific Fishermen. They lmlh expec-l lo sail for Hie south on Saturday in tim,o to alleiul the halibut tariff conference in Seattle on August 10. ALICE ARM The Hew development tunnel hcinp driven at the J.a Itoso mine is well miller way. One hundred of tho 400 feel hns Leon finished. Mrs. J. S. Hrown, sister of Mrs. II. F, Kergin, has arrived here to remain until Mrs. Kergin returns from Victoria where she went with tho remains of her LAND ACT. Nolle of Inltntlon to 'Apply to Purchai Land In Skeenn nne t Land nernrdlnir Ml-trlft or Prince Huperl, H.C... and situate Uaystack Island, south of Wales Island, "TAKE NOTICE that the Canadian Fish-Inir r.i, Ltd., nr Vancouver, H.r... occupation, Salmon Canners, Intrmis to apply ror permission to purchase the following described land; - Coinnienelnir at a post planted at him water mark on west shore or Haystack Island i thence north seven rlialns; thence east seven chains; thence south seven rhnlns; Ihenrp. west seven rlialns, and rontalnlnir rive acres, more or less. TIIF. CANADIAN FI3II1IMQ CO, LTD Cited sarnl May. 1SS5. The Lucky Youth j,f. had only to don His enchanted cap ; FORTUNATUS and make a wish to obtain anything his heart d-sired. It is not given to ordinary mortals to have , so simple and direct a mode of filling their wants. But have you ever considered what a boon advertising has become? Everything you need or wish is 1 displayed for your benefit in the advertising columns. Merchants and manufacturers use advertising to lay before you their most attractive wares. You have only to choose at your ease the things you care most about before actually going to see them in the stores. Advertising is continually making the world better dressed, better fed and housed. It is increasing the world's capacity for things that elevate, improve and idealize the important business of living. It is a big, vital force in fostering convenient, comfortable and useful lives. . . si. : " . N : Empty your home of all advertised things and see the hole you make! . i. u- YES, IT PAYS TO father, the late Cant. McCoskrie of Prince Huperl. Tom Mclloslie has arrived from Anyox lo spend some lime doing development work on Jiis claims in the 'upper Kitsaull country. The Howman lakes are proving attractive to Anyox anglers. Several parlies have been there just recently. Charles Cray with his two sons, Fat J ami Tom, have arrived Ironi Anyox io ,do development yvorU nUltireka property, near (Trail lie Creek. A ledge of fine galena, zinc and lead ore has boon uncovered on Ihe Hilly Mac properly on MV)-C rut ft Mountain owned by Hoy McKinley. "Vanderhoof" T. fi. McHride, M'.P. for Cariboo, lias notified the local 'board of truiile. that lie was successful in obtaining a granj of ?.,H0 for Ihe pirpose of constructing a new telephone lino from Vaniler-boof to Fort St. James. Samuel Milne has relumed from a trip lo Vancouver. Miss M. II. WenUel of Pentio Ion arrived Jiero last week .and will sound the hfilidays nt Stuart Hake, Ihe gues.t or fllr. and .Mrs W. I). Fraser. Oscar Johnson of I'nrt Fraser Las left ftr Saskatchewan whefe he rxpecls Ifl remain until next May. In n tournament played on Ihe local courts last week, Vander-' hoof tennis players were victorious river those from Sinithers hy five events lo one. Advertise in the Daily News. LAND ACT. Nolle of Inltntlon to Apply to Lia LnJ In Prince Huperl Land necordiiiir PIs-tricl or I'rinre lluiert, and sltu.il.i on Ihe northwest coast, or Hritlsh loIiiih-bla. Portland Canal, and beliiK al Spit I'olul, piM-Uand Caual, ami bearlOK north inaFtii'Ur man Tree Point, I'carsc Island. TAkK MITICi: thai Amlo llrltlsb Col umbia Pat-klmr cmntiany l.linlletl, or Vancouver, B.C., ocrupauun packers, m-temls to apply ror a lease or the fallowing described lands: Coinnieiirlnir at a poM planted at hlatl water mark at spn rouu, I'oriianii i.aimi; thrnrc soulheaslerly ali'inr lilfli water mark ror rorty-elrnt hundred reel to a poat marked .No. 3J.E.: tin-urn- Hoiilherly 10 chains, more or less, to low water mark: thence northwesterly ilonr low water mark forty-elirlit hundred fret, mure or less; ihenre northerly 10 rlialns, inure or Jess. In Milnt or rommcnrriiteul, and I'liiiiaininK 70 acres, more or less. A.Mil.ll-IIIUIISlI 111 II. I'M til A PACklMI Cll. i.Tflj. .1 V-'u '-'Appltranl. ter Walter K. Walker. Amw. oaten jiny sani. mjn. LAND ACT. Notlo of InUntlon to Apply to L Land In I'l'lnce liuperl Land Heiiudui1 ln- trlct of Prince Hupert, and situate on inn nouinwesi snore or ivaies island, H.C, belmc north magnetic from Haystack Island, ami true east from island i-iHiii, siitian iund. TAKK MiTICK that Antlo-Hrlllsh Col umbia I'arklmr Company Limited, of V anroitver, H.C, ocrupallon Parkers, In tends to apply for i lease or the follow Inr described lands: tlohinieni'liur at a post planted at high water mark on the suiilhwesl sliore of Wile Uland In a position bearing north inagnellc from Haystack Island and true east from Island Point, Sltklan Island; thence southeasterly along high water mark forty-eight hundred feet, more or lest', to a pint marked .No. t.K.j thence southerly to r tin Ins, more or less, to low water mark; thence northwesterly along low water nurk forly-elrhl liuudred feet, more or less: thence northerly 10 rlialns, more or less, to point of coiiimeiireiuent, anil conlaining 7! acres, more or less.. A.MlI.O-ltlllTIMI r.lll.tl.MHIA I'ACklMl Cll. i.TU.i Applicant. Per Waller K. Walker, Agent. inten juiv yitn. mi. LAND ACT. Nolle or inUnllon to Apply to Li Land in Prince Huperl Land Heiording pis-irlcl or l'rince llunerl. and situate ll Hartlett Point, Wales Island, lirltlsli t.niumma. TAKK NOTICE that AnghvltWUsh Cob unihla Parking Company LtniUed, of Vancouver, ii.c, occupation packers, in lends to apply for a lease of the follow lug descrllied lands: Cijiiiiieinlng at I post planted on the south Ihore of Hartlett Point. Wales Island, at high water mark; thence li an easterly direction along, high water mark rorly-elght hundred feit, more nr lesi, to t mwI marked .Vo. I K.i thence southerly lo chains, more or less, to low water mark: thence In a westerly itlrerltim ?long low water mark forty-eight hundred eet. mere nr less: thence northerly 10 chains to I ml lit or isiimiieneeiovut, .and) containing 75 acres, more or less: ANI1I.O HlirriSII COI.l!MHIV I'ACkl.MI CO, LTfl.i Applicant Per Waller E Walker, Aenu Diled July 13, ltll. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS The Laundry of Personal Service, Phone No. 8. Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrlft-T-Serylce, Sort Finish, And Dry Cleaning. s We are ready nt any time Jo receive your phone call, to take your instructions, lo lake personal charge of your Laundry and Dry Cleaning, Don't Miss BENT'S Summer Clearing Sale GENERAL FURRIERS B.C. FUR Co. Third Ave. Repairing, Heniodejling on the premise (Hazing and Cleaning $9.no Phones Day: Qrten 120 Night: Black 70S