4 Monday, AUtfUt I; 1 PAQff TWO THE DAK.Y KEW The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - RRIT1SH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 Ry mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United Slates, in advance, per year . ... $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.J0 Transient Display Advertising. . . . .$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page., $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion. , . 25c per line Classified Advertising, pcf insertion. 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion 15c per agate line Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 88 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 88 All advertising should Ite in The Daily News Office before A p.m. on day precemng publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILT EDITION gjjpto Monday. Angus! 17. 1925. Seals Eat Salmon Says U.S. Senator. j According to Senator DiJI the seals which make their liomcsj on the Pribyloff Islands eat a million tons of salmon a year.j This is worth more than the proceed.- of the eal pells. There are said lo be 800,4100 seals on the islands. Wu .still are of opinion lhat it would lie a good thing lo have the seal -treaty abrogated and that Prince Rupert fishermen should be given ;i chance lo hunt the seals in the open sea. The statement of Senator Dill seems lo indicate that Alaskan., may be of the same opinion as ourselves. Alaska its a territory cannot benefit much from the present arrangement but if there were open sealing, Ketchikan fishermen would have an opportunity to take part in the hunt and earn a few dollars when lih-ing was poor. In that way they would benefit the salmon fishermen. . i t Fishermen And New Sources Of Supply. Fihermen everywhere will be interested lo hcaMiow those Norwegian fishermen fared who went up Davis Slrftit lo ply their calling during Hie slimmer mouths. Something like a iiousand men have gone into thoe waters to put up suit fish. This was a result of an expedition sent out by the Norwegian government lo search for new sources of supply. It is possible there may be more halibut banks off lhi coast, which so far have not been discovered. No one can af ford the time to make an extensive irch. If the government does, not' act, a fisherman may blunder across the bank .some v , , .- . , , , Have Americans A Sense Of Humor. Humor is not altogether a national (rail. We think , Hie Irish are humorous and yet we have met Irish people who were more stolid than an Englishman. 'There are plenty of Americans wlio have not the slightest sense of humor. If they bud they would not act as they do. True, there was a Mark Twain and there is a Ring Larduer and an Irviu Cobb. That would indicate nothing were it iit. that eople read their writings, which often are quite humorous. Soijininie their efforts to be humorous are funny. Americans ore just about as humorous as nio-l folks, no more and no less and I hey are J t I as funny. V ran laugh with (hem and also laugh at (hem. Do We Wear Too Little Clothes? . Sonte people are shocked at the small amount ' of clothes worn on the beaches mid in the ballrooms. Thev point to the present customs as signs of decadence. Yet they must admit that the present customs are far preferable lo the old ones. Many people remember the lime wlmi it was cousidereil iude-cent for men and women to bathe on the same beach, even though at that time women wore much more clothes in the water than they lo today. Ye,l people wen uol anv more moral in those days, and we seriously doubt if they were equal lo the boys and girls of today in the standards of right ami wrong. The amount of clothes worn is purely a mailer of rtislotn. J ri v atn ouver ti is common in see young men ami young women on the streets m Iheir bathing costumes. We are be coming less prudish and more sirnsihje. Orientals Like V.-y . ' ""si? mi'iSMm showing that since the begiuuhig of Hie year I (10:i Orientals were arrested in gambling raids in that cily and that fines lo the amount of i20,u:i0 wore paid. Accifrdiug lo (he same authority the games are slill going on and foolish yellow men continue lo stake their cash and lose it, jii like while people. Taking a chance is something wu sometimes admire and sometimes the people who do it are wicked gamblers. mil' ii iirF rr a Nir to.hicht" GRANT'S Best Procurable (THE OKICINAtl Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN Ft NT ST HIGHLAND MALT BJm.GIi1ih DwtJImat. Dull- --CImiq.: This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Roard or by the .Government of Uritisb Columbia. FREE COUNTRY NOPLACE FOR BOLSHEVISTS adian holshevisl, nine out of ten at least, ami probably a higher per rentage, are from foreign soils. Lecturing on the. beauties of bdsovism, .viewed at n safe distune-, probably makes a good living for some native. Canadian hnlshevisls, such as A. K. Smith, once a Methodist par son in Nelson, but it ts anion? the newcomers, iimn! to seething against oppression, that tin rank ami file of this more or less in visible school of thought is re cruited,. Among the foreigners on the waterfront of Port Arthur; among the foreigners in Hie coal mines of Drunihellcr, possibly; iinong some groups of foreign - born in Hie Kootenay, the ten dency to seethe, borne of real oppression in their several "old. countries," is capitalized by era fly agitators. New Canadians Hill why should these win have come lo Canada to lie "New Canadians," to heller Iheiuselvo under the free and equitable ron- lilution ami laws of Canada. permit themselves to asiciate with the aim of destruction, levelled against the peace of tin country by whose grace they ar enjoying privileges and a pro. perily .lliey never knew in the old laud? Here is a thought or two for these newcomers who have not yet properly settled, down lo ap preciation of their Canadian lib erties. If they become Canadian cili zens, they enjoy perfect political equality willi all oilier Cana dians. The .rule of "One man or woman, one vole," governs in Canada. In none of the old countries from which they have rome to us Is there sucli a broad I or liberal ,sulTrage, if indeed their working class were ever,. admitted to il. Kvcu in modern (iermauy, Hie great stale n Prussia, comprising more than half the empire, hail a franchise under which the vote of one aristocrat was equal lo the voles of many others lower in Unsocial cate. Yet Canadians for over a century liae enjoyed vir tual manhood suffrage or better. Personal Liberty No man can wrongfully pit: another in prison in Canada and keep him there. The law-as to personal liberty are the same for all. No man can,, by right of feudal lordship, dishonor his tenant's home, in Canada. The court- are open alike to the rich and poor for redress of injury. No man can dictate another man's Job in Canada. Subject lo the laws mailt! lo keep human life and property safe, any ma? or woman in Canada may enter any lawful, occupation. IKaipnWjynreVnOtttaHitrhcn l J certain eslales, in a species of semi-slavery. Debt do not ib seen it upon children, to hold Iheiu in thrall lo usurers. There are no usurers, for Hie law for bids them legal standing. Kvery province of Canada provides free education, placing the child of the immigrant on as equal fooling with the child of Hie wealthiest man, to tqi the working age. Laud may be purchased ami owned by anyone, and under Icertain conditions may be oh-'lained free or practically m from Hie various government. Kvery man has a right tn lid own earnings in Canada, for the benefit of himself ami his family. There is no limit to Hie hi. vanceioeiit he may make, and no limit to the fair profits ho may produce for himself by engaging in industry, subject to the just dues lo Hie government for ad-iiiliilslerlng (he country. Free Speech If a law In Canada Is not fair hi the estimation of any man, he has the right of free speech, by which to advocate a change in (hat law, and his political power. used In conjunction with that of a sultleleut number of his fellow can peacefully secure lis amendment. Subject to the personal right of every Individual, ami lo rights guaranteed tQminoriHe by t'e C constitution, the majority rules. When our "New Canadian" take thought Jo compare their political and material condition here with the status Ihcy were held tn in the. land of their liirtii. I hey will soon come to see. that the Canadian const il ill inn embodies just the freedom Ihov Most of Them are Foreigners eanie here hoping to find, ami Who Came from Land Where jthat upsetting of this order is People Oppressed An interesting editorial article entitled "Why Re Bolshevist i?" appealed in a recent number ofi the Nelson News. It follows: J ) ! "(If the rank and file of Can-', the last thing tliey should want. The Man in the Moon . YSf- "SL'CCKSS with Hens' is Hie J title oT a iMiqk iti Metres liooW store. I can recommend I lie hook to several married men I know. NOW thai the rallwnyinen have been and gone we are like!, lo have' dry weal her. WHY no) ask the Government lo place a larilf on mils.' Too many in this country already to allow them 'to come -here indis- ierimiiiatelyV. .MAltY had a great big lamb She look where'er she went; Hut how she's lightly lied lo bin To shake him she's intent. Sweet Mary has a little calf Hut It no passers see. For now when men glance up her way Their eyes glue to tier knee. t T V A t I i en i ears gu I in Prince Rupert August 17, 1915 An inquest is l-mg held today by Coroner J. II. MrMullin into Hie death resulting from a Jap anese stabbing affray at Port Kssiuglnii Saturday night. The Jury consists of N. Scheininait W. W. Wralhall. W. .Miller, A. Key, A. Spurr and Martin )' Iteilly. " J. K. I'ele.rs'; son of Cily Soli- cilor Fred 1'c0ts,, K.C has been officially liteVl as missing- in casually" Hslsor thewnr. A parly of six left on Hie Prince (Jeorge this morning lo join the ioeal contingent at Ver non. The party consisted of J. M. Campbell, Fred Hroadhent and I'. Dillon of Prince Itupert; W. llaslie ami W. II. Millard o' Port Clement s. and Ceorge Kd- wards of Terrace. Mr. Camnliell is a pioneer printer of here ami Massed. SUN DEFENDS RAILWAY HEAD Attacks Hon. Arthur Melghen for His Attitude Toward Cana. dlan National The Vancouser Sun, which of leu attacks mm Hovernment. tie feinN Sir Henry Thornton and Ihe Canadian National in a re cent editorial article-, II says: Wliat gitod doo v.lr. Meighen e.ipc((:fj frri-oiilplli'7fr himself and Tor (-mada wilii his conslaiil allacjis ott Sir llrinyi'l'li'irtilon ami nie i.Hiiadiau .National T The figures which Sir Henry anvil tit nncouver last week show that, notwithstanding a de crease in gros earnings, tlier" was an increase in Hie net earn bigs of I Im Canadian National amounting lo 17, per cent. Surely this Js a showing of which Sir Henry and evtyry Canadian Na tional employee must .be proud And, a owners of the road, II mul he pleasing to the peopl-of Canada to know that their road is making such progress. So what has Mr. Meighen In aainf Ami if he continue playing politic against the Cana dian National ami it l()0,0(ia employees, will .Mr. .Meighen not find the Canadian National and It employees and their friend playing politic against .Mr. Meighen? During hi three year a President or the Canadian National, wo have never seen in print, from Sir Henry, one lngle talc-nient of political significance. On Ihe contrary, Sir Henry, by-public and private gelure ujid utterance, has valiantly fought against political interference with, the road and il employees In Hie mien-si of Canada and in the interest of Hie Con-ervallve pany, It would seem like sound advice to Mr. Meighen lo ugget Hint he slop In al al. BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1024. Has produced Minerals ns follows:- Placer Hold, ?77..im.',u..i; AUe r,,,, 173.100; Silver, SoS,82t,I7; Lead, $70.r48,o7N; liopper, lf..i.v.ivnx; ., 17I.W: Miscellan atieous Minerals, $l.tai.:stM; Coal ami tiKc, fznu.Hwi.uiN. Stone. Rrick, Cement, etr 1021 show an a- d 1 lie I'anMilun N.i 1 1. n IRRIGATION PLAN IS DUBBED AS UNMORAL BYjMINlSTER LANDS NKI.SO.N. lt.C, Aug. 17. Kn.uiiiK what I kinw of Hie a hole queslion, having given it the inosi earefnl study for year, htting the minister under whom the present policy ha been fol-, lowisl. I look umui the siigges-! lion to sliiinl part of the burden upon the povinee al lanre ' tMisitively nnmoral." declared Hon. T. D. Patlulto. minister of lands, with referenee to Hie Kebiwna irrigation eonxention resolution advocation n ptdiey of i!oeruiiieyt coiilrilmtioii to irri gation projects. "That condition vary in different districts, and Uiat there re otne oiltnndliig questions affecting ench that will reqnue - furtlier roisjderat ion and action. i we are uell aware, ami appio- lrile action will be taken in respect thereof a changing o.n- ditinits dictate hut the eope who actually own and operate and xei the direct benefit from Hie y-lems will have lo d" the ayiug. "If irrigation farming is to be hnnused, so also should dry far ming, so also should mining, so also should lumheriner. and in fuel, to be consistent, every olhT line of endeavor." LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte Land Ite-I cording District of Prince llu- perl, ami situate about two miles in n northerly direction from Itooney Point, Massett Inlet, irahain Island, HritlMi Columbia Take Notice that I.anirara Fishing & Parking Company Limited, of Massett, H.C., occu pation Packers, intends to a'pply for a leifse of the following d scribed lands: Commencing nt a post planted two mile in a northerly direction from Rooney Point, Massed In let, Craham Island, Hrltish Col umhia; thence easterly five chains, more or leis, lo low water mark; thence northerly along low water mark one bun dred and nitty chain4,; thence westerly five chains; thence southerly one hundred and sixty chains, moro or less, to point of commencement, anil containing eighty acre, more or less. LAN n A HA ITSIILNO ti PACKING PACKING CO. LTD. ApplicanL Per K. II. Simpson, Atrent. Daled June 13th. 1925. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte Land according DUtrlcl of Prince Ilu-pert, and situate about one and a half miles east of 'Massett Lighthouse, nl the mouth of Mas-sell Inlet, (lraham Island, 'Hrltish Columbia. TAKK NOTICC that Langara Fishing A Packing Company Limited, of Victoria, H.C., occupation. Packers, intends to apply for a Icae of the following do-scribed lands: Commencing al a post planted at the norHiwesl corner of Lot pcvcn, uraham Island, llrdish Columbia, about (inn and n Imir lacks on Sir Henry, Ins organi I miles cast of Massett Llghlhoitso' SitM.'i.sn; making il Mineral Production to ihe Aggregate Value of $859,427,386 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1924, $48,704,604 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal and the fees lower than Hi . f any other Province in the Dominion, or any colony in Ihe Rrittsh Kmpirc Mineral locations are granted lo discoverers' for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing' such properties, the security of v.!i i, . guaranteed by Crown (Jrauts. Full information together with Mining Reptrl nrd Maps may be obtained gr addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, Brltlili Columbia. N.R. Practically all Rrilish Columbia Mineral Properties iimiii who h dc .. work has been done are described in some one of Ihe Annual Rejiorts (,r ut. of Mines. Thoe considering mining investment should refer lo ii h rcpor y are available without charge on application lo Ihe Department of Mine.. . Reorls of Ihe ideological Survry of Canada. Pacjfir Ruildiug. Vancouver, arc mended as valuable our es of information. at ion. X7'U Planning That Vacation Trip Don't overlook the fact that you will uer i doth, plenl of changes, to lie cool and oft:' liMik oor best. Let us lake this detailed prejuimtiou off .. just bundle up verj tiling ou tire JiMly to --.i it lo us. We will have it luck promptly, beautifully a ironi d ready lo park. Yon will feet better. (Vw. if you have a it"' to conic hack lo. Retler hae u bnik after " linen now. sM j . im he pot awa. readj fm Phone No. 8 and we will -end our driver CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRYj SALMON TROLLERS Refore outfiHieg it wdl pay you to iupc t Trolling (iear. Wc have a nrw hue of Salmon Hooti-Swlvelli, Cuttyhunk and Gear of oil kind. In our stock you will find everything ". Anchors, Rope, Chain, Marine Hardware of all k and Copper Paints, Galley Stoves and Ulcnsih If it's for the boat we have it. Roats nre lost every year by fire hnvc you c Pyrene Fire Extinguisher yet? We sell Ihcm. Call and see us. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Ave. (Near Host Office) at the mouth or Maett Inlet, (irahain Island. Hrrlish Columbia: thence northerly fun chatn. morn or loss to low water mark; thence westerly, along low water mark one hundred and njxly chains; thence southerly five chains; thence easterly one hun dred und sixty chains, moro or less, io point of .commencement, and containing eighty acres, more or les. LA NO A II A FISHINO k PACKING CO. LTD., Applicant. Per K. II. Simpson, Aent. Dated June 10th. t?25. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte Land He cording District of Prince Ilu-perl, and situate at Itooney Point, Graham Island, Hrltish Columbia. lake Notice that Langara, i-lshlng d Packing Company Limited, of Massett, R.C., occu-pallon Packers. Intends to apply for a lease of Ihe following de. scribed land:- Commencing nt n post planted, al Itooney Point, Graham Island,' nruiHii loiumhla; thenco nor-Iherly five chains, moro or less, to low water mark; thenco westerly along low water mark one hundred and sixty chains; thence southerly five chains; thence easterly ono hundred and sixty chains, morn or les, to point of commencement, apd containing! eighty acres, moro or less, LANOAIIA FISHING ti PACKING, PACKINH CO. LTD. ApplicanL Per F. II Simpson, Agent. Daled Juno tilth, 1025. Win i: vo" l nulling why llitiiK Dial w in n hurry the best Ihcc Dry Kiln Dried Should you oi i this von u c I v.i! Hull Kindling! I"' $6.00 or nicely tied bundle 5 for $1.00. Our Tail mini to rememjici . 'I ( "Servb'e" i on you jue our en -' will use them um- M our charge ilnv "all the limn." Dray work f 1 attended lo tr Stand 345 Third A-Also Seal Cove The Prince Rurf Transfer & Taxi 0 Phones: 1S9, '12- HAVE YOUfili REMODELLED AND REPAIRED ' B. C. FUR Co. Third Avenue Phones Day, Ore" 120. NlQht, Dlaek 701