AOR SIX TUB DAILT IflTWS. We save you MONEY QUALITY IS WHAT COURTS Our Prices arc no higher tlian any other store in Canada. Goods marked in plain figures according to grade. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, Etc Save Your Eyes Our Optician has had over 25 years' experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North FRESH BULKLEY VALLEY BEEF, VEAL, PORK AND FOWL. Compare our prices, lloiling Ileef, per Ih. . . Cc Pot Hiiasl, per Ih 10c Oven Iloasl. per lh. 12'ic Hamburger Steak, lh. 1214c (ainer's Hani, per lh. 40c Oainer's llacun, per lh. 45c Saturday Special (iainer's Pure Lard, per lh. in bricks 25c Your money hack if this is not. the best lard ever used. Bulkley Market Formerly P.U. Fish Market Phone 178 'Deniers Have All Wool BATHING SUITS from $4.00 to $8.00 P.O. Box 327. Phono 27. DANCING At the Auditorium TUESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS, ,8 to 11 p.m. SATURDAY EVENINQS from 8 to 12 midnight. i Piece Orchestra. 1 liance 10r 3 for 23c 1 ree Admission. U J. MARREN, Prop. Phono Black 449. Phrenology MAY LEE, Hie lti at liuly plirenologist fnun Ji-rusalelii, will read your head like un open book. Shr will i ell you all about your past aud present. I)oiiT miss this jrreal op-portuntiy. 820 Third Avenuo Wost. Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Holgorson Block, Prince ftupert, B.C. Office Hours- U to 0. X-Ray Service . Phone 680. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday livening. FISHERMEN ON TARIFF Unanimity for Reduction Was Feature of Seattle Hearing says Local Union Agent A feature of the evidence presented at the halibut larilT conference in Seattle last week was Di.lL American ;in.l tl;n:olinn a reduction in the tariff hein made, stales J. H. Meagher, local agent for the Deep Sea Misher- men's Union who, accompanied ! by Mrs. .Meagher, returned to the city this niornins; on the Prince Charles after attending Mil- con ferenre. .Mr. Meagher himself had a petillon, containing some DO names about equally divided between American and Canadian fishermen, asking for a- reduction in I he larilT. There was a similar petition from I'elersbursr, Alaska, and it was notable that Ketchikan, which staged the niol bitter light for the routinuallo't; .1 . . i ir I . . oi ine present tariu, nan no p thai Hie tariff be maintained. s far as the Canadian fisher men were concerned, Mr. Meagh er says that it was made plain that,' unless there was a reduclio'; in tlie t anil on oanaiiian iisti entering the United Stales, IU fight for the closing of Canadian Pacific ports to American fish would he continued. Despite bitter opposition against larilT reduction, Mr. Meagher is hopeful that such may be recommended in the com mission's report lo the I'resi- denl of Ihe United States. LAND ACT. i Nolle of Intuition to Apply to Purchaa Lino. . In Frlnr rtuprrt Land lilstrlct, Recording UHiriri or r nitre nuiicri, atxi sima e at shannon lla)-. B.C.. MaMl Inlrt, IJX. Island. TAKE .NOTICE that luiKl Finding; strati, ot SutinytlUr, B.C., . ot-rupallim raniif r tnin. lntriid lo aiity for ifcrmlv sion iu imrcnase me roiKiwinr acscriix-o lamia: ijiiumrnrlnr at a post Planted II chains ulh J5(lrc. wtst. more or less frott (outnweM corner oi uh tnenrr utn 30 rliains; Itwnrt rt SO chilli', HHre or less, to water's t6r; ttienre rilliwlnr mranderlnr of beach lo ix.ini of runiiiienrrinent. aud totittlitinr 4& acres, more or ies.. JAS. Fltl-DINO STRANG. IMIert inir 7th. IB Applicant rer wm. u. Niicneii. LAND ACT. ArenL Notka of Intantlon to AddIv to Laaaa Land Columbia. TAkE .NOTICE that AnKlo-BrItlh Col- niiihla Park In Company Unillrd, of anroarer, B.C, orrupalloo Parker. Intend to applf for a lea.e of the folbiw- ln derrllied land: Commrnrlor at a ixist Minted on I lie ouih lilKirn of llartlelt' Point. Wale I. land, at tilth waler mark: thenre In an easterly direction alonr hlrh water mark roriy-eirnt hundred reet. more or lew. In a pos l marked .No. I.E.: thenre south erly 10 rhaln. more or Jen, to low water mark; Inenre In wentrrly dtrectlort alonir hv water mrt forly-elthl hundred teei. more or ie; inenrt nnrtneriy id rhaln In 1'tnl of romnienrrmetit, and rontalnlnit 7J arrea. more or les. ANGLO BIIITISII T.OLL'MBU I'ACkINO CO. LTD . Apphran. I'er Waller E. Walker. Aenl. Dated July 18, 195. Just Arrived! The latest styles' in ladies hosiery at the lowest possi ble prices. Ladies, ft w ill pay you to come in aud lake advantage of these bargains. Silk Hose (tegular price $1.50, reduced to . . .c. . . i. $1.25 Dawn, Illack, I'ork, Camel, Drown, Flesh, lfcach. Silk and Wool' Itegular price 1.25. reduced lo SI .10 (irey and Fawn. Fancy Silk Hose llegujar price 81.50, red need lo S1.35 Fancy Silk Hose In (irey and Fawn, reduced lo, per pair $1.10 Sllkollne Ilegular 85u, 75c, reduced," per pair 55c, 65c All Dry (ioods considerably reduced. Come in aud see for yourself. Mussallem's Phono 18 or 24. Fifth Avo. E. P.O. Box 235. Phone 209 m Richard Garreti representing W. H. M. ROLSTON & CO. specialising in Portland Canal Mining Slocks. Porter Idaho-Marmot Metals UNIQUE OPENING OF ALBERTA HOSPITAL Indians Participated Prominently In Rocent Function at Rife EDMONTON. Alia, ig. 17.-(Canadinn Press) At the pf llir Hed Cross Outpost hospital at Hife, Alia, recently, the celehrntion was of a unique nature, the Indians coming in from the reserve la assist. The admission tickets were sold hy Fisliermcn alike, were desirous 0rir,,if 1,0,1 "lanket Chief Yminv Chief, aired 8(5 years, also lent dijyiity lo the occasion by his presence. A small hog sold by auction for I2G.50, a box of candy for 113.50, a blue kitten for $5 and a June bride doll. $15.75. There was -a creditable ijisplay of butter, bread ami ?akes and home-made articles or clothing. An Indian wntnan donated a quilt made from the empty tobacco sacks collected at the Mounted -Police Harracks at DUNWELL MINE TO SELL STOCK Its Own Operations Instoad of Selling YICTOIllA, Aug 17. The imnvvcii shareholders are pro-j posing lo develop their own pro-nerly instead of selling it. A meeting of shareholders Is lo In will provide valuable assistant) company han. been making at' hi llir settlers. ' effort to seJI the properly oul- right at Amh a price as winild IMMPNSP HAMATF ?,vv l,,t" ''are'lioMers a powJ r- HIIlULnOD UmnnML 1urn , , ,,,,1 oiinilal. FROM RAIN IN JAPAN lane . by them lo oierale the mine 'inenisehes ami ilevelop it as a and ,,.. 1trjiuil v.i.....t.i,. Several People People , Drowned Drowned . Loss Estimated Fifteen Twenty Million Yen LAND ACT. Int; the shore line to point f emnnteiire inenl. one hundred ami Iwinty rlultx. atxli ritmalnmr twelve aere. mire or le. THE CANADIAN HStnO CO. LTI. ... . t . nated nih Mar tttl . iMiiiiriu j.cisiaiurr us mriiiiiiT LAND ACT. ' I Notice of Intention to Apply to lull Land In Prlnre Bupert Mnd Kerordinr Di-1 Irlrt or rrlnre lliipert. and rltuale at' in steena iianre Lana nistrici. iie-Barllelt Point. Wale Inland. Ilrltlsh mrdln Mslrlrt j-rlnee Itiii-ert. B.C anil lluate yt mile north of Wales Itlaod jinnery. on Wale Island. B.C. TAKE MOTir.K that the Canadian roll lutr r. Ltd.. of Vinnniter, B.C.. orrupa lion. Salmon Canner. Intend lo apply t'-r ienntlin to lrae Ihe lollowlnr ile- i-ripea ann: Cotnnienelnr at a port planted at hlrh water mark, near point ",t mile norili from Cannery on Wale ll.ind! Ilienre north One rlia'n; thenre e-l ten rhalm: inenre south lo more line one rnain: Ilienre eit followln tlie lnre tine P. point of (minenrnnent. and rodlalnlnr one arre. nmrr or le. THE CAMAIUA HSIILIO CO LTI Hated ainh Mar, iltl Ille1 ynn, v LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Leu Land I, rn, (t.ii.c II., l.l.lllll, I Hi" lliipert, B.C.. and altuate I no yard north or winter iianr. reare itianu. n.i-. TAkE .NOTICE that the Canadian Elh Inr l- I Id., of Vaiirourer. B.C ocrtlpa lion. Salmon Canner. Intend to apply for eniitin to lrae the follnwlnr Ue- 'rrihea linl: LAND ACT. Notice of Intention lo Apply lo Lean Land In Prlnre lliipert Land llernrdlur IHitilr of Prlnre Itiierl. and ultuate it Vei latwn liar. Maxell Inlet. TAkE MlTli.E that Kintene II. Slmpli. nf Maelt, B.C. iM-rupallon ranneryman. intend to apply ror a ieee or ine roi ! ml li ir rterr tied land:- i.onmiriiriiir at a Put piinled bIhkii lio rhaln westerly from tlie .VE. ronier r Lot n.n. iianre s. cnao ilrlrt Ilienre wel tl rhaln: thence north three lialns. more or leu, to hlrh water marlei Ilienre easterly ilonc hlrh wiler mark t IHilnt t roiiiuieni-rmenl. and ronialiilnr arre. more or le. ElliWE II. SIMPSOX. Appllranl. Hale.1 rd July.- o. LAND ACT. Notice of Inlintlon lo Apply to Lene Land In Skeena Minre t Mud Dltlrlrt. lie iiirdlnv Itimrlrl Prince IIiiihtI, and lit Hale KoiithwrM point of Wale Inland. TAKE .NOTICE that the Canirllan ITh Inr Co. Ltd.. of Vanrouver. B.C.. orrupa Hon, Salmon Canncr. Inleml to apply or irniHion to K'ie I lie (uuowinr uo fti.pll.jwl lBt..l Ciiniiornrlnr at a riot rilanted at hlrh water mark on Miutliwrii point no Wale itiann, n.c: inenre norm onn rnain; llM-nrp eait ten rhaln: thenre Miutti one "haln to almre line; thenre wet alonf hore line to pulut nf rouitneni-enient, and ronialninr one arre, more or le. THE CAN MilAM flSIIINO CO. LTU. Hated tfnd Mar. m, liintier lor Sale On Lots HVJ and WHO. Mange t Coast District.. Price 500.110 cash. This timber is subject to Prov. Oovl. stumpage charges. Apply T. S. ANNANDALE, New Westminster. 'for London in the (iencral Llec tion of IU33, aud was appointed Minister without portfolio in the gnverument OLfon. U. Howard hcrguson. 'llemeniber IUk fi,000.000 Ihe liinit JTiTUaines Whitney i said to have cautioned Ileck when the first government guar antee of hydro bonds Was de- iii.'iinlcil Mr. Iti'k fmitiil lilltp dilticulty In gelling the Whitney limit raised lo hundred of mil lions after he shown him what he could do. The first pro vinfclally owned current from Niagara was turned un iu the town of Merlin, now of Kitchener, in I'JIO. The second lransmii siou line was built lo Toronto. Deck continued lo represent London iu Ihe Legislature until Comimiirinr at a l planted at hlli(iii liM unl ilnurn wHIi wHn uen lie went oown wuu water mark to feet from rork on flwirei''"'' line: thenre east one rlnln; Ilienre nnrlhl( (Conservative party 111 the ne nunnreo aim maim: ineorei meniy , et to hore line one main; thenre in' Provincial general election. He a southerly dlrertlon rollowlnx the chore ..... ml.,!.,,,,! r,,''ll"u W ilV it,,, t"e l'rtir lirnev II U.l l-'ll .U. line to K.lnt of rommenremetii. and co- 'ainlnr tee ei-rex. more or leai. t Labor (ioverinneill however. chairman of the Power a Uom- misions, in which capacity he at that lime was paid a salary u' 1 8.000 a year. Broke with Farmers , Sir 'Adam Heck's plans if Hydro affairs met with setbacks under Ihe Diury United Farm er (iovernmenl, particularly with reference lo Hydro Hleclrio llajje ways, A lloyal Commission, after several months of investigation recommended nyalnst bulldjiig certain radial railways undo provincial guarantees, nnd thereby took issue with the 'ydro Commission and SiryAdam 'Heck.j This report caused a certain Jiv-I isioiiMielween Sir Adam aud tlie' government when the latter uindni it dear that they were inclined to accept the lloyal Commission's report in the-one lo follow. Then there wa the break over the cost of the Chlppawa project and while the Urury (Soverument did not slop the work there it held, up the latest advance of three and a half million dollars until (he legishtluro could vo!o on It. .Sir Adam defended the stand of the Hydro Commission l Willi charneii i Islic vigor, alluck ed the lloyal Coininissloii's re port and ile..nci the Hydro Cuiiiinls'lon - expeiulllures. f P. W. Ainli-rson, road nper-liitendcnl, iciurned to the city on the Prince John today after having made his annual lour of inspection the Oueun Char lotte IaianUi i HALIBUT ARRIVALS TOTAL 209,500 LBS. Yhal Utile difference there Iwas tin morning hetween adiau ami American halibu'. rmw Company Proposes , to Continue . . . ... , adiau. Faros lolalled 20y.50u pounds made up of 173.500 proposal will ,e laid lie-fitr uv".v " ,c ' "T.r" ' them them by by the the doctors. directors. The The urn- gen . J 'm . 3t'00 'mm' ? ' eral scheme ris discussed now i. ns follows: I'he mine s lo be retained un der Ihe present directly rale and developed, the necessary funds to be rais'ed by the sale of more ""' ''8c an'' U' lo lock. A prominenl engineer is lo In Migageil to have charge of Ihe work with a View to placing Iho property on a sluiing basis im- (liiion Lake. This quilt look ten .mediately or ns soon as pos- ears to make, 'and is a striking isible. example o' Indian patience. Thej Pr?scnl shareholders arc I quill will be sent to Ihe tobacco have firat opportunity to pur- rompany The liospital under the chase new stock at par. if inn .from fishermen asking management of .Miss AnderMUi For seveitil months jmisI the ---'. ............. v. to 'ni.rlv. . , I When the possible sale of the I property was first announced the TOKIO, Aug. t7. Several price of the stock jumped, but people were drowned during a as the sale did not materialize iolcnl rainstorm which flooded and the shareholders realized it various ar(s of Japan today. Ihey began lo unload and the I'he damage is estimated at be-jprice beenme depressed until to-tween fifteen ami twenty million day it ts worth less than half yen. - jwhat it was n month or two iifrr. I If the directors show that tliey can command the money market Nolle or Int.ntlon U Apply to Lat. Ln an(, rdif0 tJ- nepetrv tnoticy in caur Land Motnrt. iieewrdinit ri- to carry on. Hip price of this rlrl I'rlnre nuerl. It.t:, and altuate nortli , . , ., , . . r iwrrish Bay. i-ortiaiid Mnai. stock should ayaui rise. I he TAKE .NOTICE that the Canadian Hli- i ... I... (,11 tl....... Hilt Co. Ltd of Vaoeonver. B.c, oeruj ' -n , IkMi, saln.ii Cannerj, Intend to apply mr inniiirm to irae tue tuiiuwtni oe riM-r n niri'c nnuiro ertbed land: - w i. w ConinK-nHnr it a pl 'ponted al hlrh DIES AFTER moke houea; thenre imrlheatl on- i rhain; tntiiee oillieal mie tmnlred and' lu'enlv rhafnf Ihenee Miiilhwet td fttwire 1 Inm erne rhaln; llienre nrthet tiilViw I WIZARD WORK HAD BEEN CARRIED ON WITH SUCCESS MANY YEARS. (continued from page jne) pounds from eight American vessels and 30,000 pounds from six Canadian. Arrivals ami ?ncs: American Sitka. 35,000 pounds, at 1 1 .to 1 0.1c and 5c. ami Daly. 21.000 pounds, al lO.Oe and 5c, to the Hooth Fisheries Co. Vesta, ii.000 pounds, at 11.5c and H 6c, nnd SenllneK .,noo Vtlin Fisheries. lirmaiita. 25,000 pounds, at 10.1e and Or. to the .Oanadtan Fish A Old Storage Co. Itainier, H.O0U pounds, and Wabash, 7.500 pmlnds. al II.Cn and 7e. In the lloyal Fish Oi. Canadian Mtirneag. li.noO iMiund. al ll.3c and ?.!; Sa Maid. 3.00O pound, at l-s anil .'e. and M lb I. .loo -.minds al IHr and .0e. U. the CaiiMdian l ish Hold Storage t'.o. .Mnrgalice. 3.000 pouiidt, al lie and Jr. nnd lUtw Siear. 10.-000 ootiiid-. al I !,: nnd J fe the lloyal FihIi F.o. Verntt 7.500 imiuiuIs at ll.t and 7.5c to the Allin Fisheries MEN ON COMOX AVENUE GAYE OFFICER SLIP Marly this morning a rail wa ning into the police sliitior from (!fnnox Avenue where tw men were said lo be lireakitr; iiMir ami windows iu I lie re sidenei' of HuHi Vernon. Ser;teaii' llailey resnondeil and, on arrival. gave enitse lo ine two men. une. Jofin 1 antanvillf, showetl fight and kicked Ihe ollicer in lh-stomarli and face before lie and the. other man. A. Lsselin. got away. This all happened about 5:30.' An emergency call was sent for Sergeant MfcOlinelty. the stalwart of tin force, and by 7,. -'5 lie had both the men under arrest. They will come up for trial tomorrow on charges of resisting arrest, doing wilful Jam- age and assaul'. MANY FATALITIES IN EASTERN CANADA OTTAWA. Aim li. - A iloublc drowning and f"tir other fatali ties were reiorlei froty eastern ''cuiada Ho- ni"nnng onnguig Hie week etui I..II to ftftren SENUSI TRIBESMEN RISE AGAINST ITALY PAWS. Aug. 17. Reports re- reiv.-il. liere i0te that 700,000 nieinbers of the Senusi trilmstneu of, -northern ami central Afrn a have risen hi relielllon ngainsi Italy in Trlfrli. There was a battery of moving picture cameras alMiard Ihe C. p. It. ituaiiier. Princess Alice which was. in port this morning bound noUt; for Alaska. There were (ilsoiiie big iitmliiiK nggrega-lion.s hlxiiiid including James l.ipiit' Clark, asslstiiitt ilirctor of the American Museum of Natural History, and Mrs. Clark who are goiuif on a two' mouths' trip to the Cassiar district expres-ly to lydlect specimens of caiibi.u for Hie museum. English Broadcloth - i.t'full range of colors. I me silky finish. For sjipg, I'lidervvear and Dresses. JO , and to inches wide. Meg. 1 -Oil. Special ;.r yard 80c West of England Store Phone 753. Monday, Augu' 17 j?. INVOICE No. A 1255 All good- in tins viore hearing Hie above tustnhrr Inglier iiiimlier, liave heeu receiveti into our -IVliruary, 11125. Thoso Goods aro subject to no special reduction l?r per renl reiliieliou is effet'live on anv ;;i in our store under our -chedule of slock lurtmve- i year. In other wonN any Roods rrrehetl prior F' ;, 1, Hi.r. if pol nlready -old, do not jii-l i fy heif instead of being iiti.aet are iicliinlly aJiabiliU CUSTOMER'S PRIVILEGE ' It is Ihe cu -tinner'- privilege to demand ( iliscouiil on oil good- which do not bear it h--hr than AI2r.: wlucli rover- every item mi lite ,: tif gmnls received oil IV hniai y I. 1 ., r.. j rash for same. Credit ttrroiints are ud i , ilist-ouiil. OUR GUARANTEE No department hi lhi 'lore will be tlhv the uivon e inutilier on im niln le in tin- -! save the -pe. nil tlisriuiut for dcMiiiiu nlal li- This Policy to be Maintained Nxl month we' will nniouio Hie niv Hie fir-1 -Iiijo.o nt received on M ii h I. I'i.' i cent di-' "itiot wdl be Hi' n ctte. iive m nil in February. f: -l UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Night. 7 and 0 p.m. The Bandoler PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 6 The romance of a daring bull lighter ; (lancing girl. An eutralliiiK drama nl v-nng lrmy love. All the intense reilrmiil "t it--fighting areno. filmed in Minny Hiiii. with I world's greatest bullfighter, lenping mtr f hulls, flirting with death. The thrilling hr l Ihe Imiidit's ilnughter ami Itamon. the daring i white flash of a Uiiuliug -mile, the ehallrug v slender shoulder, Ihe seilm-live fin k f acig n' Stronp eat: Manuel Gransdp, Pence Adorce, Pi4r do Cordoba, Cuitav von SeyffertlU, Gordon Oegg, Dorot'ij Ruth and other-. the "Co cirrrEns" series No. o ceorge o hara AND ALBERTA VAUGHN In "A MISS IN THE DARK." INTERNATIONAL NEVV8 Admission 35o and 10c FOR SALE Halibut Gear $10.00 to $25.00 per skntc including gangings nnd hooks Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., $ Girls' Dresses 75 c. QOODS WELL BOUGHT ARE HALF SOLD We have been offered by a wholesale lion . piiintily of Cljildren's tlrosV's til u very low prn r "! ( neceideil Ihe offer ninl are in a po.sjlion lo ailvc' al 7."ic a piece. ' Sizes 18, at) ninl aa. j.intit ;t lo every cu t ""'! JAB0UR BROS, LTD. ,n. And and 7lh 7th St. St. Ph0"e 3rd Avo. C45