PREVENT FOR F ST F1RFS-. IT PAYV aw: WATCH N0TICC. Ui and Sloraa. r i K Dial William i- l.iMkriairi WATER NOTICE. Dlt.ralon and Ut LAND ACT. 'i ( lauallaa la Apply la Itat t4 '- i iw aalrr laark t , Independence and United Empire H1 llly for llr.m bi inliwra liirlw tul (alln "f watrr oul uf in am wliu-h fk au'ilurrl). w t arm r i norii'Mi 1 llarlior. .U. J b.V; 7 H is :i l healrd at l In- auurrw lit I IM riarlly.. ir IIm rr i . . il l alMiilt ,0ttll til w ii riHl about ii fr uf i i will I ir dlvrrtrd frmn f inl at IU urrr, and l i doim-atir and ranm-ry w land dmrrtlwd ( III Hhxfc A. (jurril harbil i 111. iiuOrr a ImmUmI mi itn i mil iu y r July, mi. nulfr ami til ll'tillrilioii i . ami to IIm "Watrr An, t f l. il In tin- f.ffir i,r iiw j . at I'rlwe Hurri, lu:. (! awdlriifcun nay lx fiM Wat.r Itm.rdrr ur with r Watrr Unlit, full :x VntorU. U.i: WltuiU r "i. r llw fir.l ai'Ur-aranrr A i i.u-al nrar. llw datr i ;tih'-ail"ii of I nmlre, I. W C. SN-AI. Afntlranl. itnl r.ntinrr Ootd . nklroM U IJnifnwff iu awtir vir a iifrw1 ih. I nr tm riiWr frrl ,i-4iwr i.rwk ali kiwa wIikIi rii nlrly ami i lain nn aiui ai (In alrr tr dirfl . ' ml m will.l .l.iHl flu. "I IIm tllrkry rltlm.i wwi a ui t.nrimrrl 1 -I l am) nrorlutr !' r kiilwrt. and alliMtn mi I . ... l,f lirilKR JMH anal, tad lirlof al UMI, KMl. Inao aad Trea imraii I'lMUL 1 Otai Awrlu PriUtb U '4ii4ay tlmnl. r -"-iMtlMt rackrrt. m a la ol U foil" it. i al a r"t pUntd it Mfbf li i i-'ini. eMiai uui;i II.4II Wfll till hundred rl to a i s.K .; ttwurf aoalnfrii l-. lo air (ii-irrtr a kef I" ' irhl hiindrvd ttt. iwira n- ' itM-rly 10 rhin. nil ii nmimHirrawnl. ana a r- nin or tan. . .:.! niiiTtMi rotrvm 'V'kttQ o. I.TP.. A4llraai. l'"f Walter K. VValkrr. Vrrttt. " ISIV LAND ACT. .... i . . . . r -t :an. nrorillnt Watrlrl ' "loniliia. aixl aiiuaia al ;-i ir vnnvit inlet. atiu t "lh ffii the nrlhal cur- jii iri-r io. oih, Oratiam tU l; thai I. Kutrik II. lmr nriii'ii ciiiinni.n. nrrnia ill rltx-d tanUi I al a i filmif"! ahrait II 1 f 4n Ihr Imrthnil innirr a iicrly dlrrrllmi: thrmc I . 'ham. thmrr ralrrly l it 'f niimrn.nnriii. ai4 I; r- morr or lr. l- :K II. SIMI'SON. LAND ACT. iu:'ii ...ihii m In LAND ACT. ' ' ' n!Tlrf i?h" nalll'l l , ,iQ,"wvir. M,r prrupa- i"'Miu-, ,,, :"T.r"j . "nnd. to . arirf.v ' III ll il Inn, land.. ii "'""m toiwma """iiir ...... . . . , Ihrnr. .L..,nnl"" Harawfk li i,.i... "Hln. ihrnra nntn, . V.T"r? .! "vrn rlialna, I K I'lMIIM... " vi a r-"-. 'a nna i7 7J.'S1 co, ltd Mil, mmes in Bear Kiver Valley at Stewart Dealt With in Report .... (. y. fi A. Cl,,ll"fr. H,Mlenl Mining Engineer) " !!.d,',f.l,,,Mf,, was incorporated rap enrtv y in lli.'t with a fnpitalizaliiiii of 1,500,000 .shares f JJ0 a share pur value. TJ.e fiulding of the company ,,, of the dependence group of six claim on 0ooe rm-k owned by the litzgenthl lrm of .Stewart, During the winter Hie niain tunnel v,..- ..,.,...r., ,., iooiii z,u leei, exposing l)rCf jt was .ii. i. i.m. n iih-ii in ereri a small mruprcsMir buildings were creeled, including a hunk house. uir" riMiiii, uiacKsm in inin. ami eoinprPKMir Imitiling. allo-pHlier niakin? a viry ulmtaii-lial AjiilitiiHiL Work w.i ilarleil on Urn No. .1 will, on which there i a r' lriinitin(t eipoure of .ore. A oul win put aero Ihi wiUi I r.oMilt,, 'I'lie eoiiipror wa lnlurliNl in June ami work wan re- ..n V.. I ... 11... : .. . .... I mt own-to iixi ifc face at 1.750 feet elevation. ;,.:,!' a ,WiCrT The hk. In timnd w then con-?;i.r,Stl,fe'nul ami L re,HWe, ly J. Tilt- wn-r iuhn. fariiaturargerMiil a Jein? In ore praclically ' r.l tinwaianr al (2omiderin(r now coudilion in the apring and trail condition durinir the mimmer, the projertv ha hal n wry eretlllalde amount f vvttrk done on it thl year, with, it i reported, very ali-faelfr' reiIU. Thoiigh "the wo ACT, iu. ni ..r ur i -' ' "oiainuii; au irrrn, N JAMES nrlllUn RTflAin. Aniilirint. l'r Win, 0, Mllrlirll. I'l III! V lk a... arrul " ,n,,nOon to Apply lo Purthaal ""! Land rtrrnnllni nla. ' i Mini mi.. .. .. . .. ivi-k 1.1....1 '"'"i ii..;.. ann wina"!' "tn nf Walri lalainl, expetuleil a eainalderahle nm .in the trail llirjirtiveinent next apring. United Empire The I nilol Kmiiire nHin nl iiiitieral elainm ineludea a Ntiin her of rJainia fomieriy in Uu llayview property, and the old I'.tlff group, ou-iieal hy Dann A DoHville. of Stewart, ahout lueuly claim in all. The claim are aittialed o thr uesl aide of Hear river, jnt mirth of the town ivi He.wurf mid adjoiHiitg (he Hayvicw group, an (ileal location for iramwny trnnportatiti t lid' water in' the eveul ut he-roiuiiiK iinnlurer". The coin-hmed prp,",,, were taken under Imnd in Octoher hy A. H. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS. Wtatarn Rag Ion. TIMiKH l ! rrelH at Ih ''ffir f th ,;Wr Knaiirrer. WIWii imw. Vn . UIHH lrl' o cWV iw ThurMlav. ll lh day of . rr.1aMw-iil villb ft-rrHr f..r ihr mii-il -T uV of thirty four ilrn rolvrl-IJ . Vwltlir. IMvkH.. and of. ? ft BV " ft. rrtmorml rmirrrlr l nil-yf. at Vlilr f..,.J anU Mil IJI.C. rrtaer auii IHlOn. . piaa. -nr:eati.rti aud farm tf i Iran may I" xva ami fonn or Irnilrr .4,ia'i--.l at th.' orrirr- ' ln r r.nliiT. WlniiU"'. Man.. Iiflrlrt Kuylnrrr. Van-mnr H..; PlUrtrl Uirtiirrr. Mmmun. Vita 'till"Hi Milirr. Urmrr llttjri. il .:.; imialuo tnrliMr. r.alar. MU. i Tiih r will not 1" nlitrrl nnlraa nud .... ih- f.t auwMr.1 l.v tin- nalUajfl lMHn) ait ar.panlr. J.y an iw;W, rtoStW a rhattrrwl hank equal W flVj JJrrrnl of llir of It wrk. na-Ku li. ihr onlrr r ti Trrawirrr, ran-adlan Hailwayi. Ttw i..r.t r any Jrtrr ni w- t" at..lT for a t.aa amy ar.ri"-" kiMiai.ANn. nciM-ral Manarrr. Wtnntorf- Mn.. .... .. I In. n..l,.,.. I J.lM : '"' '" ." I -lialiia ta low wairrsl 73 Nat lea of Intantlon to Apoly to Laaia Land i-rinr 'liuiirfl Laml llrroolin na-uffTn I'riarr ll.irl. thr oiilHrl slH.rr ! ''' in land It : . v marnror fruiu k llai.l. and rat fn-i. I.tand l rolnl. Sltklan Uland 1 Cor TVkK ViTIi K ' Analo lirlllh ..JlkK ..rkiar l '".'. i.- .... i - .... .ti.tfi 1'flrnrrn. in-. "" 10 appiy 10 rurcnaia . . .'..iv f,,r a lraa of lw roimw- -tr.a Hr, n MJTft ".J"J! im-ct ..a .. " ...-., mm I IM lltliriri r..-.. thai Mr.. ,.. ., Srt ii.iii'n i.,n,i.i- Sr.,Ma'",1 . ' v. int....... ... .....i- .... ..... m :i ii : . " .. . r'J iv 'd iani " ,,,n ."::,H'':' ai a rM t nlant planird tlitrk ii .i follow Ini dr v at hlili vw iln lllvrr: ilirnrr a rhaliia ill r li. 1 1. .-. . . ... ii j-iii. .... . i y.r.. : all- ,.i. ""r i.oi istii .nniiT i ii i. Oi'nra IS rhalna ali I' iiu.n.. ""ri": tnrnrn i rnaii.a , "Vark for.y.r!m m0 'V. ihVnS lr, in ..l"''.".," hp . tu lowi ".rri.L:?. ihr re TaffHiweMerfy . alony wnn-i -,,, r.iriv " rl( it iHinurrn irn, ,u Wil V,. h' lH.rtl.rrly l rhaln;. nrr rv!;,rn.,;,', 1 .M.MVl Am),rlt IVr Wallrr K. norrt July Ul'i.iitl- LAND ACT. Waikrr. Aynit. UAPP., W rureh... N,l,e. of lnt.nt.on In th l:.. JIT-?TC-P W iii,i'i-i.. - . ...... in' M "rn ii'. y.- ...,, ,1,.,. rvkE MHKr: mat -v'-T " ; , ltrl, of "' .!;.:.,.iriri appiv for !rr arrlhrd l'" . i,nlnl approtl ' '""""'"i'.'f. ..V . n.rr . .''" .r"''n mairiy ... ";"- ; i .,, ll t onir nr tioniir" ''''..ha rlia n: inrnrr thr"' ,"m"'.,,Oi I rliAIll: weal Vn rhalil": ' r0 r )r., to thrnrn wesl 0.,7'"inlnr Jiraivlrrliif Imarli: IU''"', ' iAu'ZZl n"nrH..ri(t, ami iira.n io "".". , r . mnuinln. A,'nt ,.rr win, 0, MUCM.. DiOtJ Jttlj Several log cook houte, h,.,.,-, .i... i r mi i iiiuin mil-: r.iri. i 1H ...., i ,,lr,t ne in ilriving ahal. At a point wa i, i,. (i.iw. . , ahout 3n feet from the portal , ,i ,u..n n. ..ii. ero-eiil wna alarted towanUi i h(. rmn.,rv rU i" wi.i. n. ' " r....-,a ... , . a , , ix-pavr. I no aaw Irnm h. nnrlil u liaro n, , . ... i aiKi r iu not, " jrr 'irnirii-iiiieii nvurex, mriK- n "!-! mu tiu.. ivcJ M1Mlrm H liflntll HrwA. Sinl WATtN NOTICE. Dltaraloa antf Ut . i: out fnnnorr fUtki iMt i uuintvr aw-ljr r. t Mrrar 'Hi if imi rnur rari r rnniKH-r ik alrti an. i driii MMa VV1 Ttku ' i.r'r-r Cjihji Tlx alr i 'n-m ih Mmn al a1 il'ifl a,rUT ut MT i.'P S UlHll Clakw. Trile, or I'eiroleu ni, I !lllll l.n ft V I tniilo.1 II..WI...I An ... I aurface cxMnrc vary up to 250 oz. ailver lo the ton. There are. o far a known. I hits.' vein on (he property. No I vein ha heen traced for over 1.000 feel. No. 2 ahoiil 500 feel. ami No. 3 alHiul 300 feet, all mineral -fiearini;. A. St. Clair Itrindie i hi rharsze at the pro perly for Mr Trite. PRINCE GEORGE Alexander lulrhinoii, local ajrent of the Imperial Oil (., wa marrieil here recently to Mi Janet 'ilon ilrovvu who arriveil from Alienieen. Scotland. Mr. Iliitrhiiiun i a lulenll violin!.!. - Ahout 500 inch have heen Kent from Prince fJeorge tu the prttlrie hrvet field. Premier Oliver was a visitor here last week after liitvf iiir com pleled a tour of In spin-lion of the Pacific Ureal Katern Hallway lie appeared to be personally in favor of ciuiijdetfiiK the mad from Ouesnel to Prince Oeorge if at all posib1e. John Assinan, pi6neer mer chant of Prince (leorge, is coin-iilelinc 'plans for lh erection o the finest business block In Hie city. II will he built on Third Avenue of brick and veneer arid will be 33 by CO or "0 feet in dimension, to a height of two utoreyn with a subslaiillitl C. II. llowarlh, manager ofUfe lUi.ti. sawmill at llulton whlcii was deslroycd by fire tills sppintr, announce thai bis company js to rebuild but the site has not yet been finally decided upon. Wullace M. Cuiwilnk'haln, one of thn early residents of this district, js here froni yhslllng-lon, D.l visiting wiJh his'nuijh. er and sisler. Aid. nnd Mrs. ! I). Taylpr have relumed to Prince lleorge after a iiioiilh's auto, trip IhroiiKh Ihe Pacific Coasl stales' TIMBER SALE X7343. Fralrtl Trndrra will l rrrrlvrd by ttir Miniirr uf I .ami al Virliirla not lnn-r than ikhiII on lh 1 7111 day of Srpli-lnliri', TiMnra an r villa A mm the Pacific Mines.!. ami .Development'- I way incyirporalcil for 2.1o0,ooo . iliaren ut l a nhare par value,' i i. i ....... i Nrk wa ru.hf(J in Ki'HiiiK a Iran liuill, a ramp put up, ami lIJIltllfi4 III fill U'itllu vein oeeur i a hand . of meta iimr,lioiNl rnek lying .alonix tin honler of the granite inlrimion, on iU contact with lhe(ihl feJi-inonlarieo. Thl belt or one i i.. . . i .. .... . i .. i .t.. ttt i uni - .ii"i.-','ij i)riiir.'ii, nn roHtrnunuly to the fare, at 100 een in the hig Muff. The vein croa.eui i iwinjr .iriven arroaa in- Mm,. ai riVi.i allci, , the vein. Allopether there hnnUtir ut t.mltHel ,jneralixe.l with; lutan rtK.kitl All1 f ..4.1 rtf nniLf - ' ..... . ... v...... .-, jjyi.,,, enairopyriir, paiona ami KcihhkI wvrk done. LeiHdM ilne-hleude. Aiay from the' leiiAive Miriarc worK, ...tim . GtrrMifeA Ieparlioent mi mi4I lk .-...Hi trnad dr nf lalt. 1 llfTlo iMrfir and ihi a year, il will require furllicr aad M i l flint la llw otri ' It al VIIW. OMtv ' i i . ' ati ii may b CHnl U Unrtr ar Hi V ,i- r Ni,hll, rnaHwt a Ii i . wHai iMrir '' aita of IM a tM-tfr Tl" dar : '4iMi ul IM nallfw .-Ml Villi I.TP. IMC vpiMKrai. ' 1 tiamaM iVfa. VtHl. WEEK AT THEATRE Monday and Tuesday .. "The Uainlolero"- Xhe "do Oclter-'" aerie. "A MiM in the Dark." Inlernatiopal' w. Wednesday Only Gorinne (Srilllth m "De- elane."-Comeily: fTlie Organ (irinilcr." Pat he Hevjew. Thursday, Friday and Saturday Cecilc D. JK'MI1Ip. Cine-uiaalerpiece: "The Ten Coininamlinenl.4 " Topim of the Day. PICTURE BROKE LONG RECORDS 'The Ten Commandments" Feature of Program at West-holme Theatre This Week Is The bis picture " The Ten Commandments," wliich is to he almwn n Thursday. Friday and Saturday ni?lil, is of course the feature of Ihi week's proerani I at tlie etholitv Theatre. I lie picture broke all tons run record at road how price in i the United relate and otherl jrounlrie. Playing the "two-n- ilay" ill New York City, il lirokei the reconl of 59 week which had been held by "The Covered Wagon." remaining at capacity! btislne for C2 consecutive week. "The IJirth of A Na lion" wn onb" able to lat at week nn Hroadwny, while "Way Dwti lltist." "The: Four Horse men." and "The Thief of Hagi; dad" held up for a lesser period About five million neopfe have, seen Ihi. remarkable pk'tiir. since jt wa first shown at a two dollar cale. In Lo Angeles it held up for 31 weeks, Chicairn ami Philadelphia JO, llxslon 1 1. San Fran cisco and Cleveland 8: while in IW'troit. Washington and Cincin nati it stayed 5 weeks. Sydney, ulrnlia. played host to it fori 30 weeks a did Melbourne; while Paris and Auckland. w .calami greeted it enthusiastically, for 10 week. Herlin, as (imiMiverishe.l as il was at the lime, played the picture for I weeks, with the Jtesl eal selling al five dollars each. CORJNNE GRIFFITHS Unhappily married, Lady Helen, played by Cortnne uriffintsv in 'DcclasKe". Cimiint; tit the West-' holme Theatre .Wednesday night, of a fine, aristocratic Knglish family, find in Ned Thayer's companionship the turn spark of Joy jn her life. Yet even this tnusl be extinguished, for at u raid party at her home she detect Thayer cheating al cards willi a, .Mrs. Ieslie, social climber, who has made a tool of Thayer.; To prevent exposure, Mrs. I.esHo 'threaten, lo ' give Lady llelrn's'liiisband letters of an en- ili'iuing nature written to Thayer, which she has intercepted, ami the proud Lady Helen, accepting the tlefi, denounces the rouplo to Jier guest; s. , Mrs. Leslie carries out her threat, nnd London is shaken vvllh one of it mosl sensational divorce trials. Ooing lo America, the "land of a second chance," Lady Helen' is m."T :.'J rat.iitlv nimroachinsr ' In capitulate lo r.i-11111 ,iriuiii. win i'w ititi mj inc. WH'.IIIK. I'IPII li l I iiirniTj lint i.ii'i in an iiikiii 1111 tlm Dtth iliv or .Mlirii.t, U5, for tll iilirliil. t l.lniirr kllbt, Klllintrd lirillll or Sepnrnllnn I'olnt, Toltnlr I'.liannrl, C.ll. X, In rut K 4,noo fret limrj measure ol snrurr. m-ndurk iml IUIain Saw lor. Two (i yrari will le alyrj fur nioval of tllnlirr lurllirr nartlrular. cf I tie Chirr Koin trr, Victoria, or the DIHrlct Former, rrinca Rupert, B.C. destitution 11 III .j,i.nMi,aiuM ii . l-l in r .il'l III ri t HiUarii and llriiOork, in au arr altnawi w,en ie imet lludolph Solomon, on thai l-mat 4 (-lit uf liraiiutV liklnt llaliit i. t:.iat liistnu. vastly weallhy n'tired antliiue ,rT,t3'ti,'.rrr fl'.U" ""fiX fur 'iealer, wl.o once had vainly ...,.l:,...l:?,,!'!?.:',."!:...,,L ry r nrcie in i-rinrr Hiitwrt,' .'.:. London. In her want, she accepts Miiomon s irleiHtsnip ami decides his Insistent On the night shn ha promised herelf to him, he lakes her In nn apartment he ha furnished for her and here, to her surprise, she discovers all Ihe prized furniture and heirlooms uf her former homo In England, which Solomon Does Your Grocer Use Scales? DOES!- Because you expect him to weigh your HE orders of bulk goods. If hedidn't you would assuredly change your grocer. The same thing is true with circulation. During the last few years Advertisers have not been satisfied to suppose they were getting a certain circulation for their money; they don't want to be merely told, they want to know. They want ihe circulation measured by a standardized and unquestionable measurement. The Audit Bureau -of Circulations is the recognized authority for proving circulation. It is maintained as a co-operative organization by the advertisers, advertising agencies and publishers who realize the necessity for businesslike methods in advertising. A.B.C. reports place in the hands of advertisers, essential facts that have been secured and verified by a searching examination of the publisher's records t ' You don't need to buy Space by Guess.! ; You can get the fall circulation facts on the Prince Rupert Daily News by referring to the last A.B.C. report which will be gladly furnished by request. IN INIrKrSllNl. V .AY' hud secretly bought up in thcjlove to his wife, who I al J al MB MW V M4 i i British Society Drama Will be Mid-week Feature at West-holme Thoatre hope oi bringing auout jusi wuai is happeuiui:. Hut an oil-painting of an an cestor who had died for honor, labelled "Death Hefore Dis honor." rouses her out of her moral torpor and she flees the ' ' place'; She is struck by a passing nvo-tor car. A stranger carries the linii form to the sidewalk and under a street lump Lady Helen, icgaining consciousness recognize Ned Thayer as her rescuer. Ilii has made it man of himself and now so closely approaches I.ady Helen's ideal that the rest can be guessed. "THE BANDOLERO" IS THRILLING PICTURE Love and Hate In Spain are Depicted In Film to be Shown Tonight and Tomorrow "The nandolero," n romance of Srtuin. iu which Ihe vendetta of parents and the love of a boy and girl tire woven against a background of bullfights and mountain brigandage. Is to he nhown at the Westhojme Theatre tonight and tomorrow. This pludodraina, which was photo graphed in Culm. ami in natural locations in Spain, is based on the" novel liy Paul flwynnc, nul was adapted and directed by Tom Terris. ' Pedro de Cordoba has the title role of Dorando, the llamlotero, or brigand chief, who is a Span ish version of Hohin Hood. He lias been driven lo outlawry by his discovery that the Marques de la Torre is making unwelcome killed In the fight that follows. Dorando sends Ills daughter away to be brought up by a servant. Them as the first step in his sworn revenge, he kidnaps the inanities' son Itamon whom he hides away in the niountajns-7-hut not so far from his daughter's retreatj thai Ihe young persons do not meet and. fall ih love with one another.' Then the haired of the fathers and Ihe Jove of their children work to a dramatic climax. a LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply Lease Land to In Land ltecording District of Prince lltiucrt. and situate at Ferguson Day; Massett Inlet,! o.C. fslands, Take. Notice that Cmsse-MH-lerd, Limited, of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Salmon ("miners, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lnnds: Commencing at a post planted approximately 20 chains east from northwest corner Lot 1571; Ihence sotjth S chain; thence west tfl chains; thence south S halns; thfcnro west 10 chains lo west boundary of Lot 1571: tliunco south chains; thence west 10hnins; thence north 2d chains; thence east H chains more or less, lo beach; thence following meandering of shore line to point of commencement, and containing 22 acres, more or less. OOSSK-MlLLKltn, Ml). Applicant. Per Wm. fl. Mitchell, i Agent Dated June 86th, 1325. Bread Big, wholesome, nutritious loaves of delicious nut-like flavor. downy lightness and excellent keeping qualities. Five Roses Flour For Breads, Cakes, Puddings, Pastries. John L. Christie Sales Agent Prince Rupert, B.C. Wood! Wood! Now is your c.han6e DRY CEDAR Full load SC.00 Half load S3.00 Large sacks 60o DRY BIRCH Per load $0.50 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 530 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES.