PACIK TWO "V IJ;W The Delicious Flavor n drawn from the leaves of SAIADA" GREEN TEA has won it millions of users. Finer than any Japan Gunpowder or Young Hyson. Ask for SALAD A. The Daily News PRINCE' RUPERT - BRITISH, COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News. Li mi led. Third Avenue. H. F. PULLKN, Managing Editor. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Simply Differences Of Interpretation. ELKS NEW HEAD IN till MillHlKAN!"1'" KI-TCIIIKAX. (tel. -H. J. p.. Herkinan was uiianimnuxly elect-j wno nas Iieen annointe.l the At nlsa ill hI rit-l deputy fur the Klks l0d(te. The rules of the mler do mil periMit the district, deputy lo occupy two ph-llmim ul l!,. anie time, nnd Mr. Kubley, whii was Mervfng his second term aS exalted ruler, resigned at Hi Jasl rneelinp. Mr. Ilackinen is now absent i . . Wednesday, Oct. 28, I92.". Report coming m from different pans of the country in regard to 'the jxililirnl outlook differ according .In the viewpoint of the person who semis the repOr. Just now nearly everlody sees things from a parly point of yjew and it is very difficult In secure accurate news of the meetings (hat are held and the speeches delivered. An example of this is seen at Smithers. Our reports all Indicate that Stork will poll the largest vole there and yet along Comes L. S. .McPull ami says that Murk is not a factor m the elections there. Our opinion is that .Mr. .!c(5ill is strongly biased against .Mr. Slork ami has (jt wrong slant on Ihe true opinion nFtlitf electorate. Anyox Another . Case In Point. Yesterday the (Jonservalivo and Progressive speakers returned from Anyox and expressed themselves a well pleased with the reception given them there, llowever.i telegram received from n correspondent in'thal lown said there were nol over one "hjiudred people . present at the m'eeliiip. This routd hardly he considered encoifragingi' Somebody saw. things through colored spectacles. So it is throughout Ihe fsinipaign. No one gels quite the true perspective because the TtiiiidV of most of the people are warped by fheir political views. . No Such Thing As Unbiased Report. Ve haw said this before? lint itvbears repealing, that iher is not and cannot be such a lltiug as a truly Vuhiased report of any meeiing or event, i ne Jixi Jor inai i mat uift reporters are human. They report Ihihgsias ijiey. see them nnd possibly as they woultl like others w ee the,ni.; One part of an address appeals to one person and another part to another. Ihe pari wkicji appeals mosl strongly is the part that will be featured in the report. II is all very well for people who have never done any newspaper work to criticize those who have. As a rule the nieii who prate most about. the inefficiencie of others are' lliose who would be the least efficient if they tried the work. To the average mail Ihe report wNlj which Ihey agree i the and Ihe report which sees it from the opposite viewpoint is the incorrect one. r"lsh Day Again .... , Is Celebrated. i . This is fish day once more ''ft nil today, in spite of election excitement, we are remenfl.eriirg that fishing is our premier industry ana that fisti is one of the best .foods we can eat. It was u pity Fish )ay should have been set at a lime when everyone was busy with the election but, in spile of that, we can remember to eal fish because fish is one of the best food and it is the food that we produce right here. Value To Coast Of Australian Treaty. .lust a short time ago the coast paper mills were finding 11 uiiin tiu 10 sen ineir product. The stock room- wen1 glutted ant there was danger Rial a shutdown m ifhi follow. Then, the ivuf-iraiian. trade treaty yaslgued lowering the tariff to that country ah 07 instantly Jherc'is a demand in Aoslr.-ilin for n.mer The mills: instead of closing down, are enlarging llieir plant. and incivfislrig eniploymepl' on Ihe cpast; Nothing is so likely fo help prince RuperUfj. lhcAiilralifJii iinii). ii mere is a nemand for pulp and paper, there i possionuy oi a null starting here. So the .Mackenzie King (TOvaniiniinil 1. ..f ....I.... I Ii . ... pin i iuu-ji i.s oi .noc to u. ' ii is a government with western sjmi'aiuies ami snoiild be continued by the people of the Ves was initialed into the order. I A Itnhiiunf nr. .li.l M. .4 ,Mi"' ' ' rtrnoui r flimi nrt irnTi..... . ?: "!!ma" " p'9r MUSEUM BOARD HOLDS -"i .mi-c rvuuiey as cxa.ieo Ruler of Order ivauu unu a ciass oi canuiuaiesiuucccss. MEETING AND HEARS COMPOSITION OF OTTAWA HOUSE Maokenzle King Has Only Real National Policy Suited to Canada OTTAWA, Oct. 28. The next Hone of Commons will contain! 2lo members, or leu more,, than the last, th increase lrehiy .en tirely in the West, as follows: Old House New House l. K. J I t Xovn Scot fa .... Ki t i New Brunswick. 1 1 I I Quebec ." 155 Ontario 8 82 .Manitoba ... ... 15 17 Saskatchewan.. 10 21 Alberta 12 it. British Columbia 1.1 II Yukon 235 215 To win half the next Rouse aj parly must have' 12.1 members,' or aiinut ,n more than Mr. Meiphen commanded in Ihe last one, Al the very least it wnil.l need til more to have a working J majority. The Kin? government' at no time had such a margin. but it had the support of a number of Progressives who were chiefly concerned with' sellinsr practical useful legislation. MrJ Meighen can count on no aid' 'r"in that source his tariff! lo.:y precludes . Where rani lie look for 80 seats more lluuij he had in the late Hoo-e Hit! jnost sanguine, backers claim Ton lion a dozen or 15 at the utmost. in llei West, which will rciiirn of members. If he jmi r0 in Ontario and 20 in Hie Maritime, lie would still need 15 or 50 lo carry on a government. Not all Ihe boiies built on Patenaude'rtj Jv'clional Campaign tu Ojichtv stretch nearly so far as f lint. Besides, the Liberal campaigners predict surprising gains for Mia tiovernnient in Ontario and assert that the recent Provincial t.M ..... : . . i.ii-i-uiiii in .ova ?coiia an .New Rriinswick will have little or no bearing on the Federal result. Impossibility . victory for Mr. Meijrhen and hs party seems to be a inallia- fhfafical impossibility, makisn all allowance for the hazards of political prophecy. In the vast region west of Ihe (ireat Lakes the Conservative parly fo scarcely on the map at all, and in tlM Province of Ouebee rl finds expedient to keen its leader out of sight and to ally itself with i movement based on- hostility to public ownership, to the development of the Upper St. Lawrence, to the continuance of the Britfsh preferential .tariff and to Hie legitimate claims . of Western Canada. Conservative propagandist talk of a return to the National Policy, but National is a misnomer when applied to a political program which" lakes no ac count of the needs and senti RFPORT 0M FINANm THKFIK-S one advautiiKe about 1VL.1 UII Ull rillftllLLjha.,. i.nlllie,,! no nr.lillclim cn in aervn Ihe unexpired term! Monday evening Hie Muanim fr nxalic.1 rule:- of the Ketchikan board held a niclinir will, all the loflfre or LIU, created by ihf :inenitsf m iucm-iiI nnd diciiM,.,t n .. -.,..,., , , Lawrence run. ey. proposal Mini bud been mad! lo Ibeni for.lncrensinf Hie size of llicj-xhiliii in the llank of (Jom-inerce bnilding. It is probable that as a result a number of In. tliuii curios will shortly arrive for the collection. ' .Miss llgfb fclewurl reporledoh ilie projtres made in raising ninpey for the museum fumi. Shit said Mini Hip newly formed irom mo cny ami imt vil.iiHiin. rt.,r t t.i i .... . ... ' '".'"'' i,,I" 11 i in 1 1 in viuil War .been notified of his election. prciiarlm? a play, ".),. w,lc, lollowinK Ihe retfu ar bmihcsJwys be put on at the WesU at the Imlire Joe Iilamnud nnd holme Thertlre, the nm. his troupe or enterluiners nmus-ceeds lo f o to the museum fun.l. ed those assembled Willi a fine;nood . work was beinj? done on it . . 1 1 f rt frtn in r,r .1...,,. I I !..,.. ..,,.. . i.i ii r .inn iiur- ami ii promised in ui a great ments of Hie Prairie West. The Liberal parly at any rale, has made a sincere effort lo conu! Hie interests arid conditions of all parts of the Dominion. II has sought to reconcile the economic differences of Western And Central Canada, whereas the L4uiservalive parly has yielded tit f Ii u utl lit in t 9 n I ii ntiii a.hhi. The Liberal jiarly has the right fo be called the NaRfuial parly a-ifs policy makes a national appeal limited to no section of the country or of the community. THE MAN IN THE MOON ays: YOl' don't have lo ko to the Arctic circle lo meet iceberKi. I have met neveral on lh utreetn of Prince Itupert. is ever an Iceberg. TliKHH Is some 'justification for Iffhefjrn because some people have to he frozen to keep them in their place. THANK all tin- power that'be, tomorrow ends the political campaign ami then we shall be free from the sheckles of Ihe politicians. . H'K'r as soon as Thursday Is over we are Boing to bein Ibinkinir of Clirislinus. THK snow came doubtless, in soften the rhetorical blow of Hie opposing politicians. WHAT a world if we had no this would i. elections, no iiiii pATLV Ink "3 v, Lke. nnow "Who' Who in CANADA Helps Her Farmers has long recognized npriculture as CANADA her jrreatest basic industry. Hence, whatever benefits the farmer, benefits Canada. In recent years much has been done by the government in enacting legislation, by Council in passing regulations, and by the Department of Agriculture m putting various policies into effect all with this end in view helping the farmer. As already indicated, the introduction of grading in connection with the selling of many of our products has done much to help the farmer and I. Helping the Farmer SeU His Products : (a) The Stocker Trade with Great Britain re-opened April 1st, 1923. after 30 years' suspension. In 1023, 67,672 cattle were shipped to Great Britain; in 1924, 79.435 cattle, while for 1925, up to Sept. 24th, 73,800 cattle have gone forward, so that it is probable that over 100,000 head will be shipped this year. (b) Improved Practices on Canadian Stockyards have been brought about by the Department's control of live stock exchanges and stockyards. (c) Feeder Shows and Sales were organized fn 1923, and are generously assisted, encourairinjr the proper feeding and finishing of our beef cattle. (d) The Meat Inspection Service, by establishing the reputation of Canadian meats on foreign markets, has done much towards the building up of a profitable outlet for our lire stock. () Shipping Point Inspection for Fruit, first put into effect last year, is meeting with the approbation of growers and shippers. (f) The Market for Canada's Tobacco Crop U being extended, and the demand increased by' effective propaganda by the Department. II. Improving Quality : (a) Hy Grading Troduce, Such as butter, cheese, hogs, apples, potatoes, eggs, wool, grass and clover seed, and hay, the quality of these products marketed ts being improved: the buyer is able to place confidence in the product, and the selling price ii consequently enhanced. (b) By Plant Breeding Work, new varieties of cereals, fruits and vegetables are being produced. Mention need only be made of Marquis and the new Garnet Wheat, of the McKay Pea, and the Melba Apple, to illustrate the value uf this work. (c) By the Distribution of Pure Bred Sires, (bulls, rams and boars), vast improvement has been brought about In our flocks and herds, which improvement would have been impossible save or this a -sistance. (A) By Assisting Agricultural Exhibitions by money pants and by assisting live stock exhibitors in the payment of transportation costs for their exhibits, the value of quality Is being brought more closely to the attention of the farmer, and the spirit of emulation aroused. monthly account to pay, no polirc to doilife anil no neighbor to fM-uiiilulize. SXOW, 'now, ln'aulifiil miiow Howl would like Jo ee you go. WhllejjjOnVjre 3inrlelet yon I'm fpn.l of bfiuily bnl do not World" will be nn i Ihe Political inleretiii7 publication after tomorrow TIIItKf: bold kniKhls or old I knew One was elected ami Then there were I wo: Ol.l) grandma sllrred In fier Krave -mm day ' And thought lie's .Just peep Al the old world (thy, i Hut sue eliiui'sed a flapper Wll!i powilercll. knees Which shocked her so . It maile her sneeie. 8n she hurried bark To Ihe land of obifdes To t.onder nnd fcrifcvo O'er the fate; or the maids. NI(:KI'.lrON said In Ills speech lust nljfht that post offices' "were tfivMi on n basis of population. One had been ereeled al (Jnlck and the stork was responsible bill it was not I lie member for Ihe district. DEVELOPING MINE. AI.ICK A MM, Oct. 28. Devel-opinenl work on Ilie Matilda properly by the Kitsuall Mlver Mining A Itevebipmenl Co. lias been completed for I Im season, results having been very encoiirajflmr. Oscar Mint waa In cliurtfu of the work wlv.-li text year. will be continued Ten Years Ago ftt Prince. Rupert K- i II. O. Orewe is in bospilul at MiomelitTe sulTerlng from the pTe! of K3s and it is expected he will return lo Canada shortly. Denny Allen is aelliii' as cyellt orderly lo the jfeneral slalf. (I. '.. Kuierson is in hospital al Shornclllfe and Mrs. Kumrson is wild him (here. Mrs. 8. P. Me-Monlie Is also af llnrnrlllTe. W. J. Thams, nceounlainl for Ihe Hoyal l'lsh Co., has received word of the marrhipe of bis dausrliler, Miss Maud Thams, In Charles Hill or ll.M.S. Carnarvon . VANDERHOOF Hev. W. T, Mcrarlane. who will succeed Hev. K. It. Arrnl as pastor of Ihe Union Church here, is expected to arrive at the end ot next week. Mr. Arrnl will lejive for Wellinjflnn,- Vancouver Island, this week, Dr. Hni in ford will leave next week ror Victoria where be Will tillehd tlio meellng if the Advisory IbMrd of I'armers' Inslllules lepreseiilln ihe Necliakii and I'rlnce fleorsn districts. I'aul Ilonr has lfl for rnr-sylbe, Montnnai whern ,e will spend tile winler months. M. K. Ilurger has lert ror Call-foritia on u business trip, u la Improve our marketing opportunities, but grading is not by any means the only line of eirort under-taken. In fact, there' are very many lines along which eirorta are being made to help the farmer either directly or Indirectly, and bo promote the interests of Canada generally. To cite only a few of the.e lines, and barely to mention some of the things being done, the laws passed to help out or the policies In eirect to pro-mote the Industry, the following paragraphs are submitted. III. Encouraging and Improving Production : (a) Certification of Seed Potatoes has done a great deal to encourage the use of Canadian seed potatoes in the United States, while the use of such certified seed has improved the quality of Canada's potato crop generally. (b) Flat Growing has been greatly developed in some districts revived In others, and introduced in still other parts of the Dominion. (c) Tobacco Growing has been encouraged, and valuable assistance given, tn production and marketinr, in the older tobacco1 districts of Quebec and Ontario; while this year tbe possibilities of certain parts of Itrltlsh Columbia have been Investigated, with such satisfactory results that the work will be extended next year. (d) F.Kfi Laying Contest, started some four years ago, have increased In popularity and number, there being now thirteen contests in operation. As a basis for registration and certification, these contests have already caused a wonderful improvement In Canada's poultry flocks. (e) Silver Black Fox Farmlnt: Is being set on a stable basis by the. inspection of foundation stock commenced by the Department two years ago, and now nearing completion. Fox diseases have for some years been the subject of study at a special laboratory maintained for that purpose, while a new Fox Research Station Is now being established to assist In solving the problems of feeding, breeding and disease control. IV. Lowering Cost of Production: (a) The Introduction of Crop Rotations, proven satisfactory after a number of years' trial at the various Experimental Farms, is helping the farmer make better use of his land. (b) The Introduction of Better Cultural .Methods ) resulting in conservation of energy, increased returns and lower costs. (c) The Introduction of Better Feeding Methods for Live Stock is helping the farmer make better use of his feeds, and increase returns from his live stock. (d) tf he Introduction of New and Better Varieties 0f cereals, fruits, vegetables and special crops such as flax and tobacco gives the farmer better returns from the land he has under cultivation, with certainly no increase in cost of production. (c) The1 Illustration Stations 0f whlth there are now some 160 scat tered throughout the Dominion, by demonstrating under actual farm con. ditiona the rotations, cultural methods, feeding mrthods and new varieties .if various crops tried and found satis factory on the Experimental Farms serve as object lessons to farmers for miles around and show how costs ran be reduced and returns increased. V. Protection Against Fraud : (s) Fertilisers an wrtul If Ux rrt" I . t. lt M, r.tfUinlW. a4 tectai mIi. UIbotI a4V U rtrUllori Act. (b) Feed n U k-V mUHIwu pr tlM fcr ta Surf. Art okx pia, MM IWHtllW. ui tnltn fittft f"iif tttff. M IP lo U4r4. or u to Iftjuim l lira timX. (c) Reeds. xWr tl ftW. Art. mi. r mI4 fcf sr4. i4 trt .kbiort la (aapMlmt aktfc tin aW of m4 twoulalatf Is (d) Canned Gouds nM4 t t.l u ts. HiaAt4 rf quality arM ta waUla. aa4 U .kl. AU aav4 fraH. uu aa4 milk UWb aavM to arJ r tto DrtirUamt tofer Itof to vt. Fighting Disease and Pests : (a) Wheat Ituit Kradicstion Oupt.itm t a t Mm to na at tht oWtmiH aflvtu Mw tota au4 to l Dananl A tIT at lrai4 salaaluaM aa4 flaat ht4m to tora aaaiw4, a rm Hart Latoratatr la Mtf toill. ito m4la( al ra.1 twWaal wm la ti,.4la. aa4 araSlratkm at Ito kwl laau. Lartorry aa4 tokttora r (b) The Eradicallca of Bovine Tuber rufosls m ( naala arr Ito a( tmMlHr. t-r fwa al lira lihrtd aata Ua DaaanaM!. (I) Anrilla4 Nit. ItoT Wlif v 1IU tof at kml (altl (allr awrWH4L U.l la, 4mUn4 atoalaulf tm fraa tatotvabaU, 1W (It7 atlMT tori. ar. la Kama af arv4iutta. (in MntiUU4 Tatonabab ft At 4 ton tora ublMM4 la tto ranata aHMran af Maallala, aa4 Ito raaWawr.HaaUa tfatrWt la Srat la IMS. Ito Hml la 114. A UIH aaa. aaaalaUa af ito malar af rrla E4ar4 UUad, ai aa aatr lOTt all II U tor( U taaan. watt la Ito fraarr ValWr af Bnlttk Taraaiiia la Doamtor af tat. rt. (Ill) I'ftfer Ito Brtia4 fln H.a. Writ ar UalrS to afVan af Ito (DtxiaML tot aa raaB.aalba k aaal far rnara. a. u oaaa la ito m af mrrrrin! tor4a t4 mulrla4 at. (t) Cattle Mange, Ileg Cholera and Glsnders ate irrthrtr eaaltvtM to laaf Ua. (d) Injurious Insects, rra-Wrrt. Ear-ra aat art. (taaf RaHa. .arara toj4ar. aa4 araaa Ull aaMK. aal4 4a laSaMlf aw canaaa wr n ao far raaltal catrM aat to Ito Irania.a. These and many other lines of work are now being conducted by the Federal Department of Agriculture. No doubt you are interested In some of them. If you wish for more information or desire any of our hulletlna dealing with your particular farming problems, writel ' Dominion Department o! Agriculture, Ottawa 502 E. H. Shockley Planing Mills Re-located at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, with uddilional machines for the mnntirncliire SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER also corned in stock. Save handling charges by buying direct from the sour - cf supply. possible he may deride to lake up funning in that country. BURNS LAKE M. Lowe, nsslslanl district engineer for llm provincial department ot imbHo works, will leave nl the end or this week ror the Old Country on business in connection- wllli the estalo of hi father who died recently. A school mecUiiK will he held here this evening lo elect n sue cessttf as school .trustee to C. K Imcsnu who has left the district H. h. Morrill ot Palling has lert ror Washington who,. i, will.spctni (ho winler. Mrs. O. H, O'Hara and l'alrlckj milliner nave ion tnr Sen Im.i' and Kngland where they Vl cpoinl -Ihe winler1 vlslliiig Wll. rrlends. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert O. II. 'Pieman, V. V. J)enniH II. O. Lincoln and 0, Caruilclui.' Vancrtuveri Victor lleiiKston Muplo Hay; J. 11, Hcrjr, city. EVENING DRESSES in LATEST DE8IQNS AND COLORS ill "DEMERS" Phone 27 P.O. Box 327 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 67S DENTIST