| 4 “Krs a Repert Daily News 1esday, September 24, 1952 * Prince | As! See It _ — an ucpendent datly ne »er devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupers q _~ © [ ad Nart nd Centra) British Columbia, ¥Y Member of Canadi... Press — Audit Bureau of Circulations Cana*:in Datty Newspaper Association nm Published by “he Prince Rupert Daily News Limited . mere J. F. MAGOR, President H. G. PERRY, Vice-President Subscription Kates 3y carrier—Per weels, 25c; per month $1.00; per year, $10.00 Sih IGN JARED By mail—Per mcurth, 75c: per year, $6.00 = : \uthoriza! as second cless mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa. Philpott uch to Sacrifice ¥ HE Burns Lake and Distriet board of trade has just plucked from the files of inattention an issue vyhiech for several reasons should be considered the x0st important the new provincial government has to fade. since pa Why Ike Hit Skids TO UNDERSTAND why General Eisenhower seems to have lost the sup- port of the “in between” voters in U.S. politics you must examine some of the differences between their system and ours. It is the issue of Tweedsmuir Park and its im- ending disfigurement. In a larger sense it is also ye issue of how far British Columbia ig prepared ' ° "pe 2 . es } n ) go In sacrificing, for a price, resources which can |man who can command a ma never be reclaimed. The exact nature of the re- |. ~''Y '® ‘he elected parliament = . ; becomes prime minister. yurees concerned should have no bearing on the any British country the In the US.A. the President uestion, vet one eannot refrain from observing is picked by a so-called ‘College 4g : ‘ ) . |Of Electors Each one of the that in the Tweedsmuir Park case they are two of |4g separate states holds what he provinee’s greatest—namely, its timber and its beauty. amounts to a separate election But whichever slate wins out in any given state takeS ALL THE . . : PRESIDENTIAL VOTES FROM Althoug h the issue is large, the facts are simple. | ;yatT sTaTE [To provide power for its projected plant at Kiti- 7 eS SUPPOSE you consider the US election as a contest between two boys trying to pick the most nat, the Aluminum Company of Canada must ereate 1 reservoir some 130 miles long in the wooded . A grapes off a vine. There are 48 asins of Tweedsmuir Park. separate bunches on the vine— i * . “7 weaning ta ita |Some bunches big ones; some As aluminum, net timber or landseaping, is its | love this 4 cups finely chopped celery 4 cups finely chopped cabbage 4 cups finely chopped onions Vacup Colman's Mustard 1 cups sugar 2 tablespoons flour Vg tablespoon turmeric 3 cups diluted vinegar Cover celery, cabbage and onions with brine (14 cup to 1 quart water). Allow to stand overnight. Drain well. Com- bine dry ingredients with vinegar. Bring to boil. Add chopped vegetables and boil for 20 mins. Put imto sterilized jars. Cool and cover with hot paraffin. CK49H | | London will deliberately favor firms ex- p ; United States. a oO € wide British trade, is in charge of + port of all who have a stake in I 0 0 eo lever 0 PiaAL yp AND ne ~ACP)_ developmen .. Police Pa tig the Notwenian i international pe —_ a hation “Wide i raise Money top hy Its MEM hers _ minister Halen os ale deal CERTipie USED We have built a A test drivp following i of Satisfy the thay a Ing buyer: “a 1951 FORD FORD) tone, only 9 Miles 1950 PORD FOr : A well kept a 1947 FORD FOR Very neat SPECIAL ¢ One only 193 CONVERTIBLES interview that Britain orting to Cancoda and the He also alinouncea that Brit- in is willing to meet all reas- nable requests for dollars need- d for export promotion. Herbert Morris, with world- experience in matters of he new trade centre here. He proposes to enlist full sup- ebuilding trade with Britain. The trade centre will eo- rdinate reports with the office f A.P. Timms, United Kingdom ‘rade Commissioner in Van The centre will put eut re- “ile extra TY ports on market opportunities, Priced right ffer guidance in selling prod ut ucts, ( ties } | | | } 4 212 Third Avenue West provide upplement background mercantile ial ratings, and the possibili of setting up of ‘British ubsidiary companies in B.C to finan- COMPARE THESE FEATURES @ Fibreglass Insulation @ Thermostatic Control @ Giass Lined (fused to metal) @ Can't Rust or Corrode Gives you spariding, elear, hot water, pure as the source itself. GUARANTEED POR 10 YEARS. SEE IT AT. RUPERT RADIO & ELEC Phone 644 shop and save the easy armchair with More than 10,000 items it $ NEW 1952 Fall end Winter Colon are ready for immediett : \ ime and A department store at your fingertips! You'll seve Unt whan you shop from Simpson's big new Fall and Winte with its wide selection of quality merchandise + lw Prices. . . Everything forthe home... . the family and pets You'll enjoy this friendly, relaxing way of shopping “a Simpson's guerantee—"‘Satisfaction or Money Refunds [ee Order by phone or shop in person at this office. THE ROBERT SIMPSON PACIFIC ui IPERT, BC. PRINCE RUPER pnt af ALSO IN ECONOMICAL 44 PFOUNO TINS