The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMMA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Ruport Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Cily Delivery, 'by mail or carrier, per mouth $1.00 Bv mail to nil Darts of (he Hritish Empire and the United States, in advance, ner year '80.00 To all other countries,' in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. ... $1.40 per inch ;per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page.. $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion ..2Iic per line Classified Advertising, per insertion..; :2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion ...15c per agate line Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITIOH TKe Secret of Successful Baking Tuesday, July 21, 1023. Salt Lake In Hands Of Citizens. By putliiij; nboard representative citizens in control of the place Hie provincial govermeiit will' have lived up to Its promise of tiirnihj; over the Salt Lake to the people of Prince Hupert as a .public resort. On this -board 'will, devolve the responsibility or administering uiuLenriiig for the. resort and it will have the authority to adopt such methods as it sees fit to carry out the work under the supervision of and at the conent of the government which owns the land. Further improvements to the lake i n i:.... .:ii i... i i ...... I i... 41.;. MAGIC BAKING POWDER enjoys the largest sale In Canada simply because housewives have found out that it is always reliable. It contains no alum or adulterants of any kind. Made In Canada E. W. GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO Winnipeg Montreal GAME PRESERVE I IS AGREED TO; i United States Will Also Protect Stlkine and Taku River Dls- i trlcts I GAME BOARD HERE Thai he found the United Slates authorities ready to declare frame preserves on the iHikine and Taku Kivers such as have already been declared by the British Columbia government and that such a preserve will in all probaliilily lie effected at an early dale is the stn'lenienl made by M. II. Jai'ksnn, K.C, chairman of the Hrilish Columbia Oame Conservation Hoard who, with It. r. liuller, secretary of the hoard, returned to the city yesterday morning from .luueuu where they were conferring with United States biological authorities on the matter. 'The agreement be- jiweeu the two governments was that the United Status would de- ilare a preserve 'across the Alas kan panhandle to a distance of 25 miles Ixith north and south of the Stikine ami Taku Rivers and that the British Columbia government woul.d continue the preserve 25 miles up thc,e rivers in Canadian territory. The preserve a ml .he ITItuV n,r. Swimming Clnl, cm ..ill keep ' ' '' " , its activity a,s, an adjunct to the board both active and aUvisory.!-' Scopes Trial Is Battle Of Wits. Mr. Jackson ami Mr. Roller . . were joined here hy other mem- I. :..!, ..I- l. I... I II.,., T A A deep interest, not only on the North .American continent, ' , " n o e,r Booth ' ln.t aUo in hurope, seems to be taken in the Scopes evolul ion; !' jv J 1 ' trial which is now taking , dace in the village of .Dayton, Te,.-i 1" ' w ' J nessee. I lie accueu is cnargcu wiin learning a uieory which ... . ... , is contrary to the state lawn of Tennessee. Some stales have no statute against such leaching while others such as Ten- .w. .i., 1. ...... fPln. . . . i k u itikji m, I omii tit lin uipv i in ru irl :i ti t i i.. i :..i i ...:n 4.. ...I... ...:n i, 111! lillrll"M ill useii unit more hiivium win iiiinuii n-uii us m wnu iu nc thewlniier ill the legal battlo between William .Jennings Bryan ami, Clarence Harrow and their lieutenants than as to what- actually 'Will jlntppen lo John' T. Scopes. This interest has been largely 'work-vdipSi'Ow'siiMjMjrnicMr-aiHl. there is also a taint of politics involved. ' Education Is - Going Amiss. .. .. News coluinns tell the story of six Vancouver men who have just passed examinations entitling them to practice the medical profession in Hie Slale of Washington. , , That means that the brains and energies of six Intelligent young Canadians have been lost to the Dominion of Canada, and gained by United Slales. And the reason they have been losl lo Canada i.V because Canadian educational institution are not ' training men according to the abilities of the country lo absorb them. They, insist on making doctors when the country needs good farmers, and on making lawyers when tile country needs pioneers. .Today everyone wauls to go in for a professional nr business career. No one wants to go in for a -trade. Everyone wants to wear Kid gloves and keep, .as far as possible, from actually soiling Ills hands. ' And the -universities andisciioitls are encouraging that view- JHII1IL.J The" 'dignity of the professions is .preached in. and out of season. The dignity of labor is ignored. The result is that the. manhood ami womanhood of this country are being unfitted for the common duties of life. . A country of 0,000,000 people can absorb only a limited number of professional men. So after Camilla and Canadian universities, carefully turn out a surplus number of professional men, United States promptly swallows them up, because in a country of 110,000,000 people Ihey can find a wider market for their abilities and training. What Canadian universities need lo emphasize is the dig nity of labor. What they need to produce is a quantity of craftsmen, farmers and working men who are trained lo get out anil do the work that is wuiting to be done. Vancouver Sun. minster, anil J. Murray of an ilerhoof and Hie first of a series of- public meetings to ; be held Central H.O. look place here hi the Court House last night. There was a fair attendance' of interested parties at the meeting and various matters pertaining- lo rur-lieni'ing animals, game animals and fish were discussed and certain re commendations made. The hoard left this morning for the interior. A meeting is to he held tonight at Hnzcllon and later al Hmrlhers, Vahde.rlio.ot ami Prince (Seorge. the board re-turniiiig smith hy way of Jasper Park and the UH. The Man in the Moon A HOUtill sea in a small boat has got the patent medicine idea beaten a mile. NOW that summer has arrived Uve are beginning to wonder what the new styles in bathing sails will look like. ' I'ltOIIAliLY little. a case of much in ITS funny how the tourist with foolhpb;k"-like legs will insist upon wearing Join! stock ings. AVIIEX the alarm clock rings a 3 loud latoo. lle.ich out nf bed and grab lynur shoo; ' i Just .givetij, onc-resouniliiig bahg, ' haiig. A- Holiday. TilEltE is only, one thing jworse than a crying baby in the early morning . - two crying babies. . , bAUdll ami . llie worId laughs with you; snore and you sleep alone. A 1)0(5 fight is alright ifymir own dog is at home. IF Iho ,lax colleqloY found us all u heller .Job he'd collect more. I axes. ' Miss rtaline said lo Miss Crepe- de-Chine, '! suppose tynu '.think' you arc a ' ' '"' ' ; .iquecn''.;--' Hill Miss De Chine, ipilte ,prim and projier, Pa Id "Look out or you'll come down a cropper." A ClIANdC of scenery is al-riuhl lull the change from a 500 hill is a greal deal betler l--"" Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupart I scores Capt. I'arlington and Lieut. W. ii. Marshall left; yesferday for Vernon lo lake commissions in the (2ml llaltalioii. A. Prescoll left alo to join the hand of . I he 1 1 tli Mounted Corns. Thomas l'hlllips, b. Hording, and Charle Frost of Prince Hupert; Leonard Hunt and Alfred Payne of (Iran by; : and, ii. M, -jMrJiaM of the (Mew,ti.jiiu.jf1riiiw' '" wepjL;'tof V('riiiii,i i,o J.;i,(hj' cbti- Mngenj ifl'oiq jliere. V he Red Cross Society mv holding sales of Homo Cooking in the Hoard of Trade rooms every Friday for the purpose of raising money for Iho Red Crn work. .Mesilames Hesner and Dawson are taking charge of the sale this week. James A. Kennedy, jiiesiilonl. and general manager of Ihe In ter Island Navigation t'ompaiiy of. Honolulu was one nf the pas sengers who went norlh on lb" CP. 11. sleauier Princess Alice. In terviewed here, Mr. Keiuidy said that his Company had constructed a dry dock similar Id the one under -construction here, and P. was giving complele V. T. Donnelly, who designed Ihe local plant alsaJvsjKiieM v loo dock for his company. CITY COUNCi W HELP BOYS' BAND Rotary Club's Request .For $300 Is Referred to Finance A committee from the Rotary Willi consisting of J. W. Nicholls, and II. It. Little wnlled on Ihe il&o-. , triumph li J A , iHewVictoris aMaster- stroke in Recording For a quarter of a Century the history of Victor Records has been one of wonderful advancement outstanding achievement. To-day in the rww jjgi oj recording Victor Records score their greatest triumph a reward for supreme effort in striving for perfection. This new process makes it possible to Interpret so perfectly the feelings--yes, the very soul of the artists, that even the most critical will be amazed. Hear these famous Victor artist 3 John McCormack Edward Johnson j Pad Whitenun and his Dance Orchestra on the new VJL process records you will be thxilled by the feeling that the artists are actually with you in person. 4 AD th new July rcleiM out o-dij re recorded by the new VJi. procets to to the oerest "His Maiter'l Voice" deiler And hear lima. All the neir Victor records arc at regular catalogue prtcet Produced In Canada "His Master's Voice- Victor it jink through this port lo New Yor. The shinmeiit amounleil lo tin Ions and was. brought down from Anyox on the Prince (icorge. VJaor Talking MacMaa Crw Ci. ill i I posal which would cost ahoutl Columbia. 43,500 per year and spoke of the advantage wdiich would result from having u boys' hand in Ihe cily. Kdnionton was menlion-ed as an example. The Jlolary Clul) was to pay for .tuition, and a large nuiifher of boys bad already, ipplieil lor places in the hand. He asked for a grant of 300 from the cily toward Ihe expense of. Ihe iimlertakign. Mr. Little supported the pro tect as one whiob would bo of value to the enmntunlly an well as to the boys Who wctc niehibfrs of the band. Many parent bad promised their cq.operaiio'n. and while some, instrument!) were avanianie, nevertneiess it reipilr ed r.onsiderable money In finance Ihe thing properly. In speaking to the ipiestion, Alderman Casey said the project was one. whichhad bis conullelo sympathy and support. The cilV had io consider every request very carefully and perhaps the council would he in n position lo assist a little later. It was not in a .position now In .make ;nny promise. Alderman Hrown supported Ihe Idea of n boys' band. Heavas in favor of assisting if it was possible In do so. Upon miotion of Alderman McMordie and Hrown, the majler wis llien re ferred lo Uie finance commltlce, A Useful Phantom Prnspeclive Tenant I like the house very much, but I hear it is haunled, Landlord iMy dear ninilnnY, I attend In that personally. The Phost only appears In tenants who fail lo pay their rent find re fuse to move out. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In gueen ('harlntle Lmul Ro uuiy iei, iio. jcity council lasi nigni nsuing ior cnnllng District of Prince Ru The (iranny company nave assistance to a oy s pann, .pert, and silualn at Ilnonny made a trial shipment of coppcrl Mr, Nicholls outlined the pro-'point, Graham Island, HrltUh 7 i Take Notice that Langaraj Fishing & Packing Conlpanyj I.imiled, of Massell, ll.C, occif-pation Packers, intends lo apply for a lease of the following described lands:. Commencing at a post planted at Ilbouey Point, Oraham Island, Hrilish Columbia; thence nor therly five chains, more or less, to low water mark; thene'e westerly along low water mark one hundred and sixty chains; thence southerly five chains; thence easterly one hundred and sixty chains, more or -less, lo point if cnimnenceniPiit, and containing a t fr 1 1 1 ' f ix mnHn nit lnsa ' .niiL; i' iiiwm ji LA NCI All A FISIIINO & PACKINCI PACKING CO. LTD. Applicant, Per K. II, Simpson, Aggnl. Haled June t2th. 1025. LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply 3uffij"Hy'.July 21,419 to Lease Land In Lnnd Recording District 'of Prince Rupert, and sllunlo at Ferguson liny, Massett Inlet Q.C. Islands, ll.C. Take Nolice that. dnsse-MII-i lerd, Limited, of Vnncouver, ll.C, occupation Salmon Canners, Iiij lends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing al a post planted approximately 20 chains east from northwest corner Lot 157,1; thence snull 3 ehnins; thenee vvost 10 chains; thenee soutb 2 chains; thenco ,vet 10 chains In west boundary nf Lot l!)7t; thence south 8. chains; thence west o ehnins; thence north 2d chains; thence east 2 chains, ninre or loss, In beach; tbenno followliiK meandering nf shnxo line to point of commencement! and, containing 22 acres, more or less. OOSSC-MILLKRI.), LTD. Applicant, Per Wm. 0. Mitchell, . Agent Dated June 2fllh, 1025. 'MM ill ' 'One cannot torn V candle at both ends i Vim wouldn't ligh cnmllo al both ends ami r pect ll to last very leng And ou can't attend y air ' many duties ns wifo ami I mother, then pile on vv. Ii l ilatf lAhor, .and cxpc' to liPei) voursolf fresh I"1 ; vlRiirou. Wiry nol lei u Vtako care nf washday and trouble? One or mi' 1 many services will fit acljy both your needs and ymlr purse; And you ran 'ket'p the homo fires hum lug" without burning' the candle nl both ends, Canadian steam Laundry Phone 8. .1 BIG REDUCTION SALE Runs all This Woek at "Doners" House of Quality V i'n Af J i'iIIIAOT CATARrin BLADDER Silt, Suta m fp.i-li r.n.ulr fMinYl ' Lcr ctma I HnmnofeoitnttrAito