PUCIV. TWO TUB fATLY RBB Always Dependable "SALUDA" Plan Presents Now And Buy Them Soon. H818 Accept io substitute for no other tea is so uniformly pure and delicious. Try it to-day. The Daily News PIUNCB nUPEM"- iilUTIBirCOLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Uaily Ncv$, Limilld, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLRN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of .the British Empire and the United State?, inradvance, per year t $.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILT EDITION Saturday. October 31, 1925. This is the lime to plan Christmas presents. Uy doing it well ahead uf time it can be done intelligently and the rush of the fesiive iasoh ninv lie avoided. As a rule people want to give a' good ninny morV presents thai! they can afford nod the result i that much pruning has to be done. My making a 1st of those who are fins year to be recipients and then pruning carefully it is possible to make a budget thai will help -in regulating Ihe expendiliires. .Nobody will adhere faithfully to that budget but it is the intelligent thing to use it rather than to make purchases blindly without thought to whal I to be bought for others.. Already Ihe store- are beginning to gel in goods suitable for Christmas and the late comers have nothing but what oilier do not want. It is important to keep in. touch with the stores and to see the new goods soon after 1 1 1 ' e y ' are put on sale. ' , Art Of Buying Is ' Rather Difficult. HuviiiK is a difficult mailer. Most peuple when Ihev go in to a store and look at goods, dislike. leaving Vithoul making any purchase... e .merchants would rather have Iheir customers satisfied than have them l?ike ayay some article which they do not like and which will prevent their going to Hie. store again. ' 1 . The best plan is tq make-a tourftif the stores and look over the goods, lippiiry snould also be, made as to what is coinjng. Having, surveyed the whole 'field, an .effort should be made to pick IliiV-e arlicls-neededkMliic'li.aru aliprc.sewt in slocLitiill.tJiiij get the Iargestcioicei Then later the list may be more "easily .... t ' '. J Mini ii ji. Many Make Own Gifts. . '., Many ieojje; make the giflA Uiit Jhey send to frjcnd, and these articles air, often the nutst; acceptable. Only a few can do thai, hovevert.'w-.t make, the gifts a personal as possible, and therefore acceptable the giver sliojild consider well what are the tastes of tjiereeipieiit. . 'I', . There arehoo. and their) jfame is legion, who give only; such articles aare (if interet. In hemsehes and lint the thing their friends vYnjld like. II is difficult to get the point of view of the oilier pet-son and llpit i.tjiei. chief reason why giving presents is difficult. To give presejtits well is 'a rare art and only those whir re endowed with., the sympnlhelio touch and the spirit of unseltisliiiess can dfj'ibsucce$sfiilly. . . Can The Mind- ?r , Control The Weather? ' :' 'We have aU heard of m;iny'iVf Ihe. wonderful powers. of Ihe 'human mind. 'e know tli.il (beHale1' Archbishop of lhi diocese showed huwt ntiild messages couh;! be transmitted almost any distance. Now comes a gCpup of, people who say they can control Ihe weather by menial control. There are manv who de clare it has been done nndj.is being done regularly of jale.ou the Canadian prairie. riling of what they are doing, tine of tlieir nuniber living in Saskatchewan savs: "Every man. woman and child in Ihe world: has- (he power wilhin himself or herself to make rain, lo wilhhold ruin, to ward off damaging fro I lo slop floods, to ciin I nil winds and waves." The wriler gives many instances of how farmers have caused rain lo fidl when it was badly needed on the prairies. The difficulty is lh,1 (bert milsl often be contrary influences nt work. While one person wauled rain for his crops another would want sunshine for a wholly different purpose. Jhtlf Tb New Edwardsburg Rfcip Book tell how useful CROWN 1IKAW) 1 for cooking, bidt being a dliciout table syrup. Writ to-day for a rtt copy, TIE CANADA STARCH CO., LIMITED MONTREAL. HOSPITAL BALL (NEW MEMBERS GREAT SUCCESS OF PARLIAMENT Youth and Beauty of Prlnoe Ru- Election Hesults as Far as Re- pert at Annual Event Last , celved in most or me ton-Nlght I stltuencles of Canada Much of llif youth and beauty' The following arc member-or Prince Muperl wax in evidence elect throughout Canada as far at the hospital ball in tin; audi- a the latest return today In-torium last evening. Dancing ilicate: commenced soon after ntne. BRITISH COLUMBIA, , o'clock to tin" strains of Arthur's) Conservatives. five piece orchestra ahd was' Cariboo. .1. A. Eraser, .Pro- kept up until a late hour. There was scarcely any intermission tor supper, the music carrying on all the lime much to the enjoyment of. those present. The hall was decorated with seasonal le emblems lending charm .to the occasion. The committee in chaw of arrangements were Mrs. Frank i llihh. general convener, Mrs. Candow, .Mrs. Kemp, Mrs. Ar-oott and Mrs. Pyle and tfiey did excellent work. J. I.. Christie and-II. II. Little were cashiers, C. F.lkins and AM. MeKechnfe were im the door while James Thompson took supper tickets. L. W. Kergin maile an efficient M.C. The patronesses present were Mrs. Fred Stork, .Mrs. .1). O. Stewart. Mrs. S. K. Campbell, -Mrs. L. W. Kergin, Mrs. West, Mrs. lied. lie, Mrs. Cade and Miss Harrison. During Ihe evening a drawing look place for a beautiful tea cloth donated liy Mrs. Oohlhloom vvldcU was won by Sheila Stuart witli ticket 230. Miss Harrison, lady superintendent of Hie hospital, drew the ticket. MISS ONNOLLEE GREIG OF TERRACE BRIDE OF A TERRACE MERCHANT Married Here Last Evening to Sam Klrkaldy by 'Rev, Evan Baker TFJUIAOK. (let. 31. A very ijuiel but pretty wedding Was solemnized at the United' Church parsonage last evening when Miss IsahcHe Onnollee (Irejp, of Tfrrace, daughter of Mr. and Mi's. John f 8 refer, Scotland. became the bride of Samuel ' X. Kirk a My, sun of .Mr. and Mrs. John Kirkaldy, Sidney. Australia. Ilev.. Evan Maker of Prince Itupert offichited. The bride was gowned in pale blue silk, trimmed with lace of exquisite pattern. Ihe witnesses were eo. An derson and Hobert Marllelt, of the Hank of .Montreal staff. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkaldy will reside in Terrae. where Mr. Kirkaldy is a leading merchant. SKIDEGATE Ihe Norwegian freighter Man ila Neilson is in the inlet loading one and a half million feet of first "class spruce lumber from the mill at Queen Charlotte City; Tjie llauna Neilson is a nine thousand Ion boat piloted by Captain Weariuoulh, who is one of Ihe pioneer skippers on the islands. Jack McMillan,, suporlnlendenl for the. ;KeJIyr Logging Compant at I.Pgah Inlet, waffn port with the tug Hay Kobei'ls, Capf. Dass, skipper. A farewell parly was given to Captain liert Hansen and his crew of the packer W. H. Lord at the home of Mr. and Mrs Stevens and a very enjoyable lime was spent. AmoiiKst Ihe guests were Dr. and Mrs. P. 1 Size, Mr. and Mrs. (1. I). Turner, Mrs. . . Ilichardson, K. C. Wiggins,-C. Valfey, 8eorge Mc-llae, V, 8. Hhlnehart and Tom-my Morehouse. Mrs. .V. Jones of Skidegate laft witli her lit t In son Vernon for l'rinre Huport, Salmon IrolliiiK has fallen oh quite a lot- and most of the rollers aro leaving for their lionies. The popular- barber, Charlie Miller of Queen CharlpUo Clly left on Ihe Prince John for 1'rlnce Huport on business. Ite-fore leaving be was planning to ii'luin on the same boat. Captain H. H. Wlgginn, kipi!r and owner of the fishing boat O.U. Hoy left -for bis farm at Hell Hivor after a very success ful season trolling;. Mr. Wlggiiu was high boat of the Kkhlcgnlc fleet. pressive loss. Fraser Valley. 11. J. Harbor. Liberal loss. Kootenay West. W. K. Haling, elected, l'rogressjve loss. .auaimi-tj . Hickle, elected, no change. . ' New Westminster. V. 1. Me-(Juariie, elected, no change. Hurra rd. (Sen. J. A. Clarke. elected, no change. Vancouver Centre. Mlon. II. IJ. Stevens. 'elected,. no change. Vancouver Soulh. Leon J. I.adner, eleeted, no change. . Victoria. Hon. Uf. S. F. Tot-inieti elected,' no change. Yale. (Jrolc Sttrling, no change. Liberals Kootenay Hast. Hon. 17. J. II. King, no change. Skeena. Alfred Stork, elected no change. North Vancouver. Dugald lionaghy, new seat. Progressives Comox Alberni A. W Noli: elected, no change. ) YUKON. i Capt. (ieorge HlacK, Cnnscr- valive. no ctianse. j ONTARIO. Conservatives. Algoma Cast i. II. Nitholfou. l.ibeial loss. Algoma West T. K. Simpson, no change. Hranl Frapllin SinokeA Iro-gressive loss. Hraulford. l.' K. Ilyerson. Liberal loss. ' ' llruce North tid. Hugh Clarlr. Liberal loss. Cartel uo.WV'F. !arliind,. no change. ' ' Uutfcrlu Slnicne. Karl W. Howe, l'rogresstve loss. Durham. F. W. Hnwen (Hon. Vincent Maspy defeated), ilo change. Klgin West. II. C. McKillop no change. Kssex hiisL Dr. II. D. Mnr- and Liberal loss. Fs-px South. K. J. Colt (Hon. . I. (Jrahaiii, defeated ; Liberal loss. Hsshx West. Col. S. C. Ilobin sou (new seal). Fort William. Hon. Dr. II. J. Manion, no ojiange. Frontenac Addinglon. Dr. .1. W. Kdwards, Progressive los. 8rey North. M. It. Duncan. no change. Ilallon. Duncan Campbell Progressive loss. Ilaldimand Thomas Maf'shall. I'rogressivc los. Hamilton Hast, jinn, H. G Mewburn, no change. Hamilton WesU C. W. Hell. no change. Hastings Peterboro. A. J Hmbury, I'rogresslvc loss, Hastings Soulh. H Turn mon, Liberal loss.. ... ItossiiiUv chniiL-e. Hi Lanjitou Katl. irfy.jp '., ' Arii-lrnior'piortresjiiveIoti. , Lanark. rhange. Leeds change. It. F. l'reslon, no II. A, .Slewarl, no Lincoln. J, , Chaplin, on change. Loudon. .li F. While, ' no change. Middlesex Kas--A K. Ilndgins I'rogresHive loss .Muskoka. Pel.er MrOibbnii, Progressive loss. Nipisslng. John Ferguson. Liberal loss Norfolk Klgin. -J. It. Slansell, no change Ontario. )r. T. H. Kaiser, Liberal loss. Oxford North. Lieut." Col. D. M. Sutherland, Liberal loss. Parry Sound. Col. .1. A Arthurs, no change- ' I'eei. ham' uiiarlcr. no chaiitfc. l'eterboro West-H. A. peck, Liberal loss. l'ort Arthur, Thiindor Hay, W. F. Lungwort by, Progressive loss. Prince Hdward-Lonnox. John llubbs. no cliange, Simcoe F.al.-A,.H( Thomp son, Liberal loss. Simeon Northr-WM. Hoys, no cnange iterealed' Hon. C. C, Drury. Toronto Hast.-H H.Ityckman no cnange. Toronto Fast Centre. Hon Ldmoiid Bristol; no change, Si ' MiaiiBaaauuK Saturday, October 31, to:. These H35 Genuine His Master's Voice-Now $97.50 While stocks last jEjssPsslSjskl Formerly S 135.00 Now S97.50 His Master's Voice' Victor Victor Talking Machine Company Of CanaWa.t ImilcU Toronto High Park.A. J. An derson, defeated Hon. James Munloek. Liberal loss. Toronto Northeast, It. I.. Maker, new seat. Toronto Northwest Ilx-Mayor I'. L. Church, no change, Parkdale. David Spenee, no change. Toronto Scarboro. JOscph Harris, no change. Toronto South. Col. 0. It. Hoary, no change. Toronto West Centre O. II. Ilocken, no chansre. Victoria. T. II. Stlnson, Pro-iress'ivo loss. Waterloo South. A. M. Kd-ards, Progressive loss. Wellington North. ' Duncan Sinclair, Progressive loss. Wellington South. Hon. Hughi (lulhrio; no change. . ) .Norlh York.-ot;' .! H..-I.oii-l itox, defeated Premier King, Lib-1 oral loss. (Irenville lunulas A. (. flas-oliuan, no change. Huron North. O. W. Spollen, Progressive loss. , Kent. A. D." Chaplin, I,lboral loss Norlhuinberland-M. H. Maboe, o change. Ottawa. S. McLenaghan and Dr. L. J. Chabot, Liberal losses. Oxford South. D. A. Sutherland, no change. Perlh North D. .M. Wright, Liberal loss. Ilenfrew North Dr. I. D. Column, Liberal )n4. Ilenfrew South. M. !. Maloney (defealed Hon.. T. A. Low, Liberal loss. ' Slornionl. (J. J. Hamilton, Progressive loss. Teiniskamlng North.!. It. O'Neill, Progressive loss. Tenilskrtinlng Soulh Cn. K. F. Armstrong, Progressive loss. Welland. Ooorgo II. Pe.tllt. Liberal loss. Wenlworth Oordon G. Wilson, Liberal loss, York Soulh W. F. .McLean, no change, York West Sir Henry Drayton, no change, Liberals Hruce South Dr.' W. A. Hall, Progressive loss, (continued on page four) 5nJ uj your nam? aid c uifl send you this illustrated Supplies Homes Vfl Pistributory fort K9L9RED -3HIN0LE3. Lumber Brick Cement Lime Plaster Stock your winter's supply or Nanaimo-Welling-ton Coal now Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 ani 117 Sportsmen! Wo nre Headquarters for Sporting floods of nil kind We carry tho fu limits WESTERN 8UPER "X" LONQ RANGE SHOT 8HELLS Hec us for llniul Loggers Supplies flilohrist Jnrk, nml Parts Cable AxesHaws, etc. 1 - - - STORK'S HARDWARE. LTD. A O....J ' . ti 714 Second Avenue pnono i