25 Vol XV NO. 251 TAXI nnd Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Avf ., and 6th St. MATT VIDECK, Prop. . V.IIU I IV t ' IVM BIRTH. - I MFRIf.AN FI.Afi IS DESECRATED In Jail for Wiping Window With Emblem I.OS ANUF.IiKS, Oct. 31.-- Two 11 -'lidl ami fifty day In Jail he sentence inplcil nut in I'" notice eiiiii-l here In John 'nil cleaner ami dyer, who used '"e American flutt In wipe liU '"w wiminws. Hie Ptincii Ituiicrl (Icueral l(!"pila dm Ocloher 31, a on I'orn tu Mr. and Mrs. Angelo v i ii lit i .i i i i i it 1 1 1 ii ii nniiii . r ''a in 'ihr, 'try ly to get many more; 100 straight Liberals returned follower could aceoiiul for was lln nporler win-re- intoned group oHifiI to the Meigheii Micy is 121 ii.orr enl In hear from, mol of winch will probably r Progressive. general (iiiiiiiiii here i Hint .Mackenzie King will tie- or lite Mai' offered liini, will fill up his cabinet and A K k A II 111. Ill III11I11U MUST EXPLAIN VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheal H. C. Silver Hunwell I. . A I Miirmol SicrcrCst Surf Inlet ' Howe Sound . Haly Alaskii.... Ilaielion .1 Premier porter Idaho Terminus . tiriuiby IS. P. II Gladstone. ...... Unfits Sllver.stnllh .... Lucky Jim .... S 1 i c I o Indian Selkirk nayvlew Hid. 1.35 1.10 . 1 .58 .I2V& .O'J . .07 U .07 '.4 . 30.50 . 2.27 . .11 '. 10.50 IHI.00 . .21 14 .2 . .IIW ... .SOW . .01 . .01 :. ,05 OTTAWA. Oct. 'M. Condition have changed"" since e-! carry on Hie government. Before' doing o will probably secure imrllJimeiit when the gorniment nevrr knew when It niicht Ih lrfe.ile.1. o l.U., Met. at. A meeting ol the t4iihl will be hekl on Monday wueu Premier King ami Ills cnllengues will illsOUss the silualion ami decide on a courre of action. Following the meeting of lue ciliioel the Prime Minister will eonfer with the (ioemor (icneral ami advie dim wdat cum f lie uIhkiI lo lake. Ihe opinion here is that the Prune .Minister will meet par nameiii ami will make an at tempi to enrry on. Public opinion here and lliroiiiihoul the rnun try is n?ainsl unotber eknition. TUIIONTO, Oct. 31. the standing of the political parlies this morning wu a follows: Liberals !"0 Coiiserxutives Mti I'mgrcosives 51 Luborilcs Independent ' Ooubirul s In Queens, Prine-e lihviml Is- Innd, the voles for Ihe rinl cau- tliilates are tied. How lliver and Peace Itlver in Alberta and Kindeisley nnd Ma- tde t'.reek. Miskalelicw-un, are yet lo hear from. Kenora. which was in doubl early this inorniw. ha gone definitely Liberal. Asked. 1.18 .11 .08 .08 1; 0.5 .02 2.15 .17 .10 .20 .17 .1G .28 .00 'mil resitlls in a tiOmbcr til incomplete riding!' rcduc-i. Mimlicr of Oin-ri vahves. At noon loduv all I hat Hie mi n nn .04 V4 .09 H' 0 PHCMIEfl EXTENDS CONGRATULATIONS TO FRED STORK The following telegram lias leen- received by Fred Stork. M.I'.: "Ollawa. "October 30. "Please accept for youoelf and extend to our friend heartiest eon-xralulaiion on your re-elcclion to iiirliaincnt. "W. I.. Markenzie King." an u mi ranee from the Progre- ive Hint Ihey will sUpiMirt Inuij - on mii vital iutiion. Kuiiin innn pytFiTiI 7 that hi- will so lo tin rounlrj! I.UKIiP. .llfll.T naaln. -- It in pointed out by those in a rince necaiis uovsrnor 01 uitivn iv nn inn mere .1. j u... ka i.l t M,, 1 1 W I k I.. I.. .nnlliuM nluM 9nl In urvicr MJ nsr nwut i hiii iti iv r.; ii"inTi( vn v - Bombardment 'Ban If the Mug enwuei I linen Laud I h Premier ewted fnim . . . ........ . , . Mel. 31 .--lrieral Srt re-teat. Willi ieiniiepeniicni ndent llwli tHiiiiiniiioirr tiren ordered lium" boinbanllio'iil ofhfllion thau duriiw the lal iIurniK He recent S luS. Oct. 31 IMi-a the properly dam-!,. French iNimtwM- ;ien a! lo.iMM.fton ..f life at i.OWl (minion tins morn AST fHANfF. TO REGISTER Should See City Clerk Before 0.30 This Evening. I : o'ebwk noun license holder nuiuberinic cjiislenil at the office y clerk for Ihe forlli-vic clixlion. M. F v eiiilicllor, kIuUmI tha' nitirr was mil nearly i i.i t year but he evpeet a:iy iipojiIp will ircsenl r-- this uflermion and . make the uliitulory For that jmrpo-e f f will be oi.cn tint it U.UO c iii(t. After that .time ue no oiortnnily to n ii license or houso groups pledged to support. th government would be In a letter PRIZES WON HALIBUT HERE! Prices at Exchange Dropped Tnla Morning With Big Lot of ' Fish Offering With ftc lo three hundred lliouMUid pounds of halibut offering prices on the local ex-1 cbanae litis morning showed a marked decline, Ihe aernge sales Mil? made at around fourteen eents. Following were lite offer ings: American Finale, U.nOO, at 13.70e"and Cc to Atlfn Fisheries. Sumner. 3S,ihio, at l3.K0o and tte to Pacific Fisheries. TlHir, l&.iMK), at 1 1.50c and Gc to Mmdli Fiheries. Ilemililir. t&,nnu til lie and Cc lu Itnyal Pih (o. I.Merty. 32.000. at 13.60c and He lo Cold Storage. Ilrothcrs, 8.000, nl H.50c and ife lo Cotd Storage. ProMierily, 1'J.OOO. at ll.70c and fie to I'.old Storage. Kinmlak, S3.000, nl I3.U0C nnd 6 t" Pacific Fisheries. Vnec. 15.0110, at IS.VOc and fie In Hold Storage. Senalor. iH.ooo. nl 3.l0c and Ce lo Atlin Fisheries. Canadian pj-o-pci iiy A.. 15.000, nl IS.HOc nnd Or In ( old Storage. FOR APPLES British Columbia Got First, Sec ond and Third For Dessert Varieties LONDON. Oct. 31. The Asso rlalisl Fruit O rowers of H.C. won first, second and third prizes in tin1 cooking class. HABEAS CORPUS IS DISMISSED IN CASE OF STEWART LOGGER . VANCOrVLU, Oct. 31. - The application oT Alexander (lalla-glier, a Stewart logger, who Is at Okalla awaiting trial on a chargo.'of bringing an allegedly sjolcn gasoline boat into Canada from Hyder for freedom on a wrll ofjiabeas corpus was dismissed 3'esie'rday by Mr. JlttiC0 (Iri'sory. JJeta PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper I'lUNCH HLT'EIlT, SATHIDAY, OCTOliKH 31, 1925.. . otrcui.t.o. im '''' Tt. SBBBBBBSkk. ,bBBBBBk v m PriBBBBBBsW'' vJBliiiift m I. -f SBmBBbW BBBBBBBBm M Bl"g.jBBBBBBlBBT BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBay Mary Patricia Wilson, two years nnd eight months old, of Mellioiirue. Australia, crowned for the year as the prettiest baliy in the Hrilih Kmpire. Over 00,000 entries were made in ihe contest, held under Ihe auspices of Ihe national lialiy week council. RECORD MADE FISH SALES Halibut Marketed Here October Amounted to 2,893,900 Pounds Halibut sales for the month of October beat all former records for the same month. This month there was marketed at the local exchange 2,-898,900 pounds as against 2,629,400 last year and 1,-844,100 In October 1923. The difference between this year and last was largely made up today when 296,000 pounds were sold, the lead of this October over last being 359,600 pounds. 4. Paper Co. were yesterday pu-j chased by Hubert Hone of Van- eouver, nuinager of Ihe Mon-Ireal Trust Company for 1,000,-000 mi behalf or the rirst debenture holders. TIiqH" wore no filter blddefs. IMMENSE SUM TO SEE BASEBALL IS PAID IN STATES WASHIXOTOX. Oct. 31. Haseball fans paid 25.-000.000 in admission fees to witness games in the major leagues during the past season. In Addition to the lea gue games the world's series drew another tnif-' lion. ROBBED CIGAR STORE SEATTLE SF.ATTLF., Oct. 31. Three Central Slates, has returned to Ihe oily. Mrs. H. 0. Johnstone of Inver ness arrived In the cilyi. InA evening and sailed this mnruin-j mi (he Cardena for the south. Strtrt SIm 603 t iwiii no.1,1 f Ik c iiiiiini nrr ! 11 I '.tier llupert.... Oona lliver ' Osland Rejuge Hay . Uella Coola .. HagenslKirg Firvale Total so far Arsenal 4, F.vcrton I. by son i 60 331 1121 2 7 15 0 0 2") 5 I 12 72 7 22 II 4 3? '3.f.:-rflSt.js23 8 0 5 '73 085 3 450 Polls yet to be heard from are Aiyaush. Arrandale, Uella Delia, Cedar ale. Copper City, Colley-mount, F.ndako, Kvelyn, Kiti-niaat, Loekeport. Moricetown, Nainu. North Hulkley, Quick, Aston Villa O. Cardirf 2. Hollon 2, West Hromwich 2. Huruley I, Hlackhurn Hovers 3. Leeds United 2. Bury 3. Leicester 5, Tottenham 3. Liverpool 2. Sunderland 2. Manchester I . I. Iluddersfield 1. New -aslle 1. Birmingham 3. Nolls County 2. Sheffield U. 0. West Ham 3. Manchester City 0. SCOTTISH LEAGUE Division I. Aberdeen 3, Kilmarnock 2. Celtic ".'Dundee 0. FRAIKlh WhAlHtK I armed masked men held up Clydebank I. Cowdentiealh 3. fOCQ RPIAW 7FRft three women employees in the Dundee I'. 2. Morion 2. UUEJ DLLU1T .CIU, t:oliitl an, Xormile Cigar SloreJ Hannlton 1. Queen's Park 0. - here today and escaped Willi Hibernians J, raikirk i. Winter Coms Early This Year -i c. lino utiieii was mi Iiaml therci Pactick Thistle '-. Ainlriouians 3. to Calgary and Edmonton ,0 ,..,(, ,,av checks According to word received m aittmc; 1 1 II here bv last niuhl's train I lie 01A IIIUIIUIJ Jtuu lemperatuie at F.duionlon o! Wednesday niplii was 1 below itero and at Calgary, five below zero. The cold weather is coin ing to the prauies at an exceptionally early date this year. WHALEN MILLS i AND FINE $200 FOR POSSESSING OPIUM Lee Lee, Chinese, charged with having opium unlawfully in his nossession was sentenced in the llailli Hovers 1. Hangers 0. SI. Johnstone .'. Motherwell St. Mirrcu -'. Hearts 1. Legislature opens on monday next and BRYAN MOVES ADDRESS VICTOIIIA. Oct. 31 of Ihe address is not yet chosen.' VANCOUVER ALDERMAN ! DIED AT AGE OF 771 . VANCOt VKIt. Oct. 31. Alder- man Col. T. H. Tracy, aged 77,! died this morning. He was long connected with Ihe civic, mlminls- Irnlfon. He served In Jhe Fenian lliild-nnd Ihe' ivrllivvesl llebel- lin. ' Boston Grill Large Lpslair pining II at 1, with newly lai.l dancing floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for the least. Phone 457. PRICE FIVK CENTS. MACKENZIE KING LIKELY TO RETAIN POWER RETURNS SO FAR GIVE CONSERVATIVES 116 WITH FIVE TO HEAR FROM Mackenzie King Government is Expected to Carry on Business of Country with Good Majority P nrm-finli'flir tin ft7 nn rtifi nnA nfif ULMOCI lUIIVM MUVl Mill J AAV OUIC UIIU MUl lint' r MAJORITY FOR SHIP CAPTAIN STORK IS 677; Returns For Bjlla Coola District Material Witnesses In Murder and Other Points in Riding j Case Held Under Ball to Received Since Tester- j Preent Leaving Van-day ! J I couver With 18 polls, including Surf Inlet yd to he heard from, Fred Stork's lead over lieorjra Hushhy stands today at 077. ' Since yetnlay results were received from Oslmiit ' wired Iwenl 2j solid fur Slork ami (lonai, jllivei ami llefuge Hay, both of which irave hini 'hkvI majorities : Uella Coola gave Husliby a large Miiaji-nly and llagensborg and, Firvate smaller ones. The official result for Prince llupert urban division was an- VA.NCOt VKU, Oct. 31. Under iustruclions from Attorney General Manson, Captain Austin Lamg. chief officer W. SalUlen, land four memtiers of the crew of the American steamer Cfof- lou Hall, due to sail from here lonisht, were arreeted as ma-Icrial wilnessei in the charge of murder laid against Harold Vcr- iensten. who i alleged to have slabbed to death a fellow- seaman Ivvadiskoff Iat Wednesday. The arivstcil men were releas- '""""S .... i ,i... l ..ill Morlimer. rctyrtiing officer, and,"."" -"' vle is includeilin the following table "'f ''c "r , . i of adiitiopal returns received up lo noon today: 7ct- Hush- er- Stork court Monday in order to permit Hie sailing of the vessel as soon as possible. TOOK BATH IN ILLICIT WINE Prohibition Agent In Oakland Found It Difficult to Escape From Flood , OAKLAND. Cal.. Oct. 31. A concrete lined warehouse flooded with illicit wine provided a swimming pool for prohibition went Sirard today. Sirard bat- tcnun llivers Inlet. Sodermau's Jered nut I ho-plugs of the vats Camp. Surf Inlet Heach. Surf In-j which were seized Tuesday with . f .., i. ...!. n...l'al tt : .. ,I.a let Mine, Telegraph Creek Woodcock. and OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ENGLISH LEAGUE Division I. the purpose of allowing the liquor to escape down the drains. However, the drains of the warehouse became eloazed . and the title rose so rapidly thai Sirard ) was hard pu! to to escape. It is .said his clothes suffered greatly Trom alcoholism. MUCHGRAJT - TO VANCOUVER Four Times as Much so Far Thla, Year as During Last Season WTNNIPFi. Oct. 3t. During the pat week 073 cars of grain have been delivered at Vancouver by the Canadian National hring-ing the total for the season so far by that route up to 3.309 ears. This is more than four times as much as the deliveries there up to the. same dale last year. REPRIEVE GRANTED TWO MURDERERS WHO KILLED CAPT. GILLIS VICTOIIIA. Oct. 31. Mr. Justice Murphy yesterday grant-id Ihe application of Owen Baker When tloj ami Harry Sowash for poslpone- 'city police court this morning by. legislature assembles Monday ment or execution until January (Stipendiary Magistrate H. F. Mc-jj. m. Hryan. member for North! I I, In view of their appeals now III a Trip IT 1 lTTn I'001'- ,0 MIt ii'01"" H1'o I Vancouver, will be the mover on pending against me ieain seu- I H ANltr r A w 1! ritted $200 or an additional threejthe niMiess in reply to the speech! tence. Fach is asking for a new vllflllUtl IlnLllIUuHoijii,,,. i,CP j,ee was arrested atfr)im nH; ihroue. The seconder! trial for technical reasons. Inverness Cannery yesterday by Bought In by First Debenture "be Hoyal Canadian Mounted Holders for Four Million (P'dlce. Dollars Yesterday i ' , ' . Itutiald Wilson, who has. been VANCOl'VKH, Oct. 31. The on a Ihree nionlhs1 holiday trip properties of Ihe Whalcn Pulp fc'to Iowa and oilier parts of the NOTICE. The,' elect r,ic light and power will be olT Sunday morning. November First, from 7,30 to 1 0,30, while changing .wires via Dry Dock -lit flraln Kievaior. . VAte MghJ. Dept. -''