jpaqb rOim will always $ I taste better M M creamed with a Made in Canada 'From Contented Cows" You Had Better Get )four Name on our list Fop Dry Kindling Every piece kiln dried and easily split. Large load $6.00 delivered, or 5 bundles already split for 41.00 delivered. "Taxi" Call 112. Always open and ready to give service nil hours. One or two passengers anywhere BOc. Clean Sedans, polite drivers. COAL We have a new coal on hand $11.00 per ton delivered. No dirt and very little smoke. A perfect range coal, nut size and extremely hot. Order a ton nowl Drayage of nil kinds attended to promptly. Stand 345 Third Ave. Also Seal Cove The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Phones: 189, 112. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS for AJAX HEAVIES Pronounced hy experts to he the greatest advancement made in shot shells in the past 40 years. 12 gauge only. Kaien Hardware Co. PANAMA M SJ STE4M LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS The Laundry of .Personal Service, Phone No. 8. Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrlft-T-Servlce, Sort Finish, And Dry Cleaning. We are ready nt any lime to receive your phone call, to take your instructions, to take .-persona! charge of. your Laundry and 'l)ry Cleaning. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 61. .Cutage, Warehousing, and , Distributing, Team or Motor .Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In' Piano and Furniture Bovine. T .jrpm L?sa .... BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManut isKnaimWKrouaoan J C t Mt.VJQt VOL) sHUTUP' tun jffl CO . . f? ,.r-r- I NOv ot I'M '0M- 1(3 Jffi CXJl. cot smo b wove iin' i Hvrg Tn6" trtr. J " GIRL IS SWEPT THROUGH SEWER Rescued After Two Days Underground Channel Neighborhood of , Milan ROMK, Oct. 19. An astonish vain. He called two other by In ing and terrifying adventure which he fell a Milanese domestic servant the other day has stirred Ihe imagination of all Italy. Virginia Ooe, aged about 30. had for eight years served tin and af feel ion of her Hut latterly she had been afflict ed by neurasthenia which de prjved her of all enjoyment of life, and very early on Thursday last, leaving a laconic word of farewell in her room, she went out to seek death in the waters of Ihe N'aviglio. or Milan canal, into which she Ihrew herself from the so-called Sirens' Hridge somewhat before dawn. Down this canal she was carried some way until a watchman espied her and attempted a rescue, but in standers but none of the three could swim, and their efforts to throw ropes and sticks lo Ihe young woman were unavailing. To their horror they then saw hc was being sucked towards the entrance lo an underground channel system, into which she swiflly disappeared, calling (ranlically for help. Search Is Made The watchman hastened to inform Ihe authorities of whal he had seen, but so excited was his behaviour that the police as- turned him to have suffered an hallucination. Only when Signor Meyer came to cofroborale the lory with a report of the mis-ing servant's disannearance. ex actly corresponding to that de- icrihed by Ihe watchman, was ferijus credence given to the toiy. And even Ihen the unfor- lunale woman must have been whirled lo death amid the rub bish and wreckage of the un derground sewers. Hut Signor Meyer, fortified by a sinsular presentiment that all was not at an eiul, moved heaven and earth to old a in the institution of a ealch. After two 'day be sud-teeded in overriding Ihe objec- liorts of Ihe engineer and , the. salvage ..brigade.. S,even men of the laller corns were finally told lo organise a search wilh Ihe aid of a special drain expert. The scene of Ihe search was an arched conduit of some two miles length which debouches at one end on to Ihe Naviglio, al the other inlo marshy tracls oul tooR .wire. oo air, Just at lliis point and it was now five o clock in tin- afternoon a huddled .form was perceived sealed on the steps, with feet (dangling in the water, aiid drealh faintly pulsating In response to shouts and efforts to hring her lo reason, Virginia foi replied wilh a low .rry. She was rarxied to a point where she could he hoisted into Ihe street Ihrough an aperture. . Almost delirious shouts of joy greeted the rescuers and the uncon scious rescued as they emerged into Ihe street. ground journey, she was foum almost uninjured, wilh even her clothes in tolerable order. The doctors suppose that she. was rendered unconscious by fear, and was carried safely up to the point of irruption of the natural stream. After that point the current is weaker, and the woman, suddenly awaking, was able to dcajr herself o the steps. where for IS hours she sal in complete darkness, amid I ho pullulating life of Ihe slimy stream, Had she hoen carried few hundred yard farther aim would have emerged to tb'e onen air am perhaps saved herself. PRINCE GEORGE Aid. F. I). Taylor will be candidate for Ihe Prince (ieorgi mayoralty al Ihe next civic elee tion. Mayor Alward. who ha. been, chief magistrate for Ihe past two years, will not seek re-election it Is understood. Hugh Muir. who hna hoot wanted since midsummer by III! Hudson Hay. Co. on the charae Of Iheft of 13.000. has arresled in Maidstone. Sasknl chowan, and Constable (Ieorgi Clarke has lefl for I here lo p.. cort him back lo l'rince (ieorge Muir is chanted wilh haviiu stolen cash that hV was commissioned to deliver lo Fori ira-liame. The Prince ('.purge Liberal Association has passed a resolution committing ilself to suonort or oppose neither candidates for Lariboo, in.the forthcoming election. "Twenty-six .persons, nave' Joined' the' Prince 'tfenrgfiiee ' filut? and it is intended lo sfnirn i concert about the middle of' .November. V. V. Pringle. a Canadian lawyer practising in Chicago, was a visilor here lasl week makinu side Ihe Porta Viltoria. The arrangements for development of arch is about six feet high and the water some two feet deep. Rescue The first efforts lo advance were in vain owina lo the force of Ihe current and lhev slimy sur face of Ihe floor. Further authorities had lo be invoked In secure Ihe partial damming of Ihe aperture, and when this had been done the search hegan In earnest. Slowly and Painfully the, salvagers advanced, causing consternation to lesions of the corridor. Con act was ken! wilh another squadron overhead, to which .signals were from time lo lime rommdnicalcd. Mean. while a huge public collected on lop, following the researches with anxious curiosity. local land interests. HAZELTON frogs. waler-rals. and ntlierl Mp a w r.,i in i..f more repugnant animals crawl-week on a visit In St. Paul, Mln ing about the steps which flank On Ihe first day of canvassinir Ihe sum of K57.25, nearly half llie total amoiinl asked for. was subscribed In the Ilazellon Nurses' Home furnishing cam paign. Harry Hielzin has left for the lleaeriell country. nesota, and other Faslern cilies. Oenrge llorle of Prince Ilupert was a business visilor hern lasl week. Mrs. R. H. Scnksniel and Mrs Al one f!.'irlitnn nvn aiini,litif f,..., .1,..,,. i"""1 iiMinnin in a iiaiurnijin rrince import. si ream threatened lo renderl progress impossible, but wilh a! Cant. C.v Cni-mlcMinl if Vnn for Skeena in Ihe Federal election. On Wednesday Hon. A. M. Manson and Fred Siork, Libera! candidate, will speak in Xew Ilazellon and llaelfon. BOOTH SCHOOL CHAMPION TEAM Won Junior League Leadership by Defeating Borden Street on Saturday Afternoon Unconscious by Fear The Iloolh School cinched the! Die amazing thing is that Junior Leacno frmtl.all r-h im. family of Signor Meyer of Milan. ". ..?" ".I"1 "r. ""n.l.P.onship hy d-fealing l(orden and had won Ihe appreciation "" Kl,m niusi nave nccn miwi in salnrday ariernoon s Vmnlnver employers " ' ' ""recognisaiue pulp in i game hy a score of I to nil. The 1 .... .'" Ihe Ihe terrible terrible two-mile two-mile umle'r- iimir 'n,n. uooiii t-etiool s forward line 'was particularly effective while the Hnrden Street team was not up to usual form in that department, its defence being the brightest spot on the team. The Hooth School boys simply outplayed their opponents. In Ihe first half the winners, playing uphill, scored two goals -Ihwugh Kelsey and Kddie Smilh. In 'the second half Kel- oy missed' a penally but W. Murray and Jack NeUon scored. ieorge Cochrane was referee and linesmen were Mr. n Weil I md -V. K. Willi-croft. The leagiie standing to dale is is follows:' tooth Si-hoid lurh School ioMen Street W 5 3 3 FINALSHOOT 'I D. I I 0 Pis. 11 7 OF THE SEASON Sold Medal Won hv Maimim Lamb at Ranges Yesterday; Silver by R. Wilson The final shoot of the season ook place at the ranires al Mc- N'ichnll Creek yesterday when .he gold meilal was won l.v M M imb, silver modal by II. Wilson and bronze medal by C. Wilkin- on. Y. Hrnss gol the turkey. Score were as follows: 200 SOO COO TIL M. Lamb .. 2'J Wilson .. ., 2(5 C. Wilkinson .. 28. ' W. Ilrass . . , . 21 V. I-Ivi It ... 27 A. Squire . . . . 2(5 1. McKeowp . , 22i 1"V Lovi-ry . . , . 15 N. Primgle .... 20 27 28 20 28 2.S ID 15 0 30 27 21 28 27 SPORT CHAT 8(5 81 78 77 77 70 V70 57 37 The Prim'e (ieorge Ilink Co., n the interior' town, has heen eorganied for the forthcoming '.vinler season. The rink com pany had a very successful sea son last yoiir and Mm exneeln. lion is that the organization will be put firmly on Its fool during he corning .winter. The operation of Ihe rink has beeii especially a great boon lo Ihe children, of the city. The project Is a community one and Ihe pleasure or skating under coinfortiii.lo conditions is afforded (ho people ni. moiterale cost. A break seems imminent In Canadian Association foothall' between Ihe two extreme parls of Ihe country. The m-ovlneo' of Quebec has been Inking a much greater interest in soccer recently and Sunday soccer is wanted there. The west Is opposed lo Sunday soccer on I he ground lhal it would be Ihe forerunner lo professional soccer. The en-lire situation has been oomiill- caled JLVaT WNT lO - FOll SAI.F. 1 Wanted For Sale For Rent fill i tqlO oo vt FOll SAI.l". Cream wicker buir-try. Phone 406. 2V3 FOll JlKXT. I'ianos. player pianos, pbonogr.tphs nnd sewing maehines. NValker'i Muslo Store. tf FOll HKM'.-Four roomed fla' and furniture for sale. Firs! I25 lake, it. Phone lied 017 FOIt IIK.VJ'. .New house al ISA Fifth Avenue West. Phone lied 720. FOR IIH.NT. Moden. house, live rooms and balh. Monro llro High Low skUfu. use of Mou. ropes ,e couver will address a meeting in through ' in s.e' Ihe r" U light H ed manner iok'n'll.,,,, passage was errec ed. lliui.n afterwards .he waters blfurca I. ihe TnlV 'i Is 0 l JltnS!Jlll7V Just before Usnlntr Inln II.. Jl.n. r... '.. J .. ' m ''" 1 ' KKeiM fll 1 8 Scl.edllled I l,0W , .,,v vvii'ucu, oujiotnuuvi; uauuiuaieijor uiciri in Ontario. TO RENT CARPENTERS WIIF..N having your house repaired, see A. II. MacPherson Phone lllaek 187. tf IRISH SENATORIAL . ELECTIONS A FARCE The Irish Senatorial election have been little heller than n farce says the , Manchester (iiianlian. low electors went lo the poll about 10 nor rcnL i! I estimated, of the whole num. her. Ihe (dent ions were hold hv Proportional by ProporM under the in dlliotv. 'The' Ileprosen.a.i(Ml, hhl ial lleprenallon. p i iiirj'uwujO run whole nY'Mio Irish Free Stale, wilh over a 'million voters, was treated as one constituency, and a ballot-paper two feet long svas presented lo lh unhappy voter containing Ihe names of 7U candidal!, mosllv unknown lo him, for ID seats Xo wonder thai in desnair he was inclined in many cases lo treat ihe whole thinir as a lmd joke. Add to Ibis that the powers or the Irish Upper House are restricted, that Ihe whole, con ception of it is of a non-parly noiiy, and lhal tm important issues appear to hae been involved' In Ihe election, and it is not wonderful . lhal Ihe average ejector showed himself somewhat apathetic. None the less, the few persons who look Ihe trouble to vole may have succeeded In returning unite creditable rnnrn. si ulalives. AdvnHMe In Mm Dully Vows PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 44 Monday, October 19. 2:2! a.m. 20. 1 " M:lfl a.m. 2 1. 5 " 8:23 a.m. 5.1 ' 20:53 p.m. 2.0 " Tuesday, Octobor 20 2:58 a.m. 10.7 ft. 11:5. p.m. 21.3 ' 8 57 a.m. fl.o " 2i;32 p.m. 3.0 " ftri to i vvtr. ur i CIV.' . i tm i' Dining room sillies, WA.NTFD. Tn or three first bedroom suites, Chesterfield suites, ranges, stoves, bed linen, towels, window blind." inlaid linoleum and prlnlel linoleuinn, loungeg, chairs, Cliiffionicres, Hressers, Hed-(ead. niallresso and spring. Dining tables, kitchen tables, table oilcloth. A. Maokenzie, Furniture Hotine. Phone 776 WI.NTKIl Wharfasre for Ibialj..-Ajiply Mr. Ilagen, "llallel F. ' Sourdough Day or phone S3. Xojflhern Hxelia ngre I f FOll SAI.F.. Ford Sedan and pleasure boat. Harguin. Phone lied 720. PKDKillKHD Toy Iloslwn terrier for Mile. Phone 78 1. 25 FOll SAl.K. Hulfel nnd ehina cabinet. Phone 311. tf WA.NTKD. - Woman lo do house work either morning or afternoons. Write llox 27U, Daily New office. 23 tilRL wanted for general house work during day. Apply Mrs. F. Oilhiily. Phono Or n IV 1 . WOMAN wan Is work by tha hour or day. Phone lied .120. BOARD HOAIll) - The Seeond Avenue. Inlander. 330 Phono 137. ItOAHD and Iloom or Hoard only. Phono lied 707. CARS FOR SALE. ! -10180 Xnsh five passenger louring 1850 I -102 1 Ovorland Sedan I70A 1-1088 Ford Sedan .... ... $125 I -I Inn Ford truck, panel l"ly $375 1-1018 McLaughlin light 0, ft Pa - .1260 I -Ford light delivery nhasis rebuilt $75 AH cars guaninteed in tmul mechanical" condition. Make your own lerms. KAIEN GARAGE Ford and Chevrolet Service Sla-Jion. lioodywir Tiroa, (lw, Oil and Oreases. . WHKCKIXO SCIlilCi: DAY Oil Mi HIT. ' Phono 52. tf TAXI Taxi C7 Phono (Call (Ieorge, Paul or Oust) pcMal 0 and 7j passenger Riudc- bakers al your service day ami nighl. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Dlock Across from F.mprc Unlet. ROTHWELL'S TRANSFER Coal - Wood and Furniture Moving Haggage and F.xnress SlamhLillles News stand. Phone '2. lies. Phone Oreen 020. CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baggago, Furniture Moving. If you want anything sen! fur, or delivered, phono us. P.O. llox 090. COLUMBIA RECORDS NHW Process Columliii.,i. no scratching. Finesl re-producllons of latest Fox Trots, 8ongs and Instrumental mtislo by world rained artists, flail In and hear Ihcm. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, Third Avenue FURNITURE. , New and Secondhand Furnl. ure Slore. We liuv. sn .....i i... change Now nd Hbroii.ii.b'.i floods. QEO. PAPADOPULI8. 830 Third Ave. Vho oifl. elass Iravellers for swtions .f. Western Canada, eilhr I line for two inontti i r sile tine for season. I.r n- niissions. Ilijc ttpporluiiiiy .News publishing Co. Ltd.. Truro, .VS. .'t.M OLD Arlificiul l-th Houghl, any condition. High! prieos sent hy return mail. It. Dunslun, P.O. Itox 310, Vaneoiiver. ll.C. I.slaplished Ihirly lhrc yejr. HOl'SHKKKPFIl wauled for farin in I ruiK'ui like roiintrv OihhI home. Alililv llox .'MO. Daily .News office. Alt TM.Kir' NVn tor yjfh . i . I I '. (, i S iK .A SS - S J 1 I I S LAX S i 1 DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. F; 2c per word in advance. No Advertitement taken for lest than 50c FOR SALE WANTEB All dry inside w.. , hlooka inixe.i. , delivered Uui-,.i per load item, ffian style il i ring in 30-ti, ;i . 10c per lb ISAACSON SMl Cove. I Arlirtx Loit in Found.ij KINDLIMQ WOOD MAIL SCHEDULE OUT-OOINO. rr u tt MMUy. WnlUfi.lll t! rkm t T Vt(mr . WHlWS TMrMtajr ..... TburMtt . . . MiarrtS) r.4wr IS Mil 1 T Ai, AIK Arm, SUwtrt A frrmt. Ts PM SlmpM a fx if Rttr tm, TlNirMMi . . i U'.H. rW t. i i 1. IT ml li T Ai 4 Alk Arm To llsr 4 rrtm larHr I IN-COfUMO. rm Ov.tiU4 , I frtm Vuiwtr ntar . wmn4tr Mmrtr ... . . ooidwr s. is Md ir. frtm Adfti, All Arm, Slrt A TUJI f ' Frsm ert Slsies n Hut Snt ttm SWMtf : U Xttn AlMls PolnU orr IS aM fl e trm Qu ClisrUtu Itlinl r'-l- .wr i smI - r r n KUfVI an HIHI urn Twrutoi from Slrt n4 errmltr- wvlsr BOX COLLECTIOSI A M ll Ate. A th si. .. t th Ait. k miioa si. . i IH At. A TtwiMn 1 1 Ih A AfffM.k Att, S 1 1 Ik Aw. A ttnrtd SI t " tk A Illy (X At t Ul A Mjrt Cu Cirrlr Sift Aw. A Ctlfl SI 0 . ll Ate. A MfltfUs SL I I'ml a. i.t t : Pro. Osti. winrf . . I n.T.r. Wlurr i ; . T- '. suim 1 1 ih.l ill fml Atr A f(K t 10 I ol Ar A rullmrsi 10 I 'M A Slh si 10 11 rrmi) . null . rrem Port Slmpton in4 N aii' SilurtUr - . CiUI For AUikt Oft. o M. priniw Virr orl, 19 s..rliirrs Mrr Orl. .Ill lrlnra Utrr From SlttU Orl. U -, I'MnrfM Miry Oct, I) . I'Hiumi M.rv For SUwort, snroi and Allot Arm- SlIlllllV ('nliia From ,Stwart, Anyoi and Allot For Anjroi . f ' I ' r i It: tt in STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS ftf Vtnceutir SuikI . I'rltirr- o-..ii TlifMMy. . (jrilHl TlmrxlAjr . JtIkot nn stmrtiir -. cum " M. rrlnr Ursine m-1. la ss. rrinr... Mi !. I1HS. ITIIlfi... M4I from vncour siHnUy in. i;iniHi . . Weiln-mur i rliirs lni" rrlitay . Cnl, . . SalHfiUy . ITInrr fit ..- siunlay- M, rtliieeH noati Ocl. U M. I'rlnrMo Mil on, it, 'rliirr. Vai Or I. SO . Prlni'M. M:ii i for fori Slmpton and N(t nhtr- WetliiMilavi aa. Prlnrn llini" l'r From Anyoi TlmrMlVK Prlnrit llulirrl v ror sttwtrt S.alliritiiva lrln nmras From Slawarl Slind.lVa- it Crlnf. nnrra For Qutin Oharlotta Ulandt Ofl. a at. Ttlnre John "ft. 17 aa, l'rince John Oct, 31 II OMiira li.lin From Qutan OharUllt Itlandt- ri. ! it, rrinc John Oct. 10 ia rrloco Joha i 1 1 . r I (t S IS is us pi" . ,,., II p t p