- lie V' i km tf two iniJtith aiMj H but eefi of the men were i lime vsieumve hI- lexeuiM frt.m the icy walera. ti;new iM.iiUuon Name of Victim it IIm i'iM! While' ctert f ii. BUnivor reea ,.ree. i .eialimr (bal the fiHIowing bad lol their iw uir iiy mere h,.: ...leriii-l- mitiilter of, ji,n Uj,uiw uot nB (I ltii"UKluut the Hie w 1 in hand., he rn! ..r (he will ri-nme rut-J tl- li'l order! nd fi .ally fur. ' Ueller tild' ufi aiier hiibji ritnrjtih-idmit.J' an-fiuver on Uit iii 'rtilnE. ERRIFIC GALE MOVES SCHOOL konJova Again Suffers From ClemenU and Lotes Bate- ball Grandstand "VA, lka. on. 19. ... .. . i. i i .... VN ol Yl.lt. Oct. III. m effoils coupled with 4' nest iirnyers might well "it toward bringiiw about ir r reeling between the "I the earth, for ARRESTS MADE CLEANUP DRIVE WINNIPEG. Oct. 10. Winni- ain SI. Horn Tun' police in mi -up" driven at the week il arrested 2011 persons charg- Jeph Walmm, agel St. Uerbert Fotreot. mkw 23. Charlm J. ItaHey. axed iS. Thooia lUlioU. a?l m. Jaiiien IliiMBiiU. aged (0. Albert tlwL a$eJ U. lam. Home eurvivur were in the. , ,lh,u, flirP MnS v i lite me m-uoo. t.cUiH.1 ;x six leet,' . , . b ... h1 tltmtMm, ,frlMNltB iiioan io i.Mttn-,i KeniMHle. was w wu aeH".-.! ':""' ., lllP wnlrr our ,M.fre he V" .Uw-eedftd in grattpimr a lifebelt. fii'tttapll now unui., . .. . i, He finally was cast tiirt Hen linrk Island in an exhausted condition. The engineer or the lug clinging to wreckage was carried out Ma about a mile when he was lescued by a launch from the land. tt.... l M ,..( I., lik I tm Sn .Most'l"8 inlow.' w$ Wail Hl3 All the men who lul their rwulinp of gram through Un- I lit i a-rwidenLai nf Vlrlurli ) i... . ..r ti.-- .. v--- - . . ;n urr nwrrin ad leae fam- Ihe ii.ii ?.l.r nere timr rauniay .?,-, The meeting wa attemlid by I Sit mmi wefir iviT kv etlncl K-uiittee millw Wtimf, i1i. mhi.1. eiiAf7mf M. '. ing Ui roie ttiruwa aer the .MrCaffery. S. . .Martlonahl. jidiK of the teriir. Four! Mayor Newinn. J. II. PdUburv. inn-n grabbed the cable of the J W Nn li.il i -. Ob'f Han- in and remdyk' klie anchor an the Aid. ii' -ig- ll t;aey. j lloie wa wii by Ihe fai rioi- iiiiik lide Miktirr Ue -tern id Ihe liou fretfhter before the tug weni down. 'I!we were reruil later. Thrilling Experience Tlie kvtge anchor en We wei-e MARY ELLEN TO ADDRESS WOMEN earrhvl away by Ihe sinokrstark and wial of the Hope jut before Meeting In Westholme Theatre ohe took the plunge to the lot- Tomorrow to Give Opportu- nlty to Hear Speaker the Westholme Theatre which will be for women only. Mrs .Smith will he iu the city for a few liours only Uimorrow. She has been addrcuMng meet I Tli..e were thei lugs al Anvox. Alice Arm. rreM or1 TAXI Boston Grill J Ambulan' Large Upstair Dining Hall, Service with newly laid dancing Anywhere at Anytime floor for Irlre. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and 6th St. " in, .. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the WATT VIDECK, Prop. Mini.., '' 1r least. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper V II XV NO. PRINCE RUPERT. H.C., MONDAY. OCTOHER 10, 1025. turdtr'i Circulation 1633 Srtttt Silt est PRICK FIVK CENTS. ragedy of Sea when Tug Hope with 35 Men Aboard Sank in Rip and Seven Victorians are Lost YKTOIUA. Orl. 10. Another tragedy or (he hen look lAM irrrrnn :. here Saturday night when seven live, were loot ami niaiivl (IIY1IY1I I I hh J only ufler terrible sufferings as a result of the sinkm? vwlllllll 1 ilAj ::a ' igboal Hope, carrying 28 longshoremen ami nix of t. : Henlinrk Island neur Race Rocks in Ihe Strait of Juan1 Toe Hope vu despatched from here at (J.3& to uit the ge tHanier Sulvage (Juccn in removing cargo from the itil f fighter Kcmdyk. The lloe, which i u lit tun tug. was cauaht in the ti1f rip and MITT ri ACIMP jMirown Hraiiie lh bw f the HILL ILUoinb TTlu : :an'!; A lid I III f am CAD 0 MAMTUC l,,Mw ",r ,,,,! 1,ttCk tt,Hml Ht,'t hi IK llll 111 I li. ' and he earefiHl mw nud IS AT WORK M. P. McCaffery Named Chairman of local Qraln Organization S. D. Macdenald, vice-chairman. - TO ASK CITY GRANT. 1 VII - b(J(ji Ju f j,,,,,,., Twoi ,AI III.- mihal meeting of IIm- minute fater she had disan- ",cpni" appointed joim grant j Ltanslve Alterations and New, peered, jeominiiier or t la- city council and Installations to be Made at ; All the ,,. aboard the lug' , "mr" o: 1 raflf w,"cU wn" Local Lumber plant jwero thrown hifo water. Ufe 'i" Wtal f ",e W'M'k, M Mine wrre thrown t them fr,...,' 1 " M?" ef"i hl'- - Uupert Spruce MiU the lvae l-wt and lifeboat.! - 1 vice . i mIkmi! to close rmui ti. t tirun- It was left in the - - . ..... l,,,.i. . . r ti... u ... . :hbwis i'i uir cfiHiruiuii iu r- runpr for a iecrHary. Way i and mrufi for the al-Irwrting of the flow of grain through the lowd peain- were diruoed with the result that I be city council will lie arked to vole HiO to aiotifl the eominillee in it effort". At a later me'-l-ili? it it !init)le thai Ihe iMiard limy deide l send a repreiii;i-lle to Alberta with a view U satliering data and al lue iame lime eilerting arranenieut I WARNING TO ELECTORS LIBERALS WILL NOT 8TOP AT ANYTHING TO DISCREDIT NICKERSON The following telegram is ciiffieient reply lu the Liberal Propaganda displayed on the front page of the I taily Newt Saturday: null H 10 Paid "Pipestone, Manitoba. September IHlh, 1025. "O. V. Niekeron. "Prime Itupert. lt.G. "Megret delay. If nominated on Progressive platform will be satisfactory. 3.2 1 p.m. - "Robert Forke.t Who Is George Bushhy? GEORGE G. BUSHBY, CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE FOR SKEENA. Mr. Uushby s the son oi the late Hon. A. T. liitshby. Regis fr,,mi 0wi ,u tl. ullclT,ainty of rar ueneiat oi me i.o..iny oi hhumi uoiuiuuia uciore i.onieu- uasrwaii snip sUas, OMrn and Kemdyk.: . meeting bein held last ra,,wll "eil,P ",l B,u',a'0 01 "le la e nr James uougia. iirsi BRIE URGES PEACE EFFORT lo : Wednesday evening and the late' Uoveruor oT Hritish Columbia. He was born in New Weslmiti-ness of arrival of Mrs. Maryj I'"'. lo England to school soon afler the deuih oT ph..; ...iii. ,..,.v u.,i..i.n vvil his falher in 187 i, und returued lo Canada in 18S3. when he uuable U hear her speak. For!"l ' Herkeley, enteriiig the University or California, that reason the committee hasi I. On leaving Ihe University, he apprenticed as a ni at i . e r machinist ...... f.... ,.asiiM.. i.st.w.r. ni ine Liiiou iron irKv m oan rruuriM-o, lor luur var. re- NliaUb'U '"''JO"" umiivi- . mw afternoon at three o'clock in? turning to Canada ... ui lhM, . and. iii taking charge i of h saw null 'ti cloe s to Hie City of Nelson, H.C., which wus then in the making. Mr Rnshby wenl from there lo take charge of the submarine work in Victoria harbor, and the construction of the aterworks .by tent of the new Quarantine Stulion ut Williams Head Dominion tiovcrnmeiiL Founded Marine Railway tn.i uonls of John llauley, one of mier and Stewart and will arrivei i t sv5 Mr. Hiislibv. wftli his brother-in-law, Mr. Fitzher- Ihe best known longshoreiueii, asi back on ihe Cardena lomorrowl ltr( Huilen. rounded the Esijtiimalt Marine Railway, which built he waved a fan-well to his ooin-l morning ami will leave ror the! ju. PRINCESS HEATH ICE, S.S. PRINCESS ROYAL, S.S. ,...i..i.. ami iMtuk to his dealhimuth on the Cartlena al &. Tak-, piiivcESS MAUlJINNA. S.S. LII.I.OOET. S.S. NA.NO0SE, S.S. It islaflw he had hung on to a piece! ing advantage or her stay here. ,tAI)liK, ull crack ships iu their day. and iniiiuneraiile small .....v i,. -..ii.ni.lv of wreckase tor some nine, ac- tin- n.inni.i.. . cran; nesiues ucuig ouiuu-rs oi snip. ' , .... 'l.,.Aiiin! in Edward Kermode. whohvomen of Prince llupert tianMmjr j,s j,, ai.t ome uf ,e largest that .... ' , Vil t.L.i.r ... .Phitli.g his experiences! liave Ihe opportunity or meeting; niat. This business was Mild to address last!"My slrenglh was- nearly cx-;this outstand.ivg Hnlish Colum-j ,.,.,, r Uus ,,i,ie,s w'as rounded in iTie in an up'bia woniaii and may hear her known The R.C. Marine Railways. . 1 1.... m... i,.i i,ni.twl and I had given , as iiicj iiiiiiuifu uiir rr- have ever been done Yarrows in 101 1. A uncoil ver ' in 1800, i II' "'UHHiliou ri' t' I ...... 1 a ....... i si i aV ii . i a. 1 t .1 1 1. . Ii 11 . t I li on the League of Na- hope of surviviiw when some ou-inik. i . m imh ine uusnoy-iiuiien iiiieresi loiiuueo wie nai- jeel floaling directly lowaru meji . . Vl,rp -',r' lMIooj purouaii uimii co.ugc m int.- miuobv men caiwhl my altention. 11 was f j operations lor the first firteen years, nud it was this Company a IHebuoy wiith my ll ouiicqI ainTieE which raised the S.S. PRINCE RUPERT al the time this vessel of strength 1 grasped it nndj? w ' , sank and rolled over on her side at Swaiison Hay. In 1000 Mr. managed lo hang on. I have al- . ' , . i Hiishby took Ihe personal supervision or the R.C. Marine Rail ways believed in Divine I'rovl-" .-' "Y. , ,, 4.1 wuys 111 nncoiiver, and earned, on 111 llns capacity until lie k I 11 ?1 T1 l.l I'.l.lVW.'J "'."I. . . .1.. 1'....... . A ..... 1" .. . t e eniereii ii I e red on me imnj .1 . . I... .. .... 11 .ill ill mm ui inui ui " 1 shore and was uble lo land on the island. ! Mrs. Francis Milleril returned with violation of the Temper- on the Prince George Saturduy i Act nighl from Vancouver, PUBLIC MEETING WESTHOLME THEATRE WEDNESDAY, 21st OCTOBER At 8 p.m. sharp. Speakers PAT MAITLAND. CAPT. CARMICHAEL. GEORGE BUSHBY. Everybody Welcome. 1.11 Tor Ihe rorlhcoinlug Municipal Elections as Householders or Holder oi Trade Lb viise must register their name with the City Clerk during the monlh or October on a Statutory form lo be supplied by Ihe City Clerk. 'Ihe Clly Clerk's oWee will be open from 0 a.m. In S p.m. each and every day during the month of October with Ihe exception or Saturday, when ll will be open from V a.m. to 12.30 p.m. E. K. JONES, City Clerk. ' I I ( STORK HAS FOUGHT BAT- TLES OF FISHERMEN SAYS UNION October !, 11125. Editor Daily Newa. I wan jiurpried to ee in your isfUe of the 17th inxtant, that J. W. .Vicker-son iiifornifd the public that our present member, r'red Slofk had absolutely failed to stand behind t lie halibut fi.shermeir in I heir fight for a square deal. As representative oT the I)eep Sea Fisiiermen'e Union, whose members: are all halibut fishermen, 1 wish to contrail k-l Mr. Xiekeron's elalemenl as Mr. .Stork has done all in his power lo bHIer the halibut situation and any request that has been asked him, directly from the Union, has received consideration ami thru his influence has always been granted. We all appreciate the fishf Ihat Mr. Slork put up to have an Order-in-Counril passed in May. 11)21, in regard lo Ihe cull situation and the scales inspection; and Ihe nautical school which is now established for halibut fishermen would never have Tjeen granted but for our honorable member. Had we depended on Mr. Nufkerson, as l'resi- dent pt the Hoard of Trade,-when we requested that body to take it up with the Marine and Fisti- MANSON AND ' STORK SPEAK Address Large and Responsive Audiences at Smithers jorlties Expected In ,terlor SMITH KHS, Oct. tt. One or the largest political meclittgsj yet hebl look place here Salur- day evening whFn lion. A. M.' for the Maiison and Freil Slork delivered rattling good addresses to a responsive audience. James Ciroat was chairman. The opinion is generally expressed that the Liberal eandi-date will gel large, majorities here and at other nearby interior points. Tonight the same speakers will be heard at Hurtis Lake. (TRAIN DERAILED AND ROLLED DOWN THE EMBANKMENT WINNIPEG, Oct. 19. Eight passenafers and one trainman were Injured, none seriously, BRINGING GOLD FROM CASSIAR Last Boat of Season at Wrangell Yesterday Arrives Down j Stlklne River I tt-ii W't'T t u.i, tfkAi in ' 'f'li. lutit lioul fif tin M0;inn flfiivn Jhe stikine Hiver from the Cas- siar golil region of Northern Hr tiMi Columbia arrive,! Sunday , Willi a capacly passenger list, i inc!uling miners engineers and jproupec.orx many of them en route to Vancouver and Seattle for the winter. Coarse gold at:d nuggeU from Ihe new igoldfield valued at t7,C(() was exhibited by several placer miners: Wjlliam (irady, discoverer of the new gold dis tinct, brought oirt SiS ounces of Ihe precious metal after spending 03 days on his claim, devoting most of the time to preparing the properly for operations next year. !rady left for Var.eouver. Many of Ihe returning men ! suiil Miev would irn back to their claims early next spring. They propose travelling overland into l the Cassiar district before navi-j gation 4iii the Stikine opens. IjMINISTER GETS :S LUMBER ORDER B.C. Fir Being Loaded For Island of Mauritius at Southern B.C. Porta rnrs oepaniiiriii. we are t villimtA Met. tK Tlirniicli OUMe JUeJUistju)WiVil4- l.eefforte f bcsttMiMbler-of Hr - in nawicai ; Lands another new market has si'iiom esianiisneo i n Priiice lli-oert for union halibut fishermen, as he ) has opposed us in nearly- all our requests to better mil conditions. Signed: J. H. MliAtilIEK, Agent Ileep Sea Fishermen's Union. I been found for Itrili.-li Columbia lumber. This is the tate railway ctinsl ruction and mainten- jance service on the island of Mauritius. Hitherto only Euro-' pea n woods. have been Used but ..when Hon. Mr. I'attullo learned 'that the government railways . were in the market for a cango Uf I,.. ...!, I.l II... .r. ....... I iiianaj.-rr siuu:ig iuaiuifs ui Dowlas fir and the excellent results obtained from its use on: the Hritish. Indian and Egyptian; lines. The outcome is that the 'fipttt .tliitmimit nC llnillrliw fir ever made to Mauritius is now 'being loaded a' R.C. purls. WRITER ROBBED OF HER JEWELS Highwayman Made Get - away While Auto Was Being Repaired at Roadside WEST PALM REACH. Oct. 19- Mrs. Nina Wilcox Putnam, the well-known writer, aud ,A. W. (ovger, her companion, were robbed or tCS.OOO in jewels, papers and cash early Sunday while repairing a disabled auto ion the roadside. Search is be ing made Tor five highwaymen were wer-p implicated. NURSE KILLED RAIL CROSSING WINNIPEG. Oct. 19. Three this morning when the C.N.Il. persons were killed and five m- ii:. . .....i i...... i;i.i.. ........m . .......i.i ii..i wesioouni train was ueraiieo juim u u ni f ui rt i JUS I l. . I - riiiii, liliu nil AtlHinuinr .111.(1,1, ' ""n. ...... I t( k ii . .... . allow him lo retire, and he is now one or Prince Rupert's b.isi- miW of ,tuna' Sas-' avnni- M,sw MttU,d .,)r"m" ness ...en, being engaged in the manuracture of Fish Meal, KWi r,"wn- "l-ress car mond. a nurse, was killed when n;i i..rii.i,..r r...u..,.G...r ,.w ll... lin....rl turii.n Prn.liicUl f"t and second class iHiache. the auto in which she wa riding w... U ,.......v, v.,. .......p ... .... ... .......... V - W U.....1 .1...... II.. ...K..t. Lid., Int-ks inlel, and also operates four tug boats out orinc:""" """" " Port of Prince Rupert For Betterment of Business During Mr. Riisliby's career, he was in practically every movement ror the 'betterment or biisiue.-is and social conditions i iu Hritish Columbia. He wns President or the R.C Manufactur- lers' Association, the R.C. Melal Trmles Association, and an nc- ! live member oT Hie Vancouver Hoard ot Trade, lie wus also one or the principal members or the Iron und Sleel Delegation to Ottawa hi 018. e took an active part ami co.ilribnled greatly to 1 lie success of the three Victory Loans in Vancouver. ! As the Skeetia Riding is primarily dependent on the devel- op.uent or this Port or Prince Rupert, Mr. Rushby, with hi knowledge oT marine affairs, is umloiibtedly the best niuii ihe electors could possibly return al the election, uol only to look afler the needs oT Ihe Hishermen and Mariners, but the devel- ; opmeul of Un- whole district. dvc'lp In lh- Guilv W I stalled on the track iu rronl of an approaching express train at llosser. Mrs. Mary Ellen Smith Will address a meeting in the WESTHOLME THEATRE Tomorrow, TUESDAY, Afternoon October 20, at 3 o'clock FOR LADIES ONLY