SY VII AS KK ber 19. 102$. HI v mm m m ..LI moier ecial c 'fd. Another jpe. Mini if taklitg make a freight Per Half Doxen oh ii Bulger Jeweller 0 tlMHI lias sent . SI .00 . $1.50 . $2.00 per $4.00 . R ' $5.00 o cold Storage and Acroet "n creek Bridge, 1 or 2 gesn $1.00 rii.iiti,. mal pamengor 60o each. TAXI 75 TAXI ew rail Coats DRESSES and MILLINERY "DEMER5" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 A I 8mlth Block Phono 675 DENTIST In The Letter Box TAXATION A NO UVINQ COSTS. Kditor Daily New: A lux i (ri)julf exacted In inccl Hie expends t governing lllllil N privately iliii.o.O)! hv in met of Cut ninJC,MJi,"ir " ,riw of """ ni n special price innui." ur in Hip ro f pjjip, nr services. J lie succession dulic n THE MTTI-H of iMtlirilkn for Ibr MMH- f I'rutlsKMMl iriirint of Tltl flu I. it 1 hktf k lirfi S . u.1 II llOWk . Iul 7 nd ,' Hhsk II: l.'A , . 7 iml f. Pkirk It. Us I liul f. I"- ... It. r Mirt ron. nalerf Anml Uth. a n Iltiirar r Tul LAND ACT Nolle f Inumlon I Applr I PurchM Ltntf. In ih IjiiiI fimimnir limriri or rnur liuiMTL ami unalf on Hit I'alU Cnk jfh fkiw Inn IIh- trslall Hirrrl aisiiil ll niiipn cruni n iiiuuia. I TAkK .MiUiJi liul rrlnrs lluri Sirur MIU. I.linltmt. f i'rlitrn lluiirrt, orruu. Hon Imnlirr manuraiiurrr. Inli'luU to applj' for prrtiillii lo purthase llie fol- Inwini- orMTiuen isuiu: I'.oiumriirliir ai it rtanlMt abotil 10 chains liorllwrljr fnsn Hi" aiiullii-a! enr-nrr ur Int . lUntr four; thenr 10 ulisUui tiurlhrrljr; Mieiin- III rhalin eager ly; Inelir 10 mains souinrrij; inrinr lialna Mli-rtr l P"'nl nniinenrr-inriii. anil nmialnliiir 10 arrrt. more or ni'i'MiT si """I-."; 1 1 r i ftr C. P. niei el, times miriiM "in. iii Arllranl trill LAND ACT. oll ot Intanllon lo Appl lo PurthaM I mi. In the Land nerorilint Dlalrlti f t!'1?1 JiuiH-rl. ami lelnr a Mirlln of l.oi iwivilv four (til, name in l.iuin nuirlri. TAkK IMoTICK thai rrliielfa l.lnillel nf frlnre llujierl. ll.C, merrlionl. Inlwul lo aMrfj ur ltermlnslon In purrliae IIm tullovlnir al.-nerll.r-il laiil: Oaiinienrinjr at a ihim rlanlril ,.; norilM-aM turner of ll w ruiy Tour ( J 1 ranite rive fi). Cnat itrlrl; llienre amilli llilrlj-two rhaln! .Itienro we we) fiirly rlwlim; llienre ixwUi eliclil rha in. 4iire or tens, lo filati watrr murk; thei"' nnrilieal almu Wall water mark to mi il nf cniiiiuenn-iiieni, ami .milnin A"lnlj (0, ,cW. n-oreor t Ai-nllcant itk . MINIMAL ACT. rllfleat of impramnla flH.kane Hiii.ral i:iaii. 'tl'"'' Atlln Mlnlnir invialnn , nr mm ar nialrlrt, on the wet aide "f, Blr "rn illver tn the eat or and adjnlnlnx the Fdwln Mineral claim. ,... TAkK MOTICE till 'rf.r'! J)"r' 10Utd. tM'i ' ' Orllfli-ate No. "J. lnv from Ih date lierm'f. ' M'l of 1 1 -I.rnvi-ment. Mlnlna lierorder for a rrrlirirMe for the piiriKi-e of cti.ta.lntiK n Crown Oram nr the ahove Ha . And riirlhiT lake nollra thai pellnn. m,d"r virtlon 7. m.s ft ".""'rt rore the Imii or am"'' r.rrtlfUate or I nn " lirnvenieinl, , .... i o naltd Ihii JOih day of Auiuit, 1UI, lie reloiler lo the consumer Is wrong in jirinoU'If unl results In Hie burden liciitxr placed on many who cannot pass it on ind who are not able .In )Har U. The nassJmron of (axes is an old practice but' since the w;,r an,j , i,,,oj.i. J ion of high war-luxes; dial high prices pwal! and will euiilintin "imiiiti raue no surprise. For, U rale, 0'lc 0,u 4$ j.c.JiiwInK lo IIm. approximately fixe' ii'ir i j i lit' ii riii ii i ii in il' I "vv( iv-ncp mil and irivipui4 cilijrriis should contribute ami without recourse. In tin. m..i.. Jlenance of ' governments. All 4taxc levied under constituted aullmrily are direel and confis catory. Hie indirect lax I charges and high costs of gov ernment a substantial reduelion ill laxalion cannot be expected in I lie near fulure. jaxes jnay be i.redueed stighlly hy reducing Hi wl of government, the form may change, but the tiijcli laxei one win remain ami so will Hie high (la. pricM alluded In Fundamental Principle Tile fundamental principle which a relurn to sound and permanent conditions ' -V" niniviinil economic l-tfllljllll.ll I ... 1 1 . . i . : berilanre lax, wind, J a direM ..depend i a continuous and nub-lax on rapilal ami no doubt, for slnniint r..,in..i...,. ,.t n.,. i.,....i,..i wry nire and tod,, rt"n ,, by debt of the country beside which Moluiay .e1 'ri,,T a' m"r"' "' y tl'-- fatures 1(ale ,lo infill- ' Al IIIU! Ill M!lif Iliaiinr I'.IMHAI fl.UlIW '11k. lnru, ll,,l .. iliinp! lo I he iouMr f foil 1u moi lli if.ioiMi i. i- Atf fA li s neraiiM- il U on Ihe mereaed bome. indebled- XI -""u .ii Turn rae a u nrie ne and llioe whieh are due lo lunnii ami i which are iiue the thooe or tue jwwar period. Iiiith eoln of living and prndu.r-TheiM-1xe are largely theroine Hon. Price rie and fall for'and to a jreal extent determine IVHriOtlfi reaOfU bul wben liixh lhe itrieea at iimiun.liliau . - n,w- ,,11,,,,-,-u, - u ic- which are -- --- uxwi wiiu - in ine, ( national acf llial in certain industries I Hie taxes may be added to Hia .prices as expanse items ami IUsmi.1 on to Uie consumer and user in Hie form of invti prwej. TI.ors.lnv I . ''w" r ', menl lot! this; -. but at Ler '! unit ber r-- ,ur thanks ciic Milk Co, Limited Head Office, Vancouver Factories: Ladner and abbolsford. B.C. axi b laxi - ' liovc the best Phone 75. 1 udson Super-I' -fg- Ftrl and ger Sedun jn ' losed .-ar. RATES ngern ''assengern li ..s e:,Ker , , r Sedan. aoijile. one wlm control Uf prn- ilueUou lilriluiiiiii of soiin nyessrj article, way r-xeuipt iinjelf ti fart, from laxalion both direel and indirect by in- eluding all taxes, rale, etc., in Hie price of bis rout rolled com modity, same exemption may be enjoyed through en-on- eralive'aelion in cases where the lamed before the war. The relation between taxes and prires may be shown llius: Those who iiiiMirl articles for re-ale pay the tariff rales Those who do llu pay taxes only! taxes to the Customs authori- ii-iiiiiiw aiui wiuioui res- ues uui witen ine aniwes are . .pe Hut is "W, tll ,UHlr n,, or IiroH.r,y ,, Wi llol.t,..ff A m.,.-!,., r... .'.. tared on the niarfcH these I axe are included in the prices This dnees the importer in the position M a rmeelor f Uxm ratlier I4an n tax payer. Tliose who are anahtMl by reason of. the iiroleefion a tariff afford. my rie I4e prices of their produrl lo the lvel oflhose of sfinitar bnirtirtPt! articles. This ineTMise ill the prices nf prolecl ei roHtmudilie (s a form of lax cn-operalurs are fufXicienily alion. Iecaue u is determined limited in point of munlMrs to 'by ami depends upon a tariff' make suli action effective. system of taxation which lertiiil the shifting of all taxes from the manufacturer lo the wholesaler and from the wholesaler to the retailer, then from NOTICE. rale which i levied on lnixtrle articles of like quality. Benefit Private Persons This tax is in a Has by itself for it is levied by and for the benefit of private parlies and n government derives no revenue therefrom. II is virtually a pro duct of partial legislation which upsets the principle of cualily before llie law, beenuse its direel THE rjsrpy .WWWU tlle&lU ncLn 7 m 4',:0",rMll, Ua' mlr ut 'niiiien-Jjf 4lil yl weri-dopied under i . ii .... .i-i ntiuiiK, pariiruiariy in liiniy if iaei (in. Caute of Hloh Prices The laxpx Dial are evivl a n n-cull of the war are largely Hie oaue of the high priee lh:ll renpecl lo the railway, coblleri' civil re-eliihliJimenl, civil cervine and pjuhlic workn deparl-mwil, explain Hie difference be tween llie luxe of to-day ami increase in llie price of Hie lm- pcyJed arljcje due lo the inclusion of l.he tariff rate would e.. ( a 1J i " li a level In which there Ik nothing lo prevent the home mauufiie.lurer raUitijr (lie price of 'hi Klines .lo like .quality. I'ivuii Ihl it jnay be twen an ineieaxe 1n effective tariff niles mujit of neeennHy inx-ten-se pricen ;md lhiM-cbjs lnrreane l)e col of livinz for it .can Le met i.. ,.n. ...... II. JIW .VIU('i WUf Tariff anl Income II therefore behooves UiOie wbe arrJaim the high tariff propual lo addle to theinseiye Hie er-iouM siucxtion, a whether tie increased tariff ralei winch add lo J heir burden, would alio in crease their income proportion ately, it, ol, they, are iinplj the victim of iniKplaccd confidence, who, by iheir folly not oidy AMi-ljivr .theiiitudve liul alsy Ihrtr eUowiuen. After the American civil war, war tu,xe ju ome caeM were cidU'ded by placing boxe in re- lail elalilihmeiil in wliieli piHVchaer would jdace Hie war- lax on afty article lhey bought lam: operation it would be ncec!ury to place two boxen to receive the lax. In llie case of llie hoe referred lo one would be needed for the, importer who pay the duly on the hoe., and the other for the loie inan uiariurer. in uie imponer no llie purchaser of imported shoes would place three dollars Hie tariff rale rmr which iuii would wumu have nave i.viiui.wiiii . jo it subject . lo control, rise inlboundarien ami which accountVen paid lo the fioveriuiieut, ,pr..p.rlion lo the amount of llielfor the difference between the jlflxen levied. Jhl liiph laxes'preeenl prices or most of Iheiie ,iiiean lilxh irice i due In Hie'ciiuiinodilie and those which oh- i. i;t! . Vi i it. MWk i7; Jiu iJU'eiiefils apply only to cerlalnjoul incrasins llie jiriccs of Jhe K? lT.VelTk7, T,Vi"'l,,' communities and i. 1 iml i. hkrk fi. and Iji x. niorkiWhicli are derived at llie expense . ill in lb rirsl AiMltlMi. ToMll of; r ,i ,,. .i.,i-i....,i ,.f or ',n,, Hie iletrimenl or iisri suorHxin. Mtp ill. And. ov i:tt bait ' ur t'trt It trtr nt U I. lUnr .'otlier.S. i:ji butsK-i. I .... . ... . MiMtnnry inwir or ih vt at iim! Jhe manner ill which an ef- Sra.Ji''t.'S.'riifriv tariff operates be IaimI hsrlnr Iv-wi iMtunMl Li m II l' may Inv Inlf 0II.SI to liw. tflrr llir ritilrttlwi' shiivvn hv me.'iiis nf nn illnslra ( uw flMSHH Insn I If rir'l ruMlrailun . . .. , , , fc iwrr,.f, -r..l.hl OrllflfllM 0T TIIM,IIOU. Illlis; If, for insl.HUt'. .shoe i i) lxii limit in il mim t:vere m the "p lrrr fre' lll ,,M ami a"" nn ( UAMi;s ll. jnll.xsox. T orirlrul i rroriniM irf niie fr daiMi ih nn! ad valorem duLy f 50 percent tSrWSJ&X? iJSJAlXU-Hf Plafcl un imported nhoes. toitic n"",,,r",, '""r iahtl- ,nJa pair of these shoes valued at ljuui' iiiirr orrw, rnore nHsri.!sny six dollars with the tariff (i.e.. Iin ftrpifniuer, iti rate ndded which would le, when these shoes were placed on I he market, would increase. Uie price to ul least nine dollar.. Thin LAND ACT. Nolle of InUnllon o Apply. I Pur chat L.ana. In 1! Land nerontiiur filstrlrx of Prince iiirri, ami muaie ai ine inoiiin r lila Falls :rei-k lilrh fluttn lulu the l.calall HHrr itxiul In inllra taun It" HHrillh. TAkK .NOTICE that John A. mlth ol nian. inlrmlt io nly for innlim to piirtimr ,uie roiiowinr aearriiH-n lami: Osninenriiiir al a pott nlanleil l the sMiltif t enriier or Ut Jill; June four; llM-n-e SO rluilni nurllierly; Ihem-e U rhains westerly, mum 14- lea, lo tlie F.ra-Mll ' lllvrr; tin-lire X0 rlialna auuitierlv; Iheiire 30 chains easterly, ami ronlaliilnir u arrea, tnote r leal. , Per C. P Haled Mirl iitn ma AM-tlrant niel. AK-nt LAND ACT. In the Atlln land nutrlrl nr Calar. TAkK MITICK that I, FJIhlet ,NiUI rnller. of New Vork. .H.V., I'.S.A., orru-lallin limker, liklvl' lo apply fur lier-iiil.liin tn rurrliae the follow Inr Ue-arrlheil land: Cimmieiirlna at a pnst planled almul to rhnlns sonlh of Karlnc's J-oinl nn llie wrl hie of TaalMi Lake, ahnut eleven 111II01 niHh nf the Yukon Iiuundary Jlnc; thenre ; wucl to rhaln; thenr north 4(1 chains; ilimire eait O rlialm; Ihonre sniilherly rnlluwlnr alnnr the ahore line of TarWh Lake lo tKitnt of rnuiliMuii-cinent, said pan-el contalnliif -an acre, more or leaa.'IIIJIT fiOTT I'OTTKtl. AplillratlL' Fred Lawon. A rem a ted AnniM ,tn.b f9t OOVCNNaaCMT UQUOR ACT Nolle of AoBtkallon lar Bmi- Llesna. Nujir.K it ui nr.liY rtivi'N uwi on the I rati iluv itT Oi-lolier. U5. I tie under- ilani-il In loud to amily to IIm l.lnuor Couinil linnril or iironae Hi n-aperi tn preiulKi-s. Jielnir jart of llu- linlKllna known a saiiieKiitn iiiiiiuna lumse, dm-, atml at Sklilexale. iummi the lands di- arrlln-d as Lot to, ninrk I, arrordlnr to a rt'tilMerei map ir plan iIi-imikuimi 411 me Laud in-mmry Offlre at the r.lly of l-rlore liw-'.iorl and Jiniitliered 048. for llu-ale of beer hv the Klaxa nr iiy the open liollte fur riiniimpltiiii on 4lie Jiieinlfi-ii. Haled at Skhlaal. Il.(. tlila iOlh day of Brptemher, t0J. EDMUND 0. STEVENS. Owner, Applicant and pay Hie six dollars for tin shoes the value. In llie manu faclurer's box Hie purchaser of the home-made article would he compelled lo place there dollar also, the privately imposed tax of the manufacturer, and pay six dollars for Hie protected shoes. In llie one case Hie consumer pays a lax that the Oovernmenl has received, in the other he pays tribute to a private parly who has been privileged to exact il by a legislative Art. This should show how a high larifM exploits the buyer. It would also show that peflera! tariff rate of this kind would pena lise the consumer ft the exler! of 33 1-3 per cent of every dol lar in his iioAc.jon. Having a vole why should he submit lo sucji excessive e ploitaliojif The answer may J.V that this is a democracy and al though the democrat . has the power lo control lit' economic deslwy like a pig willPa parasol he i unable to use U. When a Jhigh lorJtff peiialies an industry, which it doe in Hi cae oj agriculture, lumber and pulp, fishing and mining, hy in creasing Uie cols of construction ami production therein with- ;iroilucl. the tendency is to wards a reduction ralher than an increase in Hie uumlier of jobs. Consumer Must Pay In addition lo tliose laves mentioned there are many other! forms which when added lo -the Operating expenses and passed on, the last man, the consumer must bear. Ll is thus Unit the retail prices of romuioditicd may. he increased io the extent of all luxes levied on an industry. Its products and profits In case? wherein the .artificial control of pricosi ' rAay b'e. .ejieirJecJ;, There. are two classesi of coftMiiuera. Uvtho.e wliO: v'aii. pa4 llu In-Jiellde luxes .uch as tariff riltKs-etc.. lo others because of their ability to control their prices and rates ur llie co.l of their services. The price-fixing privilege, of the protected industries I limited only lo a level at which outside competition would acj. as .1 check, hence those connected therewith as consumers find no I i nutile in passing the invisible) lax along, ine proressions sucli as the medical, law, dentistry.' etc., ns association are by rea-1 son of orgauUalioii able tn include the invisible lax (high cost of living) in their service costs and fees and thereby pas il on. Some labor unions chiefly those engaged In protected Industries wherein the wage scales reach as high a level its 100 per cent, above pre-war are also in a position lo pass the invisible tax to others which lhey ure compelled to pay when purchasing ,lhc necessaries of life. ' Invisible Taxes The succcf .acJ.iiv,d .ljy pacing the Invisible luxes lo others depends upon the market. For when the price of Hie protected commodity is doubled lis sale Is seriously affected. Vhen the professions double their fees or I .Up cost of their services lhey' iml Hint such services are di. pensed wllh Whenever possible, When labor unions double the .P.AQB SEVIER . Under the Shadow QVER YOUR HOME IT HANGS-the mortgage which made your ownership possible. It is your hope to see it fade gradually away until the home is yours -free of encumbrance. But if your presence should be removed what then? a Will the threatening cloud descend to engulf the home and plunge your loved ones into need and privation? Banish that cloud forever r-remove the ever-present fear from your mind. Cover the amount of your mortgage with Life Insurance Protection, as many other wise men have done. Then, whether you be here or not the home is safe --your loved ones are secure. Jt is easy thus to insure the continuation of the home you have established. Ask any representative of .Life Insurance Service for full details of the plan. ink hsmm. 0crmce wage scales lhey also find that their working days are reduced in number, and all because such practices destroy the purchasing! power of that consumer vlm bears the burden of the invisible taxes and without a corresponding Increase in income. These consumers constitute a majority of t,he people .of llie country and are interested in and dependent upon llie production of the basic commodities Hi price. of which are ilelerniiueil on world markets ami which are subject lo the law of supply and demand. These prices show no serious inflation when compared with many year of the pre-war period lor the reason Hint artificial control 0 such cannot bo exercised by the producers. 'J'liee consumers who are dependent upon Ihe basic jn-dgslries for a livelihood and who can conl r.ol nejjher the prices .of I heir products nor the costs of Iheir .services are Ihe real tax payers, (he burden bearers of Ihe mil ion. When we find such co.usuj ncrs clumoriug for an in crease in Ilielr burdens (higher protection without Increasing Iheir earning power, it J time lo place .democracy in the. category of lost causes. I). J. SILUVAN, Anyox, B.C. ' Tfe ove thai Never Die ' EVERYONE SEEMS TO BE TRYING TO SHOW HOW ELECTION WILL RESULT Quobec Newspaper Gives Liberals Good Majority Over All Others All interested in polities seem lo be trying to show how the particular parly lo which they belong is bound to win in the election on October 2U. I.a l'resse. Hie leading French journal of iu-dependeut tendencies aiyes it as follows: Nova Scolia .. . New ick Quebec Ontario Manitoba . Saskatchewan ... . Alberta , Hritish Columbia . . Yukon . Libs Cons. . 7 7 . r 4 c .0 . (.2 3 . 25 57 . .fi 3 . 7 0 . "10 01 . C 8, . 0 11 The paper gives the Progressives 28 ln all, Willi Conservatives Rrt and Liberals 131. This gives Liberals 131, other parties J 1 1 or a clear majority over all of 17. Advertise In the Daily News Wood! Wood! Now is your chance DRY CEDAR Full load $6.00 Half load $3.00 Large sacks ... ... . . Mo DRY BIRCH Per load fO.St HydeTransfer 139 Second Anenue Phono 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. , 1 ,1 m i.i m 1 1 III I ill FORD Improved models will, bo ou view this month.. Wo have I wo present lypa Sedans up,nn which wp are Offering special induc.e-oenl9. S. E. ParkerLtd.