Tliis advertisement is not published or displayed by Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. DAfLT IDITIOK Making Progress With Elevator. also ii force the SUBSCRIPTION RATES': City Delivery, ly mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of ihe British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year ... . . $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year . $7.50 Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. 93 86 Saturday, Sept. 26, 1023. n seoms as if we are making good progress with Ihe grain elevator. It i animunred officially that it is to lie operated by the grain commission and that members of thai commission will be- here early next month to make an examination of Ihe work. T I II. . 41 . i . . . nummo men sieps win r,c niken to arrange for a proper staff to operate the elevator so Ihat no. time may be lol. Imil..n Ii.. I. II. ..1 -i . I i i. ihtii, iniiMiii unr eifaior, nas neen coming much into the public eye of late and she will do so more than ever as the vessels come here' Great Britain And Arbitration. (ireat Britain is leading in the mailer or adherence to the principle or arbitration. .lust jiow th'e British representative at Geneva is Hsking lor a general disarmament conference with a view to ifdm ing expenditures on armaments, naval and otherwise. It is ridiculous to redifee .shipbuilding- unless there i . -w - - - curtailment ot land forces, air forces tind under wuter v - Just Few Days In V -".. Which To Register. ' - mi - . . . . . mere are just a jew days in which fo register. Anyone nui mi me provincial iim nere wiietner registered elsewhere or not Simula at once lake steps' to gol jhe name on the list here. The person who is not registered' will nol be able lo vote. Women Should Take Interest In Election. It is nolicenble that women make tip their' minds quickly aiuKseldom, change. They are orien iiiflueuced by prejudices. They find it dirricnlt lo weigh the pros and cons and then to make up their minds on a basis or rea-on. Many men are the same but not as many as women. The country is kept sore by the men who can change their minds. They are not tied lo any parly but vide as they see fit. The difficulty is Ihat people, often vole for the man instead of the principles at stake. Of course men are needed or the very calibre but unless ihcy vote righl when they get into parliament, what is the good or sealing them to parliament? If we end a man to Ottawa why is going to vote for the leaders vljo are opposed lo us, wlrtU nse are the? They are worse than useless. They are playing into the 'hands . of the enemy. What we want is men who are pledged to policies which are best for Prince Rupert and district and who will sup-port leaders who are ready and willing lo help us. Warning Against Mining Fakes. ' Ron, 'William Sloan has coiv warning penp(e. agaiul fake mining companies. PrinW Ruperl' piople have been receiving circulars from the syndicate oxtiloilitiff Ihe Hat Creek olalma nn.i i ns is one or tne concerns. . gainst which the minister warns He points out that thing are nol n represented. It is to be hoped that Prince Rupert people will not be led lino -(..1)infr away money lo ttus concern. II will be annlher caso or pouring out our gooil money with no hope or getting it bark. TOWERS A Fisherman's Suit To Suit The Fishermen JACKETS ply l roomy Doubt, , inner brettt pite with fly front iri8iimtMr:.x KPIiniAL Nu.l2T.-l (lit I CHCtr 43 , r.rtarc MADC IK CAUDA ny pouMty of net or Iim, uUhmf. Botk ttnnenu tn U in ytJW e5 hm ry toufh wevint wrftct. M40V by CtncVi forwwrt .terproof tlotkkM TnMitt upon getting a genuine Tower's Waterproof TOWER CANADIAN LIMITED lUKuniu VANCOUVER WINNIPEG MONTREAL lUUFAT n been law;. IIIL'4 11111 the ifi no oilier person, ami ml such ballot in Ihe ballot L 'deputy returning officer er 1 pack rvra 7H H OkTtfTtiffife a(iiriit, Sdpion,!, LAW GOVERNING THIS ELECTION Provision Made For Strictest Secrecy and Voter Himself Not Allowed to Tell OTTAWA, Sept. 26. By Canadian I've . The' secret ballot ha always been regarded as one of Ihe cornerstone ofi I f i I. . . . II . l: 1 . l aou me srenvy oi kip nauoi lias protected hy stringent! a or four ye.trs lirinps many jounjr men ami women In the voting a and many aliens- into the rants of rilienhip. For these, as well as for persons who have exercised their franchise ami for- polton lh strict resulations which circumscribe the casting oT the ballot, the actual terms or the Dominion Klections Act are or interest at the present, lime I he Act is the. law soverninp all rcderal contest and contains the nrovisions" rnr the Kiianlini; of the citiiens' riphl lo the secrfl hallol. I he Act requires every candi- lare, orricer, cierK, agent or other person in attendance at a polling station or at the count in? of the vole lo aid in, main- tnininp the secrecy of the votinp: ind no candidate, officer, elerk. apent or other person shall: No Person Shall (a Before the poll is closed iiiuiniinicate to any person any tniormaiion as to wiioiher any person on the list of voters has or has not applied for a ballot paper or voted at that polling station; or ,b At Ihe pollm? station in forfere with or attempt lo intor- fre with a voter when marking his ballot paier, or otherwise at- Tonipi 10 obtain inrormalion as to the caRdidate for whom any voter is about to vole or has voted; or ?e At the eotmliiiK of the voTjes atlemul lo ascertain the number on the back of any bal lot paper; or d' At any time communicate exct'pl to a c.urt or jtxkre law- fully reipiirinp him lo do so any inrormalion as to the number on no nacK ni nm nallot paper srivon lo any voter al a polling st.-ttion; or ' At any Itme or place, di recuy or inoirocu.v, iniluee or ondeavor to Induce any voter to show hi ballot paper aHer he has market It. so as- to make known lo any person the name or the candidate for or against whom he has o marked hi vote; or (f: At any time communicate In any person any inrormalion obtained al a polling station as in me caminiale for whom any voter at such pollinsr station is about to vole or has voledf'or 'K At such counting attempt to oiuain any inrormalion or communicate any information obtained al such counting as' to' the candidate ror whom, any vote is iveu in any particular ballot paper. Illegal Practice Clause two of the section ulale that "any person who violates any provision or this section shall he irullly or an illegal practice ami or 1111 offence asrainst this Act punishable by-summary -onvictlons as in Ihlsr Act provided." It i(apaiiist the law for any oler, unlesM unable lo read or incaiiacitatod by blindness All shoes are casHi; it jemocratie Ir governments In Can- '"a''" '" snincd wnn Sltoe Polish 'The i(nJirJl$ value Ewrqlsodij knows tbcquJify Compare (he qtiantUtj Swear Interpreter Penalties are provided in the THE MAN IN THE MOON says: iloys, It always goes, there election time. v., ahotil to organize a a darn" club. Don't Two ladies are hiking AIook Ihe railway track. or C.1.1. t.. n... i the ,.. , , '"l" " ""ii- 11117 nr.: u.iiisiiih at Hie liiice.s .ehrls'nnn' oysler iine,, Aii'il! I; should ;noi4tv0tider ( j but, I'hm&h iliamomls feally come from mines1, Jhe gels- I hem rrom a nut. Now Ihat eleutlons are on and everybody Is organizing. I am care inv- in j " " y. I rear they II ne'er come back mg m Ihe manner prescribed in' the Act. to xlion.- tils huiini tin nit1 when marked, lo any person so as to allow name or t ho eandi- dale for whom he has voted to be known "and any person who' violate itlio provision or this section slnill be guilty or an illegal practice," Mntes the Act'.: A person unable to vole wllli-IUniHe out axsistance is not Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert, September 26, 1915 During the school vacation Carroll, )na Christian, PRESENTATION TO LIBRARIAN Miss Mortimer Recipient of Handsome Silverware From Members of Her Board There was a special iuforninl noeiing if the Prince llupert Library rtoard last night hi the prosidetif,. flat In I ho Daily News j building foMhe purpose of pre-' sen litis he retiring lihrarinir, In the ease of noter applying M" Vto," Mortimer, hero with a No matter what. proceed- fof a ballot, when the deputy! Iie of silvej-wnre as a mark ofj ay V arise, from election, no returning oificor .loos mU uii-i ITieir appreciation of the non-ire, man or woman is required oridcrstund the language sfHUien hy mmr,.-.. uuruiR mo p. uM-miiiP.t in liviilpn ih nnmn nt i Ihe a indicant. Ii is r.-ouiml to ' calling on Mrs. Kirkpatrirk llio candidate for whom he or she ha voted. Hvery election Jiritifrs forth now army of voters. Throe swear air mlerprtler, who shall, ' wie ywoiiwuhmi, n. x.t be the means or roimnunieMtionrPuH" "toko or the iire the liotwoen Ijii'rt iiii.l the voter vvltlrhoartl had had in jreUini: pood reference' to all matters quired' IHarians. He stale.1 Ihat much-to euabte urh votrr to vt. an.if the sueee of the lii.tilnlioii in case no inlortor. ter. is round. ' due to the oxeollenl services such voter is not to be allowed rend-red by .Nfl Mortimer and i vote ;'i" librarian who had preceded! 'Voters are required to vote 'h"- Al the last regular meet-without undne delav. and as s.H.n in he ImmihI. momtMrs had as they have voted the law ro- '' " Uilnjrs her work Ouiros them to leave the pollinc '' not in station. Provision is made that a posHn o show Ih any sul in each polling station Ihero tnial manner how they np-must be seprale rooms, or ..arsP,',,' 'hey were able of the room curtained ofr. Into ''" " ani1 " ",,',, " Mr. which the voter may retire for. Kirk pal rirfc who made the formal the purpose of markintr his bal- rrcmliH. lot. and these must be fitted out M,' Kirltwlrkk wihcs Miss witli a table and a pencil. j M'Tlim-r success in her new vo- A section or the Act povemiiiK 'a,i,,n "d thanked her ror the curl i.rocodun. under Hi ArtK"""1 semces she had rendered nrovidos that "no nerson may be roouirod to sin to for whom he 1 Mis Mortimer Ihankftl tile voLvl" in any proceodinsrs which may arie. tanl for the beautiful present, a fine silver entree dih, and said he would always remember Act for persons jniiltv of iltepal kiiulne.s. or corrupt practice at eLortion ! t'dlowinK the proontnltn Sect inn 86 or the cl provides' '"a served. Those present that:--"Any person who during! Kirfcpatrlek. Itev. O. O an eloot ion commits a corrtipt! H"'"k,r- Alderman Smith. (5. V practice or an illegal praclicej Wilkinson. James IlJark. II. F. shall ipso facto l me dis.iiial-l "niton. ",,pn- '-rtiusiianK Mie ified from voting and incompetent lo vole at soeli eloolion. ni'W lilo-arian tllll'T. and Miss Mor-i PAULINE ON A VISIT TO HULL A good name is better than) riches but It's w-onderfBl l.o flflenl Genera Promln,nt anselnsti a lot of people show themselves l lr lhy chnoinu riches. .vnmner out maxim H ei-f phi.lo.1. Tarn told Ifiat Ihe early . ..... . k... r i l Among Emprra Visitors as Quest or Lord Mayor Representatives t,t nil the iHiminions were rnlly guests or the Lord .Mayor of Hull and ' st ui'.: u r III 1711. ilAl 1 r.. ...... u . . I t . i asks who wtints Ui be a hint awA,w, an(l fl(ll,WM ., ,r , hav wirtrins? A halitosis fiend fs in bad odor. () zixw me a vote -Utter any old iwat. And I'll phtmp ri)r ftie man-Whn will come In at tlie; van, Mo he Tory op C.rit I shall not enrev a bit. ir I win in the end Ami my candidate send, WtMIe my rolors at last I'll nail to the mast. A bride is all rff properly groomed. lit ir she i I he country l roIhr to duslries and resource or Prominent anion the visitors was f. A. Pauline, agent genera! for trilis Columbia, lie gavr several interview lo newspapers wiiioti were given groat prtmiin ruro. rueaMllg or Hie visit he IS reported in Ihe Daily Mail as having said: i nnve mm no previous ex perience of a city being so gen- ieroii, irr f enlernrWnff, and trial it has taken this- method of letting lht rest or the Ilrltislt l.mpire know wlmt it is doing and what it can do. I nm ipiile sure Ihat as the result or this wn many ot u will go away with a much bolter knowledge oV what the Oily or Hull stands for .lllail Wo possessed before. I feol that each nn or tis greatly appreelale the opportunity given Us at increasing tba knowledae nt lf. ...Mill. 7 i"i iiir- iiu-iiiiies oi Mils finrl mill Uvlll, as lar as possible, ror the country each represent. toot inrwnru lo taking advantage ol Hie opportunities you offer us and make use of the know led no wo have obtained." This statement by Frederick A. Pauline, agent-general ror Hrilish Columbia, was characteristic of the feeling of all those who have for two' days eniorod ne nopirallty or the Third Port with a view to oblnininir riml. hand" knowledge or the racflitln of Huff, and of gelling into per sonal touch wilh those who guide the commercial destines 0f the port. Immigration Groups A proposal to establish inuul-pritllmi groups in llritish t:oiim. bin- and his opinion I on the suli- 1. . I. ........ I ! !. I.. 1 1 ........ .. I.. I ..ii... f i . ... inmiiru ijrun irtur.-, l uroi ny JOIIOH a II' eel ln ntr nabn.l l. rrom voting, hut he is required, Alberta Hill collected HiiJ.(57 ror r am sure Ihat the 'iirHlsh lo make oath in the prescribed Ihe lied Cross Soclely through Columbian tlovernmenf Wfiul form or his Incapacity and the! Ihe sale or riowcix, . view will, sympathy any si c deputy .elurnlng orricer nmv scheme which Hull would car, t hen assist the voter by mark- John A. Iloak,' wesjern U.S. put loi-ward, by which grouping his ballot In Ihe manner di- freight agent for" the Canndiait ccnlres were rormed rnr the nur reeled by such voter, ill the, (lovernmcnl Hallways, is visiting poso of sending overseas their nresenco of llm " - !! vi, iih his ijiiupini-r, suriniis noililiailOII. I nm lu.Mimuics .ir oi inn sworn i.eongn n. i n: .Mr. - noaws nil in nvop-.. .- eloclors, representing the camll-i lira.biuarlrrs are in Chlcngo. nates in the polling station, and, .... n . . quireii ny mw to indicate in the from the south lo pay him annual wards the cost I pou poor wnere such voles havo, visit to the local lodge. 'Canada, of sure Keltleuieiil Hoard t would co-operafe, and ir nun ueeiilos lo start I he selienm Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND i 1 1 i ii 1 1 i . "Oh, I Hate to Get Up in the Morning" Hang Hairy Lauder, and on wa-hda moi-muir reel like singing Hie -ame thoig. So why nol cud that ancient driidger to .1 . THRIF-T SERVICE Just call for our TllRIFT-T MKIU'ICR whi. h w,n hit of Ihe wishing mid iron lb' flat work t..i. wash nut of wash day Hint " hate lo get up m iltg" feeling Will be Rune fm- good ,m ! , THRIFT-T SERVICE. 5c a lb. and 1c a piece. Minimum Charge $1.00. CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY Phone 8. j Canadian National Railways SHIPYARD Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermaker, Blacksmiths, Patttrn makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant t equipped to handle at kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F Sportsmen! are Ilci t.jM irtt-i - r.r Suirhng ImhmI- l We i..ri the f.mioos WESTERN SUPER "X" LONG RANGE SHOT SHELLS See ii for HiiihI Logger'- Supplies Oil. Ii and larl llabtf - xe Siw. ot. . STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 714 Second Avenue hands of the Federal finvrriAnont and Hrilish Columbia has ni fqhern euarnfp nnd part from! Iliat or the nairtdian llovern-menl." Mr. Pauline was ijuilA sanguine as tir the prospects or success or such a scheme as is tonteiiiplaied. t f it is liilte reastble," ho said. The Plan D. Algar I la Hey, F.ll.d.H.. a Vorkshireinau. who ror eight years resided . in South Africa. untl aflerw?rlH for fifteen yours In Canada, one of the llritish Umpire visitors to Hull, Is engaged upon a broad scheme for group sell foments n the Kinplre by llritish ramilles who are filled for rural overseas life, and are anxious to go are unable' lo owing to lack of capital. Thi-scheine has recently heen placed before Ihe Uovermneiit vw ilh III cmlorsallon or a nuinber of well-informed and Influential people. The speciric plan or settlement for Canada Is for county group of rrom twenty lo thirty ramilles. The sum ouoled. nr.o. is mini. "lent to rover the cost of oceim and rail rares, uiuple farm equip, mem, buildings, eallln mid milll- eJcnl food supplies for Ihe ramll- and live ,doek for at least sl "lonths. M ,.olu,,Uorv. of ihi ij.y work ott en. place F. A. Denrpsler, OmihI Mnster.'on a small scale by way of csJ,n,,!,. course, l .! hot. The or tho Od-irellows Lodge, arrived pcrimenf, the Hoard mislit even I fr f'l" i is re- yesterday by Ihe Princess Hophla go so rar us to contrlhuln to-1 to-l Mr ir n n,...n.. . es until more or less Emigration to , u .1" , ?v? n Dm " POSMIIIMIIIKH '""IIMIHHH I oi ln -.1.1 lliooiHClllonl "oisotlk'inonl m U1 tinr.,,. rUjj)Ji COIl imt. I'e. Is is ill in (:olll,llljl Phone 13 E. H. Shockley Planing Mills Re-located at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, with additional tnarhuirt for 'he monnfuc' SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINQLES, VENEER also earned hi stock. Save handling charges by buying direct from tho supply. SHOT SILK TAFFETA 12 or the NV.v Prettiest Shaib-s desirable silk party Irocks. i plfhbfo quality not cut. IbR. $2.50 vnlue. r $2.25 West of England Store Phono 753. Dr. E. S. Tail DENTIST Helflerson Block, Prlnc Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 0 ' fli X-Ray Service Phone C86. Opon Tuesday, VmrtM and Balurdoy KvcninB'