in| a ANE AE LENT SRS EET REN | 1% 4 ae ARORA RGR Cp aiaenin New Suede and Leather Casuals % ALL COLORS * comfort 2 sion Footwear Goma fashionalle Fable IN FASHION’S FAVOR From June 1, 1952 10.6 per 10.4 cent iaing Canadian Ch M t Oo persons supplied 1500 local plied with patients hospital md BESNER BLOCK ag be HIGH AND LOW WEDGES Just slip a feot into one of these wonderfully buoyant shoes ind fleat off on your round of activities! For wa workin relaxing nothing equals their Ber be TT a NY - Haig & Haig Ps aia RL 8d 3 Oldest bod in Scotch - Famous ay ee iy.) RED SHIEL SERVICES rand¢ with meals and clothing, services held in jail for prisoners, visited literature. good-looking CORRECTION A i be held Oct. 16 by Council to a > Over Seventy Cl It was earlier st n error that the tea would be sponsored by the Women’s 1D. OBJECTIVE $3500.00 GIVE GENEROUSLY D q 52 52 over in sup- For Fa 8 : : nt as of tc ame & LOCAL APPEAL tailored coats, Choose yours : SEPT. 5-26th NOW! ®@ Tom Christie—Campaign Chair. Ca . ii a VAS ! ; g—Campaign Treas. g Ed Gladding Cam} allace s * Campaign Headquarters De ept. Store & G, PERCY TINKER & CO., LTD. —- PHONE 57 iking, Khis advertisement is nut published or dispiayed by the Liquor Contro! I OLET POWERRGLIDI DELUXE E DAN pb eciiohirs ot 2150 oy OLET 4-DOOR SEDAN COUPE CHEVROLET 4-DOOR DELUXE SEDAN : nditic ae | ) 1949 YAULAHALL SIX-CYLINDER SEDAN, hea ( 4] DUY al onl 1918 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDAN, pain and cefi f ruil P {948% 1 SOTO SEDAN mquippes ith luid drive { A luxul ur ve pric t 9 ONT DAN—Heate ind defroster years Full nrice 195) CHEVROLET ROADSTER—Exc er 3 CH 4 HOPE °°" RUSSELL -rorp EXTRA “City TOTE \ FAMOUS PLAYERS “KING KONG" Song of Beautiful Girls” “Casper Comes to Clown” TODAY 7 - 9:00 Fay Way Robert Arm the f and-Dance spells From number to the p finish, this picture entertainment with a Capital RAY BOLGER “WHERE'S CHARLEY’ h ALLYN McLEVIE ROBERT SHAC KLETON Also STARTING TOMORROW “Ain't She Tweet" New CAPITO SHOWS 7 - 9:00 \ FAMOUS PLAYERS THEAD ALASKA TRAIL PRICES {ENERAL ADMISSION 1- Me if 125 Membe $1.00 STUDENT N Me be 65¢ Membe oh STILL PLENTY OF RESERVED SEATS AVAILABLE Cail 231~-Cwie Centre Office Oe OE OE RI ER CE NEE RN Oe station here Much delay is By FRANCIS W. CARPENTER | bullying the ailing Czech for-, k. Benes from any close as-| caused ee present inad | Co. aes : gn minister Jan Masaryk into| sociation with western Europe.|equate factiiles. | UNITED NATIONS, N.Y (AF) bending .to Moscow's will, and|/ SECRET TREATY avai ot Ua Stewart | —A leading Moscow tough guy signalling the Communist purges} It was Zorin who pushed At 4 2 nated : has come to New York to be jin Czechoslovakia. through the Czech-Soviet treaty General Hospital | Moscow’s spokesman at the) [In March, 1945, when presi-| ceding to the U.S.S.R. the Car-| held last van the Peet United Nations. dent Eduard Benes and. his ex-!pathian Ruthenia area. He also of ae es Aen eet Taciturn, robot-like and eX- jjed government returned to en red the secret 1945 treaty | 2/4, RN ai a a : a “tha pressionless Valerian Alexan-||jberated Czechoslovakia, Zorin |g ing the U.S.S.R. exclusive Donald ye Ren whe theta — drovitch Zorin, 50, takes his pecame Soviet ambassador to. ti to exploit Czechoslovak |@"d 9! Opvanee : au + a toteans |place of suave, talkative Jacob Prague. He’ used the threat of! urat mines in the Jachymov premnet dan ain goo See 5 Malik as the Soviet Union’s soviet arms to foree the new) re even ‘id dt a caged |chief UN delegate. Czechoslovak government to as-| in 1947 Zorin went back to| M« ree i“ ae oe = Zorin is suspected of having sign key posts to the Commu-) M w and was made a deputy 7 we aa as : ital ware! pushed through the seizure of nists. Soviet armies had taken | fc n minister. But he re- tee ee Ss ae % sm”) ™ » =} , ric f 2 . , » . > c « ae Communist Czechoslovakia, s Prag and Soviet authorities tu —, ences after. , appointed to look into the mat- cial nes acacia ‘oy aie vOG Sh eee ere ter and report at next meeting Sarly in February, 1966 oe The Provincial government has agermese Masary® 7 ” anc’ signified it will bear a part of V pipes stoners the cost provided that estimates 0 pg ae ee are submitted to the department offi ( t ceive . ‘ , Zi nrounced he had come’ jocal Nimrods are getting tc uO SULET aR Russian busy in the hills and the sound g1 iveries” to Czechosl-| (¢ title shots are to be heard ve ‘ frequently. Some goats were ob- Jan Papanek, former Czech ae on the bluffs above the delegate at the United Nations Silverad Grou ure fairly who quit and won refuge in plentiful A few blac . hanes s have the oe ae Ee a ay been seen on the Salmon River arrival leaves e hope for | ..u4 t very fer : » vic improvement of Soviet rela- on ad tae - ae abe oe tions with the rest of the UN, he number of these who come . generady geese bY! right into town during the berry 1 VO net nim once werore in t nited Nations as a man|*» : of iocre talent but one of far sion to the Cause of The thermometet dropped to wr Communism 38 degrees Sept. 19, but the = ifternoon turned out fine with | —— =~ | brilliant sunshine and a tem- Today’ 5 Cina perature of over 70 ». Johista. Ca. Ltd) PEROW a a Excitement runs nigh among a the junior high school students VANCOUVER here The new school is near \. tandard 8 ompletion at Topley a teacher : R ¢ . bogs has been obtained, the new schoo} ad eae . +6 ‘'bus is here and everything is ( a i 06 reacy for the opent ( Babine 8 G Mascot 9] Mr. Robert Kryski is the new ici Indian Mine 12 teacher at Perow school for COMMANDO CHIEF—Famous at nd dreaded by Vietminh through- Pend Oreille 6S [i oe out Cochin-China is Lieut. Huynh Hinh, commander of Pioneer 1.90 a commando unit in the Viet Namese army. He kills prisoners Premier Border is |. Adam Tuichinetz nas 1 a with the thumb and index finger of his right hand by crushing erivaven a his 30d on the “gg Ore and their wWind-pipe if they don’t give wanted informatioy speedily. 9 . 03 has ga peices oe Hiyndy Hebe 2a the: Tw snes atoune aca ta . n 4y Sheep Creek 1 10 Mr 5. ae nin z will jin him 12 1 always operate barefoot and can Taku River 07% | there later cover ground several times as fast as regular French army troops Vananda 02% oe He hown after a patrol reporting to French army officers. Salmon Gold 02%%4 A rash Of small-scale thefts drawing a map on the ground to illustrate it (CP PHOTO) Spud Valley 06 and vandalism has hit the com Silver Standard 1.80 munity recently and RCMP of Western Uranium 0) Smithers have been notified Olive Steanil Wins Scholarshi Oils— Rex Hutchinson arrived from Pp Anglo Canadian 7.30 Terrace last week to investigate A P Con 42 thefts from his house here. Ten Award for Festival Piano Work ilmont 1.30 windows had been removed and Central Ledu 3.75 a Stove, bed, other furniture Presentation of a $100 schol- ;——— megs Home Oil 13.25 dishes and tools also were mis arship and plans for next year’s Mercury 24 | sing festival headed the agenda of 2 Okalta 3:25 . . the Prince Rupert Music and — < LLL Roya] Canadian 22 Mr. Edward McLeod is in ho m tiation meeting last : toyalite 14.50 4] at Smithers “J BP. / TORONTO ve Stra Booth Memorial | ~7 Of opu ar Athona By High School tudent will be ? -) Aumaque 20 urded the scholarship for kK; ae / / Bevcourt 1.22 music, won by her performance | —"l@e~—tee Buffalo Canadian 21 at the festival on the piano : Consol. Smelter 5.00 Prince Rupert born, Olive has Miss Patricia Botrokoff wa Conwest 3.40 taken all her music training honor guest of a shower held at Donalda 45 here and will spend her scholar- the home of Mrs. Nora Thomp- Eldona 16! ship on further local training in | 899, 1426 Pigott Avenue, Sunday Kast Sullivan 7.30 | music mer The bride-elect will be Giant Yellowknife 8.50 ine drama scholarship will be |™a!ried Oct. 3 to Mr. Richard God's Lake 7 awarded to two groups, the| Paul. Hardrock 12 Little Theatre and the high Games were played and Mrs Harricana 02 school drama club, both of whom/ Harrison was winr of bot Heva 061 will use the money for club| prizes. Duvex 62 vipment The bride-elect was ited in| Joliet Quebec 35 Tentative dates for next year’s chair decorated with a halo Little Long Lac 69 festival have been set at April| flowers and blue and _ pink Lynx 11 21-24 inclusive. Suggested syl- | streamers Madsen Red Lake 1.80 labus, presented by Henry Pluym Gif re presented jt dex McKenzie Red Lake 40) is to include 18 additional classes | nrated ske I is Janet McLeod Cockshuit 2.62 In plano and violin, a Chopin| sherry ana Judy Thomas, who, One ri Section, one of Russian compos- Negus 25 rs, in Bach, Beethoven and |/@ler served refreshments, assist Noranda 79.00 t ed by Mrs. Harry Quick Louvicourt 20 nbei voted appreciation to Haaton & Co., a Regina music firm which supplied sheet sic i the featinns : . oe AUSPICES Drama Classes in the syllabu ‘ will be presented at the October PRIt ICE RUPE RT meeting c aah : ia Mrs. 8. Darton was appointed C.N.R. DEPOT SHRINE CLUB Canadian Club representative to the Festival Association; Canon 1 Basil Prockter, stage manager COUPON BELOW GOOD FOR CHILDREN UNDER 12 YEARS and E. Bartlett, chairman of the aie Easy to use hall committee. Awards com mitts ill mail certificates to contestant shortly CANADA’S FINEST CIGARETTE PRESENT ; WITH tamieire zo00 Air Conditioned by CROSLEY ALS RSS vy ret Soe CLIP THIS COUPON 30¢ WHICH WiLL WALK THROUGH ‘AFRICA RAILROAD ZOO TRAIN } REPTILES EVERYTHING ALIVE AU Ph ET Ort Tt Light to carry Gets into corners Les ol Snap-on brushes and buffing pads, Its no trick at all to have ATU AE all the time — with a General ® Electric FLOOR POLISHER Say good-bye to the back-breaking job of polishing floors by hand. An electric polishet with counter-rotating brushes does all the work on hardwood, linoleum or tile floors — right up to the base-board, deep into corners, All you do is guide it. With two 51/-inch brushes rotating in opposite directions at 600 revolutions per minute under the full weight of the machine — 16 pounds — floors gleam in a jiffy. a HAN Te lea th