"AGE SIX We save you MONEY QUALITY IS WHAT COUNTS Our Prices arc no higher than any other store in Canada. Oooils marked in plain figures according lo grade. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, Eto. Save Your Eyes Our Optician has had over 25 years' experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction Max Heiibroner The Diamond Merchant of the North FRESH BULKLEY VALLEY BEEF, VEAL, PORK AND FOWL. , Compare our prices. Boiling Hecf, ljer lh. .. 6c l'ol Honsf, per lb 10o Oven lloast, per lb. 12c Hamburger Steak, II). 12!jC fiainer's Ham, per lh. 40c Hauler's Haeun, per lh. 45c Saturday Special Gainer's Pure Lard, per lh. in bricks 25c Your money hack if this is not the best lard ever used. Bulkley Market (Formerly l'.H. Fish Market Phono 178 'Demerit Have All Wool BATHING SUITS from $4.00 to $8.00 P.O. Box 327. Phone 27. DANCING At tho Auditorium TUESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS, 8 to 11 p.m. SATURDAY EVENINGS from 8 to 12 midnight. 5 Piece Orchestra. 1 Dance 10p 3 for 25c Free Admission. L, J. MARREN, Prop. Phono Black 449. Phrenology MAY LEE, Hie (treat tad phrenologist from Jerusalem, will read your head like an open book. She will tell you all about your past and present. Don't miss this reat opportunity. 820 Third Avenue West. Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helflorson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Offico IlourH -0 lo 0. X-Ray Service Phone 686. 0icn Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings WILL VISIT or Islam! FALLS RIVER Lome Campbell to Make Trip There Accompanied by J. Fred Ritchie Lome A. Campbell, vice- president of the West Kootenay Power & Light Co., who is in the rily for. the nurnose of investi s ever developed here will be the LIARD RIVER CASES OPENING TOMORROW Mr. Justice D. A Prisoners Will arrive from South on steamer Prince Rupert The steamer Prince Hupert will bring from the south tomor row morning Mr. Justice 1). A. Macdonabi who will preside at the special adjourned session of J (he Supreme Court assizes open ing at 10.30 for the purpose of dealing with the murder charses against five Liard lliver Indians who will also be brought on the LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Applf to Purchai Land. In I'rlncf Itupert Land liUlhct, Recordiiij uutrlrt nf ITlnre Hupert, and allua.e at snannon nay. u.l.. Maisett inu-i, I gating hydroelectric develop-' mi' nt possibilities, will leave this afternoon lo make an inspection of Falls lliver where development, if any, is ultimately de- rided upon, will probably take place. He will be accompanied-by J. Fred Hitchie, who knows the local situation well and who' is an old friend from Hossland, of, Mr. Campbell. Yesterday Mr ! 'ampbell visited the municipal plant at Shawatlans which, though small, he says seems very satisfactory. J Mr. Campbell says that any plans in connection with power development are slill only in the embryo stage, lie is only looking over the possibilities and nolliiim whatever has been decided up-, m. One important thing that will have lo lake place before power " TAkE MiTir.e that Jamei I'lrnlint lows Slrauv. or Swinyalde. B.C.. ocrutntlon rainier man, lnlriil lo apply fur is-nnls-lon lo purchase the following; described landJ: Otiiinetirlnir at a tl planted 14 chain south JSift-r. west. riKirr or lest fnm southwest rorner or Lot I & 48 : thenre oulh 30 chains; ttienre went 30 rhallM, more or les. lo water'! edae: thero-e LAND ACTr- utnbla Packing Company Limited, of Vancouver, K.c... occupation Packer, Intends lo apply for a lea.'e or the follow Inn described lands: Coiimieni'inir n a post planted on the iKiuth thorc or liartlelt point, Wale land, at lilirh water mark: Iheiirn in an easterly dlrerlltui along; Iilarti water mirk roriy-eirnt hundred reel, more or les. 10 a unt inirked So. I.E.; thence umlli erly 10 chains, more or less, to low water mark; thenre In a westerly direction along low waler mirk rorly-elght hundred reel, more or less; theme northerly ID rhalns to point or roiniiienceiiu-iil, and containing 75 acres, more or lens. asolo-hhitisii r.fii.i;MHH PACKING CO. I.TII. Appllem'. I'er Wilier E. Walker. Arenl Dated July IK. ms. LAND ACT. Nolle or InUnllon to Apply to Lai Land in aeena in n re & una 11 siriri. rrinee Iliil-ert. B.C.. nd iltuite 100 iirds north oi inier iisriMir, rearse island, n.c. take .miihk that the Canadian Flh Ing Co. Ltd.. or Vancouver. B.C. ocenpa lion, Salmon l.'iimers, Iniends to apply ior iHTinission to lease me Ibllowing je scribed lands: Commencing at a i.t planted at hlrh water mark 10 reel rrom rock on shore line; thence east one chain: Ihence north one hundred and Iwenty chains; thence west to shore line one chain; Ihenee In a southerly direction following the shore line lo xilnt or commencement, and containing twelve acres, more or less, THE CANADIAN FISHI.NO CO. LTD rsted inth May. istt. This Is your last chance for Preserving Peachesl Alberta Peaches The Hest for Preserving Special price er crate S2.00 l'ears. per doz , . . . 40c Onipes, per lb. .. .... 20c Grapes, pi-r basket ... 7Bo Apples, 3 lbs. for . . . . 25o Apples, per box .... $2.65 Watermelon, per lb. .. 7c Gasaba melon, per lb. . . 8o. Huy while they last. Mussallem's Phone 18 or 24. Fifth Ave. E. cil. Healthy babies thrive on Eagle Brand and doctors recommend it in stubborn (ceding cases. It is the natural food when mother's milkis not available because it is pure country milk with sugar added. Always uniform, digestible, nourishing. For Fret Baby floolt write .utie steamer from Okalia Prion where they have been or al- establishment of a market for it ! 'usl a year awaiting inal. I. . Patnuire will art as proseru tor and tin fended by K natives will .lie de-F. Jones, city soliei- tor. There are also a couple or local eriminul cases to be dealt with Macdonald and ai ii.is session of the court. The Indians will be taken to Iho provincial Jail, there to await, llio finding of the Oram! Jury ami subsequent trial If they are indicted. The proceeding,' it i expected, will be long drawn out as the accused do not speak Kiik- lish and interpretation will be required throughout. FISH ARRIVALS Halibut arrivals at the Fish Mxehange this morning totalled it i.OOO pounds, fixe American boats disposing of 78.500 pounds and two Canadians, 35,500 pounds. Arrivals and sales were as fol rolli.winr meanderlnir or beach lo polnl to the Itoyal Fish Co ffl r.miiii'-iirriinriii, auu cum. nunc .cica. more or less. MS. FIEI.DI30 STRANG. Applicant. I'er Win, O. Mitchell. A rent. Dated Jutr 7th. im. Nolle of Intantton to Apply to Laaaa Land In Prince Rupert Land Ilecordinr On iric! or I'rlnce imperl, and situate at Bartlelt point. Wiles Mind. British American Venus. 39.000 lbs., al 10c and r)C lo the Itnoth Fisheries. Lenore. 10.000 lbs., and E. Vpilson. 8.500 lbs., al 12c and fie Injrer, 6,000 lbs. al 12.1c and re and Anna J., 15,000 lbs., al lie and fc to the Allin Fisheries. Canadian M. M. Christopher. 13.500 lbs., al I0.7e and C.5c to the Atlin Fisheries. Tape Spencer. 10.000 lbs., al I0.8c and G.5e. and Kouyosu. 6. TAKE" NOTICE that Anilo-RritUli Col ' '' HS., at I0.fi alll fi.5r to Hl! 'anadian Fish Ho. A Cold Storajo' GOVERNMENT ASKS FOR SEPARATE HEARING OF B.C. GRAIN RATE CASE VANCOUVEH, Aus. 18. The Hellish Columbia government tlii'otifth O. i. Mc'ieer. K.C.. has made application to the board of railway commissioners for a separate dale for the hearing of the jtrain rale ease. No reply lias been received yet. JAPANESE CREW OF EMPRESS LEFT HER YOKOHAMA. Au. IH. Three hundred ami forty Jupauesy members of Hie crew of Hie I'm-press of Australia walked olf the ship today forrinjr the vessel . -ail for Vancouver with a crew of i IH'J. Miss Mat'v Sim returned lo town yesterday on lljc l'rinrr Charles from .Victoria whore she has been taking a course al iiiminer school. AeeoiinlK' lolallin l 1,201.35 for the week einlinj,' August II woti! passed for payment al lust night's meelliitf of Die oily coun LAND ACT. Notlca, or Intantton to Apply to Laaaa Land In Bkrena llanire I I ami Iiltlrlcl, lie- corciina nimrici rriine niirr, ami nil Uale anullmeat nolnl if Wale lalanil. TAKE NUTICK Dial the Canadian Klah- inr 1,0, 1. 111., iir Vancouver, li.C, ucruia-liuii, Salnsiti r.aniiera, Inlemla to aii'ly ror iiennlKtl'iii to lcac the rollnwlnt tie-scribed land: -- nnmiiii-ncinir al a r"l :laniol it tilrh water mark oil iiutliwcil polnl nu Wain Matid, H.C.; thence north one chnln; thence Mil len chain; thence mmth one chain to thorp line: ttienep welt limit "hore line to polnl of roinmenreiiient, and cgnlalnlnr wie acre, more or le. THE CAMADIA.M FISItl.NO CO. LTD, Diteif and Way, nil, THE DAILT rTEW8 ALLEGED ASSAILANTS OF POLICE OFFICER COMMITTED FOR TRIAL John Tartnuvillc and A. Asm Im. who a iv alleged lo have figured in a melee with a polio-; ollicer on Comox Avenue early Monday morning, were roinuii! teil for trial in Hie city police court this morning by Magistrate MeClymoul on charges of resist mg arrest mml assaulting ait ollleer with intent to do grevous bodily harm. This afternooi they will appear before Judg-i Young for election. Charge- ot doing wilful damage will be pre-reeded with later in the poliei court. The priuripal witness foi the crown i.- Mis Hut It Ycruon MAYOR NEWTON REPORTS OFFICIALLY ON HIS VISIT TO SEATTLE TO GIVE EVI DENCE AT TARIFF COMMIS SION. 'continued from page jne) rr-fommeitil a rut in Hie halibut 'July so as lo avert the danger of Prince Hupert beou rinsed to uieriean fishing esels. "I urged Hie reate;t possible reedom for nil concerned in Hit lalibut industry, but the chair man of Hie commission said iiofliiii' more than an adjustment of the existing American tariff could he Imped for, as. while the President possessed the power to raise or lower the proent l.iriir, he did not Kssess reciprocal powers, which would have lo be first sanctioned by the United Stales senate. Cold Storage Help The Canadian Fislt Cold Slomire Co. retained aide counsel lo support Mr. Nieholl's viewpoint, and this made it very iiiucji easier for Hie other lorul delegates lo present their views. Witnesses for the applicants for the duty reduction testified that American .fishermen now enjoy the same privileges al Prinre Hupert us Canadians; also that Americans now obtain an average of two eeijls a pound more for their fish on the Prince Hupert halibut exchange than the Canadians. "The content ion of Hie American fishing interests was that I he application, for the duly reduction was inspired by Cana dian interests thai are protected by a similar tariff and they sought lo prove by their wit rtesscs that the duty has operat ed lo protect Hie Alaska halibut fishery ami to keep under the American flag the bis fleet ol vessels it employs. "The commiinn will now report is conclusion lo President Coolidae, prior In an interna tional conference, which is to open on October 20, 1025." Closing tho Port Speaking further lo Ins re port, the mayor said that, while the commission had expressed the desire lo safeguard American interests as procenled from the Ketchikan viewpoint, the Ksi-bility of Prince Hupert being closed lo American fishermen bad been recognized. If this happened, Hie commission was inclined to feel that It would mean a higher price for halibut to the American consumer. This, in it measure, teemed lo olTsel Kelcliikau's claim for a conliiiii atlon of the present tariff. No one could definitely anticipate what the final Hudlng of Hi" commission would, be but it seemed probable lliat a recom memlaliou for the lowering of the tariff would be made The mayor then referred lo the political complexion of the commission. The chairman was said lo be a Democrat who would, naturally, be opposed U i reduction in Hie larilf as mailer of policy, , On Hie oilier hand, Hie second member of (he commission was a Itepiibliran and it was felt that he would hi closer in lunch with President Coolide. A reduction of om ent II was felt would probably be accepted hh a compromise Tho general feellnir of those ue-sent al Hie eonferfence seemed lo be Hint Ketchikan would lose in Its' claim io have the larilf relaliied. Fishermen's Attitude In answer to a question by Aid. I.arseii as to Hie alliludi! thai had bee;! tukeii by the Aiiiericiin fishernien, Mayor New-Ion deebired that Ihey bad been soinewhal divided as reflected' In the views prcenlcd by Ketchikan and Petersburg. . ' A. S. Irving of' 11 ay spoil is doing niiflil relief in the Dominion Ooveriiineiii telegraph olllce ilut' ing the absein-f on holiday of I) t. butt UUVl' . WIRELESS REPORT. S a.m. DIfiHV ISLAM). Clear, calm; barometer, 30..20; temperature, (:i; sea smooth; H:,r0 p.m. spoke steamer Prince (leorire In Oreti- ville Channel southbound: 8.50 p.m. spoke steamer prince Charles left Prince Hupert at t p.m. norlliboumf; 10:05 p. in spoke steamer Anyox lowing cow, Slewarl for Anyox, (0 mites irinn .nyox; i.Ij a.m. spoke steamer Otsego, CHI .miles from Seattle, bound for Kenai: U p.m. spoke steamer (lanlcna in Portland Canal iiorlllhouml. IHLMi IHF.E POINT. Clear. calm; barometer, 30.28; temperature. CO; sea smooth. HUM. HAItHOH. Clear, light southeast wind; barometer. 21).- '.5; temperature, 01; ea smooth; 8 p.m. -.poke Iwn Lome, 18 miles rom Cumshewa bound for Cap tain's Cove; 8 p.m. spoke steam er Admiral Cvans, Ketchikan for Seattle, 113 miles from Seattle; 8 p.m. spoke Steamer Canadian lioasler, J'JO mile from (jiieen Charlotte City, southbound. Noon I11JI.I, IIAHHOIl. -Clear, vai a bio winds; barometer, 20.01; . ... . . iriiiiuTaiiire, ni; sea siikmou; rt in. spoke uk Pacific Monarch, miles south of Ekk lolaod jounu ror ncean rails; a.m. spoke steamer Venture al P'il Hardy souIIiIhiuihI; II a.m. spoke steamer Prinre Ooorite nIT t'jt llocks siutlibouul. I I i 1 1 Y ISLAM . Clear, calm, baniineler, 30.S0; loiiipornliirr. 00; sou smooth; steamer Cr lena due at Prince HiiimtI 3 p.m. Mrs. II. Iieaeoii of Victoria i i a visitor in Iho city registered it Iho Prince Hupert Hotel. She i- ilirce of Mr. urn) Mrs. James Ciirtoirliael who formerly reside,) tero. C.O.M.M. .steamer ttnadiau (Piaster Is on her way south utter hnviny loaded luinlxr at lh' Sitka Sprure ipill at (Jueen Charlotte City. (ktaslwise Sloiiiiiship A ll.trae lUt.'n steamer OrlfTeo is ilis- burping ffmenl ut Hie elevator wharf. LAND ACT. Notice el lntfttln to Applf la Pwrthai In Am I .and HM-wtiac Ootnri .f rmve Ituiwrl. awl iluate at Hit tall i.cea wbiek rhmt Mln toull hiier als.ui IS mlle msu il nuUi. TAki: T K llMl llflull I' lOrl rrtw-e HUrL B... nrrnptlsi IuihIm-i ii. mtenila t UKtlv rur inuli.ii t ptirHMar Om iiHumin( ilrrilirl laml 4nitieria ai a mwi paanieu ai ine xxllliwv.t nmer r ll All. Ibeme 1U f-ham s wUvrlr: Ihetirv fl rhtn rt rly; IhrHce fa clMUM ws-OimIv. Ibn-e V Hum eaer1y ft Stil nt nsnntrare- nvwi, aw imiuuHna ! acrvt. niure rM. C. I'. IIIIL. AH'ticant, halert AMftMt lllh. IIM. IAND ACT. Netlt el Intantlan lo Apply U Pwrchat Lt4. In tin) Uad Heennlmr tiolrlrl U I'rlme lt(!rl. anH ltnate al the iihhiOi i' lllar ralU creek w lurti rii lliUi lliel l.ntlall Hirer alK.nl II Utile tr-Mii, Itr nrnuUi TAkl: XiTK I Hut John A. Smith rlea IIHrrl. II. I. . ociMitlm liimtter I man. Inlrn4 iit apply rur i-ennii.i Hirriae IS OilMMIor ueM-lilMMl UimI- , ifcxiuiiriiriuc at a pntt tianlel al ine inilmni ennter ut Lot Ji; lln-nee ju Id law rwrllwrly. Ilieiice i iliam e-i 1 i-t. nwre ne in lh I'olall Inver t iiee 10 rkalm mthrrljr: llieiire V 'kaliis eatlerly. an4 nuilalnttia uo acre.. more or lea. JOIIK A. SMITH. AlS'llralll Per r r. Inleil AHpot lllli. ! LAND ACT. ASK FOR lllel, Art-lit. Notlca ol Inlantlon lo Applf lo Purchata tana. Ill I be IjuiiI Itecnrilina IH.trlcl t l-rlme lliilsri. ami slluale hi Ilia falls i.rrek hlli tlims lllfl lite li.Ull lllicr atxiil U miles frein lt imnitli. TAkT Milieu ttiat CrliK-e ImiM-rt spruce Mill, i.ihiiioi. or i-niH-e iiiaieri. iH-ciiiia IIMi luiulier niiiiifrlurer, hilemU in ;it tr ieniilliMi In (lurtliaM! the rul towlnr ilearrilieil lanii:- OjnliielMiiir at a lMl tlliteil alxxjl ciiaiiis imriiierif rnnn oie uineai enr Iter or Ijit )!: Oteixe 10 clialiK Imrth. r lyj lliMM-s le rlialn eatterty: lln-me lo chain MtUDierly; tin-lire 4 it num. e-t erly In imiIhi nf r.rtnri-iiceiiM-iil. ami nu lalnliir I mi acre, nnre nr le.. I'Iiim:k hi i-hit siiti :k mii i I.IMITHi AiM.ii' am nati-il Atiru.t I'er Hi. 1 Hli f. Arenl Blue Ribbon Tea 'After all It's the Dost." John L.Christie Hales Agent Prince Rupert, B.0. GRANT'S Best Procurable' inn csociNAii Pure Scotch Whisky RICHF5T IN FINPST IIICIIUND MALT ruirNt-Ctl IXiAmm. LWI. mwm 4 Clt, SmUJ. A A J2 -i-ia Tins advcrtiseiiicin is not puliltilieil or displayed by u,, l.iijuor Coulrol lloanl or by Hie llovcrnmenl of Hrilih rdiinihisu WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIQHT ONLY al 7 nnd 0 The Bandolero The rom. nice ol -i d.iruig Imli lightei , ilHiinng girl. An eiitialling ilriitiiti or i)( stormy line. Ml Hie intense exritetncil ol infighting areiid, filmed in siuiiiy .Smm. with ( world's greatest Inillfighter, leaping ovrr ti bolls, flirting with deulh. The thrilling love -Hie bandit's daughter ami llamoii. Hie d.in whlll Hlll f a lailtttiilg -mite. Hie i ltilt i(J slemler "hiMilder, the -edm live fin k of . . i.- Strrnig r.i-t: Manuel Qransdo, Renee Adorcc, Prdro de Cordoba, Gustav von Soyffertltx, Cordon Begg, Dorotti; Ruth iiid ollo r.. THE "GO GETTERS" SERIES No. 0 GEORGE O'HARA AND ALBERTA VAUGHN In "A MISS IN THE DARK." INTERNATIONAL NEW8 Admission 35c and 10c VIEWS OF PRINCE OF WALES' AFRICAN TOUR FOR SALE Halibut Gear Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmrwmmmmmmmmmamx $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., M PHINCE RUPERT, B.C. SALMON TROLLERS llerore outidtm it will pny you lo ut pe l Trolling (ieiir. We luivf n new line of Salmon Hook Swlvclls, Cuttyliunk and Gear (H nil kinds. . In our slork you will find everything yon Anchors, Rope, Chain, Marino Hardwaro of nil . HuB ami Copper Paints, Galley Stoves ami Ultusd If il's for the lio.il wc Imve it. Iloals (ire lost evorv year lv fire linvn '' ;, Pyrcno Fire Extinguisher yet? We cll llicm, (ill ami M-e us. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Socond Avo. (Near Post Offico) Art Silk Floss Hiiilnlde for ktiillniK Hilk Hwenlers u in Moniircli Knilling Hooks. Wc have litem m mg rolors: Purplo, Nlggor, Scarlet, Mahorjany, Sky, Ollvo C"1 Golden Brown, Malzo, Tucksla nnd Nllo Groon. Al Hie rofisonnlile price of - Phone nAR. 045. 50c. A skcjii JABOUR BROS., LTD. . k Third and VVI livi "