Pars irwo u ?ni2 DAILY 1V"3 Jl, "J Order from Your Grocer a trial pacKage of Member of Audit Buraau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION II SALAM H718 The wonderfully rich and fragrant flavor never varies. Try it. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT r BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor, Monday, October 20, 1923. Last Lap Of The Political Campaign. This week sees the end of j)ie political campaign. Just, now we are On the last lap which closes wiflv Ihe election Thursday. People have had an opportunity of getting all sides of the big questions both from speakers: and from press reports. The result is thai Ihe Liberals are still LiHeral, Conservatives still Conservative and Ihe wabblers will continue I wabble until election day. There has been went aclivily shown by all groups. At one time it looked as if the Liberals-might have been slipping a litlJe but .steadily they June won, back until today there is little doubt in the minds of any how the election will go. 11 looks as if SU)rk will be elected lo go to Ottawa ami complete Ihe work whit h he has set out lo do. Thai is as it should be. A second term is a reasonable thing tn ask of Hi community. Skeena electoral dislricl has beffi better served during the past four years than ever before in history. To make a change might prove to our prospects. Challenge. To . . H. H. Stevens. (i. (i. MrOeer, champion .-ofthe freight rates campaign, who has lieen the butt of all Conservative speakers of late ami particularly of his 'political opponent 11. 1L Stevens, has challenged Stevens to a public debate on the subject of freight rates. He is aivxious lo get nl close quarters with his traducers knowing thai he lias t lie racls ojiHus side and that an opponent is unable to face facts. It is useless for Conservatives to come along at this late hour ind claim. credit Tor work" on Ihe' ..freight rales' when it is common knowledge lhal .MrOeerihnd Oliver were Ihe chief pro vincial workerIii the cause, and wlieu Premier Mackenzie King arm ins government nave issued an jmlcr that rale. be equalized. The victory isalready partly won and it was .Medeer and his assocKUvwJioou.iu It ,Mc(jer. Were o coine- here he. would Ike. given a great reception jj'r ii is. kjinwn that lie is 'llie man largely responsible for Ihe result. Take A .Lesson ! From The Sweepstake. 1 A liltje sweepstake op the election is. being jiiilucletl on the waterfront,; Each participant vU-'allowed lo gif ss what the plurality for . Uie winning eandidaje. may l jqid the jieare.M guess gets thev money. Out of twenty guesses, seveiileen gave, varying majorizes for Stork, three gave small .majorities for Bitshby but thee.-was no one Iq.bel ou-;'ickerson. ' Of course.j.'that little sweepj;fud .iiolhing lo' do with the' election and yelj it is nu indication of what is going to happen. Thursday. P .People Often .Misled ,1; During An Election. fi" ft a iinring anxeiection ieople itfe often misled. They talW mosii io people wlio are supporting the same ratididale as hemselves ctiuslanlly usVelling the fact fhev eouu". lo iK-iir: mui uiwir caiia:iiaie is g(tmig lo win. Constantly .assert-ing somelhingltis fact is an aid Wr belief. This is line' jn religion as well )is in polities. Ku ft must be exicled that Ihe close parly s.upptu-lers of each cjn'didale are likely jo believe that their mini will win. The difficulty js that the followers of two of them imist be in :rror. Only one fun win and two -must be bealeil. BuMers jcm uj your nan.(? ond uiJI send vou Supp this illuJtralaT E Pistributorj fori K9L9RED -3HIN0LE3. i tes Lumber Brick Cement Lime Plaster Stock your winter's supply or Nanaimo-Welling-ton Coal '.now Albert & McCafay, Ltd. Phones 116 ani 117 STEWART GOLD STRIKE IS ONE OF RICHEST VAXCOl'VEH, October 2rt. A sensational gold strike at I he Emperor Minor al Slewarl is reported hy .1. K. Cowner, secretary (if Ihe company. A wire from Mua Seifert, superintendent in charge of Ihe mines, says that n t 1-12 fl ein of very high grade ore ha been encountered at 300 feel inside Hie t00 fool tunnel, -which was being driven in lo lest the main ore hotly. The new vein, of which nothing was known, was MrurK ui 100 icci nepiii. The main ore hoily has not ye! heen reachetl. Seifeii's wire slates thai (he vein uncovered on of the richest ever lrueji p the north. DR. CAMERON WILL PRE ACHJiERE UNTIL thai he had received a telcurain (he field. Mr. Stevens in a propaganda Jeller lo the editor, urffes lhal Nickerson is for Ihe fishermen and lhal Slork Is against them. which of coucsp Is incorrecl. Jle also asks for less mud slinKinp when he must know there has been no mud slinjiiiy in I his campaign so far on either fide inu iiej-e js no prospect uf any Ihins of Ihe sol tnklnp placi' In Ihe firl place mud-sIiiiL'ini!: Is poor" pid icy, and in the sivood place all three of the randldalrs are ahoe that ort of Uiinjr. Von'lihvp fii linn. I II In THE MAN IN THE MOON JAKE says (hat a vote for Hi Conservative Association i a vole for Ihe Manufacturers' Association ami the C.P.H. WHEN a man fad- at everything else, li can always become a reformer. 'i'mI.' lliincr is 111 SO till out dun-Colored envelope at&liP end or Ihe month so everybody will know which are Ihe THE pleasure or gelling Ihe monthly cheCJf'Ts marred by the receipt or monthly .account for goods delivered alid'lised Hinnljis ago, 1 TJjjaus jjue at thMw f-.ui- niiiiidineiils I never break, t t . . y never eovel niv lieifillhor s OX ANOTHER APPOINTED or l.i ass or anylhing that i At Ihe church services llev. II. H. (Irani announced IDS. Jl'ST give us a rest From political pest. I I ttil t tiki (ntnt'ii from Hev. Dr. C. J. Cameron ofj" wiUm 4, Vancouver slating that he would pl ', n,man(,jnfr cmne to fill the vacancy for ajAnd hink of nnanrinr short lime until "Ihe local con- ..... ,,... i.iimi iiMMiui iniiifk, gregation ...... decided on a man lo , ,0 roM f Ilf ,,rin(r, ioiiow iir. uraiu. Dr. Cameron is partially lired from the ministry. re POLITICAL HJNCHES A Skidegafe correspondent. E. C. Siemens, is strong for .Nicker- on. So are. n good many other people. If he Had .not a good I many hackers he would not be in I SUCH JEST that Ihe mayor appoint an official to excavate Iwo holes into which the two dp. feated candidate! may crawl next Thursday night. foil when ji fc'onej. (o politicair''" 'c,,,fk sapacity. For Ihe final meeting of Die cainpait:ii he finds, himself wrlhoul a theatre in which lo speak. Ilolh I heal res have heen taken hy Ihe, other parlies for their final rallies. Sol to bo kept down hy such a lillle Ihintr as lhal he challenges cither or both lo a debate for lhal night and says he will pay his share of the cost of Ihe f heat re. That would give him a crowded meet- lnr al a third of Ihe ordinary cost and set over the difficully or being shut out altogether. Here's fo Nickerson when il comes tn playing his hand. Helling Is'slill strong for Kred Stork. 'Every Jlme. a voler lake a look al the elevator, he slrengtheua his conviction thai StorJi Ms the only man for Ihe Skeena dhdrict Just now. The. story goes, and 11 is told oij the authority of a good. Tocj', (hat Iioli liordon walked lido Hie Coaservatlve (conmilflce 'moms and unrolling a wad of bills lo the amount or 500 suggested that any of those present cover it. They hail been boasting la they were ready lo cover any sum anl here was the chance. After wailing awhile Hob rolled up Ihe hills ami returned them lo his hip pocket, there being no lakers. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert. V. Caldwell,' Calgary; Elhel ,M. IIargreaes, England: Theo. J. Morgan, Joseph Sim ami Her! Ilollby, Edjiionlon; H. (i. J.lrw coin, L. 0. Lycelt. C. Carm.chael and C. II, McMillan, Vancouver; Mr. aild Mrs. Corhouse um Miss M. Corhouse, Silvcrton, Ore.; W. II. llarl, Winnipeg; '. C. McKay, Ketchikan; A. jlioodenough and S. .1. Mayer, .Siiiilhern; T. Ii. I'atlullo and J-'. V. Eoster, Victoria; Nick Juklch, Siinda .liiklch and Jekil Jukich, Soulh Rend; V. II. Manuel, Prince (Jeorge; L. T. Workman ami children and J, Anderson, Rlcwarl; Mr. and Mrs, Eruesl Jllue and Mrs. LllJIar. Kelfer, llyder. Central John Hallanlyne and J, Smith, Vancouver; William St. Claltv Wilson, W. Murray ami E. Wood. cily; It. E. Stone and II. llerirrl. IU.W.H.; A. II. Edwards, UtV. O CIVE m ft a quiet retreat Where never'a soul I may meet Oh, Jusl let me ret S"omewhere in Ihe west Willi no one In worry or greet. !' I once went campaigning, oh boy I And (he right il was good In enjoy And Ihen, Ir, tn Ihlnk I should go on the blink And he beaten. That sure woubj . annoy. , . , THE meanest man in Hie world is Ihe one who marries because he hales lot pay kiteheort help. MY girl says kkhjg j Jaa gerous. H makes her noe shiny. J.OYE is Ihe 4iily thing lhal can make midnight spem like LET me drink lo the, man At Ihe head or'lhe poll, To Ihe man who has won And again reached ihe, goal. Hut Ihe man 1 admire Is Ihe man who ha pluck; Who though braleu at Jal Has no quarrel with Luck. IE vou can't swat Hip flv. lickle bis rbs until he laughs to lealh. OF all the sad word Or tongue or pen Is that or Ihe Tory "We're beaten again." mji'iiim;.m i-.ii people are those who do naughty things and ..i i.. a, i-iui oi mem. MIME inc.ii: tar, Vlike wind- "l,1,,,3.?rt.,V?.,P, HXU jrougli ye! not hiniih M(ei. EE.NHjliiieeiiej nilneej nirt. LePme lell joii, io'ilwil know' Elections Iiere are apt to go Any wiiy the wiml may blow. I'M glad Proressor Prycc gol that Ford car. H 1 had won II there would have been gasoline lo buy, lubricating oil to buy tires to buy, giiuntlels lo buy, rugs lo buy, lillle late suppers lo buy, spare pari to buy. And then Ihlnk or the. ratlin we should have made going down the street nHer the Nrst accident. IF J'd loul lhal car I might nate ne;n couixwl a lol worse than Jack Singlelon,.the Vancouver taxi-driver, who .lout lx-dollars and the Use of his car to. a pretty young girl and her escort al Point flrey. Ten Years Ago in Prlnc Rupert October 24, 1916. Tlie CP. H. rtliunner Prjjiees Sophia, going south from Alaska yesterday, had ?I5 passenger aboard including juich potable as Judge Maeaiilay and .wire, Charles Hoyle, F. O, ongdou, Sherifr llrimslone and a number of oilier prominejil VukcMuw. l'te. Alex Donald, brother of Opportunity 1 DOISED FOR FLIGHT- on winged -feet, Opportunity waits but a little while. Before him stands Youtlifor to Youth belongs Opportunity. Opportunities confront a man in Youth that may never come to him againand among these is the great opportunity of investment, of insurance against the failures, accidents and disappointments of later life. Life Insurance costs little to the young man--yct means so much to Jiim in maturity. It encourages thrift--when extravagance beckons. It is a wise and safe investment. It protects the responsibilities and obligations of the future. Opportunity may not return Grasp it to-day. i iCapl. Donald of the sleauirvr Prince Oeorge, ha been killed at Hip front. Ill widow, Mr. Jane Oonald live here on Thompsoi' Llreel. , Twin, a oon ami oNinghler wa horn at Ihe Prince Ilupert Ceneral lln.pltal today to Mr. and Mr. Angelo Anlonelli, 5I(-Fulton .Street. - Octobor 26, 1916. i A company or local hunter returned to Ihe cJly Ibis inoru-after having' had rpille an ejcllhw experience orr Tugwell Island. On starting lor home. Ihe engine or I heir boot broke down in a raging gale ami they were drirtlng Jnlo Oixnn'a Entrance when picket! up hy an In dian boat coming fu from Port bimpsoii. the , parly consisted II I of S. J. Evans Charlie Halaguo, iEd. Stlllwell, l.clor Heberi and Alex Uunte.r. Mark l.iillirr, president, Joseph D. Pierce, captain, ami .mil (Josncll, nccre.lary or Ihe Cljrl. Hun Hand or Worker or Port Simpson,- relumed to Ihe .cily lat night rrrmf Klluinkuluiu where they caused In he .e,ab-llslied a school rir native fib The Love that Never Diet ennce Steamship and Train Service .ruiNCi aueiRT inn prince chaplu iii in, pai"!1 RUPWT tor VNC00VIR, VIOTORI. tf ATTIC .nil lut.rtl.f.lUI. ; rniDAv i e n, md iundat, n p.m, .. PfllNCB RUPIRT for (TIWART ami ANVOX, WtONCIOAV, 10 t--"" CMARLCI for ITIWART, tATURDAT, 10 p.m. .. rfiitiCf. .john furiniibuy Vancouver vi qukkn cmarlotti uueiDt. T"IN "VK PRINCE RUPERT 0AII.V pl Sunr iq , ,, fl)r pRINCf alORoe, EDMONTON. WINNIPEO, ill point fjitrrn Ciiwiti, Cnimi Rutix A0EN0V ALL OCEAN ITEAMtHIP LIMI, Clt Tlet Offkt, B2S Third A,., Print. Ruptrt. Phon. 8 ((canadianT Canadian Pacific Railway B. C Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert f ttTCHIMN, WRANCELL, JUNEAU. SUCWAT OciJw 9 l. 5 Fw VANCOUVW. V1CT0KIA iU SUnit o,Wf it 23, N.-l 3, ,or .11 .u. Ln... ' VuuTo'form.ll.n fr.m-