V.i :Sja"s-"j":---- lOBJECTION TO of ilaplain W. J.l liquor xliiNiiier, i wn ix'nleneeil loj .M,ry I - ( i.i.1 ei'iiin I Idler anil ,4 under "Menee lj i ..-niltet I. althttb; IxNtii WxUed Willi j fourt nf ljiiiHd.i I -iniFioal f Ihelr ttp-j i nr.. iirt r Ap-; iudse there tielnB j s.. ..f the fie judjie a .tmu a new Irijl. OOCH KILLED MAN ON SUNDAY!: Person Have Lost Live Drinking Denatured Alcohol 'l M'TLI'.. Del. .'11. -II. Peter- "iwmn-r died Sunday li n ; r duukiiix it coinpuMtioni j'urrd ulrohol nnd coiln' NOTICE. I'lirxuanl to the Munl-eiiwl KJwMunit A el all pernif dMtrinir to lie HleWl n the Voter' l.iid for the furlheoiiiiiiif .Municipal I-Rrdioii an Iloue'iuldrit or Holder of Trade l.ireitup imil reRi'tter their iiamew with I lie City Clerk dunnct Iho n ion Hi of October ah a wlaltilory form to be nup-plied hy the City Clerk. The City Clerk ofriee will he open from 0 a.m. to & p.m. tvich and ,cery day duiin? the. month nf (lelidier wilhv Ihe exrep-lioii of Saturday. whe,u it will he open from V a. in. In 13.30 p.m. K. K. iUSVS. i City Clerk. wlu. l, the police declare. V L 1 A I III Ul & peinons in Seattle,, T i' indii'c assert thai hool-purchase deiialured nl- I fur Ji cent a ipiait fronii , . c dniKK.s.s. mix it '''jBoats Should be Ab!e to Load at ii.rr or nriiu jiiii u mui ' iii hair pints selling a iliiHar each. KICKED IN STOMACH READY NOV. 15 Plant by December 1 Insinuation of machinery at the elevator is gum? on daily and it is expected that everytliinjf . Ill I I.. - I!.... . .. I.v .....I'.m DIED IN HOSPlTALiest on Xovemlicr IS, when Kraln can ho turned Into the bins, MISSION CITY. Oct. SO Kirk-Mnled A. N. Chaler. siiperiidend if- Mie sioiniicli by a liorse'ing engineer this imirninjt. Tlie I ah Israel. 51 years nf nir'liraln boals will he aide to load t Sit irdale farmer, died in tin jnl Iho plant on December I for li :nial here Saturday tiinhl. which there will be 1.000 feel of l.iuhter M l.illle. who I'rincc llupert. resides. dock nvailahle. This will afford is his aerominodaliiin fur the loading of 'wo urn i n bonis at a ' line PUBLIC MEETING In Empross Theatre on Wednesday Night at 8 o'clock GEORGE G. BUSHBY And Olher Speakers Everybody Welcome FISH TRAPS Petition Asking That no More Licenses be Granted Is ' Largely Signed ENDORSED BY STORK. The following resolution which has been endorsed by Kre Stork, without any ifs or huts ha been signed by C5d fNherineu or those eonneeleil with the fishing industry in thi district: lluti. I'. J. A. Oardin, Minister of Marine ami ITsh-eries. Ottawa; We. the fishermen and eitlien of Hie northern roast of H.C. do most emphatically proles aizainst the practice of usiiiv fish traps or trap nets for the taking of Salmon. II is abundantly plain thai the extermination f salmon is in siuht if Ihe present practice is continued and as a result Ihe livelihood of the fishermen will he destroyed. Traps are now operation in Canadian water under the excuse that the American traps would receive Ihe fish now being- taken in Canadian Infps if the Canadian traps were not uncrating. We beg- to advise you mat nj reuson ni a nesire iu iinnm onservallon In Alaska Ihe American Imps iu Hits area are nuw closed. Ihe traps in tlie same locality owned by Canadian companies are still operating and we therefore request Hiat the Canadian Imps be closed at the curliest possible, moment and thai iu future no trap licenses be "granted In anyone in District Number 2. and that no license now in operation be renewed for any future year beyond l2&. Wo are your humble petition- ers: II. Strlelhorst ami GT others FIREMAN KILLED IN ANSWERING AN ALARM VICTOIUA, Oct. 20. l-Mieiiian Fred Madley was instantly killed Saturday evening when a truck, answering an alarm' call wn overturned 'as il .was , rounding corner. z y 7 HIM TAXI Boston Grill 25 nnd MM Ambulance Large Upstair Dining Hall, Service with newly laid dancing Anywhere at Anytime. floor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. ''ru,.x NEW SOpA FOUNTAIN, and 6th St. 11 J 'Hll, PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the MATT VIDECK, Prop. ' 1 'IJtll least. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VIM. A V., .U. -IV. I'MINCE KLTKllT, ll.C, .MO.MUY. QliTOHEIl Sfl, .11)23. (turdif'i Circulation 1I4S Ilrttt Stl, 43. PRICE FIVE CENTS. EN AIRPLANES ARE WRECKED IN STORM a aaw aaaawavaa aaaw aw m m vatH a- aaM am aa- bmm bj vb aaaaaMi -pjjv - aaaa vaawaB ANCOUVER NEWSPAPER URGES PEOPLE THAT CITY TO EMULATE RUPERT Atlantic Coast Caused Life and Property Loss iiiinriiin c anninnoc it nan tin rnr vn"ic nmnn mmimmtmrrM .wurm.MMWMm.MMMMr - r mi m r moorings and ten of them were smashed U W YOHK. Uil. I'll. Devastating wind Morrns struck the -:-1 Sumliiy. resulting in (lie (U'.illi ul at least 21 per-v a inflicting lit'av damage to homes and shipping. I ViiIkiiiiu 10 won killed nnd many injured while dozens as were levelled by the gale. jilicr Umu wi'l lite Atlantic and ul VA'ohirii, .Muvii- ,)0U houses were damaged. I:: Halt liloiT seventeen nnviil seaplanes, which had nsscni- manoeuvrc hi connection with lht Schneider eii races. ORRIS FOUND GUILTY MURDER broke from their moorings and seven of lliem were completely reeked while ottiem were badly damaged. Later Despatch II.MriMlllli:. net. fi. Ten I nitcd Slate navy seaplane -Iwerr battered into shaielc ii 4 niini Mlm In ha Mann- lipiiiifl and vimi !. kcriiiu! vi d on January 1 for (damaged yesterday when under Murder CapL Qlllls jlhe buffeting of a terrific tai - Ihcy dragged their anchor and 1! Oil. 20. Charlcn piled Up along several miles 01 ISHT OCTTIHO I T061TMCR ro ) V OUR BCHtr .1 jL c The (Sang These flags should asxirc lliem of our patriotism. Seven. Thousand Persons Said rt to Have Perished in Cyclone in Persian Gulf on Saturday carl Fleet of 200 Vessels .all Destroyed; British Naval Vessels Lost Boats and Minor Damage KAItACIII. llrilish India. OcL 2(5. Itrief details of Ihe dis- .ster caused by u cyclonic storm iu the Persian (iiilf confirm Ihe urly reiorls of great loss of life and destruction of many small .e.ssels. DesKilches to dale say (hat seven thousand persons perish-'d iu the cyclone which was accompanied by nn eurtlupiake and jther disturbances. The pearl rishing Heel was almost entirely vept out of exisleuce, more Mian 20O vessels being sunk. llrilish tiHvnl vessels suffered minor damage in the storm ucli as the loss of boats. The islands of Tanth ami Helium were severely shaken and nany ac:os of date palms at ilasra were devastated. TWO NATIONS ARE DEFIANT Direct Negotiations Refused Before Meeting of League Today PARIS, Oct. 26. Mutual defiance marked the attitude of both Bulgaria and Greece, today before the opening Of the special session of tbe League of Nations council convoked to settle tbe hew Balkan conflict. Bulgaria refusos to enter Into direct negotiations with Greece and the latter will not withdraw from Bulgarian soli, which she says, was Invaded only In self-defence. Irtl lH '! Hill pv FIGHT CALLED OFF BY BULGARIANS AND GREEKS FOR PRESENT LONDON. Ocl. 20. Alliens despatches slate Ihat the ( reeks and Bulgarians aclln? at . the Instance of lbiuniaiiia will withdraw theft, troops behind their respiu'tiye frontiers. , ", . NO QUESTION OF MAJORITY : Interior Will jo Liberal, Says Fred Stork All Candidates Came In on Tra'n There is no question of a large I ilui-!il niiiiiirilv In'iii'- idled 1111 Emulate Prince Rupert says Vancouver Sun in Discussing Political Situation in South YANCOUVKIt, Oct. 20. Vancouver Sun, under the capliou "Emulate 'Prince Huperl," says editorially: "'Ihe good citizens of Vancouver should come down out of the clouds of tariff controversy and for the next few days figure their politics in its dollars and cenls relation to (ireater Vancouver. What our citizens should do is In emulate the City of Prince Hupert. The pen ile of Prim e llupert battle mil their theories and con troversies over u ulopia unlit aboul one month before election. t hen they gel down to business,, " - - : - ihe business of politics, and work-rtnTATPY1 niTnrTiT in w.tii the poverumeiit of the PK I ll H Kl P H K I dav. The result Is that there is "w a-ias no cjty of its size iu Canada, which ha secured anything- likej the political results llial rr nc llupert has. They have i fine big lourthoUse Ihat .rust hundreds of thousand of dollars. They have two ministers in the cabinet' i Vancouver has none1. They had Prince-ltuierl is advertised as ti three million dollar dry dock a terminal grain point while years before Vancouver had "e- Vancouver it omitted. Tlie rea-They have a director on the C.'son for this is that Prince Ilu-N. It. -ami now Ihey are r-relliug pert lias a Hovernnient elevator a gra'n elevator. How nmny of while Vancouver has not. What these things would they have if was' formerly a. I Sm eminent ele-thcy had played the politieal Tool valor at Vancouver is now conlike Vancouver? 'jlrolted by tlie Harbor Hoard. If on Ihe basis of nooulatioii' An advertisement issued by Vancouver received a nroi.ortion- 'he Dominion Oovernment and raemtmiirs of government suh-'carried trt newspapers .on the v.aitioii andvi.otilical representa-I'rairies urge.s ine use-or uov- lo play polities just like any one CHALLENGE The Liberal and Conservative candidates are hereby challenged to a joint meeliiiz in either theatre building on Wednesday. October 28. instant. I shall accept anyplace assigned to.nie in speaking order with equal lime with other candidates, and pay my full share of all expenses connected therewith. A copy of this challenge has been delivered lo tlm representatives of bolh candidates. 1 (!. W. NICKKHSOX. Progressive Candidate October 26. 1925. J m I. & & & .....a.. in Mm iiilnriiir ill ltlf flMlerall" election on Thursday according io Fred Stork who relumed to :lie city by last night's train. Mr. Stork was avvuy ten days and he visited practically alt points where polls will be held, address ing as many as three ibeetings per day. "II was a very successful trip, said Mr. Stork whu is most optimistic as lo tlie Liberal prospects. Mr. Stork concluded Ids interior campaign with a meeting at Houston on Saturday night, lion. T. D. l'allullo, Col S. P. McMordie and I.. W. Pat- iiH'ie. who also returned on last night's traili, spoke ' on Mr Stork's behalf at Terrace. Mr. Stork not being present person ally alt hough U. W. Nickerson, Progressive candidate, also ad- dressed the mectfng. Hesldes Mr. Stork, the twi other candidates (ieorge O Hushby, Conservative, and O. W Nickerson, Progressive. also re- Ituiued to the city on last night' train. Mr. Slork and Mr. l'allullo left I this morning by gashoat lo vis Port Simpson,; Port Ksslngton jand Osland today and tomorrow Mr. Mckerson went to .vnyox on tliu Curdeua. INDIAN IS ON TRIAL Murdering Storekeeper North Vancouver at V.VNCorVKH, Oct. 20 -Charles Henry While, an Indian, was. placed on Irial at tlie ajsize court this mornimg charged with livur-t ilering Frank llosso. h North' ELEVATOR GETS IN LIMELIGHT Prince likes i riiiii-mi inriimnini on the map. llupert along with Prince Arthur and Halifax. - i - i . knaek of idayins in with the uU. r n..n,rF "V 1 . Wlki toMhls adverl.seuienf government. Vancouver should and w us,n? 1 "k"aI ,,ur: emulate Prince Rupert.'. ,f"r lltf lldl II? Ii lilt. 'U1CI II ill- 1 1 because Vancouver is omitted. : CHINA WANTS 3 CUSTOMS LAWS ' . J Wants Uniform System Outside of Control of Foreign Coun-tries ;i j PI'.kTN. Oct. 20. At the open-'ing of Ihe Chinese customs con- ferer.ee today China appealed to ; ; the powers to restore tier complete tariff authononiy and agree to the enforcement of a Chinese national customs law beginning January 1, l'J20.. A large part of the customs , revenue ha been hypiMhecated jin the past tu cover loans made to China by foreign countries and also to cover the indemnity over tlie lloxer rebellion. The head of the customs service is n FOR IIPF AT AWI7F ,,ritis" s,,l,ject ami tlie revenue rim Lire ni r.ooiLu u paii, jltl u rorelBll uank jesiK. (iiated liv the Hankers' (Uinunis- Charles Henry White Accused of;!,Ull, WJ, aUol ,(.refrom Ihe payment secured by tlie revenue, tlie balance lieinjr then paid tu the Chinese government. IANY ARRESTS IN FIVE GAMBLING RAIDS Vancouver storekeeper, on June V VNt'.Ol VFH. Ocl. 20. - Scv- 1. Forty witnesses are to be entv-five lOHentals and forty called by Ihe rrown with tlie whites were arrested in raids on Irial lasting probably until five gambling houses at the Wednesday. week end. PUBLIC MEETING WESTHOLME THEATRE Wednesday, Oct. 28, at 8 p.m. Speakers Hon. T. D. Pattullo and Fred Stork, M.P. Everybody Welcome. Seats reserved for ladles