October -tft, VE YOUR ART' Clothes Overcoats to measure fnvo KincT - 1 k MM CANADIAN L A I A I IIU I1U V u ii uinaurv and DRY CLEANERS ne Laundry of Personal Service, Phone No. 8. Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrlft-T-Srvle. Soft Finish, And Dry Cleaning. V t; " ready nt nny lime e your phono call, 1 your instructions, to .ronal charge, uf laundry and Dry g ood! Wood! ' Now Is your chance DRY CEDAR ,;ull load S0.00 'alf load . $3.00 I urge sacks ... . . . . 50o DRY BIRCH Iv load $6.50 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An 1'xqulallo Stock of Fur' Trimmings nt low prices. B. G. FUR Co. Next Q.W.VJt. Thlixl Ave. IAM0NDS; . ESET Lot of people have i mi :i iilil setting's ii hav no- special v II tlll'IllxclWH. make a person lire! v. ;i m the one thing nil Minn and the rinf or - jui laid t- like an i our new artistic tu would make ii a til ":i look at your rmg dn-ss ami it is ir.-aldr. uixl just 'i wuili while, nt -, r i y..n wear. From 95 60 to $25.00 John Bulger Jeweller Monday nd Tuesday "How Jo Kduniti' a Wife" Flying J'iln Scries. u,.n nie i.foii;iriJ in "Soft International News. Thursday .Only "Adventure." Comedy. "The Jlansoin Cab." Pathe Review. Friday and Saturday flolleen Moore 1n "Sally. Comedy "J-uinily Life." Hodge J'ndgo Scries ". Jumble in the Jungle." I'alhc New. ELINOR GLYN LAND AOT. ' YARN TONIGHT "How Xo Educate Wife" la Picture Oelng Shown Her at Westholme Arc you married Do you want to be marricii? Or arc you irr ami n;it-ioii(7 Jn any' eviuil, you cannot afford Jo jdUh; jibe sunt Wtu-mv Classic, 'Uow, to Kducale a Wife," whlJi open.! hero tonight. Ii present a novel) j.iiiKlp of I ln I'd'rnal question. I j "To be or Tint to be married!" Knowing that "How io IMu-ale a Wife," hail Zieen written, by Ilic I noted lovi psychologist, Kllnor 1 '. of world fame, it I o pic ture of Ihrillitur erliim ami ro-nrantie eharm. Tfto whole performance, tnm, beginning to i'ikI. is finely iltiw ami llio plot -u rpnljtlcally linrnan ami appealing. ' llciitK an lnurance apnt, uilh elienln far aiKl fau lietwren, Ai ruiuinjr the olberuie i-vcn Iptior of ilomeir bappine.. An if ofU yiP rar. billinir ami Rooms illiln'l y for (rroeorii, ami he TimMh faiw the awful trK-pil.v of loinjr tliHr liltle ne.t un- money wn fortheomlnp for a payment wit Hi morlyaee. It wa then thai Hilly lireee, n friitnl of the TolU, mIhIpiI out the tremenilou bulnen jmkU hihtie or pieeimT a wife n . Iiarminir an Mabel To.. Iter luk wa lo Utere.l iliJonall- eallv propertive male rtlenl In li. prlf flrnl. then well, Ihen iS'y woulil he pry plail to lo numr ninen with bar Ittiftbanri. Thou Hie fun hvtran. Mabel meet a former apuainlamv a wenllby Mr. Hank, with whom he mlnrt n pr' fxrltinr fllrtalion for the purpo.e of fteeiirlwr n heny pi.hry for her hiiobaiul. Ittif friend lnnlmn.l far from (..in jrraleful. find hi ar-rani.'"ni'iil liMle t0 liipbly flavored i. mill bis lnlp and so JACK LONDON PICTURE HERE "Adventure" Being Shown Thursday Only Is Stirring Tale of South Seas The nellon of Ihe Mory "Ad-( enlure" Jiy Jack London wjilcli shows here Thursday lakes place on one of Ihe mol Isolated and Mivape of the Solomon Islands In Hie oulh Seas. For many weeks, David Sheldon, Ihe ynunjr owner of u plantation, has been wajilnn n desperate but' loslnp Dnllle upainsl blark waler fever and III I'lm rrnn lire a failure: In nolo Is coming tlue, and Ihe unlive workers have Jieconio re- lielllous. One day, ns lie Is on the verse of collapse, a ship belonlnir to Jonn I.arkland, n woman soldier of fortune, founders off Ihe ronM. In the company of two llawuilun bodVRunrds, she makes her way In jhe plantation. In-slunlly reallxlnpr Sheldon's helpless condition. Joan puts him to Nolle, of InWnllon to Apply lo Ll Lsnd. in I'rlnrp IUiiert l.nd llernrtllwr tl-trlrl. ' anil siuuie ! .wfinilo llirtmr. VM Ulaiitt. jl"il mm mtlo norlHrl from I i-ntnuu'r lo I'd it I ClmtiiiH, ml about oiif nitl" wutlifriv (nun Uio nir(tiini rornrr uf !. doaars Tnke noli'e llmt WalUre FUwrlM Mini led, of Vani-niivrp, H.r. ncriipaHim mntiervmrii, liitrniU lo apnly fur a lca nf lite following- prparrllird wnil.; DiilniiM ncIn al a t , Planted about on miles in southerly tlinvium from III" lorllieKl corimr if .ol SOJJPl thenej simiiIi l.t rlialn: IIuiim wrat .0 rialn: llienrp north n.Tfl rltalns: llieneu eiilv meanderlnir alonit .Hie lilrh water maik lo 'imihI nf rouimeni'riiient, anil CHIlUUlllit ' 1 1.1(1 sej-e. inoie (ir e. u'l I Vrfc lis M IllKS IJMITKn. . Applicant. Dittd Srptcmbtr (tin, tv. 7 . ........ ' 1 . I bod and nurses him back to Uealth. For the lime being she g noils the fire of reliellion; Hinoulderiiift niUoiiK tl", fiivniies. Falla In Love When Sheldon reeoxers, bo prouijilly falls in love, with her, but his attentions ure met xxitli Indifference. Instead of mur-t iuue, ,al lie suj:pests, Joan offers to go into partnershij) xvith him, jmil lie finally consents to that urrniiKemciii. The Rirl soon proxes ber vorUi ps u partner, for shortly aftirvaril, Monpran uiul "Raff, the vnifirxupulous money-lenders, nrrivn to demand payment of the note they bold UKatn! .Slicldou. Joan jiays the dehj, and then nllowiiur bersHf ,lo be drawn into a ,poker jcutno by tbo two sharks, eventually3 wins back not only tier ,owu money hut nil or theirs, and Incidentally gets the The DiHoiiWLMackeiizieKraa VattS stooj in which tbey came to the island. Shu then forces them to lenxe, .xxarning them not to return. A few :days lutrj, ihero .arrives ul the plantation mi udvcjiture.r, one John Tudor, xvliom Joan had met in tho course of her travels. lteiriK a man who lakes Jiis fun xxhere be finds it, the nexv-comer proceeds to nvvke lovo to Joan. The jtlrl slaps his faoe -wliVn be tries to "J;iss Jior. Sholdoi) a xvitnes's to the action. Is. highly amused. This ihfuriates Tudor xv bo e.tiallctu!.e.s him lo o duel xvble.li .fsbeldon reluctantly accepts, in (hp slruptfte that ful lows, Tudor is" seriously wound-ed . ..-' Exciting Times ' 'Sheldon 'leAves to set a physician, and .dufiiiK bis absence, Moiwan and Raff return,' beul on getting revenge, To this end A WewillqivetheWesi Equal Treatment Impartial Justice r . r 7 ' a S -0' 5TTI they incite, the natives lo flpen tevolt and lofrelher nltack the bouse. During the battle, the bouse is set on Tire, and Joan is raptured and taken aboard the money-lenders' ship. Tudor manages to drag himself out of the burning building, and is discovered by Shajdun when the hitler returns xvith a doctor. As soon as he learns what bas occurred, Sheldon shirts in pursuit. Meanwhile, on board the boat, Joan defends herself as best ,sue can. "With the last bullet In her revolver she kills Raff. Sheldon arrives in tho nick of tlmo and succeeds in disposing of Morgan. Joan's bodyguard engages in a hand-lo-banil fiight xvith tho native chief and botb all Into tlc xvaler xxhere 4ho strugigle continues until tbe cbiej is killed. The picture closes, foreshad - - : ' . . vtf y ' ST THE WEST MUST COME INTO ITS OWN Put your trust in men who believe in the West's future men who in Canada's darkest hour held out hope men who believed in developing the West. Under almost insurmountable difficulties, Canada faces the world today on the wave of industrial prosperity. She has met every debt on its due date to her foreign creditors her dollar is the highest in the world. And the West flourishes. In the last four years, since Mackenzie King took the helm at Ottawa, the West's port, Vancouver, has shown greater industrial development than in all her previous history. This in the face of the cries of ruination and foreclosure from Meighen and Stevens in 1921. This in the face of the repudiation of Mr. Meighen by Canada's strongest Conservative journal, which styled his outlook at that time, "the whisper of . death." And more than ever in the history of Ihe West does the West need friends at Ottawa. Men who will stand in the councils of the nation afraid of no moneyed interests, no combines, no section of ttieir party or rival cify oT the Dominion? Such men are the Liberal Candidates. They know they will have the support of the leader of Canada's next Government, the Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King. For he has said throughout the country that there must be justice for every section. The Liberal Candidates are pledged to secure absolute equalization of freights for the West. If it is necessary to make this a national issue in the House of Commons at Ottawa, tley will do it. G. G. McGeer, K.C., Liberal Candidate for Vancouver Centre, said recently: "There is one Court where we can secure lasting, and final justice, and that is the GREAT COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION, the Parliament of Canada." Vote Liberal, and you will bring about Western development ,and prosperity for all owing Hi e marriage of Joan and Sheldon. SALLY IS COMING HERE AT WEEK END Charming Heroine to be Seen at Westholme T.freatre In Picture .Friday and Sat-, urday 7i..nrl.l'a '"Qillv" lino lofl l.ta lllt.1.IU KK.tJ lepuer care ami now is in inc HHivie-s. She. xx 111 bo se.e.n here at the week end. Colleen Moore Isl tho nexv ".Sally." She is altogether a ebanniiug and personable hero-Jue, OeligbliniR her audience moments of hoydenisb hum-ir, miifh human Interest and no little genuine drunVu. As a lui'-ring vehicle for Colleen Moore, "Oar Tariff must have due regard for all parts of the country in its present stage of development" said Mackenzie King recently. The Liberal tariff is a tariff primarily imposed for revenue. This tariff, which is a tax, should be as light as possible on the people. Premier King says, "Especially do we believe that the instruments of production essential to the development sf our basic industries and the necessaries of life should be taxed as lightly as YmU tor Fred Stork, M.P., Liberal Candidate "Sally" truly exceeds even such successes as "Flaming Youth" mid the recent "So Rig." H provides this dainty First National star wilh the means of proving there is, apparently, no limit to her versatility. First wo discover "Sally"' as tbo forlorn liltle Inmate of a foundling home. Then xvn see Jier as Uio drudge jn the kitchen of tlie F.liu Tree Inn. Quickly tbo action shifts and by se.rje.s of circumstances "Sally" 1s plunged into Ihe vortex of a gay life- as revealed nt tbo lawn fete nf u jimltl-niillionalre. Hero is xx-hero xvo glimpse n nexv and different "Sally," gorgeous In her lovely raiment, Im-pnrsnnalinig a noted Russian dancer. "There Is pretty lovo thread rminlng (hroiiKh Ibis pejucn Nc,rsloa xvhlcb is an adaptation made by June Mathis.