fiiy October 13. 1025. id uj your .it vrtilrv.riT!kf '41 VfE' - CI s inustriiaxv. Jfl "V ".u" ernes. w a Reduction ot $42.50 His Master's Voice V1CTR0LA No. 211 Adaptable to Radio Lumber Brick Cement Lime Plaster Ml Iff jistributorj for $ We are supporting irunnm m K9L9RED fj 3HIHOLE3.B Gyro Carnival Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 iv-'HTi1-! J Contole MndcU 1, Trom $115.00 up 11 t,'.:.. i".w $47.50 597.50 , h, ; V 557.50 - J ! i . w i.J ,i- h ..I lio ll'lllllx r. NEW -:- SEASON'S Fancy Frozen Bait $25.00 Per Ton The Finest Obtainable on the Coast Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. E. H. Shockley Planing Mills Re-located at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, with additional n. i Iu'h s uir the umimiIui Inrc of SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER ulsu carried m stuck. Nave handling diurgi's ly Imyuig dired from the source of supply. TUGBOATS Day Phone 423 538 Gr. 238 Black' 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBYj Man. Dir. Night Phone 037 539 Gr. 238 Dlack 735 .. ..Watkth Products. Jlcpre-sentatlve P. U. Miller, Hluc SIT,. ? ' it J!muVJnilOr was fined t25 in the city police court yesterday arternoton ifot intoxication. Accounts up to October 0, totalling lo.85.5o were paused for payment by the city council last uttfhl. The Liberal eomiulllec room. corner Second Ave. and Fourth rttre-t, next to the. Walker"; Music store are open every afternoon and evening. 2M Presbyterian November 12. ber 13. Moose and 18. John Wilson, found guilty in the city jHilice court yesterday afternoon on a chars of as sault, wa hound over to keep ihe peace for six month. Mr. K. E. Iliriilc of Smithcr reaped the city un last night's train, and i spending a few days liMi' the guet of Dr. and Mm K. s. fait, Seventh Street. J. G. Steen returned on yeter day afternoon's train from ifaz "liMt'i where hiit company has th '..niiaci for the putting in of the ..alum system in the new i'imm'. Inline. G.W.V.A. The half-yearly -"'i al meeting mil I, held ou i'.in'nttay at 8 p.m. A full at- ndani f ut members requested. H'ime: Auditor's report and -I nui nf officers. 239 r. Taxi. McLaughlin and ' l.l-ni.iilr, 5 and ? paengers. Ilciwccii Sec. 2 and Hay Creek lit n?cv Two passenger 5(e. aril additional v.'5r. I'o U S juimni-r, . per hour $1.00 r'.riiif Large. tf The ladicn of the Kuyal lurple will hold a oilver tea at the home f Mrs. Arthur llailey. SM Fifth Vvenue Vet on lhurla, Oct- lcr IS from 3 to 6. Tbe ladie if Prince Avpert arm oordialt invited Ut atWtid. ' Application from Mrs. A. - ti to purchase lot I, block -el un 5. for an amount cover- ins charge ayaiii! the properly m weivint at thr nimting of (tic city rxiupcil last night and 'effifml . toJlie finance commit - '. AM. l'crry brought up at last niKhi'i council the tieeeiity of having a ftreet llvht pill in al Hie corner of SrlentU Avanue and Donald Street. He wan ari- v i-i-il hy the major that the ta til 1 1 if coiiiiuii Ice wa already at- lenduu to the iii.iiler. ANNOUNCEMENTS (iyro (Carnival and Dance Oc-:!icr 12 and 13. Itelickah liazaar Saturtlay, t)e-'Iter 17. tjitv-atic nml niUcellaneoui lutiuiam. WttHt!mt) nxt .Monday ami Tutay. Calliolic Churt'li Hamar, "Octo-her -M and . Iloopilal Hallowe'en Da II, Oel-ober 30. Hill Sixty Chapter I.O.D.K. Ihuaar, October 31. - Auiilicun Church llaaar No-vcmher ' 5. Church .liazaar Itoyal Purple liazaar Novem. Hazaar November 17 lliil. list Church Ladies' ' liazaar, November 20. All n...i.,- i K'n IMTiMlltl'tn CATARRH et the BLADDER it. Sacaunt Eirli Ctpul Wtrl ttnxt DAlLT rTKWl THE PAGR THRF.F uil&eif 1 L- II FUNERAL OF LATE Local and Personal Commodore MRS. A, H PHILLIPS Or Jtxtstojvaanoi ... Gin you will Puribjfbrovtr'- ask tor again Supplies Many Friends at Well as Lodge H.C. Undertakers. Phone? 41. Cafe Members Attended Service at Un(ted Church this irjr;.' alciitin Dalrv. Phone Afternoon 057. K- If THIRD AVENUE The Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. Ilrcakfast, Lunches, Afternoon 'lean. Dinners and after Theatre Itefreshmcnts Our Specialty U Home Made Ice Cream and Confectionery. Wholesale or Helail. You will be pleased with our service. Let us please you. K1LLAS&CHRIST0PHER Phone 17 Two cars at your service Sneddon Taxi. Phone 1 31. If Ten Singer drupliead sewing machines for ale cheap. A. Mac kenzie Furniture House. 238 The Canadian luilihut hoal H.W., Capt. AVtetc, entered dry-dock, today for engine overhaul. Mrs. Andrew of Stewart, sistei of ti. A. CloUiier of Prince Hu- pi-ri, arrived in the city from the north on the Uardena this morn ing. The Liberal committee room. L-orner Second Aye, and Fourth Street, next (o the Walker's Music lore are open every afternoon and evening". 251 Mr. It. It. Stimicr sail ttii afternoon on the Card en a for Vancouver where be will enjrn'fcc. an oiK-rator for liie Paritienue Heauty Shop here. C.P.ft. itteaiiier l'j-htce Mary, lapt. Arthur Slater, .outhli'owu.lj from Alaka port to Vancouver, i due in port this evening. John Owen and Anton Taifvik wiM go KoUlti from here ou the veiil. Hester Dick and Louise 13- witt, llaieltoa Indian girls, were fount! ituillv in lh ettv imlirc J. Frank Hnece. manager of Ihe L. and L. SUn, and Harry Howson, Hianatr-atf J he Sun- siin' group, are niinfhg men of Stewart in the : city this afternoon aboard the Cardeita on their way soutli to yancouver. Dirk I-jlvar of Snnnyshle was committed for trial; by Indiar. Aarent W. k. Collisoif in the pro-vinrial police court yesterday m a charge of thefl from the person of Mrs. Phillip Douglas of $100. He will come up for election before Judge Youns in a day or so. C. Price Green of .Montreal, bend of the colonization department, and 11. C. W. Lett, coloivizalion a pent of Krimonton, are visitors in t lie city having arrived from the iStil on lasl night's train. Ilefoje returning East they wil TVrraco and other points in this district. ,l Ial week's meeting of the city council a request was received from Mis. Ada (5. Mcllae through W. S. Fistier that she be allowed to purchase tax sale lot 03, block 3t, .-CAtiou I, for lMMorc tins, tot went to lax sale, Mrs. .MolUip held an half interest did not do. ,n night Ihe council adopted n report from tin- fiiianfe'coiniiiitlee that the lot be transferred back lu Its former owners, providing each paid (heir portion 6t taxes against the property. On October 15 and ill I fie C.N H. radio broadcasting station a!!"ulUM' Vaneuuvef, GNHV. will broadcast I bo ceremonies in Connection with the formal opening , of the new I'niyersity of H.U. at point SI Anilr..vv, l.n.llnH' Anxitinrv i ' f '" l"1' conierrinjr Ol 11011- ii,.,,.,. iwpii.i. ? r" tl'-grees. The limes will, Liilliei'iin Church Ladies' Aid i be-from 1:30 to l;30. Furtfier ceremonies will ho broadcasted 1 nday evening from 8 to 0.30. Speakers will include Sir (.rtlntr Currie, president of ,Mc (Gill University Hon. W. C. Nie-hol, lieutenant governor of H.C., 'Hon. John Oliver, Hon. Dr. W. II. J Sutherland, Hon. Dr. J. D. Mc-, l.enn and lie. Suzzallo, president ;of (lie Uniin'-tiy of I'ouowin? an unpreoivc anui colciiin crvice in the United! Alex. Yule. Mr. and Mrs. II. ' Smith ami Miss Hazel Smith, Prince HuneM Music Store, Mr arid Mrs. F. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs L'uger, Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Ilice j r. ami Jirs. u. it. l'lace. .mi Crato.Mr. tnd Mrs. S. Alexander. 'Mr. and Mrs. Dickens and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hallberg, Mr and. Mrs. J. W. Hard, Mr. and Mrs.'H. Gauthrom, Mr. and Mr W. Gilchrist, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Nickerson Co. City Transfer, Mr. and Mrs. P .1. Hyan, Mr. and Mrs. I.yb Wilson, Mr: and Mrs. M. P. Me Caffery. Mr. and Mrs. 11. J. Foss. Mr. an. I Mrs. J. Worobec, Mr. ami Mrs. Arthur Silversides. Mr. ami Mrs. Andy Nelson, Mr. ,-aint Mrs. O. .V.tJolirtson.'Mr. atldfMrs. onlercd to leave town before!" - "r " Wednesday noon. ii Church which wait conducted by llev. G. G. Hacker and which wax al tended by a large concourse of mourning friends of the deceased as well as members' of the Mooscheart Ladies' Legion and of the Oddfellows In a body, the remains of the late Mrs. A. It. Phillips were interred this afternoon in Fairview Cemetery. Ilev. O. O. Hacker delivered a touching funeral address and Hie hymns were "Nearer My God to Thee" and "Lead Kindly Light." A. J. Lancaster presiding at the organ. J,aJies or ttie .Moose-heart Legion conducted the bur ial service at Fairview Cemetery; Mrs. Alf. Chrisliausen, senior re gent, officiating assisted by Mrs. Charles Kdwards, chaplain, and Mrs. Fred Scadden, past regent. The pallbearers were S. V. Cox, A. J. Galland, Jack'McIntosh, W. Ilance, L. II. Parry and Joe Slag-gard. There were many floral trib utes including pieces from Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Iliggart, Mr. and Mrs. llobert Gordon, K. Kmaile Sid Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. W II. Sliortridze, Mr. and Mr?. W. Goodrick, Mr. and Mrs. A. O Franks, Ser?eanl and Mrs. Hugh McGllnchy, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cam eron, Mr. and Mrs. 11. M. Hale, jMuuro, Mf- ar.d Mrs. Max llcil- broner. Winnie Watts, Indian, va found guilly in the city police court this morning on a charge of intoxication and was remand ed until this afternoon for sentence. Union steamer Cardena, Capl. A. K. Dickson, arrived at It o'clock this morning from Stewart, Auyox and Alico Arm ami will ?all at 5 o'clock this afternoon for Vancouver and wayorls Passengers hooked to sail from here to Vancouver on the vcsmM include Mrs. A. Stone, A. A. Cox. .1. A. Hinton and Mrs. H. It. Skinner. A WORD TO THE WISE. "Did your last employer gie you a reference?" "Ye. hut it doesn't seem to be any good." "What did he say?" "He said I was one of I lie best men Ins firm had ever turned out. 'The Victorian. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert (ieorge McAfee, Georgetown: It. .1. Markland, C.N.It.; Mrs. undivided half intere In it aiM!Walklniid and Mrs. I.. Labb.e of was willing in nav: her taxes """inner; t.. .urn. i.eisuman oi which Ihe pany holding the oilier loi.t'ito; K. F. Fountain. C. II. lloskins. M. Koenigsberg. M. It. Shakespeare. P. Wallis, II. God-! ley, F. Holmes, T. Garrett ot .Vancouver; C. Price Green of. Montreal; It. C. W. Lett of F.d-i moot on; It. Gibson or PorJ Ks-I sington; Mrs. Noon an of Telkwa,! Mrs. F. W. Hohler and son of Terrace; A .1.. Iloltby of Princ : ,. Skelhorue of Auyox. Central S. Shefsky, J. L. McF.wen ami F. Duggan of the C.N.It. : C.! Johnson, city. I i7evv5hoej 2n1 ShocPblish Make old 3 hoe loo Ilk NC i m . m m Gin safari nil Ll the bottle ii L This advertisenicnt is not published or displuyed by the Liquor Coalrol Iloanl or by the Government of INTRODUCING PARKE DAVIS & CO.'S TOILET CREAMS The first fifty purchasers of two of any of the following artrties will be presented with one free. 1MJ. Co. Tooth Paste, very large lube . . 50c 1.D. & Co. Cold Cream for massage and as u skin cleanser 50c P. I J. & Co. Vanishing Creanva grcaseless cream that rubs into the skin ami disappears quickly ... 50c IU. & Co. Almond Cream for chapped hands and roughness of the skin 50c I'.I). &; Co. Shaving Cream, a germicidal Shaving Soap. big lube, five mouths of daily shaves 50c Ormes Limited The Rexall Store. The Pioneer Druggists 3rd Avenue and 0 ti Street We are Supporting the Gyro Carnival, Oct. 12th and 13th. Ruffles! Ruffles! Ruffle Curtains are the very latest in window decorations; ' we have a wide range of patterns and colors in stock; your choice, from $;.45 to $5.75 per pair Wo aro supporting Gyro Carnival BARRIE S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. Phone 123. "Oh, I Hate to Get Up in the Morning" Sang Ilurry Lauder, and on washday mortmig yuu probably feet like singing the same thing. So why not end thai ancient drudgery to-day? THRIF-T service Just call for our THM1FT-T SKUYICK winch will do every bit of tlio washing and iron the flat work too. Willi ihe wash out of wash day that " hale to get up in the morning" feeling will be gone for good ami all. THRIFT-T SERVICE. 5c a lb. and 1c a piece. Minimum Charge $1.00. CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY Phone 8. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door to Krizzell Butcher Shop, across from the Kmpress Hotel We curry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES .SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION Jamet ZarellJ Proprietor