W "Set i Paok two 73 i OAILV HlTrVB MondAr, October 5, 1035. Fragrant and Pure I! SALAM DAILY EDITION Not Easy Matter To Divert Trade. II HKtt is kept deliciously fresh in air-tight aluminum foil packets. Never sold in bulk. Try it. The Daily News PRINCK RUPEIIT - BH1TJSH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Hupert Daily New., Limited, Third Avenue. H. P. PULLKN, Managing Editor. Monday, -October 5, 1925. To the man on the street who has had no experience with sticn mailers it may seem an easy matter to bring business through n new port. To those who know how tenaciously the big business interests cling to what they have it is not surpris ing that it takes years to get that share of business which pro perly neiongs tins way. The owners or Ihe elevators at Fori William are all anxious to fill them and often the owners of the elevalors are the grain dealers. The railways co-operate with them and especially the American roads that stand to benefit from the carrying of 'the grain to American ports. The interests at those ports alo have something to say in the matter. Everywhere there is opposition to a change of route and this has to be gradually overcome b promulgation of the truth regarding the West. Prince Hupert will have to do her share in Ihe campaign to bring grain west She will have to fight every inch of the way as she has done in the past. AI is the history of all new jplares Among other things she will have to fight the apathy and self-interest of her ovn citizens who either are not enthusiastic for the growth of the city or Who knock her on every possible occasion. Need Of Road To Elevator. A road to the elevator is badly needed. It is one of those expenses which comes with the extension of industry. It cannot be held back. If ships tie up at he. levator andVaut supplies, it would be an unthinkable situation for Ihe supplies to have to be sent there by the water route and for the captain or memncrs 01 me crew not to tie awe to take, a taxi to or from Ihe city. It is also to be presumed that Jural people may want to purchase screenings from the elevator and would haul it away in trucks. With the elevator i ti ' operation there will .be..con-staiit busincss !for trucks drays .and cars, to and fro and the-road will be badly needed. The government is doing its part and the city and railway company will doublless Ho theirs quickly. At the board of trade meeting Friday night F. fi. Dawson said the city and the railway company were Negotiating with -a view to building the road. Are We Ready , For An Elevator? According to a report of a speech made by fieorge Biishby, Conservative candidate at Smithefs, Prince-Hiipcrl is not ready for an elevator, and further the elevator was not conceived with the idea of helping the Hulklcy Valley or Prince Rupert. Mr. Husliby has not lived long in Prince Hupert and can be excused if he does not realize how. long Prince Hupert has been after that same elevator which he thinks is prematurely erected here. He is a new-comer and does not understand how we feel about it. lie does not know thai J red Stork was elected four years ago for Ihe express purpose of gelling thai elevator and though some people .then doubted his ability to make good, he brought the desired result after years of strenuous effort. It was one of the first fruits of the Liberal regime and as such recognized -by the people uf Prince Hupert. Progressive Attitude Toward The El valor. hue some of the Progressives favored the building of the elevator here, there was a large section of that parly that was liatr-nearleil and even opposed, to it and had it not been for the solid Liberal support nnd-for Ihe continuous prodding of t red Stork, there would still have been nothing but a prospect where vi now nave the real thing. The elevator is the one, thing tangible, obtained from the Canadian parliament tihdlhfrmnri who gojf i;is'or,lljivpf fur ther support in order that lie may continue to serve the con-sliluency in the future as he hasvlone in the past. He has made gooil and should be continued as uur representative. From Pay Envelope to Dividend Cheque laid by In youth U worth double the MONEY savings o! middle age. Many a rich man today bought the right to his dividends wdth the savinp he made once out ol his pay envelope. Anyone with determination can do the same. Th mtn who Hvn li iK mtn 4th nontf. Th Royal Bank . of Canada Piince Rupert Branch F. E. Robertson, Manager 21s Scale of Elevator Charges to be in Force Here as Set by the Board of Grain Commissioners TJie Prince Hupert Hoard of Trade has received the scale of charges to he in force a( the Prince Hupert under the HoarL.of (iraiu Commissioners. These, are the same as those charged at Vancouver and wilt place this port on' an eipial footing with other Canadian ports. The scale was .submitted at the Hoard of Trade meeting Friday evening but not rend as it is rather technical and long. It follows: ' ami conditions and under Hie provisions of the Canada drain Act, 11125, and amendments thereto. Elevator Charges On slraighl grade gram not otherwise specified, receiving, elevating, storing spouting, in- rying a dockage afler deducting hair or one per cent of the gross weight of the car for waste, a return will be made ror the bal ance or the, screenings, which said return shall be in the form or a warehouse receipt. On rye and flax carrying a dockage, after deducting one per cent of the gross weight or the car ror waste and outward dockage a return will be made ror the balance oT the screenings, which said return shall be in the form of a warehouse receipt. If disposition of screenings covered by outstanding returns js pol received within thirty (30), days from the date of unloading, they may be disposed or ror ac-connl or whom il may concern. Cleaning Charges AH wheal requiring cleaning will he cleaned and on that carrying a return ol screetiinps n obovc provided there will tie a cleaning charge as follow: 1 Up lo ami including 3 per cent, !ic per bushel. 2 3H to 5 per cent inclusive, He per bushel. 3 5 io in per font inclusive, tc per bushel. t Over 10 per cunt, I He per bushel. On wheat carrying a return of other grain or commercial value except riax ror the first separation computed on the gross weight of cars, an additional feparation charge or 1c per bushel. For each subsequent separa tion computed on balance t$c per sack will, he made lor un sacklng., Sacking Grain For sacking grain Ibo follow ing charges will be made: as lo this. Sacks ami twine to be furnished by shipper or supplied at his jexpense. stencilling be made for stencilling Preparing Cars for Loading When paper is used in loading cars there will be a charge of 1.00 for each car. ish Columbia succeelin the late for Archbishop F. H. I)u Yemet of separation, a further charge of 1'rince Hupert who was elected lo per bushel. to the oWcc in 1915, On wheat, carrying a return of The election or a bishoo ror the riax ror rirs.l separation, an ad- see of Caledonia will not likely THANKSGIVING SERVICES HELD Special Worship Conducted at all Services at Anglican Church Yesterday Special Harvesi Thanksgiving' services were held yesterday In) St. Andrew's Anglican Church. Appropriate sermons were de-j livered morning and evening hy' Archdeacon II. ,. Hix. Jn the Suhjeel to the capacity of me, the gross weight of the ear, an miirnitKr t iri4..,i ,.riinuiriv elevator and the nature of its additional separation charge of tc Hie necessity of proper sowing if .... , 4 .-.,,. , ,fl ,-,,, , 1101111111111 ami graiuyiiiK liarvcsis eetveil on the following terms eiarntion eomimled on balance 'u-pr to lie r..n.,l in n. in. ror separation a rurtlier charge iWi Areluleiteon HU referred to or tc per bushel. tli natural potentialities or Ilril- Drylng Charges 1 Columbia whose resources On tough grain, 3 c per bushel. 'compared more than favorably On damp or wet grain, 5o per wHh Ihe resl of Hie world. Peo-bushel. pb of this country had much , Invisible Loss treason lo he Ihankrut and they On all grain received with no sinnil.l endeavor not nnlv in suraiice against fire for the first doskaae set for cleaning deduc- make the besl use of-those na-15 ilays, tc per bushel. I lions from the gross weight of turn! resources but to establish On lough grain, receiving, ele- oaci. car . P0VI,r invisible loss a worth v standard nf lifn num. vating. storing, spouting, insnr- shrinkage in handling will nieiisurnlc with the natural ad- fire ror Ihe first 15 ano- against i,,, ma,t as follows: days, tc per bushel. j Oa damp or wet grain, receiving, elevating, storing, spouting,' insurance against fire for the first ID days, tc per bushel. All lough, damp, wet, con-j stored under the terms and conditions applied to straight grade port On mixed grain handled sufji, receiving, elevating, storing, spouting, insurance against fire for the first 15 days, tc per hundred pounds. On screenings, receiving, ele vating, storing, spouting, in surance against fire for the first to days, 3c per hundred pounds. Storage Charges On straight grade pram not otherwise specified, including surceeiiing nay or part tpercot After Ihe first 15 days, l-30c per bushel. "On mixed grain handled as such, storage including insur ance against fire for eauli suc ceeding day or part thereof after1 the first fifteen days, 2-30o per hundred pounds. Ott screenings, slorage includ ing insurance against fire for each succeeding day or part thereof after the first 15 days, I -10c per one hundred pounds. Screenings On wheat, oals or barley car Wheat 30 pounds Oals , ... 50 pounds Barley 50 pounds Flax l0 pounds Hye ... ... ... 0 pounds On all rye and flax received ueinnr.i, neaie.i, neauufr, or nre..ju, dockage set for cleaning burnt erain may always be re-; f,.iuctIons Jriiin .the gross weight fused. U received and stored, itlof ,acn car ,0 eov,.r invisible loss will be handled at the owner's aml sbrinkage in bundling will risk of-deterioration and under) bl, maiJc as f0ows: special contract except that! ilv,. ao IKmiu., tough grain will be received and Max GO pounds Charges AH charges for cleaning, dry- vantages of the land. The anthem "Ye Shall Dwell in Ihe Land" was sung effectively by the choir at both serviced. Herbert Collison was bass soloist and the soprano solo pans Were taken by Misses Ilorothv and Pele . Tremayiie and Miss Klanda Marsh. W. H. KMierwas choir leader and Miss L. M. El-letl. (irjanisl. In Ihe afternoon there was a children's Thanksgiving service at which Ihe address was given by Hev. Walter Allen. There were large attendance- grain ami which provisions Willi Jn 0,ier treat,m.n hall be at alt services and Ihe decora be included In the special pro-.t,om,,ult., on gros weight, forUoiis which had been arranged visions made for 1'acirio l.oast. Pj,.Va1ion and storage on nelt hy Mrs. Itn weights, all changes accruing nf-irnvol'u'de comment a,ler issue or initial completed out turn ami expense bill will folluw the grain. All charges whatsoever must be paid before shipment. Bulkheads On bulkheads. for their removal and other additional expense in handling and unloading cars 85.no for each bulkhead. Unsacklng Grain When grain is received in insurance against fire for each!,ack, for ..Ration a charge' of were the subject of INCORPORATION OF . LUTHERAN CHURCH Local Congregation Decides to; Come Under Provincial Act Building Next Year Is Planned At a meet in;; or the congregation or St. Paul's Lulheran Church afler the evening service last night it was decided, on monlion or t tie congregational secretary, John Dybhavn, seconded by C. ti. 11. Anderson, lo make application ror incorporation of I He per bushel oh sacks not,1(. churrU un,,,,f n,p ,,.(,.(.,, exceeding 123 lbs. 2c er busbel go sacks not exceeding ICO lbs. 2 He per bushel on sacks not exceeding 220 lbs. Kor sacking screenings a; charge or 10c ror sacking will be made. Sacking or screenings will be Society's Act Hev. P. K. IlaUler, paslor, who presided, spoke or Hie rhurrh building rund, staling thai Hp-plication had been made for a loan so that Ihe building may be proceeded with as soon us possible. The church is to be erect, ed at the comer or Sixth Avenue done, only when conditions war- and Ounsnuiir Slreet and it i rant il ami the Superintendent or hoped to have construction under the elevator will bo the sole judge; way next year. IN THE SUPRtMt COURT OF COLUMBIA. BRITISH fitlweril Airrrd W. CUrkr. I'Ulntirr. Alwl TruiiiUr Itntirrliutn krr. Ix-rrn.Uiit "i .10111:1; iiui an 11-tion rmiunriirpu ivnnl rotl liv ilu .h.... A change or V,c per sack will X tsVrZnZX Mfc liuclc Ixtwi-i-n Jim and u i-iaintlfr m tilt rrrprrt lo (lie m ami pmrliaw r l.ni j-me.il (if. . morn Ibrrr 13 .. Srrthnii I KID it . Clijr .r I'rlnre liutrl. Van1 VU. hlrh all AtrfHiirnt dated T,uk y'V'K ! r n ord-r -rL- III lilt lllltKir Jllllp. iuin .!.., , K.I UnspeciHed grain will only ,flJri",r,r-.'" ' f ' 1'""" "Mt P!flMIIHI f Ihlt Millrti ....i! ..1 .1 .-.7 . I . i t m a received, shyd. aipl lVcated nub ject !,' )shM ciafgqs to be agrej jippij ifjo. Xi'e t 'subject to Ho approV-af o'f'J'ni', Hoard or f!rain noniniisioners. Ajipnived liy the Itoard ofj tSrain nontinissioners ror Canada sgd. r. j. hathhom:, Secretary. BISHOP DiTpENCIEr" IS NOW ARCHBISHOP II.'... IIIHTP a MM-k fr.r fiuir .W .l..li '? .'"ifsl rsl ami aurrirltHil arrrlrn ir llw Wrll ut SmmiMHK In IliU artlon uim fin; a furllwr .irrt. rt-1 mat tua tlHK- rr riilrrluc an ariifararia liy yu in iiw i r smimirtcn lit ilu. ilhln thirir iUy aflr tlw latt imtillralUni if nurli iHillrr. IF It In yiiur IntMitliin in ilrfi.,.,1 11.1J urilun y,ni iil liavf ii mtrr an aiiar. anri in ih nrrUlrjr orriri or thu nn. mrabli rirl al lh r.mirl IIimi. rrlnrf lllltwrl. IIC In llu U'MI ..r a. herein mllliln Ihlrlr davi i.r il- i..t rtiblirau4i, oilwrwlw ilw flalnlirf mar iirrrin. iSjTEr' ,h" ,4,h 1,jr nf 'P'"'br. M. OONZUKS. , . Si.llelior for flalnlirf. -n - T0: Trmplar Rntirtin krr. fWmdnnl. Succeeds Late Archbishop F, H. land act n.. U.1....111.. .. .. ... wu oini;k. as, inoirupuiiwn . noiita er Inlanllan ta Apal la Purehaaa of Brltlth Columbia Itighl Ilev. A. U. I) Pencier, Hisbop of Westminster, wn chosen aVclililshop of the ecclesiastical diocese of Hritish Columbia last Tuesday at a meeting of the Provincial House of Hisbop in Kamloops. Arch, bishop )e Peneier thus becomes the .second metropolitan of llril Ln In thi Land tlrvnrittiir IXdrlrl or Mitra llyr and aituale nn lur rail Crrk wbirh iiiiwi inn tlif Kruall tilvrr alxiiii 11 inilra In. 111 numth ...TtAkf .N"T,rE I'rlnre lliirrl snrurt Mill, l-linllrd, or ItIiiik liuirl. iirrutia-n, nianurarlurrra. Inirnda tu "I'l-ij i.r mi.. 11,11 10 purrnae ihe rol-lnwlnr dc.rrllMNl land: Commrnrma- at a mi planted atmiil 10 rhalna iinrltirrl from ih miuIIhwhI ror-nir of tii Ml. tiantr f,,ur: thmrt 40 rhalna nnrtliFrly; IhMM-e u rhalna ealrr-ly; ttw 40 rhalna milhrrly- ttwnr 40 lialna wwlrrly in nolnl or ruiiimmrp-ineni, and roniaiiiinar teo arrea, more or If. rnwcE nt'iTtiT srta'r.K miii.s. UMITEII. Aririllf.nl Pr fi. r. niff. rrnl nid nriii ath tti LAND ACT. Titi V,"3.J1."'"1 r,'r"' "t Calf. " " ii.'in.r. iiibi I. f-.nnniii .unii dilionnl aeimrnlinir rli.ircrn rnm: lu 111:1, li. fH II... i,i.n..nl ,u H,., rn.,.,'t -nf .:v,w. Vork. fl.Y., U.S.A.. orru. ..; , " , : . " . ' V". r-1""'" paiion nrokrr. liilr-ml 10 trndy fnr i. ...it . . Mi(.-u 11 11 k n 1.1 i r 111, ui cars enuowiiieill ior Hie lilxlionriO IS ""J "t"nJ ."' l"ircna.M ine rollowlnt da of 2c per bushel. jnol conisdered sufricicnt toj c.iim,rn.'inr ai a not pimifd aiK.m tn Kor each subsequent separa- maintain the orrice,. Meanwhile "in,.""i,Li,1' ""'"i''ini on tii i lion compuled on balance foriArrhblxhop l)e pcncler will al ' vnit.m tHiumiary iini'", ?J sennralion. a rurlher chnrse orwis bishoii for the dinee.. lt la TZSJ -..V'TI' i'nVJ' nwmai lc per bushel. On riax carrying a return or Jnow on ta lour or the diocese and ilVT1. "if Unr'' "f Tairuli lll bo m l'rlnee llunert Mr lliM.tl'XnLrriXt other raln or commercial value. ordination or Ilev. Waller Allen I for first separation computed on'ncxl Sunday. .1.11 in. r. I aiM rUTTFM, D.td AUfu.t totb.,;r;ii,.,jw"on' r 1 1 . i rlnmpiunrd 7nmid and HUNGRY, Wjotlwrk A hot, well made cup of delicious BAKER'S COCOA will appease these keen appetites and also provide considerable nutrition. Dr. Louis Fischer, former instructor in Div - eases of Children at the New York Post X? Graduate Medical School and Hospiul, luts ' . 1 r 1 1 t 1" cucoi in uici icc scnout cnuurcn. WALTER BAKER & CO. Limited rsTAHJ&mo i?w DORcrasm. mass. CANADIAN MILLS AT MONTR LAL Jkokt of Choice RrifJ tent free NEW -:- SEASON'S Fancy Frozen Bait $25.00 Per Ton The Finest Obtainable on the Coast Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., i& PRINCE RUPERT, B.C Sportsmen! Wc arc He (dip; (i ter r SporLng (ioods of all kmih e 1 rcv the famous WESTERN SUPER "X" LONQ RANQE SHOT 8HELL8 See us for Hand Logger s Supplier liilrfirit Jack and Parts (alde Axes- -Maws. etc. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 714 Second Avenue Phone. 143 TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Qr. 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. LAND ACT. Nolle l Inlanllon U Appla to Laaaa Larta vuii,.iuiii( ib arrrn-ninrr or lf. Et'or.K it. sixrsox WHrsm ti.lxl ln aa,, ,t LAND ACT. Nolle of Inlantlon to Apply U Pvrohaa In the Land firrorninr lilitrlri of fnnro IliilH-rl. and lwin- a tMirllnn of Uit .NOTICK mat rrlurin Mmltrd -TAKi: or I'rlnre lliiprrl, ll.C, inrrrlianK, intriKl il'l'iy f'r priiiiioiiin 10 , ' piirrhan ilw billimlnr dnarrllH'd lamia i:.i.nirnrlnic at a pl.nlrd It Hi nnrUii'iM romr of tut iwrmr-rour (ti . ". tir (). Con it Dl'trlrt; Uinir aontii tnirif-iwo rhalna: thfnre y,rtt forty rhalni ihrnr norlh rlirlil rhalna, niirlhraal alour lilh water mark In point or commnin iiu nt, and ronialnlnt r (ihiy 0) irrn, more or Iraa. rillZZEl.t.'fl UMITH), UlU.4 Auiu.l Utu. 9llP",r,n, I iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Night Phones 687 530 Qr. 601 Black 735 in rrnur nuiri Land li. .nlln t litntricl IN or DrltKh Cnlunilila. and ilium it Myn lloirit the mouth of Matartl InM, Al 1. 4 ITirS. If H VIS lifr of Indian Kcarrte .in. ow, Oraham lland. TAKK NOTICE thai I, r.uttn II. simp- (III. Of Mll.rll llrlll.h r..l,....hl. ....... Him parkrr, inirnda 10 ipply fur 1 ,'4e vi ih- iiiiiiihiiih iirtrrnira latidc Cfimiiirnrlng at 1 pnt plamrd ilxim limn. iMirin irum inr noniiMil mrniT of Indian lifwrve Xn, On, nraliam Inland. Ilirnif nortlirrly ) rhalna In lim ,.r Ihrnra follow ln low watrr mark 11) rhalna In 1 wrMcrly dirccllun; ihrnro amilhrrly 1 rhalna; thrnr railrrly leo rhalnj. lo point nf mnimrnrrmrnl, and Learns I Something j!W8Mr Mrs. Dats of Vnucoioer has rend about Pact He .Milk for several year, but somehow rould not overcome an Old Country prejudice until her mother told her what a surprise she hail -when sh tried a cake with It. Mrs. Havls has roine lo pse Paolfle. Milk for practically all her cookiiiit. We alue friends who are bard lo convince. Pacific Milk Co. Limited Head Office, Vancouver Factorless Ladner and bbotsford, B.C.