pacis roua Bread Mg, wholosome nulriti-ous loavfrs or delicious nutlike flavor, downy lightness and excellent keeping qual-ilies. FiveRoses Flour Tor Breads, Cakes, Puddings, Pastries John L. Christie 1 Agent Phone 534 I wish I knew "I wish I knew what to put on these floors!" So often you hoar that remark, It is only because those peo-pie who make it, have had their fill of waxes, oils and cheap varnishes. The man or woman who has used the right floor varnish has no floor troubles. Try CI Floor Varnish next time, we guarantee it to give satisfaction. Sold only by Kaien Hardware Co. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and t DRY CLEANERS The Laundry of Personal Service, Phone No. 8. Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrlft-T-Servlce, Soft Finish, And Dry Cleaning. Wc arc ready at any time to receive your phone call, to take your instructions, to lake personal charge of your Laundry and Dry Cleaning. New Fall Coats DRESSES and MILLINERY "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 ord Cars NEW AND USED Kasy Terms if desired. SPECIAL BARGAINS for the balance of September. S. E. Parker Ltd. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 61. Cartage, Warehousing-, and Olstributing, Team or Motor Borvlce. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Plane and furniture Kovlnn. lilt- l-1 . . I v.. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus I I nE'',Vl CorSEME- THIN I I WELL Who" ARE 1 i I I I"" j! HEOOCMTTORPU. rv,. w. N' SEE NR. H I I I ' VJ I If" a ' ll I ww l -M WANT J I I . " I II I " l UJHMKin ' U I I I I I II Mil" .... WAS REOPENED Church Crowded! to the Doors at Evening Service When W. J. Parsons Preached SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY Building Completely Redecorate . i i . . ana now looks Line new Edifice Yeslenlay marked the reonen- ing or Hie tniloil Church in scholars and a naxeant bv the Canadian (iirls in Training were special features. Frank Dorrv. Jr. showed splendid talent in his; recitations. The training of thei scholars had been ably carried i out by Mrs. Alfred Plant, Miss I. Haddock and Earl Darrie. Clif ford Cameron was pianist. The church was crowded to the doors for the evening service. Rev. . J. Parsons of Terrace was the sneaker and he delight ed his audience with the subject: "A Man's life consislcth not in the abundance of the things which he nossesselh." Mr. Parsons Is not a stranger in Prince Ru pert and his messages are al ways appreciated. The audience was delighted with the solos of Miss Allele Advarit of London, England, who sang for the first time in public! ih Prince Rupert. Her voice is sweet and powerful, showing signs of perfect training. The. flimf nt 111 A-..,!l1lrnh Jnla'ti. did assistance tinder the leader.' shipship of A. J. Lancaster. Flora! Decorations There was a bountiful siinnlv of beautiful flowers used in the decorations. The flowers came unsolicled from the gardens of friends of the church. Several improvements in the interior of the church were noted. These included the reconr slruction of the platform and ll. ,!;.. ; .. . Silversides Ilros. were respon sible for Ihe entire decorative scheme which was carried out. PICNIC HELD AT LEWISjSD. RANCH Party From Here Goes South on "Oh Baby" and Returns by Moonlight A narl,v nf some twonlv vonnir his holidays at the Lambly ranch, arcpnrpanicil by Mr. Lambly baggeil a fine black bear on l'itt Island last week. The earrass weighed around 50.0 pounds and the hide was particularly good. The picnic parly returned home at 10.30 o'clock last nicht "after-enjoying the beauties of an meal moonlight trip. PROGRAMS RENDERED BY RADIO STATIONS redecorated. The exlerinr wa'&ram commencing at 8 lhe also repainted and, as (ho build ing is a very substantial one. il now looks like a new church. At the morning service. Rev. Kvan Haker of Kingston. Onl.. preached a strong and clear-cut sermon on the text: "Men Cannot Live by Ilrpad Alone." lr. Mak er's message was greatly apprec iated. I he choir rendered the cantata "The Magnificat." v . Rally Day It was Rally Day in the afler- noon in the Sunday School, 125 scholars beinp present and some fifty visitors. The program' was I impressive and well-rendered. fercnl kinds of truth al election (ines. SOME people think If they buy n gun licence it ffivrs llicm the right to "do anything. I WENT out after deer, my dear. I tramped from morn till night Hut of he game I went to seci I never caught a sight. TALK IS the stock in trade of I ho politician. I MET a candidate one day; I thought is was absurd; He went all o'er the counlrysido And never said a word. ONE of I he things that does not get you anywheVo is trying lo get a dyed in the wool Tory to void Liberal, ANOTIIEn thing that does not ge you anywhere Is Iryi'ng To inuuee ai) ojij school Opt .o .vole lory. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Runert A. F. Mitchell, K. Carlisle ind I . . Uinerliill, victoria; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cartliew. C. A. Rogers. J. McRae. J. M. Rolslon. J. Doug las Wilson .Mr, and Mrs. D. Eric Treherne. W. Longfellow. 11. M. (McLeod, I.MCI. J. C. Higham, Mr, and .. .. . Mrs. A. J-arrow and family. 0. E . . . W lllifirnB nn.l II II llrivlfldnn Vancouver; J. A. Maharg, Moose Jaw; C, D. Howe, Port Arthur. J Macdougall, Nelson; A. 0. Sny-dam. San Francisco: A. Onon. s)iaw, Cijlgary; C. W. Mchclyey eniura, ua.; .1. Mayer, P Soskins' and C. Wnior, Smilli- ers; s N Christian, Port Edvard Alan W Edwards, , Toronlo; A Drown, Sunnysido; O. D. Leit Wrangell: A. D. Haillie. city: W )I. Manuel, prince Oeorge, Mr ni.ii.i and Mrs, ....' K. ... Wnzney, ...... iii.j, ..Tin Salvus; i, n , .u Mr . - pCMo wit Mie gut,. of'Jfrf and Mm. W. J. Parnnn, Torrace Lambly al a delightful pIcnicj.Mrs. Huckley Shapnon, Usk; V, in-m in in.- imiiiii; in uu paronis,' ii. liasey, i 01..WIW1, iewari; .Mrs. ll. Krlaml, Swnuson Hay; Mr. and Mrs. A. Olson. Ketchikan: F. S. Welch, Winnipeg; J. M. (iraham' and .1. I'ontluk, C.X.U.; II. Kirk. I land and M. S. Hose, Juneau; Captain Ucorge Ash, Skagway; J.I tirismer. Wallace, Idaho; C. -! Magee, Stewart. BOOTH SCHOOL TAKES LEAD JUNIOR LEAGUE Defeated Hlfjh School Saturday Afternoon In Best Played I uttiut) oi ooason Tomorrow evening at 8.30 the1 Canadian National radio station! The best nlaved and host .it at anrnuvcr will broadcast a tended Junior League football I'rince import and snecial ser-i Program liy Frederic, game so fac this season was vices rices were conducleil in ronnec-l Ki,,on an'' J,rs- Prank Kvanslplnyed on Saturday afternoon bo it il, ii . i .. made made shortlv iimriiv hfr.M before n. the final i Whistle by Jack Xeson from a corner kick h'y Harvey Orate. ; Nelson made iunumbar pi break- nlty was awarded against the High School in the second half. lorn helsey missing hv kicking over the bars. Jack Campbell was referee anil the linesmen were J. S. Wilsnn nnd Oeorgo Cochrane. The next game will he on Sat urday between I (onion Street and Hoolh School 1 lie league ,lnnding to dale l is as follows: W. L. D. PH. Hoolh School 13 10 High School .. 3 3 I 7 Horden Slreet... 3 i 0 C SPORT CHAT Two of Hie most important players in the World Series be tween Pillsburg Pirate anil Washington Senators opening on Wednesday of this week, will probably b "noose" Ooslin and Roger Pc.okf'nriniiclj i hrtllitn'r Mm SenairiNi "rlie hilting df 'dosnti. who carries a consistent stock nf home runs, threp baggers and singles, was a feature in the World Series last year and it is expected he will drive a number or runs over for the Senator' again this lime. As leH fielder for his loam, it is .;ilso expected that (lOslin will leave no holes in that position. Roger Peckin paugh, the Senators capabl shortstop, was Injured in the World Series last year bill his loam went through to viclorv without his services. His pre sence on the diamond this year should mean n good deal to the Senalnrs. Peck is not a noleil hitler but he may develop Into si poisonous slugger without noliro Willi his flixleen years' exnerl. once ho is a valuable unit in the Washington infield. The Hiizellon Dislrlct Rod Oun Club was organized .roconlly In III. I I m . , .,. I ,,,,.. . . the mm- Oiiiinccu wiiiinoca Iinlel nniei and and Hie Hie Mr. and Mrs. ll. E. Lam;by, Lewls;Hrown, Mlnneapols; Mrs. Ernest lowing officers were elected-Island. Island. The The trio trip wns was mmln mnde nn on the lln; Hlue. Itlnn llv.ln- llyder: Mr. and nn.l Mrs. n C. i I n i ...... . ... ' . ..' Lamlily launch "Oh Dahy" and splendid weather conditions pp1.- vaiieu. i no nay was luirmi y miiMlc nillNle nml. and, communlly enmiiiiinilv were much enjoyed. Jack Crane, who is spending I'.inos, Ketchikan. Central J. Hurkc, D. Macdonald nnd singing alritrln,r Fordham. .'...ll.n... Mall 11..11 Luoma. ....... J. 1 it Kurd castle, II. Halllfe, Joe Smilh am M. A. AUgurd, Vancouver; M Wanted For Sale For Rent which will include tenor Hoolh School OLD Artificial Tet Jlii"ht any ium wiiii me evenr. Aiier liav- sidos,,tween jmui"iui .., i, ,-vnui and auu uu- the High uin ing served the Congregation for so,'rano soIoS duets and piano .-nuui School and ami the me result n-sun was was a a vie- vie- 'selections. . Il uirj nr" for uir Hid ine inruier fnrinnr Ion loam tn hv a n IWUMKll JltllS CllltilLtJI 1 11 111 I was closed during the summer! '''"night KfiO at Oakland will and thoroughly overhauled and! broadcast an educational urn- course including addresses on eontlilion. Highest plie went ny score of one to nil. It was a holly contested match in which n good deal of good soccer talent was displayed. The good work health, physical cultuH-. niiblic of the half back lino of riootli speakiiug. selling, new books, School in defence was a feature and character analysis. although the forward line played Tuesday night there will be a cnergelically missing a number concert sent out by KOO Little nf scoring chances that came in Symphony Orchestra with Albert IhHr grasp. .The High School S. Onrliftli iiniilc!il (nf'iii...liv- hnvs iliil nil) aoum In lh wrilor and Wablemar Knglienr. fame slrhlo a8 they did in liie l...3n llfll lat nmlitl. match .t.ill. with 't.... THE MAN IN THE MOON ays: I he graduation of the Primary .ere must be a lot nf dif- liorden Street and also missed scoring chances. by relurn mail. R. Dunstan. P.O. Hox 310, Vanomiver, H.C. EstabUsheil thirty three year. WANTED. Furnish onl house or HELP WANTED. Stenographer. male or female. Mcllaa Ilros. Pros., Ltd. ?si WOMAN Wants Work by Ihe hour or day, ifi Third Avo. FOR SALE The only score of Ihe 7..Vi.. game was ,.nn x q., Ilnni? ,..,, room suttrs. beilroom suite. Chesterfield suites, ' ranges, stoves, bedl linen,- towel, window blinds, inlaid linoleum, and printed linoloumn, lounges, chairs. ChilTionieros, Dresners, Bedsteads, mnltressM and springs. Dining table?, kitchen tables, table- oilcloth. A. Mackenrie, Furniture House. Phono 775 FOR SALE. Columbia Ormno- phone with 70 records, mostly double and one genuine English concertina, Lachcnat A Co, make In oaie. for 1 10.00 Apply box 275 Dally ,ewa. FOR SALE. Five roomed mod ern boue with four lots and modern up-lo-dale greenhouse. Any ' rensnnnble offer considered. Phone Red 183. 232 END of Month Clean Out. 25 reduction on all cash sales. I'rince Rupert Exchange. Phone 652. HIrt Hargain In Sludebaker car, in first class condition. Apply Knox, IloJeL 235 MINK capo or sale, very reason- ahle price. Phone Hlack 33H. FOR SALE. Huffet and china cabinet. Phono 3U. If TO RENT FOR KENT. First class apart- meiit. Monarch range and water free, Clapp block. Wesl-enhavcr Hros. tf FOR RENT. Pianos, player pianos, phonographs and sewing machines. Walker's Music Store. if FOR RENT. Large modern roomy apartment with fireplace; close In. Apply Max Hoilbroncr. TO RENT. Furnished house keeping rooms. Phone IH or 81. If FOR RENT. Modern house, five rooms nnd hat h. Monro Hros. BOARD ,ii mi; innuur Hiwii. lucre was itnttm ti... i-i.... i n large attendance at the orgnni zallon meeljng which was held In fol Presldenl. James Turnbiill. Vice-President, ' C. W. Dawson Oow. fw.,(i. i in- iiii!iiiiii:r. 1 Hint tins grouse iiiuiiku season nt'iiniiii in ill future IlllUrO Secrelary ,, . ... treasurer, William not bo opened unlil September 15. The club is also for speni in exploring llie iioautles Pe erson, ci v; J. T. Alexander. II was doei.lel In .onnro ii . lo m ask nk of l,e island, and in .he evening, Denver; '.Mrs.' b. Fordha,,,. Mry Vl tnTZ llZ " ''"" "" wl. l, . ... . . . A .. J ii. r... 11, uu, nu ll'luuni'HWI AdENTS wanted in all parts of ILL. to sell (iehrke's Christmas cards, manufactured In Van eouver. Libera) commissions and exclusive districts, positively best enrds in Canada. They sell on sight. - Vrit (lehrke.'s Limited, 66fi Seymour St., Vancouver. 230 830 Second Avenue. Phono 137. HOARD nnd Room, or Hoard only Phone Red 707. In "' the city 1 police mi 11 11 court uiMiri this af- ,!,. Hons lo : the ,. Game Doard .. . asklni'lernoon . for intoxication. fbOVOUUOl HE JObT -N PMOriED THAT HE K ) maw-i've cot he ouo dvu -V atakakWKVV J.--V7 Hsrn fTsJBW H I Tvft JkiiU L U- I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW- .-, vamnHBF-- i U'.l rr d Om lu a -"iii.i r jzaaaaaaaaaaaaH I II II.-" ium "VO-X r V. I a "I 11 ' .,-, il iin i nl HI i" J Cnt Briniii ,h Myyt . I 9 3 O UNITED CHURCH DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c WANTS MISCELLANEOUS EX'SERVICE men .1:1.1 doiiendents interested in the fori lii'ommir addresses for particular of a nation u I inoveinenf to secure justice and' fair play by llie use of your ballot. Pie. t., win t Huilding, Vancouver, ilc. 130 LOST .OST.- Several sheels containing eilUen's signatures. Finder kindly return In Daily News office. 'j3 WOMEN'S HOSPITAL suite centrally local .il. Phono Surgical and oliioirleal - 3:':t5 eu f .tlllli .Weniie Wi KerrU dale , Vnni'ouver. II. C. Dr. Ernejt Hall. iiiorinlcndenl. CARPENTERS WHEN having your house rcpairr oil, see A. II. MacPhcrsun Phone mack 187. if CARS FOR SALE. I-IM0 Nash five passengnr louring 85fl 1-102 1 Overland Sedan 7U0 1-1922 Ford Sedan ,J$ I -I Ion Ford truck, panel body es75 I-11M8 McLaughlin light 6, Ia $250 I -Ford light delivery chasii rebuilt 1175 All ear giiaranieed in gnod mechanical condilion. Make your own terms. JKAIEN GARAGE I'onJ and Ctievrolet Service Station. Goodyear Tlnn, Has. Oil and Orensflsi. WRECKINtJ SKIICE DAY OR NIOIIT. Phone 52. KINDLING WOOD If All dry Irisfdo wood, kindling and blocks mixed, $6.00 per load dolivoresl. Oulsidf wood. H.50 per load delivered. Nurwe- ginn style Salt Alaska Herring in 30-lh. and Ko-lb. kegs, 10c per lb. ISAACSON Seal Cove. Phone Hlack 16 1 COLUMBIA RECORDS tVM Process Columbia Records no scratching. Finest reproductions of latest Fox Trots, Songs and Instrumental musio by world famed artists. Call in and hear them. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, Third Avenue CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baggage, Furniture Moving. If you wnnt anything sonl for, or delivered, phono us. P.O. Hox 699. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl-pre Store. Wo Huy. Bell and Fx. change New and Secondhand (loods, v GEO. PAPADOPULIS, 3 Third Ave. Phone fltn. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES ,,, Tuesday, October C. 1:06 a.m. lo.n n. , -15:50 p.m. 20.0 " I'lw 1 0 :0fi a.m. 6.0 ' 22 : in 11. in 1 -i Wednesday, October 7 High .... .'. 4:51 a.m. 17.6 fl. 16.11 p.m. IH.7 " Low 10: ii a.m. 8.0 " 23:26 p.m. fl.O " Thursday, Octobor 8 "lli v 5:5 a.m. 16.1 rt. 17:31 p.m. 1 7, j Low .. 11:31 a.m. u.i " TAXI Article Loit and Found, &c Tax 07 Phone (Call (ienrge. t. 1 . . . .. , ..v..M,-, 1 Paul nut or (,r oust iiiisi r erni ..eenon are mvtle.l lo'Speoial 0 and T passenger H-ude mail mail lher Ihe'r nnme names ami and n.l.l. I i.t.. .' " sinners a! your service day and nighv ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from Kmprr-N Hotel. MAIL SCHEDULE out-ooino. Tor li Vund). WmIiwhUm nut stiurd; i . . . T Vincouti Mlultl TlH-llMI ThuiMl Satuniaya In 1 4i 1 To Snisi, All( Arm, lUwtrl A ertmitr fUtMMM . T Prt llmtton NtM Nlnf lu. TlnirMtor i To SUikt eolnlt CJ'.I. Oficjiicr f. it im 10 T Qm CHarloll Ultnj rUl ItrUAn . it imM To lti n4 Allc Arm Vi,irtar To Sl(rl intf rftlt 4lvnla iN-coMimo. from lh ((t MotMltjr. WtoMH im m1. t i from ViiKur . sowim ... W4tooMt- io rrM) Slur4Js -U4n . tmd ia Ff A;oi, Allct Arm, Hmtr A lrlr Tu-itr . from Urt SlmBttxi ih4 Nt Klitr Salarrta) t from Alaita ealnta rtulirr 11 a Ml 11 from Quoon CMrloiu iU FolMa. rr.rr It Hd It from r4 Allco Arm , rmr4t a rrom Sltaart anal rfam! M A. A lib l. .. ill a. k fttiya ft. . in Ave, a TUnimmmi KM t 00 lllh ft hrfMi aim tto tllb A. k i:Mtra.l si . sin IU it Ar ft lllira Cm CJrrl ih Ar ft cotton m. Ilh AM. ft MrPfM SI rro. Oorl. tiMta rn. fbitl. Wharf O.T.P. Wharf i I 10 VII lo 11 10 1 t in I. II 10 00 (I. T. P. slallMi fii ki arwt mi at fCNt A, ft fmt St. .. to. to Int. Ave. ft I'uIimi si in it M. ft sin ,'M 1 1 Siiiar ... s DOX COLlCCTIOftt. s r m t in Tit T 40 Til : m T i " n 10 in tu .f I 30 a, 1.40 I 41 o 11 1 It " 4 " 4 . I " i I s . ; Si I tl 1.41 .o STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS For Vancautar "uiiiiai frino Hf.irio Tili-nlay ... Uritrtia . ThiirNlaj ... rrlrir, Imm rl Satiinla) . i itaia " I'rfnrr.a liralrlfo 'rl. is a. prlnoaa Mrv '11. II I'Mlu-... U.. From Vancauiar ShimIjv. .. l-.r,l.. WnlnrMay. 4. ftinr itiir lo io a m rrliby. aa. tulo an Htliinljy. aa, rrjlifo Owirire i'. I In aiuraay aa rtnn-a liralrim Or. 9--. Vrliirraa Vary "I. I'rlnrr.. Mary "'l. .1U . . Irllu-r.a Uari. For Port Slmpaon and Naai Rliar Trlilay .. Caiala From Port Slmpaon and Naaa Rlar Saliirilir at. ratal. For Alalia Ort. ft. an. Prlnrr.. Mary Oft. 10 . prlnrrM Mary Ort. SO aa. Orhiroi. M.rv From Alalia Ort, -. Prlnra Mary Oft. IJ aa. frlnrn.a XI. rv For Stawart, Anyoi and Allca Arm 11 prn. :. : III I" ii r.: 10 t tr 4 i n: i- ' r ti- pjn. am a in a tu a in. p.m. I in, am im i.m. a in. MMinay- -.. r.arili n. a n ,n From III wart, Aai and Alica Arm For Anroi VfilhiHlava-aa. Khir,.. n.... From Anyoi Tim r(l.i v aa. frinm n. ...... .. "I- I,.. c f in. For Slawart Satiinlava -aa. irin n... From Stawart Sismlayi- -aa. prince Oforirn . For Qutan Charlott Ulandi Orl. J aa. Prior Inlm. . . . Ort, 17- m. Prinrn John . . . Orl. 31 . I'rlnrf l)in . . . From Quatn Charlott lalanda Orl. It ia. Pfliir. j,.!,,. in tun s p.m. S .m S p.m, S Jijn. p.m. Oft. 90 oof rrlnco Jonn .. . . . . pjni