CANDIDATE 1 M M IS WITHDRAWN ? Liberal Retires In Cariboo In Fator of McBrlde, the K Mt M .D.H.HAYS DIES IN SOUTH : wan ri'ci-ived at the II. May. Cutiviiaiiy Jhi ' tiiilainiiiK the ad newn laud II. Hay had ut i the ditabled boat and rouirul her t. Itenaim were fee ed and the Tillie s. trot under ) aaaui. bol a the night of the Jtli. eneritu- trouble apain dew loped and lb' boat drifted on In a lee nhore. The crew got her) off. However, and when the rn-dine did set annul, il bark fired Oct. &. -HayowiMf ... i,rc to (he -iijiiiw room. '!. Liberal candidate. lir ?4. iank rftuaht and finally miaald at toe oi- ih,. bal blew up. The men were -nntei U rtdiRK nrk in thai only two were on their biair. ba wdli-;B,iart a the final ratanlmphe. an in the r..n!et l.aMiiiiIP ,unttby rould only hold tyo iwlwen'ii J. A. 'raer.Mn , .rn w we. would fn'. and I. fi. Mr-j ,,(rdlv bave awainoed had wa wliet4T the mufe4 or the aliiion wan put into the ran first to boil. were Rescued by Morrleon li uji iniooaoible to hike ti e. owing to the sleep- ' aa.n-iia. i Jiiirorniii. on " -;ni. of ltt, ,r, line and there o further detnlU wcrei t lltl,i,llia .u,. rr j ,t lo llavH li-'d in Prince Hurt iii'inhrr of var. FORESTRY CRUISER TO BE NAMED AFTER MAN WHO LOST LIFE vl Tll., Ort. U. The new! iv di'iuirtiiii'iit rrutser now ixtrurliou liere will he "tHiver t'lark" In memory ii" ranger of that name i . . , .i ii.. .lav where tliey were. rinii !,.n the iiiHhl of the 3rd. Ihe ex I hause of a Has engine wa In-art I SiL in the distance ant in... ;sT. Iiallhut boot. Caulain ! i I I am I lo at .lack Morrtfoii linxr at Hit Hi of the rreek. whither she had come fr fresh water, by -I... nr.. And the rrew of the Tillie S. wer not sorry. luini overdue, the euluns otfiee here had wired to Skide gate to keep a look out for news of Ihe Tillie S. and arrangement iindi'i- vav for a searcn 1 tl Ini I . f .. fiuliliiur a !lll.t" heiliBr s'i! Out l'tp Day during the imsi The lilli-' S !;!. K li.rld Ltd PUBLIC MEETING Westholme Theatre WEDNESDAY NIGHT At 8 o'clock sharp Speakers: Hon. H. H. 'STEVENS and GEO. G. BUSHBY Scal reserved for Indie. Kvcrybody welcome tins CNcmng. was owned by F No Immigration Poller For Country Declares Conservative Leader mmi I twk. Il is the result I ek Uvoid." Amalgamation or hankr'ttcy would be the inevitable rv'lllt or the policy of ex-travaganee which, he said, had heoti MirUel in the administra tion of the railways til recent years' "Fourteen announcements and four ministers in four year" was the wfey .Meighen summed up the presrfli! immigration policy of (be government. He declared that in spite of Ihe expenditure of a million dollars eery year besides great exj-endltuies by the milwliys the stream of immigration had been gradually dryhui up and large numbers of those who fuinie out to Canada hail subsequently gone to the t'niled Sliitee. The government, be claimed, rested on ils oars and had no immigration policy except to spend money without stint. MASSEY DROPS DIRECTORSHIPS Resigns as Head of Massey Harris Company In Order to Devote Himself to Politics JOIIO.VH). Ocl. 5- H"i- Vincent .Massey. who recently entered the cabinet of premier Mackenzie King, has resigned from Ihe presidency of Ihe Massey Harris Company. In a statement Musscy said: "During the short time I have been In public life I have come lo the belief that I should, lesiwu from all director ships in corporations and so leave myself free lo dlstuss and leat'wllh public issues without my notion or motives heipg sub- led to question 25 TA Amb Boston Grill Ser ti , Large Ipslair Dining Hall, Jll'Jn with newly laid dancing Anywhere at Any Jubjj', floor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the MATT VIDECK, Prop. least. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Vol. XV NO, 231 I'lU.NCK Itl PKHT. U.C, MONDAY. OCTOIJBIl 3, W2: Saturday'! Circulation 1511 Straat (lt 653 PRICE FIVE CENTS. WINTER, SNOW AND BLIZZARD ON PRAIRIES CAPTAIN AND CREW OF THE TILLIE S. LIVED ON CLAMS, FISH AND BERRIES Lived for Ten Days on Clams, Fish and Berries West of Graham Island Captain and crew of Tillie 5. arrive in port after trying experience following burning of boat :t-r living for leu da on the bom b m Ihe wettl roat i, 'i hii Island, some fiit nnle from SkilHle, their boai ! .nut sunk, gmli aud clothe all nM, and wilh nothing ' '!. iooa 111, r.. i.. i iiiii. skipper. Ulia. Mordainil and M 'it-r of Ihe glKMil Ttllie .S., are look m town loday and Ten da unchanging diet uf iimel. clam, salmon i -. even with ihj nih of hii-iue-. il. at lal. I',. Tdlie S. v out after halibut and an September 17. i . I i ngilie trouble. There m a considerable swell, and aide to SH the engiiitj"" " " -rr -- -Upper. 1'.. C rtMni".! irip tMik nine hour and when .n we ciingny anu Mt. tiunlly pot there, the skipper s. .1 Intel far help. ... craniped with bavin? to - .a and small n ,n a i rained position Mi long. omwi ningny, tn ,ual he bud o Jw (lw oul Engine Repalrest The tollman trotter Taklero, i"hrburg and Tom and Kd. pm MEIGHEN SAYS Winter Brings Snow to Prairie, EXTRAVAGANCE Provinces and Alberta Treated liDMU.Mi. Jcl. 5. Hon. Art nor Meighen. oiienativc .eathsr, eauietl the western eatn-uti?n into Alberta' capital on Saturday nie'hl when he oke in two rowitd halls, speaking on ureenh. I.. ..ii i .muH i,.i.,llU KOttwa) siiuanuu lie oc ier.tom that LlberaUl WF(lrlarff: 'JAmalgaiiHitioH is not llie hrr , hl. ,llird B ,1im1 tmid Mrltride, who on.,.() wa. or drying hl ial mailer uptNirted rMhe, t bearon lire. uiif Mux fifliernmetu l'..rin.i-l ihev had wollie ri-.-eut sioH of par-B(.h , ,,elr ,K-k't. but i lauded witho'il any iher etnlheii f ... r..A TLa. il'. . m .mil elne. h witb oalinon and at low water a lied of great muel( (iind, which boiled togelber mndr a trouit chowder. Ihe mly vaHr'v In the ten day'n diet to an Early Blizzard Yesterday WTNMPKti. OH. 5. King Winter today a mantle uf siiinv over Ihe entire prairie province-, indication being thai Ihe pre-ent condition- will continue tor several d.i. Central Alberta had ii blizzard yesterday, the dry snow piling high in drifts and interfering with traffic in many place. A lighter Tull was general in l-ja-katchew an. Manitoba wus isiled this morning by sleet aud snow, the temperatures dropping below freezing point. ARRESTED BUT GOOD PAYSTREAK Pursuant lo the Municipal Flections Act all persons desiring to lie entered on the Voters' List for the forthcoming Municipal Flections as Householders or Holders of Trade Licenses must register their names wilh the City Clerk during the month of October' on a ist il ul ory form lo be supplied by the City Clerk. The City Clerk's office will be open from V a.m. lo 5 p. lit. each and every day during the mouth of October with the exception of Saturday when il will be open from It a.m. to 12.30 p.m. il. F. JONKS. City Clerk. t ! :i i He was of the opinion that the adverse statements had been given oul by people who had not actually ...t 1 1 It.. ......I t.-I.A-A , rrrtcneu UIIU ?ruu I 111 I, 'the (i raily ami roru discovery Iliad been made, (ieuuine and ex perienced prospectors were meeting with success he said. Mr. Mardoludd relurned with H. F. Kergin, M.L.A. wilh whom Ihe is associated in the ferry - business between Alice Arm and .nvox. .Mr. icruin uiui ncriii making his annual tour of the northern par! of Ins constituency' or .iiin. uoin went norm io; Alice Arm on the r.ardena. I RUSSIA AGAIN WET AFTER ELEVEN YEARS 10SC()VS Oct. 5. - - After eleven year of partial prohibition i llussia today became completely Ivvel. W'hiskev. brandv contain ing (in per cent alcohol and vodka 10 per cent strength again ap- Premier Mackenzie King Addresses Ten Thousand in Arena at Vancouver VA.VCOL'VKIt. O. t. D. Before nearly 10,000 people in the Arena here Saturday evening Premier Mackenzie King ad- Jdre!ed a Uriti?h Coiiunbia undieme for the ero:id time during the day. Me reiterated a the canlinal jjolu-y of the Liberal party the !-eekmg after natiuiiul unity a eVyeidial to the growth and prosperity of the Dominion. A at New Westminster in the afteniooii the Premier devoted a large twit of his speech to discussing the Australian treaty. j WAS RELEASED GOLD PAN CREEK , Tail-Driver Failed to Man Supposed to Have Robbed Bank Ihe bandit to the bank fulled to pick him out of a lineup at tho jail. NOTICE. ..!.!.... I li. ..lii..t:ttilM niiH tilAPtta 1 I""" - ...... dvertle in the Dally News NKYV YKMMI.tI r.H. Ud. Premier Maekemie Kill? in liU address tiere Saturday afternoon renewed the plea for the West to send him supporters "to help iirinsr to Ihe affairs of our eoun-' - vaxiuu'vkk; 'e. s. Hudson! Pay officials, received a wireles.s message staling that the llay-ciiimo had forced her way around Point Harrow and the vessel Was now en route to Unalaska lo bunker. She is expected to arrive in Vancouver within a month. LOSSES WHEN GUNBOAT SANK DURING MANOEUVRES; LONDON. Oct. 5. Heports reived here state that when the -- - Finnish gunboat sunk during the Pick Out Alice Arm Man Returned to Cltv ! manoeuvres ill the Uulf of Hotll- Oct. 5. as he was boarding a steamer Last Nloht After Spend'ng Summer n Casslar Mining Area "There is a gOOU payslreaK IlljOllicers anu .in un-o rir uiowii- II... Hi. 1. 1 Out. jlilif.t hut il 14 or the north here s-alunlay af- .. 1Q (u K.iw, aKJ(1, ternoon, a man giving his rail- 'pommpnij j. Maedi.nal.l of Alice ing as a logger, was taken to the Arj( w .,,, Iw ,e eily Oily ail as the suspecfd per- ,,pinre CUarl u, Iliph pelrator of a lone band holdup aIpr Uwi in at the Prior M reel branch or the h(, )1W w Mv art,a Mf Hank of Montreal here on Janu- MuP(lonaW a(lllli)M there ary 2. Later he was release!. . . , .,,-t- U,. f .v.ri.! (ami adverse as to Ihe prospects of the (lold Pau district. nia two otficers and 75 men were lost. (Later Despatch) I.ONTKLV. Kng.. Oct. 5. Three cil in the I inuish torpedo tioal wbicli was sunk hi a violent storm in Hie liulf of ltothuirt yesteftiay. GLENNA COLLETT IS LADY GOLF CHAMPION ST. I.i U IS. Oct. 5. -- Olenna Collet t of Ploy, deuce yesterday won the women's national golf I championship. de!'atin .Mrs. Alex. Stirling Fraser of Otlavvn' In the final with nine up uiui eight to play. BIRTHS. At Seattle on Seplemher J" n son was born to Mr. and Mr.. T. J. Maloney (nee Mae Hyan for tnerly of Prince llupett. A dau,jhler was born at Hie ' Prince Hiiperl (iencrul llospile.l on October lames Harris Wesi SIS' BOYS AT SCHOOL lr that luht that comes Irom; - - western skies." lie paid a glow-) Six Lost Life Result of Fire iiu tribute to the future or the Pacific ciat. 7 BAYCHIMO IS ON WAY TO UNALASKA COMING HOME SOON Dormitory at Cathollo Mission In LLWISTOX, Idaho. Oct. 5. Six children lo-t their live Sal-unlay night in a Tiro thai swept the boys' dormitory of tlnj Catholic mission on the Indian 'reservations JnibL . here Thirty-one- boys. weu?i"iu the building but the heroic work of the sisters saved io. It is believed the fire was ansed by the explosion of a lamp. TWO LEADERS WAVE GREETING Mackenzie King and Meighen Pass In Trains and Exchange Salutations HLl'F. IttVKIl, H.C.. Ocl. 5. --For a flectinj; moment Premier Mackenzie King and Mr. Meighen on Sunday buried the hatchet in the wilds of Yeliowhead Pass. As King's train stopped near Hell itoaring Falls, thpalh of the twio leaders crossed. King I was on his way from Vancouver to Fdmonton and Meighen en route from hdmonton to Kam-loops. They waved greetings and went their ways. Meighen's train did not trop. MADE VOYAGE OF CONTINENT Special to Daily News ' NKYV YOIIK, Oct. 5. John K. Iloag aud Friiitk Wilson, who left Astoria. Oregon, on May 20 in a speeially dtsigned motor-boat, eoiujdeiexr tins transeon-tineutal voyeffe of 5,080 miles i yesterday. Durnig the journey tliey .-rossi'd the llocky Mount-.ins, fifteen states and two Canadian provinces. From Astoria. Hie voyagetir reached Chelilo Falls. W 'ushingtdn. the boat be- . t. Mr. and Mrs.linir iransnored llience to Tho l.'O FigMti Avenue Dalles The journey was made under fie hoa!'. own power. . I - - - - PUBLIC MEETING G. W. NICKERSON Progressive Candidate, ill Address A Meeting in Empress Theatre, , Tuesday, Oct. 6 at 8 p.m. Local J.siies Will lie Dfnll With Without (Uovrs. Opposition Uatididales Invited.