" PAGE FOOT mi DAtLV .TfTCIS BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus fi&ffetV tVt COLL THFBP up f on: TMAKtoO -t? ( r will always taste better creamed with Wmffm ii Made in Canada 'From Contented Cows" You Had Better Get Your Name on our list For Dry Kindling Kvery piece kiln dried and easily split. Largo load $6.00 delivered, or 5 bundles already split for $1.00 dc: livcred. "Taxi" Call 112. Always open and ready to givo sarvico all hours. One or two passengers anywhere 50c. Clean Sedans, polite drivers. COAL We have a new coal on hand $11.00 per ton ered. No dirt and very little smoke. A perfect range coal, nut size and extremely hot. Order a ton-now! Drayage of fill kinds attended to promptly. Stand 345 Third Ave. Also Seal Cove The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Phones: 189, 112. l WE ARE SOLE AGENTS for AJAX HEAVIES Pronounced liy experts to he the greatest advancement made in shot shells in the past 10 years. 12 gauge only. Kaien Hardware Co. CANADIAN STE4M LAUNDRY' and DRY CLEANERS The Laundry of Personal Service, Phone No. 8. Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrlft-T-Servlce, Soft Finish, And Dry Cleaning. Wo are ready at any lime to receive your plione call, to take your instructions, to take, personal chargo of your Laundry and '.Dry Cleaning. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 61. fiartuge, Warehousing, and Olstrtbullng. Team tor Motor Service. Coal, Band and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and furniture Moving. When it qecn-rviHLY totalling ?G,772.8l and disburse ments of i,89.78 Including alaries totalling $1,701. There had been 1395 hospital days and I ho cost . per day had been 2.9G. Recommendations from tiro fi nance committee setting labora tory service charges and a fee of. 2.50 per day for the child icn's.ward were adopted. A do Ooldbloom was acknowledged with thanks. Mrs. . Allof, laboratory lech niciau, reported fees received for the month from Peplember 13 lo October 13 totalling S172. 50. With the revision of rate's laboratory fees will he lowered. It was decided lo go into the mailer of obtaining a filing system for the x-ray department. Independents. Down in the vil lage of Vancouver they were inspired with faith, courage and! optimism, and were doing their best to put Mackenzie King back. The Conservatives would have a high tariff. They would mil a high board fence around lli country like the Hudson Hay Company did a few years ago to keep out the natives. "No matter what you say about it, tariff is a lax," said Mrs. Smith. How do you expect the country (o grow with a hih board fence around It'; Macken zie. King does not believe in that policy. He has made trade treaties with Australia, Ihe West Indies and some of llio l'uropeart countries. Thai Is commonsense, When I hear some of the Toryi members talk I sometimes llfink commonsefiRe s no! as common as It is (bought lo he." Tory Camouflage Mrs. Smith cited a sample ofj 6HJ5 t Int-l Fiatuw Scvct, InC HEAVY MONTH IN HOSPITAL Men's Department Has Been Crowded Reports Matron to Monthly Meeting The rogular monthly meeting f the hospital hoard was held last evening at the hosnital. I'hose present were President S. K. Camphell, J. II. Thompson. C. II. Elkins, Aid. McKechnie. J. L. Christie, 11. II. Little. Secretary II. . llirrh and Miss Harrison, lady superintendent. Mr. Hireh reported at some length on his recent attendance at the convention of the H.fi; Hospitals' Association in Xanai-mo. A letter from the secretary of the association regarding the convention In he held here next year was read. -A rontm.it tec from the hoard to make preparations for I he event will later be The House Committee reported that a supply of hlankets had heen ordered from the Hudson Hay Co. Two old radiators had heen sold for .$30, the action being confirmed by the hoard. Increases of salary of 5 per month for two of (he graduate nurses doing additional work were passed. The lady superintendent's report slated that September had heen a heavy month in the hospital, especially in the men's leparlment which had heen crowded, i Three new probation- el's had pieen admitted1 and classes had been opened for the fall in the training school. The Ladles' Auxiliary had relieved the linen situation through J. L. Christie, reporting for the finance committee. an nounced receipts for September Tory policy whr-n her leaders went into the congested centres in l'Jll and told the people that wages would he lowered if they had reciprocity and Ihey told the farmers that their fruit would rot on the trees. They did not get reciprocity but they got what they prophesied. Wages were lowered and the fruit did rot on the trees after the return of the Conservatives. She recalled the means used to dofeat the Liberals on that occasion, the annexation cry and the flag waving. She opined, however.' keis of the world and Ihoy want- .... . paper and Canada needed Aus tralian hardwoods and fruits and other products. The Tories, the speaker said. were trying lo set Hasl against West and West against Kast. There was nn'ogrecmenl In (he act of con federal ionN giving each part of the country eijunl rights but had Ihey got it? .Not yet She remembered how Sir Itirhanl McHride had appealed and been relumed to power oh Ihe ques tion of heller terms, "hut did he do anything? Not After election the belter terms cry was as dead as JnliUs Caesar." Liberals Got Concessions It was not until four years a?o When good Honest John went down to Ottawa lo his friends mere mat concessions wen1 made. IJut when the last decision was nyide by Ihe Itailway Hoard, what happened? The Tory board of trade of Montreal rear ed on its hind legs and protested. Also Mr. Meighen said the action of the railway commission was indefensible. In this part of the country people did' not think so. The Liberals did hot think so. The lime had enmc when out here we should say in most unmistakable terms thai the Hast would not dominate the West but "justice be done. What was wanted was Hrlllsh justice. .Mrs. Smith touched on Ihe attitude or the Liberals to the relumed soldier compared wilh that of the Meighen and Horden nalion of $10- from, William; widows ami others had been con LADY SPEAkER ROUSES AU DIENCE AT WESTHOLME THEATRE IN URGING RETURN OF FRED STORK TO OTTAWA. (Continued from Page One. government, showing how the firmed in their pensions. The court of appeal had been set up wilh good results. Dealing wilh finances the speaker showed how. the drb( luid .been reduced i(and hi tariff lowered on implements of production and Ihe (axes In some cases. She asked that the rov-Crnmcnt be allowed lo carry on wilh that kind of policy. The premier did not have lo apologize for his exislence. Ho was the grandson of the man who had fought for Ihrt rights we now enjoyed. The principle for which he fought was lasting as eternity. She sketched Ihe Mneken- j "3 MAPLE LEAF RADIOL1TE time in trie dark. Tell It has the dependability that everyone ex-petts in an Ingersbll, ? LOON') kMH r.ie King training, showing how he had been called as a mere stripling to become deputy minister of labor. A few years co he had Lewi .chosen premier and' ho would be the next premier, loo (cheer;). There was no mistake about that. It was ii good lime to gel on the band' wagon liofore it ran over them' Stork and lo give him suoh n! majority that he could feel he! had their confidence. , Thai I would put pep and ginper into country never had a better advocate. She hud nothing to gain by lolling this. She was simply imbued with ind'rest in Ihe Mackenzie King government and its work. Sho told a story to illustrate how Quebec was still with the party. What they wanted was a united Canada from east to west. She akcd that they re turn Ihe man who would help to Ting that ahuul. a man who was 100 per cent Liberal. MUSICAL CLUB OPENS SEASON First Meeting Held Yesterday Afternoon at Home of Mrs. Hubert Ward lhe first meeting of Ihe sen- son of the Ladies' Musical Club was held yesterday afternoon at Ihe home' of Mrs. Hubert Ward, Allih Avenue, with .Mrs. U'nrd and Mrs. Westenhaver in change. An interesting paper was read by Mrs. A. T. Parkin on folk music. A Scolllsh folk song, "Skyc Hont Song, was sung by Mr, Millar. Piano: F.iiglish. Welsh and French Dances, by Mrs. Ponder. . Irish l olk Song: "llnso of Tralee." by Mrs. Jarvis McLeod. Two (Norwegian Folk Songs, ny Mrs. Larsen. The accompanists were Mrs Ponder, Mrs. Ward and Mrs. Sid Johnston. Al- llie close or Hie nrnrrrnm hah. -..'' - - T . .. .Mrs, wainwrrght. who . 14, v s I ing her Mterirs, ItacJrinlosh here, ami who 'was H leuesl of (he club, siok of-her erperimres in onnection wilh a similar or ganization at Owen Sound in Knstern Canada and gave n num ber of heliiful hints, SPORT CHAT M The Iloyal Vancouver Yaeii! Club has obtained a twenty-one year lease on a waterfront site at Jericho Heaeh which will h used for a summer station. This marks successful conclusion of negotiations which have been on wilh Ihe provincial government for some lne wilh a view ! having a better mooring place than that which Hie club now possesses in. Coal Harbor. The new locution 'Is a splendid oih commanding a firm view of tin Hay nnd the. entrance to Howe Sound. More, Important, it i convenient when nulsldo points are iim objective, of Ihe boat Ihe mooring and club (purlers at Coal Harbor will bo relaincd as well as the new sile which will be developed as condition warrant. Vancouver Is planning two new large alhelello parks and it is likely Mint. aUhe, next civic elec lion, Ihe ciliziins will he' asked lo pass a I50.000 bylaw provldng for llicm being built. KiUilano OP" msy Wanted For Sale For Rent him if h knew !he people w.'rUv . -yvi that the people were not going to' behind him. he camouflaged Ibis time. Their Mrs. Smftli said she had been wheat had tit be sold In the mar- lo Ottawa every session but she had yet to .go there and find eu in pel .what the others pro-1 r red Stork orf the job. Thai llured. As nn example Auslraliaiwas ono mason she came her ni'Pllpfl Clnnmlifln and ta-.-.i-k.lj nr.. I In .ant n a-n.l fv f'l., .. 1 i..ii miiu.'y -"J " ni iiini. iiii" mirifi 1 Yi l i.a.i r-k f. K 1 . OUMOLD DOG FOIl SALE. lluffet and china cabinet. Phone .111. tf BOARD 1IOAIU) The Second Avenue. liOAIll) and Room or Hoard only, Phone lied 707. LOST . v i i r i DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. i 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c WAKTRB She urged flll to vote for f'redl01'" Artificial Teeth Hough.!, any I'Olt MINT. 1'ianos. player condition. Highest priiv sent by return mail. II. Iuplnn. P.O. Hox 3i0. Vancouver. H.C. Kstahlished thirty throe yearn. Woman wants work by the hour or day. Phone Hlue 198. to WOMAN wants work by the hour or day. Phone lied 320. 211 FOR SALE FOlt SALE. Dining room suites, bedroom suites, Chesterfield suites, ranres, stoves, bd linen, towels, window blind, inlaid linoleum and printed linoleumn, lounges, chairs Chiffionieros, Dressers, Iled-steads. mattresses and sprinos. Dining tables, kitchen tallies, (able oilcloth. A. Mackenzie, Furniture House. Phone 775 FOIl SALK. Gasoline launch and Ford Sedan. Heal snap on terms. Phouc Had 70 for particulars. KND of Month Clean Out. 3tt reduction on all cash sales. Prince ftupert Kxchartge. Phone 652. IIOLSi:tlOIJ Furniture for Sale. Phone Dr. (iranl. Phone i. Inlander, K.1D Phono 137. LOST. Ladles' wrist watch near Ilfal Hank. Finder please phone Miss C. Mitchell, Hlue 281. 211 nnd Fairliew wilt be supplied wilh one of the parks which will include the fourteen acre of lh.e pie-eut CoimHUghf Park. Phis wdl likely e made Ihe cen tral pliiyiug park of the city where nil gamew oj more importance will be held. Hasting Cal has been chosen as' the ile for a len acre park which will be available tor b-ss important mat lies. PRESENTATION MADE TO JACK FREW YESTERDAY Yesterday afternoon, members of the staff of the O.N'.lt. general superintendent's office gathered and presented .look Frew, Ihe accountant In the office, wilh n handsmrin mini I el chime clock as a wedding present. The presen tallon wns made by Abinzn Haines, chief clerk, and Mr. Frew replied suitably. The tat ter is In be married this even in In Miss May Held. WIFE AND HUSBAND" , BOTH JLLWITH GAS "For years I had gas on tlm sfotnaeh. Tho first dose of A.-lerlka helped. I now sleep well and all gas Is gone, , also helped my husband." (signed i Mrs. H. Ilrlnkley. o.NH spoonful Adlerlka. removes OAR and often brings astonishing relief lp the slnmach. Slops u,al f,( bloalcd feeling. Krlngs 4UI. old, wnsle mailer you never thought wns in -n,s your system. ox. cellent Intestinal evaciianl- Is wonderful for conslipiUlon. Ormes Limited, Druggists, TO RENT piano, phonograph nod sew ing machines. Walker's MiiMc Store. tfj XF.W IHlL.SK on Fifth Avemi I West will bo ready for ren! ,' about October 15. Phone tied 710. FOIl HKNT.- -Modern house, five rooms and bath., Munro Hm CARPENTERS W1IKN having your houe repair. cd, see A. II. MacPherson Phone Hlack 187. CARS FOR SALE. If I-I9S0 Nash five passenger touring . 1850 1-IB8I Overland Sedan- 1700 1-1022 Ford Sedan ft 25 I-1 Ion Ford truck, pane) body I8J3 I -1918 McLaughlin light, 0. 3 paes . ftf 0 I -Ford light delivery chmis rebuilt I7S All ,oars guarnHteed in goinl niechanioal condition. Make four own terms. KAIEN QARAOE Ford ami Chevrolet Service tfla- tion. Uoodyenr Tires, Oa, Oil and Oreases. WllKCKIN(i SKUMCK DAY MtlliT. Phone it. TAXI Tail 67 Phone (Call George. Paul or Oust) on tr Special 6 and 7 (tassenger Slmlo- bakers at your service day and night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from KmpnvN Hotel. ROTHVVELL'S TRANSFER Coal - Wood and Furniture Moving Ilaggnge ,ini! Kipr s Stand tie New. stand. Phone He. Phone Nreeti :6. CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Banoaoe, Furniture Motlna. If you want anything sent for, or delivered, phone us. P.O. Hox 699. COLUMBIA RECORDS NEW Process Columbia llecords no scratching. Finest re-product Ions of- latest Foi Trots. Songs and Instrumental music by world famed artists Call In nnd hear them. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, 'fhird Avenue FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl. ure Store. We Huy. Sell ami Kt change New ind Secondhand floods. QEO. PAPADOPULIS, 830 Third Ave Phone An WOMEN'S HOSPITAL Surgical and Obstetrical 32.13 .VJlh Avenue i (Kerrls-ilale;, Vancouver, It. C. Dr. Ef"cat Mall, nierinlnndnu. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Friday, Octobor 16. "'Kl' 0:30 m.2 f. 2 : t r p.m. :o.i 0:1 1 .,. 5.0 :7 p.m. t.7 " Saturday, October 17 UlRli 1 :0H n:m: li.7 n n p.m. Iw 7:18 a.m. i'J:ll p.m. 20,8 4.11 J. 8 ArticU Loit and ound,4c KIND LI NO WOOD All dry luftiilc w-blocks 'fiiit. ,1. c delivered. Hum "; iUl JCllv gut! otyla Si' ring Hi 30-lh 4 lOe jer lb, ISAACSON Seal Cm V MAIL SCHEDULE OUT-OOINO. rs is on Wuti'liri. WnlOfU;, 1; rkM h . SMMtel ... TllMtU) TtHlfMlsjr '. . . Osianisjrs ... . rUtH- IS tM tl 9 ) 0 ((1 M 1 1 1 tM A A tM SI, . I" I IM A A rollwi gL 10 I M 40. A lh , 19 a, 4 To ASfti, !! Am, lUvlH S Prta. SVIMk) . . j, T Frt SlaifMS 14 Nttt S;i enk tlMrMr 1 T eii cejt. ikif i 1 t otn cfi'iiu KiM eiM- lUIMT 1. IT IM II , To tn4 Alice Atmm WnUirfUf . . . To tlooort t4 Prm tuuttmj ... . iN-coMiaa, trm tso t H4lMr. W(rJmM 1 M . Trim Vtstoot wtmmtt u WMoM4r . . . ' u rrMhr . . KoluMtoy. . . , ttrtafctr ff. It oM " Fron Ai f i, Atlii Atm, Imnllh" TrnmHy -' from eott nooon kui tf slanttr frtm AtMio Point O'Mwr Is oom ts f rem Qvots csorlolU eo- Ortuovr II Ml H Trim Asroi AIMo Arm- rrom littr on rrmft-kundoj. BOX COLKCTlOst h M OMktm A UWn Ato. Ill till SI . . I ' HH AlA rvtM tl. . Ih 4 TVHlea 1 I Ilk A fthortraokr - IIM At, k CoMod SL Ul A ! 0 I Ui A Hots Cuts Cttttr f Hi rr. A fr.iu l " Mil A Mrllrldo St eto. not 1. nMn rea. nmi. wtiirr . . . . O.T.r. whorf .. 0 T. p. suun r a a n tt i T I 11 ia it STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS For Vtncouttr sundi) rniir.! r Tuodoy Cordeno Tburljr .. rnniN Itm StiunH) ( iuu " 0. VHnrrtt HMIr ori. m, rnnrr.. V;(( on. f .,. l'f(nrf i From Vontoutor SiHHlojr- . CirOrim VVrdiHlay 'rUic lluf Irwuy--, (Ultlt . sliirrty -. rrliirn dr. rt Saiunlty o. ItIii.-i It. an Or. 9 I'mirr.. Mi im-i. is m. 1rmri Mr-orl. IS I'rlnffM Mat t For Port (Impton ind Ntoo Rlir rn.iyv t. ci . . rrom Port llmpion tnd Ntti Wttr SolunUy . uliu . For Alukt Orl. g M. rriftrfm Mrr Orl. 10 . PrlnrrM Mor Orl. SO no. CrinroM Mrv From Aloiko . rl. IS m. I'rlnrrM MUV tin. 13 m. PrlniMi Morv For lowtrl, Anjoi nd Alleo Arm-"iirHtnv . rjrdrno . ' ' From SUwtrt, Aitfoi ond Alleo Arm Tln.lny . tirliriii For Anjoi ViiliiM(Uy. m .r,,rf mipr ' I rrom snyoi- Thiirrtiy.-.n. I'rlnre lUiperl For Xowtrt fsiiiMsys-nt. i-rlnrr nrrF From Ettwtrt iiii.)-...,. prtnrr (inrr For Quton Ohorlotlo lilondo on. ... m. I'riW jntm on. IT-m. frlnro John Orl, 11 m. rnnr luhn From Quton ChorlotU lilondo on. is in. prinoo John Oct. t 1 meet John 1 I a i n I r