N y OHoper 15, 1025 WEUAHE I WMI1 I hi Baby Welfare Boole and .,. Baby Record will bo sent .,. fire on requesL WritiiTI.e . tliiri when mother's milk pals October n .il. -i oppriitin ! fipwliat uMinnUvl In UalfciT fimtll'i ipo, wlrnr Opal art .. worn for in bPallllfMl siu in dif-d joipp- and Mo-m. olin Bulger Jeweller axi 75 laxi Phone 75. ' l Hudoon Super-; i hi ilr pirsf and ' . aiS'-nKer tednr In A ivt rlotPil .-nr. RATES Pas- rgpre . . $1.00 0 l'npniprfl . . $1,50 H l-assenser . . $2.00 er Sedan, per ! $4.00 ,!: er Spdan. per $5.00 o Cold Storage and Across Hays Creek Bridge, t or 2 ntrorft $1.00 i adihimnal panocnRer 50c each. TAXI 75 TAXI 4l ui vuald jl Jacquettes ,! 1 xquiitllo Stock of Fur i.iuiaiK ui low prices. . C. FUR Co. wl f taa I an evi.l.J a FORD Improved models will bo 1111 vt.w tlii month. Wo imve two iirei'til lypo '''lans upon which wn nni "'fi'iing special Inducements. S. E. Parker Ltd. HON. A. M. MANSON THROWS uium un CONDUCT CANADIAN AFFAIRS- SPNTf HUf4C4aj-vn... O F PRE i iii Tn n immjt nr.wM - . ...... 3.,,fton-wag Jaken off he debt. Was that not a creditable ac-"flinpllshmenl for eighteen FACTS. ,,w"",nuvtHT,BI-E:,,"nll. of office?" said Mr. 1 iiijih, (ronHniiPHTrTT. .'" ' showing . a sur- (fonllniif.l from page j ulij nnl n,i,..i0. n. .Y..t.i history of Canada," asserted Hip allnriipy general. "Vilal issues are before iim and parlirulnrlv before llio.e of iim who VI, WMt of Hip (irpal Lake. propose lo review conditions an llipy prevailed in Canada prior lo the accession of Hip Mackenzie King government lo power in 12I and, lo do so, I intend lo rofer you nol to anything that llm i.ineniis may liavp said or - ... ..... .i-ui mat could reach n proper decision j?""' '"'-'''-''', M'- Mini son, Mr, II avjis nol in iiiifiiimn M-'r1"" ,,a'1 reduced taxation. Tlin Manson said, In endeavor Id wnynM'e,iv i,f l"-Hng stamps on anyone through oratory or arKii-i""'"." e,,''i wa removed and llii nmnl l.ul In disclose Hip farii, a ' '',ur''' imple- llipy slnnd in connection with'"f,,",,' f"r '' imvclopmenl federal affair. 'I' ,u, '-..liiral resources and in Crucial Timet '"'uslrie.. TIip next yar liad "Wo are standing at one of IfiP inol rrnrial time in Uip been Hosed Willi a decrease of "M.Hin.wxi j,j tjIP national debt despite Hm decrease in taxation. Ill Hip firal year eiuling September 30, 11)25, Canada had paid out of Iipp revenue $25,-K05,o() oir capital debt. "Will you not way lliul wan capable nianatrpinPnl in pilp of what Mr. SIpvpiih may have told you from hi vry idalform in comparing Ihe financial Klandin of Hip Gonnervativp wil j that of Mm UheraU?" If-.-! ... M.alpmenU or my own but to the', ' , ,,'",'nnP K,l,fr n,ynn' uiterai.ee of ,p Onuervallvo..' T'" -Tlwl, had ii.,i,m.vp" dipeneil Willi 1.IH5 eivil xer- Mr. Manon rm.l a Maliiienl,S li'ru """"'""i'T, "me-in ('"'"ff "RC fh oiillion dot lino i. II.... i r,.., am. ler. a i.rominr.i .. A 1 hey, went lo Mi. .enardinif dm flow of (nadinn- ' ?:utt!'-" ... ., , Manon. "I don't know i. ii.. n-ii-i c.(. 4. -hup. Mr. .'.alder had ntmlJZ""ni la f.o- thiM II.kmirI, the rapid 1' n Wa "UVP'J U, ' .1.. .. 1... a ",UW' land Hie onnorlunitJe tl.at i.pp-'. . !..?!. '')f 'R'"n J0,np,l "I' .Poled Ihenuelve- for young inlmZ ,1 hJT"0'" in I nilpd Slato.. ih. Mr. Ualder Ijad,:. "p ," Wt X 7l litem o into , a mulligan 7--n,a Iwould probably conli.ue. The f "J ':ffl ' on( 'J'" wi" I r . ... ,, ',wo parale Klaffn of adimnif Iwa, no new Dillon Vn (..revailP,, from Mm day. of Slr'S oofl.OOn of "H Hie 'H "lY John A. Mardoimld on. Conditions Under Melghen Thru in Id. .41 . . I. 44.l Canadian tat payem" money for Hie bankrupt ID.I, VjllfH Ml 11 r 1 I ..I .... tn "r "a! IIUKIHPP in offiep, Mr. Metjuarne had frrr-l In Hie rloin? down of farforif in Canada and the breadline all over the country. There wa, Mr. Muhmhi' admitted, great uneuiploymenl at that lime for lnlnnre in Hie eily of Van couver, lie, a nliiilr of la nor liu llm provincial jrm eminent. had endpavoi-el In Krade with Hie itilualion ami be wa glad to )- that there had never beti attain a Ihere ha. I never been before upIi a breadline a liter wan in llm year IttHt. Mr. Ilorkin, aootlmr Ouioervative. at that time had plaeed the blame for condition on the workingitien of Omi-aila. lie Ofr. Huekin. Aiii-erteil thai I hey uer reftiein-; ef-fieiPiM'y lo their Atnployer and Hip only way lo correel the eil-oaiioii would be by Jul MK-ii a neriml of detrimn a Ibo jrouniry wan then exjxfrienrina.; lie aked for deprelon in or der to Mane the workingmen in-o itubtulMn." ilrplared Mr. Ma nn. Financial Situation Mr. ManOH Hmn delvMl into Mm finanrtal niluallnn of Cnn- nia Bivinif a nmiiinHip i I- 4 KIIIII4 TV4 ljfl iiui! !, ni-iirrii oir. .nanson a Im went on to review the finanro of the Canadian Nation al llaiiway. under Hie adinini IralioH of ir Henry Thornton who the Mackenzie KiriR Kovern- inent bad plaepil in P-harso. Our inp the fimt three monlbe of hi flrl year in charge. Sir Henry rbornlon bad lurneil an opera! ing defieil of 1 1.5 13,000 into an ooeratins turiduit of 2.2HC. 000. In ldS3 an operating profit of fSO.noo.OOO wa Mbown and in I0SI, the ypar of the hort grain crop, a profit of 117.000. 000. .t the clone of I9f5 it was expected that an operating ur Hu weJI in Plop of 130,000,- 000 would be ehown. "fknider-ap of an appoiiiplilimnt for the abort .pare of four year.," reflected Mr. Manson. It wn realiied, Mr. Mantnn aiil, that feeder for the Canadian National Railway were neeilcul. Sir llpnry Thornton had ineludpil ueh feedem in hi program but the Conservative in the Senate had loed il into Ibe wale bakel. They would perm 1 1 no competition with the C. P. H. (iovrrnmenl ownership was to be ulepppd on. Only after v mcing figure lo compare the fRhling fnr tiroo yPnr u,j tlt (.landing of Hie eoumry uniay afler four yearn of Liberal nd-iniiil-dralion, willi whal it wu when the Melghen government went out of power in Itfil. The Conervalie government bad come in with n lebt of 312,000.-ooit und lind ?one out with a debt of .!2.000,00(). Tn 1021. when the war was over and Mil did not include eosl of re.enlnb-lUhmk-nl. Ili i.onervative bad Inorenoed Um debt by iJUO.010.000 and, in the In! war before limy Went out of power, limy nan in- rrci I Dm debt by 8l,0il0,000. Today." Mr- M h-it nfiid. "Mr. Meiglmn come lo u and eay thai Mm lariff in" Um only .dulion or our difficulty. Why did m nol upidy llm lariff in IV8I? If a liinb t a- T r i vir-luoii now whv wni il not then? J No, Mr. Meiglmn did nol add lo the tariff I" ' wrl"" 'l-Kree. tio failed to do in office what be )iad declared )m would do on UlO IllHIllffK." The anwer of Cannda lo Mr. Meiuhen at llm 12I general .election wn lhal the Commrva-lle won only 65 i-eats and ' . m ., il. hah M..ifif.rnil liiiriy oi inoi in nii'-t- t.. fighl which, bad llm fisbl been slralghl. .ira.K.... I ... boy , mihl nol linvn Senate allowed a portion of the branch line program. Railway Monopoly "Mr. Meiglmn declnriil in Vancouver that Vancouver was the Pacific, lerminu of the Canadian National Hallway. I declare that Prince Hupcri is the. ter-inlnu. Now the Coneervalive prnpoi-e lo amalgainnle the I wo railway of tliininla-wVitlifty'-AiViH pass into a monopoly. Do you think thai would be safe? I do nol." The Conservalives criticized eipendlturo on the Canadian National llaiiway. Tlmy rriticfied llm golf course at Jasper Pnrk nllhough llm CP. H. had I hem at llanir, Lake Louise and other reports. They would spend no money on development of Jim Alaska business or on llm building of hotel. This In spite of Hie fact lhal so great was the tourist traffic at Jasper Park this year lhal I wo full Pullman trains had In be lined up In the yard to accomodate- people who could not be taken caro or in the hotel. "I believe." asserted Mr. Man- son "that the Canadian National Hallway is entitled to tho sanm. --nJcliai.ee as the O.P.H. (liven that Six on of llm nl " , -po won. , ,c , wi U.at in a . had returned nol a single vinres 1i alir.t'f i.nriiiil it..- I I'll I J f 'I'M - J" (.ousenaine. ,. .,.rlllli a ,.. ., illln- Jill.. f rhona 4 ....... ..- - Mr. Klni com. UAo nffice Hon as D-l-.n. !f:! "S" T.:na..onal " Z'Tl of Uv.Vft cost of.Mr Slovens did not say hero !d lm o ' V. '.. .1.11- service ...rvie ..n.l and taxation taxation .whal he said In Vancouver re the public must be reduced no mm .;i-ed. During hU flral yrar f "f-fice. Mr. King had reduced the Increase of I he nnltonal debt from 8 1 ,000.000 lo $30,000,000. The prl year; Instead of a deficit, for llm first llmo la len years, there was a surplus und garding the railways. Ho was one who fought and fought and fought against a local man being appointed lo tlio C.N.H. board of directors. How long do you think a local man would bo on that board If Melghen wero returned to power! Perhaps, twenty min uIp. We may not have obtained! all ap would have liked but I a it it better to make what progrea we can than to throw what we have made to the wind." The Elevator Speaking of tlief f levator at Prince Iluoerl. Mr. .Man -on said Ihere might be on.i(Ttonnt s lo who bad ben Vqc jijMilble for gelling it. Mr. l'attullo and him- relf and olhern mix lit have a !i!led but FreISIoi iv ilon dpPr-ved the great credii Cor il bav-;ng beeji obtained. IVrtiap every one did nol know it because such ihings were mU always broad casted, bill Mr. Stork had taken hi resignation in hi hand. and had said that lie would resign by the lale Sir Wilfrid Laurier? Hpre we are closer lo the Orient, operations our harbor is better than Yan-and eouver, we nave .advantage, given to u by nature over Van couver and, despite the fact that the Conservatives may buck us, with what the (iood Lord has given us and wilh the assistance of the Mackenzie King , govern ment we will yet make a port of Prince Rupert." (Applause) Mr. Manson (hen proceeded to deal wilh the alleged flow of people away from Canada at thi time and recited figure to show where that flow had been greater during nine years of Conserva live regime than it had been in the same period under Laurier. During Ihc year just past there if another year went by without ocm a one nunnre.i per ceni an elevator. He had stood by decrease, in the flow of Cana-, to the united Males, me hu -im HkP a man and hadl'lians i.lr "an Mevnlor or. ft hv-elec-i tariff was another catch phrase Hon in Skeena." I A voice "Ami why shouldn't Im?" Mr. v Manson. "And why should he not be returned again for the good work Im lias done?" 'Applause). Tim force of tjm opposition to llm Prince Rupert elevnior had been from llm Conservatives w)io had bad nothing loo bad to say about llm project. Tlfal was their official attitude toward llm development of Prince Itupert. Mr. llushhy said al SnilUjejrs that tm supported the Prfnfg lluprt elcval(r.ud Jhal be w'oQld show Mr. IV&y.oiu "Do rS) Ihink ttiaj-'h new member Is JlkJ-lj-Ui go in anil inrnw .nr. i-rayuui overboan? I do not." Will Make Port "I have been here too long and have (no much interest at slake in Prince Itupert lo lend my support lo such conditions a pre vailed between I'Jlt ami vr: asscrled Mr. Manson. Vllow can anyone in Prince Hupcri support other than ttm parly mat 1 pledged to the development of the (J.T.P. railway as designed 'lib Package ( M Now your grocer has M the clmese you like to well in this handy tif llm Conservatives who had not resorted lo it when tlmy held the reins of government. High tariff would only add lo the purchase price and the consumer would have to pay. Already there was a great reduction in United Slates industry. Tim California boom had burst and Canadians wero coining back in droves. Hegarding IJie tariff, Mr. Man. sou said in.n tow or nigu lanu would nol be suitable, to all parts of Canada. The . Liberal tariff policy at this time was one of moderation su Ural the Indus tries of Ontario and Ouebeo niishl be, protected without un- That policy &apM(is the prnlrifi . was prciicut'ii by Mr. King from one etui of Can nda to the other. Mr. King's fight againsl the Atlantic shipping combine was also referred to by Mr. Manson and he -said that fight would be continued though delajed through the death of Sir William Peterson. II was a problem that the Conservatives had dis covered but which only the Lib erns had attempted lo remedy. Pledged to Reform Mr. Manson dealt wilh Senate reform and said tbe only way to bring about such reforrti would bo lo appoint men to the Senate, who were pledged lo reform That was what Mackenzie King was now doing. The process misrht be slow but it was the only solution. Canada's trade bad been greatly assisted, Mr. Manson de clnred. through trade treaties that had been executed with such countries as Spain, tlio West Indies, Australia, elc. The Liberal government had turned an adverse trade balance into 3 favorable one wilh .tho result that Canadian money now ro reived a premium in New York where. In Meiglmn'. last year, a Canadian dollar sold for 80c That had been ilotm in four years through ordinary business mollu oils without a htglr tariff wall. The trade treaty with Austra lia had resulted in expansion or al the Powell River Ocean Falls paper plants. Freights Rates Mr. Manson dealt wilh the 1 freight rates fight and declared I hat Mackenzie King stood unequivocally for equalization for' ll.C. whereas Meiglmn had to make explanations In Vancouver for a statement thai be had made in the Kasi that the recent judg ment of Hie railway commission reducing flour and grain rates to Ibe Pacific Coast bad been "indefensible," There had been no grain through Hip Vancouver elpvalor! until freight rales bad been revised three years ago. "Are you prepared lo sit by and see your elevator rust? Do you want lo see the transportation rales to the Pacific Coast increased again?" Mr. Manson closed his address by giving figures to show that trade depression and .hard times did nol actually exist in Canada lo such an extent as declared by the Conservatives and making an eloquent appeal for the 'return lo power of (he Liberals for the best interests of Prince Rupert. Momentous Decision You stand nn the threshold of a momentous ileei.-ion. Are you prepared to let the elevator go idle, to lose your director on the Canadian National Railways, to throw yourselves metaphori cally lo llm wolves? Regardless of the parly la which you may . . . . ..-. ... . iipi on p, 1 initiK you ran wmio.n shamefaceituess stand behind the moderal e lariff, the welding in fhmuce for the bonding of Canada together, one policy meaning fair play lo all. a railway policy of fair play to the National and no monopoly, reduction of the debt, an Immigration policy in conjunction wilh Ibe railways and cabinet representation for llm West. Locally, I say you can stand be bind Slork without hesitation, lie has rendered you honest and earnest service. He proposes to carry on the fight night and day. Would it not be better to have your member inside the council of the government rather than outside? Personally, intelligent elf interest demands lhal you cast your vote for the King government and Fred Stork, The government is imbued wilh op limism, has proven lis ability and, despite the war, I look wilh confidence to carrying out of Sir . Wilfrid Luuriors plans. II is not but reasonable for you to support Ibe government thai support you and by supporting red Slork support yourselves? On Tuesday night, Mr. Man son, Mrs. Smith and Mr. Slork addressed a large and favorable meeting nl Ocean Falls whilo tho sii'umer J'ritii'p. Jiupcrl was in port between the hours of l) and 10:30. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Betwren Alfred W. Clarke, Plilnllff; And Templar llobrrlmn kerr, Drtrndaiit. TAkE iOTICE that as anion 3 ruisiieiird a gain-it you by Ibe above-nai.N-d flalntirr un the I7th day of May, tlii, in re(erl of an Arrrrmrnt for sale nude twtwern you and tb l'lalntlff with r-ssft lo the -le and purchase of Lot SUUH-n lit.. Block Three (It. SecUoo i'lgtl (S). City of Prince Buprrl, Map itis, which aid Agreement 14 ' dated .umi-l lth. tsit. A.ND TAkE AOT1CE thai by an order of Honor Judge Younir, dated the f 1st day f Seoteuiber, itii. It wa or-dertd lhal publication nf Oils notice In a nepapt-r published at t'lince Rupert, B.C., once a week for four week shall be deeiHed and sufficient service of Ibe Writ ft Summon. In this action npsi you; AXO 11 was further ordered that the tlrue for entering- an appearance by you to the Writ of Summons In this actum be within thirty days arter ttw last publication of uch notice. If it Is your Intention to defend thl action you will hate to enter an appearance in the Registry orrice or this Honourable Court at tbe Court House, prince Rupert, H.C. 10 the Writ of sumiiMMis herein, within- thirty days of Hie- lt publM-aUm'. otherwise the plaintirr may proceed herein. HATED ibis Ilih- day or September, 103. M. GO-.ZAt.ES. Solicitor for Plaintiff. T0: Templar Robertson Kerr. Oefendapt. - LAND ACT Notlea of Intantlon to Apply to Purchase 4U1U. In the Land Heeordlnir OlMrirt of Prince Itupert, and situate on Bit Fails Creek which rlows Into the' Ecstall River about 18 miles from Us mouth. TAKE .NOTICE that Prince Hurvert Spruce Mills, Limited, or Prince Rupert, occupation lumber manufacturers. Intends lo apply for permluion to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about 10 rhaln northerly from the southeast cor. tier pf Lot ci3. nanre four: tnence o tains nortneriy: I hence an roams easier- iy: thence 40 chains southerly; thencn 40 halns westerly to point of rummeiice- inenl, and containing 160 acres, more or less. rniscE iuteut srjuicK mills. LIMITED. Per n. P. nrii4 ih. IN PROBATE. Rlei, Agen IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter or- the Estate of Frank Llndahl, Deceased. Intestate. TAkE NOTICE that by order or Ills Honor F. MrB. Young, made the 1st day of October, A.D.. 1S, I was appuluted Adlivinlsiratur or the estate or train Llndahl. deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate -are hereby required to furnish same, properly veriried' to me on .r before ttw Slh dar of November. A.D. IStl. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness tu me forthwith. NORMA! A. WATT, orrtrlal Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated tbe Slh dnv of October, a IN PROBATE., IN THE SUPREME" COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ju tbe Matter or the Administration Art; aim la the Matter or the Estate or Thomas Carpenter, Deceased, Intestate. , TAJ.K .NOTICE that by order of Ills Honor F. MrB. Vcunr. made Ibe 1st day of October, A.D.. lUiJ, I was appointed Ailmlulslrator of the estate or Thomas '.arpeiiler, deceased, and .all parties iuv- ' iug claims against the said extate am hereby reoulrual to furnish same, properly verirtcd to - me nn or before tl Mb day of November, A.O. and alt parlies Indebted In Hie estate are required lo pay the amount of tbelr Indebtedness to me .forthwith. , NOnMAV A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. H.C Dated the Slh rt;ty of October. CASSIAR LAND DISTRICT, Racordlng District of Tlgraph Ortsk. TAKE NOTICE that John Jacob Fowler, of Oreal Glacier, Stlklne, rayi-her. In-tenils lo apply for permission tu, pur-rliaie the following described land! Commencing at a it planted on the west bnk or the Slikln Itlver. near the Oreat C. lacier, at southeast corner, thenre running melli to rtiilns; thence In westerly dlrecthm io chains; thence In a southerly direction to chains; thence In an easterly dlrerllon to chains, to .commencement post, Dated August till, tots. J0H.N JACOB rOWlIft.