- DAILY ftWO ?H2 PAflS tvtcj MURDER CASE ! AT HAZELTON Circumstances Surrounding AI-! leged Killing of matmew McLean Given by Omln-eca Herald This advertisement is nut published or displayed by Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. jetid uj your na&s endue wiil send vou The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLKN, Managing Editor. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION this illustralcd; boob of bwuufuJ tipmes.. VSrX'iWv.AM WTk 'IV 7 1JJ Dislributow for: (fDImm K9L9RED -3HIN0LE3. Lumber Brick Cement Lime Plaster Slock your winltr's supply oi Nanaimo-Welling-ton Coal now Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phonet tl6 and 117 the Saturday. Nov. 21, 1025. Going To Bed And Getting Up. What a difference there is between going to bed at night and getting up iu the morning. There i nn even greater difference fcetweeu going to bod ill the morning mid getting up in the morning. At night an hour is nothing. In the morning five minutes seems like a week. .To get up five minutes ahead of time seems to many like committtiug a erinie, whereas going to bed an hour after time is quite the proper thing. If it is right and proper to bo on the job at nine o'clock, most people seem to think five or ten minutes after nine will do just as well. At night many people think Ihey will get a good start in the morning and set the alarm clock a few minutes ahead. When they awaken they find that Ihey are not as enthusiastic about tliafffiMtd dart as they were on the previous night, so they stay; iu tfiat long atid in all probability go lo sleep again and oversleep their time. In the evening people often devote eonsiderable lime to dressing Iheniselves properly, giving their hair needed attention and generally making themselves presentable. In the morning everything is different. There is not time for all that. There is just lime lo grab a eonib, rejid the malted locks aunder with it. and then make for the breakfast room. By n Iille Indulgence in (he morning it is eay to break thei good nanus or years and oversleep (lie set lime for rising. He ware the first indulgence, (lei up on (he dot. C.P.R. Will Hold To Peace River. i The C.P.IL has got a-hold on Hie Pence River country anil i not likely (o relinquish iL Recent evidence of (his i -.ecu in iMuiu.niiKii nr ruiit-iii in rvjmojiiuii nir me. pnrpoe 01 securing settlers for (he peace River country and locating (hem on the lands contingent lo (he railway which it al present operates, I he recent interest of 1 be C.P.IL in Prince Rupert is accounted for largely by (he fad thai Ihey are in (he Canadian XorHiwe.sl ( stay. The probability is (hat (hey will get a belter hold -on (he Edmonlrm. Dunvepran and B.C. than a lease and will extend that line toward the Pacific coast through the best art of British Colombia. Iu doing (his (hey will have lo be aided by Uie Dominion Government and this aid Ihey vil donblle receive. Naturally the Pacific outlet i whal interests n. There i but one and thai i Prince HupexL Any nrraugenienl for a northern Pacific outlet to the (IP.R. ntust include Prince Rupert. Value Of Getting C.P.R. Here. inner me present system or govfrnmenl iris' quilo that (here must be local ionnl rivalries and that (he oonrpe- 4111011 Lejweeii (he Canadian Najiojial. and the (J.P.R. mul gej ilsflf nlixed up with political strife. A long os this port is de pendenl on (he Canadian National alone for is service and sup port it must be opposed more or1e bv (he C.P.R. Let Ihc C.P.R. be inleresled here ever so liftle and Hie is changed. We no longer become a political foolbnll. bunted back and foHh by the contending parlies. We attain stability. I'nder those conditions we could look for Hie sup port of Hie C.P.R. as well as of Hie Canadian National and our prosperity, would be speeded up very considerably. . f .:. . ..'-i - .I . . Supplies I I Tn. skeleton thai was found : It... ;was:i'ii up on an ii.oi SkeeiKi ltier near s-aluis some) weeks ago has heeit identified asj the .. y or Matthew McLean, ani Indian, who disappeared a earj upo. says ie limmeca Herald. Aj onvimei'.s jur al llaellon last Friday night derided at,, 'hat dealli hail been due to violence, or something like that. Since then three suspects have been arretted. It will be remembered (hat a year a pro, September I J, (024, lo to. exact, sumo Indians ami half- breeds had a celebration on thei llazcllon reserve and I hat it wound up as most such celebrations do, with a fight. The fight caused a session of Hie police court Several wore convicted for participation in Hie party and minte for supplying1 Mie fire water. liul that was not all. l'.vJde was found on the bank of1 the Itulkley Itiver of a desperate, ritrtjt bavin? 'taken place. Blood had been spilled, clot limp had been lorn and left lying about. Matthew McLean, a cripple In dian, was nustn$:. I ho police wore barfled. The missing man was well known all over the (lisirieL but not a trace could be found, cool play was suspected, but lo produce the body was the sticker. Gun-a Noot Cleared An attempt was made by some parlies to hang the rtspoilsiliIl- ity on Simon Sun-a-not Who had been in town that day. A pretty good yarn had been (ramed up and Mmon never! knew bow near be was lo beinjr arrested. But investigation of the yarn cleared the big Indian or any knowledge of a crime or any participation in the celebra tion. It was a cWairptant against (un-a-noot. i Hut what becau.fr .of McLean? Thai was a ebse, tCdr 4hlf- leen month' whenfThe Skeena Ilitri dime to the.a-shflarrte ofl the police and save up the keloton ot the missing man. Che skeleton was compara tively easy to identify. .McLean had a crooked foot, a crooked! hip ami a crooked similiter. The skeleton corresponded with these deformities. Making Good Case With (he remains on hand and a coroner's jury verdict of death by violence, the police put mach inery in motion lo round up .uspec(s and material witnesses.! good deal of success has boon achieved thus far and tt fal case wi)j soon be placed before the magistrate for preliminary hear ing, is Hie expectation of tit.' lo cal police. The supposition (s thai follow ing the fight on the bank of the Itulkley Itiver a year ago and more that the victor fir victors, afler killing McLean, carried the body oijl onto the bridge that crosses Uie itulkley Jut before thai river Joins wilh the Skeena, and threw It overboard into tlif' oiirronL Had the Island In the Jowc ijkeonn, about 70 or 80 nines, nol proved such an oh si ruction. Hie remains would probably have gone nut to sea and thus sealed forever the myslery. In The Letter Box WHERE S THE JOKER? LMilor, Daily Novs. About this lime of year then is always many people unemployed iu Canada, which , is wholly unneeessury, as I am never mil of a Job when I wanl In work, and I have been all ove" Hie country from Sydney to Victoria and from Vancouver In Hawsoil. As I am leaving for Vanemive" shortly in order lo join the Ku Mux Klan, I would like lo advise the unemployed of Prince Ituperl to Join some secret organizations, they will find II a great beneril Ibrnugli life and Hie trifling ojiei)se of fees, duos, etc., will he returned a hundred fold financially and socially. Al! employment agent, employers, and iii.'ii in influential positions. belong to secrel orders. Why nol join up and gel Iho benefits that urn going? The firet loJve I joined wa a Reception clearfar and near! If distance lends enchantment, here's a wizard the Victor-Northern Electric seven tube Superheterodyne Radio Set . No. R-40. Own it. You will be proud of its performance, proud of its appearance. Run your fingers over the rich figured walnut cabinet. That creamy, satiny, luxurious feel ! Open the set. Expert work, and neat as a pin ! Then hear it. Revelation! the world at your feet. Now you arc sure you've bought a thoroughbred ! Victor Northern Electric temperance order at the age n fifteen, but (lie members doing :. drunken lot, my folks paid il vn- i. .Al.. ... .... no imju e iof ii iiiuMsM-r sum and I Jv"I lo X&WHfluySl1 a?ain ny Ityv barton mo in joiiiuig ,1hJnV and ul preseftkl ;ou ajnuiihj in goKl tanilhg in' t,vrlfirireizalion. all dues laid upniid a bank account. The only difficulty I experienced was when I Joined the Rebel Cork llencvolent Associa-lion. Some .me said I was an Orangeman ami Ihey tried to mob me, (nil I took a run at them wilh a slcdj Jjamintu and Ihey faded away likp fog. in a -J II I V MUll. I ' F.S. of Iho (Ld. of Canada. FISHERMAN'S PROTEST. Kdilor. Haily ws. Allow me in inform the public, that one of I lie straw bosses on city work, is discriminating against fislreiinon being- engaged lo work, and liifs lcOp overheard lo say Hint hii.-haa jlisrharged four of them, as'M'Jld nol think Ihey were entitled ,lo Jobs. 'n would like to know'" If slraw bosses have niilliiirfly (o do on mid why fishermen arc not wauled on Ihc city work. Some of us are very much in need of employ-uo'iit lo keep our families until fishing starts again. A NisllF.ll.MAN. P. D, Q. Lnsllsh schoolboy's short tor lo his father for funds: O. , L. 8. ) i. fcS, V. 1. lei Victor Talking Machine Company 4 Vit . 11 M II Hl,lilllllfcM SHOWER IS HELD FOR THE BAPTIST CHURCH i Musical Program During After-' noon at Home of Mrs. Bert Morgan A shower In aid of the oonpng Hapllst Church Itazaar was held ye.slerd.'iy afternoon at the home of Mrs. IJert Morgan, Third Ave. More than fifty ladies called in Hie course or the afternoon bringing articles for the bazaar. There was a very fine musical program. Mrs. Field and Miss C Jones sang. Mis Kva Morris recited. Miss Adelia Thurber in She Couldn't Sleep Heart Was So Bad Mm. 3. 1). MeCIlntoek, Chttlotte-town, P.K.I., writfi:--'About ynt go I wm grratly troubled with tny hrirt. -I could not tlrop at night, and waa o ncrvoui I imaioed that I could see evfrrthiin; in the room moving, and would hare to turn on the lighu before I could get to ilcrp. After having read of your I took wvcral boiri of them, and can now get a foil night 'a alrrp without any troubl, and feci floe in evrrr way." II, ft N. Tilli have bofn on the market for the pa.t 32 ycari all dealer sell themi but un nnlr l, Tk. T. UUbura Co Uiaited, Twouto, Out, a most pleasing manner rciledj "How Uramlma danced the mil'-' not" ami the minuH vva danced! hy Mises Audrey Tremiiyiie and F.nyd Mirri- in cuslumi'. Refreshment Which were lieyiimt reproach won- s.-rv.. ENJOYABLE DANCE"" GIVEN BY ELKS FOR XMAS CHEER FUNDS! First of Series Augur for Success of Future Events of the Same Kind The first of a series of dances that the F.Iks are holdingr for the purpose of raising money for their Christmas Cheer fund, was given last night augurs well for those that are to follow. There was a nice crowd present and all seemed tn enjoy themselves. Kenny Hood's Serenndors played miiiii" of Hie n ewes I Un trots nnd waltes and it was short Ij after I wo o'clock When the parlv broke Up. Hopper was served shortly before midnight with Mrs. Carrol in charge. Iu the course of the ovi'iilnv drawings look place for five boxes of chocolates, Ihc proceeds going lo (he fund. The event was in charge of Kxalled Ruler L. Murray Fuller ami a rommlllen consisting or Kenny .Mc(JiiHig, Davo Ilnlfonr and Andy Donald. "Why did lliey put JnciToul of tho foolbnll game?" "For linliiliig-.' "Oh, Imi'l (hat Just like Jack." Frtlar.ii., V x stSn Kir "not this in Radio Type U-6900 to ntm .l.mLutU ! (I.rll;, (.llhlalnn. t4 lenal aalll,. NclMill sm.I tn w mrtU4 Ivr K K i4 Ulu.lrolrJ Iwloa. rik tu.. Type U-40 Amtrican Walnut Trice $215.04 Three Big Specialsj For One Week Only Tomatoes, ?ltc. upei-'-i Corn, ?". tt tin f"i Peas, t'. ' 6 Htli for Theft can 'i all new slock pinirHiileeil I.. Hon. Wnlch Jb fur annooiK'1' Clirtslmns I1' lost. Who popular yoin - B. C. Butchers and; Grocers Ltd. Phone 45 Fur Coats & Jacauettes An l.xittiiHlto si" TrlmminKS l B. C. FUR Co. Next Q.W.V.A. 0c ruf pric