i4 favorite with British Columbia housewives JUST ARRIVED from Bulkley Valley Shipments of ota toes Beefs Carrots, Turnips and Cabbage Also Herf. Yea?. I..ri aid Muf'un We Deliver Seafy 8 Lamb Doodson The House nf Quality Sixth Street Phone 455 Fresh ami Smoked Fish a Specially WE ARE SOLE AGENTS for AJAX HEAVIES pronounced by experts to be the (?r.afe-t advancement made in hot shells in tfje past 40 years. 12 gauge only. Kaien Hardware Co. Wood! Wood! Now is your chance DRY CEDAR Full load ... '$6.00 Half load S3.00 Large sacks 50o DRY BIRCH Per load $6.50 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 5S0 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. IMPROVED Ford Models Wilt be on exhibition about November 10. Prices Unchanged S. E. Parker Ltd. Phone 93 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone (I. Cirtage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service, Coal, Band and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Bovine SUCCESSFUL BAZAAR SMITHERS THIS WEEK Number or Ladles Aided in Sell. Ing Articles and Serving Tea SMITUKHS, Nov. 21. The Ladies' Auxiliary of SI. Jame Anphcan Church hebl a most; successful hazaar and sale of work in the Town Hall Wednesday afternoon. The several very tastefully decorated booths awl tea roi i m were well patronized by (he public and the ladies as a reward kf their Intleavors bad the pleasure of adding around 4150 to their fund for assisting! in carrying on church work. Mrs. It. W. Champion is nrei dent of the Auxiliary and anions' the ladies working: with her were: Mrs. W. Dawson and Mrs. K. Orklcshaw at the home ronk-iiif: I able: Mrs. I). I). Rolston and Mrs. H. ii. Windt at the fancy work stall; Mrs. S. II Hoskina and Mrs. J. M. Adams at the crab baz; Mrs. C. (tied awl Mrs. II. J. Kelly at the candy booth; Mrs. A. 1L Campbell at Hie slork booth, while Mrs. ItJ Itaalie am Mrs. F. I'asre hail charge of the tea room with several of the Sunday school pirts acting as waitresses, and Mrs. I). Simpson as cashier. A nicely decorated fruit cake donated by the Newbery liakery was the prize in a guessinjr eon- test and was won by Mpsj J. It.i Mdntyre and Miss fluta Miller. who each had mVseJ "the same wight which was nearest oor-reef. Tlie cake weighed 8 lbs. fi "Z. Durtnp I lie afternoon Mr. !t. Selidi-w tr.. the lailnr. .raffled a piere of dress snods: this was won by Mrs. ii. Tarruthers. SHOWER WAS GIVEN FOR NEWLY MARRIED COUPLE AT TERRACE TKHIIAi'.K. Nov. 21- The mem bers of Mountain View itebekha Lodge and Lakelse I.O.O.F. join- en forces on wednesiiav evening in honoring two of their mem bers, Mr. and 3Ir. S. Kircaldy. who were married recently Aboul forty members met in the fi.W.V.A. Hall and "showered" them with a splendid array of kitchen necessities. The presentation was miule by J. I. Fggleshaw and fittingly responded to by Mr. KircUldy. The remainder of the evening was pleasantly spent in music, games and dancin?. Ilefreshments .were served by the members of "the Iti'bekhas. TERRACE NOTES After having spent the past week on a business trip lo the coast. Constable J. I. lggtehaw passed through Terrnee on Fri day en route In llnzeltnn. He returned home on Saturday. F. W. Allen and A. 0. Kni-ihl, tcprexenlalives of the Hudson's Hay Co., Vnnromier, were in town at the week end. Mr. nnd Mrs. S, Kircaldy have taken up their residence Jn Hie home recently vara in I by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Creelman. Quite a Inrge crowd nf friends of the yniinig couple leathered on Fri day evening and serenaded iiiem with the usual tin rap band, with ine result tney were inviied m come in nnd partnke of a bounh-ful supply of refreshment (,r.-vlded by the host in readme-s for Hie occasion. In compliment to her sisler Mrs. Kincaid nf Seattle who is soon leaving Terrace, after visiting here for Hie past Hirer months, Mrs. lien. Lttlle enter talned at afternoon tea on Mon- eWs3rl ,n i'i.ti-1 .i i . i.iiiie rny jqr.j sisied in serving refreshment.! Kincaid. Her tiiiesu wrre Mr. j Several vocal sleoihHi were; Kincaid. Mr. LiMle. Mr . tiilhori. rendered by Mrs. MiiHro audi Mr. Smut' an. I Mr. Halt. Mrs. Kincaid and an enjoyable! social Injur spent. In coniplimeni In Mrs. L. Kincaid of Seattle. Mrs. C. It. liilhert entertained at iuitclieou on Saturday. Her quests were Mr. Kincaid. Mrs. Little, Mrs. J. K. Cordon. Mrs. o. I. Sundal and Mr, lien. Dover. Mr. Oen. Keith entertained all Angus Itnice. brother of ron-ald 1 truce, and one of the early pioneers of this district, arrived in town on Monday from the state of Washington. Vernon Kby, of Smilhers spent Tuesday in town. HHly Atlwnerf Jr. arrived home from the llazellop Hospital on Tuesday morning. A. ftoodennnjgh 1 of Smither was a business visitor on Tues day. Jas. Turnbull. Hazelinn. re turned fo Terrace on Tuesday. He is here in the interests nt the Hanson Timber Co. Mr. and Mrs. K. T. Kenney en- lerlained at briitee on Tuesday evening when six tables were en gaged. High scores for the even- ng were made by Vlrs. Aldoiis and L. II. Kenney. Iielicions re- ffeshmenls were serveil during Hie evening. Mr. and Mrs. P.. T. Hrooks re turned on WVdnesday nfler hav uig majle the trlangul-ar trip over Hie H.N.n.. slopping off at the more important centre. Mr. Hrooks. who has heen nsilnnt at the i....u. station here, is being transferred (o Hiilton In vvbieb pUcehey expect lo go tn uie ne,ir fiiiurn. jtoUi be uml Mrs; llryiahrwlll'.he-tn'liclr miss! ainontft the. yniltit'er s0 Item4 ' m ii. La vena lie and A. C. Claren nenu or I'rinee Huiiert who have been spending some time at the former's ranch al Lol Lake, re turned home on Tuesday. A. it. Howie, relieving agent of the Iktmininn Telegraph Co., ar rived irom llazeliiiti on Soudav and rfpeiit a few days here with mends, winl inning on to I'rinc fluperl on Wednesday. He re turned to Terrace again on Wed nesday night. Heorge Little. . n The heavy rain Mr. I,. Klncnid ttuesl of honor at II. L. Mcintosh, who ha becnjffiven by Un. J. -pendinp a t day at hi Thursday, -immer bonie here returned on! ; trip to Prince itooerl. w. Ailken. if the last few days, are play nit: havoc with the road, bill am l-nt weimntel byj many whose .-!N are either en tirely drj- r nearly so. The water in Icer fall than for a number of vears. f Seattle wa a liincheoti M. Halt on unaay to nis home in Prince J. K. Frt n lurned on 'el- iltuperl. inesday flight from a htiaine itincneon on luesoay m honor of ir. Aufoa liad the misfnr-Mrs. L. Kincaid, sisler of Mrs.! tune to fall .n her way to town ten. i.ime. ite.irte the fpiesl of on 1 huraday and injnred her honor other guests ware Mrs.! arm qwite haily. ieo. Little, sirs. Sundal and Mrs. Hover. jur. eo. ihiver was a tea hostess on Welneday after noon, her mie.i of honor being ars. hineaM i.f Seattle. HAZELTON Matthew lit. -n of lilen Vowel!, old. blind ami leaf, is a patient in the Haieli n Hospital suffering Iron) Injui ies sustained whan a tree fell on bim. The fund for Ui furnishing of the Nurses' Home here has now reached 3,HS2. The object ie va l,8(iO. The roiul between Hazeltoti and smilhers is still open and se'-'ral cars were down here from he llulkley Valley last week. Miss Maedonnell and Jack have left fur Sm it hers where they will reside in future. Mrs. James Turnbull has returned from Cumberland, Von-omer Island, where she went lo :iltend Ihe funeral of her fhttier. Mr. and Mr. C S. Sobey Wetaskiwin havit arrivetl Hniellnn with Ihe intention locating in the district. manager of I'.n.'s 11,'itiine timpliton8 rheumatic CAP3UUS In 10. nd 11.00 BaM. SolJ.nJ, nxndwl bf J.CCO C.n.di.n dUUI. NEURALGIA HEADACHE RHEUMATISM of al of After visiting at Kilwnngn and hflwaiicool. Archdeacon fl. A, Hix of Prince Itupert will preaeb in Hazelton on Siinilny night. Mts c.. M, Ifflgnit, feflrelnry itl Hie Harelton Utpll$t JhpMH iwt: with ricftil Jin" Prince Itti ert. SMITHERS Another well attended card drive was held in the Itebekali Lodge mums ,n Wednesday nighl. there being eight Inbtes of nrblge and four of whist In tho play. The first prizes al hrhbro were won by Mm. J. N. Cnrr and II. liundersiin, and eeeond prizes by Mrs. K. Kby and W. Lewis Al wlnsi ihe first were won by Mr. -. Waison and it. Diehard I with Mi- U. Hiinbe second IJOntier' Il.'lllllv I . f r..Ml.r.,.,.t m ayn u " " .ii m i -.1 . f e . I I .urn i.. i.. mggey mane a trip t;i i.f,,. n the milliner A.i.n.. n i- . -"ii i iiiiiirsiioi : ineir iii.tnes mi W ednesday. Mrs AldoitH eiitirlnin,.d guCss ifepartei) fop the post SAFE SPEEDY nJk Itl RELIEF fromrfklTH T-R-C'3 ' Neuritis Lumbago Sciatica UnW SttA 1 Oe for lttitnrt! bnolM snd pmui trwUmphioTnnplrttm., JJJ Kif(W.,Twuito2. ilJAIJHlttJ'I'lJIIAfAJrJwJUIII Wanted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c WAHTRB LOST OLD Artificial Teeth Hought. any l.urtT.- Iletween lleuer apaii- condition. Highest prices amt by return mail. II. Inmal in, P.O. Ilox 310, Vancouver. IJ.C. Establinhed thirty three years. WANTKI). Ynunjt girl to do light housework and mind baby. Live in if desired. iio-d home Illue 2911. WAXTKIi. - Canvassers lo take orders Tor Christmas cards McRae Ilros HELP WANTED. FEMALE Mli.N awl Women wantesl to learn barber trade and beauty culture. Wonderful demand for barbers and lady hairdresser. Special low rates now on. Toola free. We have thirty-two schools in Canada and L.i5.A.. Write or call Moler System of College. 10 Hastings Fast, Vancouver, il.C. FOR SALE FOR SALK. - Ford truck. 123 model with new starter just iiisdalled, food cord tire all round; oak body; two spare cord lire mounted; in first class mechanical condition. 9 1 Oil cash, hahvii'c to arranse.. Apply Aorlhem Kxciianue ft FOITt roomed house for sale on Eighth Avenue West, near Mr-liride. Apply 133 Fight! h Ave West after five o'clock. 27 I FOIt SALK Seven roomed house and furniture. Apply 12( Fifth Avenue West. Photo flreen 201. .f WHAItFAUE for boat. Care- laker in attendance. 'Apply Northern exchange Jhon. 23. FOIH) SKIlAN for sale. Only used aeven month. ISftO.OO. Apply S. K. Parker, Ltd. TO RENT FOIt HUNT. Small store or of fice. Third Street. Two room below, two livliiK rooms above. Welernhaver llry. ' FOIt IlKXT. Pianos, nlarer pianos, ithonocrapbs and sew ing maelitee. Muslo Store. travel cotifineii , and dog learns, Wnlkef, If IT)fl HKXT. Large two slorev house, Third Avenue near Me Meekin'n lirocery. Westen-aver Ilros.' te 10 HUNT. -House. 727 Fraser Street, holm Courl House EXCHANGE. five rooiiis, Win. Iteii- tf FOLH Itoom Sujle for Itenl. Hot walef beat. Apply Hinilli v Malletl, Ltd. If FLAT for rent. Four rooms with bath and range. Apply II. Lelourneau. tf MOIIKIIN FLAT for Itenl Apply Mux Heflbroner. f WILL F.XCIIAXflF. forty acre farm, bouse, barn, orchard, nl-'falfa, near Spokane fur Prince Iluperl improved property. Weslenhavflr Ilros. WILL ILMCHA.Mii; forty acre farm, house, ham. orchard, alfalfa, near Spokane, for Prince Iluperl bouse and lol. Wesleti-baver Ilros. was a business visitor la town on Thursday. Mr. Allken Is busy preparing for his winter work and nxpects to have art -active lime of il conduct inir three. Hie mode of siiowshoea iiienfs and Canadian National ticket office, butierfly pendant. Finder please return ' Haily News Offtee. CARS FOR SALE. i ivr uitisniohlle t. 5 patsen-ger touring IflOO.ttn I I'.'-'O Nash 5 panger lour ing t850.0 I 1021 Overland Selan . 1700.00 I 1919 Heo seven paenger Inuriiijr 700.00 I 1'J25 Ford lmpe, balloon lire rar like new ft60.OO I IV. '2 Ford Tudor sedan. WS.Oft t 1322 Ford Coupe .... 3ft0.fMi I 1921 Ford one ion truck, panel body 175.00 I Ford light delivery chassis, rebuilt f 1 73.00 All cars guaranteed in good mechanical condition. Kas terms ran be arraneit. KAIEN QARAQE Ford anil Chevrolet Service Station. Agents for Mclaughlin Oakland. Uidstnobile awl Chevrolet ear, tieo. fi.M.C. and Federal Truck. WHKCKLMI BPJtVICi: HAY AXH MliHT. MISCELLANEOUS UK! PAY WORK FUR MKX. To Ihe unemployed or men wli" work for laborer' pay when the world' greatest Industry needs thousands of men a 5c to $1.00 per hour, city and country shops. We train you for job as truck drivers auto-mechanics, ignition ex-perls, battery welding and vulcanising. We also leach bricklaying, tilenelting awl plastering. Call or write for free catalogue. Hemphill Auto Kn-ginoaring School, 10 Hastings Stree Ka: Vancouver. Il.C. DOARD 1IOAIH) The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. DOLLAR STO R E See Our Ilange of CHRISTMAS GIFTS. ' irml itching bud J'icoting. Special attention (riven to Mail orders. THE DOLLAR STORE. Plmite lied 32 1. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (fall Oftorge, Paul or (lust) Special C and 7 passenger Sltule- baker at your service day and night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from P.mprcsN Hotel. FURNITURE AND RANGES. Home Furniture and Manges suitable for every home Christ inns goods arriving daily. Kvery lime vou pass my store call in. You are most welcome. A. Mackenzie. Furniture Hom if ROTHWELL'S TRANSFER Coal - Wood and Furniture Moving Ilaggnge and Kxnress Slan(l:Lil.lle's News Stand, Phone .wi. hcs. Plintm Green (120. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl. 11 M Kfi-.i VVa Ii... a. it n riir-liiivin. ....(- .... ..... .... ' 7 .'. " " ocji anil I'.J '"-n ni niii.-iy IMI- ennncra Nan, uniteii pnitiis with ind Hecniiftlisnit Roods. GEO. PAPADOPULI8, 3U Third Ave. Pbon SIO FOP XI i.- H.i Apdy lit k FOUND lArticIn Lo,tlttJ rounds PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC JT0 303 Third Aienut Sole agents ' . , Phonograph, i Hai'ijue!. . slriiiiH" CAMERON TfUNtrM I'bone t:? Baggag. Furnltun If you wani un . or deliverr.j, , Pn U i V3 CARPENTERS WIIKX bavu.it v ed. see Photif H'scic LAND ACT, Y,tfn?r ' BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus " M VMT 1 1 I how ae. tpu V ( hhe. ah i F,fiE Tv , f , wmhv xo xAva oot a. ic, ure ) j how thact oet J j want tt rJi-OC4CE OOl-lC-r t0 WON'T S tHOt UP -ft.U O.A6H K TOOW J a) TO KHOW W OWNEl Ice C0-lMEOVjTW A-CE4TAM I POUCY ON HiN jObT1-) J'? ) IVE, SOT A 00O I VC CetVTAMv LfHHT lb AUWt TlN' " t)ELU J TO LET HVf KNOW OONT V7, 7 JriNtUAMt:E ( ,a1BC,CUO I ' ;J-gC I 1 want him nAve my f Cs -Uceht look vJrSTJSiil H . flA ' ' - ". .-ihj-"- -----"- - . . . .--ri day. lay. Mr, Mrs. lireijr Srtijr presided prt..! Ml at the! tlI luiirttoa luncheon an on Vdnesdav Vditly in in lionorl, bmorL r- - ! .iffaA .iffaA it a n.m.t awl Mim Im I I Iaun ltu -I l..r ..f I l v . t t i i - - ... ...- . -. Mailt f Isusllvs i Ih 11 l rrt nut- Irtet. (4 siNMi IkMH MM 'tw.ti. tlrmie th'M M itMl 1 1 .i" . ! rr rM Tk Hire f. Umiied. f Vt. nsorrjw. h.i- -i of III Mu " IMhWtrUf IhHW rsl I i unfl Ntfll tlr I" . rnawmiSf I nil - w vii h i: i O.fl sr.ivw - LAND ACT. Noll. f IMtnllCfl "'' I Pfhir lltts-rt i bT OM.I II ' " .nrth Hsrin- ii Tvr hotii i: " " PrtlKS tlBTerl IHxl I ilt " Iflf dltlll Ui- tin rsnsnt N Own iniuixl hit'' v nwlnt f n,nim. " 10 srre, IIK'rr 1 Pllnl Oflubrr a r LAND ACT. Nolle f lnlsls I ' W l"T In rrinr liui- ii i ' ' , . i.f onto hui"' r " South lurlwi-' '-.' -TAKE lOTIili: 'I" Prllim jluTl 1 .1.. ' 1 UMhU III til) ri 1 inr afrnwa mini-CXiininnirlnr ( ISIII piMiit "f -llivn Amumt hlo M1nl of riiimiii ii' ' CO rri, noire Al a, r. W' btlMt October t' th- eiwrw I . .ryn BIITICT- s GOVERNMENT LIQUO ACT noticc or siiTh:: i mi 11 dsir Ihm.i.. Mtar InMSMl GMNn Mrl i in imiiiir. . Imisu I'rMni" hrlll nit HfaM llw toikt. ft. Dhirk I I" Ctiiliim lm. i INiri Und H- k frtwiarr sto ml hrmt to U. knftlr Mr mefiii II 41 I'll IM I i sreiiCATios it LICtKtC LAND ACT I I I Natl f lt0s U ,1 it vsvsni i n. ' tlNtl t lni'' 1 TUf. JloTIi K ' ViiMwwi.r. R MHH ti'.i ' llfl (SMfOixit '' r4tnHanrin( i 1 wtinsnirC uun4 ' ' r ar iai iiii rnlVosIni lurtifi ItliM m nni ' rqnltlttl. tS rf vt 1 . ... ,...-. .f TllH'' 1 lilt nf Ornt nimuT, trniM In nniy rnr i rne in niiinwun -Il-" Oiniinnirllir il I ... WMI iMIlk Ot U , v. Orrtt OUrlrr, l " '' iW"1' riinnln nnrlh to ''",n' ,. ', piiilinrri uuninH" . (u ii" n alerlv illri'.lloll ti.i,l intuit I "!.. fOsl' I