1 ! irrow Escape of George Soren- tn Early this Morning When Lighted Match Ignited Fume '. -I'll .if f f lalltll; ...! !i narrow - Mj.ny when n a- ii look place till fin I bat NOW UNDER CONTROL 1,1 I I ' Nov. 21. After a " liad tieen killed by a will'. ' 'HiiioM'.i inui several lint been injured, the fire !' 1 ke mil in the iir-enal 1 " 1 1 :i.t to the Kurroundinit 1 a brought under con- r'v Ax.. ........ a. " - 1 WARNINQ. "'y i.ers.011 in (he ttlly water houli be v, v ' uriTul and not waln a IV nur miiln connec-willjinl be comideled Mnn fifxf fiicxilfiy.. r"y of I'rlnre lliiicrl. (, SUBMARINE WAS IN COLLISION WITH SWEDISH STEAMER LuMhiX, Xo. .-I Tin-Admirally state il now .ii.'nr IJml the lo of Hie siiluiiarine M-l with liH Iii-. wa dm- In a collision Willi Hie Swedish steamer Yidar, wlume rap. tain report? thai tw felt a shock Ml tfie Htne ant in tUe vicinity f ttie ul- apparently iMhi in- ! 4Httf44 .i l Mm tove on I ' r-rrr-rrr. mic from a . Mlll-d. Til ;;:.':: ! Ottawa situation tMlllloU .'lit llf Ho1 Till low I'd and dHlliaunl! ri fniin that. Ihr Victoria ' t"Ul i'onilii of lima and Soreiion The fire di'purl-'.l o Hie t.eeiir and Uril Hi.- fl.iliie-. MUCH GRAIN TO BE MARKETED trrbargo at Vancouver Checks weUrn Movement Which l Yst Quite Largo ' 1 '. Nov. 21. There ' "lore at iHilnl on Ihe 1 N.iitonnl 'HnilMiiy in Ihe ;rviuee 2 l,0O,IKlil wiinn and mueli more " marketed. ' ! " '"if of an rniliariin on ii j'ineiil! In Vaneoiiver ' Mo- creal amount of ii it louii wheal recently lied. Iiiih retliieiil Ihe iii.-M-nienl, hut iliiee ' 1 0.H5I ears have been i i ln-re o'r Canadian 1 "ic ( aainl I. OH? iii rioil of I"-.'!. FIRE AT T0ULEN IS IS BEING DISCUSSED Times Says Tories Thrown Into F"ie Rage Over Kinq Holding on to Power (Victoria Tune.-The likeliiiiMMl of the Ku - lioveromeiti coiiiHiaiidmg a majority of Hie lloue nf IIiiihiiiipm" and I If re fore reuiaiutiiir o r-fire until il decide to appeal to Hie country on il own vol i lion, i llnowiiis Tory reaelionarie into a fine ra?. The Montreal diuelle and Ihe Monlreal ':ir, which bad been rflwfully etmlcin- idaliiiK Hie jSroecl of an ad-'iliHllralioll coiilrolled by little SI. flaiio' Slivet . nlei ie. the Canadiau .National Hallway handed over lo I lie i:.IMI.. fur-Iber cenlrHliialioii m Ibe eal of Canada nnluli ial and financial nraanizalioii and Ihe yleui- atic bleediiiK of Veleril t.atiad.l and Ihe Maritime province, are rarerly able to contain ilieui-oelvr with aiiper. Tlioy are fill-inn tlie air with Ki-oeMue contention rciiaidmu tin- eontitu-lionaliLv of Hie IMeinn r' courf in holding office until Ihe Houm' Im met. in the lace of Ihe fad that hi action ha Hn- upiort of all Miuitd eoii-litiitional au-Ihorilie In llii cnntiy a well a the approval ol Hie liovernor (ieiierul. We do not recall that our baron of perml privilege concerned about were very inueli ronllllitlonal prece.lenl when Mr. Meishen calmly grabbed office in llMlt without even bothering hiinclf about a general election. In a few week Hie llolie will meet and Ihe iiietlin will be definitely oelllcd. ir Hie Kititf (Inveriiiiielil On II vital dlM"iOU rommatid a majority of Hi' lloue il will lie eiililled lo re-niHln in offlee a long a HiV eon.lilion eit. If it i defeat ed, il will reign and Mr. Meigh- en will lie given a CliHtne. Knilv 1;kI week .Colonel Cy I'rck made a hurried trip lo his home, near Sidney In repone lo a meiige received In Ihe lgl Ihltirp llml Mr. I'eek was sen uttMly III. King Kdward. Parliament had already adjourned when the death of tin Queen Mother occured. Many iiffieial and private functions were cancelled a a token of respect. I' 1 ........ I H.llt .... Q. . imivii a.iaiirinrinn mil iiu. toe uet-iueu on mil il Hie King liar J been consulted. Thert I II" iiiUMlern precedent for I lie funera of a muher of the reigning Hril ish monarch. For a parallel il i nereary to go haek lo the dealii of Catherine of France mother of Henry IV., iu 1 138 Il Ik expected however, thai the eereiiioiiial olierved at the funeral of (Juecn Vn-loria will le FATHER OF LOCAL MAN PASSED-AWAY H. Cartaw of this City, Sor of Lata James Carlaw of Chllllwack The death oreurred -in Chilli-wack on Monday of James Car-law, father of li. II. Cat law of lb - city, flic funeral took plare in VniirmiWr on Wednesday. jleci-aed. who wa 70 year of age. i Mjrviwil bv a widow, one laughter and four un. WHEAT PRICES ARE ADVANCING YANCOl VI M. Nov '.'I. Wheal i uiovtnir up ii-ailily and i affecting flour and feed. The price ol tieal on exchange here ye-(eiil.i.v wh nliotit kl.lt and a fraction oxer il. The tendency is till upward ANOTHER DELAY TRYING WONG CASES Another Remand for Week Given In Case Against M. B. K. Jackson and Others VANCOUVi;n. Nov. 21. When Hi o rae agatnl M. II. Jnekson, lleeve I'allou. and II. F. Me-Crnney. of the Point Crey Police Cotniiiion. Mr. Slrattou and havid Pallerin, formerly con nected with Ihe ommejl of Soot- I i li Micietie. all charged with ronpifiig to abdtirl Wong Fooo sing, wa called in the police court (hi morning, Magiliate Shaw prattled a furlher remand of one week but ml muled llml no furlher delay would lie per milled. PREMIER NOT SURE"" HOUSE WILL OPEN ON DECEMBER TENTH ttriAWA. Nov. 21. "We (mini on the House opening December In," slaled Premier Klnu after Hie cabinet mcclhift yrlerday, , The Premier said, however, u definile slalement of the dale of lup opening of ibe ncjl Parliament would htinlly In aviidable until about November T x" 25 Ar Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Kail, Anywhere at Am.. ' "i ... with newly laid dancing SUnd Royal Hotel, 3rd Av.. '""Iili,,"'" " . floor for hire. a il II ana vin ov. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, PRINCE RUPERT MATT VIOECK, Prop. v The latest and best for the Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper least. Phone 457. V)I, XV NO. 271. I'WXCK HL'I'KItT, U.C, SATLUtfJAY. NOVKAIUKIl 21. I85. llishop Hieii of Western New Yoik. wdu win Japanese Motorships are to ... . be Built for North rMcific YttUrdtr't Circulation, 1B1f consid ered a leading candidate ror Ihe leadership or the clmrt'lr in Hie l ulled Stale. lie is a graduate of Trinity College. Toronto Route of Latest 'Deisel Type YOKOHAMA. Nov. 21. Three new niu!or.hiia or ihe lalel leifl type, edcli or alejul I7.UUU Ion and plunued lo niakf a pceil or III knots uu hour aie planned to lie Iiuilt lij Hie .iiuii Ynen Kailia, Jupan' la'cgft steamliip company. Tlie:-e ral vti"l, il i rlaiiued, are necearj if Hie J.ipauex tire to IioKI .heir own in competition vvilli Hie Canadian Pacific liner.. It i ilaiined that lhe.e ileiel hip can operale inueli mure. Str t'M 411. PRICE FIVE CENTS. K CLINCHING HOLD ON PEACE RIVE IAPANESE ARE PLANNING TO BUILD BIG MOTORSHIPS FOR PACIFIC ROUTE htorship Silver Wave may have been Wrecked During Alaskan Storms coltDov V .-v. si. Follow i up a It'inii. storm ST. PAUL'S BIG i BELL TOLLED Death of Royalty Announced to London n Usual Way: Funeral Not Yet Arranged LONDON. Nov. 21. The jreat tl. lfil i.r m. Paul tolled for an , Silver Wave niiMiig. The vc.cl It'll Sealllc oii!,,0UI' night. The bell is used ;"" hound for Alaskan port, ..ml ha out becli heard uf;"nl on Hie talli of royally, the 1 i- exprced for her Mitel. g the lug toriil in whirli I In- Silver Wave wa ciiiichl ivre lorn mini the house, while lh.. kni. r i'..,.i. ------ "i v idled Willi dcliri washed from the ocean. The whole wpl I.y (In lerrifir gale ami several molor boat (t !! ill Dutch Harbor. ;as EXPLOSION FISHING BOAT? lasi ocraion beiiia I he death of cheaply than Hie s-leanicrs ami would be in u tKj-ition to make money where Ihe other would Ioe. Tlie Jafianee government i) - ufferniK the company a Mibidy f conideraldy over a million dollar lu induce them to build the veel and Ihe expectation i that the firt will lie laid down a the pring. The pew veel are dcigned to operate on the Iriui-pucif l; route. HmiikIi what port are lo .e ued i not known. LOCOMOTIVE PLUNGED INTO MOYIE LAKE IN WEST OF CRANBROOK One Man Kilted When Freight Train Struck Obstruction Near Jerome ...CHANHHOOK. Nov. 2l. - lloberl Fly. foreiunn. wa drowned this artemoou when Ihe locomotive! hnutiug a Canadian Purine freight train struck an obstrue-iiou al Jerome, 17 miles west or here, and plunged into Lake. Ilury t. Maiifliester United 3. Mtiyie OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL English League, Division I. Hit iiiiiiglmin 2. Liverpool 0". Illaekburn 2. Arsiuial 'J. Cardiff Cily (i. Newcastle I. O.J Fverton I. Astoli Villa I. I(udder.fiebt :i. I.eieeler Cily 0, Manchester City l.iNott C. I. .Sheffield V. 2. heed I'. II. Sunderland I. West Ham t. Totteniiiiin 2. Hollou 3. Wet DroniNvich 5. Hurnley ;i. Scottish League, Division I. Aberdeen u .St. .Iiihuslone t. Celtic-1 1 earls polpoucil. Cowdeuliealli 5. Morion I. Dundee 0, Dundee U. (i. Falkirk I. Ilainillou 0. Hibernians 5, Clydebank I. Kilmarnock ;i, 11 it 1 1 tt llor 0. Mollicrwi'll-llatiSer abundoued. Queen's Park-Airdleonians 'iol. poned. . it. Mirreh PaHlik Tliislles 2 SIX VESSELS SOLD CATCHES More Halibut Expected Monday and Auction Will be Held Then II i very probable that the last auction ale for halibut this season will be held on Monday. More boat. arc expected to arrive before that time. tMx sold today, tlie prices being about Hie same i those prevailing all week. ale were as follow: Ivanhoe. 211.(1(1(1. nl 12.80c and c to Mouth Fisheries. .Majestic. 33.tiio. at 13.200 and Cc to Cold Storage. Venn. I.l.dun. at Iu lln.val Fish Co. Jin-lb. 21,000, at lo Cold Storage. MANY ARE LIABLE 13.IHc and Oc 15.800 and Cc Toiileu.kjold. 12.000. at I2.l0c and lie to Atliu Fisheries. l Prosperity A.. 18.000. al 12.50c. and Cc to (loyal 1- ih Co. TO FINE AUSTRALIA MKI.ltflt IINF. Nov. 21. Near l.v a uuarter or n million neonle iu this country are loday liable to a tine of len dollars each lor f a il in lt lo register their voles ill the general election, utiles they can show a valid reason why I hey could not do so. Tim exact number is 221.000. TEN YEAR PENALTY GIVEN A PROCURER VF.ItNON. Nov. 21.- Ten year iu Hie penitentiary was given It. II. Ainsworlh in Ihe alte court here hPp having been found .u.liy of proem m$. C.P.R. Clinching its Hold on the Peace River Country by Securing Settlers for its Lands 3ig Railway Company Likely to Push the Present Line West to Meet Canadian National: Routes Discussed , v Special f Daily New,- KD.MMNTON. Nov. 21. -An evidence of the fact lhal Hie CP.H. Im no intention or giving up il prior right lu the development of the Peace Itivir country i seen in Ihe Hicl that Hie .'oinpauy i opening a lnan. ii "or the colonization department Uvre for Ihe iurpo-e of securing elller ror the I'eu-e Hiver ami of locating them on tlie fertile lauds of that district. The new branch will be under Hie direct uperviiuii of .Major J. Mitier, laud ngenl here of the (IIMU and will work in clue connection with the head office under Colonel Denni and vvilli the ovcrea branches iu - - - -- - - - London and most of the olio-: centre of (treat lirilain and of; onic of the other European ; eountrie. In Public Eye The chief aim of the new offieel i to secure ettler for Hie Peace: lljiere is likely to result iuj will make it way to the coast by, connecting up witli the Caiiadiaa .National al some sirjlahle point to be determined .mi.ii., by .in the en rineers. and controlled by the CP. It. and a way will be found for getliu; the grain and oilier farm produce lo the roast. The (IP.It. has investigated Ihe possibility of using the P.CJi. but the grades on that line are stieii that competition with ottier route would be dit- ficull. What the C-P.lt. want jul now i a line thai will en able litem to hold (heir own iu competing in the weslbound wheal haul. I'ulil the CP.il. gel that, the company will u-e till its influence In have grain routed Ihmucli the Fasl. Prince Rupert Outlet The Prince Hutiert outlet i suitable in many respects but it is slightly longer than the other, a fact that is offset by the good grade. D is ai-o said that there very little yardage al Prince luert, and some other port in the same neighborhood may have to be chxsen. Another route that has been given considerable publicity is thai making a port on Portland Canal the outlet in the neighbor hood of Stewart. It is under stood thai thte engineer have reported Hjfain! Ihe feaibili!y B.C. PEOPLE Itiver district but it will not eon-; Resolution of Condolence Passed ine itself lo Pial locality bull hw LnnUtatorA VijirH will include in it activities the whole or northwest Alberta. The Peace llivfr country will be Ihel chief attraction a, it is very; much iu Hie piilitie eye and tliel agHalioti. for railway exlenioii Which Then Adjourned VlCTdltlA. Nov. 21. Iteijord-ing the official tribute on behalf of Hie ieople of Itritish Colunibia lo (Jueen Alexandra yesterday. Hie provincial legislature, ad-Tfrr7h -Tr.r.i".;:i.,ftf rKw-tri The probability i that , ' ewn- an.J K.D. A D C. line will be Iuslle.l,aJ",, n;.olullii of condolence n..lvui.l l.,.f...... ..ev l,.n unit I" "' "oval rainiij. I ins wa moved by Premier Oliver and seconded by It. II. Pooley, leader or the opposition. The address to the Kins wi'.I -;, ' . , . , . , Tins line will he owned ;be ;",l","e,J ,-m"'1 u-v al'"" ifiickiiam on neuau or ine Legis lature, and forwarded lo London. Immediately on receipt ol Hi' news or the passing of the Queen Mother. Lieut. Coventor Nichol rorwarded a message of condolence to His Majesty the King. WENTONROis AT KETCHIKAN American Schooner Al'as Sustains Damage In Harbor of Northern Port According, to word brought here loday by Capl. II. S?. John-sou, master or Hie halibut btl Ivaulioe, the large .American sehooncr Atlas, dpt. John Mon-s.in, had a mishap at Ketchikan yesterday w hich Resulted iii considerable damage being done to the vessel's hull and rudder. ' the Atlas had been moored al the Northern Machine Shop dock al Ketchikan but broke away and drifted stern on lo u reeT Of sharp rocks at high tide. When the lvanline. Iff I Kelehikan. I lie or this route which would be :iLAllil hiu b(.t.fl perched on the most dirrioull one. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Hid Asked. Wheal l.ll H. C. Silver 1.33 1.38 tlladsloue 20 .28 tiratiby U.00 Indian .mi'i .00 I. , and I I IVi .10 Porter Idaho .... .10 .15 Silveivre! .07 .00 Surf Inlet .03 .00 di A miliar Tn Dcnnrc i linnituiu iu itLvuvyLi i THE INHERITANCE TAX; reef for some six or seven hours and was listing so badly with water running into the hold Ilia. it wa necessary for a pile driver to go alongside ami bold Iter up-lo prevent In r from capsizing". LONG SENTENCE FOR POLICEMAN J. O. Neal Given Twenty Years for .Taklnn Part In Seattle Robbery v SKATTLF. Nov. 2l-.i; 0. Nenl. WASllINd TON. Nov. 21. Theia former Seallli; pollcemau, win House way and mean coiumilteo sentenced lod.'ry t seiVe from voted to reduce the luberilanooj twenty to Httriy XCar in the tax making Ihe. maximum ratojitule penltejilWry.' for. partiel-paid on btu Income 20 per oenl.ating in the $1 1,000 lion This 1 a cut or somelhitig IlkejM. n lte n.nbery l.e; e in AUgu,